Rings in the labia. Types and features of female piercing in intimate places

Well, the most interesting thing is an intimate puncture. Such decorations are unlikely to be seen by an outsider, but they are not made to surprise onlookers. genital piercing- is the main intimate attribute of the 21st century. It is female and male. Most often, girls pierce their labia and clitoral hood, and the strong half of humanity adorns penis head and scrotum.

Many clients say that the pain from an intimate piercing was about the same as during an earlobe piercing. The exceptions are ampallang, apadravia, dido, and serious (albeit rare) clitoral piercings - these are painful piercings, but they have their own benefits that are definitely worth gritting your teeth and enduring a couple of seconds.

Female intimate piercing: hypersensitivity

The structure of the female external genitalia is distinguished by a huge - although sometimes subtle - variety of forms. Not all women are suitable for all types of intimate piercings: for example, women with a small clitoral hood and small labia minora can only be pierced by the labia majora.

For a number of reasons, the vertical clitoral hood piercing is the most popular type of female intimate piercing. As the name implies, the puncture is placed in the natural crease of the female genitalia so that the jewelry lies comfortably between the legs. In this position, nothing presses on him, and the puncture is not irritated. The structure of the genital organs of almost 90% of women is such that the clitoris has a "foreskin" (i.e., a protective skin fold covering the clitoris), into which the jewelry is inserted.

Even if you are overweight, you can still get a vertical clitoral hood puncture if you have a sufficiently developed hood and it is easy to access. Sometimes during the procedure, the help of an assistant is required to conveniently open this area for a puncture; most likely, it will be either a second piercer, or you yourself - in this case, you will be given and asked to wear clean gloves. Even if the jewelry is completely hidden between the full large labia, the vertical puncture of the clitoral hood will heal without problems.

Vertical puncture of the hood of the clitoris heals VERY quickly. Some women swear that they healed up in a week, if not less. To be on the safe side, it's best to take care of your puncture for the full four weeks of the minimum healing time, even if it doesn't bother you the next day.

After the procedure, physical activity is not prohibited, but it is still better to refrain from cycling or horseback riding for one to two weeks. Apart from these activities, the new piercing will not interfere with you, you just can not notice it.

Intimate piercing: underwear and hygiene

Tight-fitting underwear helps keep the jewelry in one position, thereby reducing discomfort and the risk of injury. Be sure to wear underwear - an extra layer of fabric helps keep clean, as it does not allow lint and dust particles from clothes to get into the puncture; it is also obvious that wearing a panty liner without underpants to which it can be attached is difficult.

Intimate piercing: urination

Body fluids often end up on certain types of genital piercings - this is not a problem if these are your fluids. Urine is one of the first antiseptics known to mankind, and if you are healthy, your own excretions will not harm the piercing.

Among the various ways to pierce male organs, there is a truly legendary one - Prince Albert. He is a ring that passes through the urethra at the base of the head. Today, Prince Albert (whose photo is very numerous on the Internet) is the most popular type of male “dignity” piercing. However, the cost of such piercing is relatively high.

cock piercing

To avoid unexpected surprises after a glans or body piercing, I use a bandage with the amazing name "rubber cock". This dressing consists of sterile gauze wrapped around the puncture and an absorbent cloth over which I put on a medical glove (the dangling fingers of the glove resemble a chicken comb). I secure it all with a rubber band, which should be tight enough to hold the bandage in place, but not too tight to interfere with blood circulation. Prince Albert, ampallang and apadravia usually bleed so much that the glove has to be changed several times. Do not remove the "cock" until it is full, or until you want to urinate. Wear this waterproof bandage for as long as the puncture is bleeding (usually the first two to three days).

Male intimate piercing: erection

An erection of the penis during marking or disinfection of the puncture site is a natural phenomenon that will not surprise an experienced piercer. In fact, a sudden erection in this case is rather a plus for some types of piercing, as it will allow you to accurately select the size of the jewelry, but if you “stand” until the moment of puncture, this can significantly complicate the procedure or even make it impossible - and even there will definitely be a lot of blood. Take a few minutes to distract yourself by thinking about cleaning the bathroom or having dinner at Grandma's to ease your condition. Another erection can happen at the moment when you first see your new piercing with the jewelry installed. Again, bleeding is common.

Piercing your genitals is a responsible business, as it can affect how you feel during sex. Incorrectly done piercing can reduce sensitivity or even lead to its temporary or complete loss. Due to differences in the anatomy of the genital organs and personal preferences for stimulation during sex, it is necessary to consult an experienced piercer before deciding on an intimate piercing. Find an experienced professional who has been specifically trained in intimate piercing and who can communicate with you in a free and casual manner on this highly sensitive topic. A good piercer should be able to behave in a way that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Characteristics of intimate piercing

It is possible to pierce through the soft tissues of the body and place any objects in the holes formed for a variety of reasons: the ancient Romans, for example, quite practically used rings threaded into the nipples to fix their raincoats. And the famous "avant-garde" Prince Albert, whose name bears one of the most popular options for male genital piercing today, once pierced his own head of the penis in order to "tie" the latter to ... the thigh: this was required by the style of his favorite tight trousers, " conflicting" with the anatomical features of the royal person.
What is an intimate piercing for?

To understand the psychology of installing a piercing on your body, you should remember that piercing is primarily an ornament. Sex occupies a significant place in our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that the desire to use earrings for additional stimulation of a partner and oneself. In this case, piercing is done on parts of the body that are actively involved in love games. This is primarily the language and directly the genitals. For example, piercing the clitoris enhances the sensations of stimulation. For this, the clitoris is usually pierced, or a fold above it. Such piercing is most often done by those who are over 35 years old and who already want new sensations, impressions for themselves and their partners. And not necessarily a person has a complex of insufficient sexual attractiveness. It's just that extra attention among potential partners expands the opportunities for acquaintance, and for some it helps to find a reason to start a conversation. Piercing of the labia is also sometimes done, but it is more of a decorative function. Such a puncture does not heal for long - about a month. It is contraindicated to engage in sex until complete healing.

Male intimate piercing is much more diverse, the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum and testicles are pierced. Healing takes place in the same way as with a female intimate piercing. The goal is to cause special sexual sensations in the partner. In the performance of women, piercing in intimate places is completely safe. In men, it can cause a violation of physiological functions, including due to the formation of scar tissue. As a rule, intimate piercing is a desire to get a more abundant range of sensations in sex.
Contraindications for intimate piercing

First of all, intimate piercing is contraindicated for people with blood diseases, systemic diseases of internal organs (kidneys, lungs, heart) and skin diseases (psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema). A common chronic disease such as diabetes is also a contraindication. Reduced immunity, delayed healing is also a contraindication for piercing. You can not deal with punctures and people with mental pathology, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics. The question about the presence of an allergy to metals is obligatory: if there is an allergic reaction, then piercing is contraindicated.
Healing time for intimate piercing

Each body copes with the healing period of a piercing differently. The healing time of an intimate piercing ranges from 1 week to several months. Taking into account the characteristics of the body of each client, the master issues a memo, which indicates the drugs that contribute to the speedy and safe healing, as well as how to use them correctly.
Types of intimate piercing for men
Prince Albert

This type of piercing has been known since the Victorian era. The eccentric Prince Albert, after whom this method is named, had a ring threaded into the head of the penis to maintain a flaccid organ, not wanting to offend his wife, Queen Victoria. The puncture was made at the base of the head through the urethra. The procedure is fast and does not lead to complications. The pierced skin is very thin and heals quickly. Despite the fact that both partners like this piercing, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for two weeks after the procedure. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.

It is not yet very well known in the West and not many have experienced it for themselves. Popular in the Indonesian islands, where it is performed as a boy-to-man initiation. The puncture is made horizontally through the head. The bar can pass both through the urethra and nearby. Suggested decorations: rod.

This is a vertical piercing. Crosses the head in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This method of piercing is even mentioned in the Kama Sutra (an ancient Indian treatise on love), because it gives pleasure to both men and women. This is one of the most difficult genital piercing options. In order for the canal to heal ideally, it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships for several months. Suggested decorations: rod.

This variant of the piercing is of recent origin. Usually a paired puncture is made on both sides of the head. Small surgical steel rods are inserted. Many owners of this piercing say that during intimate relationships they were able to regain the sensations lost both by themselves and their partners. Suggested decorations: rod.

Piercing of European origin. Used as a stimulant that guarantees long-term enjoyment. A puncture is made into the skin at the base of the head, the ring passes through the skin and goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation. The size of the ring is selected individually. The procedure is easy and fast. One of the easiest types of genital piercing. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Types of intimate piercing in women
Inner Labia

It is performed on the labia minora. It is the simplest female genital piercing because the thin skin of the labia minora is easily pierced and heals faster than any other body piercing. Brings variety to intimate relationships. A prerequisite is to maintain cleanliness until complete healing. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Outer Labia

The labia majora form the outer side of the vulva. The punctures can be done along the entire length, but if they are too close to the perineum, they can cause pain when sitting. The labia majora are thicker than the minor ones and take longer to heal completely. Modern women who choose this type of piercing like that the rings additionally stimulate sexual sensations. In ancient Rome, as well as Persia, India and Africa, such punctures were widespread, although for other purposes: a puncture was made in two lips in the form of a lock to prevent sexual relations and preserve innocence. In Europe - on the contrary - the ring in the genitals becomes a gift to the partner. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.

Piercing is very fashionable among modern girls. A thin fold of skin over the clitoris is pierced. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically. Causes stimulation of the clitoris during walking and sexual intercourse. Suggested decorations: microbarbell, ring with a ball.

This piercing is very sensational, but the procedure is very risky and difficult to perform. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically at the center or base of the clitoris. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Intimate piercing care

The zone of intimate piercing is very rich in blood vessels, so its drilling can lead to serious complications - severe bleeding, subsequent infection. In addition, pain may occur when urinating. Sometimes these kinds of problems force us to resort to an ambulance of surgeons.

A fresh piercing requires consistent care to eliminate inflammation: Wash the wound at least twice a day with a special disinfectant for two weeks, use only fat-free, disinfectant creams until complete healing, and refuse from the sauna, swimming pool and solarium, swimming in natural reservoirs and, especially in the sea - salty sea water prevents healing.

In case of complications - such as severe redness, pain, etc., you should immediately consult a dermatologist, who may remove the jewelry. If everything went without inflammation, the first decoration should be worn until the wound is completely healed; otherwise, dirt can get into the wound, then inflammation cannot be avoided. Do not use cleaning products other than those recommended.
Materials used for intimate piercing

Surgical steel
Gold plated titanium
Black titanium
Intimate piercing rules

1. In no case should you trust a piercing to your friends, even if they have a medical degree, or do the piercing yourself.

2. Do not treat the puncture site with alcohol-containing substances, unless such care is recommended by a specialist.

3. Before visiting the piercing salon, it is recommended to eat to avoid dizziness and weakness, but in no case should you drink even low-alcohol drinks.

4. Having come to the master, it does not hurt to ask how he sterilizes his tools.

5. You should make sure that the jewelry, which will soon take place in the skin or other soft tissues, is made of biologically inert metals - gold, platinum, titanium or surgical steel (you should not "save" here).

6. The piercer must provide all the necessary recommendations for "management", both "preoperative" and "postoperative" periods. Including explanations on the "pluses" and "minuses" of piercing a particular part of the body, and the features of hygienic care for them.

And, of course, do not forget that if something suddenly goes, not quite smoothly, or even not at all smoothly, you should see a doctor. It is better to do this as early as possible - in this situation, even one single hour can be important.

Piercing of the labia is part of the female intimate piercing. Not everyone will decide to pierce the most sensitive female sexual organ - the clitoris, and there are already many more people who want to get a piercing of the labia. But even it is not as common as ear or face piercings due to fear of pain or psychological rejection.

The main goal for which people go for vaginal piercing is new unusual sexual sensations for themselves and their partners. Labia piercing is not done for public viewing, so the aesthetic prerequisites are not the most important here, however, there is a huge selection of intimate jewelry. It should not be forgotten that, like any violation of the integrity of the body, vaginal piercing requires time to heal, as well as subsequent care.

Punctures on the labia minora (Inner labia in Latin) are the easiest to make and also heal quickly - in just a month and a half, without causing discomfort to the hostess. The hole can be pierced anywhere on the skin of the lip, 1 cm from its edge.

For external grace and convenience, punctures on the left and right labia minora should be done opposite each other so that it is easy to put the jewelry on. The skin in this place is very thin, so a ring with a thickness of more than 1.6 mm can cause it to break.

It is not recommended to insert barbells (and other jewelry except rings) for the first time after the labia piercing has been carried out, as it will quickly lose its horizontal position and can catch on the underwear. With a high location of the piercing ring, you can get additional stimulation of the clitoris during sex.

Piercing of the labia majora

The procedure can be carried out on the entire area of ​​this leathery organ (in Latin, Auter labia), especially along its soft edges. It is important not to pierce a hole close to the perineum, in which case the piercing jewelry will cause discomfort when sitting. Such a puncture of the labia heals within 3-4 months, because the piercing affects the dense tissue of the organ (unlike, for example, a hood over the clitoris or small labia).

As the first decoration, a ring or a banana-shaped bar with a thickness of up to 2 millimeters (in rare cases) up to 2.5 mm is best suited.

When piercing is carried out in the immediate vicinity of the clitoris, you can count on additional stimulation of it (from the side) during intercourse. You can place the jewelry in the upper third of the leathery organ - this will be more noticeable to the partner, or you can pierce the skin right at the vaginal pharynx - then the man will feel the piercing, and this will give new sexual sensations.

You can place the decoration on the most prominent (middle) part of the labia majora, parallel to the floor. Another option is to pierce their inner edge, then one hole will be located on the smooth (without hair follicles) leathery side, and the other on the part of the lip where the hairs grow.

Some clients of piercing salons decide on multi-punctures of the labia - jewelry is arranged like a ladder in six, eight, and sometimes in more holes. One of the options encountered - clients are asked to pierce the labia on their different sides so that the jewelry in the form of a ring connects them.

How to prepare for an intimate piercing

Since the site of the procedure is quite sensitive, you should carefully prepare for the piercing. Experts recommend:

  • right before visiting the master, you should take a shower and carefully shave the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future puncture;
  • alcoholic drinks and blood-thinning drugs are contraindicated 3 days before the manipulation (otherwise the procedure will be too painful and “bloody”);
  • create a reserve of free time - the actual session with the piercing master and the time to recover after.

Anesthesia for this type of piercing is usually not used to avoid allergic reactions. And, although each person has his own threshold of sensitivity, one should not be afraid of pain, because, according to the masters of salons, female intimate piercing is comparable in intensity of pain to earlobe piercing.

Piercing Care

Within 2 weeks after the labia piercing is performed, it is strongly not recommended:

  • wear synthetic underpants and pants that are too tight around the groin;
  • have genital sexual contact;
  • go to the pool, solarium, sauna;
  • bathe in a hot tub or in the sea;
  • remove, pull or twist the piercing - decoration.

Who is contraindicated intimate piercing

Most piercing salons do not perform such procedures on clients who have:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin problems;
  • sexually transmitted or mental illness;
  • anatomical features of the labia;
  • there is an allergy to metal (including gold), and also if the girl has not yet reached the age of 18.

Genital piercings are often considered the most painful and "dirty" in terms of infection. Thanks to the firm and elastic skin of the genitals, as well as clothing that protects the skin, this type of piercing often heals faster and with fewer complications than other piercings.

In addition, genital piercing for many clients is an act of reinventing one's body as a source of pleasure.

Genital piercing is an integral aspect of sexual freedom, so it is important that it be available to all adults who want it. And it is equally important that it be done by an experienced, reputable professional in a safe environment.

So how to make such a piercing and stay happy and healthy?

Some critics of intimate piercings focus on the risk of nerve damage, which is abundant in genital tissues. There is also concern that genital tissues may be more susceptible to infections than tissues elsewhere in the body. In addition, it is possible that sexual contact may increase the chance of complications. However, when performing a quality professional piercing using proper asepsis, the risk of complications is minimal.

Women and men describe pain during genital piercings as similar in intensity to pain during piercings on other parts of the body, if not less. Some types of piercings (clitoral and penis piercings) can be more painful. The tissues of the genitals are extremely elastic and supplied with a large number of blood vessels - this contributes to the rapid healing of the piercing.

With rare exceptions, genital piercings will heal within a month or two, while other tissues (ear cartilage, navel, and nostrils) may take six months or more to heal. Rapid healing reduces the possibility of getting into the puncture of various infections to a minimum. In addition, the tissues of the genitals are not subject to frequent contact with the external environment and dirty hands - unlike other parts of the body. Clothing protects the genital piercing from airborne dirt that can cause infection and irritation of the facial piercing.

The main cause of infection in the genital piercing is unprotected sexual contact. Even in the case of a monogamous relationship, the exchange of body fluids still occurs, dirty hands and bacteria from the mouth can easily lead to infection if they get into a puncture. Fortunately, this can be prevented.

The piercer should explain not only the rules for piercing care, but also emphasize that during healing, all sexual and oral intercourse must be safe in terms of fluid exchange: either barriers (such as condoms) must be used or abstained. In addition, excessive stress should be avoided during healing.

Of course, genital piercings should never be done by minors (even with parental consent), who hide such piercings from their parents. But in fact, these punctures are most often done by adults in search of new sensations. In short, genital piercings can be safe and heal easily, provided clients take care of them and refrain from unsafe contact.

Genital piercing today is done to a wide range of people of all ages, genders and professions. When it is done according to the rules, it becomes an opportunity to discover new facets of sensations. Like other types of piercing, genital piercing should only be performed by an experienced and qualified piercer.

All piercing studios must provide a hygienic, controlled environment that meets local and state regulations. All instruments, needles and jewelry must be sterile, all needles must be disposable.

Many are interested: does the piercing tear condoms? The answer is simple: if the jewelry is well polished, smooth and of high quality, then no. Numerous customers have never complained about such a problem. But cheap jewelry and uneven edges and roughness can easily damage the condom.

The dangers of genital piercing

Infection with infections and viruses

The most dangerous thing that can be found in an unscrupulous piercing salon is HIV and Hepatitis. Unfortunately, most piercing parlors in Russia do not sterilize instruments, while the World Association of Professional Piercers prescribes sterilization even of the gloves that the master puts on during the procedure. This is exactly what we do in our piercing boutique.

Some "masters" tell stories that for sterilization, for example, special solutions or ultraviolet cabinets can be used. However, this is not the case: instruments are only soaked in solutions before autoclaving, and ultraviolet cabinets are only able to maintain the “cleanliness” of instruments for some time, but not sterilize them in any way. To, for example, kill the Hepatitis C virus, it is necessary to sterilize objects at a temperature of 132C with a pressure of two atmospheres.

Non-healing puncture. Poor quality decoration, improper care

In some salons, everything can look very decent, but you can hardly distinguish implant titanium from surgical steel, or, even worse, from silver, which absolutely cannot be put in a fresh puncture. And for the sake of easy money, you may be told the myth that surgical steel is ideal for fresh piercings, because it is "medical".

But behind this word lies a deception, since medical steel has never been implantable: a maximum of it could be used to make a surgical instrument that comes into contact with organs and tissues only for a while - during an operation or other invasive activity. Among other things, it is also important to properly care for your piercing: no matter how well it is done, dishonest care can negate all the efforts of the master and ruin the piercing.

Types of male genital piercing

"Prince Albert"
Healing time: 4-8 weeks

Prince Albert is one of the most common male genital piercings and was one of the most popular in general when modern piercings began to develop.The puncture itself passes directly through the urethra and exits next to the frenulum, or to the side of it. If a man was circumcised, then the decoration can come out of the center. This type of piercing heals very quickly and well because it passes through the urethra: urine in this case is a good antiseptic.

In the process of wearing, the Prince Albert puncture most often stretches relative to its original size. Wearing jewelry that is too heavy or too large can lead to thinning< тканей в области прокола. Тяжелое украшение может вызвать дискомфортные ощущения и нарушение половой функции. Слишком маленькое украшение, напротив, несет риск врастания и миграции прокола.

The standard jewelry for this type of piercing is straight rods, curved rods, rings with a ball clasp and a special decoration Prince's Rod.

After piercing, some men experience leakage during urination, which leads to the need to urinate while sitting. Leakage does not occur through a new hole, but due to the direction of the jet over the jewelry, however, when wearing a small diameter jewelry, as well as when removing a jewelry, some urine can be excreted through a hole made in the frenulum area. The effect can be reduced by additionally fixing the piercing or penis jewelry with the hand during urination.

As a rule, the Prince Albert piercing does not adversely affect sexual functions. On the contrary, carriers report increased and improved sexual sensations in themselves and their partners. Some women experience discomfort when the jewelry comes into contact with the cervix. A similar effect can be reduced when worn as a decoration of a smooth ring.

Puncture "Ampallang"
Healing time: 6-9 months

The puncture is made horizontally through the glans penis, sometimes involving the urethra. There is also a deep ampallang, which differs from the usual only in that it is produced through the body of the penis, and not through its head. An analogue of ampallanga is a vertical puncture of the head, which is called apadravia. The combination of ampallanga and apadravia is sometimes called the magic cross. Ampallang is a fairly complex piercing and the piercing process can be quite painful. Complete healing usually takes six to nine months, but can take a year or more.

Such a piercing can bring pleasant sensations to the owner, as it stimulates the internal tissues of the penis. Also, this piercing enhances the stimulation of the penis during sex. Straight bars are practically the only decorations possible with this puncture both during the healing period and after it. In this case, the bar should be long enough so as not to constrain the penis in a state of erection.

Puncture "Frenum"
Healing time: 3-4 months

The piercing is almost as common in men as Prince Albert.

It passes directly through the frenulum of the penis. It is also one of the most painless punctures, but you have to be very careful with it during sex: the frenulum has rather thin skin and it is very easy to tear such a puncture. However, he is able to deliver additional stimulation to his partner - unlike a man, for whom piercing is, in principle, entirely aesthetic.

Both rings and "bananas" are used as decoration.

The piercing is done with forceps and takes some time.. And although the tissues are translucent during piercing with a flashlight so as not to hurt the vessels and capillaries, the puncturemay bleed after the procedure for several days.

Puncture "Lorum"
Healing time: 3-4 months

Lorum is very similar to a frenulum piercing due to the similarity of the tissues being pierced. Puncture cannot be placed too close to the surface of the skin with too little ring - otherwise the jewelry may just "push out". Basically, it's a decorative piercing. Although, depending on the puncture site, the size and weight of the jewelry, it can fall "in the right place" during intercourse.

The piercing can be located close to the shaft of the penis, in which case it will benefit the owner: the piercing will be in the condom during intercourse. And this, in turn, can protect against infection in the puncture - this is especially important during healing.

Puncture "Hafada"
Healing time: 3-4 months

"Hafada" - scrotum piercing - often done immediately in pairs. Decorations placed in the middle of the scrotum.

As in the previous version, this is more of a decorative piercing - it is unlikely that it delivers pleasant sensations to the owner or partner during sex.

Primary piercings usually use 12 or 10g jewelry.

Puncture "Dido"
Healing time: 3-4 months

"Dido" goes over the edge of the head. They, as a rule, are also made in pairs, although not always.The piercing is only suitable for men who have a large and well-defined edge of the head, into which jewelry is placed.

Otherwisepiercing, as a rule, migrates and "moves out" to another place. As a rule, it is able to additionally stimulate the woman's vagina during sex - the more punctures, the stronger the stimulation.

There are male and female genital piercings, as well as male and female anal piercings. Women usually perform a puncture of the clitoris or folds under it - this enhances the sensations during stimulation. Clitoris piercing is recommended for women over 35 and for those who want new sensations for themselves and their partner. The puncture and decoration of the labia has a decorative function. Such a piercing heals within a month, at which time it is forbidden to have sex.

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In male intimate piercing, the piercing is done in the foreskin, in the glans penis, in the frenulum or testicles. Healing occurs similarly to female intimate piercing. The purpose of this procedure is to enhance the partner's sexual sensations.

Intimate piercing is safe for women, while for men it can cause physiological dysfunction and scar tissue formation.


Intimate piercing is contraindicated:

  • With blood diseases;
  • With lung, kidney or heart disease;
  • With skin diseases;
  • With diabetes;
  • With reduced immunity;
  • In the presence of allergic reactions to metals.

Prince Albert- a puncture is made at the base of the head through the urethra. A ring with a ball is used as decoration.

Ampallang- the puncture is performed horizontally through the head. In this case, the bar can pass both next to the urethra and through it.

Apadravya- a kind of vertical intimate piercing. The puncture in the head is carried out in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This type of intimate piercing stimulates the sexual sensations of both partners. For the wound to heal, abstaining from sex for several months is required.

Dydoes- a pair of double-sided puncture of the head is inserted into small rods made of surgical steel.

Frenum prolongs erotic pleasure. In this case, the base of the head is pierced and a ring is passed through it, which goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation.

The main types of female intimate piercing

Inner Labia- puncture of the small labia. For piercing, a ring with a ball is used. The puncture heals quickly and does not cause inconvenience. Brings variety to intimate relationships.

Outer Labia- piercing of the labia majora. Piercing can be performed along the entire length, but if it is done close to the perineum, then pain may occur when sitting. As a decoration, a ring with a ball is used.

Hood- a vertical or horizontal puncture of a thin fold of skin under the clitoris is performed. A micro-barrel or a ring with a ball is threaded into it - they stimulate the clitoris during intercourse or while walking.

Clitoris- vertical or horizontal puncture of the clitoris. This procedure is quite risky and difficult to perform. It is performed in the center or base of the clitoris. Decoration - a ring with a ball.

Possible Complications

The intimate piercing area is rich in blood vessels, and a careless puncture can lead to complications:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Puncture breaks.
  • Nerve injury from clitoris puncture.
  • Displacement of piercing jewelry.

  • Difficulty urinating.

Precautionary measures:

  • For 2 weeks, wash the puncture site with a disinfectant solution (2 times a day);
  • Use only degreasing creams for the care of the genitals;
  • Refrain from visiting the pool, sauna and solarium;
