How to get pregnant with a girl: special days for conception, diet and the right attitude.

How to conceive a girl: read about all known methods of calculating the sex of a child in our material.

Many couples dream of a child of a certain gender. When everything has already been tried, you need to look for other methods. If you dream of lace dresses, bows, dolls and blue-eyed happiness with pigtails, a purring “daddy”, your dreams of a daughter may very well come true.

Of course, no method can provide a 100% guarantee of conceiving a girl, but you can try your luck.

What determines the gender of a child?

Despite the fact that for a long time it was believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the mother, this is not so. The gender of the child depends entirely on the father. Let's explain what's what.

The sex of a child depends on the set of sex chromosomes that are passed on to him by his parents. Women are carriers of XX sex chromosomes, and therefore, they cannot pass on anything other than the X chromosome to the child.

But men are carriers of XY sex chromosomes, and they can pass on either the X or Y sex chromosome to their future child. And the sex of the child depends only on which sperm fertilizes the egg.

If an egg (exclusively with an X chromosome) is fertilized by a sperm carrier of the X chromosome, the result will be a girl (XX is the female set of sex chromosomes).

If an egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome, it will be a boy (XY is the male set of sex chromosomes).

X sperm are inactive , but quite tenacious. Y sperm are very fast , “take” the egg in quantity, but they are very vulnerable and die faster than the “girls”. When planning a daughter, we will start from the properties of sperm X and Y.

You should have sex every day immediately after your period (ideally, warm up your libido several times a day). The fulfillment of marital duty must be stopped 3 days before the onset. If you don’t want to stop, take precautions.

Helps to conceive a girl missionary position or any other with shallow penetration. This measure is needed to increase the sperm's path to the egg. We remember that Y-sperm are less tenacious and die in the alkaline environment of the vagina. That's why it is important that sex does not lead to female orgasm , because this wonderful outcome will help Y-sperm to survive.

Table on how to conceive a girl

There is also a table that will help future parents conceive a girl or boy. You need to know pair number to know how to use the table. In the horizontal line, find husband's birth month , and in the vertical one - wives. The number at the intersection of birth months will just mean the number of the couple. For example, if a man was born in March and a woman was born in May, then their number is 9.

In the table below, find your number and look at the graph of the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender. The more fluctuations in the graph, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a girl or boy. In the case of our example, a couple with the number 9, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is greater in May.

Calendar on how to conceive a girl

In addition to the table, you can use a special calendar. It is very simple to use - you just need to know the mother's age. If the mother, for example, is 27 years old, then, according to the calendar, the ideal months for conceiving girls are: January, March, May, June, November.

How to conceive a girl by blood

Another method is also popular - conceiving a girl by renewing the blood.

Women's blood is renewed every 4 years, and men's - every 3 . Whose blood will be younger at the time of conception, the child will be born of that gender.

For example, my mother is 27 years old, her birthday is in May, and conception is planned for August. It is necessary to divide the age by 4, add to the resulting remainder the number of full months from the last birthday relative to the day of conception. It turns out 27:4 = 6.7. To the remainder 7 we add 5 (the number of months before conception). As a result we get 12.

We perform the same manipulations with age of the future dad . For example, he is 35 years old and his birthday is in March. It turns out 35:3 = 11.6. To the remainder 6 we add 7 and we get 13.

Thus, mother’s blood is younger than father’s (12 versus 13), accordingly, the parents will soon have a girl.

How to conceive a girl: reviews from mothers

Paying attention to the timing of sex

The sex of the child is determined by. To have a girl, you need to make love right away after the end of the cycle . The closer sexual intercourse is to the moment of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy, according to the theory that X chromosomes are more durable, and Y chromosomes do not live long, but they are faster.

Diet for conceiving a girl

What you need to eat to conceive a girl:

  • You can drink: tea, coffee (carefully), cocoa, chocolate, calcium mineral waters. Not recommended: carbonated sweet drinks, canned juice.
  • Meat: veal, beef, pork, lamb, but in limited quantities. It is not recommended to eat: corned beef, sausages, smoked meats, ham, roasts, meatballs.
  • Fish: fresh or frozen. Not recommended: salted, dried, smoked fish, crustaceans, canned fish in marinade, shrimp oil.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, cream cheese. Not recommended: ice cream and all types of cheese.
  • Flour products: cookies and bread without salt, homemade baked goods without salt and without yeast. Not recommended: industrial confectionery products, regular bread and cookies.
  • Cereals: rice, semolina. It is not recommended to eat corn.
  • Vegetables: eggplants, beets, potatoes in limited quantities, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, champignons, watercress, lettuce, green beans, green peas, peppers, boiled tomatoes, green onions. Not recommended: deep-fried potatoes, spinach, canned and dried vegetables, rhubarb, mushrooms, zucchini, lentils, all types of cabbage, raw tomatoes, white beans.
  • Dried fruits: peanuts, unsalted almonds, hazelnuts. Not recommended: raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits.
  • Fresh fruits: apples, pears, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons, mangoes, watermelon, quince. Not recommended: banana, apricot, plum, orange, currant, melon.
  • Miscellaneous: honey, sugar, jam, fresh sour cream, jelly, aromatic herbs, eggs. Not recommended: salt, soda, yeast, ketchup, margarine, olives, gherkins, salted butter.

Ilona Vasilenko, gynecologist, reproductive specialist: “Parents can influence the gender of the child if he is conceived in a genetic laboratory. If the expectant mother and father do not have health problems, and the baby is conceived naturally, then it will not be possible to influence its gender. The only thing that can be said for sure: in Ukraine, as a rule, more boys are born than girls. But no one can tell how lucky you will be.”

Conceiving a girl: folk signs

In order for you to have a daughter, folk signs suggest the following actions:

  • before conception, you need to put a mirror and a comb in the marital bed;
  • make love under a young apple tree (a controversial sign);
  • perform marital duties on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays;
  • 5 days before conception, the wife should drink a glass of apple/plum juice at night;
  • before conception, the wife should tie a simple thread around the little finger of her right hand;
  • have sex on winter evenings when the temperature drops below -10 degrees.

Visualization method

So that you have a daughter, you really have to want it . Both parents must imagine everything in great detail. Even the color of the eyes and hair, the face, the smile of the baby. Make this as clear as possible. They say this is how you can “order” a daughter from the Universe.

These are just a few ways to conceive a girl. We hope to find out how well they work from your comments under the article and on. Be sure to share your joy with us! And even if you have a boy, remember: being parents is a great happiness, but you can “work” on a girl a little later.

The birth of a child is a real miracle. But parents are especially happy when a baby of the gender they wanted is born. However, nature does not always give pleasant surprises to married couples. Fortunately, there are fairly accurate methods that allow you to predict the gender of the baby even during the planning period. Most mothers dream of having a girl. And this is not surprising: girls usually look like their mothers, they are just as beautiful, and it’s always nice for them to chat with each other, like friends. But many dads also want to have a little princess whom they will pamper and protect.

Since ancient times, women have been looking for various ways to get pregnant with a girl: they invented special calendars, calculated the days and months of conception, followed diets and even performed terrible magical rituals. Some of these techniques have survived to this day and are actively used by married couples. If a mother definitely wants to give birth to a girl, you should not rely on chance, but rather try one of the methods below. Although they do not provide a 100% guarantee, they have been tested for centuries and are completely safe, so you can try.

Factors influencing the gender of the child

The gender of the unborn child depends on many factors; just remember biology lessons at school. Every cell in the human body has a nucleus where genetic information (DNA) is located. All characteristic features of a person, namely eye color, hair, body composition, gender, etc., depend on the set of genes and chromosomes. This set is different for females and males.

One cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which 22 are identical (XX). The structure of the 23rd differs depending on gender: women - XX, men - XY. A paired set of chromosomes is present in all cells, and only in eggs and sperm is the set single. During the formation of germ cells, pair sets are separated.

In particular, in eggs there are 23 single chromosomes, the last one will definitely be X. Again, sperm have 23 chromosomes, but the last one can be both X and Y, since their number is equal. The set of sperm that has managed to fertilize the egg determines who will appear later - a boy or a girl, that is, Y or X.

If we assume that all sperm have the same properties, then the possibility of conceiving a child of a certain gender would be at least 50%. But the fact is that in males the cells differ in their behavior. For example, Y-sperm move quickly, but they are not viable, and vice versa, X-sperm have low activity, but they tolerate the influence of the environment of the female reproductive system better.

There are several known factors that directly influence what gender the unborn child will have:

  1. Time of conception. It was already said earlier that sperm differ in viability and level of activity, that is: Y - move quickly, and also die soon, X - slower, but at the same time much more resilient. It is known that sperm can live in the female body for up to 7 days. During sexual intercourse, during the period of ovulation, the egg is fertilized by fast sperm (Y). However, if the act took place after ovulation, then the chances increase for tenacious sperm (X). Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to conceive a girl, then you need to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.
  2. Position during sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, if the penis penetrates deeply, the distance to the egg decreases significantly, in this case sperm Y has more opportunities. With small penetration, the distance that the sperm must overcome, on the contrary, increases. The probability of fertilization by X sperm is high, because only the strong survive.
  3. Number of sexual acts. If sexual intercourse occurs regularly, then most likely it will be sperm Y that will end up in the egg, since there is a high chance that sexual intercourse will coincide with the day of ovulation. If sexual intercourse between spouses occurs infrequently, then the possibility of becoming pregnant with a girl will be higher, since more viable X-sperm will survive until ovulation.

1 way. Conceive a girl using Shettles

This method of conceiving a child of a certain sex, developed by scientist Landrum Shettles, is based on differences in the activity and vitality of sperm. Male germ cells carry two types of chromosomes: X and Y. The first sperm, heavy, slow, but strong and stable, when connected to the egg, form a female embryo. The second, light, nimble and agile, but weak, is the male fetus. The principle of conception according to Shettles is to help the X-tadpoles get to the egg, eliminating competitors - the Y-sperm.

To use the Shettles method, a woman needs to know exactly her menstrual cycle. It is important to determine the day of ovulation. To do this, you can measure your basal temperature daily and build a graph based on the data. In order to conceive a girl, sexual intercourse after menstruation should be every day, and it must be stopped three days before ovulation, or start using condoms. Thus, tenacious X-sperm will hide in the female genital organs for three days, waiting for an egg, and weak Y-tadpoles will already die by the time of ovulation.

The best intimate position during sex for conceiving a girl is when the woman is passive, located below. The partner's penis should not penetrate deeply. This is important because it lengthens the path of sperm to the egg. Strong sperm with female chromosomes move along the reproductive tract to their cherished goal for several days, and male tadpoles die within a day. It is also desirable that the woman does not experience orgasm during intercourse. This pleasant process contributes to the formation of an alkaline environment in her body, to which Y-sperm are immune, and only X-cells die in it.

Method 2. Conceiving a girl according to the couple's number table

You can try to plan for a girl using a special table. In this table you need to calculate the number of the pair. The month when the man was born is marked on the horizontal line, and the month the woman was born on the vertical column. The number at the intersection of the months is the number of the pair. For example, let's assume that a woman was born in May and a man was born in March. This means their number is 9.

Next, you need to go to the graph under the table and see, based on the number of the couple, in which month the probability of becoming pregnant with a girl is highest and lowest. You should pay attention to the deepest fluctuations in the chart. For a couple with the number 9, for example, it is better to try to have a daughter in May, but in December you should not even try.

3 way. Conceive a girl by blood

The blood age method of conceiving a girl is very popular among couples. Human blood is completely renewed in the body after a certain time: in women after 4 years, in men every 3 years. What gender the child will be born depends on which spouse’s blood will be younger at the time of fertilization. The father's blood determines the conception of a boy, and the mother's - a girl.

For example, a married couple planned to conceive a child in March. The woman is 24 years old and was born in November. The man is 25 years old, his month of birth is August. The age of the intended mother must be divided by 4, and the age of the father by 3. The numbers come out to be 6.5 and 8.3. But these are not final values, because from the mother’s date of birth to conception, that is, from November to March, there are still five months. Also, from the father's birthday to March there are eight months. From the numbers 6.5 and 8.3, you need to take the remainder, namely the numbers 5 and 3, and add to them the number of months from the parents’ birthday to conception. Five is added to the number 5, and eight is added to the number 3. It turns out the blood age is 10 for mom and 11 for dad. Women's blood is younger, which means that this family will be able to conceive a girl in March. In general, the method is quite tricky for those who love mathematics, but effective.

4 way. Conceiving a girl according to the mother's age calendar

The best time to conceive a girl can also be determined by the mother's age calendar. It's very easy to do. A woman needs to find her age in the first column of the table. If the mother, for example, is 23 years old, then March, June, August and December are optimal for planning a daughter.

Diet for conceiving a girl

Surprisingly, proper, rationally selected nutrition plays a very important role in conceiving a child of a certain gender. In order to have a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl, you need to include foods rich in magnesium and calcium in your daily menu. But it is advisable to limit salt and sugar. In addition, the potential mother’s diet should include:

  • Lean meat, but not much, chicken eggs.
  • Fish and seafood in unlimited quantities.
  • Various cereals.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cream.
  • Bread, baked goods without yeast.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, berries.
  • Dried fruits and nuts.
  • Tea, coffee in small quantities, cocoa, mineral water.
  • Honey, jam.

A woman who wants to give birth to a girl should remove from her daily menu:

  1. smoked meats, sausages and ham, fried meat;
  2. canned fish, dry and dried fish;
  3. fried potatoes, canned or dried vegetables and fruits;
  4. sweet baked goods, confectionery with cream, ice cream;
  5. salted nuts and dried fruits;
  6. carbonated drinks, unnatural powdered juices;
  7. butter, cheese, margarine;
  8. soda and yeast.

To definitely conceive a girl, you probably have to really want it. Parents need to dream more often about their future daughter, imagine her eyes, face, smile. Dreams tend to come true. But even if a boy is born, it is a great happiness and a gift of fate. The main thing is that the child is healthy and desired.

Historically, most couples want a boy, but as one friend of mine says: “Happy people give birth to boys, and smart people give birth to girls”. I’ll try to confirm or refute his statement right now, because I want to dwell on this in more detail, and it’s up to you to decide how right my friend is.

What you need to know about physiology to conceive a girl

As already mentioned in the article, in modern medicine special attention is paid to the activity of sperm, since it is the quality of sperm that largely determines the sex of the unborn child. As you understand, for conceiving girls responds to slow sperm, which carries XX chromosomes and is characterized by increased survivability in the conditions of the female body.

Researchers have determined that pregnancy, which brings a girl into the family, most often occurs in married couples, where they willingly abuse sweets and very rarely have sex. If used for conceiving a girl method for determining ovulation, it will be clear why this happens.

To use the ovulation method, it is important to measure your internal vaginal temperature for at least three months to determine when ovulation occurs. If you are aiming to conceive a girl, then you should actively indulge in sexual pleasures 2-3 days before ovulation and 3-5 days after ovulation. If possible, give preference to positions where the woman is on top or on her side. Such positions make it very difficult for sperm to pass through the birth canal; as a result, a large number of sperm will reach the egg, which are responsible for conception of a girl.

What should you eat to conceive a girl?

As mentioned above “girls are born to smart people”, and this statement is partly justified, since people who engage in mental work most often adhere to a lifestyle that promotes conceiving girls.

First of all, mental workers are susceptible to stress and eat small portions and prefer sweet foods. This is what provokes the formation of calcium rich environment , which provides additional benefits for type XX sperm.

To conceive a girl, your diet should consist of:

  • Beverages: calcium mineral waters, chocolate, cocoa, coffee and teas.
  • Meat: give preference to low-fat varieties and in limited quantities.
  • Fish: fresh or low-fat ice cream is preferable.
  • Feel free to abuse dairy products: milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese and all kinds of yoghurts.
  • Bread: without salt, without yeast and preferably from wholemeal or rye flour.
  • Cereals: all kinds of rice.
  • Vegetables: if possible, these should be asparagus, cucumbers, watercress, lettuce, green beans and peas, green onions, eggplants, beets, carrots, peppers, stewed tomatoes, but potatoes should be limited.
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts and unsalted almonds.
  • Fresh fruits and berries: pineapples, peaches, grapefruits, lemons, watermelon, mangoes, quinces, apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries and cherries.
  • Miscellaneous: jam, jelly, fresh sour cream, sugar, aromatic herbs, honey, eggs.

As you can see, the diet you should follow for conceiving a girl, largely repeats the recommendations of various diets that are so loved by many representatives of the fair sex. It will be superfluous to say that any person who is engaged in intellectual work does not go overboard in his diet and eats foods that almost do not need to be prepared. In most cases, people of intellectual work eat the products listed above, because their heads are full of other thoughts or they are on a diet, since a passive lifestyle forces them to regularly

Today on the website for mothers we will talk about methods and signs that can help conceive a girl. Official medicine claims that it is impossible, and we ourselves understand this, but sometimes you really want to believe in a miracle. And if you really want a girl to finally appear in the family, why not try to follow the tips and signs that will be discussed now. So how do you still conceive a girl?


As you know, the conception of a girl occurs if the egg is fertilized by an X-sperm, and it is the X-sperm that has greater vitality. To produce a girl, sexual intercourse must occur within three days before ovulation, while ovulation occurs, weaker Y-sperm will die, and stronger X-sperm will be able to fertilize.

Even years theory

There is an opinion that the sex of the baby directly depends on age of the expectant mother. If a woman’s age is an even number, then a girl can be conceived in even months of the year, but if the number of years is odd, then a girl must be conceived in odd months.

For example, if you are 23 years old, conceiving a girl could happen in January, March, May, July, September or November. In even years of life, February, April, June, August, October and December are favorable for conceiving a daughter.

There is another theory that states that if in a couple woman older than man, then most likely their first-born will be a girl, but if the age difference is the opposite - the woman is younger than the man, then there is a higher probability that the first child will be a boy.

This method is not used on second and subsequent children.

  • From the 5th to the 8th days of the cycle, have sex as often as possible, then the sperm will have a higher content of X-sperm, necessary for conceiving a girl.
  • For three days, the 9th, 10th and 11th, have one sexual intercourse per day.
  • It is best to perform sexual intercourse in the missionary position so that the penis penetrates the uterus shallowly, then tenacious X sperm will have a better chance of reaching the target. we have already told you.
  • It is desirable that sexual intercourse occurs without foreplay with minimal arousal of the woman; it is great if the woman has an orgasm after ejaculation, and even better if there is no orgasm at all.
  • If you are planning to conceive a girl, do not use any lubricants.
  • Three days before ovulation, that is, on the 12th, 13th and 14th days of the cycle, abstain from sex or use condoms. You should not take risks in the next two days, when there is a high probability of conceiving a boy.

It is also believed that smoking parents more often give birth to girls, but do not take this sign as a guide to action; smoking is still harmful for both parents and the unborn baby.

Diet to help conceive a girl

  • Eat foods high in calcium and magnesium ions.
  • Eat as little meat as possible or give it up completely for a while.
  • Buy fish only fresh or frozen.
  • Bread and bakery products – dietary, yeast-free and preferably without salt.
  • It is recommended to include fermented milk products, semolina, rice, and eggs in your diet.
  • You can eat vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, green peas, onions, peppers, asparagus, beets.
  • If you want, you can chew nuts, only unsalted ones: peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts.
  • You can also have sweets: sugar, jam or honey.
  • Fruits and berries are useful: lemons, grapefruits, pears, apples, raspberries, strawberries, watermelons, quince.
  • You can drink tea or coffee, as well as mineral water with a high calcium content.

Experts who tell us how to conceive a girl recommend giving up certain foods or significantly reducing their consumption.

Remove the following foods from your diet:

  • Ham, sausage, smoked meat and poultry.
  • Fish – salted or canned, you can eat fresh.
  • Cheeses and ice cream.
  • Fresh tomatoes, fried potatoes, olives.
  • Salt, yeast, spicy sauces.
  • Fruits: oranges, apricots, bananas, peaches, currants, plums.

The diet should be followed for a month and a half before conception; after conception, you need to eat a varied diet, because both mother and baby need complete nutrition.

Today, young families who want to add a baby to their family are also planning his future gender. And if earlier predicting and planning the gender of your child seemed like an impossible task, today the question “how to get pregnant with a 100 percent girl” is completely solvable. There are many methods of influencing the conception of a fetus, of which there are those that can offer a guarantee of the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

The most reliable methods to get pregnant with a girl:

  1. artificial insemination;
  2. conceiving a girl by calculating ovulation;
  3. special diet;
  4. Chinese table;
  5. Erickson's method;
  6. blood renewal.

There are other methods, but they do not always give a 100% guarantee and sometimes make mistakes in the results. The above methods of conceiving a girl, on the contrary, have won the trust of millions of women, as they have more than once helped to predict the gender of their unborn child.

The artificial insemination technique always provides a 100% guarantee of the sex of the unborn child. This is because the conception of a woman’s egg occurs in a laboratory with the help of specialists. In this case, the doctor prescribes a course of medications for the woman that stimulate follicle development. After these follicles have formed, they are removed from the woman’s ovaries by a physician, and then in a favorable environment, the follicles are fertilized with the sperm of the future father. After a few days of the embryo being in them, it is transferred and implanted directly into the uterus of the potential mother. It is at this important stage of the procedure that the doctor can predict the gender of the unborn child. This procedure involves implanting a female embryo, which guarantees that the woman will conceive a girl.

But there is also a downside to such a service - high cost. Not every married couple can afford such luxury. And at the state level, such an operational procedure is carried out only according to strict regulations, for example, infertility or the risk of transmitting hereditary diseases to a male fetus.

By ovulation

There is another way that will help a woman become pregnant with a female fetus. Not everyone knows how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, but in fact everything is quite simple and accessible. You just need to know the days favorable for sexual intercourse and for a woman to conceive a girl.

The thing is that a man’s sperm consists of two types of sperm: X-sperm with female chromosomes, Y-sperm with male chromosomes. After conducting many studies, scientists have established the fact that X chromosomes move more slowly than male Y chromosomes. But the latter live less, and the female set of chromosomes is more tenacious. As these studies say, sperm with a female set of chromosomes can live inside a woman for up to 7 days.

If sexual intercourse takes place 3-5 days before ovulation, male sperm are guaranteed to die before they have time to wait for the active egg, which goes “hunting” on the day of ovulation. Female sperm may move more slowly, but they have a longer lifespan, so there is a great chance for them to wait their time, fertilizing an egg ready for conception on the days of ovulation.

Although such a technique is not considered official and recognized medicine, many women have tested for themselves how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, eventually getting the desired daughter. It is enough to know, as a rule, to calculate the days of ovulation and to have sexual intercourse on certain days.

Conceiving a girl according to the table

A pressing question among expectant mothers is whether the tables guaranteeing the predetermination of the child’s gender before conception are true. How to get pregnant with a girl will be told by the gender table, which has been popular for many years and came to the present time from the ancient Chinese sages. Therefore, the method of predicting the sex of a future child using a table has the right to exist and be trusted by married couples who dream of conceiving and giving birth to a girl.

This table does not require any complex calculations or mathematical problems; to calculate the sex of the unborn child, you just need to know the exact age of the potential mother and the month when conception took place.

But there is one exception- if the month of conception coincides with the month when the woman was born, then we cannot talk about a 100% result.

Also, the results of planning the sex of the unborn child may not always be accurate if sexual intercourse and conception were carried out at the border of the transition from one month to another.

Erickson's method

You can increase the likelihood of getting pregnant with a girl by using the new and not yet known Erickson method. To do this, you need to find an experienced and competent specialist in this matter, which can be a difficult task, since this technique is still little known and not popularized among society.

In order to increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl, a specialist obtains the sperm of the future father and carries out special filtration in the laboratory.

The specialist identifies those sperm that move faster than others, since they are male chromosomes. They are removed from sperm using solutions special for such manipulations. After this, the specialist inserts the sperm of the future father, purified from male chromosomes, into the woman’s vagina. As a result, the egg is fertilized only by sperm rich in the female set of chromosomes.

This service is not carried out in all cities, since few people still know about it, but every day more and more women resort to it, ultimately getting the desired result.

Special diet

This technique cannot accurately answer the question “how to get pregnant with a girl quickly” with a guarantee, since reviews about it are contradictory. But if you use the special diet method in combination with other methods, for example, conceiving a girl by ovulation, eventually the dreams of future parents about the birth of a daughter will come true.

You can increase the likelihood of conceiving a female fetus by adhering to a certain diet. All food products of the expectant mother should contain as much magnesium and calcium as possible. This is because such components favor the formation of an alkaline environment in which sperm with a male set of chromosomes quickly die. Also, from the diet of a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant with a girl, it is necessary to eliminate all foods containing potassium. Potassium has the opposite effect on the internal environment of the vagina, destroying sperm with a female set of chromosomes.

About a month before a woman conceives a girl, she needs to consume the following foods as often as possible:

  1. All representatives of legumes and all types of nuts, in particular cashews.
  2. Any fermented milk products, be it kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Cereals.
  4. All vegetables are green, herbs.

You need to minimize any meat products, fish, potatoes, bread and pastries, and sweets. In addition, coffee has a negative effect on conception and should be avoided altogether.

Conceiving a girl by blood

When wondering what to do to get pregnant with a girl, you can increase this likelihood based on the blood type of the potential father and mother. To do this, you need to be able to calculate the estimated age of renewed blood cells.

If a woman’s blood has been renewed this year, then there is every chance of becoming pregnant with a girl. If a man’s blood has been renewed this year, then the chances of conceiving a female fetus are minimal. In women, blood is renewed every three years, in men - once every four years. If one of the parents underwent any surgical interventions that were accompanied by a blood transfusion, then the countdown should be started from this period. To calculate the coefficient indicating the level of blood renewal, the mother’s age must be divided by 3, and the father’s number of years by four. The resulting number should not be taken into account in full; only the numbers after the decimal point are taken into account.

Example: Mom's coefficient is 8.00, and dad's coefficient is 6.55. This means, comparing only the numbers 0.00 and 0.55, we can conclude that the mother’s blood is better renewed, this time is ideal for conceiving a girl.

You can increase the chances of a woman becoming pregnant with a girl if you rely on several methods at once, for example, conception by ovulation, the Chinese table and a certain diet. Self-confidence plays a big role in such a responsible task, a positive attitude and a great desire to get pregnant will speed up the fulfillment of your desire.
