How long should men's jeans be: stylist's advice It is important to know how long men's jeans should be, the parameters taking into account the style

Denim trousers are an indispensable piece of clothing. They are versatile, practical, look stylish and fashionable. They are worn by people of all ages, and everyone is proud of their purchase. Now there are many types and ways to wear them. In order not to look ridiculous and ridiculous, special attention should be paid to the length of the product.

Perhaps someone had to deal with such a problem when in the store it seemed that the thing looked perfect, but you come home and realize that the purchase was unsuccessful.

In order not to spend extra money and not clutter up the wardrobe with useless things, you need to clearly know some selection rules. For high and medium height can recommend:

  • Skinny jeans with flats.
  • Dropped pants (low fit) visually reduce long legs. The same rule applies to products with lapels or models with a shortened length.
  • Choose a dark color, in contrast with a light top.
  • Flared jeans.
  • Models with wide lapels and massive shoes.

Attention! Ideal denim pants should sit a little loose. If the fabric is able to stretch by 2 cm in the hip area or there is such a margin, then the model sits perfectly on the figure.

low people prefer to wear:

  • Straight models, slightly narrowed down with a heel, as well as boyfriends (for slender girls).
  • Trousers with high waist.
  • Products of dark colors, but not black. For example, brown, gray, etc.
  • Small openings.

A future purchase may be influenced by the style trends that exist at the moment.

Fashion trends among young people

Every year, fashion designers offer new images for males and females. This season will be popular combination of soft and discreet colors, skinny and at the same time wide jeans. The following directions are accepted in fashion:

  • tapered trousers for both sexes;
  • women's flared jeans and pipes;
  • the presence of scuffs and decorations on the product (embroidery, ornaments, stripes, patches);
  • high and low landing;
  • lapels.

Combination of denim top and bottom is back. It will not be considered bad manners to wear jeans with a jacket, shirt or jacket of the same material.

Women's jeans length

Classic cut.

Classics are always in demand due to their versatility. They are suitable for everyone, regardless of the height and figure of the owner of the product. Both designers and manufacturers know about it. Such a cut is characterized by straight lines, downwards can be narrowed. Such products should cover half the heel.


The length of this style should be selected for shoes. If the fair sex spends most of her time in heels, then jeans should cover it or the sole completely. If you combine flared shoes with flat shoes, then the leg should reach the floor.

Skinny jeans (skinny).

Despite the peculiarities of the female body, such models can reach the ankle or completely cover the heel.

Men's jeans. What should be the length?

Men, just like women, should also choose the right length of jeans. Excessively long legs give a sloppy appearance. People around you get the impression that a person bought the last pair of trousers in a hurry at a sale, without even trying them on.

Too short trousers shorten the legs and give the image of a boy in short pants, like a poor guy from a neighboring alley. The length of men's jeans depends mainly on the style of the product.

Length of classic models

Things have a straight cut or a slight narrowing to the bottom. There are several signs that jeans of this type are the ideal length:

  • there should be one pleat in front above the shoe (maximum 3 cm in height);
  • the boot should be covered at the back, the edge of the leg should not touch the floor;
  • the distance from the bottom of the jeans to the sole or heel should be about 2 cm.

Important! When choosing denim pants, you must also consider the width and fit. The product should not be fastened with effort and restrict movement.

Skinny jeans length

Tight denim trousers are often found on modern fashionistas. They perfectly emphasize the outlines of the male figure, but do not fit it. For the right choice, the following rules should be considered:

  • if sneakers or sneakers are matched to jeans, then they should end where the shoes begin or be slightly below this level, about about the ankle;
  • tight jeans should not be pulled over shoes, they should fit the leg;
  • this type of clothing is allowed to be worn with small folds at the bottom or in a folded state;
  • skinny jeans do not go well with high and bulky shoes.

For reference! In order not to make a mistake with the choice, always try on jeans with the shoes with which you are going to wear them.

Tucking in jeans

Guys and girls roll up their jeans. Such a sock is considered not only fashionable, but also practical. Women's models, bought specifically for heels, look ugly when worn with flat shoes. A small lapel and jeans turn into a completely different model that perfectly emphasizes the figure and hides flaws.

The same applies to men. Guys make lapels to appear taller or shorter.

How to roll up jeans?

There are several ways to tuck your pants. The product is tucked one, two, three or four times:

  • For classic models, a one-time tuck from 2.5 cm to 4.5 cm is appropriate. Wide cuffs are usually made on men's jeans.
  • Double cuffs have a height of no more than 2 cm.
  • For a three-layer tuck, jeans are first folded 6 cm. Then the resulting cuffs are 3 cm high, folded two more times 2 cm each.
  • A medium-height bend is obtained if the leg is folded 4 cm four times.
  • A thin lapel is performed by tucking the leg 1 cm three or four times.

Attention! It is not advisable to experiment with lapels in the cold season. Hypothermia of the lower legs can provoke a cold or joint disease in the future.

What shoes to wear with rolled up jeans?

In order for shoes to be combined with a hem, it is necessary to learn the rule that high hem looks good with large shoes. Small height lapels are appropriate with light shoes, for example, with sneakers, sneakers, summer shoes.

If the fold on the product is medium in size (no more than 4 cm), then it will fit any type of shoe.

Typical mistakes when choosing jeans

When buying, you should pay attention not only to the length, but also to the composition. If the percentage of fibers such as elastane or lycra is indicated on the label, then you can be sure that the jeans will stretch and fit just right. In this case, the product must be bought close to the body. The advice applies only to women.

Regardless of gender, you should consider your forms. Obese people do not need to purchase tight-fitting models. They only emphasize the flaws of the figure.

Conclusion. Conclusions from the article

Almost every modern person has jeans. Properly selected model allows you to feel comfortable and confident. So you need to choose carefully and for a long time, taking into account the recommendations of this article.

Denim pants are a versatile item that can be found in the wardrobe of almost any man. And since for most this piece of clothing is associated with a daily suit, you want the jeans to fit well and emphasize the silhouette favorably. Not everyone can answer how long men's jeans should be, although this characteristic is considered one of the most important when choosing.

Usually, when choosing jeans, the buyer thinks about the style, price, brand, carefully selects the shade. The least attention is paid to the length, believing that it is always possible to shorten the product.

However, experts call this approach fundamentally wrong. After all, each model has certain proportions, and the shortening operation (which is often carried out incorrectly) distorts these parameters, which causes violations in the contours of the silhouette and can give an absurd look. For a person who is not indifferent to his appearance, the correct length of trousers is important.

It should be noted that men's fashion is characterized by greater conservatism than women's. There are two approaches to the length of trousers:

  • classic standard - it implies that the length should be such that the front of the leg forms one fold, hiding the lacing of the shoes, and the back edge is between the beginning of the heel and the median line of the heel of the shoes;
  • "Mid-Atlantic" standard - originating in Europe, it has spread quite widely in the world and is relevant today for the fashion traditions of the New World. It implies a slightly shorter length, in which the trouser leg does not hide the lacing of the shoes in front, and barely reaches the shoes in the back. This style allows you to showcase your expensive stylish shoes. But he requires skinny trousers, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

Both of these standards are relevant today, the first is considered more conservative, and the second is more fashionable. All recommendations apply to regular jeans. The selection of tucked models is carried out according to other rules, so it should be considered separately.

Ideal length according to the model

Fashion for men rarely generates dramatic changes in the style of wardrobe items. Periodically, new trends appear, new models appear. Today, in the variety of cuts of denim pants, three main models can be distinguished. Their features and length requirements are also different. Let's analyze these features in more detail.

Classic Straight

This is an ageless classic that never goes out of style. It is easy to recognize this model: the legs, starting from the hips, have straight outline lines and a slight narrowing at the bottom. The wide distribution of the model was ensured by its good fit, regardless of the type of figure. Especially well this cut is suitable for athletic men, owners of the relief muscles of the legs.

Choosing the length for this model, it is worth stopping at the classic standard. Otherwise, it will seem that the legs are short and open the legs too much (especially if you sit down). The option is combined with any shoes, suitable for all seasons.

When modeling such trousers, they sometimes resort to a little trick: the bottom cut line of the leg is not made straight, but with a slight slope from front to back. Then the back of the trouser leg will cover exactly as much of the heel as needed, and in front it will not form an untidy "accordion", but will give exactly one beautiful fold.


This cut suggests a tight fit around the hips. From below, the legs can be straight, or they can tightly fit the calves (“skinny” type). This style is popular with young people and is perfect for people with a thin physique. However, the narrowed cut can also emphasize the shortcomings of the figure. Therefore, it is not recommended for obese men.

With regard to determining the length of skinny jeans for men, they often resort to the "mid-Atlantic" standard. An important point: designers do not recommend adding heavily narrowed trousers and classic shoes, and the office dress code does not allow such a combination.


Models with trouser legs widening below the knees were very popular at the dawn of the formation of rock and roll and are associated with the "rebellious 60s". Today, they are rare in men's fashion, which is a pity, because this is a very interesting stylistic decision. It shows the advantages of the figure well and hides the disadvantages.

The length of flared jeans for men is selected according to the shoes. Neither classical nor “European” manners are applicable here, it is necessary that the legs almost completely hide the shoes, but at the same time do not interfere with movement. As a compromise between fashion and convenience, you can stop at a length that covers half the heel and does not reach the floor by 1 cm.

How to fold

A special fashion trend for men these days are rolled up jeans. Here the society was divided into categorical supporters and irreconcilable opponents. But millions of young people in an effort to look stylish are already wearing trousers that way. Therefore, we will find out how to properly tuck jeans.

First, a few general points:

  • The dimensions of the gate are determined based on growth. The taller the man, the wider the cuffs should be;
  • do not forget that the fashion for the rolled-up trouser leg was born in a much warmer climate. Do not experiment in the cold season;
  • style implies some negligence, so you should not strive for a clear geometric shape of the cuff;
  • wearing socks is considered in the context of the overall length of the legs and the time of year. If it is warm outside, there is a gap between the upper edge of the shoe and the lower edge of the cuff, you should not wear socks.

The execution of the tackle can be different. The specific option depends on the type of material and its shade. For example, I rarely roll dark tight jeans more than 2 times. The width of the cuff is 4-6 cm, depending on the height. A light summer model can be tucked up three times, but it is not recommended to make a tackle wider than 3 cm.

An important question: with what shoes to wear rolled up pants? With an unsuccessful combination, the tackle may not look stylish, but ridiculous. Usually they choose not too high shoes of a sports or "street" style (sneakers, sneakers, moccasins). With classic shoes, it is better to wear something else.

Common Mistakes

Unfortunately, it happens that the length of men's jeans in the store seems to be optimal, but at home it turns out that the legs are too short or, on the contrary, too long. This undesirable effect is a direct consequence of selection errors. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • you should not choose trousers (or order hemmed trousers in the atelier) without taking into account shoes. When buying a thing in the summer, the fitting is done in flat shoes. And in the fall, when jeans are worn with high-heeled boots, it turns out that the legs are short. To avoid such a misunderstanding, take with you to the store or atelier a pair of shoes with which you will wear denim pants most often;
  • it is worth checking how the model behaves while driving. Squat deep a few times and see how high the cut of the leg will be. He should not open the bone on the leg (when choosing a classic model). It is also worth trying to sit on a chair or strongly bend your leg. In this case, jeans should not open the toe;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of denim and the presence of synthetic fibers in the composition of the fabric. If their content is high, there is a risk that the model will shrink after washing and become smaller. High-quality fabric with a high content of cotton almost does not shrink.

Given these rules, it is much easier to find jeans of the right length. As a last piece of advice, it should be said that fashion trends and stylists' recommendations still cannot be considered as an indisputable truth. The final measure will be your own sense of style, then the choice will be perfect!


Every modern man has several pairs of jeans in his wardrobe. This thing rightfully takes the place of a favorite, because, depending on the cut, it will suit almost any style except the classic one. In order for the image, in general, to be perfect, it is important to know how long men's jeans should be.

Jeans are a staple in every man's wardrobe, but you need to know how to wear them properly. Unsuccessfully cut even the most fashionable denim trousers can completely ruin the style. If necessary, the legs can be cut at the tailor, but only to a strictly defined length, so that in the future it would be comfortable and convenient to wear the thing. However, it is advisable not to do this and choose the most suitable option for the length in the store.

Very often, men pay great attention to branded items in a suitable color and size, and the length is the last thing they think about.

Naturally, legs that are too long can be hemmed, but from a practical point of view, it is better not to do this. Often the style of such trousers does not tolerate even minimal interventions.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Choosing jeans with a tapered or straight cut , you need to pay attention to the fact that the length of the legs is sufficient. They should gather below in a small accordion.

Classic models

You need to spend a little personal time to get the perfect jeans for the width at the waist and the length of the legs.

Ideally, they should meet the following parameters:

  1. A small accordion should form at the junction of the leg with the shoe, the fold of which should not be thicker than 2-3 cm. If the length of the excess fabric is longer, then the appearance will become ridiculous at least;
  2. At the back, the trouser leg should cover half the heel of the shoes. Shoes should never be closed completely. The fabric should be at least an inch from the floor.


The correct length is such that both the back and the front touch the edge of the shoe, while not covering the lacing.

Advice! Before choosing a model, you need to check how the pants will behave during leg curls and deep squats. In the first case, the trouser leg should not expose the bone, and in the second, it is not allowed for others to evaluate the length of the socks.

With fold

In this case, the length of the rolls and the legs themselves depends on the following factors:

  • from the height of the guy;
  • from the time of year;
  • from the color of jeans;
  • from shoe height.

Do you like cuffed jeans?


The lower the guy's height, the narrower the roll should be in width. With a dense dark fabric of pants, you should not do more than two folds with a cuff width of 4-6 cm. Light light jeans can be folded up three times, but the cuffs should not be wider than 3 cm. The style itself suggests a slight negligence, so the shape of the folds should not be clear . If a leg is visible between the cuff and the shoe (especially true in the summer), then socks are not worn.

Important! It is not recommended to wear too tight jeans for guys of small stature. In this case, a disproportion of the figure is visually created. Any shoes, even the right ones, will look too massive and out of place.

Matching with shoes

We have already figured out what the length of jeans for men should be, and now let's talk about the combination of certain models with shoes. The classic fit of the jeans pairs perfectly with dark brown or burgundy oxfords and loafers.

Rolled up jeans look good with low shoes (sneakers, moccasins). The color scheme is selected based on the color of the legs. Tackles will look ridiculous if worn with out-of-season shoes. This model of jeans also goes well with winter boots.

Skinny jeans look good with low shoes, cowboy boots or the same sneakers or loafers. The main condition is that the leg is not too massive.


Remember all the tips well and use them in everyday life. The main thing is not to blindly follow all the rules, but to choose the length of the pants based on personal preferences and image. Only in this case it will be possible to successfully build your own unique style!

We told you what are the styles of jeans, what is the difference between a loose fit and jeans "in a glove". A lot of attention was paid to the choice of jeans fit, as well as signs of truly high-quality jeans that distinguish them from cheap Chinese consumer goods.

Today, in the second part, we will switch to selection men's jeans size- the most important aspect of their purchase! A properly sized thing sits comfortably and looks beautiful, while jeans that are too small are mercilessly tight, and excessively large ones dangle and gather in unsympathetic “bags”.

We will help you right choose the right size jeans for men, and also tell you how to wear them correctly: with or without an accordion. And, of course, you will find an interesting video and useful tips on buying jeans in a store. Happy reading and happy shopping!

We select the size of men's jeans correctly

It is extremely important to choose the right jeans size. Too tight jeans will squeeze and crush, and short ones will just look funny. Similarly, overly long and loose jeans will look ugly. Therefore, jeans should be just right.
When choosing the size of jeans, you need to consider two main parameters:

  1. leg length- the distance from the base of the thigh to the very beginning of the foot (from the crotch to the ankle). On the label of jeans, the length is usually indicated by the Latin letter L (in English, the length is "Length"), but the Inseam designation is also found;
  2. Waist- girth (circumference) of the waist. On the label it is indicated by the letter W (in English, the waist is “Waist”).

Reminder scheme: sizes of men's jeans

At the same time, as a rule, dimensions are indicated not in centimeters, but in inches(1 inch = 2.54 cm). The first number is the waist (W), the second is the leg length (L). Usually these numbers are written through a fraction, or next to the corresponding letters.

For example: "W:28 L:32" or "28 / 32". That is, jeans of the 28th size in the waist, and the 32nd in length.

Remember that not all manufacturers exactly follow the dimensions. And jeans with the same size can vary significantly in length and waist. Examples are unavoidable here.

So, with the designation of sizes on the labels decided. So how to choose the size of men's jeans according to the figure? If you are a more or less classical (proportional) physique, our table will help you to illustrate the dependence of the length of jeans (L) on height:

Jeans length selection table depending on height

Knowing your own height, it is easy to choose men's jeans by length.

We do not recommend purchasing jeans with a "margin" of length. If you think you can always shorten them, then be warned - this is not the best idea. Firstly, even the best atelier can shorten jeans of poor quality (trouser legs will become different lengths, the seam will be sloppy, etc.). In addition, the proportion of jeans will be violated - the knees will shift downwards. Secondly, although now jeans may seem long to you, washing them or wearing a belt, it may turn out that they will fit just right. Therefore, buy jeans in your size.

As for the waist circumference (W), then a banal fitting of jeans in a shopping center and the following table will help you here:

Size chart of men's jeans and their corresponding body parameters

Alternatively, you can use the old one, but effective trick. Bend your elbow and make a fist. Now try to place the arm bent in this way in the buttoned jeans. If she enters them back to back, it means that they will fit you at the waist (however, for overweight men this rule may not apply, you will have to try on jeans).

In any case, you should not buy jeans that are too loose (this will break the proportions of the clothes, and cotton tends to stretch) or too tight jeans (think about). In other words, jeans should not be fastened with force, but they should not hang freely on the hips either.

How to wear jeans: with or without accordion?

Many men, having decided to buy new jeans, begin to doubt: should the jeans form an “accordion” and lie on the shoes, or should the jeans be so long that they only reach the edge of the shoe? So how should jeans cover shoes (shoes, sneakers, sneakers) or be butted with them?

The answer to this question depends on jeans style and personal clothing style:

  • in the case of skinny jeans, they usually involve wearing butt to the edge of the shoe;
  • wider jeans should be of such length that the edge of the leg reaches the middle of the heel of the shoe, forming a small " harmonica". That is, jeans should form a fold, lying on your shoes in front. The optimal size of such a fold is 3 centimeters.

A small "accordion" at the bottom of the jeans is quite acceptable
Author: Honeyhuyue (Own work), at

In general, jeans should not be so long that they bulge. But they should not be too short - when you sit down, jeans should not bare legs in socks. A small margin in length should still be available.

So, now you know everything you need to choose the right men's jeans. Summing up, let us finally formulate some simple tips:

well and the most important- so that you like jeans, and they are comfortable to wear. Happy shopping!

Finally interesting and useful video how to choose men's jeans :

When copying an article or part of it, a direct link to

The ideal length of trousers is a tough stylish nut not only for men, but also for women. In this matter, you, like a miner, have no right to make a mistake. It is worth missing - and here they are, an additional 10 kg, which you did not have just a minute ago!

Also read:

Let's figure out how long trousers of various styles should be so that they do not visually shorten the legs.

Wide pants

This applies to trousers and jeans with a flare (from the hip or knee) and wide trousers with a straight cut.

The problem with wide, loose pants is that the same leg length can't look good with both heels and low heels at the same time. That is why, in really expensive stores, trousers are cut off according to the height of the buyer.

Also read:

If you find the perfect pair of pants, it's a good idea to buy two pairs, one to fit your heels and the other to fit your flats. Yes, it will require a financial investment, but if you know you'll be carrying pants for a long time, it's worth it.

On a note:
If you don't want to shorten your pants, take a pair of shoes with which you plan to wear them with you to the store to determine the correct length

with heels

Not right:

Too short. The trouser leg opens the entire foot (not only the heel is visible, but also the heel)

Wide trousers with heels: too short

Too long. The trouser leg covers the entire foot (shoes are not visible at all, even when walking).

Wide trousers with heels: too long


The leg ends at a distance of 2-3 cm from the floor.
- Almost the entire heel is closed, but the toe of the shoe peeps out.

Wide trousers with heels: the right length

Without heels

Not right:

Too short. They end at ankle level and open up the entire foot.
-Too long. Literally dragging on the floor.


The trouser leg covers almost the entire foot, but does not touch the ground.

Wide trousers without heels: the right length

Palazzo trousers

Separately, it is worth mentioning the special style of wide trousers - palazzo trousers. They are trousers-skirt with very wide legs and are sewn from light, flying fabrics.

Palazzo trousers: too short

When walking, the legs bounce higher than in the case of other styles, so the palazzo should cover the shoes completely (i.e. end at a level of 1-1.5 cm above the floor) if you do not want to look several sizes larger

Palazzo Pants: The Right Length

Straight fit trousers

Straight-cut trousers are a style in which the width of the leg is the same along the entire length.

with heels

Not right:

Too long. The trouser leg should not be too long, otherwise it will gather like an accordion on the heel.

Too short. The trouser leg starts right above the heel, which gives the impression that you have grown out of the trousers.


The trouser leg should cover half of the heel, but not cover the heel.

Straight fit trousers: correct length

Without heels

Not right:

Also read:

Too long. When walking, you step on the leg with your heel.
Too short. The same story as in the paragraph about heels: it seems that the panties do not fit you.


The trouser leg ends at the level of the foot and does not cover the heel.

Cropped trousers

Perhaps one of the reasons why ankle-length pants are so popular is that the style "justifies" the short length - it's intentionally short! And this means that no one will think that the pants simply sat down after washing.

On a note:

As a rule, cropped trousers taper slightly at the bottom to enhance the effect of the "intention" of the short length.

with heels

Not right:

Too long. The whole point of cropped trousers is that they should be cropped! If the pants of this style look like normal length pants on you, then this is not your height.

Too short. Cropped trousers can be shortened both by 5 cm and by 10. The main thing is not to get carried away - if the trouser leg ends in the middle of the calf, such trousers will look ridiculous with heels.


The trouser leg ends at or slightly above the ankle.

Crop Pants with Heels: Correct Length

Without heel

Not right:

Too short. The same story - shortened, but without fanaticism!
Too long. Reach to ankle level or below.


The cropped trousers that you are going to wear with low heel shoes should open up your leg more than with heels. They should end above the ankle so that there is no feeling that you are wearing too short straight trousers.

Cropped Pants without Heels: The Right Length

Long tapered trousers

Separately, it is worth mentioning the trousers of normal length narrowed at the bottom. Like their cropped counterparts, they should leave some leather behind without covering the foot.

Not right:

You tucked your long, tapered trousers into your boots. As a result, they gather like an accordion.
The trouser-leg covers a heel. Or rather, it hugs her.

Long tapered trousers: on the left - the correct length; on the right - you need to tuck


The trouser leg wraps around the ankle.
-In the case of boots: you have rolled up your pants, leaving a small gap between the leg and the shoe.

Pants with hem details

Any emphasis on the hem of the leg, be it cuff, elastic or ties, makes life easier, because they are "intentionally short" in the square.


No matter how high the pants end, you can always assume that you chose this length on purpose.

Not right:

The only caveat: never and under no circumstances should such trousers be tucked into boots or boots.

Trousers with hem details: fits almost any length

Tight pants

Skinny is the perfect trouser style for boots and high boots, because in this case their length does not matter. You just tuck them in and that's it. Nuances arise when they are worn with open shoes.

Not right:

Trousers are too long and gather at the ankle or completely wrap around the heel.

Tight pants: too long


Skinny ends above the ankle.

Skinny pants: correct length
