How to meet and see off guests according to etiquette for a birthday, wedding? Meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, meeting important guests. Comic and original meetings of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening

To create a good mood among the guests, it is necessary to welcome them cordially and affably.

  • Inviting guests for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea, should be agreed several days in advance so that guests can prepare for the meeting in advance.
  • If for some reason one of the invitees cannot come, he is obliged to notify the owners of this in advance. At the same time, he is not at all obliged to explain in detail, and it is better for the owners not to find out with persistence the reason for the refusal.
  • You need to come to visit exactly at the specified time, in better earlier for 5-10 min. Being late has always been considered bad manners. And it’s completely indecent when the owner himself is late.
  • You can wait for a late guest no more than 10 minutes and invite everyone to the table.
  • If the guests are already sitting at the table, a latecomer should approach the owners and apologize. At the same time, the hosts do not get up from their seats and do not find out the reason for the guest's delay.
  • Guests are greeted, as a rule, by the host with the hostess or one of them.
  • When a husband and wife come to visit, then the wife is the first to greet the owners. If many guests are invited, it is not necessary to introduce everyone to each other: it is enough to introduce everyone who has entered, stating his name, patronymic and surname. You can mention "my sister", "my friend".
  • In turn new comer You don't have to shake hands with everyone. It is enough to give everyone a general nod of the head.
  • When more than half of the guests had already gathered, you can offer them chilled juices. At this time, guests can talk in a more relaxed atmosphere, get to know each other better.
  • When meeting, the woman is the first to extend her hand. If she does not stretch out her hand, do not force her to do so.
  • Waiting for an invitation to the table, men, with the exception of the elderly, as a rule, they stand, while women can sit.
  • When all the guests have arrived, hostess or host invites them to the table.

Last n.g. met with friends at our house. My friends and I liked it so much with my husband that they still remember how much fun we all had and are already hinting that it would not be bad to repeat the same new year 2013 with us. My husband and I do not mind inviting everyone to us, our friends are funny, we don’t need to entertain anyone, everyone cooked in advance according to the competition, everyone brought a salad, my husband and I prepared rolls and fried chicken in the oven, when friends came to us, we all cut it together a varied cheese plate, made canapes, in general, no one bothered with cooking, but in the end we got a wonderful table. And for drinks, we had cocktails. A friend brought excellent rum from Cuba, bought tequila, mint, cane sugar syrup, cola, lime, prepared a lot of ice ... in short, we got great cocktails that were not even close to those sold in cafes and restaurants. And in the morning I didn’t have a headache and didn’t feel like sleeping, as happened from champagne or wine. In general, everything went well, but there is one snag.
So, last time my husband and I prepared a little surprise for friends. They placed small candles on the floor and on the table, turned on very romantic music, a saxophone. The table was covered with a silvery cloth to the floor, nice silvery balls were laid out on the tablecloth, an impromptu bar counter was made, tangerines and cones were laid out around the room. In general, friends came, undressed, and now my husband and I open the door to the room - the light is dimmed, candles flicker, gentle music plays. Everyone was a little stunned, and we offered to literally dance a little slowly with each other, after a minute the music changed and we called everyone to the bar, my husband brought a tray with glasses, poured champagne, and I handed everyone a paper scroll tied with a silver ribbon, when everyone I opened it, then read my New Year's rhyme, written with my own hand and invented by me. In general, this gave everyone a festive mood, everyone was touched, including me, drank champagne, everyone received a New Year's ball as a gift ... and then they put out the candles, turned on the lights, lethal music and cool fun began.
Now I don’t even know what else to come up with to give 15-20 minutes to friends when they just come. Surround them with the same attention. Create the same atmosphere as last year. I myself did not expect that they would like it so much when they were greeted like that. And I don’t shine with imagination to come up with this this year, I don’t even have a clue that it wouldn’t be stressful, but at the same time romantic and festive. And I don't want to lower the bar.
In general, helppppp, maybe someone has experience meeting guests. To come up with something like this? Please share your experience, if any.
R.S. Perhaps my description of n.g. will be useful to someone, someone will adopt how to meet n.g. with friends at home, so I described it in such detail.

1. Get in the holiday spirit ahead of time by sending bright and beautiful handmade invitations to your guests. Your guests will surely appreciate your efforts.

2. Do not forget about decorating the room where you plan to receive guests. You can either make your own or purchase from a store.

3. Prepare the "scenario" of the evening. Of course it won't be a script a theatrical production, where everyone has a specific role, but, nevertheless, he will help you not to forget anything.

4. Pick the right music. Choose something light and fun to play in the background while guests chat and enjoy treats. If fun contests and incendiary dances are planned, create another selection of music that you can use if necessary.

How to welcome guests in an original way

1. Buy balloons, inflate them and write the guest's name on each. As soon as the guests come in, give them balloons or tie them somewhere on their clothes. A very good way to get acquainted if there are "newcomers" in the company.

2. Greet guests with welcome verses, better than your own composition. Your guests will surely be pleasantly surprised.

3. If you are gathering guests to celebrate a holiday, give everyone a small souvenir gift from the doorway. Again, it can be accompanied by poetry. And tie the ball.

4. When the guests have already entered the room, bring glasses of champagne or wine. Distribute them to the guests by handing an envelope with a glass, which contains a toast or a pleasant wish to those present. Let everyone take turns reading aloud what is written on these pieces of paper. And then you can drink champagne.

5. If you have culinary skills at the proper level, bake cookies with wishes inside. Put a bowl of biscuits in the hallway, let each guest take a biscuit and rejoice in pleasant wishes.

6. At the entrance to the room, collect one thing from each of the guests. And then, when everyone sits down at the table, quickly play forfeits with small gifts as a reward for everyone.

7. Make guests remember their childhood: at the entrance, give them a “treasure map” with tips and send them to look for a “treasure” - a bottle of champagne or a place where gifts for everyone are.

Agree, the advice is very simple. Use them, and "gatherings" will definitely not be boring.

(33353) - Tatyana Putina, 01/20/2009

The arrival of guests is a very responsible event for those who invite. After all, it is necessary not only to be hospitable hosts of the house, but also to foresee and think over all the organizational issues of this moment. First of all, when preparing to welcome guests, do not forget that not only you, but also your home, as well as the festive table, should look beautiful and elegant. It is necessary to discuss and plan in advance with the help of household members where to put the dining table, how to arrange places for rest and feasts, and even think over the lighting for each part and stage of the evening.

If you plan not to have short gatherings at the table, but a full-fledged celebration, then you should not lose sight of the question of a place for dancing, because no one wants to sit at the table for the whole holiday. In addition, places for rest and light conversation should be provided.

In a word, before inviting friends, you need to make sure that they are pleasant and comfortable visiting you.

The format of the holiday should also be considered in advance, based on your capabilities and what you expect from the planned event.

Close friends with whom you would like to talk longer should be invited over the weekend. The best time to do this is at lunchtime. Such an invitation<for lunch> does not imply a noisy feast with full tables, so you can limit yourself to an ordinary lunch, but diversify it with some interesting zest dish.

If you have any <фирменное>dish, for example, excellent pancakes or pies with outlandish fillings, then you can invite your friends directly to taste these wonders. In this case, only this one dish and accompanying drinks are supposed.

This occasion for a meeting came to us from the West, but has already become widespread, and we also often invite friends "for pirogues".

If it is supposed to solve some issue or just a small conversation. Then you can serve sweets, sandwiches and tea or coffee to it.

As you know, accuracy is the courtesy of kings. therefore be sure to visit on time. It is allowed to be late, but not more than 20 minutes. But you should not come in advance, thus you can catch the last preparations of the table or the hostess in homemade non-holiday clothes. This will bring a lot of embarrassment to both you and her, so it's better to walk down the street for a few minutes, but come exactly at the appointed time.

Invitees need to prepare all dishes and decoration in advance so that they are already on the table by the arrival of guests. Only hot dishes can be served directly during the celebration<с пылу, жару>. But, if the guests came to you a little earlier than planned, and you still have not everything ready, then usually the hostess of the house finishes the preparations, and the owner comes out to meet the guests. He must take their coats and take them to their rooms. Do not offer slippers to guests in festive clothes. Surely they thought over their appearance for a long time and picked up clothes and accessories before going on a visit, and fluffy house slippers will break the whole harmony of this ensemble. In dry weather, guests are usually allowed to wear outdoor shoes inside the house. But in slush or snow, they themselves must take care of interchangeable shoes.

It is not customary to go to the holidays empty-handed. But during a regular visit, bringing something is considered optional, although flowers for the hostess of the house will not be superfluous and a pleasant trifle. If there are children in the house, then it is worth grabbing at least a small surprise even during a regular visit. It is indecent to come into a house where there are children without a small toy, sweets or fruit.

If the gift was brought and handed to you, it cannot be left unpacked. It is imperative to open it with guests and express your gratitude to the donors.

According to the rules of etiquette, the received flowers must be placed in vases and placed in the same room where the table is set, and the sweets, cake or wine brought are added to the rest of the desserts or alcoholic drinks that are already planned for serving. It is impolite to remove the brought wine to the bar or not to treat guests with donated sweets - this is considered unacceptable.

On the eve of the event, be sure to call back the invitees and confirm your invitation, as well as clarify the number of guests. Do not hide from the invitees and the general list of guests, thereby you will avoid the clash of irreconcilable enemies or simply people who do not get along in the same company. It is also better not to mix different companies on the same evening, so it is better to divide the celebration of the event, for example, with colleagues and friends on two different days. Thus, you will not find yourself in an awkward situation that can develop in a company where strangers are present. In addition, some topics of conversation may be of interest only to a certain group of people, while others will be bored.

For parents, the question will be relevant whether it is possible to take children with them to visit. Usually, this is allowed if it was clearly stated in the invitation that you were invited with children. As a rule, in such cases, children are expected to have their own entertainment program and a separate table in another room. There, children can have fun and play by themselves or a children's animator is invited. If you made a mistake with the format of the holiday and came with a child to an adult company, then it would be polite to stay for a short time and, apologizing, leave.

If you are planning to gather a large group of guests, then you will have to take care of their location. Useful cards with the names of guests, spread out near the appliances, which will help to avoid the fuss and confusion when the guests are seated. In addition, you should carefully consider the neighborhood at the table. Otherwise, even the most thoughtful celebration will not bring pleasure to a person who gets an uninteresting neighbor. In a small company, guests usually choose the place where they will sit, and there is no need to take special care of this.

The main conversation is tied up and takes place at the table. It is up to the hostess to come up with interesting topics for conversation, avoiding highly specific topics, those of diseases and heated debates between guests. You can also enlist the support of some particularly eloquent guest, who will set the tone for the conversation, and play the role of an impromptu<тамады>. The duties of the hosts also include the repayment of a brewing quarrel on the basis of a divergence of views, it is also not necessary to support topics about someone's problems, and, of course, you should not complain to guests about your troubles in life.

So, a well-thought-out holiday comes to an end, and the guests begin to gather and go home ... But often at each party there will be one or more guests who do not notice that the holiday has already ended and it's time to go home. They do not stop talking and continue the feast. By this time, already tired hosts simply do not know how to tactfully hint to such guests that it is time to leave. It’s better to politely explain that you don’t want to, but still you have to end the holiday and refer to the early rise the next morning.

Usually guests offer their help in cleaning the table and washing dishes. The hosts can involve them in such an activity, but it would be better and more polite to accept such help only from relatives or close friends, and thank and see off the rest of the guests. Guests are usually escorted to the floor area, but single girls need to call a taxi or take them to the nearest bus stop.

Remember that the rules of etiquette require a return visit. Therefore, when inviting guests to your place, you can count on a quick counter-invitation, and, having been a guest, do not forget about the answer.

Usually, it is customary to carry out a counter invitation within a month.

Poems, script for meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, with bread and salt.

Birthday is a great holiday that not all adults love. But if you are a respected person, then your employees and friends will not forget about your anniversary. Therefore, even if you are not going to organize a magnificent party, you will have to arrange modest home gatherings.

How to meet guests for a birthday?

So that the feast does not turn into an ordinary wish for goodies, prepare in advance for the holiday. Send out invitations, and the day before the celebration, call all the guests and tell them the time and format of the celebration.

This is necessary so that guests can purchase suitable clothes and gifts. If you are planning a barbecue or a barbecue, make sure your guests are wearing sportswear.

Options for meeting guests:

  • If you are making a holiday at home, then everything is simple here. Each guest can come up with some kind of image. For example, a treasure island, then someone will be the captain of the ship, and someone will be a pirate. Tell a short segment from the work "Treasure Island", explain to the guest that he will be a pirate today and put on him a hat and an eye patch. Say that pirates traditionally drink rum, and offer a glass of alcoholic drink. Guests will be delighted with such a meeting.
  • If you're throwing a birthday party for your kids, get balloons and put a cartoon character on each piece of paper. The child must choose a ball, burst it and turn into a hero, which is indicated on the sheet. Prepare wigs, hats and other accessories in advance
  • Classically, guests can be greeted with bread and salt. Ask the guest to break off a piece of loaf and dip it in salt. If the guests are not teetotalers, you can offer a glass of alcoholic drink. The meeting can be accompanied by poetry or just quiet music.
meet birthday guests

How to welcome guests at home?

  • There are several rules for welcoming guests at home. First of all, when the first guest arrives, he is met by the host along with the hostess. Then, the owner opens the door, and the hostess of the house sits with the guests who have already arrived.
  • If you have adult children, they can also meet the guests. The owner of the house introduces everyone. He immediately says the name of the person who came and seats him at the table.
  • These are the basic rules, and you can make the meeting more fun as you wish. Arrange a carnival meeting or in the style of the 60s

The meeting of guests in the style of gangsters looks very unusual. In this case, each guest is put on a hat, a bow tie around his neck and is given a glass of whiskey.

greet guests at home

How to welcome guests in a restaurant?

  • It is best to entrust this to professionals. There is a special position abroad, the person who greets guests is always smiling, trying to establish contact with the guests
  • He tries to make the guests enjoy the restaurant. Hire a host to greet and entertain guests. If the company is small, and you are not ready to shell out a lot of money to invite a toastmaster or presenter, you will have to do everything yourself
  • Be sure to prepare for meeting guests with children. Get pencils and white sheets. An easel will do. Have the children sit at separate tables and let them paint while you take care of the adults.
  • You can make postcards indicating the table number and place. The postcard can be designed as a movie ticket. It will be easier for guests, they will not have to think about who is sitting where.

meet guests at the restaurant

How are wedding guests met and escorted?

Everything is a little more complicated here. After the registry office, the newlyweds usually go for a walk or a photo session. Accordingly, the guests are left to their own devices. If possible, do not invite guests to the registry office, it is better to sign on another day.

Invite guests directly to the restaurant. While you ride and take pictures, ask a close relative to meet guests at the restaurant. So that the invitees do not huddle in the hall and do not know what to do, arrange a buffet table.

In the lobby of the hall, put several tables with cold cuts, canapé sandwiches and champagne. No need to put chairs near the tables, this is a snack before the feast. You can arrange a few simple contests until the bride and groom arrive at the guests.

meet and escort wedding guests

How are dear important guests welcomed?

  • First of all, take care of the red carpet. All guests should be showered with gold or silver confetti. If you wish, invite a gypsy ensemble, it will perfectly meet dear guests and leave no one indifferent
  • If you invited young people to the holiday, you can make the meeting informal. Invite the girls in sexy outfits to lead the invitees into the hall
  • You can supplement the meeting with bread and salt, but this tradition is not welcome in a young company. Young people love creativity and non-standard approach. Let it be cognac with lemon or tequila

meet dear important guests

This scenario is suitable for meeting guests in a restaurant.

Script text:

  • Leading."Hello, dear guests, please accept postcards and gifts from us." Postcards are handed out with inscriptions of the places that the invitees should take. Gifts should be themed, they can be simple ceramic souvenirs
  • Leading.“Today, men should forget about fishing, and women about prices in stores. On this day we celebrate a birthday. On this holiday, it is customary to give only joy and fun. This is followed by a dance number.
  • Leading."Dear guests, thank you for coming, here are the prizes from the birthday boy." Bundles with comic gifts are handed out. It could be a clown on a spring or some funny souvenir.
  • presenter. “Now you can please the birthday boy and give him gifts.” Guests give gifts. After that, funny competitions are held according to the script.

Meeting guests in Russian with bread and salt

This is an ancient custom when salt was worth more than gold. Bread is mercy, and salt is love. This is a decoding of two characters. By serving a loaf with a salt shaker, you show your guests love and mercy. It is believed that the joint eating of a loaf with salt binds guests, this is such a ritual of rapprochement.

Now in this way they meet newlyweds from the registry office or foreign guests. Thus, they show their mercy and joy. The loaf is brought on an embroidered towel, a solemn speech is made. Guests break off a piece of pastry, and dip it in salt, eat a loaf.

Greeting words differ depending on the occasion and holiday.

For a meeting with bread and salt:

We welcome dear guests
In the native Russian land,
We offer you bread and salt,
As custom told us.
The most respected and long-awaited
We present a loaf
Come on, all together, come on, sing along!
We welcome you with joy
With nice mood,
Come on in, don't be shy
Eat some bread and salt!

Words for meeting guests at school:

Let's welcome our dear guests today,
Since they came to our school, they are full of fresh ideas.
Share, do not be lazy, we will not remain in debt!
We will show our favorite school in the best light!
School is a home, Half a day we live together in it!
Here you can develop all-round,
Fill with spiritual energy!
Come in without hesitation, This is the best institution in the world!

Words for meeting guests on a birthday:

Hello dear guests,
All are so dressy!
We have been waiting for you for a long time, already an hour,
And we are worried about you.
And the hero of the occasion
Waiting for you in the morning!
Come on in, don't be shy
Make yourself comfortable,
Soon we will start the holiday
Let's dance, let's drink!
Let's have fun until the morning
Children are with us.
Let's eat and talk
Pass the time with pleasure!

When the party has come to an end, it is not easy to say goodbye to the guests, but to do it in such a way that they want to visit you more than once and drink a cup of coffee or something stronger. This can be done in verse.

Farewell verses for guests:

What lovely guests ... ate ...
I see the lunch was delicious!
You bored me a little...
I will accompany you so that troubles do not happen ...

If the guests are tired
And they don't want to go home
Clap your hands loudly
Attracting their attention.
And then read poetry to them,
Demand to be taken care of...
You will notice how quiet
The staff of guests will be reduced.
The most persistent goodbye
You pour a glass...
And they go home
Covered in poetry...

Try to think through everything to the smallest detail. It is very pleasant when acquaintances and relatives consider you a good hostess and always come to visit with pleasure.

VIDEO: Meeting guests
