How to remove the persistent smell of cat urine. The smell of cat litter: how to remove this aroma from the apartment? How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in a house or apartment

If a cat, ignoring the litter box, chooses the master's bed or another unlucky place to use the toilet, it can be difficult to retrain it. One of the main difficulties is eliminating the smell of cat urine, which in itself is very persistent. Focusing on this smell, the animal again and again uses the once-loved territory as a . Often, as soon as you cross the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, you realize that a cat lives here! Few people want their guests to be enveloped in such strong aromas. How to remove the smell of cat urine?

First of all, you should think about eliminating the reason that motivates the cat. The solution may be castration, eliminating the stress that is tormenting the animal, rearranging the interior according to the cat's safety needs... The main thing is to find out what the problem is and solve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the smell, which is constantly renewed!

First of all, to eliminate the smell of urine, you need to accustom your cat to the litter box by eliminating the reasons for its behavior.

Another important aspect is not to use products containing chlorine when washing “affected” areas of the apartment. For some reason, such products are constantly used when cleaning toilets, but bleach only intensifies the smell of urine.

It is also useless to try to fight off the smell by watering the area where the cat made a puddle with perfume and deodorants, or spraying with products like “Antigadin” - most cats are indifferent to it.

In addition, it is important to know for which surfaces which odor eliminator is suitable.

Cat odor removers that are always on hand:

  1. A remedy that has become a salvation for many cat owners is vodka. Only in this case it should not be taken internally! You can wipe almost any surface with undiluted vodka, and it removes cat odors remarkably well. The only negative is that the alcoholic spirit will then have to be removed from the apartment separately, that is, all items will have to be washed a second time. Vodka fights especially well against fresh “crimes”.
  2. Another great option is potassium permanganate. You need to prepare a strong solution and wash the desecrated area with it. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sediment in the solution - it is the undissolved crystals that leave stains. It is better not to experiment with potassium permanganate on fabrics.
  3. A reliable cat odor remover is citric acid. It is necessary to dilute the juice from one lemon with 200 ml of water. You can also use undiluted juice if the surface is not too “sensitive”. The acid perfectly breaks down the elements that make up cat urine, and the remaining citrus smell also scares the cat away from this place. By the way, sometimes it is enough to place a piece of cloth soaked in the smell of lemon in a problem area so that the cat stops going there for natural needs.
  4. Ordinary vinegar is one of the leaders in the fight against the “cat spirit”. As a rule, it is diluted in a ratio of one to three. If the furniture upholstery is damaged, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain, and then blotted thoroughly with a rag. To enhance the effect, after treating with vinegar, you can additionally use the baking soda method described below.
  5. At the “crime scene” left by the cat, especially if it is fresh, you need to pour baking soda and pour a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. At first, when the reaction begins, it will smell like ammonia, but then this smell will disappear. It is recommended to leave the soda mixture overnight and rinse the area thoroughly in the morning. Please note that baking soda can stain fabrics.


There is a large selection of products specifically designed to eliminate the smell of cat urine. They are sold in both spray and granule form. Many breeders recommend, for example, products from Nature’s Miracle and DUFTAPET. Before using professional products, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use, since they are based on enzymes and require some time to completely eliminate the odor.

It is important! If the cat is not just fulfilling its natural needs, but is marking its territory, it will not be easy to cope with the smell without products containing enzymes.

It is important to wash the cat's litter box from time to time, as it can also be a source of odors, and the cat will not like going to a dirty, foul-smelling litter box.

It is imperative to eliminate the reason why the animal violates the rules you have established. You need to retrain a cat without swearing and screaming, and even more so, you don’t need to rub its nose into the committed “crime” - this usually gives the opposite effect.

We hope our tips will help you remove the smell of cat urine. And remember: it is better to prevent such situations than to waste time and energy dealing with the consequences.

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It takes a lot of effort to get a cat accustomed to the litter box. A pet behaves the way the owner taught them to.

However, innate instincts will sooner or later manifest themselves, and the cat will do its “dirty deed” on the piece of furniture or clothing it has chosen.

And if the stench of cat urine is not eliminated immediately, it will be a mark for her. Scolding a cat and poking its face into a place that stinks is useless. It is necessary to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment as soon as possible. And also beat it with another flavor.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine? There are both homemade, folk, and store-bought detergents. To get rid of fragrances, you may need to use several methods until you find a suitable option.

The stench of cat urine in the apartment is present in almost every owner of this pet.

Urine consists of a sticky part, urochrome, and uric acid in the form of colorless crystals. Home or professional remedies affect the first 2 substances, they partially help in removing urine odor and color.

Uric acid does not smell after drying and is not visible on clothing or furniture. However, if moisture gets in, the “fragrance” returns. Shoes stink especially strongly, even after a good cleaning, as the unpleasant odors from urine and foot sweat mix.

Cat urine should be disposed of immediately after the pet has peed. Remove urine with paper napkins, possibly scented ones, so that everything is well absorbed.

Cat odor cannot be removed using chlorine-containing products; this substance is not volatile and does not evaporate well in the apartment.

Initial actions

Having noticed that the cat has “shit”, we immediately clean up the scene of the “crime”. To remove urine from soft surfaces (sofa, clothes, chairs, carpet), do not use a wet cloth or vigorously rub the surface.

Neglecting such actions, the animal’s urine will penetrate into deeper layers, forming a large stain that will be difficult to deal with. Also, you cannot wipe the cat’s biological fluid from the floor at the same time as the entire surface; this area is cleaned separately.

Toilet filler should be poured onto the puddle. When it is absorbed, it is scooped up and discarded. After this, you can use home and professional remedies to help neutralize the stench.

Budget methods

To remove the persistent stench of cat urine in the absence of purchased products, you can use budget home remedies that every housewife has.

How to remove the smell of cat urine? Potassium permanganate, vinegar, lemon juice, vodka, hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap and other household products will help remove unpleasant odors.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors well. If the cat has done a dirty deed in the closet, you need to wash it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is then dried without covering.

How to get rid of urine smell from shoes? Such things are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to soak the shoes, then use aromatic cleaning products.

How to remove the smell of cat urine with potassium permanganate from the floor? Tile or other surfaces are washed with a black solution of potassium permanganate. This budget method can be used if the floors are dark in color. Potassium permanganate can change color, so you need to use this anti-stench remedy with gloves to prevent your hands from staining.

It is necessary to dilute potassium permanganate until the crystals are completely dissolved. They are the ones who leave the stains. If you wash a carpet or other fabric with a potassium permanganate solution, be careful.


Vinegar will help remove cat urine from clothes. It cannot be used in its pure form. Vinegar must be diluted with water.

How to remove the smell of animal urine from furniture? Vinegar is good at removing unpleasant stench from any item. It is diluted in proportions 1:3 with water. You can use vodka and vinegar in the same volume, and 5 times more water.

The solution is applied generously to the contaminated areas and left for 20 minutes. The room where the vinegar solution is used is ventilated until the unpleasant aroma disappears. Wash off the solution with a sponge soaked in clean water.

How to get rid of the smell of urine from upholstered furniture (upholstery of a sofa or chair) using vinegar? First you need to conduct a test: vinegar is applied to an invisible area of ​​​​the fabric; if the color of the fabric has not changed, you can use this method.

Soak the animal-contaminated area well with vinegar, then pour a thick layer of baking soda.

After 15–20 minutes, the furniture is cleaned of the mixture, wiped with soapy water, and washed with warm water.

If possible, place the washed sofa or armchair in the sun, so it will dry faster.

Lemon juice

How to get rid of urine odor using lemon:

  1. The juice of 1 lemon is poured into a spray bottle. It is applied to the contaminated area.
  2. After 20 minutes, spray the juice again.
  3. Then wipe the treated surface with cold water or use several wet wipes.

Lemon juice gives the material a pleasant citrus aroma. This method will discourage your cat's attraction tothis place.

Clothes after such treatment must be washed with regular powder.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid. Citrus water will also fill your home with a fresh aroma.


Often, due to an unpleasant stench, you have to change the upholstery of the sofa or throw away the item.

Alcohol and vodka act the same; they are used if the stains are old. The cleaning procedure will need to be repeated several times.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes with alcohol or vodka? The liquid is applied to the problem area for half an hour. After the allotted time for the procedure, you can rub the fabric a little, then wash it off with a damp sponge or rag.

If there is an unpleasant odor left from the alcohol, it can be eliminated with lemon juice. It will have an additional effect on the smell of cat urine and eliminate the aroma of vodka. And clothes or furniture will smell of pleasant aromas of citrus fruit.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you are getting rid of traces of a pet, pleaseekhydrogen oxide, remember that this substance cannot be used for dark pile.

How to remove dog urine odor using peroxide:

  • 100 ml of peroxide is mixed with 1 dessert spoon of dishwashing detergent;
  • Apply the mixture to the contaminated area with a sponge;
  • if the fabric is durable, rub with a clothes brush;
  • then wash off with cool water.

After this, the surface is treated with vinegar or lemon juice to discourage the animal from urinating on this place again. This method helps both get rid of the smell of dog urine and cat urine.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap will help eliminate the smell of the cat; it can be liquid or bar. It is better to buy in solid form, dark brown in color.

How to remove urine smell with laundry soap? This method is the last resort to get rid of stench in an apartment. Laundry soap removes stains well, but does not remove fragrances well. They are used to remove urine from clothes, upholstered furniture, and carpets.

How to wash off cat urine:

  1. You will need: a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide 1:1, 0.5 tsp. liquid laundry soap.
  2. The components are mixed well and applied using a spray bottle to the desired area of ​​the fabric. Interacting with urine, the mixture will begin to foam. Leave for an hour.
  3. Wash off with warm water and a brush. When cleaning, you should wear gloves, as hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap together can cause minor irritation.

Before washing your clothes with regular powder, remove all items from the machine. This is necessary so that other clothes don’t start to stink too.

Modern professional products

If eliminating cat urine using home methods does not help, you can use store-bought products - this is an excellent neutralizer of all odors.

Such products contain enzymes, substances that destroy uric acid salts and destroy thiols.

How can you remove the smell of cat urine? The following professional products help remove unpleasant odors: DezoSan, OdorGone, Zoosan, Urine-off Cat & Kitten, Odor kill.

With the help of stink removing products, you can forget about the problem of unpleasant stench for a long time.


Zoo Clean "DezoSan" is an excellent product against any unpleasant stench, as the manufacturer claims. It has a deodorizing effect, eliminating not only “odors” from the sofa and things, but also in the air space.

How to wash off cat urine? Destruction of stench and removal of animal urine is possible while it is indoors. DezoSan destroys aroma at the molecular level.

It is easy to remove the smell of urine with this product - all surfaces are treated with it.


This neutralizer of various odors is patented by the USA. There are no chemicals in it, just water and a mixture of plant extracts.

How to eliminate the smell of cat urine in an apartment? OdorGone is sprayed throughout the room.

10 sprays are enough to treat 15 m². The product can be used even if there are asthmatics in the house.


If you don’t know how to clean cat urine from the sofa, buy Zoosan. Helps remove fresh and old stains.

How to wash off cat urine? Zoosan is diluted with water in a concentration of 1:9. Clean the contaminated surface with a sponge or suitable cloth. If the urine is old, Zoosan is diluted in a ratio of 1:5.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

The bioenzyme product perfectly cleans hard and soft surfaces. This product works as pheromone blockers. After treatment, cats and dogs will no longer mark.

How do you remove the smell of dog urine? Before using Urine-off Cat & Kitten, shake the product well and remove any remaining urine with paper towels. The product is thoroughly sprayed onto the stain, covering the edges.

The stain must be given time to dry, and the procedure is repeated if necessary. Residues are removed with water and paper towels.

Odor kill

The product can be added to other detergents. This is a very concentrated product, so Odor kill is diluted with water before treating surfaces.

How to get rid of cat smell? To remove unpleasant aroma, mix 1 part of the product with 5 parts of water. Diluted Odor kill is poured into a spray bottle and applied to the affected areas. Then the furniture or carpet is cleaned with a brush in the usual way.

For processing ceramic tiles, dilute in a ratio of 1:64. After applying the product, wait a while, then rinse with cool water.

If the stench cannot be removed even with professional means, all that remains is to send the clothes, carpet or upholstery to the dry cleaner. Specialists will definitely be able to cope with the problem that has arisen.

A cat is not always the personification of comfort and cleanliness. It seems that she behaves this way to spite her owner, but cats are very cunning animals. They behave the way their owner taught them. But nevertheless, even the most well-bred cat, sooner or later, will follow the lead of his innate instincts, unless, of course, he is neutered, and will mark his territory. And he considers everything around him to be his territory: furniture, bed, clothes, and his favorite carpet.

It is useless to scold your pet; it is necessary to remove the smell of urine as quickly as possible, otherwise everything will go in circles. He will urinate where it smells like his urine. In this article we will try to tell you in detail how to remove the smell of cat urine.

Reasons why a cat does not use the litter tray for its intended purpose

  1. The cat doesn't like his litter box. The owner of a mustache needs to pay attention to the size of the cat and litter box. Maybe it's not quite the right size for him. The tray should be no less than one and a half times larger than the pet. The location is calm and secluded. If there are several cats in the house, then it is possible for each pet to have a separate litter box, since not all animals like to share their litter box. Another common reason is a poorly washed tray. Cats have a much better sense of smell than humans, and they have a great sense of how clean their litter box is. It is better to clean it using detergents every day.
  2. New smells. Cats perceive all other people's smells as an encroachment on their personal territory. Thus, the “king” reminds who is the boss of the house. This feature of cats must be remembered when guests come to the house. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is better to place someone else's shoes higher on the shelf.
  3. Stressful situations. Cats are usually quite sensitive people. They perfectly feel the homely atmosphere and, even more so, the attitude towards their loved one. If a cat is offended, then he can remind you of his personality in a similar way. Cats require an even, calm attitude; they do not tolerate excessive affection, much less rough treatment.
  4. Problems related to your pet's health. Mostly older people are prone to this; they tend to urinate more frequently and sometimes even experience urinary incontinence.
  5. Territory marker. The pet sprays a small stream of urine in a wide variety of places, and he does this perfectly well in the house. A tendency to these actions manifests itself in uncastrated cats. Thus, he attracts the attention of cute cats to his person. The cat shows with its marks that it is in charge and dominates other individuals.

As a rule, the smell of marks is much more persistent than the smell of urine, because it contains the odorous secretion of the animal.

Most cat owners have difficulty eliminating the odor left by cat urine in their apartment. You can remove it, but it is quite difficult to do. Below we will look at different methods, but they depend on the place where the pet’s urine got. If the owner notices that the cat has just peed, then the urine should be immediately removed with paper napkins. Moreover, this must be done so that there is no urine left on the surface.

Urea, which is part of cat feces, dries out quite quickly and becomes invisible to the eye. But no, at the first contact with water, the smell comes back, and with the same harshness. This is especially true for shoes. After carefully removing the cat urine, the smell returns after the first wear.

It is necessary to remove fresh urine as soon as possible, since once it dries it will be almost impossible to get rid of the smell.

Affordable cat odor removers

Owners of mustachioed cats have invented many ways to help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Which method can be used depends on the type of surface where the ill-fated stain fell, and the time it spent undetected in the apartment. Here they are:

  • Vodka. The most common product that helps clean any surface. It is effective in combating even old stains. Well suited for dealing with fresh urine contact areas. There is only one drawback - the smell of alcohol, to eliminate which you will need to wash all the items again.
  • Potassium permanganate. To remove unwanted odor using this product, you need to prepare a strong solution. It is not recommended to remove dirt from clothes and shoes using this method. Can be used to remove odors from floors and linoleum. The manganese solution must be well dissolved so that potassium permanganate stains do not remain on objects.
  • Lemon acid. Dilute the fresh juice of one lemon in a glass of water. If the surface is not very sensitive to acids, you can use undiluted juice. Lemon juice can discourage your pet from going to the toilet in this place.
  • Vinegar. To get rid of an unpleasant aroma in your apartment using this product, you need to dilute one part vinegar to three parts water. Well suited for removing stains from clothes, furniture, floors, linoleum. It is recommended to then wash clothes and shoes in warm water. To remove stains from upholstered furniture, you need to place the resulting solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the nuisance left by the cat. Then carefully blot with a damp cloth.
  • Soda. To combat the cat spirit, sprinkle the ill-fated place with baking soda and pour hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) on top. Old stains can be left overnight. Do not use on clothing or upholstered furniture, as baking soda may leave stains.

Traditional methods to help remove cat odor from carpet

Often cat owners wonder how to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet. You can get rid of unwanted odors in your apartment using folk remedies.

Method No. 1

To prepare this product you will need:

  • Vinegar.
  • Soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Liquid soap.

You can get rid of a cat's surprise in several stages:

  1. First, the stain must be moistened with vinegar.
  2. After the vinegar has soaked into the carpet, you need to vacuum it and cover it with baking soda.
  3. Meanwhile, pour the following solution into a spray bottle: a glass of water + 100 ml. hydrogen peroxide + 2-3 ml. liquid soap.
  4. Spray the resulting solution onto the carpet and leave it there for 3 hours.
  5. After this, gently wash with warm water using a cloth.

Method No. 2

The following remedy has proven its effectiveness through multiple experiments:

  • A glass of vodka.
  • 20 grams of washing powder.
  • Any carpet cleaner.
  • Ammonia.
  • Shampoo with lemon scent.

This remedy should be used in stages:

  1. Pour vodka over the area that needs cleansing for 3 hours.
  2. Then moisten with a mixture of detergent and washing powder.
  3. Then gently wash with the applied mixture and rinse.
  4. Pour in lemon-flavored shampoo for an hour.
  5. Wash and rinse again.
  6. Dry the carpet.

This method requires a lot of effort, but the carpet will delight you with cleanliness and freshness.

Before applying any product to the entire surface that needs cleaning, you need to test the reaction on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item.

Ways to combat cat odor for shoes

It is quite difficult to remove the persistent smell of cat urine from shoes. What to do in such cases:

  • Rinse the product thoroughly in cool water. Treat with a strong manganese solution, then machine wash. It is necessary to dry in the fresh air.
  • Shoes are washed in cold water, then treated with vinegar diluted in water (1 to 3). Dry in the fresh air. Insoles are processed separately from the main product.
  • Leather products must be treated inside with glycerin. Leave in fresh air until completely saturated.

Modern means of odor control

Currently, a large selection of products for keeping cats is sold, among them there is a professional odor remover for cat marks and urine. It is available in different forms: sprays, granules.

When using a professional series of cleaners, you need to read the instructions for use of the drug, because the enzymes included in this substance require a certain time for the effective action.

You can also wash them with the help of these odor eliminators. Professional products will help completely neutralize odors from carpets, upholstered and leather furniture.

A black lamp is now available for sale. The ultraviolet light emitted by this lamp will help detect even the most invisible cat urine stains. Your pet's urine will glow yellow.

Preventive actions

To avoid the question of how to clean your house from cat odors from time to time, you need to take preventive measures:

  • As you know, cats are big clean people, and a properly selected and cleanly washed tray will help the owner get rid of this trouble.
  • In the place where the cat marked, you need to either put lemon slices or sprinkle fresh lemon juice. The aroma of lemon will take over the territory in this place.
  • Scented scents placed around the house will help get rid of urine odor because cats hate strong odors.

As a rule, cat urine stains can be easily removed using available products. But it is better to eliminate the reason why the pet does not obey the established rules than to then think about how to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Anyone who has ever dealt with cats knows how unpleasant the smell of their urine is and how persistent its traces are, in fact, difficult to remove. After the measures taken, the smell disappears, and after a while it appears again. This makes housewives wonder how remove cat urine smell forever, because not everyone will agree to throw away damaged furniture, carpet or shoes every time. And the remaining smell can provoke the animal to repeat its action again.

Is the smell removed permanently?

To combat the pet's established habit of marking certain places in the house, owners will have to work hard. Many methods available today help clean sofas and carpets from fresh marks. But there are also folk and professional remedies and recipes that will allow you to destroy old marks.

To cleanse yourself from unpleasant surprises from clothes just wash it in the machine as usual, then rinse in a solution of table vinegar(for 5 liters of water 5 tablespoons of vinegar) and put it in the machine again or wash it with powder by hand.

The owners of these incomparable animals must understand that there are remedies that will be little or completely ineffective, and what is even worse - that will aggravate the situation. Deodorants, aromatic oils, herbal tinctures, coffee - these are only temporary odor maskers. They will not clean the interior elements from traces, and after a while the stench may arise with renewed vigor.

Chlorine is useless fighting cat surprises.

It enhances the unpleasant odor, adding heaviness to it, and is very difficult to remove. In addition, it spoils the color of fabrics and evaporates substances harmful to humans into the atmosphere.

What explains the persistence of the smell?

Urine contains several components that make it difficult to excrete and have a rather persistent unpleasant odor:

  • Urea, making the stain sticky after drying;
  • Urochrome- a pigment that colors urine and its traces;
  • Urine(uric) acid forms crystals that do not dissolve in water.

It is the last component that makes the conversation long and tedious. fight odor. Until the crystals are removed, it will be impossible to completely get rid of the stench. Dissolves uric acid well alkali and glycerin, fights it more or less well alcohol.

It is also worth resorting to the use of fairly strong oxidizing agents.

Also, the strength of the smell, methods of control and choice of means depend on the marked surface. It is much more difficult to get rid of the smell if the material is highly absorbent.

Removing odor using improvised means: instructions

In order to use a reliable and at the same time quite simple way to deal with both fresh and old stains on soft surfaces and shoes, prepare a roll of toilet paper or a pack of paper napkins.

To carry out the procedures, you will also need a regular spray bottle that you use in everyday life for spraying flowers or ironing clothes, a syringe with a needle (preferably at least 5 ml) and a vacuum cleaner. Purchase the following components at the pharmacy and store:

  • Table vinegar;
  • A pack of baking soda;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Dish liquids.

Step-by-step instructions for removing odor:

  1. First, the stained area should be thoroughly cleaned. A special solution will remove dirt well: mix vinegar with boiled water (two glasses of water for half a glass of vinegar), and wipe away traces of urine with it.
  2. Saturate the surface treated with vinegar with paper towels or napkins to remove traces of the solution.
  3. Leave the stain to dry for a while, then sprinkle with baking soda.
  4. Additionally, dilute the soda with water, draw the resulting solution into a syringe and inject it inside the sofa in several places.
  5. In a spray bottle, dilute peroxide with water (1:1), add the same amount of dishwashing liquid, close the lid and shake the bottle thoroughly.
  6. Spray the resulting mixture onto areas of the contaminated surface sprinkled with baking soda. For the best effect, fill a syringe with this solution and inject it in several places inside the sofa.

Soon after these procedures a sharp ammonium smell- a common and completely normal and safe reaction of uric acid to the solutions used. When the smell decreases, the treated area should be dry and vacuum thoroughly.

Quick ways to combat urine odor

Listed below methods They are simple and affordable, but they don’t always last long, and they are not suitable for every surface:

  • Weak manganese solution(several crystals per liter of water), can destroy the smell. But before use, you need to carefully try somewhere on the side to see if the manganese will leave traces.
  • In the same way you can try using iodine solution(10 drops per liter of water).
  • Fresh lemon juice, which is very easy to squeeze out yourself, will quickly cope with the nasty smell.
  • Laundry soap Without loss or damage to the surface, it will eliminate not only traces and stench of urine, but also feces.
  • Regular vodka It will not help remove stains and odors so much as it will discourage the cat from marking the surface treated with it.

Professional means to combat urine odor

The effectiveness of the latest products produced by the industry in a wide range is due to the action of components such as enzymes - special enzymes that completely decompose volatile aromatic substances. In order for the application to be successful, you must follow the instructions exactly. Often, to achieve a positive result, after using the products, it takes time, often reaching two or more days.

For successful processing using enzymes it is necessary to provide access to the room with oxygen and maintain the required level of humidity.

This will require additional effort and time from you, but the resulting result will pleasantly amaze you: both the smell and the trace will disappear without a trace.

Such products are produced by manufacturers of veterinary drugs and household chemicals, and they can be purchased in these departments.

If you notice cat marks on your favorite sofa or a beautiful carpet, or maybe on your clothes, do not despair. Our time is a century of continuous revolutions and inventions; development has not spared the question of how to remove the smell of cat urine from any surface. Above we described the most accessible and simple methods. But when performing the necessary actions, remember to be careful and follow the instructions!

Video about removing cat urine odor

Cat urine emits an extremely suffocating, fetid odor, which seems impossible to get rid of in an apartment. Animal marks are capable of ingraining themselves into a variety of surfaces and reminding of themselves for a very long time. In fact, there are many effective cat urine odor neutralizers. Many of them can be found in your own bathroom or kitchen, or can also be purchased at your local household chemicals store. How to remove cat odor? We will look for an answer to this question in our publication.

Why do cats get dirty in the apartment?

Among the most common causes of the problem, it is worth noting the following:

  • The owner’s choice of an inappropriate place to place the tray, which the pet does not like.
  • There is no litter in the cat litter or it is not replaced often enough.
  • The animal's dissatisfaction with the conditions of detention, rude attitude on the part of the owner, which causes resentment and stress in the pet.
  • The presence of other pets in the apartment, which are considered by cats as rivals.

How to find the source of an unpleasant odor in the house

There is often a persistent smell of cat urine in the room. However, the puddles are nowhere to be seen. To find cat marks, you should arm yourself with an ultraviolet lamp. You can purchase a special flashlight that will allow you to understand where the cat smell is coming from in your apartment at your nearest pet supply store.

It is recommended to look for dried puddles using an ultraviolet lamp in complete darkness. You should start examining surfaces from the place where the unpleasant aroma is most noticeable. Then other, less suspicious areas should be illuminated.

You need to understand that the animal is capable of leaving marks not only on the carpet, but also in the most incredible places. Therefore, it is recommended to walk with an ultraviolet lamp wherever the cat could potentially climb. In this specific light, traces of your pet’s urine appear as spots of a greenish tint. Fresh tags will have a bright yellow tint.

How to remove cat smell from shoes

Shoes are often abused by cats. Why do pets show increased interest in such things? The fact is that along with our shoes we bring a whole host of foreign odors into our homes. The latter are often perceived by animals as threatening, dangerous and suspicious. Such odors, “in the opinion” of cats, must be overcome by the smell of urine.

How to fix the problem if the animal decides to mark shoes? In such situations, you should resort to the following solutions:

  1. Machine washing is the simplest, most obvious option for removing the unpleasant aroma of cat urine from shoes. It is recommended to use this method if sneakers, slippers, or sneakers have been damaged. It is not recommended to machine wash shoes made from thick materials, such as leather boots. Indeed, in this case, a hard sole can damage the glass or drum of household appliances.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for treating the inside of shoes to remove the smell of cat urine. To restore a neutral aroma to a damaged item, it is enough to carefully treat all surfaces with the composition, paying special attention to seams and folds. The only drawback of the method is that hydrogen peroxide can discolor fabrics. Therefore, you should use the solution only when it is necessary to get rid of the unpleasant odor of leather shoes.
  3. The product "Formidron" is designed specifically for people who suffer from the problem of severe sweating of the feet. However, the drug is also suitable as a cat urine odor neutralizer. This chemical composition is quite rich and concentrated. For this reason, it is recommended to perform shoe processing using a respirator and gloves. Otherwise, you can be poisoned by formaldehyde vapors, the main active ingredient of the drug.

In order not to have to resort to removing the smell of cat urine from shoes, it is worth performing a little prevention. We are talking about the use of citrus essential oils. Concentrated formulations with a pronounced aroma of tangerine, orange or lemon will discourage the cat from any desire to approach the shoes. The solution can also save clothes from damage.

Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover

Nature's Miracle brand product allows you to quickly remove cat urine stains from upholstered furniture, carpets, clothing, floor coverings, mattresses, and more. The product copes well with old dirt left in the house by animals. The result of using the composition is the appearance of a pleasant citrus aroma, which scares cats away from places where they prefer to shit.

How to get rid of cat odor using Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover? The composition is applied to a previously washed surface. The substance is left to eat off the stain for 5-10 minutes. Then the dirt is removed using a regular napkin.


How to get rid of cat smell in a short time? In order to quickly eliminate the problem, you should use the effective BioVax product. The drug is available in the form of a spray, which has an intense deodorizing effect. It contains plant extracts, natural enzymes and essential oils. The product not only hides the foul odor, but also destroys the structure of substances in dried cat urine. The use of BioVax spray will serve as an excellent solution when you need to eliminate the unpleasant cat smell in the apartment just before the arrival of guests.

Enzyme Nutri-Vet

The product contains deodorizing components and active substances that dry out, destroy the structure and change the aroma of persistent animal urine stains. The chemical composition is suitable for treating carpets, furniture, floor coverings, and surfaces near the cat litter.

Nutri-Vet is applied directly to urine stains. Then they wait about 15-20 minutes. Dirt is removed using a well-absorbing sponge or cloth.


Oddly enough, alcohol perfectly eliminates all kinds of stench. It is recommended to use vodka, first of all, in the fight against fresh traces of cat urine. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to treat fresh marks left by the animal with undiluted alcohol. Vodka will remove the cat smell. However, a faint aroma of the alcohol itself will remain. Treating surfaces with water and household cleaning products dissolved in it will completely eliminate the smell.

Lemon juice

How to remove cat odor with lemon? To do this, you need to take a glass of water, diluting citrus juice in it. The marks left by the animal need to be treated with this composition. The substance will dissolve cat urine. In addition, an aroma will remain on the cleaned surfaces, which will discourage the pet from committing a new “crime.”

Potassium permangantsovka

Forms a compound enriched with oxygen. When applied to surfaces, such a composition acts like enzymes that change the structure of biologically active substances. For this reason, the product has a destructive effect on the elements in animal urine.

How to get rid of cat odor using potassium permanganate? It is enough to use about 20 drops of the substance per liter of water. The product can be used to treat carpets made from dense, non-delicate fabrics. The composition can also be applied to hard surfaces.


Another way to get rid of cat smell? A proven folk method is to use ordinary table vinegar. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The acid composition is used to treat hard coatings. To remove the aroma of cat urine from upholstered furniture using this method, you need to spray the solution with a spray bottle.


So we found out how to remove the cat smell in the apartment. Finally, it must be said that in most cases animals do not try to crap in the house, but only mark their own territory. In such situations, it becomes quite difficult to remove a persistent, fetid aroma without effective agents that have a destructive effect on the structure of biological substances.

To avoid trouble, you need to determine the reasons why the pet does not want to adhere to the rules of behavior established by the owner. It is recommended to teach your cat to relieve itself in the litter box without using violent methods. Under no circumstances should you poke an animal into a puddle of urine left in the wrong place. After all, as a rule, this makes the cat want to commit even more dirty tricks.
