What cosmetics are needed for contouring. Face contouring – creating ideal features

This makeup technique, when performed correctly, can work wonders. Most young women have mastered facial contouring a long time ago, and can skillfully use their own skills when applying spectacular makeup.

This makes it possible for them to look impeccable in all situations, hiding existing shortcomings and advantageously emphasizing beautiful features.

What is facial contouring?

Face contouring refers to its correction using cosmetics. It helps to veil problem areas of the skin, highlight the advantages of the face, correct its shape, and give expressiveness to facial features. With its support, it is quite possible to decorate quite serious imperfections, for example, facial asymmetry. If there are practically no skin problems, facial contouring can help give your appearance expressiveness, skillfully highlighting its advantages.

Thanks to contouring, it is quite possible to radically change your appearance. As a matter of priority, stylists advise those representatives of the fairer sex who have an extremely high forehead or full face to resort to this technique. Even girls with regular facial features resort to this procedure, for example, to veil dark circles under the eyes or highlight cheekbones.

Contouring (sculpting) will take much more time than applying daily makeup. As a result, it is more suitable for events when the face must look impeccable. For example, for a festive event, photo shoot, video shooting.

Step-by-step facial contouring

To perform this procedure, it is allowed to use both creamy and dry powder products. Nowadays there are countless palettes for face sculpting on sale. Stylists recommend that when purchasing them, focus on popular brands, for example, NYX, Bobbi Brown, MAC. The colors presented in the palette should match your skin tone.

In addition to palettes, it is quite possible to use foundation; it should be of several colors, as well as powder of various tones. It is believed that correction made using powdered cosmetics looks more natural. It is much easier to shade and is much better suited for daily makeup. Contouring using cream-based cosmetics is quite labor-intensive to perform and is more noticeable on the face, as a result of which it is recommended to be used for evening outings, for photography and video shooting.

Important! When choosing cosmetics for this procedure, you should pay special attention to those that are not shiny and have a matte texture.

How to contour your face yourself?

Step 1. The very first and mandatory step is to apply a makeup base and a small amount of foundation or BB cream.

Step 2. Draw dark lines along the edges of the nose using a corrector. The drawn stripes must be smooth and neat. If you want to visually lengthen the nose, then you need to start drawing from the beginning of the eyebrows.

Step 3. Use the corrector to darken the part of the face that is exactly under the cheekbone, and lighten it itself. To determine which specific area needs to be made darker, you need to apply a brush from your earlobe to the corner of your lips and find the dimple.

Step 4. If the forehead is high, then the areas on its sides and the one located next to the beginning of the hair are darkened.

Step 5. The areas around the upper eyelids become slightly darker.

Step 6. Apply a light tone (highlighter) as follows:

  • between the dark lines drawn on the nose;
  • to the center of the frontal lobe;
  • in the corners of the eyes;
  • on the part of the cheekbone located above the previously drawn line;
  • on the area of ​​skin above the upper lip;
  • on the edges of the lips.

Step 7 It is necessary to shade light and dark lines so that all transitions between them are smooth and insignificant. It is better to start this procedure from light areas. Don't forget about the lines of the chin, neck and ears.

Do not forget! If facial contouring was performed with dry cosmetics, then shading should be done during their application.

How to contour your face?

In order to start using this technique, you should determine your face shape. The sequence of your further actions depends on it. To do this, you need to pin up your hair and go to the mirror.

A face is considered round if:

  1. Its dimensions are approximately the same on all sides.
  2. The outline of the chin is smoothed.
  3. Cheekbones are considered the largest part of the face.
  4. The hair growth line is rounded.

A face is considered oval when:

  1. It is elongated.
  2. Its outline is similar to an inverted egg.
  3. The forehead is visually wider than the chin.
  4. The cheekbones are considered the most prominent part.

A square face has:

  1. Large jaw and square chin appearance.
  2. The forehead, cheekbones, and lower part of the face are approximately the same size.
  3. The starting line of the hair is straight.

Women more often consider themselves to have a rectangular face type, which they discovered in themselves:

  1. His elongation.
  2. Large jaw, square chin.
  3. The cheekbones, hairline and forehead are the same length.

Those who have noticed the following most often consider themselves to have a triangular face:

  1. Long face.
  2. The forehead is not wide, and the jaw is the widest part.

Once the shape is determined, you can begin sculpting, taking into account the advice of experts.

Contouring a round face

Contouring of a round face is done by shading the areas on the sides of the forehead and cheeks (up to the angle of the lower jaw). The light tone is applied under the eyes, in the center of the frontal lobe and chin. The goal in the execution of the technique in this case is the extreme narrowing and sharpening of this form.

Contouring an oval face

There is no need to contour a round face; just apply blush. This type is taken as a standard when determining the basic methods. If contouring is required for a photo shoot, we recommend:

  1. Apply a light tone:
    - under the eyes, drawing a triangle;
    - on the main part of the nose, the bridge of the nose;
    - above the lips (in the center);
    - neat stripes from the edges of the lips to the lower jaw;
    - on the center of the chin;
  2. Apply corrector:
    - within the hairline and temporal areas;
    - on the cheekbones;
    - from the sides of the nose;
    - on the edges of the chin;
    - blend everything carefully;
  3. Cover your face with loose colorless powder.

Contouring a square face

Square face contouring is performed to correct wide cheekbones. You need to apply a little light tone in the center of the forehead, chin, and under the eyes. The lateral areas of the skin on the forehead, temples, corners of the lower jaw and cheeks should be highlighted darker.

Contouring a rectangular face

Contouring a rectangular face will require applying highlighter only to the middle of the forehead and chin. The corrector is applied to the forehead and lower jaw; there is no need to apply it to the temples.

Triangular face contouring

Contouring a triangular face is done by lightening the skin below the eyes, the center of the chin and forehead. Darken the areas of the temples, the upper part of the cheeks, slightly touching the cheekbones, forehead (on the sides).

In the video below, the makeup artist will clearly show how to contour an oblong heart-shaped face, so you can turn on and repeat all the steps to be sure to do it correctly.

Rules for facial contouring

Before using this technique, it is recommended to carefully select a palette. It contains liquid-based correctors for dark and light tones. It is better to give preference to one that consists of natural colors, without bright red and orange shades.

If your facial skin is expressionless, then it is advisable to choose cool tones. For brunettes with light tan skin, a palette with warm brown tones is more suitable. Young women with dark skin should pay special attention to dark brown ones with decorative elements.

Before starting the contouring procedure you need:

  1. Clean the surface of the face from contamination with special cosmetics;
  2. If the skin is dry, then it is advisable to apply a moisturizer. Those with oily skin need to remove shine with lotion;
  3. Concealer should be used to hide skin defects: freckles, age spots;
  4. Apply foundation;
  5. Powder your face.

Besides, make-up artists have developed special rules, which can help representatives of the fairer sex avoid making mistakes when performing this procedure:

  1. There is no need to mix oily foundations with powdered powders. It will not be possible to blur the boundaries of their mixing so that they are invisible;
  2. In order to see the result of the makeup, you should take a photograph;
  3. The effect of “sweaty skin” under the nose can be removed by applying a matte highlighter shade under the nasolabial triangle;
  4. There is no need to lighten the prominent parts of the face too much with pearlescent light tones. This can cause a reflective effect when the camera flash occurs, ruining the photo.

Do not forget! Cosmetics should be applied gradually. There is no need to focus on the makeup itself. Products applied to the skin during this procedure should highlight advantages and hide defects, but not demonstrate the number of cosmetics you have.

There can never be too many lessons, especially when they are given by a famous Russian stylist and makeup artist. You will get very easy and neat contouring just after watching this video.

Today we will talk about face sculpting; we will present step-by-step photos below. Professional makeup artists know how to properly highlight your assets using cosmetics.

Models on the covers of glossy magazines evoke envy because they are considered standards of beauty. But in fact, not many people know that it is facial correction that makes them desirable.

How to choose cosmetics for face sculpting

Correcting your face shape involves using the right base for evening makeup. The play of light and shadows helps make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin softer. In daylight, sculpting is inappropriate. Thanks to cosmetics, fashionistas create the illusion of a perfectly oval-shaped face, highlight cheekbones and make the nose attractive.

Face sculpting is done using foundations. The main thing is that the highlighters, bronzers or powder palette are of high quality and do not crease after a short period of time.

The choice of cosmetics for facial correction depends on the type of sculpting. There are two of them:

  • Dry is used for daytime makeup. Blush, powder and shadows are blended with a brush.
  • Oily skin involves the use of thick creams and foundations, which are appropriate to use in the evening. The method requires attention to detail and concentration, as shading the lines incorrectly will lead to failure.

To highlight the curves of your face as naturally as possible, the main thing is to choose the right shades. Cosmetics manufacturers offer users palettes with a choice of colors. With their help, you can complete your flawless makeup yourself. The main difficulty remains in careful shading.

  • Do not buy palettes that contain red and orange shades. They give the skin an artificial appearance;
  • matte products look better on the skin than correctors with shimmer or pearlescent shine;
  • the dark corrector in the palette should be 2-3 shades darker than the skin;
  • large reflective particles are inappropriate in a highlighter;
  • The highlighter should give the skin radiance, so it should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin.

In professional cosmetic lines you can find special contouring kits. They are expensive, but the quality is completely justified. These sets include 3–8 shades. Light ones eliminate excess shine, and dark ones give a tanning effect. To obtain the desired color, shades can be mixed together. Facial correction products may contain nutritional vitamins and antioxidants (this is written on the packaging).

When choosing a sculpting blush, it is important to remember that applying it completes your makeup. You can overload the look if the texture of the blush is too dense. Matte products are the best choice for perfect makeup.

Advice! Carefully shade all the lines so that the transitions are not visible. The main goal of sculpting is to create ideal natural facial contours. Overloading with cosmetics leads to the effect of a doll mask, which is not welcome.

Step-by-step correction instructions

When shaping the cheekbone line, you need to draw in your cheeks as much as possible. The bronzer is applied below the most prominent line so that the darkest area is near the ear. The cheek remains light. Highlight the area above the cheekbone.

Bronzer is used to darken the hairline, facial contour and double chin (if there is one).

Eyebrows are treated with highlighter on both sides. You can get rid of an overhanging eyelid by highlighting the area above the eyebrow with a thin strip.

The highlighter also brightens the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes (if there are bruises).

Daytime contouring begins with forehead treatment. The dark corrector is used to highlight the temporal zones and hairline. A light highlighter is applied in a vertical stroke to the center of the forehead. The key area of ​​the face is the cheekbone area. Apply a dark corrector from the ear to the mouth with a brush (on the hollow area formed after the cheeks are drawn in). The bone is treated with powder or a light highlighter.

Evening sculpting is more intense than daytime sculpting and is performed step by step:

  • Eyebrow shaping and eye makeup.
  • Apply a light concealer to the area under the eyes, above the cheekbones, upper lip and between the eyebrows.
  • The wings of the nose, temples, cheekbones and the line along the jaw are treated with a layer of dark corrector.
  • Contour lines should be shaded with smooth movements, starting with light lines.
  • Contouring is secured with transparent mattifying powder and a thin layer of blush.

Advice!Expression wrinkles are visually reduced with the help of a highlighter, which is applied into their depths and carefully shaded.

Color correction according to face shape

You can harmoniously correct your face shape only if you determine it correctly. In total, makeup artists distinguish seven types:

  • An oval face is considered the standard of beauty, so its adjustment should be minimal. To make bright accents, you can highlight the center of the face with a light color and treat the cheekbone area with a dark corrector.
  • An elongated face, similar to a rectangle, needs to soften the corners and make the shape as close as possible to an oval. A wide forehead and jawline are corrected with foundation. To widen a narrow face, highlight the cheekbones with blush.
  • The square shape is characterized by equal proportions of the length and width of the face. You need to darken the lines under the lower jaw and soften the contours with a dark corrector.
  • The round face shape is narrowed by dark tones along the contour. Blush is applied in a triangle pattern.
  • An inverted triangle or heart shape needs to soften the chin with a dark tone. The purpose of sculpting is to balance the upper zone with the lower. In this case, darkening the chin should be done as carefully as possible so as not to make it narrower. The situation is saved by a light highlight of the highlighter.

  • The shape of the diamond needs to be corrected in the widest part of the face, going into the temporal zone. The forehead and chin are lightened. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • A trapezoidal or pear-shaped shape should be softened by a narrowing of the lower chin area. The dark corrector is distributed on the sides of the cheekbones and cheeks, and a light accent is added to the forehead. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • For those with too thin and narrow faces, makeup artists recommend applying highlighter with horizontal strokes. Then it will visually expand and look more attractive.

Advice! Before applying bronzer or highlighter, shake off the brush so as not to overdo it with cosmetics.

Hiding the imperfections of a round face

Most often, chubby girls resort to sculpting. The owner does not necessarily have excess weight, but a wide forehead and a weakly defined chin suit few people. Therefore, when color correction it is important to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks and lengthening the face.

Dark powder is applied to the sides of the cheeks and cheekbones, and the corners of the lower jaw. Blush should be applied in the shape of an inverted triangle, with the tip pointing towards the mouth.

On a wide face, highlighter is applied with vertical strokes. The center of the chin, bridge of the nose, forehead and areas around the eyebrows and eyes are lightened.

To perfectly sculpt a round face, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Darken areas that need to be hidden using a dark corrector. It is applied to the cheekbones, nose and facial contour.
  • Pay attention to your neck. A face treated with cosmetics looks inharmonious in tandem with a natural neck. A dark corrector will save the situation.

Advice! Darken the wings of the nose and highlight the bridge of the nose to make the nose thin.

What to do with a full face?

The appearance of Slavic girls and Asian women is characterized by a wide face. Therefore, recommendations for visually reducing width and emphasizing the relief are suitable not only for obese women. Also, with the help of sculpting, skin defects are masked.

To make up a full or wide face, you need to purchase light and dark foundation, powder or cream blush, concealer, corrector, highlighter of a neutral shade, bronzer without reddishness, and transparent powder. Don't forget about eye makeup and lipstick.

When using cream textures to apply cosmetics, you will need sponges and brushes to shape your face. To apply powder you need a rounded angled brush.

You can contour your face with cream textures yourself if you follow the instructions:

  • Moisten face and prepare before treatment.
  • Soak a sponge in water, squeeze it well and apply a thin layer of a light base.
  • Hide imperfections with concealer and mask under-eye circles with concealer.
  • Darken the contours of the face with foundation, shade the lines.
  • To visually narrow the cheeks, you need to draw an oblique strip in a dark tone along the depression that is formed due to the retraction of the cheeks. The line is shaded towards the temples with light movements of the brush or fingers.
  • Gently spread blush onto the apples of your cheeks. Do not place them close to the wings of the nose, so as not to visually expand it further.
  • Narrow the large nose with highlighter, darkening the wings with a dark shade.
  • Apply cream highlighter evenly to the top of your cheekbones.
  • Complete the correction with eye makeup.

Correction of a full face is a real salvation for overweight girls. Makeup preserves individual features and adds attractiveness without surgical intervention. In order not to overdo it with cosmetics, makeup artists recommend visiting the salon for the first time. This will allow you to see the features of sculpting a full face.

Advice! Avoid rough dark eyeliner, vulgar bright shadows and unevenly applied lipstick, so as not to visually age your face.

We work on each zone separately

  • To express the cheekbones, they need to be darkened. The technique is not suitable for those with a narrow face, but is suitable for chubby girls. You need to draw a visual line that starts at the corners of the lips and ends near the top of the ear. Apply a dark foundation underneath from top to bottom to visually make your cheekbones higher. The second line is drawn from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes from the outside. Foundation is applied between the lines.
  • Darkening the forehead and hairline is necessary if nature has endowed you with a high forehead and thinning hair in this area. The dark corrector is applied to the temples and along the hairline. You need to choose a foundation that matches your natural skin tone.
  • Darkening the areas around the eyes makes them appear larger. For the desired effect, first shade the forehead.
  • The jawline is corrected by darkening the neck and below the bridge of the nose.
  • Corrective products are shaded from top to bottom.

Nose processing is a separate stage in face sculpting:

  • To narrow your nose, you need to apply a light tone on the back and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone on the wings.
  • To visually make the nose smaller, the back and bridge of the nose are treated with a light tone, and the tip of the nose with a dark tone.
  • You can hide a large nose using a foundation 0.5 shades darker.

If you learn to treat each zone separately, you will get the perfect face makeup.

Advice! When correcting your face with bronzer or highlighter, treat your skin with powder and foundation before starting the procedure. To calculate the exact amount of sculpting product, practice on your hand.

With the help of well-executed makeup, you can not only hide any skin imperfections, but also significantly correct the shape and features of your face. To perform such a make-up, you previously had to contact a professional makeup artist. Today, any woman can do independent sculpting, because everything you need to contour your face is step-by-step instructions, makeup brushes, sponges and high-quality cosmetics in the form of highlighter, etc.

Contouring oval and long faces

The ideal face shape is considered to be oval; it is the basis for drawing up corrective schemes. Accordingly, in this case no sculpting is required; the use of blush is sufficient.

If contouring is still necessary, for example, for a photo shoot or stage performance, you need to use the standard sculpting instructions.

Step-by-step facial contouring scheme:

With an elongated face shape, contouring is also quite simple - you need to slightly darken the top of the forehead, at the hairline, and the lower part of the chin. This will make the face visually shorter.

Contouring round and triangular faces

Correction of rounded shapes involves in-depth darkening on the sides of the forehead, temples and most of the cheeks, including the corner of the lower jaw. The highlighter is applied under the eyes, on the central part of the chin and forehead (middle).

To sculpt a triangular face, highlight the same areas as for a round face. Bronzer is used less - only on the sides of the forehead, on the temples and upper cheeks, slightly stepping onto the cheekbone.

Contouring square and rectangular faces

If you have a square face shape, you can correct wide cheekbones and forehead by applying a little highlighter in the center of the chin and in the middle of the forehead, as well as under the eyes. The temples, cheeks, corners of the lower jaw, and lateral frontal lobes will have to be darkened.

For a rectangular face, highlighting is only necessary in the center of the forehead and chin. The bronzer is applied to the lower jaw and forehead, on the sides; there is no need to treat the temples.

Correct contouring of diamond and pear shaped faces

To enhance diamond-shaped facial features, highlighter is distributed in the center of the forehead and chin, and highlights under the eyes are also created. The darkening is done exclusively on the side of the cheek bones.

A trapezoid or pear-shaped face is sculpted in a similar way. The same parts are highlighted as with the diamond shape, the bronzer is applied in a straight line downwards, from the cheekbone to the corner of the lower jaw.

Articles on this topic:

Shading shadows and creating a smooth transition of color is one of the main techniques used in eye makeup. To blend shadows, use fingertips, applicators and special brushes. We will tell you more about the types and brands of such brushes in the article.

Greetings to all readers of our blog. In this article I want to reveal the secrets of a special makeup technology that allows you to change the shape of your face, smooth out imperfections and draw attention to your advantages. Today you will learn what is needed for facial contouring, the purpose and rules for applying this technique. Right now you can open your cosmetic bags and select the necessary tools.

Let me note right away that you do not need to have professional makeup artist skills, and the process itself will not take much time. Having selected the necessary products, you can use these techniques for daily makeup application. And the best part is that with such skills you will look no worse than Hollywood stars. And this is quite real!

Where to start contouring

Dry correctors or foundations involve lightening and darkening certain areas of the face in order to disguise defects and eliminate asymmetry. Additionally, this allows you to emphasize your advantages and radically transform your appearance.

But before you go to a cosmetic store with a list of necessary tools, you should first determine the features and shape of your face. There are 6 types:

  • Oval - the face gently tapers, resembling the indicated geometric figure, the cheekbones protrude, the forehead is wider than the chin.
  • Narrow – the face is long, the jawline and cheekbones are the same in length.
  • Circle - the widest part is located in the cheek area, the forehead is equal to the length of the face.
  • Triangle - the forehead is wider than the sharp chin, towards which the shape of the face quickly narrows, and is the same in width as the cheekbones.
  • Square - the lower jaw has a similar shape, the chin, cheekbones and forehead are almost the same width.
  • “Pear” is the opposite side of the square, the forehead is narrow, and the face widens towards the chin with a seemingly massive jaw.

As you may have guessed, the ideal of female beauty is an oval face shape, which we will strive for in our attempts at self-improvement.

What to look for in the store - contouring cosmetics

Have you looked in the mirror yet? Have you decided on your own face shape? Great, now we’ll figure out what cosmetics are needed to contour the face. Thanks to the variety of assortments in modern stores and the availability of almost any type of cosmetics, you can open your own salon without leaving home!

Indeed, today there are so many types of shadows and mascaras, powders and foundations, eyeliners and other products, the purpose of which is unclear at first glance, that it is almost impossible to understand all this without the help of a professional. However, this makeup technique is actively gaining popularity, and in stores you can buy ready-made palettes for facial contouring with all the necessary accessories.

You can choose foundation cream products or dry powder products. It all depends on your own preferences and skin characteristics. Of course, foundations will suit a dry face, while oily skin will appreciate powder. I would like to note that dry products are much more convenient to apply. That is why they are more often found in ready-made facial contouring kits.

Recently, concealers have become very popular - these are tonal corrective products presented in the form of a convenient pencil for contouring the face. Thanks to its denser texture than cream, this foundation can be blended quickly and evenly with your fingers. It is usually used to camouflage imperfections, which is why it is used in sculpting makeup.

It is recommended to use various types of brushes as tools, which can be purchased as a ready-made set. Today you can even buy professional brushes in the store, made of high-quality materials and characterized by durability. They will delight you with perfect application, softness and the absence of bristles that come out. However, the cost of such a set will be impressive. I recommend that you purchase several flat brushes and one angled brush. Whether they are natural or synthetic – in principle, it doesn’t matter, because everything depends on individual capabilities.

Give me a list

To avoid confusion, here is a list of what you need to contour your face:

  • flat blush brushes;
  • angled brush for facial contouring;
  • sponges;
  • foundation;
  • concealer (instead of a palette, you can use powder several shades darker, eye shadow and bronzer);
  • highlighter (highlighting powder);
  • blush.

Not such a big list, is it? Now let's look at the suspiciously unfamiliar names of products that you are unlikely to use in everyday life. So, what brushes are needed for contouring the face, we figured out that the foundation is chosen exactly to match the skin tone - you also know this.

What is a highlighter? This is a special product that has reflective properties, but can be presented as ordinary light powder. By the way, when purchasing, choose only matte products, without glitter or reflective particles.

What color suits me

Cosmetics for facial contouring perform the function of natural makeup, and accordingly should be practically invisible. Ideally, you should get the impression that the emphasized cheekbones and shaded areas are a natural play of light. Therefore, special attention is paid to the color scheme:

  • pale skin suits cool and gray tones;
  • soft tanned skin will look harmonious with brown shades;
  • Tanned or dark skin looks impressive using bronzers.

Remember that it is better not to use foundations and face contouring powders with glitter at all! These tools are more suitable for holidays and theatrical performances, but for practical daily use they are inconvenient. You don’t want your skin to glow in the sun, like Edward Cullen from the famous film, let’s not point a finger at which one?

First steps

So, after purchasing everything you need, let’s get to the fun part:

  • On an oval face, we mask imperfections under the eyes with concealers and foundation, and then slightly correct the shape of the nose or chin.
  • For a narrow face, darken the top of the forehead and the bottom of the chin using horizontal shading. It is important to carefully round the chin.
  • A round face will have to try to narrow and sharpen it a little. To do this, we darken the corners of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw.
  • When correcting a triangular face, we darken the temples as much as possible to give the image softness. We also darken and round the chin.
  • We try to give an oval shape to a square face. To do this, we pay special attention to the jaws, corners of the forehead and hollows of the cheekbones.
  • A pear-shaped face will require darkening only the lower part. This is necessary in order to reduce attention to the massive jaw.

That's all the basic rules for contouring. I will only note that it is important to try to make smooth transitions so that the lines are practically invisible, and the tones harmoniously complement each other. For convenience, you should start with light colors, and be sure to use high-quality products for contouring your face. It will be difficult to achieve this on the first try, but since you and I are distinguished by amazing perseverance on the path to beauty, we will definitely achieve the desired result on the second or third try!

I hope this article was useful to you. Be sure to leave comments, and if you want, photos of your experiments. Share information with your friends and follow the blog news! See you again!

Contouring is carried out using several cosmetic products: white powder, bronzer (sculptor) and highlighter. A facial contouring palette usually contains all these elements. Not all cosmetics of this type are of high quality and long lasting, so in some cases women overpay when buying a seemingly functional and convenient product.

Facial contouring palette - what is it?

A facial contouring set consisting of several cosmetic products is called a palette. Such cosmetics can have a dry or liquid texture. The word “palette” itself is translated as “record” from French. The colors in one cosmetic palette harmonize well with each other, they are often intended for the same skin tone. For example, there are sets for dark-skinned and light-skinned people. A palette is a kind of palette that helps you quickly create beautiful and harmonious makeup.

Liquid concealers in individual packages have nothing to do with palettes, even if they come included. When it comes to a cosmetic palette, it means having several products in one package. They are contained in individual cells, so colors can be combined (to achieve the most suitable shade) or applied separately.

Review of the best palettes

A budget and high-quality contouring kit is quite rare. Many mass-market companies skimp on the production of cosmetic palettes by stuffing them with downright bad products. Even luxury brands are guilty of this sometimes. Therefore, before purchasing a palette, it is better to familiarize yourself with the highest quality products from different price categories.

MAC Pro conceal and correct

MAC pro conceal and correct

Professional makeup artists recommend this particular palette - a kind of ancestor of modern contouring. MAC's face sculpting kit hit the market a few years ago. With its help you can create a beautiful and natural cream contouring. The palette contains the best basic shades: 2 dark, 2 medium, 1 light and 1 with a yellow undertone (to disguise under-eye circles). They mix easily with each other and blend well (this quality is very important for sculpting). The palette contains only cream shades, so at the end of the makeup you need to set it with powder. The palette is suitable for women with any skin tone (except the darkest).

Average cost of the product: 2500-3000 rubles. You can buy this product in the official MAC online store, as well as in major cities of Russia. The palette is often found in luxury cosmetics stores (Ile de Beaute).

Maybelline Master Sculpt

Maybelline Master Sculpt Palette

The palette contains dry concealer products and a synthetic brush in a hidden compartment. The set includes two standard shades: light and dark. The darkening sculptor has a reddish undertone that is not very suitable for Russian girls. The product must be well shaded in order to obtain a more or less natural effect. The light shade from this palette contains microscopic sparkles that look very expensive and beautiful. The product has average durability, lasts 5-6 hours on dry skin, 4-5 hours on oily skin.

Maybelline Master Sculpt price: from 350 to 650 rubles (depending on discounts and place of purchase). You can buy it on the manufacturer’s website, as well as in stores such as Magnit Cosmetic, Ruble Boom, Podruzhka.

Dry products do not need powder to set, but liquid and cream products will definitely need it. Otherwise, the makeup won't stick. It is best to use a transparent, transparent powder so as not to overload your face with makeup.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit

Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit

The palette contains 6 products with dry texture: 2 light (with pink and yellow undertones), 3 dark and 1 highlighter. This palette is a good option for both home use and professional makeup. With its help you can create lasting and natural facial modeling. The shades are easy to use and blend. They can be applied as setting powder.

Product cost: from 3000 rubles. It is extremely difficult to buy; many fakes are sold in Russia. It is best to order from American online stores, and ideally from the manufacturer’s website.

Contour Kit Smashbox

Contour Kit Smashbox

Structuring your face is quite easy to do with this product. The palette contains 3 basic shades: dark, medium and light. The product also comes with a universal contouring chart. It should be noted that the palette does not include highlighter, only light matte powder. The texture of all products is dry, easy to blend. Each concealer is a little dusty, but applies perfectly to the brush.

Average price: 2800 rubles. You can buy it at Ile De Beaute and other luxury cosmetic stores.

Nyx Highlight & Contour Pro Palette

Nyx Highlight & Contour Pro Palette

The Nyx company is quite controversial, as it has many ridiculous and low-quality products in its assortment. Specifically, the contouring palette is quite good; it contains as many as 8 shades. The palette is versatile and convenient; it contains 2 highlighters with cool and warm undertones. Other colors are matte and quite practical as they blend well.

The palette is suitable for all skin types and complexions. With its help you can perform quick and natural sculpting. All cosmetic products have a dry texture.

Cost: about 1000 rubles. The Nyx brand is represented in large shopping centers throughout Russia. It can also be purchased in the official online store.

PUPA Contouring & Strobing

PUPA Contouring & Strobing Palette

Strobing is a special technique in makeup, for which highlights are placed on the face using highlighting agents.

The set contains matte and shiny products in different shades. This product helps not only to lighten or darken areas of the skin, but also to give them a dewy shine. This effect looks very good in spring and summer, with light, unobtrusive makeup.

The palette contains 3 correctors (2 dark and 1 light), as well as 1 highlighter with a wet effect. The products are dry, have average durability and pigmentation. Using them, you can create an evening or daytime face design.

Cost of the set: 800 rubles. You can buy it wherever the Pupa brand is represented (Magnit Cosmetic, L'Etoile, Rive Gauche, Ile de Beaute).

CATRICE palette

CATRICE Allround concealer palette

The palette contains liquid concealers and correctors. This is the most budget product on the entire list. The Catrice brand is not inferior in quality to some luxury brands. The products of this company, in particular the contouring palette, are used by many makeup artists. Allround concealer adheres well to the face, does not “creep” during the day, and combines well with other cosmetics.

The concealers have medium coverage. Suitable for all skin tones, but not for oily faces (if used, you will have to set it heavily with powder).

Cost: about 400 rubles. You can buy it in Ruble Boom and Podruzhka.

How to contour your face correctly

Tip: You can use matte and shimmer shadows for contouring. For corrective makeup, high-quality palettes with nude shades or one-piece palettes (for example, from L'Oreal) are perfect.

How to contour using a palette? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to prepare the skin by applying a moisturizer or mattifying cream, as well as foundation.
  2. After this, you should use dark colors from the palette, applying them to the cheekbones and sides of the nose. If necessary, you can darken the chin, hairline, jawline.
  3. Light shades should be applied to the protruding parts (center of the forehead, bridge of the nose, center of the chin). It is also necessary to highlight the area under the eyes, as dark circles can ruin the entire makeup. Highlighter is applied to the top of the cheeks and on the swoosh above the upper lip (sometimes also used under the eyebrows).
  4. Final step: shading. Regardless of the consistency of the product, it needs to be blended well to avoid spots and too dark areas.

Facial correction is far from the most complicated procedure. To find the cheekbone line, you need to strongly retract your cheeks. After this, you can safely use the sculptor, applying it. You should choose palettes carefully, as they must have excellent durability and blend well.
