How to apply LPG massage against cellulite? – description of the procedure, pros and cons, share reviews! Lpg massage: indications and contraindications. How to do lpg massage? How often can lpg hardware massage be done? Lpd massage before and after

The procedure, which will be discussed, appeared in the last century. This technique turned out to be so effective that it soon began to be used in many branches of medicine. For various purposes, from treating injuries and burns to getting rid of cellulite and correcting facial contours, LPG massage is used today. What it is? How it works and what results it gives - we will consider together.

LPG massage - what is it?

This is a hardware procedure based on a vacuum-pinch (mechanical) effect on the skin and tissues of the body. It is carried out using special equipment. LPG massage (other names are cosmechanics, endermology, endermolift) has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and burns excess fat. Let's explain in more detail.

Endermology or LPG massage - what is it? This is a non-surgical procedure used in cosmetology, combining deep and through special rollers located in the automatic nozzles of the apparatus (maniples), the skin is retracted at a frequency of 4-16 times per second. Different nozzles should be used for the face and body, because each of them has its own characteristics.

What happens during an LPG massage?

This therapy works like this:

    Intense retraction of the skin allows you to renew and improve blood flow in specific areas. There is a softening and loosening of the affected areas. The action also applies to fat cells, as a result, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

    The texture of collagen fibers is improved and toned.

    Puffiness is removed. This happens because the venous and lymphatic systems have a draining effect.

    The top layer of the epidermis is exfoliated and renewed. The skin is regenerated and nourished, which contributes to the elimination of wrinkles.

    Due to the fact that tissues are maximally saturated with oxygen and restored, even old scars can be eliminated.

Operational, post-traumatic, cosmetic and post-burn scars soften and become elastic. And in some cases, you can get rid of them in just a few procedures.

LPG massage devices can heal and restore the skin of the body and face. In addition, endermology is widely used for body shaping and weight loss. Absolutely safe and unique technique copes with the tasks in the shortest possible time.

Massage procedure

In order for LPG massage to give the desired results, it is necessary to perform all actions in strict sequence. Let's start from the beginning:

    Diagnostics. The general condition of the patient should be assessed as accurately as possible. To do this, you need to come to an appointment with a doctor who will find problem areas, characterize the condition of the skin and figure, and take photographs.

    Preparing for a massage. The person should be offered overalls, after which they should lie down on the treatment table. The doctor determines areas of the body by examining the localization of fat lumps. Next, they need to be selected. The zones are graphically applied to the massage suit. The choice of nozzles for LPG massage is determined. On the face, it is also necessary to find the most problematic areas.

    Let's start the procedure. Massage can be carried out using 3 nozzles: Roll In (reduces volume), Roll Up (smoothes cellulite, models the contour) Roll Out (increases skin elasticity and firmness).

Various types of maniple movement are used. So, twisting enhances the anti-cellulite effect, and rocking affects fat cells. Gliding allows you to model and restore the contours of the face and body, while grinding improves skin elasticity.

It is important to know: if the patient performs during the course of procedures, the effectiveness of the massage will increase. Moreover, the movements do not have to be intense, elementary loads are enough.

Facial treatment

LPG-massage of the face will allow you to forget about wrinkles and fuzzy contours. The skin will acquire a more vibrant and natural color. This happens due to the fact that the device has a triple effect. Provided:

  • stimulation of blood circulation in the small vessels of the face;
  • intense muscle massage;
  • synthesis of collagen and elastin, regenerating skin cells.

It is better to do in specialized institutions. It is advisable to contact experienced cosmetologists on an individual basis, because there are a number of contraindications to the procedure (acne, herpes, rosacea, open wounds, varicose veins, etc.). Professionals will tell you that the maximum number of sessions is no more than 20, and their frequency is 1-2 times a week.

Vacuum massage LPG for the body

This procedure can be used for various purposes. Vacuum massage LPG is divided into the following types.


It is aimed at eliminating cellulite and curing resistant ones. It is used for local reduction in asymmetric folds under the buttocks. Such a massage is also relevant in case of pronounced deformations of body fat.

Aesthetic endermology

Reduces subcutaneous fat, tightens and models the contours of sagging skin, improves its texture. Used in the fight against cellulite.

Therapeutic endermology

Relieves pain in the spine and joints, eliminates muscle spasms. It is used to heal scars and burned areas.

Sports endermology

Promotes healing and recovery of muscles and tendons, relieves swelling and pain. In sports, LPG massage is used before and after any competitions and performances.

Indications for use

Patients are prescribed LPG-massage of the body or face in order to:

  • tighten, make clearer contours;
  • reduce the degree of expression of wrinkles;
  • get rid of fatty deposits (both on the body and on the face);
  • reduce the degree of tissue prolapse (“gravitational ptosis”);
  • achieve skin density and elasticity;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • heal bruises and hematomas;
  • reduce swelling in specific areas.

The main advantages of this are: a quick effect (in some cases, only 2-3 procedures are enough), long-term preservation of the result, the ability to correct any parts of the body. In addition, LPG body massage is absolutely painless and is performed without surgical intervention.


First of all, it should be noted that one massage procedure is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Experts note that after a thorough examination, the established course must be completed in full. Then you will not only see the result, but also fix it for a long time.

Typically, a course is called about 20 sessions with clearly defined time frames (intervals and breaks). It's good to start eating right, at least sometimes exercising. And for at least 1 year, you can easily keep the result.

This technique works, there is a huge amount of evidence. Here is a photo where you will see how LPG massage works (before and after the procedures).

Having decided to put your body in order, pay attention to the choice of a salon. Massage should only be performed by qualified personnel. The reputation of the institution is also important, remember this.

Cost of LPG massage

One session of this procedure takes about 30 minutes. The course includes from 10 to 20 obligatory massages. Of course, the cost of LPG massage will differ in different salons and cities. Prices in this case are set either by the owners of the salons, or by the craftsmen who rent the premises for work. We will discard all the subtleties and offer an approximate list and cost of the most popular services. LPG massage (prices):

The prices shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not accurate. In each particular salon it is necessary to specify the prices. In addition, everywhere there are discount systems and various gift promotions and certificates.


Before going to the salon, you need to be examined by a dermatologist. He will tell you where the most problematic areas are, clarify whether you have any contraindications for LPG massage. Their range may include:

So we looked at LPG massage. What it is? First of all, an effective technique for restoring the skin, improving its condition. This is a procedure, resorting to which you can get rid of excess weight, make your body or face beautiful. LPG is a real find for those who want to always be in shape!

Elastic tightened skin of the body is achieved through a variety of exercises, procedures and cosmetics. Hardware LPG-massage is a long-established method of giving the skin a healthy appearance, getting rid of visual imperfections through the action of a special mechanism. Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, its effectiveness and safety for health.

What is LPG massage

The principle of the apparatus for LPG massage was invented more than forty years ago - engineer Louis Paul Gite (the first letters make up the abbreviation LPG) came up with a mechanism, the principle of which is based on rotating rollers, as well as massaging vacuum at the same time. During such a massage, the skin is absorbed, respectively, massaging and stimulating the cells of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

This technique is widely used all over the world: in sports, in aesthetic medicine and other types of therapy.

For several decades, the invention was actively distributed and popularized, after which it became recognized throughout the world. Thanks to the many different attachments for the device, it is possible to act on any type of skin and eliminate many body imperfections. To date, the modernized and improved apparatus is actively used for massage with the aim of effectively influencing the skin and subcutaneous layer. LPG-massage is designed to visually change and give an aesthetic shape to the skin:

  • Elimination of "fresh" and outdated cellulite;
  • Body contour correction;
  • Giving firmness and elasticity to sluggish skin;
  • Burning of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Improved blood flow;
  • Help in removing excess fluid, toxins from the body;
  • Getting rid of edema;
  • Skin tightening and wrinkle removal;
  • Giving a healthy shade and shine to the skin;
  • Active tissue renewal, cell regeneration;
  • Providing "breathing" of the skin;
  • Getting rid of excess weight;
  • Mitigation of unpleasant sensations in sports injuries, removal of muscle pain;
  • Treatment of cosmetic, burn and surgical scars and scars.

Pros of the procedure

There are several similar procedures that can effectively burn subcutaneous fat and give the skin elasticity and firmness. In comparison with LPG-massage, such procedures have characteristic advantages, but they are not without significant disadvantages.

Table: Comparison of LPG, cavitation, vacuum and manual anti-cellulite massage

LPG massage cavitation Anti-cellulite manual Ordinary vacuum
Feel Absence of any discomfortDifficulty relaxing, constant tensionPossible discomfort and pain during the sessionPain during the procedure
Complexity Requires a special massage suit and apparatusRequires special laser equipmentRequires additional efforts and qualifications of a massage therapistRequires special equipment (usually cans)
In the fight against fat It is an analogue of liposuction, but without surgical interventionEffective breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layerIt is not as effective due to the lower intensity of the effect on subcutaneous fatTones and firms the skin
Efficiency 15-25 procedures are required to achieve the desired effect.The first result is noticeable after the first procedureThe first result is noticeable after 5-6 proceduresFor greater effectiveness, 10-20 sessions are recommended.
Possible consequences Virtually no traces left after the procedureBruising, spider veins, dehydration, hyperpigmentation and morePossible bruising and painBruising and bruising on sensitive skin


The unique massage technique allows not only to correct the lines of the figure, to recover from cellulite, but also to get rid of some injuries and diseases, therefore it is indicated for both women and men with the following problems:

  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Loose, loose skin;
  • Consequences of caesarean section;
  • Stretch marks, scars, burns and scars on the body;
  • Puffiness;
  • Cellulite and other irregularities on the surface of the skin;
  • Painful sensations and muscle spasms;
  • Signs of skin aging;
  • Gravitational ptosis;
  • Osteochondrosis in women and men;


You should refuse or temporarily postpone the LPG massage procedure if you have the following symptoms:

  • The period of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation;
  • Neoplasms and tumors;
  • Alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Inflammation and skin diseases;
  • Varicose veins of 2-4 degrees;
  • Poor blood clotting, vascular fragility;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Respiratory diseases, colds;
  • First 10 days after liposuction.

What do doctors think about this method of influencing the body

Specialists and doctors have a positive attitude towards LPG massage, as they note its effectiveness, safety and painlessness. During the preliminary consultation, the doctor recommends which areas should be emphasized and which areas should be given more attention.

The results of LPG sessions usually exceed all expectations, because patients not only get rid of cellulite and excess weight, but also get 20–30% more toned skin

The next factor that is highlighted by experts is the ability not to carry out in a complex with similar procedures to achieve a better result. One LPG massage is enough (of similar procedures) to affect changes in the relief and general condition of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

But still, experts pay attention to the contraindications of the procedure, since if you abuse and violate the rules of the session, you can not only not correct body flaws, but also harm your health.


Before attending an LPG massage session, you should consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. The specialist determines the condition of the skin and an individual course of procedures. The examination includes:

  • Weighing the patient;
  • Measurement of body volumes;
  • Finding problem areas and focusing on them;
  • Definition of areas that are not subject to treatment by the device due to contraindications;
  • Photographing the patient for clarity in a standing position.

In conclusion, the doctor allows or does not allow the session. With a positive response from a specialist, you can start the procedure as soon as possible.

  1. Preparation. At least 3 hours before the massage, you need to prepare: refuse to eat and drink about half a liter of water. Before starting the procedure, the patient puts on a special suit for greater effectiveness of the session.
  2. Identification of problem areas. Based on the conclusion of the doctor, as well as his own observations, the specialist notes the areas of the body necessary for treatment and selects the appropriate nozzle and device mode.
  3. Massage. The marked problem areas can be treated with a special apparatus. The patient feels only small waves through the body, painless at normal intensity. If discomfort occurs, the doctor adjusts the regimen. The specialist uses four basic movements: "twisting" (against cellulite), "rocking" (against body fat), "sliding" (to model the contour of the body), "polishing" (for elasticity and firmness of the skin). During the procedure, the patient is allowed and even encouraged to tighten the muscles of the body and move to achieve a better result. One session lasts about 35-40 minutes.
  4. After the session. At the end of the procedure, the patient can start his daily activities, since there is no rehabilitation period and strict restrictions, but it is better to refuse food and drink plenty of water in the next 3 hours. To achieve a greater effect in the future, you should treat the skin with anti-cellulite creams, balance your diet and play sports.

Video: How is it done in the clinic and how long does it take

Frequency, duration and cost of the course

You can repeat the LPG massage procedure no more than twice a week. To obtain a noticeable result, as a rule, it is necessary from 15 to 25 repetitions of the procedure, and during the course the number of sessions decreases, being limited to once a month.

The cost of one session varies between 1500-2000 rubles. You should not seek services from clinics that offer a lower cost, as there is a risk of low quality and lack of safety of the procedure.

Good day everyone!

This type of massage is performed on devices of several brands, the most famous are "LPG cellu m6" and "B-flexy". Someone says that only the original device "LPG cellu m6" gives the promised result, I personally think this is the machinations of beauty salons and the manufacturer himself. -flexy" is also not a cheap device at all.

However, more to the point: I found out about this type of massage when I had free time and I went to the site with coupons and generally found out that there are some coupons :) at the same time I started trying to train, but this is different story.

After reading rave reviews about how I will turn from solid cellulite into a graceful doe, of course, I decided to try it. Armed with a coupon for 6 months of unlimited visits (a suit is purchased separately and an additional payment for each visit is 300 rubles), I signed up for a salon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a session of 35 - 40 minutes. By the way, according to all possible formulas, I did not suffer from overweight, but my standard lifetime weight somehow increased by 2.6 kg, but for me this is a lot Cellulite I always had it, but with my rhythm of life, I couldn’t pay attention to myself before (and in vain !!! reached Stage III)

So, I enthusiastically ride on first session . I buy a suit (very funny, like pantyhose all over the body). Procedure on the device "B-flexy". I lay down and wait for a miracle.

I would like to note that my pain threshold is quite high. BUT it was Hell. Hell, to be precise. The girl began to drive over me with a maniple ... "Technique in the hands of a native is a pile of metal." The legs, in principle, were held as best they could during the procedure, but there was a feeling that she was leading me right over the bones with this thing. But from the pain of the skin of the abdomen, towards the end, the eyes climbed onto the forehead. After the procedure, it turned out that further the intensity would be even greater.

What happened wrong : 1. high power device operation, 2. salon employee carrier maniple as it was convenient for her 3. manupula sharply torn off from the skin in the same place 4. the stomach was processed standing only on one side of the body 5. they said that you can stay in underwear (bust) 6. the girl managed to massage me and sometimes answer the phone.

I pulled myself together, deciding that the body should get used to it. Arriving home, I just smeared myself with ointment, until skin I just couldn't touch my stomach and legs!!!

Less enthusiastically, gritting my teeth so tightly, I go to second session . I get to another employee of the salon. This time it was not so hellish, but due to the fact that the skin had already "died" last time, it was very painful, worse than the first time. This girl thank you Sometimes she wondered if it hurt me, and sometimes I could exhale. This time I saw some kind of system in the movements, it was clear that she was leading along certain lines of the body, but sometimes the maniple came off abruptly(not so when she falls off where there is less fat). Arriving home, I again smeared myself with ointment and waited with horror for Friday, now I also have bruises.

Friday I drove with tears in my eyes on the third. I decided that if it was the same (it would be the third massage therapist), I would not go anymore, I would go to another apparatus in another salon. This time I got to a man, I decided that I was a "kayuk" and lay down on the table. They asked me what session I was going through, asked if I had vein diseases, examined! my legs, I told where it hurts a lot and the procedure began .... shrinking into a ball in horror, I suddenly realized that there was no pain. Unpleasant sensations - yes, but it was not painful. At each change of the massaged area, I was asked if it hurt or not; the maniple never came off, and generally separated from the body much less often than in previous sessions! After leaving, I signed up for another week in advance.

My dear girls, LPG massage

About the result (my conclusions after personal experience and long communication with sane masseurs and cosmetologists):

  • I will not please you by saying that it is INDIVIDUALLY. For someone it can be a salvation, but for someone, like a "dead poultice".

LPG, at correct exposure, it accelerates the lymph flow very well, namely, it removes decay products from the body, toxins and an outflow of excess fat is produced.

  • Helps with excess water in the body and with really overweight- these are the people who in most cases talk about fast weight loss from LPG

the simplest formula for women HEIGHT in cm - 110 = your normal weight

Yes, I know that there are full-fledged sessions for an hour, but to be honest, I would not be able to lpijish for so long. THIS procedure, personally, I DEFINITELY would not pay 2000 rubles (where, of course, in Moscow, 60 minutes 1800-2000 in ordinary salons, not luxury). Stock only.

I had my first session in February of this year. I went through 4 sessions of only LPG, and then ... the most interesting thing began about the complex of my measures to get rid of the sides, cellulite, with proper nutrition, and discovering the whole truth about manual massage procedures and pressotherapy as well as about any sports supplements ..

And I will definitely write about it.

Thanks for reading my long story. I sincerely hope that my experience and this info will help you.

Smile! And be beautiful!

LPG massage speeds up metabolism, improves skin condition, reduces body fat. It also makes you look younger. Find out why LPG massage is better than usual and make your figure perfect!

The LPG technique was developed in the 90s of the last century in France, its author is engineer Louis Paul Guitey. He created a vacuum-roller apparatus, which in automatic mode could carry out the massage procedure necessary for the removal of scars and scars. The method, named after the author, made it possible to qualitatively work out the deepest musculoskeletal layers, as well as positively influence the nerve fibers and blood vessels passing through them.

The technology of apparatus massage by Louis Gitey turned out to be very effective, so it was very soon adopted by aesthetic medicine. Today, in more than 100 countries around the world, the LPG method is recognized as the most effective of all non-invasive options for modeling face and body contours.

Mechanism of action

LPG massage is based on the simultaneous effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissue of several factors at once: mechanical kneading, vibration and vacuum. The main role here is played by massage, which is carried out by self-propelled rollers. The LPJ massager has a computer control panel with a touch screen, two working handpieces. One is for the face and the other is for the body.

The manipula of the device is a small camera. During endermolifting, its cavity with the help of vacuum draws in a small area of ​​skin with subcutaneous tissue, and moving rollers, grabbing the fold, knead it like the fingers of a massage therapist. They only do it with more force, so it takes less time to massage than when it is done manually. But very often cosmetic correction is required to be carried out on a small area of ​​​​the body, where the hardware effect will be more effective, and manual is impossible, no matter how highly qualified the massage therapist is.

Motorized rollers differ in size and design, are autonomously controlled, have different modes of translational motion, they are able to move in parallel, towards each other or in opposite directions. The vacuum, which is automatically created in the maniple from 4 to 16 times in one second, in addition to the main task - to apply the skin fold under the massage rollers, has a vibrational effect, enhancing the effect of the procedure.


Manipulation of LPG-massage causes the following processes in tissues:

  • The local and general level of metabolism increases, since the skin is involved in all metabolic processes of the body.
  • Blood microcirculation improves, which contributes to the resorption of superficial hemorrhages - hematomas, as well as the overall improvement of the epidermis.
  • A rapid outflow of lymph is provided, due to which the tissues are freed from toxins and excess fluid. As a result, puffiness is reduced and the appearance of the skin is improved.
  • Redox reactions are accelerated, as a result of which the level of lactic acid, which causes muscle pain after exercise, is significantly reduced.
  • It activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which leads to an increase in skin elasticity and an increase in muscle tone.
  • Due to damage to the adipocyte cells that make up the "fat depots", the processes of lipolysis (fat breakdown) are triggered. The effectiveness of this method is equivalent to surgical liposuction.
  • The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is optimized.
  • Improves oxygen supply to skin tissues and their level of hydration.
  • The production of anti-stress hormones (enkephalins, endorphins) is stimulated.

According to clinical studies conducted in European clinics, LPJ massage increases arterial blood flow and venous blood and lymph outflow by several times. Consequently, the supply of tissues with oxygen is significantly improved. The reports of independent experts indicate that after the course of this hardware physiotherapy on the treated area:

  • the density of the epidermis increases by 50-53%;
  • the volume of subcutaneous fat is reduced by 45 - 48%;
  • due to the increase in turgor, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem zone is reduced by 20%;
  • collagen fibers that form the skin frame are renewed by 27% or more.

Indications and contraindications

The LPG-massage technique is used as a means of correcting age-related changes in the face, as well as for weight loss, to eliminate cellulite and local fat deposits on the body. So, the goal could be:

  1. Lifting and restoration of the facial contour.
  2. Elimination of the phenomena of gravitational ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelids, "bulldog cheeks", sagging chin.
  3. Reducing the severity of scars and scars.
  4. Restoration of skin turgor by stimulating the production of endogenous hyaluron.
  5. Reducing the number and depth of wrinkles.
  6. Slimming, reducing the volume of local fat accumulations.
  7. Elimination of edema due to the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space.
  8. Treatment of disorders of the sebaceous glands.
  9. Treatment of infiltrates, hematomas.
  10. Treatment of myositis, radiculitis.
  11. Strengthening muscles and ligaments, their recovery after injuries.
  12. Removal of muscle fatigue.

Vacuum-roller massage can be done at any age, however, there are certain contraindications to all methods of cosmic mechanics. These include:

  1. Skin neoplasms of any etiology.
  2. Fresh skin lesions or rashes in the treatment area.
  3. Vascular pathologies, in particular, pronounced varicose veins, rosacea.
  4. Blood clotting disorders.
  5. Hypertension 2.3 degrees.
  6. The presence of an electronic implant.
  7. Acute infectious diseases.
  8. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  9. The period of pregnancy and lactation.

The combination of endermology with most other cosmetic techniques (medium or superficial peeling, ultraphonophoresis, electrical stimulation, hydroprocedures) is not a contraindication, their complex use, on the contrary, increases the effect.

How is it carried out

Endermolifting is used to correct the shape of the face or body contours for those who want to lose weight, and is included in complex cellulite treatment programs. Carrying out vacuum-roller massage in each case has its own characteristics.

  • The patient lies on a couch with a high headrest.
  • The facial skin is cleansed of cosmetics and sebum.
  • The beautician determines the problem areas, sets the operating modes of the massager.
  • With the help of a maniple, the areas of the face are treated. There are three such zones on the face - the upper one, its border passes under the eyes, the middle one, which ends along the line of the mouth, and the lower one - to the beginning of the neck. Each zone is massaged separately. When performing the manipulation, the rollers move along the massage lines, while more time is devoted to problem areas.
  • The duration of an endermolifting session is from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • At the end of the session, a soothing cream is applied to the skin.

Special skin care after lifting massage is not required. The only limitation is that cosmetics should not be applied to the face for 3-4 hours after the procedure. Redness or slight swelling is a normal reaction to manipulation, they disappear on their own in about a day.

Roller massage is repeated 1-2 times a week. The duration of the endermolifting course depends on the task. For a small mid-face lift, 10 procedures are usually left, with wrinkled or flabby skin or the need for thorough treatment of all three zones, 15-20 sessions are required. Maintenance therapy involves 1-2 sessions of LPJ massage monthly.

3 hours before the lift massage, you should refrain from eating. To provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid, before starting it, you need to drink up to 2 glasses of water. The LPGI session begins with an examination of the patient, the selection of a nozzle and the mode of exposure.

The order of the procedure

The patient puts on an individual endermological suit, which ensures individual hygiene and also facilitates the procedure, and then lies down on the couch.

The cosmetologist turns on the device, applies the handpiece to the body and sequentially treats the targeted areas with a roller massager. One of the rollers grabs the skin fold attracted by the vacuum, the other smooths it out, simultaneously performing kneading, squeezing and vibration techniques. In this case, the patient has a feeling of rolling over the body of a wave.

The duration of an endermolifting session is about 30 minutes. After its completion, it is recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours, there are no other post-procedural recommendations. The first day, redness or moderate swelling of the tissues in places of the most intensive treatment may be observed.

Stages of the LPG massage course

The standard body lift massage course includes three stages.

  1. Stage 1 - 6-8 procedures, which are carried out 1 - 2 times a week. Their goal is to reduce overall volumes. At this stage, the whole body is worked out, the emphasis is on problem areas.
  2. Stage 2 - from 4 to 6 procedures - solving local problems. To do this, an individual program is drawn up for each patient: lifting of the hips, buttocks, waist area, zonal fat reduction or anti-cellulite program. At this stage, only problem areas are worked out in detail.
  3. Stage 3 - involves fixing the result, as well as improving the turgor of musculoskeletal tissues. This is necessary to prevent sagging skin after weight loss and a significant reduction in body volume. Here, the number of sessions is determined individually, it depends on the age of the patient and the extent of the problem.

The effect of LPG massage lasts 5-6 months; to prolong the effect, it is recommended to carry out one maintenance procedure every month.

Equipment and cost of procedures

The main manufacturer of endermolifting devices is the French company LPG Systems, which was founded simultaneously with the creation of the endermologie method. LPG Systems currently produces a line of Cellu M6 roller body massagers, Cellu M6 Keymodule, Lift M6, Cellu M6 Endermolab facial massagers.

Equipment for vacuum-roller massage is also offered by companies: Body Health Group, Argentina (models BHS, BHS Sculptor), Beco, China (models Beco M, Beco M Perfect), B-Flexy, Belarus (model B-Flexy Premium) and others .

The cost of a lift massage session is from 800 to 3000 rubles. It depends on the volume of work, the level of the clinic, the equipment used, the availability of discounts, promotions or special offers. An individual special suit for 400-600 rubles can be bought at a cosmetology clinic where a lift massage will be carried out or purchased in an online store.

Hardware cosmetology is an ideal option for those who are not friends with sports and diets. To date, it is possible to achieve an ideal figure and get rid of cellulite using a variety of cosmetic techniques. One of the most popular and effective is considered to be LPG massage. This method appeared relatively recently, but has already acquired its fans around the world.

So, we will learn further about what this manipulation is, what it relieves, on which parts of the body it is carried out and whether it has contraindications.

What is the essence of LPG massage and what technique is used?

LPG massage is a non-surgical procedure. The essence of this technique lies in the mechanical effect on muscle tissue and the epidermis. Thanks to this process, these areas get rid of excess fluid, toxins, the process of tissue regeneration, the formation of collagen and elastin is accelerated.

The procedure became famous in the late 70s, thanks to the owner of a cosmetics companyLPG Systems to Louis Paul Gotha. From the very beginning, the massage apparatus was a maniple equipped with several rollers moving in different directions and capturing the skin from 4 to 16 times per second (the number of such captures depended on the goals pursued and the type of manipulation).

Now, the apparatus used for lpji massage is presented as a fully computerized system, thanks to which it is possible to adjust the degree of intensity of exposure to the skin, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.


During the procedure, a special suit is used for a painless effect, hygienic protection and better skin grip.

What problems does it help with?

For women, LPG massage for the body and face is prescribed in such cases:

  1. To eliminate wrinkles.
  2. For the acquisition of ideal body parameters.
  3. In the presence of cellulite in any part of the body.
  4. For posture correction.
  5. With stretch marks.
  6. With osteochondrosis.
  7. To get rid of bruises and hematomas.
  8. With varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis.
  9. After getting injured.
  10. For pain in muscles and joints.
  11. In the presence of sutures left after surgical intervention.
  12. To eliminate fat deposits on any part of the body.
  13. To reduce puffiness on the face.
  14. To even out complexion.
  15. For firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  16. To restore the functions of the sebaceous glands.

This procedure eliminates many problems that have bothered a woman for many years. Sometimes 3 procedures are enough to achieve the desired result.

Types of LPG massage and which one is the most effective?

There are the following types of LPG-massage (depending on the method of implementation).

  1. Vacuum. Something like a massage procedure with cans. However, in this case, a different result is achieved. With the help of vacuum LPG massage, you can not only get rid of cellulite, but also tighten sagging skin, remove a double chin, improve the condition of the epithelium, etc.
  2. Roller vacuum massage. The impact occurs due to the lightning-fast operation of the rollers and vacuum, which ensures the rapid breakdown of fat. This manipulation will allow you to get rid of extra pounds, model the contours of the face and body, remove the "orange peel", etc. The procedure will be useful not only for women, but also for men.
  3. Anticellulite massage. It should be carried out only by a highly qualified cosmetologist. Helps to get rid of cellulite in any part of the body, as well as eliminate the "ears" on the hips, hanging belly, remove fat on the arms, neck, décolleté, chin and forearms.


According to reviews, women most often prefer vacuum-roller massage because of its painlessness and high efficiency.

Besides, lpji massage divided into several varieties.

  1. Sports . It is used to build muscle mass, strengthen the muscle corset, correct posture, improve coordination of movement.
  2. Restorative. It is carried out in the rehabilitation period after injury, burns.
  3. Aesthetic. It is necessary for body shaping, elimination of imperfections on the face.

There is another type of LPG massage - prophylactic. This manipulation is aimed at preventing fat deposits, skin aging, muscle strain, etc.


The main contraindications for LPG massage are:

  1. Recently carried out.
  2. The presence of a hernia.
  3. Thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.
  4. The presence of protruding moles and other benign tumors on the skin.
  5. Damage to the skin.
  6. Open wounds.
  7. Cardiovascular disorders.
  8. Critical days.
  9. Poor blood clotting.
  10. Acne.
  11. Couperose.
  12. and breastfeeding period.
  13. Oncology.
  14. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  15. Infectious lesions of the skin.
  16. Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  17. Epilepsy.
  18. Hemophilia.


Massage is also not allowed after any operation, including caesarean section. The manipulation is possible only after complete healing of the tissues.

Is advance preparation necessary?

Manipulation does not require special preparation. The only thing that cosmetologists recommend before carrying out LPJ- procedures to help the body adapt to a new load. To do this, it is necessary to limit the use of salty, fried, sweet foods at least 3-4 days in advance. In addition, you should completely stop smoking, drinking alcohol and soda. It's great if a girl drinks 2 liters of water a day. This will cleanse the body and prepare the kidneys for intensive work.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient is recommended to drink 2 glasses of warm water.


At the initial stage, the diagnosis and examination of the patient is carried out. The beautician should determine the general condition of the woman as accurately as possible. After eliminating all contraindications, a full-length photo is taken. All patient data is entered into the medical record, problem areas, skin condition, etc. are determined.

A different power and speed is applied to each area of ​​the body. In addition, the beautician chooses different types of rollers.

  1. R/IN. Reduce body volume.
  2. R/UP. Fights cellulite, models body contours.
  3. R/OUT. Provides firmness and elasticity to the skin.

In addition, the rollers can move in different directions:

  1. When rocking, they act on problem areas with fatty deposits.
  2. When twisting, the anti-cellulite effect increases.
  3. When grinding - the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  4. When sliding - the contours of the body are modeled.

All that is required of the patient is to roll over or move the necessary parts of the body at the beautician's signal.

The duration of one procedure is 40-50 minutes, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages are the following:

  1. Painlessness.
  2. The duration of the effect (subject to the recommendations of the beautician).
  3. The presence of many rollers that affect different parts of the body in different ways.
  4. Manipulation provides not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect.
  5. Comfort during the event.
  6. No recovery period.
  7. Providing assistance to people of non-standard build.

Among the disadvantages of LPG massage are the following:

  1. Getting the perfect fit is not easy. On average, to achieve a positive effect, it will take from 12 to 25 procedures.
  2. The presence of contraindications.
  3. In Russia, Ukraine it is quite difficult to find a highly qualified specialist.

In addition, the prices for the procedure are quite high.

When can I see the first results and what will they be?

The result will depend on the extent of the problem. Some patients claim that the positive effect was already visible after 3 treatments.

So, here are the results to expect after taking the LPG massage course.

  1. Fat deposits in the treated area will disappear.
  2. The "orange peel" will be eliminated.
  3. Blood circulation will improve.
  4. The swelling will go away.
  5. The skin will be cleansed of toxins.
  6. The work of all organs and systems will improve.
  7. The functions of the sebaceous glands will be restored.
  8. The skin will become tighter and more elastic.
  9. The body will acquire clear beautiful contours.
  10. Collagen and elastin will stand out more.
  11. Wrinkles, swelling on the face will be eliminated.
  12. Skin color will become even.

It’s great if the girl, after the end of all sessions, takes care of her body in terms of physical activity and proper nutrition. This will prolong the effect of the procedure.

How many procedures do you need to go through?

Standard course - 12-25 sessions. Their exact number is determined depending on the complexity of the problem and the individual characteristics of the organism.

So, for the face LPG-massage is carried out:

  • at the first stage - 10 sessions no more than 2 times a week;
  • the next stage - 7 procedures with the same interval;
  • the third stage - sessions are held once a week, according to the indications of the beautician;
  • maintenance stage - sessions are scheduled no more than 1 time per month.

For body:

  • the first stage - 6-8 procedures 2 times a week;
  • the second stage - then - 5-6 sessions with the same interval;
  • the third stage - once a week;
  • fourth stage - 1 time in 30 days, according to the testimony of a cosmetologist.

With correctly performed manipulations, the result can be seen already at 7-8 sessions. The duration of the effect is approximately 1 year.

Are complications and consequences possible?

Some girls complain of soreness during the massage. As a rule, these sensations are associated with incorrect device settings that need to be corrected.

In addition, after LPG massage, most patients experience slight swelling on the treated surface, which disappear on their own after a few days.

Also, chills may occur after the procedure (observed in patients with vegetative disorders) and small hematomas.


Prices in Russia for one sessionLPG massages vary depending on the region of the country and amount to 1500 - 2000 rubles. The cost for 1 session in Ukraine is 300 - 500 UAH.

LPG massage technique:
