How to make a simple autumn craft. Apple tree from a paper plate

Can be made from a wide variety of materials. In the course are leaves that have fallen from trees of all colors, chestnuts and acorns, pine cones and spruce, seeds, vegetables from the beds.


While walking with children, you can collect fallen leaves and make a beautiful "flower" bouquet out of them. How to do it? We will tell now.

Take a yellowed maple leaf, bend in half and roll into a tube. Add petals from other leaves. Create a bud by folding back the edges and join the leaves into one rose flower. Then you need to collect flowers in a bouquet. Such a gift will be pleasant for mom and grandmother.

A bunch of grapes - an interesting children's craft

The gifts of autumn can be used to create various products. A beautiful bunch of grapes is obtained from acorns. This craft should be done with adults. Separate the collected acorns from the caps, dry them and make through holes in them. Then you need to thread a wire into them and fasten at one end. Next, you should paste over with paper and cover with acrylic paint, varnish. Add leaves that can be cut out of paper, and form grape clusters from ready-made "berries".

Do-it-yourself crafts "Gifts of Autumn" are made by both kids in kindergarten and students at school. In order to do interesting things, you need to have a choice in the material. And autumn generously gives everything that can be used in crafts. The collection of material can be started with cones, pebbles, coniferous needles. Rowan berries and wild rose, dried flowers, moss and bird feathers will be used.

Fairy tree

Dry leaves are perfect for voluminous figures and real paintings. You can try to create a fabulous tree. You will need the following materials: a brown paper bag, plasticine, acorn caps, rowan berries, etc. This craft eliminates the risk of injury for the child, since knives and scissors will not be needed to make wood. First you need to roll the package so that it is twisted on both sides in different directions. Plasticine must be embedded in the lower part of the tree, which will ensure its stability. The top should be dissolved into ribbons. This will be the crown of the tree. Carefully attach oak leaves to it with glue or plasticine. The acorn caps are the eyes and nose. Make a smiling mouth out of rowan berries.

It is not difficult to make crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands. They are in demand at any exhibition in all preschool and school institutions. Enjoy the process itself.

You can make crafts "gifts of autumn" from vegetables. Although it is impossible to leave them for a long time to decorate interiors, as they tend to deteriorate quickly. But such crafts always look great and collect a large number of spectators.


Potato - the future hedgehog. Take an oblong vegetable. You will also need plasticine to connect parts and toothpicks. On one side of the potato, you need to attach eyes, a nose, and form needles from toothpicks on top. And put an apple or mushrooms on the needles.

little basket

The next creation contains the real gifts of autumn. good because they are always natural. You can, for example, make a basket. This craft will help in the development of children's imagination, attentive attitude to the environment. For work you will need: birch, spruce twigs, rowan and snowberry berries, plasticine, scissors, a brush and varnish.

You should start by sculpting a basket. Then you need to separate the scales from the cones and attach them to the plasticine base of the basket. Intertwine two birch twigs and attach to the main part of the product so that a handle is obtained, which, together with the scales on the basket, must be varnished and allowed to dry. Now you need to take the harvested berries. The rowan is the middle of the flower, and the petals are the snowberry. A branch of a birch is a flower stalk. To complete the image, add spruce and rowan branches.

Application "Corn"

When classes begin at school, children and teachers bring their crafts "Gifts of Autumn" to school. You can try to make an application in the form of a corn cob. You will need the following materials: white cardboard, green plasticine, real corn kernels. From plasticine, make the base of the cob and leaves. Corn kernels need to be stuck into this base. Such painstaking work develops fine motor skills well.

Leaf crafts

The most unusual do-it-yourself crafts "Gifts of Autumn" are obtained from drawings on ordinary leaves of different trees. You can draw and color the leaves in the form of insects, animals. Fans of the puppet theater carve and paint figurines from leaves. With the help of ordinary dry leaves, unusual decorated old aquariums, candlesticks, lamps are obtained. For safety, dry leaves are covered with PVA glue. With this additional processing, the colors will remain bright and juicy for a long time. Children are very fond of making various animals from vegetables with their own hands.

In 3D format

Crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" do not always look normal. Sometimes you can’t even imagine that a real masterpiece will be created from ordinary natural material. Volumetric figures are very beautiful. Most often they make animals - cubs, hedgehogs, cats or chanterelles. But you can make a boat, a house or some fairy-tale character. Show your imagination!

Making voluminous figures is more difficult than making applications. Therefore, the child will need the help of an adult.

Theme "Gifts of Autumn": crafts from natural material

Cones make beautiful bears. Cones, acorns and cardboard - and a couple of musicians are ready. Turkeys, camels, birds, deer and a swan - you can figure out how to make a huge variety of birds and animals from natural materials. Everything from natural material that a child's imagination suggests and what the skill of an adult assistant is capable of will turn out great!

What natural materials make beautiful crafts

Wonderful and durable crafts "Gifts of Autumn" from vegetables are obtained if squash is taken as a basis. Two wonderful "summer" snowmen from them will decorate any exhibition. A cute dog can be made from a head of cauliflower and pineapple, a melon is a future hedgehog. A wild boar, penguins and a zebra can be made from eggplant, a poodle will turn out from cauliflower, and from it a whole herd of Romanov sheep. Here is a far from complete list of what craftsmen come up with! It is impossible to list all the ideas to make crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn"!

Paper and cardboard also make beautiful crafts.

Don't throw away your egg cartons. It can make beautiful fly agaric mushrooms. Not exactly natural material, but also interesting.

And who wants to make a new toy for children from an old used plastic bottle? Get a cute bull or kitten. You can create a whole village estate with the whole household - chickens, ducks, cows and pigs. You will need plastic bottles of different sizes and shapes, cardboard cylinders from paper towels, thick paper cardboard, glue and paint.

And with the help of cosmetic cotton buds, you can make a fluffy white sheep. Here you need consumables such as white cardboard, scissors, glue, cotton buds, clothespins, tape, markers. Cut out two elliptical shapes from a sheet of cardboard. This will be the body and head. Cut off the tops of cotton buds and glue to the body to make a "fur coat". Glue several tops from sticks on top of the animal's head, like a bang. It remains to draw the eyes. From the ribbon make a bow for the sheep. Connect both parts. Clothespins will make legs.

In autumn, it's time for competitions in kindergartens for crafts made from natural materials. Fortunately, there is such a variety of this material on the street, just some kind of supermarket! The parks and squares are full of leaves for any color, take it - I don’t want it! And if you search more diligently, you can find cones with acorns, and chestnuts, as well as berries. So on a fine autumn day, stock up on bags with your child and go to the nearest park to stock up on craft materials! Such a walk will bring happiness, and you will also collect the materials from which you will make autumn crafts for the garden. Of course, you have interesting news. And these are the ideas we are ready to offer you for review.

Craft ideas from natural material

Of course, creating crafts in some cases can be difficult. And this is all because there are many ideas, but little sense from them. Indeed, in such a variety, the eyes run wide. To make very interesting autumn crafts with your child, use: acorns, chestnuts, cones, and also leaves.

What can be created from acorns and chestnuts.

As a basis for a variety of little men and other figures, chestnuts and acorns are irreplaceable things. To create such little men, of course, glue is useful for fixing certain parts. In general, everything here is simple. Turn on your imagination and then everything can work out.

In addition, excellent topiaries can be made from acorns. To do this, first, in the form of a base, you need to crumple the paper. Then give the lump a ball shape with the help of threads, napkins or paper towels. After that, we attach our ball to the trunk, which is an even branch, disguised with wound twine or corrugated paper, or simply with a ribbon. Under the pot, any stable dishes will fit, which can also be decorated with imagination.

We continue to show you crafts from autumn materials that can be taken to kindergarten. Let's go back to different figures. Additional elements for them can be made from anything - from plasticine, felt, fabric, paper, feathers, seeds and sunflower seeds. You can also use toothpicks. Toys made from natural materials are mostly liked by young children. With your help, they can easily do something interesting.

If you have an older child and he is no longer particularly interested in making little animals and little men, you can offer to make an interior wreath of acorns. The basis for it is an intertwined vine, and acorns are held on it with liquid nails or Moment's glue.

Here are presented for you beautiful autumn crafts for the competition in kindergarten. Original candlesticks are also a good idea for crafts. Making them is extremely easy. An ordinary jar is taken, acorns are poured into it, and then a candle is placed there. Of course, you shouldn't light a candle. At the craft competition, it will be clear that everything is fine with your imagination.

Cones - as the basis for autumn crafts.

From the cones, you can make an original basket, which the child himself will then fill with berries of mountain ash, wild rose or sea buckthorn, mushrooms. It is made using wire, fishing line and pliers. Of course, this craft can be classified as a complex one. Therefore, the help of parents is very important here. But if you work hard, you will get an excellent product, which will have every chance of winning first place in the competition.

And if you just paint the cones in different colors, you get flowers, why don’t you asters? Agree that this is very original. Yes, and it's also very simple. Cones are simply painted with watercolors. Then they can be folded into a container.

And of course, the classic cone version is figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters. Look at how many interesting things you can do. Of course, all these ideas deserve your attention.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits.

Do not forget about the ornamental potential of vegetables and fruits (see a selection of photos).

Autumn is harvest time, so we use more actively the abundance of the presented vegetables, from which you can create something like that no less original. Pumpkin is the leader in handicraft production. You can make it as an independent thing, for example, a vase, or use it as a blank for the image of a bird or animal.


Now you were able to find out what autumn-themed crafts you can make in kindergarten. Make them with pleasure! Use them to take first places at exhibitions and be proud of your creativity.

Photo gallery of autumn crafts:

And the beauty of fading nature, and a rich harvest, and festive events in children's lives - all this can become a source of inspiration for crafts "Autumn" do it yourself. Creating beauty with your own hands is very simple, and our workshops will help you choose a topic for your next work at school, kindergarten, and simply to cheer you up.

DIY crafts theme "Autumn"

So, what do-it-yourself crafts does the theme “Autumn” dictate to us? First of all, among all the associations with this time of year, the thought of golden and crimson leaves on the trees, magically transforming nature, putting on a fabulously beautiful outfit, appears. Therefore, we can name those who, one way or another, sing of this feature. Here is the first example of such a product - a candlestick made from an unnecessary CD using decoupage technique.

Getting the right material is not a problem - a matrix, if there is no unnecessary one on the farm, you can specially buy, pick up a napkin made of multilayer paper with a suitable print (in this case, golden leaves), and also buy a small candle in the form of a flower, a leaf, in the extreme case, you can take an ordinary tablet, but so that its color is in harmony with the shade of the base napkin. Separate the topmost layer on which the image is located, cut it to fit your disk. The base must first be prepared, covered with white acrylic paint. Our goal is a thin, even layer to which the paper will easily adhere, so you should not apply paint with a brush. It is better to use a piece of goblet, which you can use to remove excess paint from the surface if necessary.

After complete drying, you can start gluing, for this you can use decoupage glue, and ordinary PVA glue, diluted to the desired consistency. They need to glue the napkin on the bottom, and on top, which is why the glue must be liquid enough to soak the paper layer. After everything dries, apply an additional layer of varnish with a sponge, which will protect the craft. The final touch is the installation of a candle. You can make a mount that will hold the candle tightly or just use the disk as a stand.

It is generally accepted that wreaths are the prerogative of Christmas crafts, while you can decorate your apartment with beautiful products made from natural materials in the fall, when both acorns and cones are still fresh and beautiful, they do not need to be harvested for future use. Such a wreath is quite simple to make, you only need a base and a sufficient amount of the necessary decor. In this case, the basis is a foam ring, which is painted with paint to match the color of the elements selected for the application. So you need to spend a much smaller amount of them and gaps between them will not be so noticeable. Gluing halves of walnut shells, dried flowers, acorns and cones is easiest with hot glue, so you don't have to press or deform them.

When the largest decor is applied, you need to glue the smallest details between it - coffee beans, nuts, beads. Star anise, cinnamon sticks will look elegant. So you make the wreath not only beautiful, but also fragrant. The final touch is twine or twine, which are tied with bows. In the same technique, it will also turn out beautiful, only you will cover not a ring, but a foam ball.

DIY crafts for children "Autumn"

For both toddlers and schoolchildren do-it-yourself children's crafts "Autumn”is not only a creative activity, but also a lesson, because in the course of work they can learn a lot about the world around them, study autumn fruits and vegetables, compare the leaves of different trees, consolidate the material about precipitation, the change of seasons and so on.

Therefore, you should not load children with unnecessarily complex techniques, because you can make an exhibition work from ordinary materials, if you show imagination. Here is our next work - a volumetric autumn forest on a reduced scale. The miniature trees will be depicted using dried yellow leaves that you can collect while walking in the park. Procuring material for similar or from any other is a responsible process, since simple drying is not suitable, the bright color will be lost, the leaves may curl up and look like parchment. Moisture needs to be removed from them, so it is considered a good way to iron them through the fabric with a hot iron. You can also put them under a press in a paper sheet that adsorbs excess moisture and the sheet will become the texture we need. True, the second method is longer in time and will come in handy, perhaps, for the next season crafts "Autumn" with their own hands. Video in principle, you don’t need to create a similar composition, everything is already extremely simple. On the basis of each petiole, we attach a ball of plasticine and place the resulting tree on a pre-prepared "edge" - a sheet of cardboard (you can use an unnecessary flat cardboard box), pasted over with colored paper. In this composition, both the hut, as in the example, and plasticine forest dwellers will look beautiful.

Crafts "Golden Autumn" do it yourself

The main color of autumn is, of course, gold, all shades of rich, hot yellow. Crafts "Golden Autumn" do it yourself always emphasize the luxurious shades of fading nature, so they can always be distinguished at a glance from all the others.

Appliqués from collected leaves will look wonderful, but you can also make a flower appliqué. At this time, a huge number of flowers bloom, which can be preserved in their original form by drying. Such a composition under glass will be an excellent element of decor in the apartment, a reminder of warm days. However, not only as a wall decoration, you can use the idea of ​​a children's application, but also for such unusual products as wall or floor ceramic tiles. For decoration, it is worth choosing unglazed species, to the surface of which it will be easy to stick leaves. Additionally, you can cover them with a primer layer, which will increase adhesion. On top of the finished tile, you can already varnish it so that during operation the leaves do not tear and fall behind

For children's work, you can offer the quilling technique, which is always a win-win option for exhibitions or competitions, as it looks elegant and difficult, although if you know the basics, this is not at all difficult. Simple figures include the golden maple leaf, which you see in the example. Since it has a complex shape, it must first be transferred to the base in the form of a sketch, and then with the help of pins and thin rubber bands, mark the boundaries. This will make it easier for you to fill the interior space of each section with elements of different shapes.

Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" do it yourself

Do not forget that not only the beauty of tree crowns gives us September, but also a rich harvest in the beds. This topic is also often devoted to creative classes. Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" do it yourself can be varied, we invite you to look at a voluminous crop braid made of fabric.

We start with cutting out the foam bases of the blanks. The easiest way to do this is with a knife, first making a ball, and then forming notches characteristic of garlic on it. It will be easier with hot pepper - the blanks simply repeat its conical shape. We will tie all the blanks with the help of yarn and a hook, but if you do not know how to knit, you can decorate with a fabric by making an applique. We also need to tie the leaves of the pepper and additional elements - stems, leaves. When each vegetable is completed, we tie a thread to it, which we will weave into a braid. This craft can be presented as a housewarming gift, it will perfectly decorate the kitchen.

Natural vegetables are also great for crafts, especially the pumpkin, which is the star of all seasonal crafts, and not just for Halloween. In the above example, it becomes a wonderful vase for. The main difficulty in such a composition is to very carefully remove all the pulp from the pumpkin and clean it well, otherwise it will start to deteriorate and an unpleasant smell will appear in the room. The pillow for dried flowers will be foam, and if you want to put a freshly cut bouquet inside and want it to stand longer, then lay a floral sponge that you will fill with water as needed.

The theme of the harvest is also perfectly revealed by wheat ears, which make up an unusual bouquet. You can use them on their own, or pair them with fall colors.

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts: photo

Most do-it-yourself autumn crafts, photo which you will see below, cones of coniferous trees of various sizes are used for decoration. They are also precious gifts that we, if we wish, can receive from nature to decorate our homes without spending a lot of money on it.

Can allow you to make various shapes, complex compositions and coatings. To work with this durable material, stock up on metal scissors and be careful. You can combine this material with wood, yarn or fabric, feathers, dried leaves.

And in such a nice composition, checkers help to imitate hazelnuts, they look extraordinarily impressive. As a basis, you can take plastic capsules from chocolate eggs, they have the shape we need. To prevent their color from showing through the burlap, it is necessary to paint the plastic with brown paint. When the workpiece is completely dry, it is wrapped in a small piece of burlap, its edges are fixed with glue. A hat that looks like a nut hat is made in two stages. First, you need to cut a ring of scales from a pine cone with sharp scissors. Since the cones are quite hard, it is not recommended to entrust this stage to children. Thread this ring over the burlap so that its edges are pressed against the scales. At this stage, you can also additionally fix the elements with hot glue. Now we take the very top of a large cone, it is often flat, and glue it up. With small sticks we denote sprigs of nuts and that's it, the craft can be considered completed.

Autumn is a wonderful time, which is distinguished by its special natural charm. Agree that during this period it is pleasant to spend time, both at home and at their summer cottage, enjoying the bright colors of the autumn landscape. In order to preserve the beauty of wondrous nature for a long time, you can decorate your home with outlandish crafts made from autumn leaves or simply collect colorful maple leaves that will look great in a flowerpot. In addition, real works of art are created from the gifts of nature. Let's take a look at what autumn crafts and decorations you can decorate your home or.

We take 2-3 leaves of different sizes, cover them with colorless varnish and dip them into paraffin, which must be melted in a water bath in advance. Now we tie the finished leaves with a beautiful ribbon or thread decorated with beads, form a loop and hang the pendant for it in a convenient place in the room or on the street.

Making wreaths from autumn tree branches

Especially popular are autumn crafts in the form of wreaths of maple leaves, which can be woven in the usual way or come up with something more interesting.

For example, take birch, maple or other tree branches, intertwine them together, paint them with bright paint, then decorate the branches with leaves, ribbons, acorns or cones.

Decorate candles and candlesticks with leaves

First you need to dry the leaves with an iron or press. Then glue the glass jar with leaves, covering them with colorless varnish, let the jar dry and place a beautiful candle in it.

Separately, I want to talk about the decoration of roses, which are made from maple leaves. Roses can be collected in a bouquet, tied into a wreath or decorated with a wickerwork, while covering the buds with silver or gold paint.

Making roses from leaves

For a bouquet, they will need from 5 to 7 pieces or more, it all depends on your desire. For detailed instructions for creating crafts, see the photo. These roses can decorate a picture or a wreath.

We take a maple leaf and cut out a butterfly head from its top, then wings, and then dry the leaf between the book pages. Now you can frame the butterfly and place it on the wall. This decoration will fit in any interior, both at home and in the country.

Wall clocks or photographs framed by autumn leaves look wonderful and interesting. Maple leaves must be glued on top of the surface, coated with a colorless varnish, and excess elements should be trimmed.

A plate decorated with maple leaves takes on an unusual look. Take a plate as a base, wrap it in cling film, grease the leaves with glue and fix them on the film so that they reproduce the shape of the plate.

It is worth noting that the layer of leaves must be well compacted in several layers. After the glue dries, the leaves should be separated from the base and varnished. Such a decoration is useful for storing sweets or other small things.

autumn topiary

We take a wooden stick and fix it in the middle of the flower pot in an upright position. We put a foam ball on the edge of the stick, paint it with silver, insert leaves into it, the crown of the tree should have a round shape.

The leaves can be supplemented with beads, which are strung on a wire and evenly inserted into the ball. Pour sand at the bottom of the pot, sprinkle multi-colored pebbles or beads on top of the sand.

Crafts autumn opening day, photo selection

Through creativity at an early age, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, performing crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten he studies new materials, learns to work with them and with auxiliary materials. During the creative process, the child's fine motor skills of the hands work, which is very useful for overall development. Being engaged in creativity from an early age, the child receives a comprehensive intellectual development, and even develops the speech apparatus.

That is why it is important to instill a love for creativity from an early age, as soon as the baby can work independently with the safest materials. At the first stages, he will definitely need the help of his mother, and then he will already make original ones on his own. And let parents not think that creative activities are just entertainment for kids or a pleasant pastime, because everything that preschoolers do with their own hands forms their personality, and it depends on parents whether they can reveal the creative potential of the child.

When a child works with his hands, whether it's modeling or drawing, or, he develops fine motor skills of his hands, which stimulates all the centers in the preschooler's brain, including the center responsible for speech.

It is important not to get hung up on one type of needlework, for example, if you have chosen modeling for a child, then you should not give preference only to working with plasticine, because there is also clay, self-prepared salt dough, as well as seasonal outdoor activities - modeling from snow and sand . Working with each material, the kid learns the specifics, because somewhere it is necessary to knead the plastic with effort, and some materials are very malleable and plastic. Thus, the mobility and strength of the fingers change, the coordination of movements improves when working with small elements.

The creative process captivates the child so much that he becomes focused, diligent, more purposeful, because with the help of his parents he will definitely bring the matter to the end in order to demonstrate to everyone crafts in kindergarten theme "Autumn", photo the very first successes of your baby will be stored in the family archive.

Even performing a simple application, a preschooler will learn to sort objects by shape and size, by similarity, if he works, for example, with autumn leaves, and you can also invite him to make a mosaic using various seeds, grains and legumes.

In the process of learning various materials, the baby will understand how certain things are made, for example, a snowman will now be not just an incomprehensible figure made of snow, but three balls of different shapes stuck together.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn" contribute to the development of imagination and fantasy, accelerates thought processes, because if for the first time the baby will think for a long time what kind of leaf to take, then over time he will perform all actions instantly.

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts for kindergarten are always accompanied by a fun journey, because in order to collect the necessary materials, you need to go with the whole family to the forest. In autumn, in a deciduous or coniferous forest, the necessary tools for creativity literally lie underfoot or hang from tree branches.

Adults at this time can search for mushrooms or pick berries, and children will put even multi-colored leaves of different sizes and shapes, large and small cones, acorns and their hats, small even twigs and Christmas tree needles into their basket. All these simple materials, so familiar to us in everyday life, can open up a whole new world to the baby.

It will be interesting to work with colorful leaves for the crumbs throughout the year, in the cold winter months, when walking along the street becomes impossible due to bad weather, you can cheer up the whole family if you offer to do it together.

The leaves collected since autumn should be laid out between the sheets in a thick book. Thus, they will dry out, remain even and retain their color. If you need to quickly dry only the plucked or collected leaves, then you can use the iron. It is necessary to go through the leaves several times with a hot iron, and they are ready for the application.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn"

In one craft, you can combine several types of creativity. For example, you can take autumn materials and plasticine and make original figures or make a picture using not only paints and felt-tip pens, but also yellowed foliage.

For the smallest craftsmen, you can suggest working not with whole leaves, but with small pieces that will simply be poured onto a surface smeared with glue.

Dried leaves should be cut or broken into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It is better to take multi-colored foliage, then the application will be bright, colorful.

With paints or a pencil, you need to draw a trunk and branches on a piece of paper, then glue the part of the tree where the crown should be with glue. Sprinkle this area with chopped leaves and press down a little with your fingers. The crown should turn out to be voluminous and openwork. For example, for a crown, you can take a mixture of yellow and red, and make a lawn of green crumbs under a tree. When the material sticks to the surface, it is necessary to turn the base over so that all the extra elements that do not stick fall down.

"Gifts of Autumn" - crafts for kindergarten

Composition "Gifts of Autumn" - crafts for kindergarten, which can be prepared for an exhibition of children's creativity, and it is always held in October so that children can demonstrate their creative success. In addition to beautiful crafts, you can also make functional baskets that will not only please the eye, but everyone can treat themselves to ripe fruits - apples or pears.

The basket itself can be made from a large pumpkin by removing all the pulp with a spoon and drying the fruit on a warm battery for several days. Drawings or ornaments can be cut out on the peel with a sharp knife, and the edge of the cut can also be made not even, but carved.

You can fill the basket with grapes, heavenly apples, small pears, dried apricots and other small fruits, and additionally decorate with rowan branches, beautiful yellowed leaves.

Of course, a child cannot make such a basket without the help of their parents, because it is difficult to work with a pumpkin, and besides, it is necessary to use a sharp knife, which is not safe for preschoolers.

But even from an ordinary plastic bowl, you can make an original basket for an autumn composition using acorns and hats from them. Acorns and caps should be glued all over the plastic base, leaving no gaps. The handle for the basket can be made from several twigs of the vine, intertwining them together.

Without a doubt, such crafts for the autumn holiday in kindergarten will take center stage on the festive table that parents will lay for their children.

Craft "Golden Autumn" in kindergarten

The tree of happiness is bright craft "Golden Autumn", in kindergarten it can be done by a preschooler with the help of a mother or older sister. We know that various topiaries are one of the most popular types of needlework today. To create them, they use all kinds of materials that are at hand: coffee beans, pine cones, acorn caps, autumn leaves, and a child can make his first topiary with rowan berries.

These can be done by the whole family, having fun. In addition, the baby will perform only the simplest steps of the craft, so you can not do without the help of adults.

A tree can not only be demonstrated at a competition at a school or kindergarten, but also put at home, adding bright colors to your interior, you can see how beautiful it turns out craft "Autumn" in kindergarten, photo and be sure to present your results in the comments, this will serve as inspiration for other craftswomen.

The basis for the topiary will be a foam ball, if you did not find it in the store, then you can cut a spherical even shape from any thick piece of foam.

The trunk of the tree is made from a long, even stick or branch (you can fasten several skewers), and then the trunk must be decorated by wrapping it with a rope that has a natural texture, so it will easily fit into the concept of your natural crafts.

Craft "Autumn" in kindergarten: photo

To make crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary materials and think over all the stages of the work. In addition to the trunk and the foam crown, which we will decorate with rowan berries, we must also find a pot where we will plant our tree. A small glass, a cup, a decorative plastic pot, an iron tin can are suitable for us. The pot can also be decorated with a tourniquet, glue coffee beans on it.

We will attach the berries to the foam base using stationery or sewing pins, and you can also use small carnations. Each berry must be pierced with a pin in the middle, and when all the elements are prepared, you can attach them to the base. The pins easily enter the foam and hold securely in it.

To hide the white base, you can first glue it over or simply wrap it with gold or orange crepe paper. It is necessary to fasten the pins as tightly as possible so that the base is practically invisible, for this it is necessary to prepare berries of different sizes and fasten them in a checkerboard pattern.

Near such a bright tree, you can plant a hedgehog made from a pear in a clearing, because the kids really like to do crafts from vegetables in kindergarten, autumn gives us a huge selection of different fruits and berries.

You will also find many ideas for autumn creativity with children, the main thing to remember is that you can use absolutely any materials, because if you show your creative abilities, then you can make an original decorative figure from an ordinary plastic bottle, not to mention various openwork fluffy cones and leaves , which even without additional decoration look simply charming. Be sure to make a wreath for the fall festival that would decorate your front door, and it will be replaced by a Christmas wreath on New Year's Eve.
