How to make a paper Christmas tree step by step. Other materials or the need for inventions is cunning

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? The forest beauty decorates the houses of many people on New Year's holidays. Gifts are piled under it, which the children are happy to find in the morning. Both adults and kids dance around it. You can make a beautiful Christmas tree yourself. She, of course, will not be as big as natural, but she can decorate a children's room, desktop or kitchen. And some handmade Christmas trees are perfect as a souvenir. A voluminous Christmas tree is easy to make out of paper, especially since there are plenty of ways to do this.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper using origami technique

As always, for origami you will need a square sheet of paper. The square is folded diagonally and in half, then the sheet is unfolded and, bending the sides inward, form a triangle. Next, they take one side of the triangle and bend the corner to the middle, after which they turn the corner so that it is in the middle of the main triangle. Then the corner is again bent to the right. Do the same with the remaining corners.

When all the corners are processed, you should get a figure that looks like a rhombus. From the bottom of the rhombus cut out the leg of the Christmas tree. In the upper part, on each side, three shallow cuts are made parallel to the base of the Christmas tree. The resulting rectangles are folded diagonally on each face separately. Rectangles bend all in one direction. At the end, the Christmas tree is straightened and, if desired, decorated, for example, with sparkles or confetti.

The Christmas tree from the modules looks very nice. The work is painstaking, but the result is worth it. The modules are folded according to the scheme and assembled into branches. As a result, the shape of the Christmas tree can always be different.

Christmas tree made of paper

Option 1.

You can make a beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands from ordinary office paper. You need to take a sheet of A4 paper, bend it in half and draw half of the Christmas tree on one side. Then take five more sheets and fold in half in the same way. Then the sheets are folded one under the other. The one with the Christmas tree is placed on top and cut out along the contour. The result is six identical Christmas trees. Details are glued together only at the tops. Lush air Christmas tree is ready.

Option 2.

Another unusual and option for making a Christmas tree out of paper. This time, they take not square, but round sheets of paper and fold along the diametral line many times. After the paper is unfolded and the ribs are aligned, alternating folds up and down. Circles are made in different sizes, but the sheet is folded the same number of times. Then the finished sheets are strung on a thin stick (skewer) or pencil. The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with beads or made of paper

Option 3.

A cute Christmas tree for a coffee table will come from an old magazine. The cover of the magazine is removed and each sheet begins to be wrapped. First, take the upper right corner and bend it over. Then wrap it again in the same direction, and bend the bottom corner up. The result is a magnificent multi-colored Christmas tree.

Christmas boxes

Small souvenirs can be packed in a Christmas tree-shaped box. It is very easy to make such a package. It is necessary to cut out two blades of the Christmas tree, as in the photo, and glue them together crosswise. Make holes in the tops and connect all the parts with packing tape. Additionally, such a Christmas tree can be decorated with beads and other attributes of the New Year.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper using the papercraft technique

The papercraft technique involves the creation of volumetric figures from ordinary flat paper.

Draw one circle on a sheet of paper and a smaller circle inside. Then the circle is divided into 12 triangles and cuts are made to the depth of the second circle, as in the figure.

The ends are bent to each other, forming a cone, and fastened with glue. The remaining tiers are made in a similar way, reducing the diameter of the circle. Then take the wire and twist one end into a spiral. This will be the base of the tree. Tiers are strung on top from largest to smallest. The top is shaped into a cone. A cute Christmas tree is ready for the New Year.

Base - cone

There are a lot of options for making Christmas trees with a cone-shaped base.

Option 1.

Quite interesting is the Christmas tree made of napkins. As a base, take a cone twisted from thick paper. Small circles are cut out of napkins and stapled in the middle. Then each layer of the napkin is folded over and twisted. The result is a rose from a napkin. Finished roses are glued to the cone, starting from the bottom. Then the Christmas tree is decorated. Beads instead of balls and rain instead of a garland look harmonious.

Option 2.

Christmas tree needles are made from rectangular pieces of paper. Each rectangle is cut to form a trapezoid, then the wide end is folded over to form a triangle. Finished needles are glued to the base. Every few rows, the size of the needles is reduced. Instead of needles, you can use circles of different shades. Such circles are glued by the upper edge, and the lower one is slightly bent.

There are a lot of ways to make volumetric Christmas trees, and by choosing different options for their creation, you can decorate the interior of your home and office in an original way.

Video on the topic of the article

The Christmas tree is one of the main attributes of such a large-scale holiday as the New Year. Nobody forgets about it, buying live or artificial Christmas trees to their home and decorating it with different outfits, souvenirs, garlands. We will make a Christmas tree out of paper, which can be placed somewhere in the apartment (for example, on the table), or it will not even be a shame to give such a craft to relatives or friends. Next, we will deal with several ways to create Christmas trees from paper.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper (1 way)

You will need green paper, a ruler, compasses, glue, scissors and a pencil (or a tube for juices, cocktails).

  1. Using a compass, draw a few circles on paper. Each next circle is 1-2 cm smaller than the previous one. Choose the number and size of the circles yourself, depending on what size you want to see the Christmas tree in front of you.
  2. We fold each circle in half once, a second time and a third time (that is, you need to fold each circle three times in half). To make the fold lines clear, we draw along the edges with scissors.
  3. We straighten the circles. We cut a hole in the center of each that matches the diameter of a pencil or tube (depending on what we will use). It is also worth saying that the circles are the tiers of our future Christmas tree.
  4. We glue the pencil or tube with green or brown paper.
  5. Now we begin to collect the Christmas tree. All tiers are strung on a pencil.
  6. We decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a beautiful bead or star. Decorate the Christmas tree, if desired, you can sparkle

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper (2 way)

You will need green paper, scissors, pencil, glue, compasses, ruler, needle, wire.
On green paper, draw a circle with a compass, the size of the lower tier of the future Christmas tree. Next, draw another circle inside the first circle, stepping back from the first one a little more than half the radius.

  1. Using a ruler, divide the circle into 12 sectors.
  2. Along the lines of cases, an incision to the inner (second) circle.
  3. We turn each sector into a cone, which we fix with glue.
  4. Similarly, we create the rest of the blanks, gradually reducing their size.
  5. We make a hole in the center of each blank with a needle.
  6. We turn the bottom of the wire into a spiral.
  7. We collect all the tiers of our Christmas tree on a wire. We fix on top a cone made of paper.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands using the quilling technique (3 way)

You will need: green paper strips 5 mm wide and four strips of 1 cm each, red and yellow strips 3-5 mm wide, toothpicks, glue (instant and PVA).

  1. We use four green strips having a length of 30, 20, 15 and 10 cm. Using a toothpick, we twist them. We remove the part from the toothpick and let it bloom a little. We fix the end of the strip with PVA glue. We give all the spirals the shape of a drop by holding and slightly pulling one of the ends of the spiral up.
  2. Tightly wrap wide green stripes on a toothpick and glue the tip to them, preventing it from blooming. This will be our tree trunk.
  3. For the top of the Christmas tree, we make a drop from a green strip with a length of 30 cm.
  4. Now we begin to collect the Christmas tree, fixing its elements with instant glue. We glue the parts of the trunk and give the glue time to dry.
  5. We insert a toothpick inside the trunk and glue our droplets-twigs. We start gluing with the smallest ones, which we glue to the top of the Christmas tree.
  6. We make toys from yellow and pink stripes by twisting the paper without using a toothpick. You can fasten the ends until the paper is unwound, or you can make the toys a little looser and give them the shape of small droplets. Glue balls to the branches you like.
  7. We glue the drop at the very top (do not forget about it), and decoration on it.
  8. You can make, if desired, a stand. To do this, you will need to make nine curls from white paper strips. Tightly glue the curls together. Now we fix the Christmas tree on a snowy white stand with glue.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands (4 way)

You will need: green cardboard, glue, scissors, adhesive tape, colored paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. Stickers, glitter, etc. can be used as additional decorations.

    1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and cut it along the fold line.

    1. Fold the resulting parts in half again.
    2. Draw a half of the Christmas tree on one of the halves of the cardboard opposite the fold (see picture).

    1. Fold the sheets together and cut with scissors along the drawn line. As a result, you will get two Christmas trees of a similar size.
    2. Mark the middle of each tree discreetly using a ruler.
    3. Make an incision on one tree, starting from the top to the middle, and on the other from the bottom (base) to the middle.

    1. Insert the Christmas trees into the cuts to end up with one voluminous Christmas tree.
    2. To give the Christmas tree more stability, use adhesive tape - use it to glue the lower and upper halves.

  1. To decorate the Christmas tree, use pencils, felt-tip pens, sparkles and other materials. You can use a hole punch to make small multi-colored circles, which then stick on the Christmas tree. An asterisk can be glued to the top of the head with tape.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper (5 way)

You will need: colored cardboard, glue, scissors, a hole punch, a small stick with a diameter approximately equal to the diameter of the holes that are obtained from the hole punch, decorations to taste.

A rectangular cardboard is taken, folded several times as shown in the picture above, and then pierced in the center with a hole punch. Then this cardboard is cut at an angle so that the craft in the end does not look like a Christmas tree (see picture). We drag our stick into the hole, and if it does not hold firmly, then we can fix it with glue. We decorate the Christmas tree. Jewelry can be attached with glue. Such a Christmas tree can be placed somewhere (if you make a basis for it), or you can hang it somewhere.

How to make an origami Christmas tree (6 way)

The material for such a Christmas tree will be one large magazine or several small magazines. If the magazine has a hard cover, then you can simply remove it.
Do the following for each page:

  1. Starting from the top right corner, fold the page at a 45 degree angle.
  2. Fold the sheet diagonally in half again.
  3. The corner that extends from below the borders of the magazine must be tucked up.
  4. We also do this procedure with the rest of the pages and as a result we get a beautiful origami Christmas tree.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper using the origami technique (7 way)

First, you will need to make triangular modules, from which the Christmas tree will take shape. They are easy to make. You just need to know how to make them and be careful when creating them.

Modular craft
1. We fold the module

2. We collect twigs

3. We begin to collect the Christmas tree

How to make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper (8 way)

How to make a Christmas tree from paper strips with your own hands (9 way)

You will need:

  • colored cardboard or green colored/wrapping paper
  • tape (in this example, its width is 6 mm and length is 25 cm)
  • fine brush
  • 1 brightly colored bead (golden in this example)
  • a few beads of a different color (in this example, 12 brown beads)
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • pencil

1. Draw and cut strips of colored cardboard 4 cm wide and long: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 cm.

2. With the tip of scissors or a needle, make 3 holes in each strip: 1 on the right, 1 on the left and 1 in the middle.

3. Take a thin brush and make a small loop at one end.

4. Start threading a thin brush through all the holes in the paper strips. Start with the longest strip and add the next one in descending order. Add 2 beads between each strip.

5. When all paper strips are used, add 1 bright bead to the top of the Christmas tree.

6. Make a loop at the end of the brush so that the craft can be hung. Cut off the excess part of the brush.

7. Pass the ribbon through the loop and tie the ends into a knot.

How to make a Christmas tree out of colored paper (10 way)

You will need:

    • thick cardboard or fiberboard
    • skewer
    • PVA glue, super glue or hot glue
    • colored cardboard (possible with patterns and ornaments)

1. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard, which should be slightly larger than the base of the future Christmas tree.

2. Stick the skewer into the cardboard and secure it with glue.

3. Cut out several circles of different sizes and colors from colored cardboard, 3 circles in each group. Make a small hole in the center of each circle.

4. Add a drop of glue to each hole and start stringing circles onto the skewer, starting with the largest. The distance between the circles can be up to 1 cm.

5. Cut out a star from cardboard and glue it to the top of the Christmas tree.

How to make a beautiful paper Christmas tree with roses for the new year (11 way)

You will need:

    • old newspaper or unwanted book
    • cone
    • PVA glue
    • scissors
    • beads (optional)

1. Make a cone out of paper and make many roses - a few large ones for the base of the cone, medium ones for the central part, and small ones for the top part.

* If you purchased a foam cone, then you need to paste over it with pieces of newspapers (see image).

To make roses (any color), follow these simple instructions:

  • Cut out squares of 10x10 centimeters from thick paper.
  • Draw spirals on the squares.
  • Cut out a circular strip along the intended spirals.
  • Wind the paper spirals from the outer edge to the inner.
  • Wrap the pink bud tightly and fasten the tip with glue.

2. Start gluing the paper roses to the cone, starting at the bottom of the cone and moving towards the crown.

3. If desired, you can glue 1 bead in the center of the roses - this way you can decorate all the roses or just some.

4. You can add one more piece of jewelry to the crown - it can be a piece of tinsel, a bell or an asterisk.

* If you want to learn how to make an asterisk, visit .

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper (12 way)

You will need:

- colored paper, colored cardboard, an old music notebook or an unnecessary book

- PVA glue

- curly scissors and simple scissors

- thick cardboard

- skewer

- glue brush (optional)

- decorations (sequins, bows, beads, buttons, stars).

1. Cut out a platform for the future Christmas tree from cardboard.

2. Insert the skewer into the cardboard platform and secure it with glue.

3. Start cutting out squares from paper. It will be more beautiful if you cut with curly scissors (they can be found in stationery).

* You need to cut 9-10 squares - first 9 squares with a side of 20 cm, then 9 with a side of 18 cm and so on, reducing each group of squares by 2 cm.

* Choose the total number of squares yourself. You can also choose the size of the squares yourself - if your Christmas tree is high, then you can reduce the size of the next group of squares by more than 2 cm, and if it is short, then less - 1-0.5 cm.

4. Cut out a few small squares from cardboard that will be between the squares of colored paper.

5. Start stringing 3-4 squares of colored paper, between which there will be a small cardboard square.

* If you use 3 squares between the cardboard parts, it is most convenient to cut 9 squares of each size.

* You can fix the squares on the skewer with glue.

6. To decorate the Christmas tree, you can gently apply some glue with a brush to the tips of the squares, then gently sprinkle glitter on them.

7. On the crown, you can glue a button with a bow or something else - an asterisk or a bead, for example.

How to make an original Christmas tree from colored Japanese paper with your own hands (13 way)

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- thick paper with a pattern (can be replaced with colored cardboard)

- colored or wrapping paper (you can use a page from an old magazine)

- a white sheet of A4 paper

- 2 skewers

- pencil and ruler

- PVA glue or glue stick

- scissors

- a darning needle (if necessary).

1. Cut out 14 rectangles of 2 of the same size from colored cardboard. In this example, 2 rectangles are 21 x 28 cm, two more are 18 x 28 cm, then (also 2 each): 16 x 28 cm, 13.5 x 26 cm, 12 x 26 cm, 9 x 25 cm, and 6 x 22 cm.

2. Preparing the basis for the Christmas tree:

Cut plain A4 paper into strips 2 cm wide. Roll the strip into a circle, add a little glue at its end and glue the next strip (see image). Repeat the same action until you glue all the strips into one large circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm.

* The larger the circle, the more stable the tree will stand.

3. Take a large rectangle of colored cardboard and start folding it with an accordion, 1.5 cm wide. Cut the ends of the accordion into a rounded shape.

4. Fold the accordion in half and glue the sides - you have a semicircle.

5. Repeat the same with the second rectangle, then glue two semicircles to form a circle - these will be the branches of the lower level of the tree.

* To secure the halves of one circle, you can pass a thin wire through them and twist its ends from the back.

6. Make similar images for 6 more levels of your Christmas tree.

7. Take colored or wrapping paper and cut off several small rectangles from it, about 2 cm wide, with which you will later cover the skewers.

The skewers will play the role of the tree trunk.

8. Thread the skewers through one large circle. Since you need to leave gaps of about 2 cm between the circles, these gaps need to be hidden, so we will wrap them in small rectangles of colored paper.

9. After each circle, wrap the skewers with colored paper, 2 cm wide, and glue its ends. Continue repeating this action until all branches of the tree are put on skewers.

10. It remains to insert the skewers into the round base (see point 2) and fix them with glue.

* You can decorate the top of the Christmas tree to your taste - a paper star, a bead or a button.

Watch also other videos on how to make a Christmas tree out of paper:

Now you know about the many ways to create a Christmas tree out of paper. Happy crafting!

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There is very little time left before the New Year, and it would be time to think about holiday decorations for the house. You can buy ready-made options in the store, but it is much better to make original things with your own hands.

We are in website We believe that children should definitely be involved in this business, and we have collected great ideas for New Year's crafts.

sock snowman

From unnecessary socks you get such funny snowmen. You will need socks, rice for stuffing, some scraps and buttons. Cut off the toe at the sock, and on the other hand, tie it with a thread. Pour in the rice, giving it a round shape, pull the thread again and pour in more rice, forming a smaller ball. Sew on the eyes and nose, make a scrap scarf, sew on the buttons. And from the cut off part you get a great hat.

Christmas tree pendants

A cinnamon stick is taken as the basis, several artificial spruce branches and multi-colored buttons are attached to it with glue. Such Christmas trees will not only decorate the house, but also fill it with the warming aroma of cinnamon.

Cork deer

Bottle caps are great craft material. For example, you can make such a cute deer. You will need some corks, glue and various beads to decorate. This is not ashamed to hang on the Christmas tree.

stick crafts

From ordinary ice cream sticks, cute Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes are obtained. You need paint, glitter, buttons and a little imagination. Even the smallest children can cope with such crafts.

Christmas trees made of colored paper

These wonderful Christmas trees can be made by making a cone of green paper or cardboard and decorating it with various little things. Buttons, pebbles, beads and various paper figures will do.

potato drawings

Snowflakes from pasta

Fasten pasta of various shapes with glue and cover with silver paint, fasten the ribbon - an unusual New Year's snowflake is ready.

Snowmen from covers

Cover the metal bottle caps with white paint (it is better to take acrylic) and glue them together, as shown in the picture. Draw a face for the snowman and decorate with a scarf from a bright ribbon. If you glue a loop on top of it, then the snowman can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Crafts from cones

From the cones you can make different animals and any other characters. You will need paints, shreds, buttons and, of course, imagination and inspiration.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Pick up green buttons of different diameters and a few brown ones for the trunk and secure them with a thick thread. Decorate the crown with an asterisk.

painted balls

Place the pieces of wax crayons in a transparent Christmas ball, heat it with a hair dryer, constantly twisting it. Melting, the pencils will leave beautiful colored stains inside the ball.

You and your child will love how easy it is to make and how adorable it can look.

Christmas tree from paper plates

To make a Christmas tree out of paper plates, we need to color them bright green. After the paint has dried, cut the plate into pieces.

We collect a Christmas garland from fluffy wire and beads.

Glue the pieces of a disposable plate onto the background sheet of paper, starting from the bottom. We get the application "herringbone". We decorate the Christmas tree with beads and a star. We supplement the application with cotton wool snowflakes.

Christmas tree made of accordion paper

Considering how simple the one we offer is, absolutely any child can do it with their own hands.

So what you need:

  • a sheet of thick green paper (for example, scrapbooking paper);
  • hole puncher;
  • two wooden skewers for barbecue or Chinese sticks;
  • bright narrow braid, cord, foil and other decorative materials;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • thick brown cardboard for the barrel.

Cut out a triangle from green paper - this will be the Christmas tree. We fold it with an accordion,

in the center of which we make a large through hole with a hole punch.

We give the accordion the shape of a triangle.

We insert wooden sticks into the hole, pick up the Christmas tree a little.

We wrap the lower part of the sticks with brown cardboard tape, glue it well - we get a stand. A small souvenir is ready!

On the folds of the Christmas tree we glue a golden cord, braid, foil or colored paper - like garlands. We decorate the top with a star, a bow or a snowflake.

Christmas tree made of paper strips on a cardboard roll

A very simple but effective Christmas tree can be made from paper and a toilet paper roll.

Cut out wide strips from green paper. We cut these strips on one side.

We apply glue to the strip and wrap the cardboard roll around it. We do the same with the rest of the strips.

We make the last strip a little narrower than the previous ones. Glue it to the very top of the cardboard roll.

Glue a paper cone.

We cut it at the base.

Glue the cone to the top of the cardboard roll. This will be the top of the tree. The craft is ready!

Christmas tree from pieces of colored paper

A voluminous Christmas tree made of pieces of colored paper looks very impressive. To make it, cut out a semicircle. Separate one segment of the circle with a pencil.

Cut out small squares from thin colored paper. A craft made of green paper of different shades will look beautiful. Apply PVA glue to the base-semicircle. We wind a piece of green paper on a pencil and glue it on a semicircle. We glue green pieces of paper one after another, leaving the segment separated by a pencil unfilled.

After the entire semicircle is filled, roll it up with a cone. Glue it in a place not filled with pieces of paper (we separated it with a pencil at the beginning of work).

We take a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper. We cut it on one side. We paint it brown - this is the future trunk of our Christmas tree.

Glue the top of the Christmas tree to the cardboard roll. We decorate the craft with any bright New Year's materials - pompoms, beads, rhinestones or decorative buttons. Christmas tree made of pieces of paper - ready!

There are many options for how to make a Christmas tree out of paper, so you can invite your child to make his own choice and make the Christmas tree that he likes the most.

Herringbone from twisted corrugated paper

For example, a very elegant Christmas tree is easy to make using green corrugated paper or napkins.

Making a white cardboard cone

wrap it in green colored paper.

You can immediately make a cone out of green cardboard. You can fasten the cone not only with glue, but also with tape or a stapler. If adhesive tape is used, it must be glued on the inside so as not to impede subsequent finishing.

We cut tissue paper into thin strips and make a fringe on one side. We twist each strip with any wooden stick. It is convenient to use matches, toothpicks or barbecue skewers for this purpose.

Carefully paste over our cone with curls.

From red tissue paper we make bows that can be decorated with white beads or buttons.

We glue the bows to the Christmas tree, complement them with golden beads.

Decorate the top with a golden bow.

You can make a simplified version of this craft.

Herringbone from strips of corrugated paper

Roll up a cardboard cone.

Cut the paper into long strips.

We wrap the cone with strips of paper, while forming folds. One strip - one row.

Having wrapped the Christmas tree, we decorate it with bright beads and decorative stars.

Here is a Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands!

For younger children, this option will be more accessible.

Christmas tree from paper circles

A very beautiful Christmas tree is obtained from paper, usually used for gift wrapping.

We cut such paper into small circles or details of a more complex shape - for example, resembling duck feet.

Children want to see a green Christmas tree at home long before the long-awaited New Year comes. And making a copy of it with your own hands is a great alternative. A small fluffy Christmas tree will appear on the table if you pick up paper, scissors, glue and study our master classes. In this tutorial, I will show you several options on how to make a paper tree with your own hands with unique step-by-step photos. This is New Year's Eve preparation for your favorite winter holiday.

If you spend winter evenings doing wonderful things, you will get a double benefit: you can brighten up the expectation, have fun, and get wonderful souvenirs as a gift to your beloved relatives or friends.

Fluffy Christmas tree do it yourself

The proposed craft is a great option for creativity for kindergarten. For execution, the simplest and cheapest materials are used. There is an opportunity to practice, even if the child ruins something, there is always the opportunity to start over, because you don’t feel sorry for plain paper. Cardboard will form a cone-shaped base for the tree, and soft paper will become a covering - fluffy thorns.

To create a fluffy paper Christmas tree, prepare:

  • Cardboard with a gray matte surface (not glossy);
  • Green paper (regular soft sheets);
  • Pencil and ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue or double-sided tape;
  • red paper;
  • skewer;
  • 2 crystal stones.

You can immediately cut a circle out of cardboard. Use a round saucer, circle its outlines with a pencil, then cut it out. The surface of the cardboard should be matte, rough, so that ordinary paper quickly sticks to it, if it is glossy, then it will be quite difficult to work with the central part and decorate it.

Cut the circle along one radius (to the center).

An incision is needed in order to form a cylinder. Roll the paper to the desired state. Lubricate the ends with glue and squeeze with your fingers or a clothespin, waiting for the glue to grab.

Cut green soft paper into long strips. Their length is arbitrary, and the width is approximately equal to 2 cm.

Each strip must be turned into a thick fringe. But you can speed up this process if you combine all the parts at once, then cut them at the same time, because the paper is thin, it is well cut with scissors and in several layers.

Make a few strips of fringe to further fill the surface of the cylinder.

Start attaching the fluffy crown to the cylinder. Be sure to move from the bottom up, layering more and more fringe rings. Lubricate with glue only that part of the strip that remained intact after incision. Double-sided tape can also help if you want a neater result.

First, glue the strips around the circumference in the right places, then remove the top protective film on the adhesive tape and press the green fluffy rings on top. Fill the entire cone with a fluffy crown.

Cut out 2 identical stars from red paper and prepare a stick.

Glue both stars, combining the surface, put a stick in the middle. Insert the stick into the top hole, which is sure to remain after the crown is formed. Glue sparkling crystals on both sides of the star. The paper Christmas tree is ready!

Master class on creating an openwork paper Christmas tree

Anticipating the approach of the most long-awaited celebration - the New Year, people are trying in every possible way to decorate their homes. Everyone knows that the Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year holiday. Therefore, the “green beauty” itself or decorations in the form of this tree can be seen everywhere. An openwork Christmas tree cut out of paper will look very unusual and at the same time stylish in a festively decorated interior.

To make this craft, you will need:

  • thick paper;
  • sharp mock-up knife or nail scissors;
  • ordinary scissors;
  • stapler.

First of all, you need to make a pattern for the future Christmas tree. To do this, you can use the printer to print the sample you like from the Internet or use a carbon paper to transfer the template to paper. Creative people can try to draw a pattern on their own. But keep in mind that the smaller the internal pattern of the Christmas tree, the more delicate and beautiful it will turn out in the end.

Take two sheets of thick paper, place the template on top and fasten all three sheets together using a stapler.

First, cut out the pattern inside the Christmas tree. Start with the smallest details, gradually moving to larger ones. Cutting out tiny elements from paper is a very laborious job that requires perseverance and a lot of patience.

If you have not practiced the cutting technique with a breadboard knife, then it would be better to use sharp scissors. Place a board under sheets of paper in order to avoid damaging the surface of the table.

After finishing the inner pattern, move on to the outer contour.

As a result, you should get two Christmas trees.

By connecting them with slotted locks, you will get a very beautiful openwork Christmas tree, which will certainly decorate the festive table and add a touch of romance and magic to the New Year's Eve atmosphere.

Christmas tree from one sheet of paper

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the main character of the New Year is the Christmas tree! The holiday would not be a holiday without her presence. Therefore, today we will make a festive beauty from colored paper. This craft is very easy to make, so you can safely attract children!

For crafts we need:

  • Sheet of green and red paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil.

Please note that colored paper must be the same color on both sides. Otherwise, the tree will not work.

For work, we need a sheet of green colored paper. Cut out a square from it. The size of the future craft depends on its size. The larger the square, the larger the Christmas tree will be.

Now we fold this square into a triangle.

We place the triangle with the base towards us. Now we need a ruler and a pencil. We retreat from the edge 1 cm.

We draw a horizontal line with a simple pencil. Next, we need to line the triangle. All lines should be the same 1 cm.

Now, with scissors, carefully cut the triangle along each of the drawn lines.

We straighten the part back into a square and position it so that the very first horizontal line becomes vertical. It is important to put our blank with the drawn lines up. Take the bottom strip, fold it up and glue it.

Now take the strip on the right side and do the same with it. We impose it a little on the strip on the left side.

Now, in the same way, take the next strip on the left and glue it. Then take the strip on the right and also glue it.

So you need to collect the Christmas tree to the end. Be sure to always alternate in the same order. First the strip on the left, then on the right. Or vice versa, if the first strip was taken on the right. Due to the fact that we placed the part with lines from the pencil up, they became invisible when gluing.

Cut off the rest of the top with a little scissors.

Now let's make a star. We take a small sheet of red paper and draw a star on it. Or you can use a template, if available. You can initially cut out a template from cardboard, and then circle it on a sheet of red paper. Cut out the star.

Glue it to the top of the Christmas tree. Slightly go to the extreme strips. The paper Christmas tree is ready! It is perfect for decorating a festive interior.

Video lessons

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from newspaper tubes

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper do it yourself

See how to do it here.
