How to make thin hair thicker and stiffer. How to make soft and fine hair stronger

Probably every girl dreams of obedient and soft hair, like silk. And in order to achieve this, we are constantly looking for new cosmetics and special procedures to smooth the cuticle. But sometimes there are times when you need to make your hair coarse. Why and how to achieve this, we asked the pros.

Advantages of coarse hair

Coarse hair has several very important advantages over soft hair:

  1. Due to its structure, such hair is less vulnerable to many negative factors that can affect its health. For example, coarse strands can more easily withstand the effects of hot tools, but, of course, need a heat protectant that will help prevent brittleness and dryness.
  2. Coarse hair is less oily and more durable than normal or dry hair.
  3. Girls with this type of hair are very lucky - their hair is less susceptible to hair loss.

By the way, many hair stylists admit that it is on coarse hair that certain types of hairstyles are most successful.

How to make hair coarse

The best express products for making hair stiff are, of course, hairspray and foam with a strong hold. They not only allow you to change the shape of your hairstyle, create volume and durability, but also affect the density of the strands. The foam should be distributed evenly, lifting the hair at the roots. After this, we use hairspray - it can be sprayed either with a light cloud or with a directed stream on the required areas.

Another way to make your hair hard is to use salt water. It is better to apply it only in emergency situations, because salt dries out the hair greatly. You can prepare this remedy at home (you will need 4 teaspoons of salt for 1 glass of water) or buy a special spray with sea water for hair.

Special herbal decoctions will help not only improve your hair health, but also give it the necessary stiffness. You will need oak bark, burdock root or nettle leaves - all of this can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tbsp. l. dried plants for 1 glass of water - boil it all and let it brew for an hour. You should wash your hair with this product every day for 2-3 months.

For coarse hair, a mask with black bread, well known to our grandmothers, is also perfect. It visually “thickens” the hair and helps restore its shine and lightness. To prepare a mask with black bread, you need to soak small crumbs of bread in boiling water for 1.5-2 hours. We apply the paste to the hair and insulate it with a shower cap and towel. Wash off the mask after 2 hours, repeat it at least 4 times a week for 2 months.

Gelatin is great for making hair tougher. To do this, prepare a mask of 1 tbsp. gelatin, 1 tbsp. l. shampoo and 1 egg. Mix all ingredients, apply to hair, massage for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Colorless henna will not only restore shine and density to your hair, but will also significantly increase its volume. To prepare it, you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. colorless henna with 0.5 tbsp. l. mustard, pour the mixture with warm water so that you get a consistency similar in thickness to fat sour cream. Distribute through hair and leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Beautiful, lush styling of curls of any length depends on the rigidity of the strands. The obedient soft curls do not hold their shape, so the hairstyle, made with great difficulty, falls apart within half an hour. If the strands are very stiff, then it is also difficult to give the hairstyle the desired geometry. How to make your hair stiffer or, on the contrary, more manageable - the advice of professional stylists and folk methods will come to the rescue.

Soft, manageable strands make styling difficult

Volume and shape for thin strands

A cascading haircut will give volume to narrow strands

Silky soft and thin curls hold their shape very poorly, so making an effective styling is problematic. How to make your hair stiffer so that your elegant hairstyle lasts throughout the working day?

There are several proven folk methods:

  • A mask-wrap made from Borodino bread, naturally, will not change the structure of the curls, but will make them thicker and denser.
  • Soak two pieces of bread, approximately 100 grams, in warm water for an hour, grind into a paste and apply to the entire length of the hair. Leave under a plastic cap for an hour and rinse with warm, lemon-acidified boiled water;;

Whipped egg white applied to the roots of the hair for half an hour also makes the curls strong and elastic.

  • How to make hair thicker and tougher? Regular strong tea leaves applied to the strands before styling will help.

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for blondes, because it dyes the hair beige.

Fundamentally. Under no circumstances should you wash your hair with laundry soap! A large percentage of alkali destroys the structure of thin and brittle curls.

  • Common and affordable means
  • In the latter case, for festive styling, baby soap, without fragrances and dyes, will help give firmness to the curls, but not more than once a month; Infusions of healing herbs (burdock root, nettle leaves) also strengthen thin curls
  • . If you add gelatin to the rinse (1 teaspoon of gelatin per 100 grams of water), your hair will become more manageable and voluminous; Regular starch will help make hair at the roots larger and thicker.

. We brew a tablespoon of starch in a glass of water and apply it to the strands in the root zone - volume is guaranteed for the whole day;

  • Henna additionally strengthens and restores strands A mask of colorless henna and lemon will also make your hair much thicker

. Dilute henna with almost boiling water at a ratio of one to two and leave for 15 minutes. Apply to wet hair, leave for at least half an hour, 2 times a week. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of mint, nettle leaves, burdock root, lovage, and linden plants.

Advice. If you don’t have time to make homemade masks with your own hands, then you can resort to the procedure of laminating the strands in the salon. The dull lamination technique increases the volume of thin curls by 10 percent.

Natural analogues of foam and hairspray

The photo shows the result of introducing a gelatin solution

  • Instead of hairspray or foam, you can use ordinary, but more effective folk methods for long-term styling:
  • A decoction of flax seeds. A tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, you get a decoction that is similar in thickness to jelly. Before curling, apply a decoction to the curls, but only slightly, otherwise the strands will look greasy;
  • At home, instead of foam, you can use gelatin (a tablespoon per 100 grams of water);

Lemon juice also makes the strands stiffer, but it dries the hair very much;

Advice. Lemon and orange juice, mixed in equal proportions, not only fix the strands, but also provide one or two tones of lightening.

What to do with very coarse hair - rinse frequently with apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons per half liter of water)

Thick and dense curly strands cause no less hassle when styling than thin and brittle ones. The reason is not only in genetics, but also in modern dyes, also in the passion for perm and frequent perm using high temperatures.

How to make coarse hair soft and manageable, let’s turn to popular experience and advice from favorite stylists.

Popular and effective cosmetics for coarse hair from leading global manufacturers - rating.

Brand Components Effect Reviews
Redken AllSoft Avocado oil, silk proteins, olive oil, amino acids and vitamins. Nourishes, moisturizes, makes skin soft and manageable. The price is quite high; you can purchase the components separately for much cheaper.
NIOXIN Plant extracts, vitamins and antioxidants Healing effect on damaged curls, promotes growth, prevents hair loss. The healing series is effective, and the styling products leave you wanting the best.
sexy hair Wheat, soy and silk proteins, ceramides, jojoba and avocado oils, a rich complex of vitamins and minerals. Products for healing and separately for styling. Makes curls manageable and helps maintain curl shape for a long time. The styling cream is perfect for creating a “wet hair” effect.
CHI Natural plant extracts of rose, rich composition of amino acids, lemon extract. The mask helps soften very tight curls and make them manageable for styling. The answer to the question is what to do with coarse hair, using only natural ingredients.
DinoAge by Moltobene Extract from brown aquatic plants, jojoba leaves, wheat embryo proteins and glycerin with citric acid. For very tight curls. An impeccable product, but the cost is very high.
Wella A mask made from orchid extracts, a rich composition of vitamins and minerals, essential oils and panthenol. The spray contains shea and rooibos oils, as well as keratin and silk extract. Incredibly moisturizes and softens strands. Affordable price and excellent effect.

Traditional recipes for coarse strands

Softening and moisturizing masks

For fans of natural ingredients in hair care, we recommend the following tips, which benefit from excellent reviews on the Internet:

  • Coconut oil, heated in a water bath. Rub into curls twice a week along the entire length;
  • How to make coarse hair soft? A mask of burdock and olive oil will help - twice a week for an hour;
  • Expired sunscreen will help make styling easier—it helps straighten coarse, curly strands;

Coconut oil straightens stubborn curls

  • Damp wet soap applied to curls will not only straighten the strands, but also give a matte effect;
  • Lip balm also perfectly models strands, replacing heavy cosmetic wax.

Advice. Add 5 drops of jojoba oil, wheat germ, avocado and rose oil to the shampoo. Constant use will help significantly soften curls.


Before using any of the components, be sure to check for allergic reactions, and also do a test on one strand, especially on dyed hair. The video in this article will help you choose the best method for permanent styling of both hard and thin, obedient strands.

Is it good to have naturally smooth, soft, silky hair? Of course! - 80% will answer and they will be right.

But there are situations in life when you simply need to stiffen your hair. Well, or I just wanted to change my image for a while.

No styling will fix the desired volume and shape on soft hair. What to do to give your hair the desired stiffness?

Today I will reveal some secrets of how to make hair stronger.

How to make hair tougher - folk recipes

  • Method 1. Styling products.

Yes, the method is not new, but its effectiveness is obvious. Foam and varnish with strong hold are not a panacea, but in an emergency they help give the hair stiffness and the desired shape.

Well, to do this, a small amount of foam is evenly distributed on clean hair, individual strands are lifted and fixed with varnish at the very roots. This styling gives volume to the hairstyle and stiffness to the hair.

  • Method 2. Sea salt.

Not the most harmless, but effective way for hair stiffness. Have you noticed how after swimming in the sea, your hair becomes dry and coarse? That's the same!

Well, at home you can dilute a few teaspoons of sea salt in a glass of purified water. “Sea” water is applied to the hair using a spray attachment.

  • Method 3. Herbs to strengthen hair.

Naturally, daily use of styling products or sea salt is not the best way to make your hair stiff. And so the Beauty Pantry will provide several “natural” methods.

One of them is rinsing your head with medicinal herbs. They strengthen the hair, give it shine and some rigidity.

A decoction of oak bark, burdock roots or is well suited for this purpose. In order for your hair to become stiffer, you need to rinse it daily for 2-3 months.

  • Method 4. Black bread mask.

In just a few procedures, it visually “thickens” the hair. To prepare it, the crumb of bread (preferably Borodino bread) is broken into small pieces and poured with boiling water so that the water covers the bread.

The bread is “infused” for 1.5-2 hours, and the resulting slurry is applied evenly along the entire length of the hair. The head is insulated with plastic film, the mask is washed off after 2-3 hours. The procedure is repeated 4-7 times a week.

  • Method 5. How to make hair thicker with gelatin.

A mask made of gelatin and eggs allows you to stiffen your hair in a gentle way. To do this, while washing your hair, dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin with a portion of shampoo. The resulting mass is mixed with a pre-beaten egg. The mask is applied to wet hair, massaged for 1 minute, rinsed off after 3-5 minutes with water at room temperature.

  • Method 6. Baby soap will make your hair thicker.

Another easy way is to use baby soap instead of shampoo to wash your hair. Depending on the result obtained, you will be able to independently set the frequency of performing such a procedure.

  • Method 7. Henna for hair stiffness.

Henna dyeing and thicker. In addition, henna also has a healing effect on hair. It is possible to experiment with hair color when dyeing by combining henna and basma.

Well, if you don’t want to change your natural hair color, then you can use colorless henna. To do this, 3 tablespoons of colorless henna are mixed with ½ tablespoon of mustard powder and dissolved in boiling water. Wash off the “mask” after 20-30 minutes.

There’s a date in an hour, but here’s the problem – the hair doesn’t obey the comb and can’t be styled. And you want to look perfect in front of your loved one.

What to do? How to make your hair stronger in minutes? There is an exit.

To make your hair stiff, before creating your hairstyle, use store-bought styling products: gel, foam, hairspray, mousse, wax.

These components will help you achieve the desired result easily and without wasting time.

However, it is not recommended to abuse chemical mixtures if the natural hair structure is naturally weak. To the owners "liquid" hair, you should think about strengthening the root system and thickening the curls. You can make your hair stiffer with the help of folk remedies and natural products.

How to make hair stronger at home?

To strengthen curls, the same components are used as for nails. Judging by health, the destruction of the structure of the hair and nail plate occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. Therefore, if your curls have become thinner and the ends have begun to split, take vitamins containing calcium. The pharmacy sells vitamin complexes for strengthening and restoring nails and hair.

In addition, provide the necessary nutrition to your hair at home in several ways:

  • sea ​​or rock salt;
  • tea leaves;
  • gelatin;
  • herbs;
  • laundry or baby soap.

Sea salt is a handy remedy. In the old days, women rubbed ordinary salt into their scalp for hair thickness and growth. The procedure is carried out before swimming.

Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. Sprinkle with salt and massage into the skin. To make the job easier, dilute the saline solution in warm water and spray your hair with a spray bottle.

Massage your head with your fingers for 15 minutes and go wash. Wash off the salt with warm water and shampoo for weak hair. Do not use balms or rinses.

How to make dark hair coarser?

Black loose leaf tea will help us here. Brew the granules with hot water in advance and let it brew. After washing your hair, dilute the tea with warm water 50/50. The amount of liquid is selected depending on the length. Rinse your curls with tea broth and dry with a towel.

This method is not suitable for blondes as the color will change.

Gelatin will help achieve hair stiffness. The natural keratin product is diluted in cold water at the rate of 1/3. Measure in tablespoons. For medium length, make a double recipe. The swollen composition is heated in a water bath until the granules dissolve. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, cool the mixture to room temperature and beat in one yolk.

After thoroughly stirring, add a tablespoon of any silicone-free balm. Apply the mask along its entire length, secure it with a plastic bag and insulate it with a towel. Procedure time 1 hour. Rinse off as usual.

The next option is rinsing with herbs. More suitable ones are burdock root, nettle and oak bark. You can buy herbs at the pharmacy. You should rinse your hair with freshly prepared decoctions after washing your hair.

A common method of strengthening is rinsing hair with henna. Brunettes can use henna with a coloring pigment, blondes can use colorless henna.

Washing your hair with laundry or baby soap will strengthen your hair and make it stiffer. After shampoo, it’s hard to get used to soap, but after a few treatments the difference will become imperceptible.

Helpful advice: To achieve stiffness in your curls, make a mask of mustard and honey once every 2 weeks. You can apply firming masks made from olive oil with red hot pepper.

“I would like your problems,” the owner of coarse and unruly hair will exclaim in response to complaints about overly soft hair. However, there is a problem. Soft hair is good and beautiful in itself, but it does not hold its shape at all. Ordinary fixatives do not cope with them: just brush them with a brush and the hairstyle is over. So it’s not because of a good life that the question of how to make your hair stiffer comes up.

Popular and not so popular products lure buyers with promises to soften hair and make it silky. And has anyone seen hair stiffening products? I think no. Therefore, methods for solving problems are invented independently, by trial and error. The first commandment is to avoid balms and conditioners. After washing with any shampoo without rinse aid, you are left with a feeling of harshness and even unwashedness, and your hair is more difficult to comb. Dyeing your hair also takes away its softness. If you dye your hair constantly, the dye literally layers on, thickening the hair.

How to make hair harder?

By giving up shampoos and switching to washing your hair with soap, you can most easily find the answer to how to make your hair coarse. To ensure that your hair is still washed and does not lose its natural shine, you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the rinse water. True, acids dry out hair, and you shouldn’t abuse them. It is preferable to rinse after washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, burdock root. It not only adds rigidity, but also nourishes the scalp and hair, promotes their rapid growth, and relieves irritation and dandruff.

After any nourishing or restorative mask, it is recommended to thoroughly wash and rinse hair to soften it. And here the answer suggests itself: rinse thoroughly with water, but without emollients. There is a simple and very useful product for washing and nourishing hair at the same time - egg yolk. Apply the beaten mass over the entire head for half an hour, rubbing into the roots and skin, then rinse with lukewarm water without soap or shampoo, combing out the egg fibers with a brush, then rinse with an acidified aqueous solution - that’s all. After such a procedure, the hair cannot be called soft. Many people suggest how to make hair coarser even easier - by washing it with water without any detergents. Yes, some rigidity can be achieved this way, but cleanliness... in a word, the issue is controversial. It is better to turn to another well-known recipe - feeding and washing with gruel made from black bread. You can wash it off without soap, comb it out easily, and besides, this mask does not deprive your hair of shine and thickens it a little.

Another proven and universal remedy is henna. It is guaranteed to envelop every hair, thickening and healing it. Many people are put off by the coloring properties of henna - after all, not everyone wants to be red. For this case, there is colorless henna, which has all the advantages of regular henna, with the exception of intense coloring.

If your hair, despite all its softness, is also oily, you need to regularly rinse it with decoctions of plants with tanning properties, for example, oak bark. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the roots, and at the same time a way to make hair stiff.

All of the above are from a number of products that do not harm hair health.
