Treating a child for fear. Conspiracy prayer for a baby from fear and the evil eye

It is difficult for a person to cope with an unexpected panic attack. The presence of a feeling of fear for a long time may not have a positive effect on fate, as well as health. Not only adults, but also small children are often susceptible to fear. If you do not cope with such an illness in time, you may face unpleasant consequences. If medicine is powerless, you can try to relieve the panic yourself: by reading prayers and conspiracies for fear.

All rituals are performed only on baptized people.

Conspiracy to scare an adult

A chair or stool is placed in the center of the room, on which a frightened person sits. The conductor of the ceremony stands behind him, puts his hands on the crown of his head and says the words:

“Fright, fear, come out of the hands, from the head, from the legs, from the eyes, from the shoulders, from the stomach, from the veins, from the veins, from the 70 joints, from the whole body (name). You, fright - fright, black eyes, you will not be, you will not turn your head, you will not dry your bones. Come out, fear - commotion, painful, prickly, watery, windy, from a bad hour, from the black evil eye. Get out of (name). Baptized, received communion, prayed. It’s not I who is kicking you out, but the Mother of God, the ambulance. Amen".

After the ritual, the “sick” must be sent to the shower and the room sprinkled with holy water. The plot is read once a day for the next week.

Spell against frightening a baby

Not only adults, but also newly born babies suffer from feelings of fear. This disease can be cured at home. The mother must exclude other factors that may bother the baby.

During the ceremony, the mother gently strokes the baby’s crown. The spell for frightening a child should be read quietly and calmly:

“Great fear, go away, from children’s hands, from infant eyes, from the head and shoulders. Come out, bad, terrible and evil fear, from an envious eye or from a bad hour. Go away, leave (name) for good, it is not I who drive you away from (name), but the Most Holy Theotokos, my constant helper. Leave forever the baptized, praying and receiving communion. Amen".

A similar plot for a baby out of fear is read 3 times in a row. It will be better if the mother puts a scarf on her head and lights a candle bought in church at the head of the crib.

Water spell against fright for a baby

The following words are read above a bowl of water (preferably holy):

“John the Baptist, our savior, stood over the holy water and sanctified this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, take away the fear, take it away. Amen".

Wash and give the baby water with the charmed water. Pour the rest onto the street.

Conspiracy against fright during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are more susceptible to anxiety and severe stress than anyone else. To create a feeling of fear, you can resort to some ritual actions.

A pregnant woman needs to look for a dog with light spots under the eyes. After waiting for the dog to start barking, you need to give her some food and say the words:

“You will bark and howl a lot more,

And my baby will never be afraid.

The Virgin Mary in images

Let the fear remain in the dog's eyes. Amen".

How to identify fear in a child

Until the age of seven, children succumb to fright and become restless, disobedient, and capricious. Relying on some signs, a mother can easily understand that her child is afraid of something:

  • Baby
  • cries for no reason;
  • is terrified of a dark room;
  • flinches at every unexpected sound;
  • eats poorly, even refuses her favorite foods.

This behavior may indicate to the mother that the child is frightened and certain measures should be taken to get rid of this ailment. All manipulations should be carried out only by a blood relative without strangers. If there is no result after the ritual, then you should contact a professional and experienced healer.

A simple conspiracy to scare a child

The baby should sit in the mother’s arms facing the door, while another blood relative conducts the ceremony. She holds a bowl of cool holy water over the child's head. The prayers are read three times. The conspiracy to frighten a child sounds like this:

“Evil thought, get away from the servant of God (name), from his head, from his arms and legs. Fly away from the body into the wind, and the wind leaves us and does not return. Amen".

After the spoken words, the wax of a church candle is carefully poured into a container of water, and the words are pronounced:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The person conducting the ceremony should pay attention to the resulting wax figures.

Specks and stains indicate a real problem; if the figures are clean, then the fear is gone. The plot is read from 3 to 9 days. You cannot reuse water and wax after the ceremony. You can get rid of them by pouring them away from the house.

Cure fright with an egg

There is another famous conspiracy against frightening a child. You will need 1 chicken egg. The plot is read on the waning moon in the afternoon. The child sits facing west, his head covered with his mother's scarf. In each hand the patient holds one lit candle, purchased from the church.

The performer begins to roll the egg on the top of the baby's head clockwise and reads the fear spell:

“I roll an egg and send fear into an unborn chicken. I drive him out of the house and bury him in the damp ground. So be it! Amen".

Used candles and chicken eggs should be buried in a place with the least crowd of people. After the ceremony, all participants must drink holy water and rinse their hands and face with it. For maximum effect, perform the ritual at least 3 times.

Conspiracy against fear of water

The child is given a lit church candle in his hands, the person conducting the ceremony reads “Our Father”, then after, the candles are taken away, and the patient is washed with holy water. Pour the used liquid into a separate container and christen it with a candle 3 times. Be careful not to let the wax get into the water. Next, read a conspiracy against fear for a child:

“John the Baptist blessed the water on his own behalf and took away the fear from the child. Deliver God's servant (name) from fear and anxiety. Amen".

After the words are spoken 3 times, put out the candle. This must be done with your fingers. The water is poured onto the street and the candle is buried. This ritual must be repeated at least 7 more times.

Cure fright with water, wax and a chicken egg

This combined ritual is one of the most effective and is suitable for both infants and adolescents.

Before the procedure, prepare a three-liter container. Take water from the well at night at 12 o'clock. The main thing is that no one drinks this water before the ceremony.

The child sits on a stool or chair, and the performer is located behind him. A bowl of water is placed next to the patient. The prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe” must be read, after which the performer rolls the egg clockwise throughout the body, starting from the head.

Next, pour a little wax into a container with water (melted wax must be prepared in advance). The resulting wax figures are examined for the presence of stains or inclusions. Afterwards, the manipulations are repeated again until the melted wax runs out.

Children are often terrified of dogs or any other animals. If you do not get rid of this problem in time, serious consequences will not take long to arrive. Any blood baptized relative performs the ceremony.

The child stands in the center of the room, the performer puts his hands on his crown and reads each prayer 3 times:

  • "Our Father";
  • "I believe";
  • “O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice”;
  • "May God rise again."

Waning moon spell

This conspiracy works effectively even in the most advanced cases. Three days after the full moon, you need to bring holy water and 13 candles from the church. At night, at exactly 12 o'clock, place a bowl of water on the table and light the candles with a wooden match. Next, the words of the conspiracy out of fear are pronounced:

“I speak to water, I speak to fire, I call for help against illnesses and fears. Heavenly Father, may your darling servant (name) not suffer, and let your anxiety disappear. So be it! Amen".


Fright is a manifestation of fear, a type of neurosis, caused by a sharp impact on the psyche of foreign objects or phenomena. Fright can be short-term without consequences and causes disturbances in behavior and organ function (shuddering, lack of sleep and heavy sleep). It is important to prevent fears and anxiety from turning into psychosomatic disorders, then it will be even more difficult to treat them. How to treat fear yourself at home. This is what we will talk about today.

Fear is most often characteristic of children because their nervous system is unstable, their psyche is unbalanced and susceptible to the effects of fear.

Medicine is still poorly coping with such mental disorders. Holy water, prayers and spells will help cure fear.

Holy water and the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” are considered miraculous for fear.“Song of the Mother of God” and any prayer from the article can be used in healing the sick. When reading prayers, be sure to wash the frightened person three times with holy water and wipe with the inside of the hem of your dress or shirt.

Rituals for fear

We treat fear on our own at home. First of all, read about how to do conspiracies correctly. It is best to carry out treatment during the waning moon. Children are washed in the morning and evening with holy water and offered it as a drink three times a day. The ceremony and ritual of washing is carried out while reading a prayer.

The patient should be seated on a chair in the middle of the room, stand behind him and read the prayer once:

“Fright, fear, get out of your head, get out of your arms and legs, get out of your eyes, shoulders, belly! Get out of the veins, veins, joints! Go away, go away from the whole body of the servant of God (name). Frightened, with dark eyes, you will not be a slave (name), Do not fool his head, do not cloud his thoughts! Come out prickly, painful, from the black eye for, from a bad hour. Pass from (name) the baptized, praying and receiving communion! Amen!".

After this, wash the patient with holy water. The ritual is performed seven days in a row in the morning.

An effective spell against fear of water

Only the mother reads it.

“In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will speak to the servant of God (name). I gave him a name, I gave birth to him, I fed him with my breast, I baptized him in the church. I will speak to him: Nerves from the bones, nerves from all the relics, From the ruddy body, So that not a single nerve vein gets sick. I will rise, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself. I will go through green meadows, steep banks, where willow trees grow on the sand, and under it stands a golden hut. There, the Most Holy Mother reads the Bible, heals the nerves of God’s servant (name), takes away everything bad and throws it into holy water. Jesus Christ reigns, Jesus Christ commands, Jesus Christ saves, Jesus Christ heals. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times)."

After reading, sprinkle the bed and all corners in the room where the sick child sleeps with the enchanted water.

Another prayer for fear:

How a mother is not afraid of her baby,

A cat is a kitten, a horse is a foal,

A drop of ocean water,

Earth to sand from Buyan Island,

So the servant of God (name)

There will be nothing to be afraid of. Amen.

How to relieve fear in a child if he stutters or stops speaking

If the fear is obvious and you know that this is a speech disorder for your baby, he began to stutter, the following plot will help you.

To perform this you need a white sheet and a mirror. The plot is performed on a full moon, on a clear night, so that there are no clouds in the sky. Spread a white sheet, place the child on it and read the words:

“A moonlit night, a starry night, a cloudless night. And an angel lives on every star. My child, look - the Lord is looking at you from heaven.”

After reading this 3 times, take the mirror in your hands, point it so that the child can see the reflection of the Moon in it, and read the plot yourself again, adding the words at the end:

“He remembers you, wants to hear, but you are silent - you offend him very much.”

Then take the child to bed, hug him, stroke him and say these words, just like a mother:

« God loves you, but you are silent.”

As a rule, it is enough to do the ritual only once, and the child begins to speak.

Relieve fear with wax

Wax is a natural biologically active substance that has a unique ability to absorb any information, including negative information. The ritual of “pouring fear” is quite well-known and popular among the people due to its effectiveness.

They take the wax of church candles (this is the best), put it in a mug or bowl and heat it on the fire, you can take beeswax. Then they pour water into the bowl, preferably holy water or taken from a well. The patient is seated near the door so that he looks at the door. And they begin to read first the “Our Father” and then the prayer words, holding a bowl of water over the patient’s head and slowly pouring melted wax into it.

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out from the servant of God (name, if this is a child - the word “baby” is added) from the wild head, from the thick curls, from the clear eyes, from the zealous heart, from the hands, from the legs, from the veins and from lived, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly. It’s not I who pour out passions, fear, but Mother the Most Holy Theotokos with all the angels, archangels, guardians and patrons.”

Ninety-nine passions
Ninety-nine pains, ninety-nine ailments.
Come out of God's servant (name).
Pour out, go out to the holy water,
You cannot nest in this body.
Get away from his eyes, from his thick curls,
A wild head, a zealous heart,
From red ore, from temples, from brains,
Liver's namesake.
You can't be sick here.
He was born by a mother, baptized by Jesus,
About two arms, about two legs,
In the image of the son of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Do it once a day, at any time of the day, for 9 days in a row. After performing the ritual, you can examine the shape of the frozen wax and use it to establish a “diagnosis” and the cause of the fright. Often the shape of a figure can be recognized as a dog, tongues of fire, a car or another object.

How to correctly read the pattern on a wax mold

the wax plate is filled with bubbles - the child is experiencing a deep internal conflict that seems insoluble to him;

the entire bottom of the casting is covered with balls, rounded bumps - someone’s strong envy and someone else’s will are over the baby;

a pattern resembling a “comma” is visible - intrauterine fear;

in the middle of the plate there is a bulge from which circular waves emanate - strong fear at the level of the central chakra;

densely spaced stripes or many curls, “curls” - a formed fright indicating its intensity; the more often the curls or stripes, the stronger and “older” the fear;

waves crowned with one small or several rounded bumps - 1-2 more sessions are enough to cure;

the waxy plaque is smooth from below or has small, inexpressive waves - the treatment is over.

I will be glad if the tips on relieving fear are useful to you. Stay healthy.

How to treat fear in a child at home? What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this, and how did our ancestors treat this disease?

Every child has had a fright at least once in their life. It can be mild and not cause any particular harm to health, or it can be so strong that the consequences then have to be eliminated for more than one day. The article will talk about how a mother can independently identify fear, as well as cope with fear in a child at home. We will also tell you which specialist you can contact if you cannot cure your fear yourself.

Signs of fear in a child

Anything can frighten a child, especially a small one. For example, he may show strong fear in relation to:

  • loud rumbles during a thunderstorm;
  • sharp screams and loud sounds;
  • an accidental fight;
  • unusual stressful situation;
  • explosions and shootings (terrorist attacks that began to happen frequently);
  • too strict upbringing by parents;
  • forced loneliness (when parents leave the child alone at home);
  • ferocious animals.

An older child can independently tell his mother why he was afraid. He will tell you in detail what scared him, if there is close contact and trust between the child and mother. In infants, fear can only be recognized by observing the baby's behavior.

If you suspect a child is afraid, you have probably noticed that he has the following changes in behavior:

  • he began to breathe intermittently and hastily;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the pupils became large;
  • movement coordination is impaired;
  • the child peed or pissed in his pants.

Symptoms of fear in a child

If a child got scared some time ago and is still in a state of fear, then he may experience the following symptoms:

  • eats poorly;
  • on the contrary, it is unusual for him to eat a lot;
  • sleeps restlessly;
  • suddenly begins to cry in the middle of sleep;
  • constantly having nightmares;
  • does not want to stay alone in the room;
  • afraid of the dark;
  • behaves restlessly day and night;
  • overly active.

Consequences of fright

If a child is very frightened by something and now he carries it inside himself, then this fear can seriously affect the baby’s health. If fear is not treated and the state of fear is not eliminated, then the child’s life can be ruined forever. He will constantly expect a trick from everywhere, will become withdrawn and unsure of himself.

Among the consequences of fear, the following problems in a child can be noted:

  • enuresis (that is, urinary incontinence, especially at night);
  • severe stuttering;
  • a state of anxiety that does not leave the child;
  • nervous tic;
  • chronic nightmares or insomnia;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Child after a fright

As soon as a child is very frightened of something, his behavior becomes different, and his well-being also worsens. Immediately after the fear, the baby’s pupils become enlarged and his heart beats too quickly and loudly. In addition, after suffering stress, a child may immediately begin to stutter during a fright, and even if he is very frightened, the child may pee in his pants. There are rare cases when children faint immediately after fright.

If a young child has experienced severe fright, he will probably become more anxious and will want to spend more time with his mother. He will literally stick to his mother and follow her around everywhere. The child will be very scared to be left alone. In the face of the mother, a frightened baby will see the most reliable protector.

Fright in a baby

If a very small child, who is still, so to speak, lying in diapers, experiences fear, then this may manifest itself in a sudden loud cry. This happens, for example, after the baby hears a sharp loud sound. Also, fear in an infant may result in fecal incontinence. If he gets very scared, he may suddenly have a bowel movement.

How to remove fear

You can eliminate the consequences of fear through conversations with your child. Talk to him as often as possible and discuss what scared him. Try to explain to your baby that he is now safe, and you will protect him from all kinds of fears.

In some cases, a conversation with parents alone is not enough, and in this situation an experienced psychologist comes. In extreme situations, a hypnologist also helps, because it can be very difficult to convince a child that there is now nothing to be afraid of.

Special attention should be paid to the child’s daily routine. Try to feed your baby at the same time, and also put him to bed at a strictly defined time. It's also good to read good stories before bed. This will also have a good effect on the child’s psyche. This helps not only frightened children, but also hyperactive ones.

The following also help well as a treatment for fright:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • communication with nature and learning together with parents;
  • tales of brave heroes;
  • music lessons;
  • drawing and modeling (you can send your child to some creative club);
  • taking soothing teas or medications prescribed by the doctor;
  • soothing baths with flavored sea salt (the aroma of lavender helps);
  • calm atmosphere in the family;
  • outdoor games;
  • playing sports;
  • intellectual games;
  • lullabies before bed.

How to cure a child's fear at home

In addition to the above methods of getting rid of fear, the following methods help eliminate the condition of the rhinestone:

  • herbal treatment;
  • conspiracies;
  • special magical rituals;
  • prayers;
  • rituals.

Ebb of fear, how to ebb of fear

Our ancestors often treated fear in children with wax casting. This method was considered very effective and was used as a life-saving remedy for fear in almost every family.

To relieve fear using wax, you will need this:

  • bowl;
  • clean water from a well;
  • wax candles - 3 pieces;
  • container for melting candles.

You will also need the help of someone from your family, because performing this ritual alone is extremely inconvenient and dangerous. You risk burning yourself with hot wax, and you can also accidentally burn your baby with it.

So, first you need to melt the candles. To do this, place them in some kind of enamel dish and place them in a water bath.

Then we place a bowl of water over the baby’s head and pour melted wax into it with the words: “Flow, pour, candle. Just as you melted and are now flowing, so let evil fear flow from my child (name) and go away from our house. May my word be strong, may the powers of the Almighty help me.”

Then you need to bury the wax that has flowed into the water under the nearest tree. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. This is done in the morning, as soon as the sun wakes up, and in the evening, when sunset occurs. A similar ritual must be performed for at least 9 days in a row.

In this case, you need to look at the reverse side of the figure, which is formed when the wax is cast. Usually there are some inclusions and spots in it over a frightened child. When the fear goes away, this figure gradually becomes clean.

We read the plot to frighten

To drive away fear in a child, you can read a special spell. You can read it with holy water, and then wash the baby with it 3 times.

So, you need to pour holy water into some deep bowl with wide edges. You need to read the following spell for this water: “How powerful you are, holy water, to cure all troubles and sorrows. Wash away the great fear from my child, water, and do not allow the damned fear to overcome him again. My word is strong, hell is accurate. Let it be as I command."

Then wash your frightened child with this water 3 times, and water the flowers with the remaining water. You need to repeat this ritual 3 times a day. In total, treatment with such enchanted water takes at least 9 days.

If one course of treatment with holy water does not help, then the procedure can be repeated more than once. Usually, even in the most difficult cases, repeating the 9-day course three times helps.

Orthodox prayer for a child's fear

If you are with a believing woman, you can turn to Matrona of Moscow with a request to help your frightened child.

An icon with the image of Matronushka can be purchased in any church. You need to place it near the baby’s crib and read the following prayer every morning: “Gracious Matronushka, help us in our trouble. Deliver my child from the fear of the terrible. He is tormented by severe fear and does not give him peace either day or night. There is only one hope for you, dear. Do not leave her in trouble and come to the aid of a desperate mother. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

How to relieve mother's fear in a child

The mother herself is able to relieve the child’s fear. To do this, first of all, you need to keep yourself calm. It should be remembered that you cannot raise your voice at a frightened child, much less punish him strictly and beat him with a belt. Perhaps his fear is caused by the fact that his mother’s upbringing is very harsh.

We need to spend more time with the baby. Joint hikes in the forest or trips somewhere outside the city help very well. There the child opens up and independently tells his mother about his fears. In sincere conversations, you can overcome all these fears together with your child.

If the mother feels that she cannot cope on her own, then she can always enlist the support of the father or other relatives of the baby with whom he has contact. You can also contact a competent family psychologist.

If mom believes in the power of prayers and conspiracies, then she can turn to them. If you know a grandmother who treats fears, then you can take your child to her. In this case, the granny helps with enchanted water or treats the baby with medicinal herbs.

Words from fear

If you notice that a child is terribly afraid of something, then wipe his face with your palms and at the same time say the following words: “Get away from us, fierce fear. Let the pussy be afraid, let the dog be afraid, but our little blood (name) is never afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Every time, wipe your face with your hand and shake it off as if it were dirt from your palms. Read these words 3 times at a time. If it doesn’t help, then the procedure for expelling fear can be repeated 3 more times.

Symptoms of fright in infants

If an infant is frightened and cannot yet say anything about his fears, then the following symptoms can be observed:

  • crying that is not associated with hunger or health conditions;
  • sudden emptying of the bladder or bowel;
  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • loud heartbeat;
  • rapid breathing;
  • sudden movements of arms and legs.

How to get rid of a fright with eggs

A mother can independently rid her baby of fear by rolling out the fear with chicken eggs. In this case, you need to buy homemade eggs from three different chickens.

The mother needs to take the frightened baby in her arms and gently roll him with the egg from head to toe. If you are afraid of dropping and breaking an egg, you can pre-boil it.

For the ritual you will also need a church candle. When you take the baby in your arms and roll the egg over his body, the candle should burn. After the ceremony, the unburned candle along with the egg must be buried somewhere away from the house.

While rolling the egg over the child’s body, you need to say the following words: “Take the egg with you, all the fear from my child’s body. Let his little head know no more suffering and torment. I roll it on the head, I roll it on the face, on the arms and tummy, on the back and legs. I drive away the furious fear from my handsome child. Let no one dare to frighten him anymore. So be it. Amen!"

This ritual will be repeated every day for three days. Each time you need to take a new egg for the ritual.

Ebb of fright with wax

We have already described how to cast fear with wax a little higher. This method is very effective and can be used to treat both mild fear and prolonged forms of fear. If the child is very small, then in this way you can drive away fear while the baby is sleeping.

To obtain wax slurry, it is better to take candles other than those sold in regular stores, but make sure that they come from the church. Go to your local church or temple in advance and buy candles from the parish store.

To rid your child of fear, you can pray to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps with many problems, including his ability to drive away fear from a child. Make sure that an icon depicting St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in the frightened child’s bedroom. You can buy it at the temple. You can read the prayer both in the morning and in the evening until the fear completely goes away.

You can also read the prayer in church in front of the same icon. You can pray either in your own words or using the text of an Orthodox prayer. Your text could be like this: “Nikolai the Pleasant, I turn to you for great help. You can work miracles and drive away terrible diseases from the people. Help me in my painful misfortune. My child is suffering from fear, I want to help him, but I don’t know how. Deliver him from suffering and make sure that from now on he is no longer afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Fright in a child Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says that fear in a child is very common. In most cases, it manifests itself as crying and involuntary emptying of the bladder and bowels. There is nothing wrong with fear if it is recognized and treated immediately.

If you delay treatment, you can ruin the child’s life. In addition to the fact that he may develop a stutter, which is difficult to treat, he will also become an extremely unconfident person. These factors can trigger alcoholism and even lead to suicide in extreme cases. Teenagers who are ridiculed by their peers react especially acutely to their stuttering.

A qualified psychologist can help you get rid of fear. This is for extreme cases, but in case of mild fright, the mother can handle it herself. Komarovsky does not see anything wrong with turning to old herbalists for help in such cases. They still won’t make it worse, but you can still try to recover with the help of all sorts of folk techniques.

Signs of fear in a child Komarovsky

Among the symptoms that are present in a frightened child, the following can be noted, according to Komarovsky:

  • the child clings to his mother and does not want to let her go:
  • peed or pooped in your pants;
  • began to sob intermittently and would not calm down;
  • cannot sit quietly at the table and eat;
  • constantly looks around and turns around, as if he is looking for someone and is afraid;
  • suddenly became withdrawn;
  • screams at night from terrible dreams.

Grass for fear

The most powerful herb for treating fear is Lady's slipper. This grass is also called black. This plant is very strong, but at the same time also poisonous. Therefore, when treating a child with fear, you must first consult a pediatrician.

Brewing a potion on Venus's slipper is very simple. Take half a teaspoon of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water. This whole thing is infused for 8 hours. After this, the medicine for the treatment of fright on Venus's slipper is taken 0.3 glasses half an hour before eating. In total, you need to take this medicine 3 times a day. The duration of treatment for fright is no more than 3 days.

How grandma treats fright

Our grandmothers often treated fear with various herbs. A calming bath with lavender helped relieve the child’s fear. To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams of fresh lavender and add 2 liters of water. Then this composition must be boiled for several minutes. The product should infuse for about 45 minutes, and then it can be poured into water for bathing the child.

Peony root also helped a lot. It was crushed and filled with 0.25 grams of vodka. This remedy was infused for 3 weeks, and then 0.5 teaspoon was added to the child’s drink. We did this once a day. Treatment lasted from 3 days to 2 weeks.

There was also a special demand for a special collection against fright. To prepare it, they used lemon balm, heather and thyme. They were taken in equal proportions and mixed. Then they took 1 tablespoon of this mixture and poured 2 glasses of boiling water over it. The product was infused in a thermos for 6 hours. Then this medicine was given to the frightened child, 1 tablespoon for 3 weeks.

If you like at least one of these recipes for treating fear with herbs, be sure to consult with your pediatrician before using it. Otherwise, you will harm the baby’s health, and you will never get rid of the fear.

Strong prayer for fear

The most powerful prayer for fear is considered to be the prayer to the Mother of God of Vladimir. She saves from a huge number of human troubles. Buy an icon with the image of this shrine and pray every day for the health of your child.

The text of the prayer could be like this: “Oh, Mother of God of Vladimir, only to you will I dare to turn for help. Deliver my child from debilitating fears. He himself suffers from them, and I have a hard time too. No matter how you know everything about a mother’s troubles associated with her baby. You yourself are a great mother. You are the mother of all the human people, so do not leave us, your children, in trouble. Amen!"

Intrauterine fear, how it manifests itself in a child

Not only an already born baby can experience serious fear and get severe fright. This can also happen to a baby who is still in the mother’s womb. The fact is that through the wall of the uterus and the abdominal cavity the baby is also able to hear sounds. If he hears a sudden loud sound or the mother falls sharply, the baby will experience fear.

Usually, after a fright, the baby inside the womb begins to hiccup. Over a long period of time, this is already well felt by the mother. Also, if the fear was very great, then this can seriously affect the functioning of the baby’s heart. Congenital heart defects are often associated with a child suffering a severe fright while he was still inside the womb.

What kind of doctor treats fear?

If your baby has suffered a fright, then first of all, you can contact your local pediatrician. He will give recommendations for treating fear.

Conversations with a child or family psychologist are also helpful. Parents can go to the appointment with their child. Conversations between the psychologist and the child in private are also practiced.

In extreme cases, a hypnologist also comes to the rescue if the situation cannot be resolved by either a pediatrician or a psychologist. This specialist comes to the rescue in cases where other specialists fail to convince the child that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now you know everything about how to treat a baby for fear. Let your child not get sick and please you with new achievements every day!

Spells against fear in a child

Cast a spell on spring water:

Sprinkle the child with enchanted water.

Place a large dish in front of your child. Take a large sheet of paper and, tearing it into small pieces over the dish, pronounce the spell:
Your fear, your fear - I will tear it up and burn it!
Then light the pieces of paper on a platter and let the frightened child watch them burn without a trace.

Just as a mother is not afraid of her child, a cat is not afraid of a kitten, a horse is not afraid of a foal, a drop of water is not afraid of the ocean, the earth is not afraid of the sand from Buyan Island, so the servant of God (name) will not be afraid of anything! Amen.

Plot against fright with a piece of bread
Take a piece of black bread and move it clockwise over the head of the frightened person, while reading the plot:
“I roll bread, I roll fear out of God’s servant (name). I will drive out all the trouble, I will lure out all the evil eye, I will remove all the sickness from the body of the daring one. Fright, go away from the servant of God (name), never return until the end of time. Amen".

Conspiracy against fright and fear
You need to spit it into a plastic bag, tie it tightly, take it to the forest and bury it under an aspen tree. When burying, read the plot:
“All fears of day and night, midday and midnight, go far, far away, beyond the forests, beyond the mountains, beyond the swamps, beyond the rivers, where neither an animal runs nor a bird flies. I, the servant of God (name), will now fear nothing except the Lord Almighty. Amen".
read the plot 9 times.

Conspiracy against children's fright
Carefully pour the melted wax over the head of the sick child (the wax is poured into a previously prepared bowl of cold water), saying the following spell:
God subdue the baby (name),
Who was frightened by the invisible eye
Fierce beast
Let this beast
Who interferes with (name) in a good life,
Throw away from his fate.

If the child is numb from fright
It also happens that a child, who previously knew how to speak, gets very frightened by something and then stops talking. If neither the persuasion of relatives nor doctors helps and the child continues to remain silent, try the following. On a full moon night, when the sky is clear and without clouds, take your child outside. By the way, make sure in advance that there are no people or animals near you. Lay your undershirt on the ground, place the child on it and read the following plot three times in a row:
Look at the moon, angels live there
Your soul is protected.
There Christ stands, looking at you, child,
Say hello to him.
After this, pick up a mirror and turn it so that your child can see the reflection of the moon. Let him look through the mirror at the moon, and at this time you read the same plot again, just add at the end:
Christ loves you
You will be silent -
He will forget you.
After this, bring the child home and put him to bed. Caress him and say affectionately (in your own words):
God loves you very, very much, but you are silent.
He'll be upset with me because of you.
Usually, after this ritual, children begin to speak the next morning.

Relieve fear
Ask the patient to sit on the table and place a large dish next to him. After this, take a sheet of paper, put it on a dish and cut, prick it, saying the spell:
I will tear your fear, your fright, I will stab you and burn you.
Then set the leaf on fire and let the patient watch it burn.
Spell words for fear
Sprinkle the patient with the water over which the spell was previously spoken:
Whoever scared him took it upon himself.
Conspiracy from fear
The following conspiracy helps to get rid of fear:
How a mother is not afraid of her baby,
A cat is a kitten, a horse is a foal,
A drop of ocean water,
Earth to sand from Buyan Island,
So the servant of God (name)
There will be nothing to be afraid of. Amen.
conspiracy against fear in a fire
After sunset, place the patient with his back to the fire (at least to a burning candle) and read the following plot three times in a row:
There is smoke from the fire.
Smoke, go to the wind,
Take it from God's servant (name)
Fears, scares,
Spread it to four directions.
How the fire burns out
The smoke will melt in the wind,
So is fear, fright
God's servant (name) will disappear.

spell for fear on the waning moon read the plot three times:
“As the moon wanes in the sky, so does the fear of God’s servant (name) go away. Amen" Then spit three times behind your back over your left shoulder.

Conspiracy against severe fright
This spell can cure even the most severe fear. Take a piece of three-day-old rye bread and give it to a sick person to bite into. While he is chewing, cross him with the rest of the bread and say:
It’s not I who baptize you, God himself lays the cross.
It’s not me who will help you, the Lord helps you.
And how true it is that Jesus suffered for people,
It’s true that this bread took all the fear upon itself.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Give the bread to the birds.

From fright at a funeral
Read for nine evenings in a row.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will stand up and be blessed.
I will go out, crossing myself.
There is a tree without branches.
A tree grows without roots.
Just as a tree cannot live without roots,
So that there is no fear in me.
For now, forever, indefinitely.

For the same
Go to the grave of the deceased who scared you. Sprinkle grain on the grave in the shape of a cross. Cross yourself three times and say:
Dead man! Here's a cross for you, here's a face for you,
And don’t touch me, (name), don’t bother me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To not be afraid of the dead
Kneel down near the stove and, looking into the ash pit, say:
How is this stove not afraid of smoke and heat,
So my soul is not afraid of the dead.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For those who are afraid of the dark
To prevent the fear of the dark from tormenting you, before you go to bed, read the “Our Father” and then this prayer:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Christ came from heaven,
He carried a protecting cross,
Fenced the land, forests and fields.
Protect me, Lord, too.
Save, preserve, Lord, defend,
Drive away all fears, all horrors.
I go to bed and cross myself,
In the right and left hand there is a cross,
Through the cross Christ was resurrected.
Savior is at the door, angels are in our heads.
And how the darkness melts from the light of God,
So let me have
Fears of the dark disappear.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Religious reading: a conspiracy or prayer for frightening a child to help our readers.

The fear spell is a proven, effective remedy that helps get rid of panic in young children and adults. It is not difficult to treat fear in this magical way; just select the tools necessary for the ritual, write down or memorize simple words. The technique has been known since ancient times; it helps to cleanse a person’s biofield, relieve him of melancholy, depression, inexplicable fear and apprehension.

Depending on the age and degree of panic, you need to select a fear spell that is appropriate to the situation. For children, it is usually read outright, after first making sure that the child is baptized. When treating adults, it is recommended to use a piece of rye bread or warm wax candles for charming. The ritual refers to light healing magic, so the reader should not have any concerns about its harm.

Spell against frightening a baby

With this simple ritual, a mother can relieve the baby from constant crying, calm him down before bed, and alleviate the baby’s condition after a difficult birth. You need to pronounce the words in a quiet, calm voice, gently stroking the child’s crown. You definitely need to copy the ritual onto a piece of paper or learn it by heart before pronouncing it.

Conspiracy for a baptized baby

Water conspiracies

The mother should say the following words in a calm tone over the bowl of ordinary or holy water:

“John the Baptist, our Savior, stood over the holy water and sanctified this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, take away the fear, take it away. Amen".

“Dear God, sanctify my water, put baby (name) to sleep. Take away the fear and grief, return peaceful sleep and joy to him again. Amen".

You need to give the baby something to drink and wash him with water, charmed in front of an icon at home. The remains are thrown out onto the street.

Conspiracy against frightening a child

The causes of children's fears can be a variety of factors: a loud sound or clap, darkness, barking dogs. So that the child does not become capricious and is not afraid to fall asleep in the evenings, you need to do a ritual of conspiracy. Magic phrases will relieve anxiety, relieve the baby from nervousness and panic fears. Before reading, you should cross the child and pat him on the head.

For a sound sleep

You can read a longer plot before going to bed:

“Dawn-dawn Daryushka, dawn-dawn Maryushka,

Come to me and look at my child.

He didn’t sleep all night and didn’t close his mouth until the morning.

Give him a good night's sleep and rest until the morning.

So that he can sleep peacefully throughout the Lord's week.

Don't scream, don't cry all night, sleep soundly until the morning.

Lord, bless me, Lord, help the little one.

Let him not be afraid of terrible dreams, and not suffer from colic. Amen".

From severe fright

If a child is very frightened by something, afraid of every rustle, the following words will help calm him down:

You can pour holy water into a regular glass or glass jar and christen the baby with the glass with the words:

“Bad thoughts, get away from the servant of God (name).

From a light head, arms, legs.

Scatter to the wind from the servant of God (name),

Fly away, don’t come back to (name) again.”

After this, you need to let the child drink a little water from the charmed glass, wipe his hands, stomach, and forehead with a small amount of liquid. After this, the baby will calm down and fall asleep soundly.

“Pouring out” fear with wax

The mother or any close relative can cast fear in wax. You will need about 150 grams of wax, which can be obtained by melting church candles. Pour about 3 liters of cold water into a clean basin or bucket. We place the frightened child at the threshold, facing the exit, and carefully hold a mug of melted wax above his head. Place a bowl of cold water nearby. We recite the Lord's Prayer by heart and pour a tenth of the hot wax into a container of water.

Then we pronounce a short conspiracy against fear:

Don’t sit in your wild head and in your thoughts, get away as quickly as possible.

It’s not I who pour out the fear, but the guardian angels who control me. Amen".

We repeat the phrase 9 times, each time pouring a little wax into the water. If, when you take it out, the reverse side remains uneven and has a pattern, fears still remain. So the next day we repeat the ritual. If the wax underneath becomes smooth and even, it means that the fears have disappeared.

Fright spell for adults

If a woman is very frightened by something during pregnancy, this can affect her newborn baby. To get rid of panic, you should perform a simple magical ritual.

Conspiracy during pregnancy

We are looking for a dog with light spots under the eyes. We wait for her to start barking. At this time, we throw her a piece of bread or some food with the words:

“You will bark and howl a lot more,

And my baby will never be afraid.

The Virgin Mary in images

Let the fear remain in the dog's eyes. Amen".

Triple plot for bread

We take a piece of black or rye bread, move it over the head of a frightened person with the words:

Then the bread needs to be crumbled for the birds, but only the frightened ones should do this. A friend or relative must read the plot within three days.

Holy water spell

You will need blessed water, 13 thin church candles. Lighted candles should be placed in a semicircle, placing a container of water next to it. You need to read the hex to yourself while watching the smoke of the candles. As the smoke clears, so will the fears go away after the following words:

Candle stubs should be thrown away after the ceremony, and the water should be used for drinking and washing. You can use water for future use by using it for daily washing.

All these conspiracies are effective when the phrases are pronounced correctly and the accompanying rituals are performed. After reading, fears usually go away, relieving people of fear, anxiety, poor health and panic.

Conspiracy of a child from fear

Has your baby started crying often for no apparent reason? Is he afraid to sleep in a dark room? Does he have nightmares in his sleep? How to cure your child from fear? A conspiracy will help you get rid of this problem.

The fear spell is a folk remedy that will help you get rid of your baby’s illness on your own, without medical help.

Young children are very inquisitive and often become frightened. This disease occurs instantly and parents cannot always recognize it correctly. How can you tell if your child is scared?

  1. He's crying for no reason
  2. He is a light sleeper and has nightmares
  3. He's irritable
  4. Was sociable and suddenly became withdrawn
  5. Stopped talking

Fear in a child cannot be cured with the help of doctors; such a disease can be cured with the help of traditional medicine. And you can help your child yourself by using one of the following conspiracies.

Spell on a decoction of herbs

In order to talk to a frightened child, decoctions of various herbs are often used in folk medicine. Prepare chamomile, St. John's wort and violets. Make a decoction of the herbs you prepared. They slander the finished herbal infusion:

“On Saturday I will go to bed, on Sunday I will get up, blessing myself, I will cross myself, I will go to God’s church, I will light a holy candle, I will pray to Mother the Most Holy Theotokos. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, deliver me from troubles, from misfortunes, drive away from me fear, commotion, anxiety, night fear, midday fear, morning and evening fear. Calm my heart, pacify my soul, forgive my sins. Fright, fear, where you came from, go there, don’t come back. I close you with the word of God, the church seal. The seal is strong, but the words of God are even stronger. Amen".

The concocted broth is drunk three times a day, three tablespoons.

Conspiracy on the water

Bring a candle and holy water from the temple. Water brought from the church is sprinkled on all corners of the house; with the remaining water you need to wash your face. They light a church candle and place it in front of the icon of Christ the Savior, while repeating the following prayer three times:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God! Your words, greatest ruler, seem small and imperceptible, but your deeds do wonderful things: they can stop fear, ward off sadness, cause joy and increase pity. Help God’s servant (name) heal her soul.”

The wax that drips from a lit candle is wrapped in a small piece of white cloth and hidden away from strangers. After a short period of time, you will notice that your child has become the same as before. The child will no longer sob and get scared at night, and will become sociable as he was before.

Plot against nightmares

A frightened child should be given a plastic bag into which he should spit his saliva. The package must be taken to a forest or grove and buried under an aspen tree. They say the following words:

“Fears? Lessons, night, day, midday, midnight, dawn, go away, fly away, go beyond the mosses, beyond the swamps, where the cuckoo does not crow, the hare does not laugh, the bush does not shake. I, the servant of God (name), fear nothing but God alone. You, Satan, marry me, your fear is upon you. Go away, fears, go away, fears; he who walks under God has nothing to fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Soon, your child will get rid of the disease and will again be cheerful and cheerful.

Bread spell

Bread has always been the most revered product on the table. For the ceremony you will need a small piece of rye bread. Take the bread and move it clockwise over the child’s head, saying:

“I roll bread, I drive away trouble from God’s servant (name). I roll out, lure, drive out all fears, admonitions, lessons, evil eyes, invitations, envy, insincere praise, secret malice. I drive it out of the arms, from the legs, from the head, from the cheeks, from the veins, from the veins, from the white curls, from the clear eyes. Fright, fear, go away! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the prayer three times, feed the enchanted bread to the birds, dog or cat. The ritual is repeated for three days.

Conspiracy against childhood fears

Here is another example of a ritual in which blessed church water is used. When your baby is jinxed or he is afraid to be in a dark room, screams in his sleep, say water three times and pour it over the baby after he has taken a bath.

“Water of Solomonite according to Father Leksandrovna. I scooped you up, I wanted to help the servant of God (name). And you walked from above, from afar, with all the gifts, with all the shouts, washing the roots, bad and good, Wash the fears and fears from the servant of God (name). Amen. Take from the servant of God (name) melancholy and grief, and ghosts, and lessons, and fears, and commotion. Daytime, midday. Night, midnight. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Hex on the poppy

Take the poppy head and place it under the frightened child’s pillow, saying:

“Just as the poppy’s head does not move under you, let your head enjoy a sound sleep and keep a sweet dream.”

Prayers for fear

  • Collect holy water from the church. Wipe the frightened child with it while reciting the following prayer:

“I drive away ten spirits, I open seventy locks. From the servant of God (servant of God) (name) all sorrows, sorrows, the evil eye, damage, the voice of the devil, the malice of witchcraft, all the magic, everything from the brain, from the thoughts, from the heart, from the blood and veins, I send everything into the moss swamp to the fierce in the left leg of the beast, and in the left leg let it perish and disappear. I lock seventy gold and damask locks. Under each is a guardian angel, at the gate is Jesus Christ himself. Amen. Amen, Amen."

  • A very powerful prayer that will help not only with fear, but also with the evil eye and damage.

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, may your kingdom be in heaven. How many stars there are in the sky, how many sands there are in the sea, God has so much mercy. Have mercy, Lord, on your servant (name). Send her health and peace. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the prayer, go to bed; you should not talk to anyone after the words have been spoken, otherwise it may not work.

“Our Father” is the most important prayer in all of Christianity. She is highly revered, and for good reason. Everyone should know this prayer.

  • The following prayer is read for three days, always on the new moon before sunset. They say these words:

“Commotion-fright, get out of your hands, out of your eyes and stomach. Leave the veins alone, leave 70 joints. Come out of the entire camp of the slave (name) Fright-fright, you black eyes, you should not be, your white body should not be sick, do not turn your bright head. Prickly fear-commotion, come out, painful, watery, windy, from a black eye, from a bad hour. Get out of slave (name). He was baptized with holy water, enchanted with prayer, tested with the sacrament. It’s not I who ask and send you away, but the Holy Mother of God who asks, an ambulance. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • You can also read this prayer. It is often used to get rid of illness in very young children and infants.

“I accept, slave (my name), for the slave of the baby (name), I take away his sorrows, illnesses and deaths in vain. You, disease, sit across the river, and I sit across the other. You won't come near me. From century to century, from now to century. Slave (my name) is taken for slave (name). I relieve fear, grief, illness, lesson, commotion, internal fear, headache. From hands, from legs, from bones, from brains, from hot blood, from clear eyes, from a white face, from a baby (name). The holy martyrs brought me all kinds of torment, the Lord healed you for all time. Please, help me remove grief, illness, internal fear, head fear from the baby (name), from the white face, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes, from the baby (name).”

  • Below is also a very powerful prayer, it will quickly save the child from the disease.

“Michael, holy angel, heavenly intercessor, I ask you, perform a miracle, heal the baby (name). Seven holy youths, have the courage to God to remove sorrow, illness, commotion, fear from the baby (name). So that his bones do not ache, his head does not burn. I expel internal fear, fear of the head, from the eyes, brains, bones, belly, blood, eyes, ears of the baby (name). Holy martyrs, I ask you, take away from him all the sorrow, commotion, fear, illness: from the head, heart, from baby (name). Martyr Kharlamy, I turn to you. You have endured all sorts of torments, you have boldness towards God, towards our Lord. You have performed various miracles, I ask you, take away the lesson, illness, fear, commotion from the baby (name).

Saint Michael (Archangel) is the main archangel, the most revered among Christians. Therefore, by using this prayer for your child, you will sooner cure his illness.

A fright spell is a good helper for a loving mother. Thanks to such rituals, you can save your child from illness. Say prayers over a sleeping child for prevention, and he will always be healthy.

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Prayers and conspiracies against fear and the evil eye in a child

Along with life situations, very often a person can be afraid of something. Due to these current circumstances, panic arises. Most magicians and sorcerers are sure that fear arises with the assistance of other worlds. It can appear during the evil eye or when encountering something inexplicable and unreal.

Anyone who wants to help their child can use spells for their children. Parents only need to fulfill simple magic conditions.

Who is most susceptible to fear? How to treat it

Young children are most often exposed to fear. This condition is associated with the child’s weak energy, since they are more susceptible to negativity than adults. Fear can be caused not only by strangers, but also by the mother. After all, a child under seven years old has a huge energetic connection with his parent.

In frequent cases, the evil eye and fear in a baby occur simultaneously. In addition, this condition is difficult to recognize, especially in an infant. The first thing you need to pay attention to is his behavior, it can be expressed:

  • restless sleep;
  • frequent shuddering;
  • poor appetite.
  • we cry for no particular reason;
  • fear of the dark.

Fear in a child may appear along with ordinary family scandals, a sharp change in the volume of the TV or radio, or the sounds of pets.

In addition, fear can be hereditary. A pregnant woman could be afraid of something. Sometimes the mother's fears are transmitted to the baby.

The fear and evil eye of a child is a real problem that is not always treatable by modern medicine. In this situation, a child, both adult and small, can be cured with the help of effective prayers and conspiracies against fear.

Prayer for adults and for an adult child

It is much easier and faster to cure an adult baby from fright. Since the child has already learned to speak, he can thereby talk about the fears that torment and worry him. This prayer will help only baptized children. The ritual procedure is quite simple, the only rule for a successful result is unconditional faith in the power of prayer words and the power of the Lord God.

A frightened child should sit on a chair in the middle of the room. The person who will read the prayer needs to stand behind him. After all the points have been completed, say a prayer speech:

“Fright, fear, get out of your head, get out of your arms and legs, get out of your eyes, shoulders, belly! Get out of the veins, veins, joints! Go away, go away from the whole body of the servant of God (name). Frightened, with dark eyes, you will not be a slave (name), Do not fool his head, do not cloud his thoughts! Come out prickly, painful, from a black eye, from a bad hour. Pass from (name) the baptized, praying and receiving communion! Amen!".

The ceremony is carried out daily, for seven days, only in the morning. The prayer for fear is spoken once. When the speech is given, the child must wash himself with water. The liquid will wash away all the negativity and cleanse the energy.

Prayer for a small child

This prayer for fear is recommended for small children who have not yet learned to speak. She has enormous power that will quickly and effectively relieve the baby of fear and fear. The spell is cast over three days, in the morning, lunch and evening. Take the baby in your arms and say:

“Come out, enemy, Satan, fear from the servant of God/servant of God (name). From the body and head! You can no longer walk on bones, don’t wander on joints, don’t sit in your head, don’t be in your body! Go, frightened child, to the swamps, to the lowlands, where the sun does not rise, everything is dark and people do not walk. It is not I who am expelling you, but the Lord our God! He commands you to go away and not ruin your life. Amen!".

It is very important that magical speeches are spoken by relatives on the female side. This could be a mother, aunt, grandmother or godmother.

The spell against frightening a baby should be done almost immediately after birth, so that fear and a feeling of insecurity do not accompany the child throughout his life.

You can also free your child from fear by reading the Lord’s Prayer. Take the child in your arms, wipe him with holy water and whisper:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth;

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Water spell for adult children

Without taking any action to get rid of fear or the evil eye, the child’s fear will only intensify. In the future, fear can develop into a serious health threat. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease at an early age. An effective conspiracy against fright can help with this.

In the process of speaking, water acquires magical properties, it is completely harmless, does not cause fear or irritation in children, and therefore is often used for charming.

Initially, you need to visit the temple, purchase holy water and thirteen candles there. When you come home, wait for the waning moon phase. After twelve o'clock at night, place lighted church candles and a saucer of holy water on the table. After this, gaze intently into the flames, mentally asking the Lord for recovery for your child. Your mother's heart should feel ready to take a step forward. When the shock occurs, you will immediately realize that you are ready to cast a spell out of fear. At that moment, say the spell:

“I speak a strong word to water, from fears and fears, from hostility and nightmares I conjure it, I call on courage to help me. Let my darling not suffer, and let the anxiety disappear from her! Holy water, help me heal, let me drink with courage and courage! Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to say the spell several times, the more, the better. After reading the magic words, put out the candles. Take the cinders to the crossroads and leave them there. Wash your child with enchanted water and let him drink. This ritual will help not only get rid of fear, but also remove the evil eye.

The strongest spell on wax

One of the most effective ways to treat fear is a spell against fear using wax. This ritual is in most cases applied to newborns. The child's relatives must perform the ritual. How to correctly carry out a conspiracy against fear?

Waxing should never be done on religious holidays or on Sundays.

Initially, you need to purchase wax. If problems arise in purchasing the material, then ordinary church candles will do. After the basic material has been purchased, take a deep plate and pour running water into it. The liquid must be cold. Take the baby in your arms and stand near the threshold of your house or apartment. The baby's face should be towards the exit of the home.

Melt the wax in a suitable iron bowl, raise the container with water above the baby’s head and read the Lord’s Prayer, then pour the wax into the liquid and recite the fear spell:

“Oh, you passions and misfortunes.

From the servant of God (name) pour out and come out,

In the wild little head, in the thick hair,

In a brave heart, in a white body,

In the legs and arms, in the blood and in the eyes.

Don't sit, but go away!

It is not I who will pour out the fear, but the Mother of God.

With her are angels and archangels, and guardian saints,

Yes, all the army of heaven. Amen".

The spell against fright and manipulation of wax should be repeated at least nine times. After the procedure is completed, the wax will depict intricate figures with various irregularities. This can only mean one thing: the wax material has absorbed the child’s fear, anxiety, and fussiness. The baby should not look at the wax, otherwise the ritual was performed in vain, and a positive result cannot be expected. After reading the spell, the wax pictures can be used for your own purposes, but it is recommended to pour the used liquid under any bush or tree.

This fear spell is carried out several times. When the wax becomes even and smooth without any visible damage, we can assume that the fear and evil eye have disappeared, as a result of which the baby is completely healthy! The ceremony is carried out twice a day, at any time of the day.

It is difficult to cure fear in a child using traditional medicine, despite modern developments in psychology. The most powerful healing for fear comes from our ancestors and their legacy. Prayers and conspiracies for fear have been popular for hundreds of years. It was with these spells that thousands of children were saved and cured. The rituals presented above will help save the baby from misfortunes, fears and severe evil eyes.

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  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.
  • 12/09/2017 and the authors’ obscurantism is impressive. black magic devils.
  • 12/08/2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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