How to develop attention in younger students. Intellectual development of a younger student

Tasks for children aged 7-8 years old should be aimed at the complex development of their psychological processes: memory, attention, perception, imagination and thinking.

An important task of developmental activities is also to prepare the child for complex subjects of the school curriculum (for example, mathematics, reading, etc.)

Children 7-8 years old are happy to join in intellectual games

Mind games

Primary school age - features

Purpose: development of visual perception, enrichment of the child's ideas about color

For the lesson you will need a set of gouache paints of pure colors (red, yellow, blue, green). It is also desirable that the set contains black and white.

Color guessing game

It is necessary to choose several colors and use the palette to mix them together. The task of the child is to determine what colors this or that shade is made up of, and then to get exactly the same. If several people take part in the game, you can invite them to alternately make different shades of the same color. Such at the age of 7-8 years also develop visual sensitivity well.

"Noisy Boxes"

Purpose: development of auditory perception

For the lesson, you need to prepare two sets of identical boxes of six pieces each. Each of the boxes has a certain filler - it can be sand, small stones, various cereals. They are capable of making a variety of noises - from the quietest to the loudest. The task of the child is to listen to how the box from the first set makes noise and to match it with a similar one from the other, comparing them and offering to find a similar one. At the end of the game, each of the boxes must have its own pair.

Noise boxes can also be jars

"Make a Word"

Purpose: we develop the logic and literate thinking of children aged 7-8, as well as the skills of literal perception of the word. Logical thinking is also the basis for preparing a child for subjects such as mathematics, computer science, etc.

Letters are written on a sheet of paper, from which the child will have to compose a whole word. To do this, scattered letters will need to be set in the correct sequence.

Game Compose a word from the suggested letters

For example:

  • h, a, c, a (vase);
  • s, a, p, o (dew);
  • k, o, p, y (lesson);

Purpose: development of attention, counting skills. Expanding the child's understanding of the alphabet

The child sequentially names the letters of the alphabet and the numbers corresponding to them (for example, A1, B2, C3, G4, etc.). Classes for children of primary school age 7-8 years of this type can also be complicated by naming successively only even, then only odd numbers. This will allow children to prepare for mental counting - mathematics for children of 7 years old is one of the most difficult subjects.

Toy letters and numbers help with schoolwork

"Where are the toys hiding?"

Purpose: development of space-time representations

For the task, the toys are placed around the room. The task of the child is to first find the hidden things, and then say where they are, indicating their location relative to other pieces of furniture and using the concepts “above”, “below”, “above”, “under”, “in”, “on”.

"Make an offer"

Purpose: development of forms of non-standard thinking

The child is offered sets of three words, from which he will need to make sentences. Younger children can be offered simple words; an older child may have completely unrelated concepts at his disposal for a task. This activates his thinking, forcing him to think outside the box.

Game Make a sentence with these words

"Tell me what you remember"

Purpose: development of memory, attention

The child receives a picture that shows a large number of small objects. The task is to memorize all the items for a certain time and after a while answer the questions on the pictures.

Image memory cards should be shown for several minutes

"Count the items"

Purpose: tasks serve to prepare the child for mastering the exact sciences (such as mathematics, computer science, etc.)

The parent shows the child an image on which a large number of different objects are drawn. The task of the child is to remember them, and then say what exactly was shown in the picture and in what quantity.

Features of the memory of younger students

Moral education of a younger student

When showing concern for the intellectual development of a child, one should not forget that moral development plays no less a role in his upbringing.

"The ABC of Good Manners"

Purpose: to expand the child's ideas about good manners, moral qualities

The child is invited to remember all the "good" words known to him, denoting positive human qualities, starting with one or another letter of the alphabet. For example, "A" - neat, "B" - peppy, etc. After the entire alphabet has been worked out, the child can be invited to say these kind words to friends, relatives, etc. Or work out situations in which they can be used.

Game Good manners like all children


Purpose: development of a positive perception of others

The exercise is convenient to carry out in small groups of children. Participants stand in pairs opposite each other (if a small number of children participate in the game, one can be brought forward). The task is to present a partner in the form of an object of art, to attribute unusual abilities or powers to him.

Example: “If I drew you in a picture, you would be…”, “If I wrote you a song, it would be…”, “If you were a wizard, you would be…”.

Carousel game - for a group of children
  1. The development of a child at the age of 7 8 years is quite intensive. Therefore, it is very desirable that the tasks that are given to them affect not one specific function, but the whole complex (for example, attention and memory, thinking and perception). Thanks to this, even such difficult subjects as mathematics, Russian, etc. will be given to the child much easier.
  2. Since the child has not yet moved away from the game as a leading activity, it is important to conduct classes in a relaxed, as comfortable environment as possible for him.

Simple developmental activities for children 7, 8, 9 years old that do not require special skills are very easy to do at home.

Organizing the leisure of the child, they are the best way to contribute to its comprehensive and comprehensive development. And school subjects - Russian, reading, mathematics - will easily succumb to it in the future.

Hello, dear readers of the blog Let's start with success!

I recently discovered one feature, when I relax and stop paying attention to various little things, I often miss very important points. I came to the conclusion - you need to train your mindfulness!

Have you ever asked yourself why you need to develop mindfulness? At any age, this will give you a huge advantage. You will begin to understand people better and see those little things that others do not notice. This will allow you to make better decisions and conduct a deep psychological analysis.

Learn techniques to increase attention to the limit - read on!

Developed involuntary attention will help you quickly navigate in an unfamiliar situation and avoid dangers. Before learning mindfulness exercises, it is very helpful to understand it well.

Attention is also different. We learn to distinguish.

  1. Involuntary attention is activated when something strange or unusual happens. With the sudden appearance of a certain stimulus. Man does not aim to remember it. Everything happens by itself. It can also be called the attention of the subconscious, and it largely depends on one's own attitudes. A sharply running animal or an unusual situation can leave a mark in your memory for a long time.
  2. Arbitrary attention is turned on by a person independently, at his own will. It is clearly tied to the action of the second signaling system. This type of attention is turned on consciously and requires more effort. People resort to it when they need to remember or study something.

Why is there so much we can't see?

Let's look at a number of properties that directly affect attention. All of them together will give that property of the mind, which we understand both mindfulness and inattention. This applies to both adults and children. One has only to take into account that in babies, especially in the first year of life, the second signaling system is still underdeveloped.

Those actions that are given to adults easily, for children can be almost impossible. Let's take a simple example. If a child holds a toy and is offered a second toy, most likely, he will simply immediately throw the first one and forget about it.

  • Volume. It is due to the qualities of man, laid down by nature. It can and should be developed and improved with the help of special exercises.
  • Sustainability- This is a characteristic that determines the amount of time that a person can focus on one task and not be distracted.
  • Distributability is the number of operations that a person can do at the same time.
  • switchability. This is the ability to switch very quickly between completely different tasks. So that it seems that many things are being done at the same time. The secret is lightning-fast switchability. For example, students can listen to a lesson, take notes and communicate with each other in parallel.
    The driver drives a car, watches the road, and even can talk on the phone at the same time, although this is not welcome, of course. A young mother can cook, watch TV and entertain her baby at the same time.

People who are engaged in creative work are often quite absent-minded in everyday life. No wonder. How can you focus on everyday trifles if your mind is hard at work with new ideas?

Let us dwell separately on the features of the memory of older people. It is no secret that with age it can deteriorate significantly and there are a number of physiological reasons for this. But, if you engage in constant training from youth, it is quite possible to avoid the loss of clarity and clarity of consciousness in old age.

Bad memory is a lack of attention. Remember this, and in your hands will be the key that will help you solve this problem.

The four most effective exercises for developing involuntary attention.

Exercise 1. Walk. We notice something unusual.

Follow a familiar route in a special way. Notice those things and objects that you previously saw only in passing. Look at the trees and plants in the flower beds.

Pay attention to the maximum number of minor details. On what kind of paint the fences are painted, count the number of hatches on your route and how many turns you need to go through, whether the edges on the curbs are painted and how high they are.

This exercise trains observation and memory.

Exercise 2. Other conditions.

  • Place objects that you have seen, for example, in the light in the twilight.
  • Observe how you feel as you transition. How do you feel when you switch from pleasant music to terrible cacophony? Take a contrast shower and watch your eyes switch from one object to another.
  • Experiment with the degree of the stimulus. Transition from pastel colors to very bright colors.
  • What do you feel when a very loud sound breaks into silence? Run a section of the path with all your might and stop. Feel how the heart begins to calm down and the blood flows more slowly through the veins.

Exercise 3. The sphere of interests of other people.

Notice what other people are interested in, what they pay attention to, and how they see the world. You will realize that you see only a small part of the world, the rest just slips away.

Exercise 4. Journey into the past.

Go back to any situation in the past. Try to remember as many details as possible. Your feelings and emotions at that moment.

Seven simple exercises for the development of voluntary attention.

To achieve the result of training you need:

  1. To form a psychological attitude - a high degree of readiness for action.
  2. It is necessary to bring the process to automatism. This happens in three stages. It starts with getting to know the action and mastering the elements. Then the elements are combined into a whole. This is followed by repeated repetition until the result.

Exercise 1

On a blank sheet of paper, start drawing a line with a pencil. Drive it slowly and slowly. Focus on it completely. Did you notice that you were distracted? Draw a peak and continue. A good result is when there is not a single peak in 3 minutes.

Exercise 2

Name the colors of the words as you read. It seems very simple, but without practice it is difficult to do. Test yourself. It is the color of the word, not its spelling.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Let the alternation of inhalations and exhalations become the center of your universe for 3-5 minutes. Watch the process. Concentrate on your breath.

Exercise 5

In this simple task, all you have to do is find a man's head among the coffee beans. And note the time in which you completed the task.

Up to 3 seconds. The right hemisphere is well developed. Up to 1 minute is good. 1-3 minutes says that you definitely need to work on yourself.

Exercise 6

Put a clock next to you when watching TV. Watch the second hand for exactly 3 minutes. Do not be distructed. If you don't succeed the first time, practice! This exercise should work well for both the child and the adult.

Exercise 7

This exercise can be done at any age. Focus and connect the dots with the same numbers with eyes.

Exercise 8

You need to find the numbers from 1 to 35 in the picture as quickly as possible.

In the esoteric world, there is such a thing as signs. They allow attentive and observant people to receive clues from the universe. When you learn to follow the changes in the surrounding space, certain incidents will disrupt the normal course of things.

You will pay special close attention to them and be surprised. It is precisely this feeling - surprise, that is the identification and main sign of the sign.

For this, I hasten to take my leave, Sergey Menkov was with you, until we meet again!

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Methodical development

A set of tasks for the development of attention
junior schoolchildren

Borodina Svetlana Anatolievna,
primary school teacher
GBOU secondary school No. 121 of St. Petersburg

This complex is designed for developing activities with children of primary school age and is presented in the form of 4 blocks.

Organization of classes: special exercises can be included in the educational process, where, in the classroom, children are offered classes and games aimed at developing the basic properties of attention. Also, some exercises can be used at breaks.

The material was selected taking into account the age capabilities of the students.

Classes can be held at school desks and, if possible, in a circle of 10-15 people.

The purpose of the classes: to develop the basic properties of attention in schoolchildren with the help of games and training sessions.

1. Compose classes aimed at developing the volume, switching, concentration and stability of attention.

2. Develop cognitive interest.

There are certain types of activities that place high demands on both individual properties of attention and the level of voluntary attention in general. These include exercises, games, special tasks, the systematic use of which helps to increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical work to develop attention in children of primary school age.

Block 1. Tasks that can be offered for work in the Russian language lesson.

Task number 1.

"Make a word."

Lead time: 5 minutes.

Instruction: Children in their workbooks should make up as many words as possible from the proposed set of letters.

Option 1: a, k, s, o, i, m, p, t.

Option 2: m, w, a, n, i, s, d, p.

Task number 2.

Alphabet game.

Lead time: 10 minutes.

Instructions: Children can sit in a circle (or stay at their desks). Letters of the alphabet from A to Z are distributed among the children. The fewer participants, the more letters of the alphabet there are for each. Next, the teacher (leader) dictates a phrase or word. And the guys, like on a typewriter, should “print out” this phrase. Typing the desired letter is indicated by clapping the hands of the participant in the game to whom this letter is assigned.

The one who makes mistakes becomes the leader.

Thus, it is possible to “print out” several very different phrases or words. The one of the guys who has never been a leader is the most attentive.

This task can be carried out during the school year for 10 minutes per lesson (2-3 times a week).

Task number 3.

"Correct Exercises"

Purpose: development of concentration and self-control in the performance of written work.

lead time: 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 4 months.

Material: texts in workbooks or printed (letter) texts, pens and pencils.

Instruction: Within 5 minutes need;

Option 1. Cross out all encountered (or circle) the letters "A": both small and capital, and in the title of the text, and in the author's surname;

Option 2. "I" underline, "L" cross out;

Option 3. "E" circle, "D" cross out;

Option 4. "O" underline, "K" cross out;

Option 5. Letters are circled on one side, ticked on the other, and so on.

Checking the completion of the task is carried out by the students themselves from each other (they look for errors, correct them).

Task number 4.

The game "Inverted words".

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to concentrate.

lead time: 10-15 minutes.

Instruction: Students are offered a set of words in which the letters are mixed up in places. It is necessary to restore the normal word order.







The task can be used when studying the topic: “Noun”, where it is additionally given to determine the gender and declension. noun.

Task number 5.

Typewriter game.

Purpose: development of concentration of attention; developing the ability to work in a group.

Lead time: 10 minutes (oral work).

Instruction: The teacher invites students to "print" a sentence.

For example: "The ocean is great, but a drop is profit for it."

The participants in the game must take turns naming the letters. When the word ends, you have to stand up, and when you need to put a punctuation mark, everyone stamps their foot, at the end of the sentence, everyone has to clap their hands.

Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Task number 6.

"Correct the mistakes in the text."

Purpose: to establish the level of stability of students' attention when performing and checking written work; attention training.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes, during the school year.

Instruction: “The text is written on the board. Read carefully. Find the mistakes you made.

Option 1 . Along the steep mountain path

Black lamb went home

And on the bridge humpbacked

Met a white brother

shook one horn,

Rest on the other feet ...

How not to twist the horns,

And you can't get through both.

(S. Mikhalkov).

Option 2.


Everyone knows these simple flowers. They look like a small sun with golden rays. Dandelion seeds ripen quickly and become fluffy balls. Blow on the ball, and light fluffs will float in the air. That is why people called this flower dandelion.

Option 3.

A nimble kid is running. The winter lger has opened.

Litit is a huge eagle. Blooming white lilac.

It's fucking raining. Get the cutlery.

There is a glass vase. Lost a thin needle.

New Year's Eve is coming soon. A pot-bellied samovr boils.

This task should be done 3-5 times a week. First, students find errors orally, correct them with an explanation, and then each independently writes the text in his workbook.

They exchange notebooks and check again. Texts (sentences) are selected each time new. The practice of working with this task showed that errors in written tasks were significantly reduced. This affected the overall performance of the class.

Task number 7.

"Join the halves of the words."

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instruction: Words are divided into two parts. Then, the first halves are written in discord in the left column, and the second in the right. It is necessary to connect these halves with each other so that whole words are obtained.

Option 1. Option 2.










Children write down the composed words in workbooks, then check. You can give additional tasks not only on the topic of the lesson, but also as material for repetition.

Task number 8.

"Find words".

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instruction: Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it and underline it.

Laughter, wolf, pole, scythe, bison, regiment, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, patty, tunic.

Task number 9.

The game "Write a proposal."

Purpose: development of concentration of attention, consolidation of knowledge about the members of the proposal.

Lead time: 15 minutes.

Instructions: The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. In each team, one of the players will play the role of a subject, someone will play the role of a predicate, an addition, a definition, a circumstance, someone will be a preposition, a comma, a period, etc. The role played is written on a card and attached to the clothes.

Then the teacher (leader) dictates a sentence. Which team does it faster and more correctly, that one wins.

Task number 10.

The game "Many - one".

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instruction: Children sit in a circle (you can stay at school desks).

The teacher, throwing the ball, calls the word in the plural. The child, returning the ball, is in the singular (or vice versa, the teacher calls the word in the singular, the child in the plural).

Cats, rooks, forests, rows, bridges, pillars, hills, traces, houses, moles, eyes, cabinets, elephants, gardens, bushes, noses, pancakes, sheets, mushrooms, tables, knives, kata, bows, forfeits, floors, brothers, gnomes, mouths, watches, bolts, ladle, rubles, umbrellas.

The task is given when studying the topic "Noun" singular. and many others. h. (nouns change) orally. Additionally, the task is given to determine the units of nouns. hours gender and declension.

Task number 11.

Exercise "Method of Münsterberg".

goal: the formation of concentration and stability of attention in children; development of selective attention.

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instruction: Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (more often nouns, but there may be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). It is required to find them as quickly as possible and without errors. The child is given a form with printed lines of randomly typed letters, following one after another without spaces. Among these letters, students must find the words and underline them. Then the students exchange a notebook with a desk mate and check the assignment (correct mistakes, underline words not found).

The indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words.

Task number 12.

Exercise "Come up with a word."

Purpose: training of the volume of attention.

Time spending: 3-5 minutes.

Instruction: The teacher throws the ball to each of the students, offering to name as many words as possible for the sound he proposed. For example: "M" - car, furniture, sink, matryoshka, etc. (you can use not only nouns, but also adjectives and verbs).

Task number 13.

Exercise "Compose words."

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instruction: Compose and write down in your workbook as many words as possible from the letters that form a word (nouns).

Example: PHOTOGRAPHY - reef, shooting gallery, mountain, bargaining, grotto, thrust, graph, etc.

Adding other letters is not allowed. Words are used differently.

Task number 14.

Exercise "Invisible Words".

Purpose: the formation of concentration of attention in children, using the example of composing a word from individual letters.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instruction: The teacher (student) writes on the board (or in the air) with his finger a word one letter at a time. Children write letters as they appear on paper or try to remember them (depending on the degree of preparedness). Then it is discussed which word each got. The teacher can involve one of the students in the image of the word. In this case, he shows one after another cards with letters written on them to the child, which he reproduces with his finger on the board (you can gradually increase the pace of the exercise).

The received words can be written down in workbooks (additional tasks are given).

Task number 15.

Exercise "Find related words."

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

lead time: 5-10 minutes.

Instruction: Different words (roots of words) are offered.

For example: house, forest, cat, table, etc. It is necessary to find as many related (single-root) words as possible in the shortest possible time.

For example: HOUSE - a house, a house, a house, a house, a house, a house, a house, a house, etc. This task can be used when studying the topic: "The composition of the word and word formation."

Task number 16.

The game "The Fourth Extra".

Goal: development of concentration.

Lead time: 10-15 minutes.

Instruction: Children sit in a circle (possible at their desks). The teacher throws the ball to the student and names 4 objects, 3 of which belong to the same general concept. The child must identify an extra item, i.e. not suitable for the others, name him and return the ball to the teacher (work is carried out along the “chain”).

Option 1.

1) table, chair, bed, kettle;

2) horse, cat, dog, pike;

3) Christmas tree, birch, oak, strawberry;

4) cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare;

5) notebook, newspaper, notebook, briefcase;

6) cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball;

7) wolf, fox, bear, cat;

8) a doll, a typewriter, a skipping rope, a book;

9) train, plane, scooter, steamer;

10) skis, skates, boat, sled.

Option 2.

1) snow, frost, heat, ice;

2) bus, tram, plane, trolleybus;

3) river, forest, asphalt, field;

4) firefighter, astronaut, ballerina, policeman;

5) desk, board, student, hedgehog;

6) snake, snail, butterfly, turtle;

7) brushes, paints, kettle, canvas;

8) hat, roof, door, window;

9) milk, tea, lemonade, bread;

10) leg, arm, head, shoe.

Task number 17.

Game "Happy Horse"

Purpose: formation of concentration and stability of attention.

Lead time: 10 minutes.

Instruction: Without rearranging the letters, write down 7 sentences from this letter combination (teamwork).


1) Raise those feathers, those too. 2) Those feathers under him, and those too. 3) Raise those feathers too. 4) Now I, pick those up too. 5) Now I, pick up too. 6) Now I'm under them those too. 7) Those feathers under them, those too.

The task is given when studying the topic "Offer".

Task number 18.

Exercise "School essays".

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Be careful. Why are these lines of school essays considered humorous? How should one write? Fix it.

  1. 1. A flock of ducks and hares appeared in the distance.
  2. 2. The Baikal puppy has ears and a fluffy tail merrily sticking out on the top of his head.
  3. 3. A heavy hand rested on my shoulder and said...
  4. 4. He stood and blinked his eyes.
  5. 5. In winter, many animals hibernate.

The above tasks help children become not only more attentive, but also make Russian language lessons more varied and exciting. It is also necessary to include riddles, charades, crosswords and rebuses in the lessons.

Block 2. At the lesson of mathematics, you can use tasks to train the stability of attention, the ability to switch and distribute attention.

Task number 1.

Exercise "Each hand - its own business."

goal: the formation of the distribution of attention in children and at the same time processing the memorization skill.

Instruction: Children are asked to slowly move a book with illustrations with their left hand for 1 minute (memorizing them), and draw geometric shapes with their right hand or solve simple examples.

Task number 2.

goal: the formation of switching attention in children.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Students work in a workbook.

Option 1: Fill in the blanks to make an offer. To do this, solve examples. Replace number answers with words. Insert the first letters of these words instead of a dash. The number 1 can be replaced by the words "one" (0) and "one" (E). The number of the block of examples corresponds to the number of the word in the sentence.

Example: ---and

Answer: CHILDREN, since 18-8=10 (D); 22:22=1(E); 18:6=3(T).

IR - - - I - - LV - - - - - -U - I - L - I - - - I - U -.

1. 10:5= 2. 7+8= 4. 25:5=

9-8= 3. 24:2= 12:4=

9-5= 21-10= 10x5=

10-10= 15-14= 6x5=

6. 1-1= 9+8= 27:9= 10x3= 20-7=

Option 2. Insert missing letters instead of dashes to make words. But first, solve the examples, and in the answer, instead of a number, write down the first letter of the word denoting this number. Keep in mind that 1 is both "one", and "one", and "one".

Example: - - - YX

We insert the received letters instead of gaps and get the word COCK.

64:8= - - - - 8+8=


b 4x4 \u003d - - A - - b - 49: 7 \u003d

The task is carried out at the beginning of the lesson in the form of an oral account. Gradually the task becomes more difficult.

Task number 3.

Exercise "Counting with interference."

Purpose: the formation of switching attention in children.

Time spending: 3 minutes.

Instruction: Children call numbers from 1 to 20 (you can from 1 to 30, from 1 to 40, etc.), while writing them down on a piece of paper or on the board in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19 etc. The number of errors is counted.

Task number 4.

"Name the neighbors."

goal: development of voluntary attention.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instruction: Work is carried out orally. Children sit in a circle (or at their desks). The teacher throws the ball to the students in turn, calling out numbers from 0 to 30 (gradually the numbers and the pace of work increase). The one who catches the ball must name the "neighbors" of the given number, i.e. numbers 1 less and 1 more than the named number, or the previous and the next. The student then returns the ball to the teacher. If the child who caught the ball misses twice in the name of the “neighbors”, he is eliminated and closely follows the game from the side. The last of the children is considered the most attentive. The task is applied in the oral account.

Task number 5.

Team Score.

Purpose: the formation of children's concentration of attention on the example of arithmetic exercises and operations.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instruction: The class is divided into two teams. The order of the numbers (within 10, 20, etc.) and the arithmetic operations used (+; -; x; :) are specified in advance. Then the children of the first team call the numbers in turn, the teacher or one of the children calls the arithmetic operations. The children of the second team follow this row and perform operations in their minds. Then the teams switch rows. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Task number 6.

"Guess the word".

Purpose: development of concentration and switching of attention.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instructions: There are columns of examples written on the board. If you count correctly, you will get a word that is “encoded” with letters.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

122 7112 8679 777

334 + 1136 - 7141 -326

456 8248 1538 451


The task gradually becomes more difficult. This task helps children not only become more attentive, but also quickly and effectively master the rules for adding and subtracting numbers in a column, as well as multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers within a million.

Work can be carried out both at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. Observation showed that the guys perform this task with great interest and desire. Calculation errors have been significantly reduced.

Task number 7.

Clock game.

Purpose: formation of concentration of attention.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes.

Instruction: 13 people can take part in the game (one of them is the leader). Children stand in a circle. The host invites them to depict the dial of a large clock, each child stands at a certain number. They agree on where they will be at 12 o'clock. One of the participants in the game stands in the center, he must call the time. The facilitator explains to the participants of the game that the child standing where the hour hand should be at this time should make one clap, and the child who is standing where the minute hand will be should make two claps. One of the guys who makes a mistake becomes in the center of the circle and will call the time.

The game is played while studying the topic "Time and its measurement".

Task number 8.

"We play counting."

goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instruction: Participants work in pairs (desk neighbors). Stand (or sit) opposite each other. At the teacher's command, each pair begins to count from 1 to 100, with one partner pronouncing odd numbers, and the other even. Nearby are the same participants in the game, and they also count. In such an environment, it is difficult to count. But the participants in the game must try not to stray. The first couple to count to 100 wins.

Task number 9.

"Each hand has its own business."

Purpose: the formation of the distribution of attention.

Behavior time: 5 minutes.

Instructions: Draw with one hand with the other

with one hand, the other, etc.

Used as a geometric material.

Task number 10.

The game "We count together."

Goal: development of concentration.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instruction: “Now we will count with you, just count: 1,2, 3, etc. One of us will start the count, and the next one will continue, and so on. We will try to count as quickly as possible. In the process of counting, one condition will have to be observed: if you have to name a number that includes the number 6 (for example: 16), then, pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with clap without pronouncing the number ).

If one of us makes a mistake, then he is out of the game, but at the same time he is watching the game. We all have to be very careful and remember who is already out and who is still playing."

The game is played at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up.

Block 3. Tasks that can be used in reading lessons.

Task number 1."Time is expanding..."

Purpose: to train the amount of attention and concentration.

Instruction: “Now I will read to you a poem by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “We know: time is extensible”, and you will try to listen carefully in order to answer my questions after reading it.”

We know that time is extensible,

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it.

He has blockages

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty

Hours and days are in vain.

Let the intervals be even

What separates our days

But, putting them on the scales,

Finding long minutes

And very short hours.

What is this poem talking about?

What time periods are mentioned?

What is the name of the poem?

What is the central, most important thought S.Ya. wanted to express? Marshak?

Such work is carried out constantly at each lesson. Products may vary.

Task number 2.

"Read the poem."

goal: development of stability and concentration.

Instruction: “Before you are forms with printed lines of letters. The lines of the poem by A.S. Pushkin. Try to read them."

Correct answer.

Chased by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped in muddy streams...

Task number 3.

Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts.

1. Reading words and phrases for a certain time (cultivating attention to the end of a word, reading words with a common root: water, water, white, linen, native, Motherland; a combination of a noun with an adjective: clean coast, near a distant forest) to the root of the word , (with a different root, but with the same endings: purity-frequency, girl-grandfather, bun-squirrel). Use of different parts of speech.

Purposeful installation reading.

Using the method of mutual verification: the student reads the text of 1-2 paragraphs to his neighbor, he monitors the correctness and marks the errors. Then the roles change - the other reads the next two paragraphs.

Books - collectives are used in the work.

Task number 4.

"Reading with Disturbance".

Goal: training the distribution of attention.

Instruction: Work is carried out with books - collectives (or a textbook on reading). Children read the text while tapping out a rhythm with a pencil. The next step is to work on the text.

Task number 5.

A game. "Give the meaning of the poem."

Purpose: development of voluntary attention.

Instruction: All students are divided into three teams (three columns). The host and his two assistants each read a quatrain, but as follows: first, everyone takes turns reading the first line from each quatrain, then they read the second line in turn, then the third and fourth in the same way.

With such a reading, it is difficult to immediately grasp the content of each quatrain, so the reading can be repeated.

The task for the 1st team is to convey the meaning of the first poem, the task for the 2nd team is to convey the meaning of the second poem, the task for the 3rd team is to convey the meaning of the third poem. Poems must be complex.

Block 4. Consider some tasks that are recommended to be carried out during after hours (during breaks).

Task number 1.

"Listen to the silence" (change).

Purpose: the formation of perseverance and the ability to concentrate in children.

Instructions: Everyone listens to silence for 3 minutes. Discussion follows: who heard what and in what order.

Task number 2.

The game "Four Elements" (used as a physical pause).

Purpose: the development of attention associated with the coordination of the auditory apparatus and the motor analyzer.

Instruction: Children perform near the desks (during a physical break). On the command "earth" - the children should lower their hands down, "water" - stretch forward, make a swimming movement, "air" - raise their hands up, and on the command "fire" - rotate their arms in the elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Task number 3.

Exercise "Messed up lines".

Goal: development of concentration.

Material: cards with drawn, mixed up lines of the same color and for each child.

Time spending: 5 minutes.

Instruction: “The form shows mixed lines. trace the line

from left to right to determine where it ends. You need to start from line 1. You must write down the number with which this line ends. When completing the task, you need to trace the line with your eyes, without using your finger and pencil.

Task number 4.

Game "Remember sounds".

goal: development of concentration, auditory memory.

Instructions: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. I will now walk around the room and make various sounds. Maybe I open and close the door, shake the wastebasket, or knock on the radiator. I would like you to listen carefully and guess what I am doing. Listen carefully so that you can later describe these sounds. Try to remember the sequence of these sounds as well.

The children will then have to describe what they have heard and compare the results with those of others.

After the teacher has played this game a couple of times, the children themselves will be able to play this role.

Task number 5.

Exercise "Minute".

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to concentrate. Also, this exercise is a good diagnostic method for studying the internal pace of the child.

Instruction: The teacher asks the students to internally measure the time as 1 minute (60 seconds). When the inner minute is over, everyone raises their hand. The teacher uses a stopwatch to measure real time and record the degree of discrepancy for each answer.

Task number 6.

Rock, paper, scissors game.

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions: The participants of the game are divided into groups. On the count of "Three", each participant throws out one of three figures on his fingers: a stone - a fist, scissors - two fingers, paper - an open palm. Moreover, there is a rule: scissors cut paper, stone blunts scissors, paper can wrap itself around a stone. Accordingly, a player who has thrown out such a piece on his fingers that “defeats” the opponent (for example, a stone will defeat scissors) remains, and the losing player leaves the game. Now this game is considered popular among students. They constantly play it at all breaks, chips and cards are used.

Task number 7.

"Be careful".

Purpose: development of voluntary attention.

Material: each student has a printed text.

Instructions: “Read the text carefully and only once. And then try to accurately answer the question.

Task number 8.

The game "Search non-stop."

Purpose: increase the amount of attention.

Instruction: Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.) as possible. At the signal of the teacher, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.

Task number 9.

Exercise "Live picture".

Purpose: the formation and development of children's attention span.

Instruction: The teacher (or one of the children) organizes the participants (from 2 to all) into any group. Participants freeze in a given position. The driver examines this sculptural group for 30 seconds, then turns away. A strictly specified number of changes are made to the picture. (For example: 2 participants change places, the 3rd lowers his raised hand, the 4th turns in the other direction - 3 changes in total). The task of the driver is to restore the original picture.

Task number 10.

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instruction: The exercise is performed sitting in a circle or the group becomes in a circle. “Let each of you come up with a movement and demonstrate it to everyone in turn. At the same time, we will be attentive and try to remember the movement of everyone. The group does this part of the task.

“Now that we have all memorized each other's movements, let's proceed to the exercise itself. The one who starts, first performs his movement, and then the movement of one of us to whom he wants to pass the move. You all need to be very careful not to miss the moment when your own move is made and the right to move passes to you. The one to whom the move is passed will have to make his move and pass the move on.

Pay attention to one limitation: you cannot transfer the move back, i.e. the one who just gave it to you."

During the exercise, the teacher encourages the participants to act faster. At the end of the exercise, you can ask the question: “What difficulties did you have?”, “What is your mood?”.

Task number 11.

Goal: development of switching attention.

Instructions: The exercise is performed while sitting or all participants stand in a circle.

“Let one of you walk out the door. We (those who remain) will choose one

the person who will initiate the movement. He will perform any movements, changing them from time to time, and we will all repeat them. The participant who was outside the door will return to the room, stand in the center of the circle and, carefully watching us, will try to understand who is the initiator of the movement. When one of the participants walks out the door, the group decides who will initiate the movement.

Task number 12.

Exercise: "Shadow".

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instruction: “Before you is a form with figures of the depicted gnomes. Find out which dwarf the shadow belongs to." (Application).

Task number 13.

The game "Sing Together".

Goal: development of concentration.

Instruction: The teacher offers to sing a song together, for example, “Blue Carriage” or “Smile”. Moreover, if the teacher claps his hands 1 time, everyone begins to sing out loud in unison. If it claps 2 times, everyone continues to sing, but only mentally to themselves. If claps again 1 time, everyone again continues to sing aloud. And so several times, until one of the participants makes a mistake. The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader himself.

Task number 14.

Exercise "Hide and Seek".

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instructions: Find the items that are hidden in the picture.

Task number 15.

The game "Roll call - confusion."

goal: development of voluntary attention.

Instruction: The host calls the names and surnames of the children present, while confusing either the first name or the last name (the first name is called correctly, the last name is not; the last name is correct, the first name is wrong). Children listen attentively and call out only when both the name and surname are correctly named. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Task number 16.

Exercise "Primitive schoolchildren".

Purpose: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instruction: Find a pair of the same: out of eight boys.

Task number 17.

The game "Fish, bird, beast."

Purpose: development of the ability to switch attention.

Instructions: Children sit in a circle. The host points to each player in turn and says: "Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast, fish ...". The player on whom the counting rhyme stopped must quickly (while the leader counts to three) name, in this case, the fish. Moreover, the names should not be repeated. If the answer is correct, the host continues the game. If the answer is incorrect or the name is repeated (delay in the answer is also considered a mistake), then the child is eliminated from the game, leaving his "fant" to the leader. The game continues until one player remains. He and the presenter play out what to do for each "fantas".

Task number 18.

Chorus game.

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions: 3-4 children take part in the game. The rest are watching the game closely.

One of the playing children is asked to leave the door for a while (or turn their backs to the players), the rest receive cards with words from one sentence, which must be pronounced at the signal of the host at the same time - each his own word. The task of the guesser is to understand and pronounce the entire sentence. The game is played several times so that all the children take part in it. If the "guesser" does not cope with the task immediately, you can repeat. The winner is the one for whom fewer offers were made:

A group was walking down the street.

The goat went for nuts.

It became important for the toad to croak.

Forty flew high.

The fly found the money.

The cuckoo walked past the garden.

The cook was preparing dinner.

The poor cat cut her paw.

There is a stump in the swamp.

There lived an old man.

The elephant is walking along the path.

Practice shows that elementary school students with great interest and diligence relate to such classes, in which the formation of attention is set as a special educational task.

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Updated: 04/01/2019 03:01

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Son forgets to wear a hat. My daughter left a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink ... You get angry, once again reminding you to do elementary things, but it's all to no avail. Untidy things in the locker bring you to a nervous breakdown, and from a colorful deuce half a page for unfinished lessons, your hands just drop. Why is this happening? From simple inattention, which affects almost all children. Toddlers are often absent-minded and forget a lot. To correct this oversight, you need to deal with them, do special exercises to develop attention. And then the children will improve not only concentration, but also memory.

Attention: characterization of the concept

This is the ability of a person to focus on an object, phenomenon or event for a certain time. Attention is not an independent process. It is achieved purposefully, by concentration, often by mental effort.

Attention is of two types:

  • Involuntary. It is installed without much effort in situations of interest to a person.
  • Arbitrary. Requires regulation. The object to which it is directed is chosen consciously.

In children, voluntary and involuntary attention are closely related, constantly intertwined and complement each other. Therefore, it is important for teachers to make the learning process entertaining and fun, so that even boring school subjects become interesting for kids. As a result, academic performance will increase, and the knowledge gained will be deeper.

Mindfulness exercises for toddlers

It is clear that for toddlers, any learning takes the form of a game. The most popular exercises for developing concentration are verbal charades. For example, call the child simple objects, asking him to clap his hands when among them he hears an animal or a person's name. At the same time, try to pronounce the simplest words slowly and legibly at first, gradually complicating the task.

Another time, ask the child to stand up or, conversely, sit down when he hears the name of the flower. After some time, when the baby will easily perform these two tasks, combine them. Let him clap when you name an animal and sit down when you say the name of a plant. Such exercises for the development of voluntary attention strengthen memory, broaden horizons, make the reaction faster, and concentration stable. It is good to play such verbal charades with several kids, because this is how excitement and the desire to be the best arise.

Games "Do the cleaning" and "Observer"

These are very good exercises for developing visual attention. The first game is a great way to clean up the room: the baby will love feeling like mom's helper. Fun develops the concept that the child is also a member of the family, and, accordingly, has his own responsibilities around the house. It is better to play it when a lot of toys are scattered on the floor. Prepare several boxes for the baby, and let him put his dolls and cars in them according to certain characteristics: size, color, shape or material. For example, he can fill one box with wooden toys, another with soft toys, a third with metal toys, and a fourth with plastic toys.

The game "Observer" is another technique that has a positive effect on the development of attention in preschoolers. Exercises like this can be done both at home and on a walk. If you are in a room, ask your baby to name all the square objects that are in his field of vision. If the weather is good and you are playing in the yard, let him show you everything green or blue that he sees. This game is very exciting. Come up with different variations of it to make the process easy and fun.

How to develop attention in students?

First of all, let's talk about elementary school students who, due to their young age, still do not know how to concentrate on a particular subject for a long time. A child at 7-8 years old wants to play, instead he is forced to sit in class for 4-5 hours a day, memorizing words, solving examples and reading poetry. After kindergarten, such a load is unbearable for many kids. In order to teach your child to concentrate, memorize and analyze a little, in your free time, conduct elementary exercises with him to develop attention.

For example, a countdown will teach your child to concentrate on math for a long time. To begin with, let's take the number 10 or 20. When the kid rides the bus home after school, let him count backwards without being distracted from this task. Gape - let him do it first. Over time, when the student masters new mathematical frontiers, the number can be increased to 100 and even up to 1000.

Group exercises

Classes that take place in the form of a game and are aimed at developing attention among schoolchildren are very popular. Exercises "My favorite fruit" and "Palms" are one of the most effective. For the first game, the kids become in a circle. One of the participants introduces themselves and names their favorite fruit. The one who stands after him repeats his words and adds his name and delicacy to them. As a result, the last child must take turns to name the names and favorite fruits of all previous classmates. This game can be played at a big break. She, like other exercises for the development of voluntary attention, not only improves memory, but also establishes contact between peers.

The game "Palms" also provides for the formation of a circle. Children sit down, placing two hands on the knees of their neighbors. The meaning of the exercise is for the kids to raise their hands in turn: a wave should “run through the legs of the participants”. Children who gape and do not take their hands off their knees in time, or those who do it ahead of schedule, are eliminated from the game.

Other activities for schoolchildren

Consider the game "Hand". You can play it alone or with a partner. The rules are very simple. You should take a sheet of paper and circle your palm on it. On the resulting image of a hand, we write numbers from 1 to 100, trying to scatter them at different ends of the picture. The opponent does the same. Then the children exchange sheets and look for all the numbers in exact order, drawing a line from one to the next. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Do not forget that children love computer puzzles. And this is not surprising: in recent years, technological progress has been rapidly going uphill, and kids are trying to keep up with it. On the net you can find a lot of useful flash games that will not only brighten up the child's leisure time, but will also be aimed at developing the attention of schoolchildren. Exercises "Find differences in pictures" or "Three in a row", for example, are very addictive. But this does not mean that you need to sit in front of the monitor all day: allocate no more than an hour to puzzles on the Internet, only in this case they will benefit mental development, and not harm your health.


This ability is the leading part of any exercise for the development of memory, attention and concentration. Therefore, if a student learns to discard unnecessary thoughts and think about a specific task and its solution for a long time, then he will not only improve perseverance and perception in the classroom, but also work productivity. To begin with, the child must draw a dot on paper and hang the sheet at eye level, preferably on a plain wall, so that nothing distracts him from the picture. The task will be considered completed if the baby for a long time keeps his attention only on the point and thinks exclusively about it, without hearing or seeing anything around.

Also, the student can focus on words. To do this, he takes any old newspaper and counts the number of words in the article or page indicated by the adult. You can select any letter and underline it in a particular note. A good practice is to describe the essence of the article, its analysis, which teaches the child not only to memorize, but also to focus on reading the material.

Card games

Despite the ambiguous attitude towards them, psychologists talk about the benefits of such leisure. Card games are the same exercises for developing attention, memory and ingenuity. In addition, the resource for conducting such classes is publicly available, because you can buy a deck in any stall near your home. You can introduce your child to cards early enough, even if he still goes to kindergarten. For example, when the child is 3-4 years old. At this age, the baby no longer tears pictures, but carefully studies them, and is able to memorize the simplest game combinations.

To get started, introduce him to everyone's favorite and simple solitaire. Take out the aces from the deck and put them in a row. Let the kid draw cards one at a time and put them on one or another suit, while not paying attention to the designation. Later, when the child is older, he will be able to lay them out by seniority and play more complex games and puzzles. These are card exercises aimed at developing attention. With their help, the child learns to concentrate, think logically and predict the situation. Such skills will be useful to him not only in the educational process, but also in any life situations.

Exercises for older children

Let's look at three of the most productive games that have a positive effect on the development of attention in adolescents. It is important to exercise regularly. First, prepare colored cards on which the words will be written. Moreover, the color of the letters and the background on which they are printed should be different. Quickly alternate the tablets in front of the teenager's eyes: he should name the color of the word, not the paper. This game makes the brain work more efficiently, establishes connections between its hemispheres and trains concentration.

The second exercise involves counting letters in words, paragraphs, on a page. Let the child take a book and name their number, while not helping himself with a finger or pencil, as younger children do. A teenager is able to complete this task only with the help of a glance, performing all mathematical operations in his mind. Make it more difficult for him: let him count only vowels or consonants, hard or deaf, and so on. As you understand, in addition to developing attention, the student at the same time repeats the phonetics of the Russian language, which will also not be superfluous.

How to improve attention in an adult?

We have also developed many ways to develop concentration and the ability to remember:

  1. Be curious. When traveling in transport, consider passengers, pay attention to their age, gender, color and style of clothing. At home, try to remember each person in detail and describe their appearance.
  2. Learn languages. Attend courses, memorize foreign words and phrases. You might even get carried away with Braille, Morse code, or sign language. This enhances tactile sensations and develops motor memory.
  3. Practice yoga. Meditation restores the functioning of the brain and the whole organism as a whole.
  4. A full eight-hour sleep is the key to good concentration and memory.
  5. Play logic games. Even an elementary Japanese crossword can improve your concentration.

These are simple recommendations aimed at developing attention in adults. Exercises done at home will come in handy when you sit down to work in the office. Indeed, thanks to them, the concentration on reports and contracts will be as stable as possible, and the result of labor will be fruitful.

In order to be as collected and focused as possible on a particular matter, experts recommend not only periodically performing corrective exercises to develop attention, but also leading an appropriate lifestyle. First, instead of lying on the couch and "absorbing" series and shows, read books. This will bring more benefit to the brain, positively affect imagination and concentration.

Secondly, use another trick: if you are right-handed, load your left hand, and vice versa. This activates the half of the brain that is in a "sleeping" state. Try to make every effort to think creatively, outside the box. Write poetry, paint with watercolors, embroider pictures, knit sweaters - these are the same exercises for developing attention.

Development of attention in children of preschool and primary school age is extremely important. After all, for successful learning, a child must listen carefully to teachers and be able to focus on the task. For child attention training Written assignments, which you can find below, are perfect.

Task for the development of attention "Corrector"

In this exercise, the child needs to fill in the empty shapes with icons according to the model, as shown in the sample. and each lesson the tables and icons change.

Task for the development of attention "Girls"

Forms are offered with the image of girls, eight in each row. Task option:
a) / underline / count / girls with black bows (white);
b) / underline / count / girls with black hair and black bows;
c) / underline, / count / with white hair and white bows;
d) / underline, / count / with white hair and black bows;
e) / underline, / count / with black hair and white bows.

Task for the development of attention "Find the letter (number)"

The children are offered forms with printed letters. You can use regular newspaper or magazine pages with large print. On this form or page, students mark any two letters: one is crossed out, the other is circled. It is necessary to explain to the children that it is necessary to cross out and circle letters, looking through each line from left to right. This exercise is recommended to be carried out as often as possible, as it trains the basic properties of attention well, and expands its scope.

Task for the development of attention "Find the numbers from 0 to 90"

Task for the development of attention "Piggy"

Forms are offered with images of piglets, located ten in each row. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / funny / sad piglets;
b) / emphasize happy / sad piglets with two ears, / with one ear /;
c) / emphasize funny / sad piglets with 2 / 1 / ears, without bangs, with bangs.

Tasks become more difficult gradually: a /, b /, c /.

Task for the development of attention "Color or circle all the given objects"

Task for the development of attention "Burenka"

Forms with the image of cows arranged eight in a row are offered. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / a cow with one horn / two /;
b) / underline, / count / a cow with one ear / with two /;
c) / underline, / count / with one horn, one ear. / and vice versa /
and other options.

Enter the number of learning tasks gradually.

Task for the development of attention "Put the numbers under the pictures"

Print out the form and offer to fill in the empty cells by analogy with the first line. Of course, you should not fill in all the lines at once. It is better to do this exercise regularly, 2-3 times a week.

Task for the development of attention "Find an object"

Task for the development of attention "People"

Forms are offered with the image of little men with different positions of arms and legs, arranged nine in a row. Task options:
a) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg;
b) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg and spread their arms to the sides; c) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their legs wider than their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides;
d) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their arms and legs shoulder-width apart;
e) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who lowered their hands and put their feet close / to each other /.

Task for the development of attention "Rings"

Cross out rings with a certain gap (top, bottom, left, right, etc.).
