Classic balloon dog. Compositions from balls

Impossible to imagine children's holiday without balloons. Such bright, gentle, weightless - they fill everything around with joy and create an atmosphere of fun and carelessness. Sausage balls in themselves are nothing special, but, falling into skillful hands, they turn into real masterpieces. Why don't you learn how to make a dog out of a balloon?

The art of creating figures from balloons

Twisting a ball and turning it into intricate figures is a whole trend in modern art, called "twisting". Today this direction is more popular than ever, and it all began in the distant 1930s, when the production of long balls first began. It is not surprising that magicians were the first to twist the balls, because this is a real spectacle.

The balls of that time were no different high quality, but the situation changed dramatically after World War II, when balloons became thinner and stronger. The peak of the popularity of twisting is the end of the 20th century, at which time lovers of twisting air figures began to unite in clubs, conduct lessons, and organize exhibitions. Initially, twisting found its fans in the United States, and later spread throughout the world.

How to properly inflate a balloon

Before you make a dog out of a balloon, you should familiarize yourself with elementary rules twisting, which will greatly facilitate the whole process. First, you will need:

  • long balls;
  • hand pump;
  • patience.

Secondly, you need to learn how to properly inflate and tie the balloon:

  • before inflating, the balloon must be stretched to ensure uniform distribution of air;
  • the ball must be put on the pump spout, clamped between the index and thumb left hand and right hand pump air with reciprocating movements;
  • the tip of the balloon must remain uninflated, otherwise the air will have nowhere to go when twisting, and the balloon will burst;
  • tail inflated balloon you need to tie it tightly, modeling will begin with it.

Classic balloon dog

So, the balloon is inflated and tied according to all the rules. How to make a dog from a sausage ball? The scheme is quite simple.

  1. We twist the ball in three places, as shown in the picture. Twisting involves rotating 360 degrees or more, twisting all the bubbles in the same direction.
  2. We twist the first and last twist (if you count from right to left in picture 1). We get a head with ears.
  3. If you have reached this point, then you have dealt with the basics. We continue to figure out how to make a dog out of a balloon. The diagram (point 3) shows how to make the front paws. Again we twist the ball in 3 places, forming 3 bubbles, and then we twist the first and third twists together, as in the previous paragraph.
  4. We make three more bubbles and twist along old scheme- we get hind legs and tail.
  5. Now you know how to make long ball dog.

It is difficult to say what kind of breed our dog has. But if you take a longer ball and make the body more elongated, then you can say with confidence that the four-legged Ball is a dachshund.

How to make a poodle dog out of a balloon?

Another recognizable dog silhouette that can be crafted is the poodle. How to make a dog from a sausage ball (diagram 2):

  1. Inflate the balloon, leaving the tail uninflated.
  2. We twist the ball in such a way that we get a chain of 4 bubbles: big-small-big-small.
  3. We twist the first and last twists - the poodle's head is ready.
  4. Next, twist 1 bubble for the neck.
  5. Now you need to make the front paws of the poodle. To do this, we make two oblong bubbles and twist the twist in front of the first foot with the twist after the second foot.
  6. For the body we make one bubble, and after it 2 more for hind legs, connect.
  7. In the remaining part of the ball, twisting is no longer required. Half of the air must be pushed into the very tip of the balloon. Thus, the dog will have the place where the tail grows from, as well as a beautiful shuttlecock at the tip of the tail.

Compositions from balls

How to make a dog out of a balloon, we have already figured out. But if, in addition to the balls, you also have adhesive tape, a marker, perseverance and a flight of fancy, then you can make a whole composition that you are not ashamed to present as a gift not only to a baby, but also to an adult. Balls are used to create such compositions. different colors and sizes.

$58 million balloon dog

The famous American artist Jeff Koons, whose works are included in the list of the most expensive sculptures in the world, draws his inspiration from quite ordinary things. Inspired by the theme of balloons, in 1990 he created a series of sculptures dedicated to figurines using the "twisting" technique.

The most expensive of them - a sculpture of an orange dog - was sold in 2013 for a record amount of $58 million. palace, on the Grand Canal in Venice.

The author created 5 sculptures of dogs of different colors, but only the cost of orange broke all records. Another passion of Mr. Koons is sculptures that resemble flowers from balloons. The composition "Tulips", which is a bouquet of seven intertwined flowers, strikes with its weightlessness and festivity. Flowers, like dogs, are made of polished stainless steel.

Imagine, create a holiday with your own hands, teach this to your children. And balloons will help you with this!

AT skillful hands Ball-sausage can bring to life almost any idea. If you have a desire to create something easy and interesting from an ordinary balloon, then we will be happy to tell you and demonstrate how to make a dog out of a balloon.

Before proceeding to reveal main theme, you need to take a short course in twisting technique.

Never fully inflate the balloon. This cannot be done for one simple reason: so that your rubber sausage does not burst in creative process. After all, the air squeezed out by you will accumulate there. The length of such a tail should be approximately 9 to 12 centimeters.

When you have finished inflating the balloon, firmly squeeze its neck with your fingers and tie it in a knot.

As a rule, all ball toys are made by simple twisting different lengths bubbles with their subsequent fixation in the style of "castle".

Simple twist technique

Technique twisting the "lock"

This technique are used in cases where it is necessary to fix three successively located bubbles in a certain figure. To this end, fold the last two bubbles together, bending them at the connection point. Then, twist the bubbles and rotate around its own axis 3 to 4 times, connecting with the previous bubble.

Experienced twisters, working with a “lock” type connection, use a slightly different technology: they twist two bubbles, and at the point of the last twist, the ball is bent. Next, squeezing workspace, measure the next bubble, after which twisting is performed.

Twisting technique "with an inflection"

This technique is used by twisters when it is necessary to fix three successively located bubbles in a certain figure, but taking into account the fact that the last two bubbles are not twisted, but simply bent between themselves.

  1. Using ordinary twisting, create a bubble of the required length.
  2. Bend the ball at the distance required from the place of the first twist.
  3. Squeeze it at the level you need at the junction of the first bubble with the second, and twist it 2-3 times.

Those bubbles that are not fixed using the “lock” technique, hold with your hands so that they cannot unwind.

It is necessary to preliminarily set yourself up for defeat, because nothing and no one has succeeded the first time. Nevertheless, skill, patience and the desire to achieve the result you need will do their job, and you will learn how to do all the necessary figures.

The technology of creating a dog from a sausage ball

In order to make a dog out of a balloon, you will need knowledge of the technology that was presented above, as well as the dexterity and flexibility of the fingers. We will accompany the whole process detailed description every step, providing photos and videos for a better understanding of everything that happens. Using this instruction, you can easily make a beautiful air poodle.

Inflate the balloon, remembering to leave a small tail of 9-11 centimeters.

We will start making our dog, as expected, from the head. To this end, you will need to make the first bubble, which will serve as a muzzle, from seven to ten centimeters long.

Now we will put the first ear on the muzzle. To do this, you need to make another air bubble five centimeters long.

After the first ear, we create the second ear by twisting another identical bubble. In the place of the last twisting large and index fingers compress the work area so that it is measured required length 5cm bubble. In the same place, all the bubbles are twisted, and the muzzle is connected to the ears using the “lock” technology.

The next step is to create a 6 to 7 cm long bubble that will serve as the dog's neck. After the neck, for our air poodle, you need to make a torso. Regarding the length of the bubble, you can completely rely on your taste.

After you manage to do all of the above steps, proceed to the legs of the dog, which are also made from a ball. A quick-footed dog will require long legs, and an ordinary dog ​​will be satisfied with bubble paws six or seven centimeters long. The video shows how to do it especially well. The length of the front paw should not exceed seven centimeters.

Before making the body of a dog and bringing the dog from a sausage ball closer to its natural original, you need to connect the two paws together. To do this, you need to bend it in the place of the last twisting performed. Then, with two fingers, thumb and forefinger, squeeze the work area and twist both limb balls together using the “lock” technology.

This step will be the final one. The hind legs will need to be done in the same way as the front ones, also using the “lock” technology. Complete the whole process, as shown in the video, a small ponytail. Its variations may be great amount. Everything will depend on the performer. Actually, it can be the same as that of a red poodle.

We are sincerely sure that you managed to make a dog out of a balloon, and the one who was given it as a keepsake liked it very much.

Nowadays, such a breed of dog as a poodle is very popular. This is not surprising, because they are not only very smart, but also beautiful. In the ranking of the smartest dog breeds the poodle is in second place. He is considered decorative dog and is now very common throughout the world. But two varieties stand out especially - this is a dwarf and toy poodle, we will talk about them in detail.

It is believed that this breed was bred in France, but some cynological societies claim that poodles were bred in Germany, as the etymology of the word "poodle" indicates this. It means to splash in the water. Outwardly, these dogs are very diverse. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes four varieties by height, six by color and two by coat type.

Height Variations:

  • big, or standard type, growing up, has at the withers from 45 to 60 cm.
  • Small, or medium, reaches from 35 to 45 cm.
  • Dwarf, or miniature, has a height of 28 to 35 cm.
  • Toy (from English - toy) - his height at the withers is below 28 cm.

Wool types:

  • Cord type.
  • Curly type.

Recognized colors:

On the territory of Russia, the officially recognized colors of the poodle color are tan and harlequin (multi-colored, spotted).

Gallery: pygmy poodle (25 photos)

Miniature poodle - features

The toy poodle has a number of distinctive features:

  • Hypoallergenic wool, practically does not shed.
  • There is no characteristic dog odor.
  • Easy to keep at home.
  • High level of immunity, resistant to most infections.
  • It has a soft, good-natured, playful character.
  • Obedient, well trained, attentive to the owner.
  • Has extraordinary agility and endurance.
  • High level of intelligence.

Growing up, the male reaches a height of about 35 cm and weighs from 5 to 7 kg, and females grow up to 28 cm and weigh from 4 to 6 kg. The poodle grows up to one and a half years, the average life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years.


Little poodles are very hardy, very cheerful and good natured. Highly love the owner's attention and do not tolerate long separation with him. Highly well trained, but do not forget that the poodle does not accept rigidity in training. It is important to teach the dog various commands and general obedience in a timely manner, because if you miss this moment, his freedom-loving disposition and stubbornness may appear.

poodles have enough highly developed empathy, that is, they are able to empathize with the owner and share his mood. This is the most a true friend who will faithfully serve his master.

Care: bathing and combing

The maintenance and care of the miniature poodle also have a number of specific features. Bathing is necessary for the dog at least once a month or in cases heavy pollution. If this procedure is carried out regularly, then it will take less time, because the dog's coat will be in good condition and will not roll. Before you start bathing the dog, you need to close the ear passages with cotton swabs, after wetting them (tampons) with vaseline oil.

Need a poodle every day brush with a hard brush: it helps in grooming and improves blood circulation in the dog, being a kind of massage. You need to groom your pet regularly. You can do this in grooming salons or on your own, but in the second case, it is recommended to study at special courses. Haircut is done at least once every two months. You need to constantly look after your pet's ears and conduct their inspection. If discharges are found or peculiar smell, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Eyes, ears, claws

The eyes also require attention and care. It is necessary to inspect and wash the eyes with warm water. If there is tearing, souring around the eyes or redness, you need to see a doctor. Dogs' nails grow quickly enough, so they need to be trimmed in a timely manner. On average, this should be done once or twice a month, using a special nail cutter, and then polishing the cuts with a special file. You need to monitor your teeth and gums, if bleeding and stains appear on the enamel, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Naturally, like all other dogs, poodles need to be vaccinated. The main vaccination against distemper and parvovirus is given at the age of six to eight weeks. Revaccination is carried out in two to three weeks. Before vaccinations, it is imperative to get rid of worms, as well as treat the pet from ticks and fleas. Vaccinations are given only to a healthy puppy, if the dog has suffered any disease, then the animal is vaccinated two weeks after complete recovery. After the puppy has been vaccinated, it must be protected from hypothermia, and walking is allowed only after 10-15 days.

What to feed your pet

In order for a toy poodle puppy to grow and develop properly, its nutrition must be carefully thought out and the right menu drawn up.

It is necessary that the dog's diet includes:

Of course, you should adhere to a strict dosage and sequence in feeding your pet. If you prefer to choose as a permanent power supply for four-legged friend dry food, then you need to consult with a veterinarian so that he selects the food, taking into account all the characteristics of your dog.

Nutrition for one to four months

How to properly feed a monthly puppy? A toy poodle puppy just over a month old is fed milk and liquid cereals. Gradually begin to give top dressing in the form of minced meat from raw meat. After a couple of weeks, you can give the dog already finely chopped meat, always raw, as it is better absorbed, and the content of proteins and carbohydrates in it is higher than in boiled meat. It is recommended to give babies milk mixed with white bread crumbs and rice broth.

Until the age of two months, puppies should have six meals a day.

To prevent rickets and for proper balance minerals add to feed:

  • some bone meal
  • phosphate lime;
  • vitamin D;
  • calcium and iron glycerophosphate;
  • calcined curd.

But this should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Between the ages of two and four months Puppies are fed five times a day. You need to continue alternating meat and dairy foods. You can give the puppy boiled buckwheat or rice, to which finely chopped pieces of meat are added in a ratio of 2 to 1. A grated apple or carrot is added to the porridge and a little sunflower oil. They also give a mineral-vitamin mixture, strictly following the instructions.

Feeding from four months to a year

From four to five months, the puppy is fed four times a day. The diet remains the same, only the volume of servings increases slightly. It is important to remember that the food you give your pet should not be cold or hot, but only warm. The dog should eat the entire portion, if it is not enough, the leftovers must be removed. And also in the diet, you can include beef or lamb cartilage, rich in nutrients.

When the puppy reaches the age of 7 months and up to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to three or four (individually). Boiled sea fish without bones is added to the puppy's diet, but otherwise the composition of the products does not change. The dog is gradually transferred to an adult diet, where the amount of meat per serving should be increased.

Dry food is used for feeding. It is important to accurately calculate the amount of food so that the dog does not overeat, but also does not remain hungry. At proper care and nutrition, you will grow a healthy and beautiful dog that will delight you every day.

toy poodle

Compared with other varieties of poodle, the "toy" appeared relatively recently. These crumbs grow from 23 to 28 cm at the withers and weigh no more than three kg. The Toy Poodle is considered one of the most "comfortable" apartment dogs due to its small size.

Six standard solid color colors of toy poodles are officially recognized:

  • White.
  • The black.
  • Grey.
  • Ginger.
  • Peach (apricot).
  • Chocolate (brown).

Toy is translated from English as a toy, which is actually not far from the truth: the dog looks like a toy.

The toy poodle has a dense, wavy coat, devoid of undercoat. Toi, like its large counterparts, is very smart dog and is easy to train.

The difference is that they are not as active as, for example, dwarf ones. They are very devoted to their owner, require constant attention and care, and cannot stand loneliness.

When in contact with other animals, the toy poodle is slightly active and prefers to be on the sidelines. When communicating with them, he will behave cautiously and cautiously.


The nutrition of puppies and adults must be approached in detail, as is the case with toy poodles. The Toy Poodle can be fed both dry food and natural food. But still, it is preferable to give wet food or natural food, in order to avoid abrasion of tooth enamel when chewing dry food.

You need to feed small puppies and adult toy poodles in exactly the same way as dwarf ones, the difference is only in the dosage of servings, which is individual in any case. It is important to remember that the right choice and healthy eating directly affects the growth rate and overall health of your four-legged friend. You need to visit the veterinarian regularly and monitor the health of the pet. Compliance with all recommendations will benefit the dog, help it develop properly and feel healthy.


Caring for a toy poodle is necessary in the same way as for a dwarf. There are no fundamental differences in the care and nutrition of toy and dwarf poodles. You need to monitor the condition of the coat, bathe and comb the dog, look after the teeth, gums and claws. You definitely need to vaccinate your dog.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that poodles are prone to dislocation of the joints, so you need to be careful with this dog while it is in young age. You also need to pay attention to the ears and eyes of the pet. If you carefully monitor the health and nutrition of your toy poodle, he can live up to 18 years, which in dogs is an indicator of longevity.

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Poodles are very fluffy. But often they cut them, make fancy hairstyles, even dye them in unusual colors wool. Poodles can perform in a circus or compete in a dog show for first place. We invite you to mold a plasticine poodle to create your own unique toy. Dogs of this breed are white, gray, beige, brown, black. We can copy any of them. In this lesson, we have sculpted a gray dog ​​from plasticine.

Other dog lessons:

Step by step photo lesson:

Our dog will look like a figurine, since we will use only one shade of plasticine to sculpt it - gray. In addition, you will need a stack, a toothpick or skewer, as well as four matches to stabilize the legs if the clay is soft.

Break up the mass.

First, make an elongated part resembling a carrot, then deform the wider part - slide the plasticine up with your fingers, highlighting the dog's breast.

Add a balloon for the neck. Make a small head out of plasticine of the same color.

Make the legs in the form of thin curved parts, flattened at the base. Attach to craft. Matches can be masked inside if the plasticine is too soft. It will only top part legs.

Attach the front - more even - legs.

Decorate the head - ears, shoulder blades, nose and eyes.

Attach a fur ball to the top of the head, and add four balls to the bottom of the legs, showing unusual hairstyle poodle. Attach the paws below the balls.

Attach thin a long tail with a ball at the end.

With the tip of a skewer, make dots on the surface of all the balls and on the ears, showing the fluffy curly fur of the dog.

Our unique craft- plasticine poodle - ready. Now we can add it to the line of plasticine dogs of different breeds.

A separate joy in the amusement park, in addition to carousels and cotton candy, are figures that are made from balloons. You can twist these at home, especially since they are based on the same assembly principle, which we will demonstrate on the “air” poodle.


  1. Inflate the balloon about 4/6 of the total volume. It should not be pumped up harder, because when twisted, it can simply burst. End ball can be tied with a thread or tied with a knot. The second option is preferable for appearance toys.
  2. To form a figure of a dog, start from the head. Mentally divide the length ball into six parts (including the segment that is not filled with air). About one-sixth will go to the muzzle. Grab it with the fingers of your left hand (on the side with which the ball is tied), with your right hand grab the ball a centimeter to the right and turn your hands towards each other, twisting the ball two or three times.
  3. Highlight the next part smaller and twist it with one turn exactly in the middle - this will turn out the ears poodle. At the base of the second ear, fold the ball once and then twist it together with the base of the first ear.
  4. Next, you need to make the legs. Having mentally noted the desired length of the dog’s leg, twist it in two turns, step back a couple of centimeters and make a round foot poodle, immediately after that, the second, and then the second foot. Connecting it to the base of the first, measure the length of the body, and then build another pair of paws.
  5. During the above manipulations, air will fill the empty part ball from which the tail will be made. Since poodles become recognizable thanks to a special haircut, it is worth imitating it in a dog from ball. To do this, make the same small segment at the end of the tail as at the ends of the legs of the "animal".
  6. On the finished toy permanent marker draw the eyes, nose and tongue. It is better not to use ordinary markers - they will lie unevenly on a slippery surface ball and dirty the hands of anyone who touches it.
