Coral lipstick for redheads. Best lipstick color for redheads

Girls and women, whom nature has awarded with red hair, are very lucky. The fact is that the "fiery beasts" are of great interest from the male half of humanity, and some men are completely afraid of them. Owners of red hair, which attract the views of others, never go unnoticed.

Makeup artists and professional stylists highlight different shades of red hair. Both golden and copper shades are classified by stylists as red hair. It is quite rare to find natural, i.e. natural dark red hair color. And the perfect exclusive is the hair of natural red color. Be that as it may, any shade of red is distinguished by its spectacularity and brightness.And the fair sex, whom nature, of course, along with their parents, endowed with such a generous gift - red hair - should not be dyed in darker or lighter shades.

However, it should be noted that red-haired beauties face minor problems when doing makeup. After all, doing makeup for redheads is not so simple. This is a task replete with a lot of nuances: you need to take into account not only the shade of the hair, but also the natural color of the skin of the face, you need to correctly shade so that they match the color of the eyes. And especially often, red-haired girls are puzzled about which lipstick suits redheads. Below are detailed recommendations for choosing lipstick for red-haired beauties, depending on the shade of hair and eye color.

What lipstick color suits redheads?

Girls with golden hair, light eyes and pale complexion should avoid lipsticks of bright colors and shades. Ideally, it is better to opt for a pale pink or coral lipstick. However, in the late afternoon, it is quite possible to use lipstick in darker colors, for example, brown and its shades such as “coffee with milk”, “peach”, “milk chocolate”, “cinnamon”. And, of course, be sure to use powder.

Girls with dark red hair and brown eyes are recommended to give their preference to dark lipstick colors. For owners of such a set of external data, it is better to use pale pink, cream and brown lipstick during the day, and in the evening you can make up your lips with cherry and pink lipstick. And, of course, you should definitely emphasize the eyes. Unobtrusively golden-beige shadows and a black cosmetic pencil will help to do this.

For girls with a natural red (or bright red) shade of hair and blue eyes, it is advisable to use coral-colored lipstick during the day, and in the late afternoon, lips can be painted with burgundy or brown lipstick. Eye makeup in this case is performed using subtle shades of beige.

What lipstick suits red girls?

And finally, a few more tips.

    When choosing a lipstick that suits red-haired girls, it is advisable to give preference to sunny, warm colors.

    With bright hair, makeup that is also bright will visually look vulgar.

    It is highly undesirable to use bright orange lipstick, regardless of the shade of the hair. The fact is that lipstick of this color is suitable only for those red-haired girls who have flawlessly white teeth. Otherwise, it will seem that there is a yellow plaque on the teeth.

    To give lipstick durability, it is recommended to apply a cosmetic base on them before coloring the lips.

So, within the framework of this article, we revealed little makeup secrets, namely, we talked about which lipstick suits red-haired girls. It should be understood that only the right choice of lipstick and cosmetics in general, its competent use can make a girl dazzlingly beautiful.

Red-haired girls by nature have a bright, unforgettable appearance. They radiate a sea of ​​positivity and self-confidence. However, such a cheerful hair color is very demanding on make-up. Too brightly made up face will make the girl vulgar and defiant. When applying cosmetics, follow the rule: less is better. Beautiful makeup should subtly emphasize the merits and skillfully hide the flaws. The most difficult thing is for those whose eyes have a non-specific gray color for redheads. Makeup for redheads with gray eyes requires a special approach and care. In the article, we will talk about what colors in the make-up it is desirable to use for red-haired gray-eyes, show photos of successful solutions, and also describe step by step the process of applying makeup.

Color spectrum

Gray eyes have one interesting feature: they are able to change their shade depending on the lighting and the color of the outfit of their owner. Much depends, among other things, on the main color of the makeup. As a rule, girls with red hair and gray eyes are most suitable for gray-green tones. These are general recommendations in the event that the eyes have an even gray color, without a noticeable shade in one direction or another. Evening makeup should be brighter than daytime. Therefore, choose darker and deeper colors for it.

Light gray, white or pearl shadows are good for daytime makeup.

The choice of colors largely depends on the tone of the skin and eyes. Consider the most common combinations.

For gray eyes with a hint of blue or blue, go for cool tones like silver, gray and steel. All these three colors are well combined with each other and, having trained, you can get a very interesting effect. Light pink tones will also look good in combination with gray-blue eyes. Blue or blue shadows can act as accents, but in very small quantities.

Girls with gray-green eyes during the day can completely abandon the shadows, limiting themselves to elegant arrows. If desired, use soft green, peach, beige or coffee shadows. In the evening, you can use shades of rich shades: golden and golden green, brown, olive, copper. For makeup of gray-green eyes, in no case use cold shades, such as blue, cyan. They will make the face expressionless and look dull.

Makeup in coffee colors will look original. It will favorably emphasize the tenderness of the eyes and the brightness of the curls.

Violet and black shadows are strictly forbidden. They will drown out all natural bright colors and create the effect of “circles under the eyes”. Avoid oranges and reds as well. They will merge with the hair color and instead of a beautiful accent on the eyes, you will get one bright spot.

Mascara and contour (pencil and eyeliner) are better to choose dark blue, gray or dark brown colors. This is especially true for daytime makeup. Too dark eyelashes can make the image rough. For an evening look, the use of black can be justified, but it should be used very carefully.

Day makeup step by step

Here is one of the options for light and unobtrusive daytime makeup for fiery red beauties.

  • Prepare your skin for makeup application. If necessary, additionally treat weak spots with a corrector. Apply a special base on the eyelids to make the makeup last longer.
  • Cover the entire moving upper eyelid with light shadows. Depending on the mood and shade of the eyes, it can be green, beige, gray, pearl or even pink. If you do not want to use shadows, you can limit yourself to small arrows on the upper eyelid. The color can be blue, brown or grey. For a gentle make-up, use a soft contour pencil, for a clearer contour, use a liquid eyeliner.
  • Lightly line lashes with mascara.
  • Accentuate your lips with a matte lipstick in a muted color or a subtle gloss.

Other makeup features

Girls with light gray eyes need to pay special attention to preparing their faces for makeup.

For owners of this color type, all the bumps and redness are immediately evident. Therefore, thorough daily care is needed with high-quality products, and before applying makeup, mask all imperfections well with the help of a foundation. It is better to choose a light, neutral shade. Owners of warm skin tone are most suitable for peach color, and for “cold” beauties, porcelain. Girls with fair skin are better off using light, translucent textures. They will also be good if you want to show off your freckles. Just do not choose a foundation with a pronounced pink tint, otherwise the face may look flushed.

Eyebrows are better to make a little darker, but no more than one or two tones. Otherwise, against the background of red hair, they will be too conspicuous.

A base with a yellow or golden tint can be successful. she can make her face more radiant.

A well-chosen tone of lipstick will be a worthy completion of the makeup. There are several colors that are "universal" for all redheads. These are salmon, peach and coral. In addition to their harmonious combination with red hair, they have another important advantage. These colors look harmonious in both evening and day makeup. For redheads with light gray eyes, all shades of brown are suitable: from delicate beige to rich dark. Bright red lipstick will be good for ceremonial exits as an accent. Choose a shade depending on the tone of your hair. The main taboo is the purple color present in lipstick. Red-haired, he is categorically contraindicated.

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Beautiful owners of luxurious fiery curls will always stand out from the crowd. The hairstyles of these women are their highlight, but the makeup in this case should be appropriate. Too bright makeup can make the image more vulgar. If due attention is not paid to the face, it may remain pale and invisible. If you have makeup must be done in accordance with certain rules. And to look stunning, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

If the emphasis needs to be on the lips, then you should pay attention to pink, purple and fuchsia. For special occasions, it is best for red-haired girls to use lipstick in a bright red or coral palette.

If you have red hair, makeup needs to be carefully considered. You should not make the main mistake - applying an abundant tonal foundation. Freckles of girls with fiery curls should be visible. Many red-haired young ladies have a pinkish skin tone. You can get rid of it if you use a tonal foundation or a yellow shade concealer.

In the summer, it is best to apply a tonal base of warmer shades. Picking it up is very simple: the right color is between skin tones and freckles. In winter, it is best to emphasize skin tone with a thicker concealer or foundation.

Girls with red hair must perform makeup in accordance with all the rules. Purple is not recommended for lips. It is necessary to abandon the orange shades. This applies to lipstick, blush, shadows and foundation. The same principle should be followed when choosing clothes, since this shade will conflict with hair color.

To create a competent and harmonious makeup, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. And it does not even begin with mastering the technique of makeup, but with theory. First of all, it is important to consider your type: the shape and features of the face, color type. The latter includes the color of the skin, eyes and hair. So, makeup for red hair, blondes and brunettes will be different. Nevertheless, thanks to decorative cosmetics, you can favorably emphasize the features of your appearance. What makeup is suitable for red-haired girls?

Features of the color type of red-haired girls

Owners of red hair belong to the warm color type (it is also called spring). Usually these girls have fair skin, freckles are often scattered on it. Many girls do not like their freckles, so they try to whiten or brighten them by any means, hide them with makeup.
However, such a negative attitude towards freckles is completely in vain, since the “kisses of the sun” make the image of a girl original, interesting, mischievous and very kind. Therefore, it is most correct to change your attitude towards the “highlight” of your appearance. Also, red hair tends to be curly to some extent. The eyes of red-haired girls are usually light: green, gray-green, blue and even light brown.

By itself, the appearance of a spring type girl is very bright, so the most important thing in makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty of this color type.

If necessary, you also need to hide possible skin imperfections, correct facial features. Make-up options (both daytime and evening) are numerous. To do everything right, you need to take into account some of the nuances when doing makeup for red hair. Back to index

Rules for daytime makeup for red hair

It is important first of all to know the rules of make-up, which will make a girl with red hair simply irresistible:

  1. Abandon heavy foundations in favor of lighter and more transparent textures. If the skin is in good condition, a moisturizing foundation or BB cream is ideal. If the skin is prone to oiliness, it is better to opt for powder. If the skin is problematic, prone to inflammation and irritation, the least dense foundation cream, but with good hiding power, will do. At the same time, skin defects are well masked with the help of a corrector, which has a dense texture and high covering power.
  2. Since the appearance of red-haired girls in itself is very bright and quite catchy, it is better to choose decorative cosmetics in natural shades. At the same time, daytime makeup for red hair should be done in warm shades, but you can experiment with evening makeup, using, for example, shades of cold shades.
  3. As with any makeup, you need to make only one accent (lips or eyes). Red-haired girls should not highlight their eyes and lips at the same time.

If a girl with red hair follows these simple rules, her makeup will always look elegant, and the girl herself will always look perfect.

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Day makeup: gamma for red hair

Day makeup is designed to emphasize the dignity of appearance and hide flaws, make the face more fresh and rested. It should not be bright, catchy, defiant. Therefore, girls with a warm color type should choose soft, natural shades of decorative cosmetics. Girl-Spring needs to select cosmetics as follows:

  1. Foundation or powder. You need to carefully select these products so that they blend perfectly with the skin. As a rule, red-haired girls have very fair skin, therefore, you need to pay attention to the lightest shades of foundation. No need to try to make the skin tone darker with a cream or powder, because this will definitely not give a tanning effect, but it will look inharmonious.
  2. Eyeshadow. Red-haired girls, as a rule, have light eyes, more often green. But this does not mean that only shades of green shades are available to girls. For green-eyed and brown-eyed beauties, shades of green, brown, olive, ocher, moss, rust, cinnamon are suitable. In other words, all the colors of the earth are suitable for redheads. For gray and blue-eyed girls, shades of gray and gray-blue shades, nutmeg, gold and copper are suitable.
  3. Blush. You need to be careful choosing and applying blush, as girls with red hair risk turning into a nesting doll. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose blush only in natural shades: powdery flesh, dusty pink, peach. Firstly, these colors are suitable for almost all women, regardless of color type, and secondly, they make the face look younger, fresher and healthier.
  4. Brows. Red-haired beauties should forget about black eyebrows, as it looks inharmonious. You need to choose shades of brown depending on the intensity of the hair color. You can use gel, pencil or eyebrow shadows. Brow shadow or powder looks more natural and easier to apply than a pencil. However, this is rather a matter of taste and habit. The main thing is that the color of the eyebrows should not be dark.
  5. Eyelashes. This is also an important nuance. Often, red-haired girls have light eyelashes, often short. Therefore, girls face two tasks: to achieve the effect of longer and fluffier eyelashes and at the same time look natural. A dark brown mascara with a lengthening effect will help achieve this. It is better to forget about black ink.
  6. Lipstick. For daytime makeup, it is better to use lipstick of a natural shade. Caramel, light pink, coral, beige, light berry - these are the ideal colors for redheads.

Makeup for red-haired girls does not preclude the use of bronzers, but care must be taken not to overdo it with the product. It is very important to choose the right color of the bronzing agent so that it does not give off in any way to the redhead. Otherwise, it will play a cruel joke with the red-haired girl.
