Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Cake. Summary of an open lesson in the senior group on modeling “Fairytale Gzhel”

Appendix 2

Game lesson notes

in modeling for the school year in the second junior group (3 -4 years)

kindergarten according to the “Program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten” by N.V. Nishcheva.

Lexical topic “Family”

Modeling object “Candy for Mom”

Tasks. Modeling of free-form objects. Synchronization of movements of both hands. Mastering sculpting techniques: rolling a lump between your palms, flattening the lump.

Development of the hand. Development of impressive speech: expanding understanding of speech - palms, roll out, flatten. Learning to understand one-step instructions.

Cultivating a caring attitude towards loved ones.

Preliminary work. Introduction to clay in individual and subgroup work. Conversations with children about family relationships. Classes to familiarize yourself with the environment.

Material for the lesson. Kitchen in the play area. Clay. Dolls. Colored paper or candy wrappers.

Children are invited to go to the play area. The lesson begins with a role-playing game. Mom meets her daughter from school ( playing with dolls). Feeds. The teacher creates a game situation in which the daughter wants to treat her mother with candy. There are no candies, but you can make them. Everyone moves to the training area.

Demonstration of working methods.

This is how I roll it out. Show me how you will roll it out( imitation).

And now I'm squeezing, flattening like this. Say “flatten” and show ( imitation).

Physical education minute.

Okay, okay. Where were you? By Grandma ( clap their hands).

And grandma’s palms are wrinkled (show hands palms up)

Kind-kind all worked palms ( stroke palm against palm)

For many years ( tap your fist on your palm).

Kind palms smell like soup and pies (bring palms to face, smell).

Kind palms will stroke your curls (pat themselves on the head).

And warm palms will sweeten any sadness (hug themselves by the shoulders).

Okay, okay! Where were you? By Grandma! (clap their hands).

Children do their work in stages.

They took a piece of clay in their palms.

Let's roll it out.

Now let's flatten it.

The teacher conducts individual work. Then the children are asked to choose a candy wrapper and wrap it. We put the candies in a vase and go to the play area. Game continues.

Lexical topic “Toys”

Modeling plot “Nimble balls”


Modeling round objects. Synchronization of movements

Development of the hand. Development of impressive speech: expanding understanding of speech - roll out, play, toys, ball. Learning to understand one-step instructions. Development of understanding of simple sentences in situational speech.

Cultivating interest in modeling. Preliminary work

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes. Material for the lesson

. Small plastic balls of different colors.

Decorative paper for carpet. Guys, do you like to play on the carpet? Look, there are funny balls waiting for you on the carpet, they want to play with you. Do you want to play with them? We have a large group, but to play with balls we must not forget the rules so that trouble does not happen. What kind of trouble can happen?

- (children speak, teacher clarifies).

How can you play with a ball in a group? The balls are very nimble, cheerful, and can disobey and get spoiled. Let's teach them to play in a group carefully and accurately (

children take the balls, play, and note that they are round and smooth).

Demonstration of working methods.

The teacher informs the children that the toys in our play corner also want to play with balls. Offers to make balls as gifts for toys.


I take a piece of clay in my palms. Show me where your palms are. If the children are tired, it is carried out physical education minute "My funny ringing ball"

(children turn into balls).

Then the children take a small carpet, place the toys and lay out the balls.

Lexical topic “Toys”

After the lesson, in their free time, children can paint the balls in different colors with gouache.

Tasks. Decorative modeling “Beads for a doll”

Modeling round objects. Synchronization of movements

both hands. Roll out the shape using circular movements of the palms.

Development of the hand. Activation of words on a lexical topic in speech. Development of visual perception, the ability to compare and distinguish objects of contrasting size (large - small).

Preliminary work. Cultivating the desire and ability to reflect simple objects in modeling.

Material for the lesson. Role-playing games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual sculpting work in preparation for the lesson.

Matryoshka. Beads with alternating large and small elements. Hard wire. Clay.

The teacher suggests guessing the riddle: The girlfriends are different in height,

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy Yes, that's right - matryoshka! A whole family hid in the largest one, one smaller than the other.

(puts out all the nesting dolls). How many dolls do I have on my table?. Show me which is the biggest nesting doll? … the smallest? Children look at the nesting dolls, how elegant and beautiful they are, they all have beads. And our dolls also want beads. Let's make these beads for them. They look at the beads: they alternate small elements with large ones.

Demonstration of working methods.

This is how I roll it out. Show me how you will roll it out ( imitation). This will be my big bead.

Now I break off a smaller piece and roll it out. This will be my big bead. I'll put them next to each other. Where is the big one? Where's the little one?

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work and collects beads on a wire, alternates large and small ones, and asks the children which bead should be next.

After class You can organize a role-playing game. In your free time, paint beads with gouache.

Lexical topic “Parts of the body and face”

Modeling plot “Kolobok”


Modeling a spherical shape using circular movements of the palms. Creating the image of a bun using auxiliary materials: beads, peas for the eyes; blades of grass, twigs for the nose and mouth.

Preliminary work. Development of fine motor skills of the hands. Development of expressive vocabulary: the bun is rolling; eyes, nose, mouth, above, below, front, behind. Development of understanding of one-step instructions, simple sentences in situational speech.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes. Telling the fairy tale "Kolobok". Work on the lexical topic being studied. Demonstration of the fairy tale “Kolobok” at the table theater.

. Clay, beads, blades of grass, twigs, peas.

The teacher reads to the children V. Shipunova’s poem “Kolobok is a naughty girl”:

The playful little bun sang songs loudly.

The hare wanted to eat him, the wolf and the bear wanted to eat him.

They listened to the song... and didn’t eat.

Only the red fox will destroy the kolobok.

Apparently the red fox doesn’t like songs.

Grandfather will light the oven again and bake a new bun.

Demonstration of working methods.

Let's help grandfather and bake a lot of new koloboks.

This is how I roll it out. Show me how you will roll it out ( imitation).

I take a piece of clay in my palms. Show me where your palms are.

Now I’ll smooth it out like this so that it’s beautiful. Next we will make eyes for him, where should the eyes be - at the top or at the bottom? What is best for the eyes? The nose will be lower, show me where? Will we make the nose out of a stick? Where will the mouth be? We will make it from a blade of grass.

What will we do first? What will you do next? Where will we make eyes, a nose, a mouth, from what? Physical education minute

. A kolobok song from a fairy tale with movements at the discretion of the teacher.

After class Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work and creates situations in which children have a need to communicate.

Lexical topic “Toiletries”

Modeling object “Soap for dolls”

Tasks. Coordinate the work of eyes and hands. Measure the pressure of your palms on the lump of clay, giving the object the correct shape. Learn to sculpt with your fingers: leveling, smoothing the shape.

Development of the ability to reflect simple objects in modeling. Development of impressive speech: expanding understanding of speech - roll out, squeeze, wash, soap, wet, rinse, toiletries. Development of expressive speech: roll out, squeeze, soap, towel.

Education of auditory-verbal memory when perceiving one-step instructions.

Preliminary work. Story-based role-playing games. Work on a lexical topic.

Material for the lesson. A few bars of soap. Play area for the role-playing game “Katya washes herself”.

The lesson begins in the play area, with the role-playing game “Dolls wash themselves”. The teacher creates a situation in which real soap for dolls is large, but their hands are small. It is proposed to mold a small

soap. Let's move on to the training area. We look at real soap and determine what it looks like (ball, cube, block, etc.).

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a piece of clay in my palms and roll it out like this. Show me how you will roll ( imitation).

Then I squeeze. What am I doing? (I squeeze).

Then I level it with my fingers, smooth it out, it becomes like a brick.

Talking through working techniques for children using the teacher’s questions

. What will we do first? What will you do next? Where will we make eyes, a nose, a mouth, from what? .

We'll soap our hands, They rub one palm against the other in a circle.

One two Three. One two Three. They clap their hands.

And above the hands, like clouds, They throw their hands up.

Bubbles, bubbles. Jumping on your feet, hands on your belt.

Helping to fulfill the intended form. Creates situations in which the child says what he is doing.

After class everyone moves to the playing area, the role-playing game continues.

Lexical topic “Clothing”

Decorative modeling “Buttons for a dress”

Tasks. Coordinate the work of eyes and hands. Measure the pressure of your fingers on the lump of clay, giving it the shape of a disk. Learn to sculpt

fingers: circular movements to create a spherical shape, leveling, smoothing. Improving children's sensory experience. Development of skills: use a decorative stack to decorate buttons, reflect simple objects in modeling.

Activation of words in speech: button, big, small, here, above, below, in front, decorate, fasten.

Developing skills of adequate behavior in various situations.

Preliminary work. Games with a silhouette doll. Work on a lexical topic. During special moments, pay attention to children’s clothing and its decorative elements.

Material for the lesson. Silhouettes of dresses, shirts, robes. A set of buttons for examination and examination. Clay, decorative stacks.

Silhouette doll.

The teacher invites children to consider several types of clothes with buttons. Why are buttons needed? What are they: big, small; where are they located? what colour. Then he invites each child to take a button for himself. Think about what you can tell about her. Touch it with your fingers: round, with corners, smooth, rough, like a ball. I prepared clothes for our Nastya ( silhouette doll), but there are no buttons on it. Invites children to make blinds.

Demonstration of working methods.

I break off a piece of clay, take it with my fingers, and roll it out like this.

Show me how you will roll ( imitation).

Then I squeeze it with my fingers ( imitation).

Now I smooth it with my fingers and even it out.

What will we do first? What will you do next? Where will we make eyes, a nose, a mouth, from what? . I’ll put on my fur coat here, and I’ll put on my skirt here.

(movements on



Talking through children’s work techniques with the help of the teacher’s questions.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work, creating situations in which children tell what they are doing.

After class an exhibition of clothes is organized. It can be used for the role-playing game “Shop”.

Lexical topic “Clothing”

Modeling object “Hat for a doll”

Tasks. Modeling the cap in a certain sequence: rolling out the ball, flattening it, bending the edge with your fingers.

Learning to understand general words: hats, toys, color. Activation of words in speech: big, small. Use of singular and plural forms in speech.

Preliminary work.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Small plastic dolls or made from clay for each child. Baby caps.

The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina.

Our Masha got up early,

I counted all the dolls:

Two Matryoshka dolls are on the window,

Two Tanyas - on the pillow,

Two Irinkas - on a feather bed,

And Parsley in a cap -

On an oak chest.

He asks you to close your eyes, gives each person one doll in their hands, hands behind their backs.

Don't open your eyes, guess what's in your hands? Children feel and guess.

But our dolls, oh,

There are no hats or boots.

Where do they get hats and boots? In the shop.

What is the name of the store that sells hats? Hats.

What is the name of the store that sells boots, shoes, slippers? . Shoes, shoemaker.

We need to open stores for our dolls, but we have nothing to sell.

Let's make a product today for the "Hats" store, and in the next lesson for the "Shoes" store.

The teacher suggests looking at real hats and draws attention to decorative elements. When looking at it, please note that there are large and small hats. We create situations in which children use words in the singular and plural: rope, strings, button, buttons, etc.

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a piece of clay in my palms and roll it out. Show me how you will roll it out. Imitation.

Then I squeeze the ball and flatten it. It turns out to be a disk.

Now, like this, I bend the edges with my fingers. It turns out to be a hat that can be decorated however you want.

Samples of decoration elements are given: balls, button disks, sticks, etc. Finger sculpting.

Physical education minute. I’ll put on my fur coat here, and I’ll put on my skirt here.

(movements on The head will put on a hat, and the foot will put on a slipper.

discretion No, I’d better take off my fur coat, and now I’ll straighten my skirt,

teacher) Ugh, it's so hot, shall we take off our hats? Where's the slipper?

I won’t go anywhere, but I’ll start all over again.

Teaching children how to work.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work.

After class You can organize a role-playing game in the store.

Lexical topic “Shoes”

Modeling object “Boots for dolls”

Tasks. Learn to see the basic shapes of objects, highlight their most characteristic features. Roll out the cylinder with your palms and modify it, turning it into a boot. Learn to sculpt with your fingers: leveling, smoothing.

Learning to understand and follow one- and two-step instructions. Activation of words on a lexical topic in speech. Clarification of the concepts high, low, wide, narrow.

Nurturing the need for verbal communication.

Preliminary work. Role-playing games. Games with a silhouette doll. Work on a lexical topic. Individual work to prepare for the lesson: developing fine motor skills of the hands, practicing modeling techniques in a game with frequently ill children.

Material for the lesson. Play area "Shop". Illustrations, pictures with shoes. Clay. Plastic napkins. Children's shoes.

The lesson can begin in the play area. We play the role-playing game “Clothing Store”, “Hats Store”. We are preparing shelves for a shoe store. What shoes should be sold in a shoe store in winter? We consider children's shoes, illustrations. The teacher offers to make shoes for the store.

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a piece of clay and roll it out to make a log. Children imitate.

Now I do it like this with my fingers, I have a boot (I bend the end of the log cylinder). But for the boots to be beautiful, you need to smooth them out and straighten them with your fingers. You and I have seen that there are different types of boots: high, low, wide, narrow. Think about what kind of boots you will make for our dolls. They will choose them in our store and we need them to like them.

Physical education minute.

These are slippers for Antoshka,

So that your feet don't freeze in them,


What kind of slippers! Like toys

Ask two or three children how they think they should make boots: high, low, wide, narrow, for a large or small doll. Encourage if the child wants to make boots for a large and small doll.

Talking about working techniques for children.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work.

Creates situations in which, helping children, teaches them to understand one- and two-step instructions, and to use the words high, low, wide, and narrow in speech.

At the end of the work, we place the boots on the store shelves.

After class We can continue the role-playing game at the request of the children. Board games on lexical topics.

Individual work with children who have not completed the task.

Lexical topic “Shoes”

Decorative modeling “Let's decorate boots”


Consolidating sculpting techniques: rolling a lump between your palms, flattening it. Learn to sculpt small objects of arbitrary shape, use additional materials (beads, buttons, mosaics) to decorate boots. Teaching understanding of concepts: shoes, pair, buckle, lacing, decoration.

Activation in speech: big small, demonstrative adverbs: here, here, here.

Nurturing the need for verbal communication.

Cultivating interest in modeling. Development of visual perception, the ability to compare and distinguish objects of contrasting size. Development of aesthetic perception.

. Lesson “Boots for dolls”. Role-playing games. Games with a silhouette doll. Work on a lexical topic. Individual work to prepare for the lesson: developing fine motor skills of the hands, practicing modeling techniques in a game with frequently ill children.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes. Looking at illustrations of different types of shoes.

. Illustrations with different shoes. Decoration elements and additional materials: beads, buttons, mosaic.

Let's remember what we sculpted in the last lesson. Two or three children show and tell what kind of boots they made: high, low, narrow, wide, for whom. We play out a situation in which the doll wants beautiful boots, but there are none. The teacher offers to decorate the boots. We look at illustrations, children's shoes, and discuss decoration elements. You can examine and examine buckles, buttons, strings, etc. with your fingers.

How to make a buckle, lacing, decorate with buttons, free-form elements, use additional materials (beads, buttons, mosaics) Physical education minute.

These are slippers for Antoshka, Stomp each foot twice.

So that your feet don't freeze in them, Four jumps on both legs.

Tomp-tomp-topotushki, Stomp each foot twice.

What kind of slippers! Like toys . Place your right (left) leg forward.

Doing work by children. The teacher creates situations in individual work for pronouncing words on a lexical topic.

After class. The teacher suggests continuing the role-playing game “Shoe Store.”

Lexical topic “Furniture”

Collective plot modeling.

Furniture for Thumbelina.

Tasks. Formation of the ability to sculpt furniture from two parts: disks, disk and column. Consolidating the sculpting technique: flattening with two palms.

Development of the desire to sculpt objects of simple shape. Developing the ability to compare contrasting objects and reflect this in modeling.

Development of expressive vocabulary: table, chair, armchair, sofa, ottoman, table, high chair, sofa, etc.

Developing appropriate behavior in the classroom.

Preliminary work. Watch a cartoon or illustration based on the fairy tale “Thumbelina.” Work on the lexical topic being studied. Targeted walk to the Furniture store.

Material for the lesson. Box, painted ceiling and walls. Technological maps with furniture samples. Clay.

Let's remember the cartoon with the children. We look at the furniture in our dolls' play corner. The teacher plays up the appearance of Thumbelina in the group, asks the guys if there is furniture for her in the group. Trying to put her on a chair for big dolls. They discuss whether it is convenient or not. Compare children's furniture and adult furniture. They come to the conclusion that Thumbelina needs an apartment. The teacher suggests making an apartment in a box, turning it sideways. Everyone moves into the training area together.

The teacher examines with the children samples of parts from which furniture is made: a disk, an elongated disk, a column, a square.

Invites children to tell how such shapes can be made. When in difficulty, it helps. Asks two or three children how to assemble furniture samples from parts as desired. Accompanying the collection with two-step instructions. For example, take a square and a disk, put them together, think about what else you can use to make a chair.

Physical education minute.

This is a chair. Seat, back, .

And on the back there are two pictures,


And four more legs,

on both hands.


Children, together with the teacher, decide who will sculpt what: armchair, sofa, ottoman, etc. Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work. Creates situations for pronouncing expressive vocabulary: table, chair, armchair, sofa, ottoman, table, high chair, sofa, etc.

After class. Children can play director's games. In your free time, create furniture for the residents of the flower city.

Lexical topic “Furniture”

Modeling object “Chair for a giant”


Formation of the ability to sculpt furniture from two parts: disks. Consolidating the sculpting technique: flattening with two palms.

Development of the desire to sculpt objects of simple shape. Developing the ability to compare contrasting objects and reflect this in modeling.

Learning to understand a general concept: furniture.

Learning to understand and follow two-step instructions.

Developing the ability to complete work. Preliminary work.

Looking at illustrations from fairy tales where there are giants. We pay attention to adult and children's furniture and compare.

Individual work with frequently ill children. Work on a lexical topic. Material for the lesson.

Illustrations with different looking chairs. Large dolls compared to Thumbelina. Two pieces of clay for each child, the size of a hand folded into a ladle.

We look at the furniture made in the last lesson, Thumbelina’s apartment. Giant dolls come to visit Thumbelina. We discuss how to receive guests. But there’s not even anything to put them on. We'll have to make big chairs and receive guests in front of Thumbelina's house.

Talking about working methods.

Look at the illustrations and think about how you can make a chair.

Children express their assumptions and discuss modeling techniques using the teacher’s questions: How do you sculpt the back of a chair?

I'll roll out the ball and flatten it. How will you make the seat?

I'll roll out the ball, flatten it, make corners with my fingers, or just level it.

Does Dasha want to make legs for her chair? Dasha, how will you make them? Show me.

Physical education minute.

This is a chair. Seat, back, Imitation..

And on the back there are two pictures, Place your palms together to form a chair


And four more legs, Raise their right hand up, showing two

on both hands.

Raise both hands up with two fingers For a cat to sit under a chair..

They squat and make “ears” out of their palms.

Doing work by children.

After class The teacher conducts individual work. Creates situations for pronouncing expressive vocabulary: table, chair, armchair, sofa, ottoman, table, high chair, sofa, etc. Those who quickly completed the work make a treat for the guests.

. At the request of the children we play “Thumbelina Receives Guests”

Lexical topic “New Year. Christmas tree"

Tasks. Decorative modeling “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”

Learning sculpting techniques: flattening a lump with your palms, folding the edge with your fingers, tearing off a small piece from a large lump, rolling small balls.

Formation of the ability to sculpt objects of simple shapes, use additional materials: beads, tinsel.

Learning to understand prepositions and adverbs expressing spatial relationships.

Developing skills for joint performance of actions in various situations.

Preliminary work. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Examination of Christmas tree decorations, illustrations of the New Year holidays.

Material for the lesson. New Year's toys, unbreakable. Small artificial Christmas tree. Stack with round end. Decorative stacks.

We start the lesson with the “Christmas tree” exercise.

Our Christmas tree is beautiful They walk in a circle holding hands.

Rising to the skies. They stop and stretch their arms up.

Slender beauty They walk in a circle again, holding hands.

All the guys like it.

We bring in the Christmas tree without toys. Let’s play up the situation and offer to put toys on our Christmas tree and put it on the dolls so that they can have a holiday too.

Demonstration of working methods.

Rolling out the ball, flattening it Imitation, children show.

Bend the edge of the disc with your fingers. The teacher shows.

Roll out small balls with your fingers and flatten them into buttons.

Imitation, children show.

Decorating the toy with your own sculpted small elements, additional material, and decorative stacks of the children’s choice.

The teacher shows, using the children’s advice.

Piercing the finished toy with a round stack. Hole for ribbon to hang on the Christmas tree.

Physical education minute.

They bought Svetka a blue ball. They show a circle with their hands.

Oh, how beautiful! They shake their heads and feign delight.

He's now hanging on a branch They throw back their heads and look up.

And it looks like a plum. They squat.

Doing work by children. The teacher carries out individual work to help children. Low volume music may be included on the recommendation of the music director.

After the lesson, in your free time, at the request of the children, we thread the braid and hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Lexical topic “Food”

Decorative modeling “Beautiful Pie”

Tasks: Formation of interest in theatrical activities and desire to participate in it. Familiarization with some types of theatrical games (dramatization on themes of folklore).

Mastering sculpting techniques: rolling a lump between your palms, flattening the lump with your palms. The ability to apply simple patterns with a signet and hold it correctly.

Development of visual perception, motor and visual memory. Development of initiative, imitativeness, imitation abilities. Cultivating imagination and interest in modeling. Ability to behave appropriately in game situations.

Developing the ability to complete work. Expanding social experience. Role-playing games. Familiarization with fiction: memorizing nursery rhymes, acting them out.

Working with clay. Mastering sculpting techniques.

Material for the lesson. Kitten hats. The cat is a soft toy. Clay. Decorative stacks (signets). Gloves for children kittens. Pie tray. Game stove - oven.

Organizing time: The teacher attracts the children's attention to himself. In the hands of a cat, reading a nursery rhyme:

“Like our cat, the fur coat is very good.

Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

If a cat comes out into the garden, the whole people will be alarmed.

And a rooster and a hen from a village street.”

Let him sit with us and look at us. I made kitten hats for you. And the big hat: mother cat. We can play with you. What will we play with these hats? That's right in kittens who have lost their gloves. But we don't have pies. Let's help mommy cat make them.

We look at the furniture made in the last lesson, Thumbelina’s apartment. Giant dolls come to visit Thumbelina. We discuss how to receive guests. But there’s not even anything to put them on. We'll have to make big chairs and receive guests in front of Thumbelina's house.

What am I doing? Break off a piece of clay.

Now what do I do? Roll a piece of clay between your palms into a ball.

Now I... I flatten the ball (squeeze with your palms).

I sculpt the desired shape with my fingers (optional).

I choose a (decorative) stack, take it with three fingers (show), apply a pattern to the pie so that it is beautiful. We move to the “Kitchen” play area. Place the pies on a tray. We put on hats and gloves for kittens. Mother cat puts pies in the oven, kittens “go for a walk, lose gloves”

The teacher or prepared child - the presenter begins the dramatization.

Leading: Mother cat bakes pies and calls kittens from the street.

Kittens lost gloves on the road

And they ran home in tears.

Kittens in chorus: Mom, mom, I'm sorry, we can't find

(crying) we can't find gloves.

Mom cat: Lost your gloves?! Wow, what kittens.

I won't give you any pie for this. Meow, I won’t give you meow,

Meow, meow I won’t give, meow, meow I won’t give, pie.

Leading: The kittens ran and found the gloves.

And they ran back laughing.

Kittens in chorus: Mom, mom, don’t be angry, because you’ve been found,

Because there were gloves.

Mom cat: Did you find the gloves? Thanks kittens.

I'll give you some pie for that. Moore, Moore pie,

Mur, pur of pie, I'll give you a pie for this.

After class You can play again, offering roles to other children, with real pies.

Lexical topic “Dishes”

Collective plot modeling “Dishes for dolls”

Tasks. Learning sculpting techniques: flattening a lump with your palms, folding the edge with your fingers, tearing off a small piece from a large lump, rolling small balls. Formation of the ability to sculpt objects of simple shape from two parts, modifying a ball or column. The ability to compare objects by size, comparing them, to find compliance with purpose.

Development of nominative and predicative vocabulary on the lexical topic being studied: dishes.

Preliminary work. Work on the lexical topic being studied. A tour of the kitchen. Conversations with children “How we welcome guests.”

Role-playing games in the “Kitchen” play area. Reading "Fedorino's grief" by Chukovsky.

Material for the lesson. Game utensils.

Clay. Illustrations on the topics: “Dishes”, “Clothing”, “Shoes”.

We start the lesson with the game “What’s extra.” Children stand around a table on which the teacher lays out illustrations on the topics: “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Shoes”.

Then we go to the play area and find out that the dishes are not the right size for the Masha, Nastya, and Lyuba dolls. The teacher suggests making them out of clay.

Physical education minute.

Children examine the dishes with their fingers and name what they look like: circle, ball, cube, square. We ask how we will sculpt the plate. The teacher clarifies. Likewise a cup, sugar bowl, butter dish, etc. We decide who will sculpt what, taking into account individual abilities. Here is a plate for Valerka -

Draw a large circle with your hands.

Yellow rings - For cutlets, for mashed potatoes,

Right hand For pancakes, for buckwheat.

starting from the big one.

After class Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work, creating pronunciation situations on a lexical topic.

Lexical topic “Dishes”

We go to the play area, set the table for the dolls, following the serving rules. At the request of the children - a role-playing game.

Tasks. Modeling object “Napkin stand”

Learning sculpting techniques: flattening a lump with your palms, bending the edge with your fingers, tearing off a small piece from a large lump, sculpting simple-shaped objects from two parts, modifying a ball.

Development of vocabulary on the lexical topic being studied.

Development of creativity and imagination.

Preliminary work. Fostering a desire to participate in work activities - helping to set the table. .

Conversation with children “What kind of dishes do I have at home?” Didactic, board games on the lexical topic being studied

Material for the lesson. Individual work with frequently ill children.

Clay. A set of parts from which you can make a napkin holder (fashioned by a teacher from clay, or selected from waste material: packaging boxes, construction sets, etc.). Illustrations or real napkin holders.

Let's remember the game "Dolls receive guests." We do not have napkin holders in playware. The teacher offers to blind them.

Then the teacher invites each child to assemble a napkin holder from two parts, encouraging experimentation, discussing with the child which option will be beautiful and convenient. The assembled sample is placed in front of the child on a turntable or stand, which the teacher turns as the craft progresses.

Physical education minute.

Children examine the dishes with their fingers and name what they look like: circle, ball, cube, square. We ask how we will sculpt the plate. The teacher clarifies. Likewise a cup, sugar bowl, butter dish, etc. We decide who will sculpt what, taking into account individual abilities. Here is a plate for Valerka -

Draw a large circle with your hands. Draw small circles with your index fingers.

Yellow rings - For cutlets, for mashed potatoes, bend the fingers on the left hand,

Right hand For pancakes, for buckwheat.

We look at the furniture made in the last lesson, Thumbelina’s apartment. Giant dolls come to visit Thumbelina. We discuss how to receive guests. But there’s not even anything to put them on. We'll have to make big chairs and receive guests in front of Thumbelina's house.

How to make a cube from a ball? Children tell, teacher shows.

What needs to be done to get a cup (cup shape), etc.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work, creating pronunciation situations on a lexical topic.

After class at the request of the children, a role-playing game and an exhibition of works for mothers.

Lexical topic "Poultry"

Collective plot modeling “Hen with chicks”

Tasks. Forming the ability to sculpt objects from two balls, use additional material (feathers, seeds, peas) for eyes, tail, beak.

Development of sensory perception. Development of the ability to compare and distinguish between objects of contrasting size.

Fostering a desire to participate in work activities - caring for pets.

Preliminary work. Reading Suteev's "Duckling and Chicken", Chukovsky's "Chicken". Learning nursery rhymes “Bird Yard”, “Cockerel...”, etc. on a lexical topic. Learning the game “Chicken - Corydalis”.

Material for the lesson. Painting from the series “Poultry” - “Chickens”.

Clay. Additional material: feathers, peas, seeds.

The teacher draws attention to the picture. Who's in the picture? Hen, rooster and chicks. Yes, there is a chicken family in the picture. Daddy cockerel, mommy hen and their baby chicks. Look at the chickens, they have a body, a head, and a tail. There are eyes and a beak on the head. Do you know poems about a chicken family? The teacher starts, the children finish. Songs, nursery rhymes.

Now guess the riddle:

There was a white house, a wonderful house, so warm,

And something knocked inside him, so fluffy and golden.

And he crashed, and from there - He appeared in a yellow fur coat:

A living miracle ran out - Goodbye, two shells!


I made a cockerel and a hen, let's make some chickens for them.

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a small piece of clay and what do I do? You roll it into a ball.

This will be the chicken's head.

I take a seed, what do you think my chicken will have? Beak.

I stick it into the ball. Now I take the beads and do what? Eyes.

I take a large piece of clay, what do I do? Roll out the ball.

What do you think it will be? Torso.

I attach a feather to it, it will be...? Tail.

I fasten the body and head. So it turned out to be a chicken.

Physical education minute.

Now let's play. Veronica will be a chicken, Seryozha will be a cat, and all the rest will be chickens.

A hen came out - a crested chicken, on a bench by the window

There are yellow chickens with her, The cat has laid down and is dozing.

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko! ...The cat opens its eyes

Don't go far." And the chickens catch up.

Doing work by children. The teacher helps individually.

After class If children wish, they can play “Theater on the Table” using nursery rhymes and songs.

Lexical topic “Poultry”

Decorative molding “Dymkovo Cockerel”


Formation of the ability to sculpt a cockerel from three balls, use additional material for the eyes and beak. Strong and neat connection of parts.

Development of the ability to compare and distinguish between objects of contrasting size.

Preliminary work. Forming the ability to finish a phrase, finish words and phrases in familiar nursery rhymes.

Material for the lesson. Consideration

Clay. Additional material: peas or beads, seeds for the beak. Sample of the Dymkovo cockerel. Box.

The teacher brings in a Dymkovo cockerel in a box. I have someone here about whom I’ll tell you a riddle:

In his red crown he walks like a king.

Please listen to him every hour:

I'm here! I'm on my guard! I'll finish all of you! The children fell asleep. The light went out. Shut up loudmouth...


Oil head, silk beard.

Petya in yellow boots walks on the sand,

He will stand and look, and then he will shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The teacher and the children examine the cockerel. Our cockerel is not real, it is a toy, so it is painted with circles. If possible, he gives it to children for examination with their fingers.

What does the cockerel have? Head, body, tail.

What shape does the head look like? Ball

What shape does the torso look like? For a ball, just a long one.

What shape does the tail look like? Circle.

What am I doing now?

Physical education minute.

Break off a piece of clay and roll it into a ball. I took a small piece of clay. This will be the head. I attach the beak and eyes. Similar to the body and tail.

Petya - Petenka - rooster

They hit their sides with their hands like wings. All painted to dust and fluff.

Multi-colored all, colorful

Hands on the belt, turns right, left with with a spring.

And he screams like a clockwork: Stretch out, stand on tiptoes, hands to mouth


After class house, they shout.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work,

Tasks. Together with the children, with a cockerel in our hands, we sing nursery rhymes. Then we put the cockerels on display for the mothers.

Development of understanding of simple common sentences in situational speech. Learning to understand and follow two- and three-step instructions.

Formation of primary ideas about domestic animals.

Cultivating interest in modeling.. Learning nursery rhymes on a lexical topic. Examination of illustrations and paintings from the “Pets” series.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Toy buckets. A set of toys from the “Pets” series.

We start the lesson by playing out a nursery rhyme:

Early in the morning the shepherd boy: “Tu-ru-ru-ru!”

And the cows sang to him in harmony: “Moo-moo-moo!”

You, little brownie, go and take a walk in the open field,

And when you come back in the evening, you’ll give us some milk.

Milk is very healthy, all baby animals love it. Who is the cat's baby? Kitty. The sheep? Lamb. At the horse? Foal. At the cow? Calf.

I caressed the calf, he was small,

She treated me to fresh grass at the ruin.

I loved the calf, he was tender,

She gave him the freshest milk.

But we have nothing to drink from, no small bucket. The ones that exist are big. We give children toy buckets for examination. What geometric figure is hidden in the bucket? Circle. Point your finger , where is the circle in the bucket. Let's make buckets for our calves.

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a piece of clay, roll it into a ball, then press it in with my finger and make the walls thin. Our bucket doesn’t have a handle, how are we going to make one? Let's take a small piece of clay and roll it out like this (imitation), you'll get a stick, then bend it and attach it to the bucket.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work,

He can say nursery rhymes if he sees that this does not distract the children.

After class - playing out. We put buckets at the exhibition for mothers.

Lexical topic “Mom’s holiday”

Decorative modeling “Beads for mom”

Tasks. Improve sculpting techniques: the ability to roll clay with circular movements of your fingers, make holes with a stack, placing it in the middle of the part. Create original compositions, conveying proportions and relative placement of parts on the fishing line.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Development of dialogical speech.

Consolidating the ability to answer questions to demonstrate an action.

Cultivating an active, friendly attitude towards others.

Preliminary work. Conversations on the lexical topic “Family”, “Mother’s holiday”. Formation of concepts: jewelry, gift, beads. Examination of different types of beads.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Beads of several types. Technological maps depicting options for alternating bead elements or drawings on a magnetic board. Thin stack for piercing a hole. Socket for ready-made crafts.

“It’s our mother’s holiday!

And we congratulate her -

Beautiful beads

We will give her, dear...

We look at the beads: there are beads like round balls. There are other shapes, like thick sticks. There are larger beads, and there are smaller ones. I invite the children to think about what kind of beads they will make for their mother: shape, size, alternation. I try to ensure that everyone chooses an option that suits their capabilities. I draw your attention to the drawing on the magnetic board.

We look at the furniture made in the last lesson, Thumbelina’s apartment. Giant dolls come to visit Thumbelina. We discuss how to receive guests. But there’s not even anything to put them on. We'll have to make big chairs and receive guests in front of Thumbelina's house.

How will we sculpt a small ball? Let's break off a small piece of clay and roll it out with our fingers.

How will we make a bigger ball?

How are we going to make this shape? etc.

I show how I will pierce a hole for stringing with a stack.

Physical education minute.

Mommy, mommy! They clap their hands.

I love you so much . Sending a kiss.

I give you beads They stretch their arms forward.

That's how much I love you. Send an air kiss.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work and helps create a pattern from ready-made beads on the rosette.

At the end of the work, the children leave the beads to dry.

After class In his free time, the teacher suggests painting and then stringing the beads onto a fishing line or cord.

Lexical topic “Pets”

Modeling of the story “Soft paws, scratchy paws”


Development of perceptual activity.

Improving the ability to relate objects, actions, signs with their verbal designation (development of an impressive vocabulary).

Fostering love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work. Learning nursery rhymes on a lexical topic. Examination of illustrations and paintings from the “Pets” series.

Individual work with frequently ill children. Theatrical activities. Playing out nursery rhymes in a tabletop theater.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes.. The cat is a soft toy. Clay. Additional material: cucumber or melon seeds for eyes, cherry pits or large beads for the nose, straws or fishing line for a mustache.

The teacher brings in a cat toy covered with a blanket with the words:

It purrs, it plays, it runs away somewhere,

Runs far away. And when he comes back,

Then he purrs and drinks raw milk from a saucer.

Who do I have here? Pussy. I sit on the table. Together with children:

Like our cat, the fur coat is very good.

Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

This is the kind of cat we have, a gray pubic cat.

Pet our cat, what kind of coat does he have? Soft, soft

And there are claws on the paws, they are sharp and scratch. (We lift the cat)

Soft paws, scratchy paws. Our cat is sitting and his paws are not visible. What else does the cat have? Head.

On the head are ears, eyes, nose, mustache, but the mouth is not visible, hidden in the fur.

Let's make such a cute cat.

Demonstration and presentation of working methods.

What am I doing? Break off a piece of clay and roll it into a ball.

attach to the head, and now attach the antennae.

The head is ready. What are we going to do now? Torso.

Roll out the ball, now roll the ball a little bit like a stick. What will it be? Torso.

What else can you see on our cat? Tail. Tell and show how you will make the tail. Imitation

Now we connect the tail to the body, and the body to the head. So we have a cat that is sitting. Now let's play.

What will we do first? What will you do next? Where will we make eyes, a nose, a mouth, from what? . One child asks, the rest answer.

“Kitsonka - Murysonka, where have you been?” They shrug their shoulders.

At the mill . They twist their hands.

“Little kitty, little kitty, what was she doing there?”

Grinded flour . Hands clenched into fists, extended

forward, movement up, down.

“Little kitty, little kitty, what did you bake from flour?” They make pies with their hands.

Gingerbread cookies.

“Little kitty, little kitty, with whom did you eat gingerbread?”

One . They hide their hands behind their backs.

"Don't eat alone, don't eat alone." They shake their fingers at each other.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work,

He can say nursery rhymes if he sees that this does not distract the children.

After class- playing at the request of the children. We put the cat in an exhibition for mothers.

Modeling story “Chicks in the nest”

Tasks. Formation of primary ideas about wild birds, their appearance, way of life.

Improving sculpting techniques: the ability to roll clay in a circular motion; pull off individual parts with your fingers; sculpt objects consisting of several parts.

Modeling the chicks to the size of the nest. Playing out the composition (worms in their beaks). Development of skills: compare and distinguish objects by size, use additional material in work.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic being studied.

Fostering love and respect for nature

Preliminary work. Conversation about birds, clarifying the idea of ​​appearance (there are wings, feathers, beaks), methods of movement and nutrition. Looking at images of birds with chicks. A story about nests as the homes of birds, where they escape the cold and raise their chicks.

Modeling nests for chicks in free time, at the request of the children, with the help of a teacher (Clay sticks, from which we make nests).

Memorizing poems on the lexical topic being studied.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes.. Box. A bag (dark) with treats for children. Pictures of birds. Chick sample. Clay, plastic napkins for modeling, rosettes with water for smoothing.

Additional material: beads, feathers.

The teacher comes in, holding a beautiful box in his hands. Children gather around.

I went to kindergarten today and welcomed spring. She gave me this box. What's in it? Letter, pictures, package. Let's read the letter: “You will be able to open the package if you fulfill my two wishes.” Shall we do it? Guess who's in the pictures? Birds. How did you guess that these were birds? What do birds have (What body parts?) And do people have wings (feathers, tail)? What can birds do?

Can people fly?

The first wish of spring: “Read poems about birds.”

The bird wants to wake up, the bird above my window

A bird sings a song, builds a nest for children,

Because the bird with the song is dragging straws in its legs,

Waking up is more interesting. That's the fluff in the nose.

E. Kochan V. Tumansky

Sparrows live in a nest, There is a palace on a pole, A sparrow from a birch tree

And in the morning everyone gets up early. There is a singer in the palace, Jump onto the road!

Tweet-chik-chik, Tweet-chik-chik! And his name is starling.

No more frost

They sing so joyfully.


E. Seliverstov.


So we fulfilled the first wish of spring. Let's do the second one. Guess the riddle:

Without hands, without an ax A hut has been built.


What am I doing? You and I made nests. Spring wants us to blind those who live in them. Who lives in the nests?

Chicks. Show me.

Let's move on to the training area. Demonstration and presentation of working methods. Take a piece of clay and roll it into a ball.

Show me how you will roll? Tail.

What am I doing now? Pull out the beak with your fingers. Insert beads. The result is a head.

What do you think I'm pulling out with my fingers?

The chick's is very small. Why did I take the feathers?

Making wings.

This will be the torso.

We connect the head and body together. So it turned out to be a chick. Where do we put him?

We carry out individual work. When placing the finished chicks in the nests, we say:

Here is my native nest,

There are feathers and grains in it.

In a nest - a crib

The chicks sleep sweetly.

Whoever finished the work quickly can feed the chicks by making worms, grains, and give them some water to drink by making small cups.

You can do this after class, in your free time, at the request of the children.

A magpie suddenly began to chatter: “Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!”

An alarm arose in the forest - the chick fell out of the nest.

Stayed on the ground overnight. We need to help the chick.

The owl hoots and laughs and wants to drag the poor thing away.

A squirrel jumped along the green branches:

Little bird, little bird, don’t be afraid, grab your fluffy tail.

Try not to fall, we need to get into the nest.

Physical education minute.

This is our native nest. There are feathers and grains in it. The owl doesn't laugh anymore. And the magpie doesn’t chirp.

The bird is sleeping. Stand with your hands pressed to your sides and your eyes closed.

The bird pecks the grains, Sit down, tapping your fingers on the floor.

And now he drinks some water. At the discretion of the teacher.

Finger game “A bird is flying over the field”

A bird flies over a field. Chirp - chirp - chirp.

What does the titmouse carry? Chirp - chirp - chirp. Movements are at the discretion of the teacher.

She is carrying a blade of grass. Chirp - chirp - chirp.

A bird carries a blade of grass, chirp - chik - chik.

A titmouse will build a nest. Chirp - chirp - chirp.

Lexical topic “Wild birds”

Decorative modeling “Dymkovo birds”.

Tasks. Improving sculpting techniques: the ability to roll clay in a circular motion; pull off individual parts with your fingers; sculpt objects consisting of several parts.

Developing language comprehension: Learning to understand and follow multi-step instructions.

Accumulation of impressions about works of folk applied art.

Preliminary work. Forming the ability to finish a phrase, finish words and phrases in familiar nursery rhymes. albums with illustrations of Dymkovo toys. Theatrical activities. Table theater with Dymkovo toy. Examination of Dymkovo toys with our fingers, identifying what parts they are made of and what they look like: ball, circle, cube, etc.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes.. Clay. Samples of Dymkovo toy birds. Album with illustrations of Dymkovo toys.

The teacher shows the children the Dymkovo toy. Previously, the store did not sell toys for children. Moms and dads dug clay and made these toys themselves for their children. Such toys are called painted because they are all painted with bright patterns. They are most often decorated with colored stripes, circles, and dots. The colors are bright - yellow, red, blue, green, orange.

Let us also sculpt toys - birds. Who wants what? Who might choose this bird with a tuft and a round tail, etc.

Think about what kind of bird you will sculpt. Children choose.

Demonstration of working methods.

I take a large piece of clay and roll it into a ball. Then I roll it like a stick, it turns out to be a thick sausage. Now I carefully bend it, like the handle of a bucket. It turns out an arc. I stretch out the beak with my fingers, pinch the crest with my fingers, flatten the end of the sausage, this will be the tail. The bird is almost ready. Now I trim it and smooth it with water.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work. Russian and folk tunes may be included. Under which you can hold physical education minute "Let's dance" Movements and words are at the discretion of the teacher.

After class playing out. Table theater with Dymkovo toy. In your free time, if you wish, offer children a toy to color.

Lexical topic “Wild animals”

Modeling object “Mouse is a bitch”

Tasks. Modeling a cone shape and creating the image of a mouse: pulling the muzzle with your fingers, using additional materials (for ears - seeds, for the tail - ropes, for eyes - beads).

Activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic being studied.

Developing perseverance and the ability to complete work.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale “Turnip”, Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”. Conversation based on its content. Theatricalization of the fairy tale “The Pockmarked Hen”. Examination of illustrations of the fairy tale “Thumbelina”.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Additional material: seeds, strings, beads.

I will tell you a riddle about an animal, and you will not say what kind of animal it is, but turn into it. You will move the way this animal moves.

How can animals move? Jump, run, crawl, swim. Talk like animals talk.

How can animals scream? Meow, woof, mu, pi, be, rr, etc.

Small animals, gray coats, long tails,

Little black eyes, sharp teeth. Children imitate a mouse, run around


I guessed right, well, beware!

He picks up a soft toy - a cat.

The cat lay down on the bench by the window and dozed:

Now the mice have freedom, they quickly came out of hiding;

Everyone scattered to the corners, dragging crumbs here and there.

The cat opens its eyes, the cat arches its back,

She opens her claws, jumps and runs, scattering the mice!

Let's blind some cunning, funny mice.

Demonstration of working methods.

I break off a large piece of clay, roll it into a ball, now I will roll it like a stick, press harder on one side to make a carrot. Now I attach seeds-ears, beads for eyes, and a string for a tail. What a funny, beautiful mouse it turned out to be!

Doing work by children. The lesson ends with a merry dance:

A turnip is dancing in the garden, a grandmother is dancing, a grandfather is dancing,

The granddaughter is dancing, the bug is dancing, the cat is dancing - Seronozhka.

The mouse is dancing on the threshold: top, top, top! - four legs!

Balalaika: “Bring, bouncing, bouncing!” The fairy tale dances all day long!

After class games and dramatizations of fairy tale episodes using sculpted figures.

Lexical topic “Wild animals”

Modeling plot “Bunnies in the clearing”

Tasks. Sculpt objects consisting of several parts. Pull off individual parts with your fingers: the muzzle. Be able to level, smooth

Activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic being studied: wild animals.

Formation of primary ideas about wild animals,

their appearance and lifestyle.

Cultivating a caring, kind attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary work. Examination of illustrations and paintings from the “Wild Animals” series. Clarification of knowledge about the appearance of animals studied on a lexical topic. Learning songs and nursery rhymes. Outdoor games. Making a clearing from waste material.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Beads for eyes. Stack with a small thin tip. A clearing with a lot of grass. Painting "Hares in spring". Small mirror.

Look at the picture. Who's running around the clearing? Hares are running around the clearing. Have they already changed their coat? The hares changed their fur coats. What are bunnies looking for? Hares are looking for grass. Yes, there is still snow in some places, it is still cold and the grass is small, but there is nothing else in the forest and the bunnies are looking for grass.

Once upon a time there was a bunny with long ears.

The bunny's nose froze at the edge of the forest.

Frostbitten nose, frostbitten tail

And he went to visit the kids to warm up.

Let's blind the bunnies, and so that they won't be hungry, we'll let them into the clearing, where we have a lot, a lot of grass.

(If necessary, consider the appearance)

Demonstration and presentation of working methods.

What am I doing? Break off a piece of clay and roll it out into a ball

Yes, I broke off a small piece of clay and am making a head for the bunny.

What's on the bunny's head? Ears, eyes, nose, mouth.

I use my fingers to stretch out my nose just a little bit. And here I’ll make a mouth under the nose.

I roll out two sticks, squeeze each one a little with my fingers and attach it to the head. Will it be...? Ears.

I attach beady eyes. The head is ready.

What am I doing? Break off a large piece of clay and roll it out into a ball.

What do you think it will be? Torso.

That's right, this will be the torso. Now I’ll roll a small ball with my fingers, this will be a tail. Now the bunny is ready.

Physical education minute. The teacher uses a small mirror to release a sunbeam and recite a poem:

Sunny bunnies play on the wall, They follow the bunny by turning

head, torso.

I will beckon them with my finger, let them run to me. They beckon with a finger.

Well, catch it, catch it, quickly. Here it is a bright circle. They jump.

Here, here, here - to the left, to the left! He ran to the ceiling. Showing with hands, hands top.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work. Whoever completed the craft quickly makes a carrot for his bunny. At the end of the modeling, the hares are planted in the clearing.

After class You can play the game "Bunny". Children speak the text together with the teacher.

The little white bunny is sitting, he is moving his ears Squatting, hands to

Like this, like this. He wiggles his ears. head

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws, They clap their hands.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, we need to warm up our little paws .

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. They jump on the spot.

Skok, skok, skok, skok. The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped... and ran away. They scatter under the bushes.

Lexical topic “Transport”

Modeling object “Airplane”

Tasks. Sculpt objects consisting of several parts. Be able to level, smooth. Creating an image of an airplane.

Developing the ability to perform various interrelated actions and combine them into a single storyline.

Cultivating interest in modeling.. Examination of illustrations “Airport”. Role-playing games “We are pilots”, construction of airports and airplanes from building materials and Lega-type construction kits.

. Ball games. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Individual work with children in preparation for classes.. Clay. Airplane sample. Airport drawn on whatman paper. Buildings made of any material: construction materials, construction materials, waste materials.

We start the lesson with the game “Carousel”. Children walk in a circle and say:

Carousels, carousels , Imitate movements with oars and say:

You and I got on the boat “Plop, shhhhh.” Plop, shhhh.”

And we went, and we went.

Carousels, carousels, They pretend to be horsemen and click their tongues.

You and I got on a horse

And we went, and we went.

Carousels, carousels, They imitate drivers, pronounce the sound r-r-r,

You and I got into the car or de-de-de.

And we went, and we went.

...You and I took the train... They imitate the movement of a train, the sounds of choo-choo.

...You and I boarded the plane... They run in a circle, arms to the sides, sound oo-oo-oo.

The carousel spun, picked up and stopped, and you and I arrived at our airport. But there is only one plane in it, mine. Let's build your own airplanes.

We look at the furniture made in the last lesson, Thumbelina’s apartment. Giant dolls come to visit Thumbelina. We discuss how to receive guests. But there’s not even anything to put them on. We'll have to make big chairs and receive guests in front of Thumbelina's house.

Can anyone tell me how to make an airplane?

Children, looking at the sample, tell.

The teacher clarifies and suggests.

Take a piece of clay and roll it out into a thick stick. We take another piece of clay, roll a smaller thick stick and flatten it, attach it, we get the wings of an airplane, etc.

Physical education minute.

The plane is flying, the plane is buzzing, Arms to the sides, body swaying.

Oooh we're flying to Moscow.

The plane is led by the commander - pilot, We turn the steering wheel with our hands, squatting smoothly

Oooh we're flying to Moscow. and getting up.

They squat and make “ears” out of their palms.

After class- playing out. If children wish, add planes to the airport in their free time. You can paint them with gouache.

Lexical topic “Transport”

Modeling plot “Traffic light”

Tasks. Sculpt objects consisting of several parts. Roll the clay in a circular motion, press the ball with your fingers to obtain a hollow shape, firmly and neatly connect the parts. Use additional material to create an expressive image.

Activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic being studied: transport. Familiarization with objects and objects, their purpose and functions.

Developing the ability to perform various interrelated actions and combine them into a single storyline. Reinforcing the rules of behavior on the street.

Cultivating interest in modeling.. Director's games in the town according to traffic rules. Games with building materials “Let’s build a city”

Examination of illustrations on traffic rules. Watching cartoons and reading fiction on the lexical topic being studied and traffic rules. The plot-role-playing game “Traffic Light”.

Individual work with frequently ill children. Work on a lexical topic. A picture where a living traffic light controls the rules of the road. Town according to traffic rules.

Circles of red, yellow, green: buttons, mosaic.

Children stand in a semicircle near the stand where the painting is located.

Listen to the story about a little bunny who didn't know the rules of the road:

...And the hare came running and screamed

“Ay, ah! My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy got hit by a tram!

He was running along the path and his legs were cut,

And now he is sick and lame, my little bunny!

Tell me why, in this picture, the bear was not run over. Because the traffic light there did not allow the bear to cross the road.

Does our town need a traffic light? (Go to the town). Yes I need it. For what? Children tell their options.

The teacher suggests making traffic lights for the town.

What am I doing? Breaking off pieces of clay.

How many pieces did I break off? Three.

What am I doing? Are you rolling out balls?

Why do you think? To make traffic light eyes.

Now I press the ball inside with my fingers to create a recess into which I will insert the traffic light eyes.

Roll out the stick. This will be a thick column - the leg of a traffic light.

Roll out the ball and flatten it. This is a stand for a traffic light. Now I fasten all the parts together, and this is the traffic light.

Physical education minute.

If the light turns red, We walk in place.

So it's dangerous to move. We stop.

Green light says: We walk in place.

“Come on, the way is open!”

Yellow light - warning: Prohibiting gesture with hands and head.

No signal to move.

S. Mikhalkov

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work.

After class We set up traffic lights in the town and play around with it.

Lexical topic “Summer, flowers”

Decorative relief modeling “Summer pattern”

Tasks. Improving sculpting techniques: the ability to roll clay in a circular motion; press the ball with your fingers to obtain a hollow shape, firmly and neatly connect the parts. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Fostering love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work. Observations on site, on targeted walks.

Looking at paintings and illustrations about summer. Work on a lexical topic.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Brightly colored cardboard for the background. Samples - drawings. Illustrations, pictures about summer, winter, spring, autumn.

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,

The strawberries are ripening.

When does this happen?

Correct in the summer. When does summer come? After spring. Do you want summer to come? Let's meet him and make a picture for him. First, everyone will choose a picture about summer (Children choose a picture about summer from the illustrations laid out on the table). What is in your picture? Green leaves, grass, flowers, sun, etc.

Look at the patterns I made from leaves, blades of grass, and flowers. And to make it very beautiful, we will lay out these clay patterns on cardboard, and then paint them.

Demonstration and presentation of working methods.

How do you think you can make a flower out of clay? (Roll out small balls with your fingers, flatten them, press into the middle with your finger, place on cardboard).

How can you make a blade of grass? (Roll out the stick, flatten it with your palms or fingers).

How can you make a leaf? (Roll out the ball, flatten it, use your fingers to make the tip sharp).

Physical education minute.

Like a balloon on a leg, They stand on their toes, with their hands clasped above their heads.

Dandelion by the path . Tilts right - left.

Dandelion – white ball . They rise on their toes.

I blew and he flew away . They blow and scatter around the group.

Doing work by children. The teacher helps individually, encourages adding the sun, butterflies, etc. to the pattern. On the recommendation of the music director, you can turn on music while making crafts.

After class Invite parents and their children to glue the elements of the pattern to cardboard at home and paint the clay with gouache. Bring it to kindergarten and make an exhibition “Summer”.

Lexical topic “Summer. Insects"

Modeling object “Make ladybugs quickly! Save our trees from aphids!”

Tasks. Improving sculpting techniques: the ability to roll clay in a circular motion; firmly and accurately connect parts by smearing them

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic being studied.

Fostering love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work. Work on the lexical topic being studied. Observations on walks: on the site, targeted in the park, vegetable garden. Drawing green leaves.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Drawn green leaves. Illustrations of birds, fish, insects. Large illustration of a ladybug.

Who is it? Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch.

I’m sitting on a branch, repeating the letter w.

Knowing exactly this letter, I buzz in the spring and summer. Bug.

Right. Is this a fish, a bird, an insect? Insect.

Select all the insects and bring them here. (Children choose, name).

What insects did we see on our walk?

Which insects are beneficial and do not harm plants?

Let's make a ladybug. It will save our beautiful leaves from pests.

I suggest looking at the ladybug in the illustration (torso, legs, antennae).

Demonstration and presentation of working methods.

Physical education minute.

I found a beetle on a large daisy. Hands forward, clenched into a fist.

I don’t want to hold it in my hands - let it lie in my pocket. They show.

Oh, my beetle fell, my nose got dirty with dust. They bend over.

My dear beetle flew away, flew away on wings. They wave their arms and wings.

Doing work by children. Music may be included as recommended by the music director. Then the children place the insect on their drawn leaf.

After the lesson, if the children wish, in their free time they can paint the ladybug with gouache.

Lexical topic “Summer. Seasons"

Modeling according to the plan “Make what you want”

Tasks. Consolidation and improvement of all modeling techniques used throughout the year. The ability to choose the right technique to create the selected object.

Development of sensory perception.

Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic being studied.

Developing the ability to get things done.

Preliminary work. Modeling in free time at the request of children, individual work with frequently ill children. Tabletop, finger theater using clay crafts. Using clay crafts in role-playing games.

Material for the lesson. Clay. Set of decorative and simple stacks.

Additional material: beads, peas, feathers, seeds, straws, buttons.

I invite the children to think about what they will sculpt. I ask two or three of them how they will sculpt. Doing work by children. Physical education session upon request. At the end of the work, we play with the crafts and arrange an exhibition for mothers.


1. Nishcheva N.V. Program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of a kindergarten. – SPb.: CHILDHOOD – PRESS, 2007.

2. Khalezova M.B. Decorative modeling in kindergarten. – M.: Sfera shopping center, 2005.

3. Lykova I.A. Program for artistic education, training and development of children 2 – 7 years old “Colored palms”. – M.: “KARAPUZ – DIDACTICS”, 2007.

4. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. – St. Petersburg, 1997

5. Childhood: Plan – program of educational work in kindergarten. – St. Petersburg, 1997

6. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes for the second junior group of kindergarten. – Voronezh: TC “TEACHER”, 2006.

7. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. Education and training program in kindergarten. - M., 2005

8. Teplyuk S.N. Activities on walks with children of primary preschool age. – M., 2003

9. Khalezova N.B. and others. Modeling in kindergarten. – M.: Education, 1986.

10. Strauning A.M. TRIZ-RTV program for preschool children. - Obninsk. 1996

11. Marfidina V.A., Kharkhan G.V., Shevchenko G.I. Methods for developing creative thinking. - Norilsk. 1993

12. Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech. - Doe. St. Petersburg 1996

13. Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten. – M., Enlightenment. 1982

14. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. – M., Enlightenment. 1991

15. Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with children. – M., Enlightenment. 19081

Children's... Program

... of the year; 3. Classes By physical education in the first youngest group kindergarten. 4. Notes classes. – M: Mosaic - Synthesis. 4. Classes By physical education in second youngest group... 3-4 years: scenarios educationally-gaming classes to the workbook "...

Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Hare”

kindergarten children's modeling hare

Program content

Educational objectives: teach children to sculpt a hare using a toy as a model; convey the shape of the parts of the toy: oval (torso), round (head), cylindrical (legs); convey the proportional ratio of parts and details (ears, tail, paws); learn to combine sculpted parts into one whole, tightly connect them by smearing one part to another.

Educational tasks: cultivate perseverance and interest in modeling.

Speech development: oval, cylindrical, lubrication, smoothing method.

Handout : plasticine (white, black, red, blue), modeling board, stack.

Demo material: soft pear hare, pre-sculpted parts: body, head, legs, paws, ears, tail.

Methodical techniques : game situation “a hare came to visit us”, conversation about the hare (body parts, details), encouraging children to take action - “let’s make friends for the hare”, children’s independent activity, physical exercise “the little white bunny is sitting...”, visual activity of children, summarizing results.

Progress of the lesson

Children sit on chairs around the carpet.

Educator: - Guys, today an extraordinary guest came to visit us. Guess who it is?

Loves red carrots

He gnaws cabbage very deftly,

He jumps here and there,

Through forests and fields,

Gray, white and oblique,

Who do you think he is?

Children: - Bunny.

Educator: - Look how wonderful he is. Guys, pay attention to his body parts. What body parts does a hare have?

Children: - Torso, head, legs, paws, ears, tail.

Educator: - Tell me, what shape is the body? Head? Legs? Paws? Ears? Tail?

Children answer: oval, round.

Educator: - Which part of the body is the largest?

Children: - Torso. After the body in size comes the head, then the legs, paws, ears and the smallest part - the tail.

Educatortakes pre-prepared parts: - Guys, tell me how to sculpt the body? Head? Paws? Ears? Tail?

Children: - You need to take a stack, break off a piece of plasticine, roll it out with circular movements of your palms to form a ball, then roll out the plasticine into an oval shape with straight movements.

  • - You need to do the head like this: roll out the plasticine in a circular motion into the shape of a ball.
  • - Paws and ears are made by rolling out “sausages”.
  • - For the tail, take the smallest piece of plasticine and roll out a small ball.

Educator: - Note. First, the head is attached to the body, then the legs, paws, the ears are attached to the head, then the tail. The carded part must be tightly lubricated when connecting.

(Note: The technique of depicting the original forms (head, torso, legs) should not be shown, since these methods must be learned earlier).

Educator: - Guys, look, our guest came to us alone. Let's make him some friends so he won't be lonely.

The children take their places at the tables.

Educator: - The bunny will watch you. Let's get down to business. Take a stack and break off a piece of plasticine using the stack. Which body part should you start with?

Children: - From the body. (One child describes the sculpting process out loud.)

Educator: - Now let's continue. Which part will you sculpt?

Children: - Head. (One child describes the sculpting process out loud.)

Educator: - You're probably a little tired. Stand near your chairs and follow the movements and words after me.

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws,

Like this, like this

We need to warm our little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

Educator: - Let's continue. Which part will you sculpt now?

Children: - Paws and legs. (Children sculpt).

Educator: - Which part will you take on now?

Children: - Ears. (One child describes the sculpting process out loud.)

Educator: - Well done, everyone can do it. And what's left to create?

Children: - Tail. (One child describes the sculpting process out loud.)

The teacher takes a soft toy:

Our guest really liked the friends you made. Well done! Now place the bunnies on the stands.

Children place their work on a stand for display, and attendants clean their work areas.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.


  • Develop plasticine modeling skills.


  • Educational: Teach children to convey the characteristic features of a beetle in modeling (body, head and wings oval, short thin legs; round small spots on the wings); consolidate the techniques of rolling and unrolling, flattening, and attaching parts.
  • Developmental: Develop attention, imaginative and logical thinking, observation. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife and nature.

Materials and equipment: plasticine, boards, napkins, stacks, pictures of aphids, ladybugs.

Preliminary work: talking about insects, looking at a ladybug on a walk.

Venue: games room.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher's story: “On the way to kindergarten, I heard the trees talking, they began to feel very bad - they got sick. I listened to them and heard this story; (The melody of birdsong sounds).

Spring has come. All the trees began to wake up and enjoy the warmth of the sun (show with your hands how the trees sway in the warm breeze; with your fingers - how young leaves rustle, the sound: “sh - sh - sh”, singing

birds, the troubles of animals, the ticklish crawling of insects on twigs (run your fingers along one hand from palm to shoulder, then with the other hand; all actions are performed by the teacher together with the children).

But suddenly it became quiet.
An evil wizard came to the forest.
He's scary and big.
He waved his hands
And he bewitched everyone around him.

There was a terrible silence (let's listen to her) and you can only hear someone eating young twigs, buds and leaves with their small jaws (tapping fingers on table). There were more and more of them, their jaws worked faster and faster, the slurping became louder and louder (faster and louder tapping, and the leaves on the trees became fewer and fewer. The trees became sick,

sad, the branches drooped, the leaves withered (show with hands and fingers - lowering them down). Seeing such trees, I was very scared, because if there are no living trees left, then what could happen? (answers

children: the air will be dirty, it will be difficult to breathe, people will get sick, there will be nowhere to hide in the shade, there will be no fruit, birds will have nowhere to build nests, etc.)

And then I asked the trees how they could help us. They said that there is such a predatory insect that does not harm anyone except tree pests - aphids (show picture) which cause pain and harm to trees. They no longer had the strength to say anything further, but they managed to hand me these sheets of paper. If we can put them together correctly, we will find out who can rescue and help all the trees

Children put together a cut picture: ladybug; seven-spotted beetle.

Let's look at her body parts: Black small oval head and larger body; red with black dots, there are only seven of them, which is why the ladybug is also called the seven-spotted beetle; small short legs.

Let's remember how he moves (crawls, flies).

Invite children to pretend to be a beetle, fly around the group and buzz ("f-f-f").

Now we know who can help us.
Here come friends - kids,
Naughty little girls. They began to think and decide,
How can you disenchant everyone?

To remove the evil spell

We need help.

Can one bug cope with the entire army of aphids that has attacked the trees?

What do we do? (make more bugs).

  • How will we sculpt? Determine the modeling sequence and consolidate the techniques; roll into a ball and flatten on one side; then a black oval head; red wings - roll into a ball and flatten it: cut one side in a stack into two equal parts

Apply seven dots of buckwheat to the wings; legs - a thin sausage divided into six equal parts and connected to the belly, three from each

sides. So our seven-spotted beetle is ready.

Let's put a beetle on our palm and raise it to the sun, read it a nursery rhyme.


Ladybug, bring us some bread
Black head, black and white,
Fly to the sky, but don't get burned!

And now, guys, let's plant our bugs on leaves and let them deal with all harmful insects, such as aphids, so that again in our city and forests the ringing songs of birds can be heard, making us happy with their

coloring and cooling the leaves of the trees. We drove away the evil wizard and cast a spell on everyone around.

Guys, if you meet a seven-spotted beetle, will you offend it, catch it, crush it? Why?

After the children's answers, a poem sounds:

Don't hurt anyone

Don't offend anyone - neither a bee nor a fly,
Not a snail, not a bug - a dark belly,
Not a grasshopper, jumping deftly in the grass,
Not a ladybug shining in the leaves.

Not a tit, not a thrush, Not a blind mole,
Never, never hurt a living person!

Educational objectives: introduce children to a new method of sculpting - combined, teach children to sculpt a bear using a toy as a model; convey the shape of the toy parts; convey the proportional relationship between parts and parts; consolidate the ability to combine sculpted parts into one whole, tightly connect them by smearing one part to another.

Educational tasks: to cultivate a love for animals and a desire to help them, perseverance, interest in sculpting, and the ability to follow a show.

Handout: plasticine (brown, black), modeling board, stack.

Demo material: soft toy bear, pre-sculpted parts: body, head, paws, ears.

Methodical techniques: game situation “a bear came to visit us”, conversation about the bear (body parts, details), encouraging children to take action - “let’s make friends for the bear”, independent activity of children, physical education, visual activity of children, summing up.

Progress of the lesson

Children sit on chairs around the carpet.

Organizing time:


Guys, someone is knocking on the door, I’ll go and open it. An extraordinary guest came to visit us. Guess who it is?

He is brown and shaggy.

Guess what, guys?

Who, having built a warm house,

Sleeps in that house all winter?





Hello Mishutka, come in. Mishutka, why are you crying?


Oh oh oh! I'm very sad. Today is my birthday, and all my friends are at the toy store.


Mishutka, don’t cry, the guys and I will give you a gift that will cheer you up, but you just need to wait a little. For now, sit down at the table with the dolls and drink some tea. Guys, we definitely need to help Mishutka. Let's make some friends for him and give them to him for his birthday.

Main part:

Before sculpting, let's take a good look at it. Look how wonderful he is. My finger will trace his body parts, and you will tell me what they are.


Body and hind legs, front legs, head and ears. Small tail.


What part of the body is the largest? That's right, tell me, what shape is the body? That's right, the bear has an oval, slightly elongated body, narrow in the front and wide in the back.

What's smaller? That's right, head. What shape is it? What will be on the head? Rounded ears, a narrow forehead, small black eyes, a slightly elongated black nose.

What other body parts are there? Right, front and back legs? What shape? Tell me please, will they be the same size? That's right, the rear ones are larger and the front ones are smaller. Their broad feet will have dark brown calluses and claws. Well, let's get started.

The children take their places at the tables.

Today we will get acquainted with a new method of sculpting. It's called combined. This method combines two methods: constructive and sculptural. That is, you and I will sculpt the largest parts from a whole piece.

What are our largest body parts? That's right, the torso and legs. We sculpt the remaining parts of the body, smaller ones, such as the head with ears, separately and attach them using smearing. Let's get started.

Please note that there are already prepared forms on the trays in front of you. We take a large column. We have already said that the bear’s body is narrower at the top and wider at the bottom. The hind legs are thicker, the front ones are thinner. This means you need to change the shape a little. To do this, you need to press the column on one side with your index finger and thumb so that it becomes thinner. Take the stack and cut the thin side of the post and the bottom side of the post lengthwise. Form two lower legs from the thick cut end. To do this, you need to separate the two cut parts and roll between your index finger and thumb. You see how even the columns we got are the lower legs. Pin the bottom tip of the foot at the top and bottom. Then turn it towards you and we get the foot of a bear cub, do the same with the second paw. Then push them together. Tilt the thin cut end of the column towards you, separate it and also roll it between your fingers, forming the front legs. We will form the foot on the front legs in the same way as on the lower legs by pinching.

Physical education minute:


You are probably a little tired, Mishutka offers to take a walk in the forest with him.

Stand near your chairs and follow the movements and words after me.

Let's walk through the forest together.

Let's walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow. (Walk in place.)

A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

Here is chamomile, cornflower

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out

Both right and left. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - touch your right foot with your left hand.)

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)


Let's continue. Which part will you sculpt now?



That's right, for this, what ready-made figure will we take?



Well done! What's on your head? We will form the nose by pulling it out. To do this, press your index finger and thumb onto the ball, pulling it forward. Very good, now let’s take a small piece of plasticine, tear off a piece from it and roll out a ball on the palm of your hand with your index finger. Apply and smear it on the ledge of the spout. The bear's nose is black. What else is there on the bear's head? That's right, ears. They took two small balls of plasticine, crushed them with their index finger and thumb into a cake and smeared them on the top of the head, next to each other. We compared them to see if our ears were the same, if not, we changed them. What else is there on the bear's head? We will make the eyes from two balls. First, roll out a white ball in your palm and then roll out a smaller black ball. Let's connect them. Let's blind the second eye. Let's compare them so that they are the same and stick them above the nose.

Lesson summary:

Before giving them to Mishutka, let's put them on the table together and take a look. The bears turned out wonderful. Look, not one is alike. They are all different. For example, Milena’s bear is sad, Petya’s, on the contrary, is cheerful, and Katyusha’s, in my opinion, is already sleeping. Did Katyusha forget or didn’t have time to blind her eyes? What kind of bears did you get?

Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group on the topic: "Microbes"

Tsybenkova Anastasia Mikhailovna, Teacher, GBOU gymnasium No. 1272, preschool department “Scarlet Sails”, Moscow.
I offer you a summary of directly educational activities on modeling for children of the senior group on the topic "Microbes". This summary is aimed at developing interest in your health.

Target: Form a conscious attitude towards your health.
Educational objectives:
Give children a simple concept of microorganisms;
Educational tasks:
Cultivate a desire to be healthy; introduce simple ways to combat pathogenic bacteria;
Developmental tasks:
Develop the ability to sculpt objects using plastic methods, sculpting techniques (rolling, pinching);
Demo material: Fairy tale by Grigory Oster “How Petka saved his dear drop” with illustrations; picture with small; pictures with microbes;
Handout: plasticine; stacks; planks.
Preliminary work: Conversation about microbes.

Progress of the Lesson:

Educator: Hello guys, today I will read you a fairy tale: (children sitting on the carpet)
Reading the fairy tale by Grigory Oster “How Petka saved his native drop”

IN One drop of water lived a microbe. The microbe's name was Petka. Petka had a father and mother. Also, of course, microbes. And Petka also had grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, brothers, cousins, second cousins, sisters... a whole bunch of relatives. And everyone is also microbes.
They lived in a drop of water and therefore always walked around wet. In general, microbes are very small. To them, any insect seems larger than an elephant. And Petka was very small, because he had not yet grown up.
And then one day an ant ran past a drop in which microbes lived. He saw the drop and said:

– It’s a bit hot today. Should I drink this drop? She looks so cool.
The microbes heard and were terribly afraid. They ran around drop by drop, cried, screamed. In general, they created a panic.
Only Petka did not chicken out. He stuck his head out of the drop and said very loudly to the ant:

– Hey, ant, didn’t your mother tell you that you can’t drink raw water?!
The ant, of course, did not see Petka, but he heard his voice, was surprised and asked:

-Who is this talking to me?
“It’s me, Petka the microbe,” said Petka. “I really don’t advise you, ant, to drink our drop.” You can get sick because we – microbes – live in the drop!
- Thank you for the warning! - said the ant. - You are a true friend.
And he ran on his way. And the microbes kept praising little Petka and were happy that he saved his dear drop from death.
Educator: Guys, who did Petka save - a microbe, a droplet or an ant?
Children's answers: ...
Educator: He did not save the ant, who wanted to drink a drop and could get sick from the microbes that lived in this drop, but his family who lived in this drop.
Educator: Many microbes are very harmful to humans. Once in our body, they begin to multiply quickly and secrete poisons. And the person begins to get sick.
Educator: How do you think microbes can get into our body?
Children's answers: ...
Educator: How can you save yourself from germs?
Children's answers: (you must wash your hands with soap, do not drink tap water, wash vegetables and fruits before eating.)
Educator: That's right, let's imagine that we are washing our hands.
Finger gymnastics “Soap”.
Educator: I invite you to imagine that we are washing our hands.
Every day I wash with soap
Under hot water
(Spread your fingers and clap your hands)
And in the palms of your hands in the morning
I rub the soap hard, hard.
(Loosely clasp the fingers of one hand and rub them against the palm of the other)
Wash yourself, soap, don’t be lazy!
Don't slip out, don't get angry!
(Children sit at tables)

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures, who is drawn in them?

Children's answers: (germs)
I show the pictures for one minute and put it away.
Educator: Let each of you blind the microbe as he represents it.
Independent work of children.
In the process of children’s activities, I encourage independence, accuracy, and creativity. I provide assistance to those children who find it difficult to work.
After independent work, children examine the finished work.
Educator: Guys, let's look at our work and evaluate our efforts. (Each child rates his work on a rating scale).


Practical part:

Material: plasticine; stack; tablet.

1. We knock out colors for the microbe.

2. Roll into a ball (for the body)

3. Extend the tentacles.

4. We make suction cups from small balls of plasticine (yellow and orange).

5.Form the eyes and mouth.

6.Here the microbe is ready.

Let's defeat the germ with soap!!!
