What phrase can surprise a girl. How to surprise a girl - the most romantic ideas

Girls really appreciate in guys their ability to surprise. But it's one thing when a guy is constantly next to his beloved and makes some surprises for her, and quite another if the couple is going through a temporary separation associated with someone's departure. To keep the brand of the best man in the world, you need to know how to surprise a girl from a distance so that she feels your love, even while in another city or country.

Testing feelings by distance

Distance can strengthen feelings. It is known that a person begins to understand how much his loved ones are dear to him only when he does not see them for a long time. The same is true in the relationship of a guy and a girl: if you are constantly together, then sooner or later you start to get tired of each other. And when one of the couple leaves for another city, people begin to get bored, suffer from the inability to see each other, and eventually realize that they are no longer ready to part.

Surprise the girl

To somehow brighten up the period of separation, you need to constantly remind yourself. The girl is a sweet slave creature; she should not make grand gestures. She has had enough daily calls and tender texts. But a guy may well come up with something extraordinary to keep his girlfriend from forgetting about herself, even when she is thousands of kilometers away from him.

Courier deliveries

Previously, to send greetings, letters or gifts, it was necessary to send ambassadors to another city. Then telephone communication appeared, and communication between two people from different cities became possible. Today it has developed to such an extent that you can even see a person, while being anywhere in the world. And in order to arrange a surprise, it is enough to contact a specialized company that deals with this.

What should you do if your girlfriend is in another city, and you want to give her a bouquet of something?

  1. In social networks or in an Internet search engine, find a flower delivery company;
  2. Contact personally with the manager or head of the company;
  3. Explain the situation: that you are in another city, you are interested in the opportunity to choose a bouquet from a photo, agree on payment (card, electronic money, postal order);
  4. Make a payment and wait for a joyful SMS from your beloved, who wonders how you were able to send flowers to her, being thousands of kilometers away.

In addition to flowers, you can send any surprises:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Sweets;
  • Dinner from a restaurant, etc.

There is a certain risk in such a surprise. The company may receive money and not fulfill its obligations, because, in fact, the contract you had was oral. It remains only to hope that you will come across a conscientious company. In extreme cases, you can leave a negative review on the site.

advertising banner

If the business trip (yours or the girls) is long-term, then after a few days, correspondence and calls will no longer bring positive emotions. It will become a routine.

You can tell a girl about your feelings with the help of a loud declaration of love. The definition of "loud" means that not only she, but also other people will learn about recognition.

How can this be done, and even at a distance.

Again, there is an opportunity to contact a special company. This time it will be a banner design company. They don't care what the poster says. The main thing is that it is paid. We proceed as follows:

  1. Coming up with a poster design. You can do it in your city too. If you own layout programs, you can do everything yourself, otherwise the company can design the poster.
  2. In the city where the girl is located, we are looking for a company engaged in advertising on banners, in buses, on transport, etc. The main thing is that the poster should be visible to a large number of people.
  3. We pay for the order by card.

Unexpected surprise

The above two methods were quite expensive. But you can surprise a girl without money. You should prepare a little surprise for her in advance by placing it in a place where the girl rarely looks. If you leave and the girl stays, this is easier to do: you can hide the surprise in her apartment:

  • In a vase or glass, standing in a sideboard;
  • Under the carpet (in case it is a note);
  • On the mezzanine;
  • Deep in a closet, etc.

That is, it should be any hard-to-reach place.

If a girl leaves, and you do not have the opportunity to manage in her temporary housing in another city, then a surprise is thrown into the luggage: in the pocket of a jacket or jeans; in the lining of a jacket; in a cosmetic bag, etc. If the girl does not discover the surprise herself, then you can call and tell her. A note, a postcard, a small decoration or craft can serve as a surprise.

Here I am

An option for the most impatient guys who do not want to put up with separation: you can just come to your beloved. The girl will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised that you are ready to follow her to the ends of the world, forgetting about your business. But if you carefully plan your arrival without informing your beloved about it, it will turn out doubly amazing.

  1. You can quietly come to the city where the girl temporarily lives, settle nearby and arrange a day of surprises for her. At the same time, she should understand that you are doing this, and not some of her admirers, but remain at a loss as to how this can be. For example: throw a note in her mailbox (so that she recognizes the handwriting) that says something that only the two of you know about. Come to her place of work or college and verbally convey the message. At the same time, try to look so that you can be accurately described (you can wear the clothes in which the girl is used to seeing you).
  2. Try to become a phantom. A girl should think that you are imagining her. Put on a baseball cap, dark glasses, a hood and appear in the girl's field of view: go around the corner, and then hide again; show yourself in the crowd and then mingle with it; stand on the road near the traffic light where her bus will stop, etc.
  3. Just show up unexpectedly. This can happen at any time and anywhere: run into her on the subway, ask her to pass the fare on the minibus, ask her for the time as if you were a random passerby. Remember: the more banal the situation, the more amazing the meeting will turn out. It would be nice if someone captured this moment on camera.

Performing all of the above actions, remember that a girl can call you at any time to calm her bewilderment. Be prepared for her questions. You can reveal yourself and put the girl in your arms at any moment, but the more you delay it, the more touching and emotional the meeting will turn out to be.

Maybe you can get some more ideas from this video:

Temporary separation is not a reason to end a relationship. This is just a test of couples for strength, for feelings. If they are real, then both parties will do everything to brighten up the period of separation for each other as much as possible, and the main steps should be taken by the man. He is stronger emotionally and is ready to do things for the sake of his beloved. The surprise of a girl, surprises for her, extraordinary deeds, the constant maintenance of feelings in good shape - these are the standard actions of a real man.

Every woman wants a man to surprise her as often as possible. Thanks to this, relationships are maintained for a long time. Most women prefer attention. If a lady sees in a partner a desire to make her life more romantic, then she flies on wings. But in the case when a man does not consider such manifestations of tenderness appropriate for himself, his companion may think that he has become uninteresting.

How can you surprise your wife?

There are a huge number of ways to surprise your wife, to make her happy. It might be in bed. Despite the banality of such a manifestation of attention, this method is always appropriate. You can also set her favorite song or a romantic song that is a declaration of love as an alarm clock. The second half will wake up in the morning to her sounds and will stay in high spirits for a long time.

And you can also go to some picturesque place together. It could be the bank of a river or a lake. It is also nice to admire the view of the city at night from a high roof. And if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can always just show attention. surprised and highly appreciated if the chosen one unexpectedly brings something tasty, which she has long wanted. For example, peaches, strawberries or chocolate.

Show of tenderness

But a man should never forget that the smile and good mood of his companion are inextricably linked with how gentle he is with her. A girl who lacks love and affection feels unnecessary, can be nervous and offended over trifles. Therefore, do not forget about the importance of good sex.

The manifestation of tenderness during intimacy is a must and a win-win option. It is very important here not to think about how to surprise your wife in bed, but just try to be affectionate with her. Of course, you can also try the opposite option. In this case, the second half is sure to be surprised. But this should be done only if the couple has been together for a long time and has developed a very trusting relationship. Otherwise, everything can end in insults and tears. And a man will not see the proper effect and adoration coming from his companion.

If the couple has been together for a long time

A man and a woman who have been married for a long time know very well their common passions. In this case, a man should remember what his chosen one has ever told about sex. Perhaps she was looking at some toy with interest, commenting on it. Or discussing a scene seen in a movie. Often it is enough for a man to show quite a bit of attention, and the question of how to surprise his wife in bed will be resolved.

It is much easier when the wife directly talks about what she would like. If the couple managed to create such an honest and open relationship in which mutual understanding reigns, then this option is more than ideal. But you should not do any independent experiments that may seem harsh.

beautiful lingerie

Every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable. And what can emphasize her charms more favorably than high-quality lingerie? It is noteworthy that men and women can choose completely different sets. When buying underwear, a girl looks at its practicality. A man is more interested in elegance and sex appeal.

If a partner offers to dress up his chosen one in the evening, putting a novelty in front of her, then she will be very interested in this. Rather, it will not come to a complete change of clothes. But the idea of ​​how to surprise the wife in sex will be more than achieved. If a man chose a similar option, then he needs to first study the tags from his wife's underwear. You should write out the names of sizes and firms. Only after that you can buy suitable underwear.

It is not uncommon for men to buy small bras, and panties, on the contrary, are larger than necessary. In this case, the girl may simply be upset that her chosen one does not treat her carefully. If the kit is perfect, then she will be amazed not only by her appearance, but also by attention.

Suggest massage

If a man thinks about how to surprise his wife in the evening, then you can do an erotic massage. This is just a wonderful option, every woman will be happy to relax from the touch of a loving person.

Also, do not forget about all the romantic paraphernalia. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a candlelit room. But if a man considers this option a banality, then it is quite possible to take care of soft electric lighting. The main thing is that beautiful music sounds and pleasant smells are present. To do this, it is best to take care of the presence of an aphrodisiac massage oil. Therefore, if a loving husband decided to surprise his wife, then the named method is more than successful.

In particular, geranium oil sets you up for gentle and romantic caresses. But vanilla awakens sensuality and instincts. Cloves increase the duration of orgasm. Jasmine liberates, gives confidence in personal attractiveness. That is, a man needs to choose an oil that awakens exactly the qualities that he wants to receive from his wife in the evening.

High-quality hair removal

Representatives of the stronger sex do not always think about how to do epilation of the intimate area. But in vain, because the chosen one will appreciate such a gesture. And if a man thinks about how to surprise his wife, then by using this method it will work out in any case. You can also be guided by how well-groomed the girl is. Usually, if she carefully monitors the absence of hair in the deep bikini area, she wants the same from her partner.

Of course, it will be quite interesting to look. She will surprise the girl in any case. But not every man will agree to do it. Although the wife will be amazed at the courage and grooming of her beloved. In any case, everyone has the opportunity to use the bathroom at home. But it is preferable to do this not for some holiday, but to “surprise” the lady of the heart in this way all the time.

Don't skimp on compliments

Do not forget that Therefore, you do not need to skimp on compliments. It can be both smart and ornate phrases, as well as ordinary ones. The main thing is that all words are pronounced completely sincerely. In this case, as if the difficult question of how to surprise your wife in bed is resolved quite easily. It just takes a little preparation ahead of time.

Although the bed is not the place where you need to be clever. An intellectually developed man who looks a little silly is very sexy. Therefore, there is no need to memorize compliments in a foreign language in order to say them during sex. Such words, spoken in Turkish or French, will be appreciated by the partner during a preliminary light dinner. But during sex, complex phrases are not needed.

It happens that people decide to get back together after a divorce. If the thought arises of how to surprise your ex-wife, then you need to say a large number of compliments and, again, be attentive and caring. After that, it would be quite reasonable to offer her to become a real life partner again.

Little dressing up

Perhaps the wife has several dresses from the sex shop. Moreover, this option is not at all surprising. But if a man comes up with some kind of costume, then it will look bold and unusual. The chosen one will definitely appreciate such a gesture. After all, a creatively minded man is able to really arouse desire.

Here you need to focus on the tastes of the partner. Perhaps if her chosen one puts on a Santa Claus fur coat, or she will like it. But there is a risk that she will not want to have anything to do with, for example, a bunny. Therefore, a man does not have to purchase a special suit if he is thinking about how to surprise his wife. This option also takes place, but not every woman will like a husband dressed in a suit from a sex shop.

Change of place and time

A wife can be surprised if some changes are made to lovemaking, which over time has become traditional. If sex usually took place in the bedroom, a change of place is a very good option. If you have thoughts about how best to surprise your wife in bed, the latter as such is not always needed. It's nice to give intimacy spontaneity on the kitchen table or hallway floor. But the first option threatens with cold emanating from the countertop, and the second with a lack of hygiene. Therefore, if a man provides for some kind of veil, then such an option will also amaze his wife.

If lovemaking took place before going to bed, then you can change the time to an earlier one. A great option is to spend the whole day in bed. Only for this you need to take care of food in advance. The wife should not cook on this day. And if it is fruits, sandwiches or food from a delivery service that a man takes care of, then it will be more than successful to surprise the lady of the heart.

The bathroom is interesting too.

The wife will like it if the bathroom is used for foreplay. In this case, the idea of ​​having a wife is sure to succeed. It is also best to provide soft light and aphrodisiac oils here. It can also be a nice smelling shower gel. You can gently bathe your wife, and then wrap it in a large towel. After that, it is better to move to the bedroom. The girl will be relaxed and in any case will be amazed at the attention and care of her beloved.

Taking a shower together is also a great way, especially since you can wash each other. But you need to make sure that the room is constantly warm. And if the wife has long hair, then they should not be wetted much. After all, then the touch of cool strands will have a more than sobering effect.

To surprise his wife, a man needs to show quite a bit of creativity and imagination. To do this, you should only set yourself up to make the lady of the heart pleasant. In this case, everything will definitely work out, she will appreciate the tenderness, care and attention. If a husband thinks about how to surprise his wife, then this already says a lot. After that, the relationship will gain freshness. But do not make such surprises only on holidays. It is very important that they occur as often as possible, then the wife will try in every possible way to please her man, to make him happier.

You have a girlfriend you want to please all the time. To see how she laughs and smiles is more precious to you than any other sensations and emotions. You like everything about her, and you want to please her and surprise her with something unusual. There are several basic ways that your chosen one will be pleasantly dumbfounded by the actions of her partner.

Actions to help surprise a girl

1. Walk or picnic. Perhaps you thought it was too banal. However, it is worth making a little imagination, and an ordinary walk will become the most unforgettable adventure. Of course, a lot depends on financial costs. If you have money, you can take her for a walk to another city. However, if this is not for you, then you can win through a non-standard approach. First of all, you need to analyze the Internet on the topic of interesting and mysterious places in your city. You can also look for the most romantic views. Take a girl to where she's never been. Don't forget to take your camera to capture those happy moments forever. If your girlfriend is a romantic nature, arrange a picnic for her. Come to her house early in the morning with a basket of groceries and a blanket, and take it with you to nature. It is better to find a place for a picnic in advance. It is important that there be few people there. You will surely want to be alone. Ideally, this place will be near the reservoir. If possible, decorate it in advance. Balls, flowers and other festive attributes will look great against the backdrop of natural nature. You can even blindfold her so that she does not understand where and why you are taking her. If your girlfriend loves sweets, then you can try yourself as a cook. It's much nicer than buying a cake at the nearest supermarket. And even if you don’t succeed, she will be flattered that you decided to do something for her that you don’t know how to do at all. And it’s not worth talking about the fact that she will be surprised and touched.

2. Surprise under the window. Just imagine, your girlfriend gets up in the morning to get ready for work or school, looks out the window and sees under it a romantic inscription dedicated to her. Of course, she will be pleasantly surprised by this moment. You can write anything, but it is better to avoid banal nicknames and confessions. Best of all, write something that only you and her will understand. Your personal. Or you can stand early in the morning and wait for her to look out the window with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. But this act can be done only by the most desperate and loving guy. As for flowers, you can not only hand them in person, but send them by courier at the height of the working day. A chic bouquet delivered to your beloved at university or at work will be appreciated not only by her, but also by her colleagues and friends.

3. Chivalrous deed. The crazier he is, the better. The easiest thing to offer is to pick flowers in a flower bed near the city administration in front of her eyes. You just need to prepare for a possible conversation with the police, where you will have to clearly and clearly explain the reasons for your act. There are also more drastic measures. You can climb into her window in the middle of the night. Again, you can complement your image with flowers or sweets. But the very fact that you climbed a tree, climbed it at your own peril and risk, and knocked on the window of your beloved, not being completely sure whether she would wake up from this sound, is important. Honor and praise to those who decide on this. One thing is for sure, after this act she will no longer let you go back, and you will spend the night together. And what to do, you will find.

If you want to surprise your girlfriend, make her a surprise, then be sure to think about her individual characteristics. The fact is that all girls are different, and each has its own desires and preferences. The main thing is not to be afraid and take action.

How to surprise a girl in a variety of situations

Any man who wants to conquer a girl must know how to surprise her. It's actually quite simple, the main thing is to do something that you have never done before in your relationship with her. And to do it so naturally and beautifully, so that the girl is downright drunk with happiness. Ideally, this unexpected gift should be her dream, about which she “raved” for a long time, and you, like an idol, should pretend that you don’t even understand why she is so happy when she sees your gift.

Let's say right away, in order to surprise a girl, one idea is not enough, it still needs to be implemented and carefully thought out so that everything goes like clockwork, without all sorts of excesses.

The most effective ways to pleasantly surprise a girl

Elementary, but quite effective, you can surprise a girl with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, presented outside the holiday. Girls are quite sentimental about signs of attention made for no reason or for a small trifle (for example, in honor of 1 year and 6 months from the date of acquaintance). The girl will be especially pleased with the bouquet in which they will be collected or which will consist only of her favorite flowers. The fact is that in addition to roses, girls like many more types of flowers, such as: lilies, daisies, orchids, gerberas, callas, irises, lilies of the valley, etc. You should not stop only at the usual colors, and it is most correct to buy a composition of flowers, where the most different classes of flowers, their shades and sizes will be beautifully selected.

In the dreams of every girl lies a beautiful wedding and after it a trip to a honeymoon. For some, this is proof that they will now really be FOR their husband, for others, it is a desire to show off in a snow-white wedding dress in front of all their relatives and friends. If your relationship has reached the limit that you are ready to organize a wedding, then make her a marriage proposal. However, remember that in order to hear the long-awaited “Yes”, you, in turn, must be sure of it. The girl will agree if she is sure that you will be able to provide for the family in all plans.

If you feel that you are not yet ready for marriage or will not be able to adequately provide for your family, then offer to choose a ring for her together, which will mean your serious intentions. In addition, the ring is one of the types of jewelry that girls love so much. Therefore, she gladly agrees to this. Of course, you can choose a ring for her yourself, but for this you will need to find out her exact size of the finger on which she will wear your gift. And, of course, to know her taste at the expense of this jewelry (material, stone, stone size, texture, etc.).

To relax with your loved one on the seashore, to be away from daily worries and worries - any girl dreams of. Therefore, if you give your beloved girl a ticket to the resort, she will not only be surprised, but also be in euphoria with happiness that her dream has finally come true. For more surprise, keep everything as "quiet" as possible, but time the holiday trip so that the girl has both the opportunity and the desire to go. The package should include as much comfort as possible so that you do not have to hail a taxi at the airport, stand in line for it, look for a place to stay, compare prices, etc. A girl should feel like a real princess when she is met everywhere, helped and provided with the highest class service.

How to surprise a girl without money

And without money there is something to surprise a girl! For example, if you live in a big city where there is constant fuss and chaos, you can take a walk with a girl to a place where a gorgeous view of the whole city opens up, and also to a place where all life flows slowly and without compulsion. The main thing is that the girl does not know about this place and has never been there. As a rule, this is a hill or the roof of the tallest skyscraper. In addition to the city, you can surprise a girl with a beautiful sunset that opens from this place. You don’t even have to spend money on such a trip, with the exception of a trifle for a fixed-route taxi.

If you have artistic talent, you know how to draw and paint beautifully, then you can dedicate one of them to your beloved girl, which will surprise her. Some meaning should be displayed in your drawing: a symbol of your love, the personification of its beauty or your devotion. In addition to the painted picture, you must make an equally beautiful design so that the girl can immediately hang your masterpiece on the wall or put it in a prominent place on the shelf. If you do not have such talent, you can do something similar in Photoshop, using any of her photographs as a basis, perhaps even a general one. The main thing is that in the end you get something original and unlike anything else.

Perform a song (burn to disc or sing live). You will make a big impression on a girl if you sing a song for her. You can do it in several ways - write your own music and words. For musical accompaniment, various music programs that are able to play notes on different musical instruments can come off. Or you can play any instrument yourself (piano, guitar, etc.). Or perform someone else's song to a backing track or to your playing a musical instrument. This masterpiece can also be presented in different ways: both in the form of a personal performance, and with the help of a disc on which the track will be recorded. Try to choose the motive that will be the easiest to perform, if there are absolutely problems with hearing, then it will be easier to read a rap. The main thing is that the words should be as close as possible to both of you.

There is no money, but I really want to surprise the girl, then use the old but proven method: in front of her window on the pavement, write a declaration of love in large letters. For execution, chalk, a can of paint or a regular can of paint and a brush are suitable. The main thing is to accurately calculate the amount of material and the size of the letters so that everything turns out perfectly and beautifully. Remember to anticipate the weather conditions so they don't spoil the surprise. And, of course, think about where you will write this confession so as not to thunder into the police and not get a fine for hooliganism.

Another effective confession that will make a girl surprised is posting leaflets on poles with a declaration of love or birthday greetings. To do this, you will also practically not need money, only a few dozen A4 sheets and a small bottle of glue (or adhesive tape). You need to glue only those poles that catch her eye when she goes to work, to an educational institution or any other place. It is advisable to write unique short phrases on each sheet, but each sheet should emphasize the appeal to her (perhaps with a name or an affectionate word that is familiar only to the two of you). In this case, noticing these sheets on the pillars, she will specially pass next to them and read with rapture each new phrase.

When you live with a girl, it is difficult to surprise her with something, especially if it is difficult to imperceptibly withdraw money from the family budget for this. But you still have a chance to pleasantly surprise the girl, for this, cook her a delicious dinner for two. She will be doubly pleased if you have never done this, and it is also advisable to wash the dishes yourself after dinner and remove everything from the table. In this case, the surprise of your girlfriend simply will not have a limit. To make the dishes especially tasty, find out the recipe in as much detail as possible.

How to surprise a girl on Vkontakte

Surprising a girl on the VKontakte social network is quite simple, although there are much fewer ways than in reality. One of them is to send her a gift, a beautiful image of a toy or other object that will hang on her page. For girls, this social network is a kind of small world, and each gift will serve as its decoration, and besides, there will always be something to brag to your friends: they say, look how the guys pay attention to me. Of course, one gift will not cause so much delight in a girl than ten such gifts. Therefore, do not skimp on them, and the more gifts you send, the greater will be her surprise.

If at the moment there is no money to make a good gift, then you can surprise her with a beautiful drawing written in symbols. You can easily find such drawings, the main thing is to choose the most suitable one and so that it has a meaning that is understandable only to both of you. It will be even better if you make such a drawing yourself. Uniqueness and originality will make the girl understand how you worked to get this creation of symbolic art. You can post your creation in the comments on her feed or in the comments to any photo.

Let the confession in verse be a banality, but a well-chosen poem can really hurt your chosen one, especially if she is a person of a creative nature. You can publish a poem in the same way as a drawing in the comments, but if you do not want publicity, you can send it to private messages that are on the social network. If you want to find a poem on the Internet, and not compose it yourself, then try to choose one that is unique and very, very beautiful.

How to surprise a girl from a distance

A long distance in the modern world is no longer a special obstacle for lovers, because there is the Internet, high-speed trains and airplanes. Access to everything has now become more or less simple. Therefore, it will not be difficult to give her a gift now, the only difference will be that you will not be able to transfer the gift into her hands. But, nevertheless, you can surprise a girl with it. To do this, you need to use courier delivery. All you need for this is to pass the gift into their hands and tell the exact name, address and phone number of the girl. Although even the address is not particularly necessary to say, because. the courier service in the city will call the girl, explaining that they have a package for her, they will ask for the address where she will be in the next 2 hours, i.e. where to deliver the package. It will be enough for her to sign upon receipt and that's it. Your gift will be carefully packaged to prevent accidental damage.

Just like a gift, you can send a bouquet of flowers, but here things are a little different. Flowers, of course, cannot travel for a long time and come to the desired city in a beautiful form, so your task is to find a store through the Internet that sells and transfers bouquets. Place an order, pay for it, having previously indicated at what address and to whom to hand it. The messenger will arrive at the address and deliver a beautiful and fresh bouquet directly into the hands of your girlfriend. A small message in a mini-envelope can be attached to the bouquet, or the courier can convey it in words.

Come to her (secretly). If you really want to surprise a girl, then come yourself to the city where she lives. And, for example, talking to her on the phone, meet her on the street when she returns home from work or school. Believe me, she will be so pleasantly surprised that she will kiss you and will not let go of you for a long time. However, before going there, take care of the place of residence and the return ticket so as not to cause inconvenience to the relatives and friends with whom your girlfriend lives.

How to surprise a girl in bed

Sooner or later, in sexual relations, the former passion and that wild desire fade away. There can be many reasons for this, but the most common is the monotony that kills any passionate lover. To dilute your sex life a little, we recommend using new positions that you can learn from the Kama Sutra or at least from adult videos. You can also change the place, for example, a sleeping bed to a kitchen table, a loggia or even an elevator cabin in your house. The main thing is to bring new sensations and emotions into sex.

Despite your possible many years of experience in sexual relations, the technique may not only not improve over time, but also not develop. To do this, we also recommend reading the relevant literature about what kind of caresses women like and in what places. Perhaps you will discover a whole new world of new techniques that your girlfriend will love in bed. Try not to try all the petting techniques at once, but rather stretch it out so that you can better understand which of the caresses you like the most.

A big mistake of many men is their unwillingness to engage in foreplay (caresses, kisses, strokes, etc.), and immediately proceed to sex without particularly exciting the girl. Therefore, you will really surprise the girl if you stretch the moment of foreplay for as long as possible until she herself jumps on you from wild desire. At this time, pay maximum attention to her body: kiss, caress, do a light massage, you can even bite, the main thing is that all actions are pleasant and exciting.

The simplest and no less effective method of surprising a girl in bed will be toys from a sex shop. An intimate goods store can offer a really wide range of products that can turn the most boring partners into real debauchees. To do this, they have all kinds of costumes, underwear, handcuffs, ropes, masks, gels and oils, vibrators and the like. Try to buy those things that will be interesting for your girlfriend, and which she will gladly agree to use during sex.

How to surprise a girl with words

It will be difficult to surprise a girl with words, but it’s still worth trying. As the first option, we suggest that you come up with a frank and beautiful confession, from which any girl would agree to follow you to the ends of the world. The degree of “loudness” of your words directly depends on your character, for example, it is somehow unusual for quiet and modest guys to hear odes of love and will cut the ear. Therefore, in these cases, you should use more familiar word turns, without the use of rhyme.

The next way to surprise a girl will be an oath that you will fulfill all her wishes that she so dreamed of. During the promise, one should mention specific dates and explain their reason. For example, immediately go to the city in which she wanted to visit for so long. Thus, by fulfilling even a small but desired dream of a girl, you will show how serious and ready to really realize what has been said. But this point is dangerous because if you do not keep your promise, you will fall very low in the eyes of your girlfriend, so think seven times before promising anything!

A great way to surprise your girlfriend with words is to read your own poem dedicated to her personally. Of course, Pushkin's times are long gone, and modern girls are of little interest to those who read poetry, but if your girlfriend is a creative person, then she will be able to appreciate your work and gift. After all, you must admit that not every guy dares to do such an act, since he can simply find himself in an awkward position.

How to surprise a girl when you meet

To surprise a girl when you meet, buy a lot of balloons for her and inflate them (it is desirable that they are already inflated with helium, then they will always hang in the air, and not “fly” from behind). It is desirable that all the balls are of different colors, then such a color variegation will give this huge bouquet of balls festivity. In addition, you can write an affectionate nickname of your girlfriend on each balloon (Kitten, Sunny, Rybka, Sweetheart, Bunny, etc.). The more balloons with such names will be, the more the girl will be pleasantly surprised. You can write words on the balloons with an ordinary marker or felt-tip pen, the main thing is not with a pen, which can make a hole, which will cause the balloon to explode.

Despite the fact that roses seem commonplace, but a huge bouquet of roses never ceases to amaze girls. After all, each of them understands that a rose is almost the most expensive flower, which means that the guy who gives this bouquet does not skimp, and the main thing for him is to surprise his chosen one. In addition, roses are the flowers that most girls like, so if you don’t know exactly the girl’s preferences, then you can give them. Beautifully decorate a large bouquet can only be in a flower shop, so you have to pay more for decoration. But you can also do it in another way, buy a lot of roses from “grandmothers”, take them out of plastic bags, and just put them in one bouquet. Such “bare” roses will even add some spice to the bouquet.

And our last advice, which can surprise a girl at a meeting, would be to order a limousine for the evening or at least for an hour of travel. A limousine is also a chic way to surprise a girl on a first date. You can order a limousine (and a driver) who will pick you up first, and then you will meet a girl, having driven around the city for an hour, you can drive up to a cafe where you can continue the evening of acquaintance. Such a meeting will surprise the girl very much, and the surprise will only have a positive connotation.

So, now you know how to surprise a girl and you can implement any of the ideas provided. Remember, in order for everything to go smoothly, you need to think through the whole event in advance. We wish you good luck and success!

If a guy likes a girl, then he certainly wants to perform such a romantic act that will not only surprise her, but will remain in her memory forever. What could be better than to see her enthusiastic smile, happy sparkle in her eyes and genuine joy? It is for the sake of such moments that it is worth trying and presenting an unforgettable gift to a girl.

It doesn't have to be spending a lot of money. The main thing is desire and a little imagination. And in this article, we will look at some unexpected romantic surprises for a girl that will definitely not leave your other half indifferent.


If you draw beautifully, write poetry, sing or play any instrument, then your talent will be most welcome. You can create a unique masterpiece for your loved one. A poem about your love for her, her portrait or romantic love songs are a wonderful gift for your beloved, which touches even the most capricious princess.

It is better to present such a present in a romantic setting and alone. In no case do this in a hurry or in a company, with a large crowd of people. This is a rather intimate gift that should only bind the two of you.

Cooking masterpiece

In search of an option to surprise their girlfriend, many guys do not even realize that the easiest way is always at hand. In our country, it is customary that a woman always cooks, and many men cannot always cope even with ordinary scrambled eggs. Therefore, if before you did not shine with culinary skills, then some delicious dish for your girlfriend will definitely be an unexpected, but quite a welcome surprise.

When preparing such a gift for a girl, follow these tips:

  • baking is very difficult, and it’s unlikely that you can cook something worthy without training, so it’s better to take care of meat - for men, it usually turns out great;
  • ask for advice from some woman (sister, mother, girlfriend) - they will definitely tell you some simple but original recipes;
  • be sure to clean the kitchen after cooking so that the sight of dirty dishes does not spoil the impression of a surprise.

Unusual date

There are a lot of ideas for a romantic date, but there are very few really worthy ones that can restore sharpness to feelings and surprise your girlfriend. It takes a lot of effort to come up with something special.

First of all, you need to decide on a place. An excellent option would be a themed date, for example, in the style of a children's party. Instead of flowers at a meeting, give the girl an armful of balloons. For entertainment, give preference to an amusement park, and go to an ice cream parlor for refreshment. Buy soap bubbles in advance and invite your beloved to blow them from the bridge, and then take a boat ride. Your girlfriend will definitely not forget such a romantic walk!

Surprise of a sexual nature

The intimate sphere of life also needs variety, so a sexy surprise is a great option to surprise a girl. Here your fantasy is your best friend. But before experimenting, find out how your beloved relates to this kind of entertainment, if there are any prohibitions for her.

Alternatively, you can use different sex toys, experiment with positions, or offer your favorite role-play. When choosing this gift option, focus solely on your imagination and the preferences of the girl. No one can advise you in such matters.

natural experiences

The girl will certainly appreciate the romantic deeds, so this is the best way to prove her feelings to her. But the choice of surprise must be approached with all responsibility. After all, an ordinary banal gift is unlikely to surprise and be remembered.

If it's summer outside, pick up a net, call a couple of helper friends and go to the nearest park to hunt for butterflies. It is not easy, but very fun and exciting. Catch a few winged beauties, put them in a jar, make holes in it, and in the morning, while the girl is still sleeping, leave your gift on the bedside table. Your loved one will definitely never forget such a romantic act.

lucky daisy

This gift is very simple, but original. You need to buy a huge daisy with large petals in a flower shop. And then at home with a felt-tip pen on each petal write the word: "Loves." When you give your beloved such a gift, you can say in words: “This is so that you never again guess about my feelings for you!” Such romantic gifts will be appreciated by girls with a good sense of humor.

comic cartoon

A humorous cartoon can act as a pleasant and unexpected surprise for a girl. Choose your joint photo and order a caricature from the cartoonist. It is important to take care of everything in advance if you want to present a gift for some event, because it can take a long time to create a drawing (several days or even weeks).

Spontaneous Journey

An unexpected trip for two is a romantic act that many girls secretly dream of. But to prepare such a surprise, it is not enough just to get a ticket to hot countries. It is important to find out and settle the following points:

  1. Will the girl be able to take a vacation while traveling?
  2. Does she have a foreign passport?
  3. Will your parents be against it (if you are not married yet and the girl lives with her parents)?


Jewelry is a popular gift for girls. But to make it really dear to your heart, you need to take care of its uniqueness. Only then this decoration will always remind you of you and your love.

A good idea is engraving on a ring, bracelet or pendant. You can put a date of acquaintance or a declaration of love. Such romantic deeds touch your beloved and will not leave you indifferent.

An intriguing gift

As an intriguing gift, you can order a flower delivery with a note: “To a beautiful girl from a secret admirer” and make an appointment with her in the evening in some, for example, in a park. And then show up to the meeting wearing a Secret Admirer T-shirt. Such a romantic act will surely be remembered by your beloved for a long time.

Economical ways to surprise a girl

If you do not have huge funds, it does not matter - there are many ways to surprise your girlfriend with minimal costs, or even without them.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. Perhaps your chosen one told you or you yourself noticed that she did not like some detail in yourself - bad habits, dressing style, haircut or something else. We all have flaws, but only a few try to fight them. Try quitting smoking or changing your hairstyle to one that your girlfriend likes best. It will not be easy to change yourself, but the happy and surprised look of your beloved is worth it.
  2. Above was a surprise option in the form of a song of your own performance, if you have the talent and penchant for creativity. But if you learn chords especially for your beloved and play her additionally on the guitar, then such an act will melt even the coldest heart and help win the favor of your beloved.
  3. A video or photo collection is a great option for a romantic gift for your loved one. In the video, you can add your lady's favorite song or a song that is of great importance to both of you. For a photo collection, come up with an original album in which you will not only insert photos, but also add a cute romantic caption to each of them.
  4. To surprise a girl, give her... a place! Some cozy corner in the city that you like and that she has not seen. Bring her there and tell her why this place is dear to you or what memories are associated with it. If you don’t have such a secluded corner, just find a new beautiful place where you have not been together yet. It can be an old manor, the roof of a house or a park outside the city.

money is not the problem

If you are ready to spend money to impress your girlfriend, then here are some more options for romantic unexpected surprises:

  1. Flowers. Only this time, 5 white or red roses will not make the right impression. To surprise, you need to choose between quantity and quality. Or buy roses, but there must be at least a hundred of them. Or one unique exotic flower that is not available in flower shops in your city and needs to be ordered from another country. Especially such a gift will appeal to girls who love to grow home flowers.
  2. Wedding ring. It seems that no one will argue that this gift will definitely surprise any girl. But here it is your willingness to commit such a responsible act that is extremely important, because after it you will have to marry a happy and surprised girl.
  3. Cultural rest. Many girls often complain that they don’t go anywhere with a guy. It's time to change this, because there are a lot of options for cultural pastime - a philharmonic society, a theater, an art gallery, a museum. And in order to defeat your beloved on the spot, prepare in advance and read reviews and reviews about the upcoming exhibition or performance, and then shine with knowledge and surprise.
  4. Billboard. Imagine the surprise of your loved one when, on the way to work or school, she sees her photo and congratulations or just a declaration of love on a billboard. You can add a little creativity and instead of a billboard make a graffiti drawing on a wall or fence. Just keep in mind that quiet modest girls are unlikely to appreciate such a surprise.
  5. Joint photo. Trite? Nothing, if you approach the issue with creativity. To surprise, it’s not enough just to print a photo and insert it into a frame. It is better if you order a portrait from an artist based on your photograph. You can also put a joint photo on a T-shirt, mug or pillow. Such a souvenir will constantly remind the girl of you and your feelings. If you have a lot of photos together, you can make a flip calendar, where each sheet will have a new photo.
  6. Walk in a hot air balloon. This will surprise even the most sophisticated and spoiled girl. To make your loved one completely speechless with delight, you can hide a small gift and a bouquet of flowers in a basket in advance. This version of a romantic surprise is perfect if the guy decides to make a marriage proposal. In such conditions, the girl will definitely not refuse.

How to surprise a girl in the morning

We note right away that for a morning surprise you need to get up before the girl. Do not set an alarm that will wake up not only you, but also your sweetheart, otherwise the surprise is doomed to failure. It is better to start it on the phone, and put the phone itself nearby so that at X-hour you can quickly turn it off. A delicious breakfast and the aroma of fresh flowers is, of course, the best option for a perfect morning. No need to prepare boring sandwiches or banal scrambled eggs, it is better to choose some light but healthy salad. Or brew coffee and serve fresh pastries with it. Of course, you may devote more than one day to choosing the recipe and the dish itself, but the surprise must be perfect, and for this you can get confused. If for a dish you need products that you usually don’t have in the refrigerator, then it’s better to buy them in advance and leave them with your neighbors. By the way, they can also leave flowers prepared in the evening. But choose those neighbors with whom you are on good terms and who can get up early in the morning. It should be noted that you need to prepare such a surprise on a day off so that the girl can slowly enjoy breakfast and the atmosphere of such a beautiful morning.

Surprise on the Internet

In the modern age of technology, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, a surprise on the Internet will surprise any modern girl. Create a website for her, post her best photos on it, add a little biography. You can also create a blog for her and give her access to it. If you can, prepare everything yourself, if you are not sure, then contact professional webmasters. They not only properly organize the entire technical part, but also help make the blog visually more beautiful and attractive. Who knows, maybe your girlfriend will become popular thanks to this project.

Whatever version of the romantic surprise you choose, the main thing is that it all comes from the heart, then the gift will turn out to be memorable and dear to the heart. When you want to do something nice for your loved one, the material side of the issue becomes unimportant. After all, the eyes of a beloved girl sparkling with happiness and joy are truly priceless.
