How is the procedure of vacuum-roller massaging - the pros and cons. Vacuum roller massage: reviews and results Vacuum roller massage contraindications

In women's problem areas, it is not so easy to get rid of body fat. Vacuum-roller massage is able to eliminate extra centimeters, tighten the skin and correct the figure. The procedure has its own indications and contraindications, as well as pros and cons. This will be discussed in the article.

What it is?

Vacuum-roller massage is a method of influencing adipose and muscle tissues, combining rollers and vacuum cups. It is performed only in professional salons, so it is difficult to carry it out at home.

The impact is carried out with the help of special maniples - plastic bowls, in which an artificial vacuum is created. Inside the bowl is a movable element called a roller. Thanks to the effect of the maniple, a vacuum is created on a specific part of the body - air is injected, the skin is pulled. After reaching a certain pressure on the skin, the roller moving inside the bowl will press.

Maniples are selected based on the size of the treated area. For example, a face requires a small diameter nozzle, but a larger piece is needed for the hips and abdomen. According to the reviews, the specialist independently chooses the device of the desired size.

The bowl will not be in place - the specialist moves it on a certain plane, for example, along the waist or hips. To ensure easy gliding over the body, the skin is pre-treated with massage oil or an anti-cellulite composition.


Vacuum-roller massage helps not only with cellulite. The procedure is carried out for:

  1. Strengthening of muscle tissue. This is especially required by athletes in case of spinal injury or preparation for competitions. Doctors recommend the technique if you need to train the musculoskeletal system during sedentary work.
  2. Elimination of edema after operations. The procedure restores and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system to ensure the active outflow of excess fluid from the tissues.
  3. Elimination of sagging skin with a sharp weight loss. This is an innovative way of this technology. The result is noticeable after 15 sessions. The effect is comparable to a professional skin tightening.

There are many positive reviews about the procedure performed. The women are happy with the results. There is an improvement in the condition of the skin, increased elasticity of the body. The completed course allows you to remove extra centimeters. Thanks to the variety of devices, you can choose a convenient device for your home.


Like all cosmetic procedures, vacuum-roller massage has its advantages and disadvantages. Like pressotherapy, this method cannot be used during pregnancy. Such a massage is contraindicated in the presence of metabolic disorders and disruptions in the hormonal system.

As you can see from the photo before and after the vacuum roller massage, the procedure allows you to get excellent results. Its advantages are as follows:

  1. The device is customizable. This is a handy feature as bruising can occur on sensitive skin.
  2. The skin tone increases, the body contour is tightened. It is useful for women after childbirth or sudden weight loss.
  3. Blood circulation is normalized. Due to the movement of the maniples, the functioning of the circulatory system is stimulated. After smoothing the folds, the vessels are straightened, which increases blood circulation.
  4. There is a dissolution of deep fatty deposits. Fatty tissues appear on the hips, shoulders, and back, which are difficult to remove even with the help of long-term mono-diets. Massage dissolves fat cells and removes them with fluid.
  5. Impact on areas of stretch marks and scars allows you to reduce their size, as well as soften keloid scars.
  6. The effect is not immediately visible, but it is durable. Especially if the massage is combined with exercise and proper nutrition.

According to reviews, vacuum-roller massage allows you to correct the body. With it, the skin becomes toned, elastic. The main thing is that the procedure is performed by a professional.


This massage also has its drawbacks. It should be borne in mind that after it bruises appear on the body. They are formed due to ruptures of thin vessels that are close to the surface of the skin. Sometimes there are swelling, but they quickly disappear. The procedure is quite lengthy.

Contraindications include the following nuances:

  1. Massage should not be performed with oncology, diseases of the blood, kidneys and excretory system.
  2. The procedure is prohibited during menstruation. At this time, the result may be insufficient due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the body.
  3. You can not perform sessions with skin diseases. Especially dangerous fungal diseases, trophic ulcers, viral diseases. Massage will aggravate the condition of the epidermis, and also lead to the spread of the disease.
  4. Procedures are prohibited for varicose veins, thrombosis and other vascular problems, including vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Before performing this type of massage, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. This will eliminate the harmful effects on the body.

How is it done?

The procedure can be performed at home, but for this you will need to purchase a special portable device. Suitable Maniquick MQ730, NV-600 portable MBT, home IB-M8. The vacuum-roller massage apparatus can be purchased at company stores. It is important to read the instructions before carrying out the procedure.

In salons, Slimming D-528, Starvac are often chosen. Vacuum-roller massage is also carried out by other devices. Among them are Body Health System, Icoone, Starvac SOne. Vacuum-roller massage with LPG Body Optimizer IB 1005 and other devices is similar, but there are slight differences. The procedure with the B-Flexy is as follows:

  1. The skin is treated with a cleansing composition that removes dead cells and dirt. Then a cream or gel is applied, which can enhance the effect of the device.
  2. A specialist installs maniples at the desired points. Thanks to the settings, the vacuum heats up in them. Then the rollers turn on.
  3. After a few seconds, the position of the bowls is changed - they move a few millimeters, and this is done until the entire area is processed.
  4. After that, the skin is treated with a soothing agent that cools the surface. With it, the risk of getting hematomas is minimal.

Dear ladies, on the eve of the warm summer and the beach season, I want to tell you about the coolest procedure that quickly and effectively improves the condition of the skin in problem areas. By problem areas, I mean the stomach, thighs, buttocks. These are the very places where fat likes to accumulate and cellulite is formed. The hardware procedure helps to solve the problem - VACUUM ROLLER MASSAGE.

Vacuum-roller massage is aimed at activating the internal processes occurring in the dermis. The procedure stimulates the body's own resources through the use of external stimuli (vacuum and rollers), optimizes local metabolism, blood circulation, and intercellular fluid movement. Enhanced processes contribute to the rapid delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and therefore to the accelerated regeneration of the latter.

PRIMARY GOAL: elimination of cellulite, reduction of body fat, modeling of body contours.

There are many options for this procedure, I will tell you about my experience. I am undergoing a course of figure correction procedures in the diagnostic center. 5 procedures were completed in a month. So many more are planned.

FREQUENCY: once a week (more often it does not work out in time).


TIME SPENDING: 30 min per zone.

RESULT: noticeable already after the third procedure. The skin is smoothed, tightened, the effect of "orange peel" disappears.

NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS DURING THE DAYS: drinking regimen (drink 2 liters of water per day) for effective removal of fats, physical activity, low-calorie diet.






1. Purification.

2. Application of contact gel.

3. Massage with a maniple.

The beautician with special movements holds the nozzle on the stomach. The nozzle rollers massage, and the vacuum draws in the skin, resulting in a double effect, due to which fatty deposits are broken, the skin is smoothed, and cellulite is reduced.

The sensations during the massage are specific. When the beautician continuously runs the handpiece over a 10-15 cm long area of ​​skin, it becomes painful, as a large area of ​​skin is pulled into a vacuum. In general, the sensations are tolerable. For comparison, THERAPEUTIC BACK MASSAGE MUCH hurts more VACUUM ROLLER.

On the device, the power of the retraction force can be adjusted. This is correct - for the abdominal area, the power should be less than for the hips and buttocks, besides, different people have different pain thresholds.

4. Moisturizing with lifting cream and light manual massage to fix the effect.

By the way, cream company SPA alganica. Very cool cosmetics for body care. I ordered a couple of jars of chocolate and vitamin masks for home wraps, I'm looking forward to them!

After the procedure, here is a picture - uneven redness. So there is a result!

A couple of hours later, micro bruises appeared. But nothing, I'll survive, beauty requires sacrifice!


  • For a full correction of the figure and getting rid of excess weight, vacuum-roller massage is not enough. Diets, exercise, drinking regimen are necessary.
  • To make the effect more noticeable, it is better to carry out a course of massages at the second stage of body shaping, when a few kilograms will be dropped.
  • It is necessary to carry out massages in a full course (about 10) and it is advisable to combine them with other hardware procedures, for example, cavitation or RF lifting, if there are no contraindications.
  • TO shortcomings include the high cost, duration of the procedure, possible pain and slight bruising after the procedure.
  • TO virtues- a noticeable almost immediately effect (the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, tone improves, flabbiness disappears, the "orange peel" disappears). There is no faster way to improve skin condition!
  • I naturally recommend the procedure, I wish everyone beauty and health!


Read about the effective method of losing weight and improving health here.

For some time now, the use of technological innovative devices has become so commonplace that even the implementation of manual procedures is not complete without hardware innovations.

A vivid example is the roller-vacuum "Starvak" massage, which replaced several traditional cosmetic procedures at once.

Dreams of an ideal figure periodically overcome every woman, since it is not easy to achieve sustainable results in the fight against cellulite. The French developers offer a solution to the problem - the Starvak multifunctional device will get rid of excess fat quickly and for a long time.

The effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of the device is ensured by the basic principle of its operation - the use of vacuum to improve blood circulation. Even the ancient healers of China noticed that an increase in the intensity of blood flow has a beneficial effect on health - diseases go away, and the body becomes young and elastic.

Interesting! With the advent of new technologies, it became possible to create an apparatus whose principle of operation provides a result comparable in efficiency to the methods and spiritual practices of India, Tibet and China.

Operating principle

Hardware processing of problem areas is carried out by means of a special nozzle (handle) in the form of a jar or bowl that creates a vacuum. Self-propelled rollers are located inside the volume nozzle - with their help a skin fold is formed. The thickness of the fold, as well as the diameter of the roller, is regulated by the software control of the apparatus.

During the massage, a vacuum is created in the bowl, the skin is stretched, and with it the subcutaneous tissues, including fatty deposits. The vacuum mode can be pulsating or constant. When the handpiece moves, under the influence of vacuum, the subcutaneous tissues move even in stagnant areas. In this case, patients do not experience any discomfort or pain.

Vacuum-roller massage is used on different parts of the body - face, back, buttocks.

Expected results

When moving the jar nozzle, air is injected, the roller acts on the muscles and subcutaneous tissues. Wherein:

  • Blood flow is increased at the site of exposure.
  • The lymphatic vessels expand and cleanse, immunity increases.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • The processes of respiration and tissue nutrition are improved due to the increased flow of oxygen.
  • Muscle tone increases, silhouette outlines become clearer.
  • Folds, stretch marks and wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes even and smooth.
  • The promotion of the skin fold contributes to the removal of toxins and fluids stagnant in the intercellular space.
  • The processes of lipolysis are activated, which eliminates cellulite deposits.

For easier sliding of the nozzles of the device, the patient's skin is lubricated with massage oil or anti-cellulite composition.

Indications for the procedure

Roller massage using a vacuum is an effective procedure that simultaneously provides body shape correction, lifting, and overall health improvement.

  • Overweight and body fat.
  • Sagging skin due to weight loss or childbirth.
  • Stretch marks and weakening of muscle tissue.
  • The appearance of edema after surgical operations.
  • Weak intestinal motility.

Fact! One session of vacuum massage can replace four sessions of traditional manual procedures.

In addition, vacuum-roller massage is prescribed as an additional therapeutic measure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications to vacuum massage

As with any treatment, vacuum therapy can cause unwanted side effects. The procedure is not recommended:

  • Pregnant women and women during menstruation.
  • Patients with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Cancer patients.
  • With exacerbation of any pathological processes.
  • People with skin problems - wounds, abscesses, burns, rashes.
  • In acute infections.
  • Patients prone to hypertension.
  • With diabetes, diseases of the blood and the cardiovascular system.

The Starvak device is equipped with a computer and a monitor, which simplifies the management and selection of the necessary programs. Before the start of the session, the specialist determines the necessary massage parameters and enters them into the computer of the device.

Fact! Support for the specified parameters in the Starvak apparatus is carried out automatically.

Massage technique

There is no need for special preparation for the session. But to improve the result, it is recommended to undergo a body peeling procedure a few days before the start of the course. On the day of the session, food intake should be limited, replacing standard meals with light meals. Massage is carried out no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

Before the session, you are allowed to drink a glass of water without gas and take a hot shower or bath.The ideal state of the body to perform a vacuum massage provides a bath or sauna.

At the beginning of the session, the cosmetologist applies a cleansing composition to the patient's skin to eliminate impurities and dead cells. Then - moisturizing oil, necessary to nourish the epidermis and to increase the slip of vacuum bowls.

The choice of the size of bowls and rollers is determined by the area where the procedure will take place. To influence the skin of the back, large-sized maniples are chosen, while bowls of small diameter are used for facial massage. After installing the maniples on problem areas of the body, vacuum is pumped into them and rollers are turned on.

The position of the maniples changes every few seconds. Exposure continues until the entire surface of the skin is treated.

Attention! After the session, a product with a cooling effect is necessarily applied to the skin.

Roller face massage

The use of vacuum-roller therapy in the face area provides a powerful cosmetic effect - restores elasticity and healthy color, eliminates bags under the eyes and swelling, stimulates collagen production, helps in the fight against a double chin, removes fine wrinkles, including those around the eyes.

Vacuum facial massage is performed with nozzles with a diameter of 11-22 mm and is indicated for:

  • Expansion of pores.
  • Strengthened work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Dry and flabby skin.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Low elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Loss of tone of mimic muscles.

Vacuum breast massage

The vacuum breast massage procedure is performed to increase the size of the bust and normalize the functioning of the mammary glands, as well as a therapeutic measure for edema, skin inflammation and as a remedy for the effects of stress.

The technique of the session provides for exposure to the muscles of the chest and armpits.

Back massage with Starvak

The use of a vacuum device in the back area is an effective way to treat many diseases associated with spinal pathologies. Back massage is indicated for muscle pain, radiculitis and obesity, as well as to enhance the effect of drug therapy for lung diseases, bronchitis, urological and gynecological pathologies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Roller belly massage

Most often, roller massage of the abdomen is used for body shaping. The elimination of fat deposits in the waist area allows you to restore harmony and facilitates the process of losing weight.

Due to the effect of vacuum on the subcutaneous tissue, a lot of harmful substances - toxins, fats and carcinogens - leave the body along with excess fluid. In addition, abdominal massage improves intestinal motility, eliminating digestive problems.

During the session, bowls of large diameter are used, and oil for weight loss is used to move them in spiral movements.

After the procedure, the patient needs to rest under a warm blanket for 15 minutes.

It is forbidden to massage the abdomen in the presence of a hernia or diseases of the peritoneum.

Vacuum gum massage

Vacuum massage found an unexpected application in dentistry - practice shows that the impact on the gums can prevent the development of periodontitis.

Thanks to vacuum gum massage:

  • Eliminates bleeding.
  • Reduced inflammatory manifestations.
  • Improves periodontal trophism.
  • Tissues are strengthened.

Such a dental procedure is not only beneficial, but also pleasant sensations.

Detailed video: Roller-vacuum massage

Video review of the phased study of the body with the vacuum apparatus "Starvak":

How often to do procedures

On average, the session lasts about an hour - the exposure time depends on the area of ​​the massage. At the end of therapy, the patient should drink a glass of still water.

Important! It is undesirable to eat food for several hours after the session.

Before conducting a vacuum-roller massage, you should consult with your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vacuum therapy method has many positive qualities and is quite capable of replacing standard massage procedures. The main advantages of vacuum exposure are:

  • Possibility to adjust the device according to the individual parameters of the patient.
  • High performance sessions.
  • Relatively affordable cost of the procedure.
  • Compatibility with other types of cosmetic procedures and treatment methods.
  • Absolute security.

The only drawback of roller massage is a slight tingling and chills, which in some cases occur after a session, as a result of irritation of skin receptors. Within a few hours, the effect of irritation disappears on its own.

Interesting! 15 sessions of roller massage replace plastic surgery for skin tightening.

Vacuum roller massage is without a doubt one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. Each therapy session returns health, youth and beauty, improving not only well-being, but also mood.

What is vacuum-roller massage, what is its cost? Description and varieties of the procedure, indications and contraindications, rules of conduct. Real reviews, photos before and after.

The content of the article:

Vacuum-roller massage is a special type of pneumatic massage, mechanical kneading of the skin, subcutaneous fat, tendons, ligaments, muscles using a special vacuum device. The purpose of the impact is to normalize blood and lymph flow, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, restore normal skin and muscle tone. Most often, vacuum-roller massage is prescribed to eliminate the manifestations of cellulite.

The price of vacuum roller massage

Vacuum roller massage is considered one of the most popular massage procedures. This is a great way to get rid of cellulite, skin imperfections and body fat. In addition, it combines well with other common skin enhancement techniques. Therefore, many salons have qualified craftsmen providing this service.

Massage can be carried out on any part of the body - from the face to the legs. To achieve these goals, different programs on special equipment are used. This affects the cost of the procedure. Also, the price varies depending on the area of ​​the treated areas, the duration and the total number of sessions.

In Russia, the cost of vacuum-roller massage is 1000-8000 rubles per session.

price, rub.

In Moscow, the price for this procedure will be higher than in other cities of the country.

In Ukraine, vacuum-roller massage is performed at a price of 250-4000 hryvnia per procedure.

Price, UAH.

In Kyiv, as a rule, there are more qualified craftsmen, but the price of the service is higher than in the regions.

Usually, in beauty salons, the cost of the procedure does not include the use of a special LPG suit. It has to be paid extra.

Note! When buying the whole package of services at once, as a rule, a discount is provided. In addition, some salons give a discount on the first procedure.

Description and indications of vacuum-roller massage

Vacuum-roller massage is also called anti-cellulite or LPG. The last abbreviation was formed on behalf of the French engineer, the creator of the device - L.P. Guitay. At the end of the last century, he was in a serious car accident, received injuries that affected muscle mobility, as well as deep scars. Gitey began to independently develop a massager model that would carry out a vacuum-mechanical effect on the skin and subcutaneous layers, and the massage itself would not depend on the qualifications of a specialist.

The device that was developed helped to restore tissues in a short time and reduce the time of a massage session from four hours to 30-40 minutes. After a successful experiment on himself, Louis Paul Gitey patented the device, giving it his name LPG.

It should be noted that initially this device was used to repair damage to muscle tissue, as well as to eliminate scars. However, later an interesting “side effect” of the massager was discovered: edema disappeared in patients, cellulite manifestations decreased, and skin condition improved. Thus, it turned out that the vacuum-roller massager can be used not only as part of restorative physiotherapy, but also in the field of body shaping, as well as improving the condition of the epidermis of the face.

To date, the apparatus for vacuum-roller massage is a computerized complex in which you can choose the intensity of exposure to the skin. Massage can be intense "aggressive" to destroy body fat or soft, relaxing, toning effect (usually used for the face).

The LPG machine is equipped with a special handpiece with small rollers inside the chamber that move in different directions. In parallel with the mechanical effect on the skin, a vacuum occurs, which enhances the effectiveness of the manipulation. When in contact with the epidermis, the maniple forms a fold and acts on adipose tissue, muscles, blood vessels, tendons.

Maniples for vacuum-roller massage are selected depending on which area needs to be treated. For example, for the face you need a small nozzle, for the hips and abdomen - a larger diameter.

There are many indications for vacuum-roller massage, and they are not limited to the cosmetology field:

  1. Muscle strengthening. Athletes often resort to this service before competitions, as well as after injuries. Often, such a massage is prescribed to strengthen the muscular corset during sedentary work, as well as in the treatment of myositis.
  2. Troubleshooting vascular problems. Vacuum-roller massage helps to cope with the initial manifestations of varicose veins, thrombosis.
  3. Improving the condition of the joints. It is used as part of a comprehensive treatment for joint diseases, such as sciatica, arthrosis.
  4. Elimination of edema after surgery. Often after surgery, there are disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system and deterioration of the lymph flow. LPG massage has a lymphatic drainage effect.
  5. Elimination of sagging and flabbiness of the skin after a sharp weight loss. Vacuum-roller massage is comparable in effectiveness with plastic skin tightening.
  6. Removal of aesthetic imperfections of the skin. Vacuum-roller massage is effective for cellulite, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, local fat deposits, age-related changes in the epidermis on the face.
The device is not static during exposure. The specialist moves the handpiece over the body, and in order to facilitate sliding and enhance the effect, the skin is pre-treated with special compounds.

Important! The patient may be asked to wear an endermological suit made of elastic material, which will ensure painless manipulation and prevent excessive stretching of the skin.

Varieties of vacuum-roller massage

Vacuum-roller massage can be of two main types: for the face and for the body. In the first case, its task is to tighten the skin and restore facial contours, reduce the appearance of scars and scars, restore epidermal turgor.

The main purpose of vacuum-roller body massage is to eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, reduce body volume, strengthen muscles and ligaments, remove excess water from the subcutaneous layers.

Various nozzles are used for face and body massage: for the body - a large one, for the face - a smaller one. Also, a specialist can use different power of the device, taking into account the severity of the problem and the area of ​​the body being developed.

If the power is chosen incorrectly, then the effectiveness of the procedure will be low, or vice versa, bruises and bruises may remain after it if the power was too high.

The benefits of vacuum roller massage

The main advantage of vacuum-roller massage is its deep effect on the epidermis and subcutaneous layers. This allows you to act not only on the skin, but also on deeper tissues.

The benefits of vacuum roller massage are obvious and proven by clinical studies:

  • Skin tightening, contour restoration;
  • Elimination of age-related changes - gravitational ptosis, "bulldog cheeks", sagging;
  • Return of skin elasticity, elasticity due to stimulation of the production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin;
  • Reducing the severity of scars, keloid scars;
  • Reducing the volume, depth of wrinkles, folds;
  • Reducing the volume of adipose tissue, losing weight, due to the fact that the device has a powerful mechanical effect on fat cells, crushing and breaking them;
  • Elimination of cellulite due to blood flow to the skin, normalization of blood flow in tissues;
  • Elimination of puffiness, due to the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • Elimination of hematomas, infiltrates;
  • Elimination of manifestations of myositis, radiculitis;
  • Restoration of integrity and elasticity of ligaments, tendons, muscles;
  • Elimination of muscle fatigue;
  • Activation of metabolic processes, which allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body;
  • Elimination of striae (stretch marks);
  • Improving posture, coordination of movements, due to neurosensory effects;
  • Stimulation of cellular activity, growth of new capillaries in the skin.
As a result of such a deep and complex effect, the skin becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic, keratinized dead cells are removed from its surface. It is believed that LPG massage is a safe alternative to surgical elimination of excess fat formations. In addition, it is comfortable, does not cause pain, allows you to relax. All metabolic processes are activated in a natural way, the procedure does not imply any artificial effect on the epidermis.

Note! Vacuum-roller massage is able to break even deep fat deposits that cannot be eliminated with diets.

Contraindications for vacuum-roller massage

Vacuum-roller massage can be performed on patients at any age, regardless of gender. However, like any other method of mechanical action on the body, it has certain contraindications. They are common for both manual and vacuum-roller massage.

Lymphatic drainage effects have the following general contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases. Mechanical action stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the process of cell division, not only healthy, but also malignant. Therefore, vacuum-roller massage can provoke tumor growth.
  2. Pregnancy. Any intensive manipulation of expectant mothers is prohibited. However, light lymphatic drainage massage may be helpful for certain indications, as it reduces swelling in the legs.
  3. Start of menstruation. Activation of blood flow during massage can provoke intense discharge.
  4. Infectious diseases accompanied by high fever. Vacuum-roller massage makes the heart work harder. At elevated body temperature, such exposure can be harmful.
  5. Hemophilia. In case of violation of blood coagulability, when it rushes to the surface of the skin, hematomas may appear in a person, and quite extensive ones.
  6. Epilepsy. Intensive massage of any part of the body can provoke an attack.
  7. Various organ failures. Any physical activity is contraindicated for people with insufficiency of the liver, kidneys, heart. Lymphatic drainage speeds up blood flow, and therefore, it is like working out in the gym.
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system. The ailments of this group, as a rule, affect several internal organs and systems, and therefore an intense load on unhealthy organs is prohibited.

Vacuum-roller massage of the face and body should be limited in such painful conditions of a local nature:

  • Benign formations. This category includes moles that rise above the surface of the epidermis, lipomas, hemangiomas. Massage can injure these areas.
  • Dermatological diseases. Microorganisms that cause damage to the skin can spread throughout the body with increased blood flow.
  • Hernia. When massaging the near-hernial areas, there is a danger of increased muscle tone, which can lead to pinching of the prolapsed organ.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels, lymph nodes. With increased lymph and blood flow, pathogenic microbes can spread throughout the body.
  • Thrombophlebitis. With this disease, the walls of the vessels become inflamed, and it will not be easy for them to withstand increased blood flow. In the presence of a blood clot in a vein, such a procedure may result in its separation.
  • Open wound. It can increase with prolonged mechanical action on the skin.
In the cases listed above, only healthy areas of the body should be affected, without affecting the sick!

Also, with caution should be carried out vacuum-roller massage after liposuction. As a rule, the first session can be scheduled no earlier than a week after the operation and in a gentle mode.

How is vacuum roller massage done?

This type of massage is prescribed for various purposes as an independent procedure or as part of a complex effect. As a rule, it is carried out in specialized salons that are equipped with the necessary equipment. However, if you purchase a device, then you can carry out LPG massage at home. The main thing is to follow all the rules and follow the instructions.

How is a vacuum-roller facial massage performed?

Before the procedure of vacuum-roller facial massage, it is recommended to drink about two glasses of clean water. So you will accelerate the removal of toxins from the skin, it will be saturated with moisture.

The session is held as follows:

  1. The face should be thoroughly cleansed of makeup and sebum.
  2. You need to lie on a chair with a high headrest.
  3. After examining the face, you need to identify problem areas and set the correct operating mode of the LPG massager.
  4. With the help of a maniple, the areas of the face should be carefully treated. There are 3 of them: upper (up to the area under the eyes), middle (up to the line of the lips), lower (up to the beginning of the neck).
  5. Each zone must be massaged separately strictly along the massage lines, paying maximum attention to particularly problematic areas. The duration of the vacuum-roller facial massage is 15-30 minutes.
  6. After the end of the procedure, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.
The skin does not require special care after the session. You should not apply decorative cosmetics to your face for three to four hours after the procedure.

Note! Slight swelling or redness of the skin is normal and usually goes away on its own in a day.

Repeat the vacuum-roller facial massage once or twice a week. The duration of the course depends on the goals. To tighten the middle zone of the face, as a rule, ten sessions are enough. To improve the condition of wrinkled and flabby skin, 15-20 procedures may be needed in all areas. Maintenance therapy is also important, which consists of one or two sessions every month.

Rules for vacuum-roller body massage

Three hours before the vacuum-roller massage, you must refrain from eating. You should also drink two glasses of water before the session to provide the body with a supply of fluid.

The procedure is carried out in this order:

  • Before starting the massage, you must put on an endermological suit and lie down on the couch.
  • Next, select the appropriate mode of operation of the device.
  • A handpiece of a suitable size is applied to problem areas of the body, and all zones are treated with it. The patient should have a sensation of waves rolling over the body.
  • The duration of one session is 25-30 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating for two to three hours.
Vacuum-roller body massage should ideally take place in three stages:
  1. First. A total of six to eight sessions, carried out once or twice a week. The main task: the overall reduction in the amount of subcutaneous fat. The whole body is worked out with an emphasis on problem areas.
  2. Second. Four to six massages to address local deficiencies. Patients are drawn up a personal program, according to which massage of the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen is carried out. An anti-cellulite program can also be selected.
  3. Third. Consolidation of the obtained results. At this stage, work is underway to improve skin and muscle turgor. This work is necessary so that sagging of the skin does not occur after a decrease in body volume. The number of procedures is selected in each individual case, depending on the age of the client and the condition of his skin.

Results of vacuum roller massage

Vacuum roller massage has been repeatedly tested in clinical laboratories. Therefore, we can talk about specific results that can be achieved with its help.

According to studies, vacuum-roller massage accelerates the flow of arterial blood several times, makes the outflow of venous blood and lymph more efficient. Thus, tissues are better supplied with oxygen.

Due to this, the following effect is achieved:

  • Skin density increases by 50-55%.
  • The amount of subcutaneous fat is reduced by 46-49%.
  • The area of ​​the problem area is reduced by an average of 20%, due to an increase in skin turgor.
  • Collagen and elastin fibers (building material for healthy skin) are renewed by 30% or more.
  • The number of wrinkles is reduced by 35%, their depth and length also decrease.

Vacuum roller massage is an absolutely safe and painless procedure. If it is carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist, then the risk of hematomas is minimized.

However, sometimes mild side effects may occur after a session:
  1. Soft tissue swelling. It is usually small, without hematomas. Moderate swelling is inevitable, as the lymph flow increases after the massage. Puffiness occurs after one or two massage sessions. Further, during the course, the vessels adapt.
  2. slight chills. If you have chronic problems with blood vessels, then after a vacuum-roller massage, you may feel a little chilly. Manipulations irritate skin receptors, and they excite the sympathetic nervous system, so chills appear. Warm tea will help to cope with this condition.
  3. Weak petechiae. Small subcutaneous hemorrhages may appear due to mechanical action on the epidermis. People with fragile, weak capillaries are especially affected by petechiae.

Real reviews about vacuum roller massage

This type of hardware massage is in great demand, as the method of improving the skin and healing muscles and ligaments is pleasant, not painful and very effective. On the Internet you can find many reviews about this procedure.

Galina, 37 years old

I don’t have excess body weight, but after the birth of my second baby, my figure changed a lot, not for the better, of course. The waist swam, the hips became heavy. I decided that something urgently needed to be done with this, because I always looked after myself and such changes in the figure did not please me. I signed up for a gym and decided to take a course of ten sessions of vacuum-roller massage. I got an endermological suit there for free. Before the massage, I read on the Internet that it does not hurt, it is pleasant. But I didn’t find anything particularly pleasant in the energetic breaking up of cellulite. But, it is worth noting that after the third massage I noticed pleasant changes in my body. The skin on the waist and hips stretched, flabbiness went away, I noticeably “feel better”. Completed the entire course and was very satisfied. I would never have achieved such results by training in the gym alone. Cellulite was gone, the skin became smooth, elastic, like a twenty-year-old. Significantly reduced waist and hips. In general, I recommend and I myself will do a massage a month for prevention.

Veronica, 33 years old

I finally “ripe” for a course of vacuum-roller facial massage. Before that, I took a couple of courses of LPG-massage on the body, smashed cellulite. A very effective procedure, but I was afraid to “let” rollers and vacuum into my face. And then I noticed that the skin on my face lost its elasticity, many wrinkles appeared, a nasolabial triangle clearly loomed. I went to my cosmetologist, and she persuaded me to take a course of hardware facial massage. I was afraid for nothing! The rollers here are completely different, they do not act as aggressively as on the body for breaking fat. I didn't have any discomfort. A very pleasant relaxing treatment. And the effect is amazing! After ten sessions, I looked younger, it seems, by 10 years! Crow's feet, nasolabial folds, mimic wrinkles are gone, the skin is tightened. And you don't have to cut anything! I will go to this wonderful massage again.

Elena, 28 years old

I have always been skeptical about various methods to get rid of cellulite. I consider proper nutrition, drinking regimen and physical activity to be the most effective method of dealing with the “orange peel”. Starvak got a massage on the apparatus almost by accident, a friend began to practice, “guinea pigs” were needed. Has made 12 procedures. Before starting the course, I took measurements of the waist and hips. As a result, after the first session, my volumes decreased by two centimeters! Was very surprised! And after the whole course, the volumes decreased by 6 centimeters in the waist and 8 in the hips. As for cellulite, it has not completely gone away, but has become less noticeable. True, at the same time I went to the gym and did anti-cellulite wraps.

Vacuum massage is used to provide a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. Improvement of blood circulation, elimination of congestion, lymph drainage and skin respiration help to remove toxins. One of the varieties is a vacuum-roller massage, which allows you to correct the figure and tighten the skin. This method is safe for health and quite simple.

Basic principles

This type of massage is performed using special equipment. The main principle of operation of the devices for the procedure is the impact of special rollers on the surface of the skin under a vacuum.

The immediate effect is:

    special plastic bowls (maniples), inside which a vacuum is created;

    moving part (roller).

The impact is the bowls, under which a vacuum is created, stretching the skin, and the pressure of the roller located under the maniple. The size of the bowls of the device can be different depending on which part of the body should be massaged. For example, for the treatment of the thighs, a large nozzle is needed, and for the face, a smaller one. The rollers located under the bowls apply pressure and rolls.

By moving the bowl over the body, the master affects various areas. For a better glide over the skin, a lubricant is used before the procedure - massage oil or an anti-cellulite composition.

In addition to fighting the manifestations of cellulite, vacuum-roller massage is prescribed for the following indications:

    to relieve swelling (including after operations and in the summer heat) due to the effect of lymphatic drainage;

    skin tightening with rapid weight loss (about 15 procedures are needed for a lasting result);

    to strengthen muscles (during sedentary work, after injuries in athletes, etc.)

    in a set of measures for losing weight, so that the result becomes stable.

Compared to manual types of massage, vacuum-roller massage is more effective due to its stronger effect. Most often, manual massage is preferred if a strictly therapeutic effect is necessary, and hardware vacuum is more suitable for use in cosmetology.


As with any procedure, vacuum roller massage has contraindications.

Advice! In order to be sure that the procedure being performed is safe for health, it is recommended that you first consult with a gynecologist and make sure that there are no contraindications.

It is desirable to do this due to the fact that the organs of the female genital area are located close to the massage areas, the stimulation of which can exacerbate existing diseases. For example, inflammation, polycystic ovaries, etc.

Possible side effects from the procedure include bruising and swelling. This may be due to ruptures of small vessels that are close to the skin. Some inconvenience can be created by the duration of manipulation - from half an hour or more.

How to do vacuum roller massage

In order to conduct a vacuum roller body massage, you must have a special apparatus for the procedure. There are stationary and portable models. How to do a vacuum roller massage is determined by a specialist, depending on what effect should be achieved and the indications for the procedure.

Popular ones include:

    Body Health System (BHS);

    apparatus LPG;

    Body Optimizer IB 1005;


    Starvac SOne;


Before the massage procedure, the client of the salon undresses, remaining only in her underwear. Some of the devices work directly on the naked body. For another type of apparatus, the client will be offered to wear a special suit made of elastic material, the price of which is usually not included in the cost of the procedure itself.

Carrying out a massage session (for devices that work on a naked body):

    Applying a cleanser to the surface of the body to prepare the skin.

    Applying a cream (gel) to improve the effect.

    The specialist places maniples on the body.

    The master adjusts the apparatus and begins to create a vacuum.

    Gradually, smoothly moving the bowls, the salon specialist processes the required body area.

    At the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a special composition that has a cooling and soothing effect on the dermis.

For other types of devices, changes in the technique of performing manipulations are possible, applying cream to the body is no longer required. The massaging itself is carried out in the direction of movement of venous blood to the lymph nodes. This improves blood flow and promotes lymphatic drainage.

For your information! Possible discomfort after treatment should pass within a couple of hours.

Vacuum roller massage: before and after

The advantages of the method include:

    the ability to customize the device for a specific person;

    improvement of blood circulation;

    elimination of fat deposits;

    reduction of stretch marks on the skin (including after pregnancy and childbirth);

    smoothing scars (even keloids);

    long lasting effect.

Vacuum roller massage before and after has a significant impact on the condition of the skin and overall firmness of the figure. The implementation of lymphatic drainage with the help of the device significantly increases blood circulation in the treated parts of the body.

Active exposure to vacuum and rollers leads to a noticeable effect even from a single procedure. However, to achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to complete several sessions of the course. Excess fluid from the body is excreted naturally and along with toxins. This process is reflected in the improvement of the appearance of the skin, its acquisition of a healthy appearance.

The fight against body fat using hardware exposure is a complex process that requires an integrated approach, including, in addition to massage, a healthy diet and physical activity. By combining the stimulation of blood circulation with massage with a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve results in burning fat and in the fight against "orange peel".


The wide popularity of this cosmetic procedure is due to the low cost of the device for vacuum-roller exposure and its presence in many beauty salons. By itself, hardware vacuum-roller massage is a general health procedure that gives a feeling of relaxation and renewal. This type of massage is different from manual, which can be done at home.

A short video about the procedure:

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