What is the normal weight of a child. Children's height and weight standards - WHO data

Tables and graphs of weight and height are compiled according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The growth and weight of the child will be affected by many factors and features. Every child develops differently. However, it is important to monitor and prevent developmental deviations in time. The tables and graphs on our website will help you determine whether the height and weight of the child are within the normal range. In no case should you panic or worry ahead of time. Maybe deviations from the average values ​​are just a feature of development or, for example, heredity. But one way or another, if you do not see positive dynamics, then you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor!

Tables of height and weight allow you to determine whether the child has deviations from the average values. The graphs on our website allow you to visualize the physical development of the child relative to the norm.

Historical background (WHO tables and graphs)

Since the late 1970s, reference development indicators adopted by the National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organization (NCMS/WHO) have been used.

In 1993-1994, WHO concluded that the reference indicators used did not adequately reflect early childhood development and had many shortcomings. The shortcomings were very serious and prevented the optimal management of infant feeding. It was necessary to explore new norms of development.

From 1997 to 2003, WHO conducted major developmental surveys to develop new curves for assessing the development of infants and young children. The study is called the Multicentre Growth Reference Study (MGRS). The total number of children studied was 8440. Some of them were excluded from the study due to illness or other complications. Studies were conducted on children in Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, USA. Thus, it was possible to collect statistical data from countries with different climates, cultures and other characteristics.

In the course of the study, Standard Indicators of Child Development were adopted:

  • body length (height) - age
  • body weight (weight) - age
  • body weight - body length
  • body weight - height
  • body mass index (BMI) - age

Here it is worth paying attention to the differences in the concepts of body length and height. Body length was measured in children from birth to 2 years of age in the supine position. Height was measured in children aged 2 to 5 years in a standing position. In the final statistics for children aged 18 to 30 months, both values ​​are taken into account. In our tables and graphs, we use the word "growth" for simplicity.

Each appointment with a pediatrician in the first 12 months of a baby's life ends with a mandatory measurement of height and weight. If these indicators are within the normal range, then it can be argued that the child is well developed physically. To this end, the World Health Organization, or WHO for short, has compiled the age and weight of children that pediatricians use when assessing the health of babies.

Factors affecting growth and WHO guidelines

Scientists from all over the world are actively studying the factors that affect the height and weight of people. According to recent studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that the weight and height indicators of children under five years of age depend not only on the genetic predisposition, but also on the quality of life, climatic conditions, and the type of feeding in the first two years of life. So, children who receive an artificial mixture as their main food gain weight much more than those who are breastfed.

After analyzing the first WHO tables "height, weight of children under one year", compiled more than 20 years ago, scientists noticed that the norm indicators are overestimated by 16-20%. This is primarily due to the fact that in the 1990s artificial feeding was the most common type of nutrition for children under one year old. In modern days, more and more mothers prefer to feed their crumbs in a natural way. Inflated standards, according to WHO experts, contribute to unfounded recommendations of pediatricians on supplementary feeding of infants, which in turn leads to a complete transition to artificial feeding, as well as overfeeding and, as a result, obesity. According to the WHO, the norms for assessing the height of children and their weight are no longer true. Therefore, in 2006, adjustments were made and new tables were created that are excellent for assessing the development of modern children.

Weight and height of children. WHO table (0-12 months)

The WHO table is considered the most "fair" due to the fact that all parameters in it are assessed as "average", "low" / "high", "below average" / "above average". Thanks to this gradation, it is easy to determine whether the child meets the standards of physical development according to his age.

First year baby growth
Age (months)Very lowShortBelow the averageAverageAbove averageHigh
Newborn (0 to 3 months)48-56 49-57 50-58 53-62 54-64 55-67
4 to 6 months58-63 59-64 61-65 65-70 67-71 68-72
From 7 to 9 months.65-68 66-69 67-70 71-74 73-75 73-77
10 to 12 months69-71 70-72 71-74 76-78 77-80 79-81

For a general assessment of growth, it is considered appropriate to take into account weight gain. Based on this, it is customary to refer the following indicators to the norm:

  • (first three months) - an increase of 3-4 centimeters to the previous growth. For example, if a child was born 50 cm, then after three months his height will be about 53 cm.
  • From three months to six months: the average increase ranges from 2-3 cm.
  • From six months to nine months of age, the child grows another 4-6 cm, adding an average of one to two centimeters per month.
  • By the year the child increases his height by another 3 cm.

It turns out that in 12 months the child increases his height by an average of 20 centimeters.

Weight gain

The norm of the weight of a newborn child (immediately after the end of childbirth) ranges from 2500-4500 grams. According to WHO, every month the baby should add at least 400 grams. Thus, by six months, the child doubles its original weight. In the following months, the minimum increase should be at least 150 grams. However, when assessing the rate of weight gain, it is necessary to build on the initial body weight of the baby. For example, the increase may be below the norm, provided that the child was born large (over 4 kg), or vice versa, since low-weight babies gain weight more intensively in the following months.

Height and weight of boys

In addition to the factors described above, the combination of which helps to determine the norm, it is worth considering gender, which affects the weight and height of children. The WHO table can display both average height and weight limits for children of different sexes, as well as specific indicators for boys and girls. It is believed that boys, unlike girls, grow faster and gain weight more intensively, so it is worth evaluating their physical development according to the corresponding table.

Boys height chart
AgeWeight, kg (g)Height, cm
About month3.5 (±450)50 (±1)
1 month4.3 (±640)54 (±2)
2 months5.2 (±760)57 (±2)
3 months6.1 (±725)61 (±2)
4 months6.8 (±745)63 (±2)
5 months7.6 (±800)66 (±1)
6 months8.7 (±780)67 (±2)
7 months8.7 (±110)69 (±2)
8 months9.4 (±980)71 (±2)
9 months9.8 (±1.1)72 (±2)
10 months10.3 (±1.2)73 (±2)
11 months10.4 (±980)74 (±2)
12 months10.4 (±1.2)75 (±2)
18 months11.8 (±1.1)81 (±3)
21 months12.6 (±1.4)84 (±2)
24 months13 (±1.2)88 (±3)
30 months13.9 (±1.1)81 (±3)
3 years15 (±1.6)95 (±3)
4 years18 (±2.1)102 (±4)
5 years20 (±3.02)110 (±5)
6 years21 (±3.2)115 (±5)
8 years27.7 (±4.7)129 (±5)
9 years30.4 (±5.8)134 (±6)
10 years33.7 (±5.2)140 (±5)
11 years35.4 (±6.6)143 (±5)
12 years41 (±7.4)150 (±6)
13 years old45.8 (±8.2)156 (±8)

Height and weight of girls

To describe the physical level of development of girls, there is a separate WHO table “weight, height of girls”. It is believed that girls grow on average until the age of 18, in contrast to boys, whose growth does not stand still until the age of 22. In addition, at the age of 10-12 years, girls grow much faster than boys. The height and weight parameters in the table are averaged. Therefore, in assessing the development of girls, one should not forget about individual characteristics.

Girls height table
AgeWeight, kg (g)Height, cm
0 months3.2 (±440)49 (±1)
1 month4.1 (±544)53 (±2)
2 months5 (±560)56 (±2)
3 months 60 (±2)
4 months6.5 (±795)62 (±2)
5 months7.3 (±960)63 (±2)
6 months7.9 (±925)66, (±2)
7 months8.2 (±950)67 (±2)
8 months8.2 (±1.1)69 (±2)
9 months9.1 (±1.1)70 (±2)
10 months9.3 (±1.3)72 (±2)
11 months9.8 (±800)73 (±2)
12 months10.2 (±1.1)74 (±2)
18 months11.3 (±1.1)80 (±2)
21 months12.2 (±1.3)83 (±3)
24 months12.6 (±1.7)86 (±3)
30 months13.8 (±1.6)91 (±4)
3 years14.8 (±1.5)97 (±3)
4 years16 (±2.3)100 (±5)
5 years18.4 (±2.4)109 (±4)
6 years21.3 (±3.1)115 (±4)
8 years27.4 (±4.9)129 (±5)
9 years31 (±5.9)136 (±6)
10 years34.2 (±6.4)140 (±6)
11 years37.4 (±7.1)144 (±7)
12 years44 (±7.4)152 (±7)
13 years old48.7 (±9.1)156 (±6)

boys height and weight chart

It is very important for parents to keep track of weight and the WHO Table and Chart will help loving moms and dads to understand if everything is in order with their child. If the table provides specific data that is the norm for a certain age, then the graph helps to visually see the entire development process.

The graphs below are based on weight and height parameters for boys (blue graph) and girls (pink graph) from birth to 5 years of age. The scale on the left shows the weight or, depending on the graph, the height of the child. Below is the age. The green line, located in the center of the graph and marked with the number 0, is considered an indicator of the norm and corresponds to the “average” rating in the table. The lines of the graph, passing under the numbers -2 and -3, are equivalent to the tabular indicators "below average" and "low". Therefore, lines 2 and 3 are equated to the parameters "above average" and "high".

Boys weight chart (up to 5 years old)

Boy growth chart (up to 5 years old)

Girls height and weight chart

For girls, a separate height and weight chart should be used. The graphs below describe the norm for girls under 5 years old.

Girl's weight chart (up to 5 years old)

Growth chart for girls (up to 5 years old)

As you already understood, parents are required to evaluate the weight and height of children. The WHO table in this question will help determine whether the indicators obtained are the norm. However, do not be upset if you notice that the height or, possibly, the weight of your child is short or, on the contrary, high. The main thing is that the weight of your baby should correspond to his height, but at the same time, the indicators should not be critically low or high.

Her baby even at the moment when he is in her womb. A visit to the ultrasound room for future parents always ends with a protocol, which indicates the parameters of the baby's development for a given period of time. One of the key indicators is the growth of boys or girls, it, as well as other values ​​\u200b\u200bobtained using ultrasound. Individual measurements are compared with averaged data. It is this method (comparison with approximate norms) that will be used as an assessment of the development of the baby during its bearing and subsequent growing up.

In this article, we will look at how future men should develop. The table of height and weight of boys will clearly demonstrate what indicators are considered the norm for one or another; we will also briefly talk about when you need to pay attention to too small or large

What is a norm?

In our country, some indicators have recently been revised. The Ministry of Health decided to abandon the obsolete Soviet developments and arm themselves with modern data that correspond to global trends.

It is worth noting that WHO has approved standards for each individual region of the planet, they are based on anthropological and genetic studies of the population living in a particular territory. People of different nationalities, existing in different climatic conditions, cannot look the same, especially the height of boys and girls, their weight and development rates also differ.

When comparing your child with the parameters of other babies, you should pay attention to many factors (genetics, health, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition).

Age / height / weight, years

low - below average

high - above average


from 46.5 cm to 49.8 cm

from 2.7 kg to 3.1 kg

from 49.8 cm to 52.3 cm

from 3.1 kg to 3.7 kg

from 52.3 cm to 55 cm

from 3.7 kg to 4.2 kg

from 55.3 cm to 58.1 cm

from 4.5 kg to 5.3 kg

from 58.1 cm to 60.9 cm

from 5.3 kg to 6.4 kg

from 60.9 cm to 63.8 cm

from 6.4 kg to 7.3 kg

from 61.7cm to 64.8cm

from 6.1 kg to 7.1 kg

from 64.8 cm to 67.7 cm

from 7.1 kg to 8.4 kg

from 67.7 cm to 71.2 cm

from 8.4 kg to 9.4 kg

9 months

from 67.3 cm to 69.8 cm

from 7.5 kg to 8.4 kg

from 69.8 cm to 73.2 cm

from 8.4 kg to 9.8 kg

from 73.2 cm to 78.8 cm

from 9.8 kg to 11.0 kg

from 71.2 cm to 74.0 cm

from 8.5 kg to 9.4 kg

from 74.0 cm to 77.3 cm

from 9.4 kg to 10.9 kg

from 77.3cm to 81.7cm

from 10.9 kg to 12.1 kg

from 81.3 cm - 84.8 cm

from 10.67 kg to 11.7 kg

from 84.5 cm to 89.0 cm

from 11.7 kg to 13.5 kg

from 89.0 cm to 94.0 cm

from 13.5 kg to 15.00 kg

from 89.0 cm to 92.3 cm

from 12.1kg to 13.8kg

from 92.3 cm to 99.8 cm

from 13.8 kg to 16.00 kg

from 99.8 cm to 104.5 cm

from 16.00 kg to 17.7 kg

from 93.2 cm to 98.3 cm

from 13.4 kg to 15.1 kg

from 98.3 cm to 105.5 cm

from 15.1 kg to 17.8 kg

from 105.5 cm to 110.6 cm

from 17.8 kg to 20.3 kg

from 98.9 cm to 104.4 cm

from 14.8 kg to 16.8 kg

from 104.4 cm to 112.0 cm

from 16.8 kg to 20.00 kg

from 112.0 cm to 117.0 cm

from 20.0 kg to 23.4 kg

from 105.0 cm to 110.9 cm

from 16.3 kg to 18.8 kg

from 110.9 cm to 118.7 cm

from 18.8 kg to 22.6 kg

from 118.7 cm to 123.8 cm

from 22.6 kg to 26.7 kg

from 111.0 cm to 116.8 cm

from 18.00 kg to 21.00 kg

from 116.8 cm to 125.0 cm

from 21.0 kg to 25.4 kg

from 125.0 cm to 130.6 cm

from 25.4 kg to 30.8 kg

from 116.3 cm to 122.1 cm

from 20.0 kg to 23.3 kg

from 122.1 cm to 130.8 cm

from 23.3 kg to 28.3 kg

from 130.8 cm to 137.0 cm

from 28.3 kg to 35.5 kg

from 121.5 cm to 125.6 cm

from 21.9 kg to 25.6 kg

from 125.6 cm to 136.3 cm

from 25.6 kg to 31.5 kg

from 136.3 cm to 143.0 cm

from 31.5 kg to 39.1 kg

from 126.3 cm to 133.0 cm

from 23.9 kg to 28.2 kg

from 133.0 cm to 142.0 cm

from 28.2 kg to 35.1 kg

from 142.0 cm to 149.2 cm

from 35.1 kg to 44.7 kg

from 136.2 cm to 143.6 cm

from 28.2 kg to 34.4 kg

from 143.6 cm to 154.5 cm

from 34.4 kg to 45.1 kg

from 154.5 cm to 163.5 cm

from 45.1 kg to 58.7 kg

from 148.3 cm to 156.2 cm

from 34.3 kg to 42.8 kg

from 156.2 cm to 167.7 cm

from 42.8 kg to 56.6 kg

from 167.7 cm to 176.7 cm

from 56.6 kg to 73.2 kg

from 158.8 cm to 166.8 cm

from 44.0 kg to 54.0 kg

from 166.8cm to 177.8cm

from 54.0 kg to 69.6 kg

from 177.8 cm to 186.3 cm

from 69.6 kg to 84.7 kg

As you can see, the height and weight of the boys given in the table can have a significant variation. In any case, each child develops purely individually, and in the event of a shortage in certain parameters at the same age, six months or a year later, the child can make a significant leap in physiological development or, conversely, stop his growth.

There is no reception against genes?

The appearance of a person is laid down at the genetic level even at the moment when the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. It is then that it becomes clear what gender the baby will be, what eyes he will have, skin color, complexion. However, this does not mean that what was originally laid down by nature cannot be adjusted or will remain unchanged throughout life.

Yes, eyes and hair, skin tone can be changed through third-party intervention, but blue eyes will remain so until old age. The growth of boys, their weight and complexion are directly affected by the way of life, the conditions in which they grow and develop. Short parents may well have a son above average height, all the more so it is impossible to dismiss the fact that genes are transmitted through several generations, and not a single child can be an exact copy of their biological mom and dad. It can be unequivocally argued that it is easier for a person to worsen his appearance and state of health than to improve it.

When is deviation from the norm bad?

If parents notice that their child is significantly behind their peers, or vice versa (boys' height, weight and general development often surpass the average), this is a reason to seek medical advice.

Before looking for geneticists and the best luminaries of world medicine, it is enough to make an appointment with a family doctor or a local pediatrician. In the medical record of any baby whose health is being monitored by parents, there is data on the dynamics of his development, on the basis of which a qualified doctor can make certain conclusions regarding the growth rate of the child.

Problems can be observed in such cases:

  • hormonal surges due to puberty;
  • violations of the level of "growth hormone";
  • developmental delays;
  • difficulties associated with abnormal intrauterine development;
  • genetic disorders.

Now you know how tall a boy should be at a certain age.

Parents are often very careful about their children's weight and height, especially at an early age. It is not uncommon for a friend or grandmother, having learned the baby’s indicators, to tell young mothers and fathers that they urgently need to start “fatting” their child, or vice versa - to restrict nutrition. So, if parents have a head on their shoulders, they will not listen to such advice, but will turn to accurate statistics.

Scientists from the World Health Organization, through lengthy experiments and calculations, have collected statistics on the norms of weight and height in children. These data with 100% probability indicate the ideal parameters for the development of a baby up to 2 years old.

Important! Deviations from the figures indicated in the table are not a sign that the child is developing incorrectly, since in reality there may be discrepancies with these norms. More details - towards the end of the article and in the video.

Growth and weight norms for boys under 2 years old


Please remember that every child is different. No need to be rigidly attached to these tables and in case of any deviations from the norm, immediately start sounding the alarm. As you already know, a deviation of about 20% from these tables is the norm, and 30% also in most cases do not indicate any diseases, just in this case you need to talk to a specialist.

If we have not convinced you to the end, watch this video, perhaps a famous doctor will do it better:

For more information, you can visit the website of the World Health Organization. By clicking on the link, you will find detailed graphs of the development of the child's body with permissible deviations from ideal parameters. How to read these graphs is described in the video above.

We hope that the information was useful to you. Share in the comments the height and weight of your favorite kids and ask your questions - we will be happy to answer them.

One of the indicators of the normal development of each child is the correct ratio of height and weight, corresponding to age. Many parents worry when looking at their sons: it seems that he was born large, and by school age he became disproportionately thin and long. Do not worry ahead of time: to determine whether this is a variant of the norm, the table of height and weight of boys by year will help.

Physical development of boys

The height and weight data for boys according to WHO tables were updated in 2006 and are relevant to this day. In addition to the ratio of body length and its weight, parameters such as the circumference of the head and chest of children are also important for WHO: these indicators provide additional confirmation that the boy is developing normally. It is especially important to measure the circumference up to a year by months: at each appointment, the pediatrician must, in addition to putting the child on the scales and height meter, measures the head and chest with a centimeter tape. The Russian data slightly differ from the WHO data, they are an average value.

The average height and weight of boys under 18 can be checked in the tables:

From birth to 2 years:

Year + month Weight, kg) Height(cm) Month
birth 3,60 50 0
1 month 4,45 54,5 1
2 months 5,25 58,0
3 months 6,05 61 3
4 months 6,7 63 4
5 months 7,3 65 5
6 months 7,9 67 6
Seven months 8,4 68,7 7
8 months 8,85 70,3 8
9 months 9,25 71,7 9
10 months 9,65 73 10
11 months 10 74,3 11
1 year 10,3 75,5 12
1 year 1 month 10,6 76,8 13
1 year 2 months 10,9 78 14
1 year 3 months 11,1 79 15
1 year 4 months 11,3 80 16
1 year 5 months 11,5 81 17
1 year 6 months 11,7 82 18
1 year 7 months 11,9 83 19
1 year 8 months 12,1 83,9 20
1 year 9 months 12,2 84,7 21
1 year 10 months 12,4 85,6 22
1 year 11 months 12,3 86,4 23
2 years 12,7 87,3 24

From two years:

Age(years) Weight, kg) Height(cm)
2 12,7 86,5
2,5 13,6 91,1
3 14,4 95
3,5 15,2 98,8
4 16,3 102,4
4,5 17,3 105,7
5 18,6 109,0
5,5 19,6 112,2
6 20,9 115,5
6,5 21,9 118,6
7 23,0 121,7
7,5 24,4 124,9
8 25,7 128,0
8,5 27,1 130,7
9 28,5 133,4
9,5 30,2 136,2
10 31,9 138,7
10,5 34 141,2
11 35,9 143,5
11,5 38,2 146,2
12 40,6 149,1
12,5 43 152,4
13 45,8 156,2
13,5 48,4 160,2
14 51,1 163,9
14,5 53,8 167,4
15 56,3 170,0
15,5 58,8 172,0
16 60,9 173,5
16,5 62,9 174,6
17 64,7 175,3
17,5 66,1 175,8
18 67,4 176,2

Is the boy developing harmoniously?

Boys, on average, grow up to 22 years. At the same time, the average height of the male population of Russia is 178 cm. An especially intensive increase in height and weight of boys is observed in the first year after birth and during puberty (from 11 to 18 years). On average, during this time, the weight of the guys increases by 35 kg, and the height - by 35 cm.
How proportionally the ratio of height and weight can be found using the centile table. The columns indicate the quantitative boundaries of the indicators of height and weight in a certain percentage of boys; an interval of 25% -75% is taken as average. If the boy's indicators are included in these corridors, then this is the norm. The columns before and after these intervals are below (10%-25%) and above (75%-90%) the norm. If the height and weight of the boy are in the extreme corridors, this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is very important that both height and weight are in the same corridor (+/- one column).

It's simple to use:

  • In the table "Height" in the left column we find the age of the boy, and horizontally from this number - growth.
  • In the same way, we determine the weight of the boy according to the "Weight" table.

Rate ratio age, height and weight of the boy You can use the following tables:

Age Growth
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 97%
very low short below


average above


high very


newborn 46,5 48,0 49,8 51,3 52,3 53,5 55,0
1 month 49,5 51,2 52,7 54,5 55,6 56,5 57,3
2 months 52,6 53,8 55,3 57,3 58,2 59,4 60,9
3 months 55,3 56,5 58,1 60,0 60,9 62,0 63,8
4 months 57,5 58,7 60,6 62,0 63,1 64,5 66,3
5 months 59,9 61,1 62,3 64,3 65,6 67,0 68,9
6 months 61,7 63,0 64,8 66,1 67,7 69,0 71,2
Seven months 63,8 65,1 66,3 68,0 69,8 71,1 73,5
8 months 65,5 66,8 68,1 70,0 71,3 73,1 75,3
9 months
67,3 68,2 69,8 71,3 73,2 75,1 78,8
10 months
68,8 69,1 71,2 73,0 75,1 76,9 78,8
11 months
70,1 71,3 72,6 74,3 76,2 78,0 80,3
1 year
71,2 72,3 74,0 75,5 77,3 79,7 81,7
1.5 years 76,9 78,4 79,8 81,7 83,9 85,9 89,4
2 years 81,3 83,0 84,5 86,8 89,0 90,8 94,0
2.5 years 84,5 87,0 89,0 91,3 93,7 95,5 99,0
3 years 88,0 90,0 92,3 96,0 99,8 102,0 104,5
3.5 years 90,3 92,6 95,0 99,1 102,5 105,0 107,5
4 years 93,2 95,5 98,3 102,0 105,5 108,0 110,6
4.5 years 96,0 98,3 101,2 105,1 108,6 111,0 113,6
5 years 98,9 101,5 104,4 108,3 112,0 114,5 117,0
5.5 years 101,8 104,7 107,8 111,5 115,1 118,0 120,6
6 years 105,0 107,7 110,9 115,0 118,7 121,1 123,8
6.5 years 108,0 110,8 113,8 118,2 121,8 124,6 127,2
7 years 111,0 113,6 116,8 121,2 125,0 128,0 130,6
8 years
116,3 119,0 122,1 126,9 130,8 134,5 137,0
9 years
121,5 124,7 125,6 133,4 136,3 140,3 143,0
10 years
126,3 129,4 133,0 137,8 142,0 146,7 149,2
11 years
131,3 134,5 138,5 143,2 148,3 152,9 156,2
12 years
136,2 140,0 143,6 149,2 154,5 159,5 163,5
13 years old
141,8 145,7 149,8 154,8 160,6 166,0 170,7
14 years
148,3 152,3 156,2 161,2 167,7 172,0 176,7
15 years
154,6 158,6 162,5 166,8 173,5 177,6 181,6
16 years
158,8 163,2 166,8 173,3 177,8 182,0 186,3
17 years
162,8 166,6 171,6 177,3 181,6 186,0 188,5
Age The weight
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 97%
short below
average above
high very
newborn 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,4 3,7 3,9 4,2
1 month 3,3 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,7 5,1 5,4
2 months
3,9 4,2 4,6 5,1 5,6 6,0 6,4
3 months
4,5 4,9 5,3 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,3
4 months
5,1 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,2 7,6 8,1
5 months
5,6 6,1 6,5 7,1 7,8 8,3 8,8
6 months
6,1 6,6 7,1 7,6 8,4 9,0 9,4
Seven months
6,6 7,1 7,6 8,2 8,9 9,5 9,9
8 months
7,1 7,5 8,0 8,6 9,4 10,0 10,5
9 months
7,5 7,9 8,4 9,1 9,8 10,5 11,0
10 months
7,9 8,3 8,8 9,5 10,3 10,9 11,4
11 months
8,2 8,6 9,1 9,8 10,6 11,2 11,8
1 year 8,5 8,9 9,4 10,0 10,9 11,6 12,1
1.5 years 9,7 10,2 10,7 11,5 12,4 13,0 13,7
2 years 10,6 11,0 11,7 12,6 13,5 14,2 15,0
2.5 years 11,4 11,9 12,6 13,7 14,6 15,4 16,1
3 years 12,1 12,8 13,8 14,8 16,0 16,9 17,7
3.5 years 12,7 13,5 14,3 15,6 16,8 17,9 18,8
4 years 13,4 14,2 15,1 16,4 17,8 19,4 20,3
4.5 years 14,0 14,9 15,9 17,2 18,8 20,3 21,6
5 years 14,8 15,7 16,8 18,3 20,0 21,7 23,4
5.5 years 15,5 16,6 17,7 19,3 21,3 23,2 24,9
6 years 16,3 17,5 18,8 20,4 22,6 24,7 26,7
6.5 years 17,2 18,6 19,9 21,6 23,9 26,3 28,8
7 years 18,0 19,5 21,0 22,9 25,4 28,0 30,8
8 years 20,0 21,5 23,3 25,5 28,3 31,4 35,5
9 years 21,9 23,5 25,6 28,1 31,5 35,1 39,1
10 years 23,9 25,6 28,2 31,4 35,1 39,7 44,7
11 years 26,0 28,0 31,0 34,9 39,9 44,9 51,5
12 years 28,2 30,7 34,4 38,8 45,1 50,6 58,7
13 years old 30,9 33,8 38,0 43,4 50,6 56,8 66,0
14 years 34,3 38,0 42,8 48,8 56,6 63,4 73,2
15 years 38,7 43,0 48,3 54,8 62,8 70,0 80,1
16 years 44,0 48,3 54,0 61,0 69,6 76,5 84,7
17 years 49,3 54,6 59,8 66,3 74,0 80,1 87,8

Boy's height, cm

Boy's weight, kg

The main factors that affect the height and weight of boys are:

  • complete nutrition;
  • night sleep of sufficient duration;
  • regular sports and physical education;
  • genetic predisposition.

You should not try to adjust the height and weight of boys with the help of surgery or hormonal drugs - this can seriously affect your health. If these parameters do not meet the standards, but pathologies are not diagnosed, perhaps it is worth looking at it from the positive side? A unique child is growing in your family, who, in addition to physiological characteristics, will certainly show other abilities and talents!

Video: Height and weight of children
