How to tie a long scarf around your neck. Ways to beautifully tie a scarf or scarf around your neck and shoulders

No one can say for sure how many centuries scarves of various types have delighted both women and men. They warm in winter and decorate in summer, help to revive the wardrobe and hide minor flaws, they are knitted on the head and even on the waist. But most of all there are options for how to tie a scarf around your neck.

How to tie a scarf around your neck

At any time of the year, women want to look as attractive as possible. One of the easiest and fastest ways to add zest to any outfit, add brightness and vitality to it, is to tie a scarf or scarf. Moreover, it looks equally stylish and elegantly draped over the shoulders, and femininely tied around the head, and twisted with an exquisite knot around the neck. This simple accessory can add a touch of personality to any outfit: a romantic coat, a business suit, and even an evening dress. And thanks to the variety of textures, colors and sizes, even the most picky individuals will find just the right option for them. In addition, you can choose the right one for all life situations and for any outfit. In such an accessory, women shine at youth parties, and in offices with a strict dress code, and at sports stadiums, and on sea beaches. And you can’t count the different ways to tie a scarf at all. Many twist it with a loop, many with a ring, someone else with a knot, and someone in the form of a shawl. Not only that: some people like to wear it as a hood, and some people like to weave it into their hair. This accessory is also convenient in that it is appropriate in the wardrobe of men and women, young and old.

Fashion stylists say that scarves will never go out of style. And this can be trusted. True, as with any other type of clothing, you need to be careful with it when buying, because it must match the color of the eyes, be combined with the general style and specific outfit. Also, depending on what season this wardrobe item is purchased for, you need to focus on the material from which the accessory is made. For example, winter loves the warmth of wool, angora and cashmere. Spring and autumn appreciate cozy cotton, velvet and wool mixture. But summer is impressed by airy silk, chiffon and polyester.

There are many interesting ways to tie a scarf.

Before, it is important to learn how to determine its shape.

So the classic rectangle has a width of 15 to 30 centimeters and a length of no more than 170.

Narrow models include models with a width of 10 to 12 centimeters. A snood, a pipe or a clamp, is a flap closed into a ring, from 15 to 35 centimeters wide and more than one meter long. Stoles 60 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide are considered square. Pashminas are called cuts 40 centimeters wide and one meter long. It is customary to call a thin product a width of 10 centimeters and a length of a meter. Moreover, each of these types has a corresponding tying order.

Similarly, there are many types of scarves, neckerchiefs, shawls, and the like.

Tying methods

Of course, everyone noticed that scarves are tied in different ways, and how the whole outfit looks depends on it. So, a narrow scarf and snood give the image some negligence, from which it seems especially stylish. In addition, such models look beautiful not only in combination with a women's coat: they also perfectly complement men's outerwear. The easiest way: first fold a narrow scarf in half, then throw it around your neck. In this case, a loop should be obtained on one side, and the ends on the other. Then the free edges must be stretched into the loop and fastened at the very neck. When tying this look on a buttoned coat, you will have to lay the scarf under the collar in front of the neck, and fold the ends back. After that, the ends at the back intersect and lie in front on the shoulders. You also need to remember that you never need to tighten the loop near the neck too much: the muffler should lie freely and somewhat carelessly.

There are others. So if it is thin, then you need to wrap it around your neck twice and lower its ends forward. You can also make drapery out of it. For example, attach a scarf to the throat, throw its ends back, and then pull a little at the very neck, which will create the effect of soft folds. Then you need to cross the ends at the back and throw them forward, where the knot will be tied. Pamshina is thrown over the shoulders, and one edge is thrown back. This will not only give the image elegance, but will also be the best way to warm up in the cold.

Scarves for any outfit and for any weather

Pamshina looks great when tied in the form of a tie knot. This is done extremely simply: the accessory is thrown around the neck, the ends diverge to the sides, then one of them is placed under the other, wrapped around it and held from behind from above into the resulting loop. Then a knot is tied. It is important to ensure that the length of the ends of the "tie" is observed. And the knot itself can be adjusted, which will allow it to be placed, for example, under the very throat, at chest level, or even closer to the waist. Well, a square scarf, according to experts, is shown only for the most expensive and elegant types of coats. It is tied up quite simply: it folds in half, then it is thrown around the neck and tied in a knot at the back. The ends are thrown forward. You can also lower the corners not from the front, but from the side - at the shoulder. If this option is not very suitable, then you can try another method called "Kerchief". First, the fabric is folded into a triangle, then from its base the triangle is folded in the direction of another corner. Then such a “roll” is placed on the shoulders and tied with an ordinary corner (pioneer tie).

It is very important to be able to correctly decide on the choice of how to tie scarves around your neck. The decisive factor here is the color and quality of the product itself, as well as the taste and imagination of the one who wears it. You also need to be able to accurately place all the accents in color and shape, which, unfortunately, is very difficult without mastering the fundamental skills and skills of quickly and beautifully tying a scarf. But if you use the master classes offered on the Internet, which will teach you the deft and skillful handling of this accessory, then no difficulties will be terrible.

A casually wound long scarf is a great addition to an outfit in

And the most common methods can be mastered by text description. So, for training, you can take a multi-colored scarf with tassels, measuring 55 by 165 centimeters (although a plain version without tassels with other sizes is also suitable).

  • First way. The scarf is thrown over so that its edges hang freely in front. They are tied at the end into a knot, and then another common knot is made approximately in the middle of the structure. It is fixed, an overlap is made: the free part from the resulting "eight" is put on the neck over the head so that the knot is behind. It remains only to straighten the folds.
  • The second way. You can beautifully tie a scarf around your neck in this way: first, the accessory is folded in half so that its tassels are on one side and the loop is on the other. One free end (upper) is pulled into the loop. The knot is adjustable at the neck. Then the end stretched into the loop is superimposed over the end that remains free, and tied into a small knot. It remains only to move the scarf to the side, as well as straighten the draperies so that the knot is comfortable and beautiful.
  • The third way. The scarf is thrown over as in the previous case: on one shoulder both ends, on the other - a loop. The end lying on top is pulled into the loop. Then the stretched edge is temporarily thrown back so as not to interfere with work. The loop is turned over, an overlap is made, into which the free end is pulled. The temporarily postponed end returns to the front. The scarf straightens out and pleases the eye of all those who see such a picturesque knot.
  • Fourth way. A classic of the genre, which does not require special skills, is a single knot, the implementation of which is characterized by simplicity, speed and convenience. With a minimum investment of time, one solid comfort is obtained. This method is most suitable for narrow scarves of all textures. So, we wrap the scarf around the throat, both ends of it are in front. Knot the ends and you're done! At the same time, the junction does not need to be tightened too tightly to get a free stylish knot. With such a tying, the product may not warm too much, but it will give light ease, comfort and adventurism to the whole look.

Popular knots

Among the options, simple to perform, but very popular and stylish in appearance, is the ascot knot. Lovers of fashion and style in this knot are attracted by its sophistication, sophistication, flirtatiousness and light romance. With skillful execution, he is able to give an image of restraint and audacity at the same time, but add softness and femininity to a strict business style. To perform the ascot knot, you need a square scarf like a scarf made of airy fabric. First, the fabric is folded diagonally (like a scarf) - into a triangle. Then it is hung around the neck so that the top of the triangle is in front, and the sharp ends are behind. The tips are crossed and thrown forward. The scarf is pulled tight. The ends are tied into a simple knot or a modest elegant bow.

Another fashionable way is the European knot, which brings a touch of universal style and practicality to the image. The popularity of this tying option comes from Paris itself - the world capital of fashion style. Therefore, this style is often referred to as the French or Parisian knot. It is very suitable for children, young people, and the elderly. Such a tie works well on any fabric of different thicknesses. A warm long scarf tied in a European knot looks very stylish. So, in this style beautifully tie a scarf around your neck, you need to take this accessory longer, fold it in half. In this form, it is thrown around the neck. On one side, it looks like a simple loop. Free edges are threaded into it and the knot is tightened. It remains only to pull it up to the desired height and gently straighten it.

cute bow

Many women who appreciate the warmth and comfort of clothes really like tying with a double simple knot. It goes well with warm clothes with a stand-up collar. To perform it correctly, you will need a very long accessory, as it will be wound around the neck twice. In this case, one edge should be longer than the second. The end, which is longer, wraps around the neck twice. Don't overtighten the loop. The ends must be hidden under the clothes. You can also leave them hanging freely.

With the help of a long scarf, you can improve your stylish look.

Long snood scarf

A bright scarf will add zest to any look.

The option of tying in a square knot is also funny, which allows the neck to remain open. This discreet way is perfect for pairing with a shirt with a collar and unbuttoned top buttons. A muffler is taken from a thin fabric and folded into a rectangle. Then he throws himself behind the neck so that one edge is a little longer than the second. The fabric is tied into a knot, as a result of which the long edge will be on top of the short one. The long end is pulled behind the short end and threaded through the loop. The scarf is pulled up at both ends and hidden under clothing.

It is fashionable to tie a scarf with a bandana knot, which is perfect for a sporty and casual casual style. A bright scarf tied with a bandana knot looks good in combination with a plain turtleneck. This knot favorably emphasizes the line of the shoulder. To perform it, you need a square stole, which can be replaced with a square or triangular silk scarf. The fabric is folded into a triangle. Its base is taken, that is, the widest part, and in the direction of the top it is folded to the middle of the distance. The scarf folded in this way is placed on the shoulders and tied with a simple knot.

Well, when you really want something sophisticated and refined, you can try to warm a small “snake” around your neck. To recreate it, you will need a very long scarf made of the lightest transparent fabric. Both ends are tied in knots. The product is twisted into a loose tourniquet and wound around the neck several times. Both edges should remain in front. Then the ends are threaded under the upper row of the bundle, thrown over it from above and run under the lower rows.

Don't be afraid to experiment with color, length, texture

After mastering such original ways of tying, harmoniously complementing the overall style of clothing and adding elegant variety to it, you can safely try, experiment, fill your hand. And you should not assign too modest a role to this accessory: you have already made sure that it is he who sets the tone for your outfit, and for a woman this means her mood.

A photo

We love oversized scarves. And you?

Scarf to match the handbag

Scarf with leopard print

How to wear snood

Chiffon scarves look very gentle and feminine.

A women's scarf is a multifunctional accessory that successfully combines two functions: decorative and, so to speak, warming. Today, an accessory is chosen based on the appearance, choosing a good quality material according to the weather, and also carefully studying techniques that suggest how to tie a women's scarf to look stylish. After all, it is important not only to learn how to combine colors and materials, but also to skillfully select the right version of the string for any occasion. And today we will look at ways to tie different scarves around the neck. After all, it is beautiful to tie a scarf - this is a real art. And we will try to teach it to you. 🙂

Types of scarves and how do they differ?

Before learning how to beautifully tie a women's scarf, you need to familiarize yourself with the names and types themselves. This will help you better navigate the material of the article and understand what is at stake.


This accessory is familiar to many, but often not very popular among young people. But in vain. This is a scarf, usually square or triangular. For more comfortable wearing, the square is usually folded diagonally. Shawls are knitted from wool yarn.


This is a more common version of the shawl among young people. As a rule, it is much smaller in size. Girls prefer to wear it with a “corner” in front - this allows you to protect your throat and chest from cold, wind and wet weather as much as possible.


In fact, this is not quite a scarf, but rather a fur cape. But it is often referred to as scarves. The boa gained popularity not so long ago, so now the accessory is just beginning to appear on store shelves.

Arafatka or Palestinian headscarf

Everyone has heard about this species at least once in their life. The checkered scarf, which gained popularity a few years ago, still does not go out of fashion. Initially, the scarf was created from cotton or linen fabric, and served as a protection against wind and sand. With the help of an accessory, they often create various images in a casual style. Well, besides this, a scarf is often used as a headband by people who are far from fashion. For example, fishermen and hunters who find this accessory more practical and necessary than stylish and elegant. 🙂


It is unlikely that at least one true fashionista does not know this look. This is a scarf in the usual sense, but it is quite wide (about 70 cm wide). A variety of materials are used for stoles: wool, cotton, silk, they can even be knitted. It is this accessory that can be stylishly tied up and beautifully worn not only on the neck, but also on the head.


This type is the most popular today. An interesting feature is that it has sewn tails, so that it is a single solid ring. Often used instead of a hat. To tie a snood scarf is very simple, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to tie a women's scarf around the neck?

Now let's talk about why we are all here. To the question - how to tie a women's scarf - the simplest answer will be - no way. And yes, we are serious. If we are talking only about aesthetics (and not about protection from cold and wind), then you can always just wrap the accessory around your neck, leaving the edges hanging down freely in front. But this option is only suitable if the length of the product allows. Or, for example, you can wrap a scarf around the neck in front so that the edges are at the back, where they need to be crossed. Loose tails, brought forward, also leave to hang out in front. Such options will add negligence, charm to the image with minimal time.

Let's move on to more complex tying options. To fully understand how to tie women's scarves around the neck, we have prepared for you a lot of photos and videos. In addition, in the article we will discuss how to tie a scarf or scarf on top of a jacket and coat. But first things first.

Advice! This season, voluminous knitted scarves are at the peak of fashion. Pair them with classic or sportswear. Only such a combination will create a complete harmonious image. For business style, such accessories are categorically contraindicated. An alternative would be the usual wide stole draped over the shoulders. It is also worth abandoning voluminous products for small fragile girls.

Stylish bow

This method is definitely suitable for a subtle romantic nature. An accessory tied with a bow goes well with any classic clothing, such as a coat. Below is a step-by-step instruction, photo, video that will tell you how to properly tie a women's scarf around your neck in such a cute girlish way:

  • Throw the scarf over your neck so that one end is longer than the other;
  • form a ring from the longer part, squeeze the center with your fingers;
  • with the short end from bottom to top we tie the ring in the place where it was gathered with fingers;
  • when the bow is assembled, hide the tail in a knot on the bow;
  • lift the bow a little closer to the throat.

Snood from improvised means

Remember how it was in that Soviet film: “With a slight movement of the hand, the trousers turn ... the trousers turn ... Into elegant shorts!” Here we have something like this. You can create a stylish snood from an ordinary wide stole in a matter of seconds. Only for this, your scarf should be made of soft, fairly thin material. Take the two ends of the tippet and simply tie them together. Further, it is important to know how to tie such a female scarf around the neck so that the junction is not visible. You simply throw the product in several turns around the neck and hide the knot under them. A very simple way to tie a scarf, but not many people know about it.


At first glance, it may seem that repeating this method of tying is simply impossible. In fact, to tie a scarf with such weaving, you only need a little skill and patience. The image with such an accessory looks fresh and at ease. Consider step-by-step instructions on how to tie a women's scarf around your neck, and photos will help us with this:

  1. Take a long loose scarf. Throw the edges back, cross and return to the front, leaving the center to sag freely on the chest.
  2. Twist the inside once.
  3. Pass the free left tail into the ring formed in the center on top (this is important).
  4. But the right ponytail is similarly passed into the ring, but from below.
  5. Slowly, gently pull the knots closer to the throat. You will get a very nice knot.

Another similar option with twisting the central loop.

On the gif below, you can also see a slightly different way of tying in a similar way to a knot on a scarf.

Knot in the form of infinity

Now let's talk a little about how to tie a snood scarf in style. And again, it is better to turn to step-by-step instructions:

  1. We throw the snood around the neck, twist it several times in front (do not pull it too close to the throat).
  2. Holding the twisted scarf so that it does not unravel, straighten the loops a little (you know how they do it when weaving openwork braids).
  3. Pass the loose front loop over your neck.
  4. Next, you just need to straighten the fabric a little to give volume.


Probably the most common option, but some still have not mastered a simple, uncomplicated technique:

  • tie a scarf around your neck, leaving one ponytail longer than the other;
  • lift the left corner of the long part to the throat and tuck it into the loop;
  • gently straighten the fabric to get the desired "corner".

For this method, light material is better, and the scarf itself should be wide enough. So you can beautifully tie a light scarf in spring or autumn, while it is still not very cold. This will add femininity and sophistication to your image.


Using this method, you can and should beautifully beat the bright colors of the accessory. It will look especially cool if there are several bright colors on the scarf, some kind of abstraction. Does anyone here still want to know how to tie a women's scarf in the form of a wreath? Then let's go:

  • throw a scarf so that the edges hang down at the back;
  • cross the ends on the back and return to the front;
  • both tails must be passed through the upper part of the loop formed, pulled out;
  • repeat the procedure several times;
  • straighten the loops carefully.

"A la tie"

Great very simple option. Let's see how it looks in practice:

  • throw the product over the neck so that the ends are in front;
  • tie one tail in a knot, but do not tighten it;
  • pass the other end into the loop, and pull the knot closer to the throat.

Advice! Such a rough tie knot will not look good on a thick knitted scarf. Choose some lightweight material for this method, such as silk. Or, in extreme cases, not a dense jacquard.

In conclusion, we have prepared a video for you that will tell you how to tie and wear a wide stole scarf under outerwear. By the way, these tips have been prepared for you by the fashion gurus of Cosmopolitan, so take a closer look at them 😉

How to combine a knitted scarf with a coat or jacket?

So, all the previous options would definitely look good with some kind of light vest or with a light unbuttoned jacket. But, how beautiful is it to tie a warm women's scarf so that it matches with outerwear? There are, of course, such nodes. They give femininity, playfulness, charm, attract the eye. In cold weather, tied accessories can be worn on and under a coat, perfectly combined with a jacket. And now we will tell you several options for how to tie a scarf on a women's coat with and without a hood, with and without a collar. Of course, photos and videos will help to understand this issue. In general, it's time to start.

Advice! For clothes of muted and dull colors (which it happens in the cold season), it is better to choose a bright scarf. It is he who will become a contrasting spot in your image, without overloading it.

For inclement weather

As mentioned above, there are several ways to beautifully tie a scarf on women's outerwear, and this method is especially practical, as it saves from cold and strong winds. A scarf with such a knot gives a special sophistication. Let's see how to achieve the desired result:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck 2 times;
  • tie the ends in a knot at the back of the neck;
  • one of the ends must be tightly rewound the lower loop;
  • we do the same with the other end, but we are already wrapping the upper loop with it;
  • tighten both skeins tightly to the throat and straighten the edges.

Another beautiful option for cold weather

Now we will tell you how to tie a scarf on a coat, probably in the most original way. The knot that we will learn to make is not very simple. To master the technique of tying, of course, you will have to practice, but the result is worth it.

  1. Choose a long scarf from a not very dense material.
  2. We wrap the scarf around the neck, and weave the ends on the chest. At the same time, make the loop more free, because when weaving a braid, its size will decrease significantly.
  3. Now start weaving an ordinary braid: you have two ends, and a loop around your neck will act as a third.
  4. Weave as long as the length allows. When the braid is completed, tie off the ends and tuck them neatly.
  5. Twist so that the braid was in front. You can straighten the loops of the braid to make the product more magnificent.

Advice! You may well perform the same manipulations and not on the body. Then, a braided scarf can simply be worn on top of a coat or jacket.

Bright option for gray days

By the way, this option is perfect for warm knitted scarves.

  1. Take a bright accessory (it should not be wide) and throw it around your neck.
  2. Now, all that is needed is to tie a few loose knots on the chest. Each next node must be passed through the previous loop.
  3. Straighten the knots of the scarf.

This option is good purely from an aesthetic point of view. It is he who shows how to properly tie a scarf on a woman's coat, so that it is beautiful, but not warm at all.

Practical option - node

Now we need to mention how to tie a scarf under a woman's coat. There are many options, with a strong desire, you can even choose one of the methods described above. But we want to show you the most practical, in our opinion, technique:

  • fold the scarf in half;
  • it is in this form that you need to attach the product behind the neck;
  • we pass the edges of the scarf into the loop formed;
  • we draw the free ends under the formed knot from the bottom up;
  • then from the previous position from top to bottom, passing through a new loop.

And another similar option.

Scarf under the jacket

A separate topic is the question of how to tie a scarf under a women's jacket. A jacket is not outerwear, and it is unlikely that you will be able to go outside in extreme cold without putting on a jacket or coat on top. Therefore, the accessory must be very carefully selected in combination with this item of women's wardrobe. But on the other hand, if you choose a light material and know how to tie a women's silk scarf or stole, for example, then you can wear the accessory even indoors. Let's master the most common technique:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck so that you get a full turn, but the ends hang down on your chest;
  • we tie the ends into two tight knots;
  • move the knot to its side and straighten it.

This is actually the easiest decorative option to tie a scarf. This method of tying cannot be repeated with a dense fabric - it will look simply ridiculous. But with a light silk scarf, it will turn out very cool.

And now let's watch a few videos that will tell you how else you can tie a women's scarf around your neck:

How to tie a scarf so that the ends are not visible?

But sometimes you want to wear a scarf beautifully, hide the ends. But it seems to us that such a desire is not connected only with the aesthetic side. Sometimes the ends are also hidden so that, for example, the snake does not “chew” the beloved accessory, does not leave chains on it, or does not break it at all. We will also consider such ways to tie an accessory so that everyone is satisfied.

Advice! It is better for thin fragile girls to choose a product with a small dense pattern, but for dense girls, on the contrary, with a large print or pattern.

Node "Eight"

To repeat such a knot, you need to stock up on a snood made of thin, lightweight fabric. Or, you can make a snood yourself by tying the ends of any long scarf. Let's move on to the technique of tying without unnecessary preludes:

  • snud must be folded in half;
  • we throw it over the back of the neck so that the loop ends are in front, on the chest;
  • we thread one end-loop into the other loop formed;
  • further, we conditionally divide into two ends, and we stretch one into the same loop;
  • twist the loop, turning it out with your hands;
  • gently straighten the knot, fabric from all sides to add volume (although the volume can be adjusted as desired).

Knot "Madeleine"

Prepare for training a very wide long scarf, scarf or tippet (which will fit perfectly). A checkered print of a stole on a one-color down jacket will look very original. Let's figure out how to tie a women's checkered scarf with a madeleine knot so that it is warm and comfortable:

  • the tippet must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the shoulders so that the ends are on the chest;
  • wrap the scarf around the neck again, bringing the ends forward again;
  • tie them with a double knot and move the knot over the shoulder;
  • neatly fill the tips, hide inside the stole.


In this way, you can easily impose a voluminous warm square scarf. Let's learn the step by step technique:

  • as in the previous version, the product must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the back with a triangle, bringing the ends forward;
  • in front, weave the ends with each other, and throw them back;
  • make a knot at the back of the head and hide it under the triangle;
  • straighten the scarf, adding volume to it.

And what about men?

And, although our article should tell you how to tie a women's scarf, we cannot but pay at least a little attention to our beloved men. Let's not beat around the bush, but immediately consider several successful tying options for men:

  1. The easiest way is to fold the most ordinary long scarf in half, throw it around your neck and thread the loose ends into the resulting loop.
  2. You can also leave one end longer than the other. Wrap the long end around the neck again, tucking it in front under the same coil.

And here are a few more options for how to tie a scarf for a man.

As you can see, men bother much less about this issue, and even more so, they are little interested in the aesthetic side. It is important for a man to be warm, practical. What else to add here? Never mind. Just love the strong sex as they are. Fashion should not be the strong point of a real man. 😉


Dear ladies, remember that you are beautiful in any appearance, in any outfit, and your main decoration should be a smile. A scarf is just a stylish accessory that helps to emphasize the natural beauty and sophistication. It does not matter what it will be: a delicate silk scarf, a soft knitted snood or a slightly rough woolen shawl. It is important that you always feel comfortable and cozy in your chosen outfit.

Finally, the long-awaited warmth has come, and down jackets have been replaced by light raincoats and jackets. But to make the mood especially “spring”, you need to complement your everyday look with a bright accessory. In today's material, we have collected 17 visual photo instructions on how to properly and beautifully drape a scarf, stole or scarf.

1. Hidden knot

A beautiful, simple and quite original way to tie a long warm scarf. An accessory tied in this way will not only reliably protect the neck, but also decorate a coat or turtleneck.

2. Pretzel

A silk scarf folded into a triangle can be wrapped into a charming, intricate pretzel. A scarf tied in this way will become a spectacular detail of a business or romantic look, and will also protect your throat from the wind.

3. Braid knot

A simple and very effective way to protect your head from the wind and turn a warm scarf into a beautiful accessory.

4. Harness

Today, scarves are designed not only to protect from the cold, but also to decorate a graceful and beautiful neck. For example, simple manipulations will help turn a light long scarf into a beautiful tourniquet necklace.

5. Wild West

The original completion of the everyday look will be a scarf tied in the wild west style. To do this, the scarf must be folded into a triangle and laid so that the ends are at the back of the head. Cross the ends at the back, bring to the front and tie.

6. Flower

Instead of the usual knot, a charming flower can be woven from a light chiffon scarf. To do this, you need to twist the scarf into a bundle and do the manipulations shown in the picture, leave the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

7. Big bow

A long warm scarf tied into a large beautiful bow will become an original decoration for a winter down jacket or coat.

8. Cute bow

The ends of a light silk scarf can be tied into a small neat bow, which can be fixed with a small elastic band. A scarf tied in this way will bring a touch of elegance and French charm to your look.

9. Negligence

A simple way to create a stylish casual look with a touch of casualness with just one stole.

10. Cascade

Another simple way to turn a faceless scarf into a highlight. In addition, a scarf wrapped in this way will protect your neck from cold and wind.

11. Stylish simplicity

Perhaps the easiest way to tie a scarf, which even a child can handle. Looks impressive enough.

12. Variety

As many as eight ways to wear a scarf that will help you create different looks and moods with just one piece.

13. Under the belt

Want to freshen up your look? Throw a neatly folded stole over your shoulders, fixing it at the waist with a thin strap.

A scarf is one of the most sophisticated women's accessories that can look different in every outfit, depending on how you knit it. But today there are several dozen ways to elegantly wear such an accessory. So that you can also use them, let's figure out how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully.

How beautiful to tie a thin scarf

A light scarf can be used this season as a headband, a ribbon for your braid, a decorative element for a bag. But it will look most interesting as a neckerchief. Here are the most sophisticated options:

  • Bohemia. One of the easiest and oldest ways to tie a scarf. You will need to take his long model (both knitted and silk will do), wrap it around your neck several times, leaving the ends hanging freely. Thus, a thin scarf can be tied over a coat or jacket.

  • Ring. Take a long scarf, leave its small tip hanging down, wrap the rest of it around your neck. The rest of the scarf will need to be twisted into a bundle and wrapped around the resulting ring. The ends of the scarf will need to be hidden.

  • Weaving loop. This option is suitable for both long silk scarves and warm woolen models. You will need to fold the product in half, then wrap it around the neck and stretch the free ends into the resulting loop in a checkerboard pattern.

  • Eight. Another easy way to tie a narrow scarf. You will need to act like this: we wrap the scarf around the neck, cross it on the chest twice, then remove the ends behind the back. The knot must be carefully straightened.

  • Simple bow. In the middle of a silk handkerchief we tie a small knot, then we tie it around the neck, we cross the ends on the back. Then we bring these same ends to the front and thread them into the knot, as in the photo.

  • Double loop. We make a small knot in the middle of the product, then we throw our scarf around the neck so that this knot is in front, we cross the ends again on the chest and make another knot, which will need to be placed strictly under the first one. This option is suitable for very light chiffon or silk models.

Important: in this way, you can wear light shawls not only with outerwear, for example, a jacket or trench coat. Combine them with dresses, suits, summer open tops and you will look amazing. It is up to you to decide how to wear this accessory correctly.

Beautiful ways to tie silk scarves around your neck

Numerous ways of tying scarves and shawls around the neck are dedicated to just square-shaped silk shawls that are appropriate in any style and will look equally elegant as in an office wardrobe (by the way, in many cases this will be the only catchy accessory that can be used in this style of clothing), as well as in everyday and even evening attire. You can wear it like this:

  • Node. This is the easiest way to tie a scarf. You will need to wrap it around your neck, tying the ends of the scarf into a knot in front. Knots in this embodiment can be made different.

  • Square knot. The creation scheme is similar to the previous one, but looks more stylish. In this case, you will need to make a neat knot in the center, hiding the ends of your scarf in it or removing them back.

  • Ring knot. Here you will need to choose a smooth metal, wooden or stone ring to match your main accessory. Also, instead of it, you can use a special scarf clip - it will hold the fabric better and will not damage it. In this case, we tie the scarf with the ends in front, then we put the corners of the scarf into the ring and tie it like a bow. Looks very original.

  • Secret knot. For this scheme, a smooth ring is also very useful to you. We lay out the square silk scarf, put this very ring on its center, thread a scarf into it and make a small knot, then we tie the ends of the scarf on the back. The scarf itself will need to be hidden under the clothes so that only its beautifully draped edge is visible.

Tip: do not be afraid to experiment with silk products, complementing your look with them. Even if you make some unusual knot or use other schemes, you will not look sloppy or uninteresting.

How to tie a stole?

It is usually easy to figure out how to tie small neckerchiefs, but with luxurious long fur or knitted models, the situation is usually more complicated, because many people avoid them. And it’s completely in vain, because stoles scarves can also be worn in various ways:

  • As a large loose shawl. This method of how to wear a stole is extremely simple: you just need to throw the stole over one shoulder, leaving its edge hanging down at the back.

  • With a knot. The tippet in this version will also need to be thrown over the shoulders like a shawl, while the ends will need to be tied in the form of a large bow. This option can be used with light silk models.

  • Like a cape. This is perfect for those who don't know how to tie a scarf over a sweater or blouse. Here you should fix the end of your tippet on one shoulder, wrap the product over the other shoulder, leaving its long edge hanging freely. If at the same time the tippet itself will slide off, just attach it with a brooch to a jacket or sweater.

  • In the form of a hood. This option is suitable for those who do not like hats and other winter hats. You will simply need to throw the stole around your neck once, leaving the short end hanging freely. Then you will need to throw the long end over your head and connect it below with the short one. To prevent the stole from slipping, you can pin it with stealths. And the largest models of such scarves are even recommended to be folded in half before putting on.

Tip: you can also look closely at how your colleagues, acquaintances, and relatives manage to tie a scarf beautifully. Perhaps you will see that one of them wears the stole most elegantly. You can very well adopt his style. One has only to replace the knot or drape the thing in a different way, and you will have your own way to beautifully wear a scarf.

How to effectively tie a stole on a coat

This season it is also very fashionable to tie a scarf on a coat or on a jacket. The easiest option is to choose a wide product made of dense fabric for this purpose, fold it diagonally, cross the ends on the back and hide them under the triangle on the chest. This option is suitable if you are using a square-shaped product.

If you picked up a large scarf, you can throw it over one shoulder and fix the ends on the other shoulder with a brooch. The folds of such a stole will need to be carefully draped. If you prefer women's youth-style clothes, you can try an alternative option: the scarf will need to be tied into two rings: one should fit snugly around the neck, while the other will fall freely on the chest. It is better to tie the ends of the accessory on the back and hide it under the collar - so you can get an impromptu collar. You can read more about scarves-collars.

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You can also come up with your own ways to tie a scarf on a coat beautifully. Do not be afraid to experiment with different types of knots, use brooches to fix a tippet or shawls, and perhaps your options for wearing this accessory will become fashionable in the coming season.

Universal, it will suit almost every girl.

Classic ways to tie winter and summer scarves

If you don't like experimentation, preferring consistency in style, the classic methods of tying scarves will be very useful for you. The function of warming is the main thing for a scarf in a cold winter.

Wrap a knitted scarf around your neck several times and tie a knot in front. If you want to add lightness to the image, do not tighten the knot too much. In Paris, as you know, many fashion trends originate. It was in this city that a simple and convenient way of tying a scarf gained popularity.

The accessory folded in half is thrown over the neck. The ends are threaded into the loop, which is located on the other side. When severe cold sets in, a knitted scarf can be completely wrapped around the neck. For this, the product is thrown around the neck, disproportionately. The long side is wrapped around the neck several times, the short side is hidden under the wound rings.

When the cold recedes, winter knitted scarves are replaced by light spring products. Silk and chiffon summer scarves can be tied in many different ways, but there are proven, classic methods for tying lightweight scarves.

Tie the scarf with a French knot. To do this, throw a light accessory around your neck from behind, throw the ends of the product forward and back again. Once again bring the ends of the scarf forward and tie in a tight knot. Another classic way to tie a silk scarf has been known to some since their youth.

A pioneer tie is tied in the same way. A square scarf is folded into a triangle and thrown over the shoulders. The ends of the product are tied in front, and then straightened out, forming a pocket where one of the ends is tucked.

Sometimes there are times when there is a catastrophic lack of time, but at the same time you want to look stylish. Tie a knitted scarf using the express method. Throw the item around your neck. One end should be long, the other short. Throw the end of which is longer on your shoulders. This method practically does not require time, but it looks original and tasteful. In the women's wardrobe, there must be a colorful scarf. Such a product will decorate even the simplest or jacket. Just drape the scarf over your shoulders and tie the ends in front. Some ways of wearing scarves are popular at all times. It is these methods that will be discussed below.

Popular types of scarves and original ways to wear them

4. Your assistant on the beach- light pareo. This scarf originally appeared in countries with a tropical climate. There, women had to hide their skin from the scorching rays of the sun. As it is impossible, by the way, it turned out to be a light, flowing fabric. Pareo can be thrown over the shoulders, dressed as a dress or tied around the hips. To turn a pareo into a dress, you need to use fabric twice as wide as your hips. The scarf is applied to the back, and the corners of the product are tied on the chest with the main knot. By the same principle, you can tie a pair on the hips, making a chic skirt. In Tahiti, women wore pareos in a very original way. The scarf was tied on the chest with a simple knot, and then the ends of the scarf were wrapped around the neck and tied at the back with the main knot.

5. Tippet- a scarf for big experiments. A stole is a cape that completely covers the chest. This accessory can be worn in severe frosts, or on warm spring days. If your tippet contains bright drawings, beautiful patterns, then the product should definitely be shown. Wrap the stole around your neck, modeling a loose loop. Tie the product to a loose knot in the middle, then placing it under the chin. Wrap the product around the neck, and then cross the ends from behind, returning them forward through the knot. This method is very durable, so during the day you do not have to adjust the stole.

Ways to wind a scarf sling

Baby sling - ways to wind the product. Sling is a special sling for carrying a child. This accessory is suitable for wearing by children of different ages, sometimes even up to 3 years. You can start to accustom your baby to a sling from birth, but before you start doing this, you need to learn how to wind a scarf sling. Here is one very easy way to wind a sling, which is wound without a baby, in the process the child can be taken out of the sling and returned back without deforming the structure.

The sling scarf is wound around the waist so that the pocket is at the level of the back, the ends are brought forward, crossing on the chest, and brought out again behind the back over the shoulders. The ends must be crossed again behind the back, lower than the cross formed in front. Bring the ends of the sling forward again, tying them at the waist. Now you can carefully place the baby in the baby sling.

Elegant ways to tie a scarf around your neck

How to tie a scarf, see the photo below. A scarf can be tied around the neck so that it looks like a feminine decoration. This combination will immediately attract attention, refreshing and complementing the image. Check out the 7 best ways to tie a scarf around your neck.

Method number 1 - Loop chain. For this combination, it is best to use a thin long scarf of the same color, without unnecessary patterns. In order to tie a chain around your neck, fold the product exactly in half. Pass the ends through the loop formed. Wrap the ends of the scarf around the side of the product.

Method number 2 - Bow socket. You will need a thin scarf with a dense texture. Tie a bow around your neck, and another bow on top of it. The impromptu socket is ready, it remains to straighten the ends of the product.

Method number 3 - Tourniquet on the neck. Tie two loops at the ends of a long accessory. Then, twist the fabric into a tourniquet around its axis and wrap it around your neck. Make sure that the ends of the product are in front and thread them under the first row of loops. Next, tuck the ends under each other. This method will look very original with a light blouse in a contrasting color.

Method number 4 - Casablanca. The scarf must be worn around the neck in front, and then cross its ends at the back. Bring the scarf back to the front and tie it again with a main knot.

Method number 5 - Thumbelina. For this combination, you will need three long scarves in matching colors at once. The products are linked together. Next, a loose pigtail is woven, the end of which is fixed.

Method number 6 - Braided loop. In order to realize the following combination, use a shawl of any density. The product rolls up and then folds in half. Wrap the shawl around your neck, form a loop over your chest. Pull one end of the accessory down under the loop, and vice versa - up.

Method number 7 - Weaving loop. A long scarf is folded in half and worn around the neck. The ends of the product are threaded into the loop in a checkerboard pattern. Use the same technique as the darning feast. In order for the composition to take on a complete look, it is necessary to straighten the loops.

See also how to tie a scarf on the video:
