The best menu for a wedding. What to prepare for a wedding in the summer for guests and newlyweds - a selection of delicious and unusual dishes for the menu

Anna Lyubimova June 21, 2018

Today, newlyweds often plan to set the table for a wedding at home, where they invite their closest people. Once the date of the special event and the number of guests become known, you need to begin to think about the banquet in detail.

What to cook for a wedding at home?

If you're on a budget, still try to prepare dishes based on your guests' preferences. After which you can go shopping for groceries.

You can easily create a wedding menu for 15-25 people yourself. It is enough to prepare 4-5 salads or even less, with a variety of ingredients and place them in several plates so that guests can easily reach them. You should not add the same ingredients everywhere, for example, chicken, olives or mushrooms. Can serve sandwiches, cheese, meat, fish slices.

For dessert, cake and other sweet delicacies are served with tea or coffee.

It’s a little more difficult to think through a menu for a wedding at home for 20-30 people - it’s no longer so easy to accommodate such a number of people in an ordinary apartment. But nothing is impossible. Each dish should be distributed onto three plates placed at different ends of the table so that everyone can reach it. Then each of the six or seven guests will get a portion of salad, cold cuts, etc. In this case, you won’t have to run to the opposite edge of the table every time to get the appetizer you like. If there are more men than women among those invited, the amount of food should be increased.

Photos of a wedding menu at home

Must be at least three salads, several different cold appetizers with meat, fish, cheese, sausage. And preferably two hot dishes. For such a number of people present, you need to stock up on 10 bottles of wine. The same number of bottles of alcoholic beverages will be needed. At least 5 liters of juice, soda, mineral water.

When planning such a celebration with even more guests, it is very important to calculate the number of products needed, and also create a menu for a wedding table for 50 people, which should include salads, meat, fish, vegetable dishes, fruits, sweets, and cake. If you understand the calculation rules, then this is not at all difficult.

Photos of prepared food on the wedding table

Even bad weather in the summer will not be able to darken the festive mood of the newlyweds. The celebration can be organized in a country house, in a country house, or in an apartment. The menu for a summer wedding should be light, with an emphasis on soft drinks. There should be an abundance of vegetable snacks, salads, and fruits on the table. Here are some tips:

  1. In hot weather after the registry office, all guests will want to freshen up, so you need to prepare large quantities of cold drinks and ice. Treats from the supermarket are not very suitable. Let it be better lemon water with pieces fruit. This drink is best served in a large bowl with ice.
  2. As for cold dishes in summer, they should be presented on lettuce leaves. It can be: several types of vegetables, cheese, seafood, nuts. It is better to put fish in appetizers. They are usually served chilled, so they are stored in the refrigerator before serving.

Don’t forget to take into account the culinary preferences of vegetarian guests, so there should be an abundance of various snacks without meat and fish on the table.

A sample menu for a wedding table could include:

  • light, fresh treats like Caesar, Greek, etc.;
  • seafood, vegetables in any form, wild mushrooms, nuts, chicken breast;
  • cheese, meat and also fish.

In the summer heat, intoxication occurs faster. Therefore, mild alcoholic drinks, cocktails with ice and refreshing toppings are preferred. This can be “Mojito”, “Sangria” wine and other chilled ones.

Photo sample of how to set a table for a wedding at home

When planning a holiday menu, you need to take into account how many women, men, and children there will be among those invited. Men are delighted with spicy and hearty dishes, as well as alcohol. Ladies love wine, different types of cheese and fish. Their age is also important.

What salads to prepare for a wedding

Salads are especially popular on the holiday table. Cooking them at home is a very responsible task, because any mistake you make can overshadow the guests' feast. You have a huge choice. There are so many tempting salads in cooking: summer and winter, spicy and sweet, puff pastry and cheese, meat and vegetarian, mushroom and seafood. We bring to your attention salad recipes for weddings , which will be the decoration of the table on such a day.

Puff “Wedding Waltz”

Prepare four layers. Each is covered with mayonnaise sauce:

  1. Layer in the form of boiled chopped chicken, garlic, nuts.
  2. Mushrooms fried with onions.
  3. Protein.
  4. Cheese (you can grate it).

"Wedding ring"

Photo of lettuce wedding ring

Grated carrots and potatoes, pickled mushrooms, boiled meat, onions, eggs. Interlayers:

  • potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • mushrooms (1 jar);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • meat (400 g);
  • carrots (300 g);
  • eggs (4 pcs.);
  • a jar of corn - to decorate the dish.

Everything needs to be greased with mayonnaise. A round vessel is placed in the center of a beautiful flat bowl. They cover it with salad - a circle comes out, symbolizing wedding ring, decorated with bright corn sprinkles. You can also cross two rings.

Recipes for Wedding Snacks at Home

Cold and hot appetizers for the wedding table at home must be present. It is necessary to calculate the portions correctly so that all guests get them. Each of them has their own culinary preferences, different appetites. The approximate weight of the snack for each person is 50-70 grams.

Don’t forget that those invited will be actively eating at the beginning, during the first 40 minutes. Then they drink and eat more and more

Before moving on to the feast, you can organize a light buffet - tartlets, canapés, sandwiches.

Photo of tartlets on the wedding table

The main table may include:

  • stuffed pancakes,
  • skewers with champignons,
  • spicy eggplants,
  • cold chops,
  • sandwiches with caviar,
  • cucumber rolls,
  • olives,
  • cheese slices,
  • julienne,
  • seafood in batter,
  • meat and fish cuts,
  • baskets with salad, etc.

Better, of course prepare some treats, which are not a shame to serve on the holiday table.

Beef basturma

Photo of beef basturma

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt to it. Place the meat, pressing down lightly so that it is submerged in water, and keep it in the refrigerator for at least one day.
  2. Remove the meat by squeezing it lightly and place it under a press at an angle overnight to allow the water to drain.
  3. Mix all seasonings: 20 g ground black pepper, 30 g “khmeli-suneli”, 10 g ground paprika, 10-15 g dry ground garlic. Generously coat the meat with it. Make a hole in each piece and string it onto a threaded rope.
  4. Wrap the meat tightly with cling film or gauze and hang it in a ventilated room for two weeks.

Roll with salmon and cheese

  1. Unfold a large thin pita bread on the table, from which you should make a roll. Grease it liberally with soft cheese or butter, mayonnaise.
  2. Place cut lightly salted fish on top of the pita bread.
  3. Roll it into a roll and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to soak. Then cut into pieces and arrange beautifully. Decorate with greens.

Hot dishes for the wedding table

A celebration for 50 people will not be cheap. Wedding dishes should be served piping hot. Therefore, you need to appoint someone from your family in advance to warm them up and serve them. There may be a duck with apples on the table, baked pike perch, chicken tobacco, home-style roast, sea bass with vegetables, baked pig.

Photo of baked pike perch on the wedding table

Gingerbread wedding house as an alternative to cake

Traditionally, at the end of the feast, guests are offered a luxurious cake. It must be ordered from the pastry chef the day before. But we suggest presenting a gingerbread house instead.

This product is made from a special dough appeared in ancient times in Rome and had a shape symbolizing the dwelling of the Gods. In Rus', such a confectionery masterpiece was prepared during the Christmas period.

Nowadays, such masterpieces of confectionery art often appear at wedding events.

The gingerbread house is the personification of the cozy life of the young - everything that symbolizes the beginning of something new and important. In addition, the delicacy is often stylized in a wedding spirit: it is decorated with marzipan hearts and doves.

Photo of wedding gingerbread house

In a word, such a house is an unusual variation of a wedding cake that will look very attractive on the table. Such an extraordinary house can be a gift for newlyweds and will elegantly decorate a feast.

Treat recipe

To prepare the dough, you need to use flour - about 300 g, 2 eggs, a glass of honey, butter - 55 g, sugar - 60 g and baking powder - 1 tsp. You also need to take some cloves.

In order to prepare the glaze (prepared twice), you should stock up on 0.5 cups of powdered sugar, lemon juice, and egg white.

As decoration dragee and sprinkles will do.

Place honey, regular sugar, vanilla sugar and butter in a saucepan. This mixture is heated over low heat. It needs to be stirred. After which it cools.

Add the spiced egg to the butter-honey mixture and mix.

Flour is mixed with baking powder and added to this mixture.
Once the dough is kneaded, it is rolled into a ball and wrapped in film. It cools down within two hours.

All elementscut out of paper. For the roof you need two products 12x14 cm, for the walls also two - 6.6x12 cm, for the facade - 16x12, the height of the wall should be 6.6 cm. A pipe is also made from the dough.
After rolling out the dough into a layer, the products are placed on the very top and the elements of the house are cut out.

Baking the dough takes approximately 10 minutes. The baking temperature should be 180 C.

Preparing the glaze

Add powdered sugar and lemon juice (1 tsp) to the protein.

Pour the glaze into a bag and use a nozzle with a small hole to trace the contours of the windows and each door. You can also have a house decorate with colored sprinkles.

Apply glaze to the bottom and sides of the façade. To do this, use a nozzle with a huge hole and place the front on a base (in the form of cardboard).

After this, apply the glaze to the lower part of the walls and fix it near the facade - press the blanks with your hands and hold them a little until they are installed.

A day later, prepare another glaze from the protein and do not forget about the roof. First, place half of the roof on the glaze, press it with your hands and secure with toothpicks. Do the same with another part of the roof. Using the same method, install the fence and attach the pipe to the roof of the house. Now the sweetness is “built”.

Ready gingerbread house

Today, confectionery professionals compete in the production of delicacies from gingerbread dough - large and small, containing a variety of ingredients. Only one thing remains constant: such a house - symbol of the present love and peace.

Preparing a wedding is pleasant, but still a hassle. In the series of these troubles and preparations, there are no less important or more important ones. Choosing and inviting guests, the bride's wedding dress, the groom's suit, the wedding script, music, hall decoration - you can't count everything, and all this needs to be done well and on time. And drawing up a wedding menu is also one of the important and necessary preparations for this celebration.

Not only the mood of the guests, but also the celebration itself largely depends on what and in what quantity will be on the wedding table. Imagine that there are enough strong drinks at the wedding table, but there are almost no different dishes and snacks left, for example, by the second half of the wedding evening.

As they say, “we danced and had fun, and when we sat down at the table, we shed tears.” So what will happen then? And there will be a very unpleasant picture - the guests will slowly (some quickly) and systematically get drunk. There won't be much to eat. There is one general rule for almost all holiday feasts: guests eat only for the first 15 - 20 minutes, the rest of the time they have a snack.

So the lack of food on the wedding menu can result in a lack of fun and the presence of despondency or even scandals and fights at this holiday. After all, excessively drunk people are divided into two categories: sad and aggressive.

But an overly overloaded wedding menu is also useless - a waste of money. And then where to put the food left on the table? It seems a shame to leave it. Put it in saucepans and then eat it for a whole week with the whole family?

Therefore, a properly composed and balanced wedding menu is very important when holding this holiday.

There is no need to worry about how much each dish should be on the table. The employees of the cafe or restaurant where you are going to hold your wedding are professionals and will correctly calculate the volume of each dish and the number of products for the wedding menu, according to the number of people present at the celebration. But the number and composition of dishes for the wedding menu are chosen by those who order - parents or other relatives of the bride and groom.

What to consider when choosing a wedding menu

  • After looking at the selection of dishes that the restaurant can offer you, decide which ones you will order, do not order those that you have not tried
  • If your financial capabilities are limited, do not order the most expensive dishes; you can order similar, but more economical ones
  • For a more varied wedding menu, order more of a variety of appetizers; your guests may have different tastes: someone does not like fish, someone prefers fish to meat, someone may even be a vegetarian. A large assortment of snacks will satisfy the tastes of all your guests
  • The wedding menu must include two hot dishes: a hot appetizer and a main course.
  • Discuss in advance with the restaurant manager how many alcoholic drinks you can bring with you. Alcohol in a restaurant is more expensive than in a store, and restaurant management usually allows you to bring a certain amount of alcoholic beverages, provided that you order some of them in the restaurant
  • Order the organization of a small buffet table; it is necessary when creating a wedding menu. Usually, some guests, after registering at the registry office, when the newlyweds are riding before the wedding feast, appear at the restaurant earlier than the newlyweds. Such a buffet table, where you can put champagne, wine, fruit and a few light snacks that you can take with your hands without using cutlery, will allow guests to feel more at ease. They won't have to stand along the walls waiting for the newlyweds

What does the wedding menu include?

  • Various cold appetizers: vegetable, meat, fish platter, cheese or cheese appetizer, seafood, portioned salads and those in common vases, stuffed vegetables and eggs
  • Two hot dishes, main and hot appetizer
  • Juices, compotes, mineral water
  • Fruits
  • Alcohol: champagne, wine, vodka or cognac, calculation of alcoholic drinks, approximately 1.0 - 1.5 liters per person
  • A wedding cake

Serving order

By the beginning of the wedding feast, all snacks should be on the table, including portioned ones, various assorted dishes, juices, mineral water, fruits, alcoholic drinks
. After a short period of time (20-30 minutes), salads are served on the table; there should be several types of them
. Hot appetizers are served to the wedding table approximately after the first third of the wedding evening, when guests have already tried all the cold appetizers
. The main course completes the serving of everything ordered on the wedding menu (except cake and dessert). Whatever the hot dish, it must be served with a vegetable side dish. Before the main hot waiter appears, the waiters must clean the tables, take away dirty dishes, and place clean plates and cutlery. At this time, the toastmaster can entertain guests with competitions
. The crown and peak of the celebration is the appearance of the wedding cake. By this time, the buffet table needs to be converted into a tea table, where you can place a samovar, tea, coffee, sweets, and plates for the cake. Time for tea and coffee comes after cutting the wedding cake. Guests decide for themselves whether to drink tea and when to drink it, they come to the tea table and serve themselves
. Sometimes the wedding menu, dessert, in addition to fruit, may include ice cream and some prepared desserts. They are usually served after cutting the wedding cake.

Two wedding menu options

Wedding menu -Option No. 1

. Salads and cold appetizers:

Salad “Sea Breeze” - seafood, lightly salted sturgeon, pineapples
Salad “Oriental Tale” - fried chicken fillet, red and yellow bell peppers, pomegranate seeds, canned pineapple
Salad “Royal Folly” - king prawns, cherry tomatoes, green lettuce, arugula, lemon juice
Salad “Tropical Heat” - fresh cucumbers, lettuce, orange, squid meat, bell pepper
Dressings and sauces for them are in the competence of the cook
Assorted meats (ingredients to taste and your choice)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, cucumbers)
Assorted salted and pickled vegetables (sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, pickled garlic or onions)
Assorted fish with lemon and olives (fish to taste and your choice)
Eggplant stuffed with ham and rice
Tomatoes stuffed with grated hard cheese, garlic and sour cream

. Hot snack:
Chicken fillet pieces in orange sauce
Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese and garlic

. Main course, side dish:
Pork rolls stuffed with fried mushrooms and onions
Stew of fresh or frozen vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, young beans)

. Dessert:
Fresh fruit (your choice)
Ice cream

Wedding menu - option No. 2

. Salads and cold appetizers:
Revival salad - pieces of fried pork, anchovies, cranberries, Parmesan cheese, parsley leaves
“Fantasy” salad - bacon, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber, small dried white bread croutons, Blue cheese sauce
Salad “Russian Summer” - apples, fresh cabbage, bell pepper, fresh carrots, greens
“Starry Sky” salad - ham, marinated artichokes, boiled tongue, bell pepper, apples, canned corn, rice
Dressings, sauces, spices for them are in the competence of the cook
Olives framed by greenery
Assorted meats (composition at your discretion)
Assorted smoked, marinated and salted fish (composition at your discretion)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions)
Cheese platter (composition and quantity of cheeses in the platter at your discretion)
Marinated mushrooms with onions (honey mushrooms, butterdish, porcini)

. Hot appetizers:
Japanese chicken in Tonkatsu sauce
Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese sauce

. Main hot:
Fish braid - fillet of sturgeon, pike perch and halibut, poached in white wine with Champagne sauce
Eggplant baked with fresh tomatoes and onions in garlic sauce

. Dessert:
Fruits (composition of fruits at your discretion)
Fresh raspberries (strawberries) with whipped cream, served in portions

Wedding menu for the second wedding day

Usually the restaurant is booked for one evening. On the second day there are fewer guests - only close relatives remain. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the wedding menu for the second day. If the wedding takes place in the warm season (late spring, summer, early autumn), it’s a good idea to spend the second day in nature, where, in addition to two or three light snacks, you can cook fish soup and kebabs.

If the wedding is in winter, and there is a small feast in the apartment, you can put two or three salads, homemade cakes and definitely some light soup (chicken, mushroom, just broth with herbs) on the table.

Let your imagination, the skill of the cook and your financial capabilities help you create an excellent wedding menu so that all guests have not only unforgettable impressions of a fun and interesting wedding, but also pleasant memories of a beautiful wedding table and unusually tasty dishes.

Snacks for a wedding can be very diverse, because every housewife wants her guests to be not only well-fed, but also satisfied! Their choice is really great, as they say, for every taste and color. Hot and cold, baked, boiled, tartlets, sandwiches, canapés - you can and should cook a lot! Remember, at such an event it is the snacks that will be especially popular.

In my opinion, the main thing is simplicity and conciseness. Products that are familiar and loved by everyone, which can be found in any supermarket or even bought at the market - these are our choices. To please your guests, you don’t need to look for products whose names you can’t even pronounce. Here it is worth remembering the old proverb: “Keep it simple and people will reach out to you.”

However, do not forget about serving the dishes. Here you can turn around and not limit your imagination.

Perhaps, if you are planning a themed wedding, then you should use its motifs in the design of the dishes. This can be expressed in setting the table in a certain color scheme or decorating snacks with interesting figures.

In general, creativity will only come in handy!

How to prepare snacks for a wedding - 15 varieties

A recipe that has been proven over the years - sandwiches with red caviar - will always delight your guests. It is very easy and quick to prepare, and simple decorations in the form of a slice of lemon and a small bunch of parsley can turn it into a real masterpiece.


  • Red caviar - 170 grams;
  • Unsalted butter - 60 grams;
  • Baguette - 1 piece;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Parsley - 1 large bunch;


First you need to prepare the ingredients. Rinse the parsley and lemon thoroughly under running water and let them dry on a paper towel. Cut the lemon into slices and tear the parsley into small bunches.

To make sandwiches, it is best to use a slightly stale loaf; when cutting it will not crumble, which, you see, will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Cut it into slices (1-2 centimeters).

Each piece is evenly greased with butter, which should first be taken out of the refrigerator so that it “melts” a little.

Place red caviar in a thin layer on baguette slices, garnish with lemon slices and parsley. We serve it beautifully on a plate and you can serve it to the table.

A simple and modest recipe that will not only decorate the festive table, but will undoubtedly cause a taste sensation on the part of the guests. It turns out very impressive and beautiful, and is prepared quickly and easily.


  • Crab sticks - 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 160 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;


We prepare the ingredients for our snack. Crab sticks must first be defrosted (this will literally take 30-35 minutes). Boil the eggs, peel off the shells. Rinse the dill under running water and chop finely

Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites into one bowl on a fine grater, and the yolks into another. Grate cheese and garlic into a bowl with egg whites. We also send dill there and season everything with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Unwrap each crab stick and coat with a thin layer of filling. We wrap the sticks into tubes.

Lubricate each stick on both sides with a small amount of mayonnaise and dip in the yolks.

Place the chopsticks on the lettuce leaves and our appetizer is ready!

“You can buy fish like this in any supermarket!” - you say. And yes, you will be right, but what could be tastier (and cheaper) than salted fish yourself?


  • Salmon - 1 kilogram;
  • Sea salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - to taste;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;


Let's begin! Let's prepare our salmon. I prefer to take it straight away, it’s faster and easier. We wash the fish under running water and cut it into two equal pieces.

For the pickling itself, I recommend using coarse salt: it has more suitable properties for pickling.

Mix salt and sugar and rub into our salmon.

There is no need to use a lot of spices here, otherwise they will overwhelm the taste of the fish itself. We'll make do with black pepper and crushed bay leaves.

Add lemon slices on top and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. We place a press on top so that it puts pressure on the fish. Place the salmon in the refrigerator for exactly one day.

The next day, remove the press, drain the liquid and put it in the refrigerator for another day.

Cut the fish into thin slices and serve according to your taste!

This appetizer is prepared very quickly. Stuffed eggs are suitable not only for a wedding table, but also for any other holiday.


  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese - 80 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • Walnuts - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Batavia salad - a couple of leaves for serving;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Pomegranate - 15-30 grains;


Let's prepare the products. We wash the greens under running water, peel the garlic and pomegranate. Boil the eggs, peel off the shells.

Cut the eggs into 2 halves, remove the yolk. Mash the yolks with a fork in a bowl and add finely grated cheese to them.

The next ingredient is walnuts. Finely chop them with a knife and add to the yolks. Squeeze the garlic there, add salt and mix the ingredients. Add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix everything thoroughly.

Take lettuce leaves and cut them into small pieces. We place each piece of salad in the whites of the egg halves and put the filling in them.

We decorate the stuffed eggs with parsley and add a bright accent - pomegranate seeds. We put our appetizer on a plate and we can serve it to the table.

This appetizer will give you a summer mood and a boost of positivity even on the gloomiest autumn day, and it’s very, very easy to prepare.


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 1 piece;
  • Grapes - 1 bunch;
  • Canned pineapples - half a can;


Let's prepare our fruits. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, peel the banana and kiwi from the skin.

Cut each pineapple circle into 8 pieces. Place on toothpicks in the following order: banana, kiwi, pineapple, grapes (can be changed to your liking).

Place the canapés on a plate and decorate as you wish.

A new interpretation of everyone's favorite Greek salad. Let's get started?


  • Cherry tomatoes - 9 pieces;
  • Olives - half a jar;
  • Cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Cheese cheese - 150 grams;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of canapés;


Prepare the vegetables, rinse the cherry tomatoes and cucumbers under running water. Cut the cucumbers into rings and cheese into cubes.

A quick cold appetizer that will please everyone.


  • Thin pita bread - 2 pieces;
  • Dill -1 small bunch;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Soft cheese - 350 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Tomato - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack;


Prepare your food. Rinse the vegetables and herbs under water, boil the eggs and peel them.

Cut tomatoes, crab sticks and cucumbers into thin strips. Finely chop the greens. Cut the eggs into small cubes (you can use an egg slicer).

Lay out the pita bread and grease it with melted cheese. Arrange cucumbers and tomatoes. Spread the second layer of pita bread and grease it with a layer of mayonnaise, lay out eggs and herbs. Add crab sticks on top and wrap our pita bread.

Wrap the resulting roll in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

We cut our pita bread into small slices and serve.

A classic cut that goes well with all drinks.


  • Cheese - 220 grams;
  • Salts - 250 grams;
  • Ham - 200 grams;
  • Olives - 1 jar;


Cut the cheese into even cubes. Salt and ham into thin slices.

The main thing in this appetizer is the presentation. Take a round plate and start adding the filling (alternate the products). Place olives in the middle of the plate as a garnish.

We must not forget about the little guests; even the most strict little gourmets will like this appetizer.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;


Let's prepare the products. Rinse the vegetables and herbs under running water, boil the eggs and peel them.

Grate the ham and eggs on a fine grater, mix in one bowl, squeeze out the garlic. Grate cheese, preferably hard cheese, into the same bowl, season it all with mayonnaise and mix well.

The hats will be made from small cherry tomatoes. Cut them in half. Cut the cucumber into rings.

We place the dish with an improvised field - fresh salad. The basis of our mushrooms will be cucumber slices. The leg of the fly agaric will become a mass of ham, cheese and eggs. Place a tomato cap on the legs. The white dots that fly agarics are famous for can be made using mayonnaise.

Well, that's all, our mushrooms are ready.

There can never be too much seafood, so here’s another recipe with salted fish.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 1 piece;
  • Feta cheese - 150 grams;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Red caviar - a quarter of a jar;


Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly, rinse the dill and finely chop.

Mix Feta cheese with herbs. Cut the salmon into thin slices and brush with cheese mixture, wrap the slices into rolls.

Place lettuce leaves on a plate and place rolls, steal the tops with caviar. Our rolls are ready.

A tender and satisfying appetizer that will definitely not be out of place on the holiday table.


  • Ready-made tartlets - 14 pieces;
  • Philadelphia - 2 tablespoons;
  • Quail eggs -7 pieces;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 7 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 80 grams;
  • Green onions - for decoration;


Let's prepare the food. Rinse cherry tomatoes and onions under running water. Boil the eggs, remove the shells. Cut eggs and tomatoes in half.

Let's start with the filling. Cut crab sticks into small cubes and mix with Philadelphia cheese.

We fill our tartlets and decorate them with half an egg and cherry tomatoes. Add a couple of onion sticks and our appetizer is ready!

Ham rolls are a simple and delicious snack. There are a great variety of fillings, let's try the simplest one - cheese.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of rolls;


The filling is prepared very quickly and simply. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add finely chopped garlic and mayonnaise to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the ham into thin slices. Lubricate the pieces with cheese mixture and roll them into rolls, securing with a toothpick.

Cheese balls in butter - tasty and easy.


  • Cheese - 250 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Nuts - 15-20 pieces;
  • Flour - 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;


First, separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the yolks; we won’t need them. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a mixer at low speed (you should get foam)

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the whites. Form a ball from the resulting mass and add walnuts inside. Sprinkle the balls with flour.

Add a large amount of oil to the pan and fry until golden brown.

Place the finished balls on a plate. Bon appetit.

A snack for any time of year! Tasty and healthy.


  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Soft cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;


Rinse the pepper under running water and remove the seeds. Wash the greens and chop finely.

Add greens to the soft cottage cheese and squeeze out the garlic, salt and pepper.

Stuff the peppers with curd mixture and cut into rings. The appetizer can be served!

What wedding would be complete without champagne? What could go better with this drink than fruit? A simple and easy fruit slice for a sparkling drink.


  • Orange - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Dark grapes - 1 bunch;


Fruits should be washed well. Peel the orange and kiwi and cut them into circles.

We serve it beautifully on a plate, arranging it in lines. Place grapes in the middle. Bon appetit.

The wedding table is the second element, after the bride's dress, that attracts the greatest attention from others. It testifies to the quality of the wedding, because the guests feast on it until the morning. Choosing a menu for your wedding is not so easy.

Sometimes, sitting in a restaurant, people cannot decide what they themselves would like to eat, but here you need to make a decision for many people. Of course, you can count on tips from the restaurant or the chef preparing the dishes.

However, it is important that before such a conversation you already have certain ideas, so that you can form an opinion on what to cook for the wedding table.

A wedding table ready for celebration should be memorable.

What should be on the wedding table: types, number of dishes and serving features

The wedding menu, along with the bride's dress, music and overall atmosphere, is one of the most commented on elements of any wedding. This is a big challenge, especially when a celebration for several dozen people is planned. The more guests, the more difficult it is to please everyone. Despite all the desire, it is not possible to cope with the culinary expectations of each of them separately. But there are several ways to leave a very good overall impression. Gone are the days when menus were judged in terms of how many dishes were on the table. Now the success of a banquet is determined by the quality of the food served

. Of course, the number has not completely lost its relevance.

After all, you can’t let guests leave hungry, but there’s no need for tables piled high with food that no one will be able to eat, and most of it will simply go bad. At a standard wedding, lasting approximately 12 hours, there are usually 4 to 5 main courses, appetizers, pastries, dessert and fruit served.

Its diversity plays a significant role in the wedding menu. Let there be several types of meat and fish on the guests' tables. Don't forget about vegetarians. They will probably be among those invited to the wedding, so you should make sure that there are enough dishes on the menu for them, for example, from soy or tofu.

The classic sequence of serving dishes is as follows: salad, hot appetizer, fish dish, main meat dish, dessert.

Small, brightly decorated canapés, for example with red caviar, will add color to the table. Appetizers are the beginning of the banquet. served immediately after appetizers or at the same time as them. It is desirable that they be presented in various versions: vegetable, meat, fish and seafood.

After about an hour, hot snacks are served. It can be meat or chicken julienne, small savory pies, pancakes. It may seem that hot appetizers are to some extent the same as the main course, but this is not the case. Lightness and small portions present hot appetizers as a kind of “snack” before the main course.

Between courses, guests should be able to get a snack. This is very important, in particular for people who drink alcohol.

In this case, it is advisable to serve them in the form of Swedish or. In order to enrich the menu for vegetarians and those who care about their figure, you can set up a separate table with salads.

After the hot appetizers, it is time to serve the main courses. In this case, the following order is traditionally observed: first fish, then meat. In addition to taste, great attention should be paid to the design of the main dishes. Of course, the wedding dish can be served in portions, but served as a whole will become a real decoration of the wedding table.

So, for example, it could be stuffed sturgeon, baked pig, goose with apples. You can serve baked vegetables or potatoes as a side dish. It is advisable to entrust the serving of the main dish, cooked entirely, to a professional.

On the table there should be dishes with fruit, juices, preferably in transparent jugs, sparkling and still mineral water (there may be bottles here so that guests do not make mistakes).

This video will tell you how to choose the right wedding menu:

After the guests have finished the main course, it’s time for dessert.

Wedding cakes are an endless field of imagination, they come in a variety of shapes and different decorations: from minimalist cakes to luxurious cream castles.

It all depends on the wishes of the customers and the skill of the confectioner. Prepare a cake at the rate of 1.5-2 kg for ten people. You should also worry about serving coffee or tea. A wedding cake can be a real decoration at a wedding.

The easiest way to get into statistical tastes is to choose a semi-dry wine. Many people do not like the tartness of dry wine, and sweet alcoholic drinks are usually served with desserts. The color of wine today is a matter of individual taste, but traditionally the alcohol on the banquet menu should match the food served:

  • white wine is typically associated with poultry and fish;
  • red wine with game and meat;
  • liqueurs are served for dessert;
  • A glass of champagne is raised in a toast.

The quantity varies, as a rule, for five people they suggest 3-4 bottles of strong alcohol, 2-3 bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne.

In order for dirty dishes to be cleared away in a timely manner and the banquet to proceed without fuss and for dishes to be served on time, there must be at least one waiter for every ten people.

What is prepared for a wedding table in the summer: sample menu

The time of year in which the wedding is planned also plays a significant role. Summer is the most preferred time for a wedding, but it is not without some disadvantages.

Not all dishes can withstand the heat well: salads quickly lose their freshness, and high-calorie dishes with various sauces, although appetizing, are not very inspiring.

In summer, you should limit the number of salads combined with mayonnaise or jelly-based snacks. Seasonal vegetables deserve special attention, as do their exotic relatives. Bright fruits will decorate any table.

there should be a lot and in a wide range; Sweet carbonated water does not quench thirst well. Various lemonades, iced tea, crushes (berries mixed in a blender with ice), and frozen juices are good in hot weather.

To keep your drinks cold, you can stock up on a significant amount of ice - it is appropriate for both strong and non-alcoholic drinks. Lemonade perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

For wedding receptions from spring to fall, you can wow guests with culinary delights prepared in the garden or on the patio. It can be meat or fish, grilled or skewered.

This option is quite expensive and time-consuming, but the impressions gained are worth it. A wedding held outdoors has an atmosphere of magic.

For newlyweds, a wedding is associated with joyful excitement and great emotional stress. They accept congratulations, are nervous from the abundance of attention and hardly look at the table at which they are sitting. The menu for newlyweds is slightly different from the general one; their wedding table is set separately, and parents or friends select dishes for the newlyweds.

The bride and groom need to maintain good health throughout the evening, so the dishes on their table should be light.

Vegetables and fruits, a sufficient amount of seafood and fish, and white poultry meat must be present.

It would be appropriate to add aphrodisiacs to the menu (various nuts, avocados, caviar). Drinking alcohol is an individual matter, but young people should refrain from strong drinks on this day.

It makes more sense to limit yourself to champagne, then it will be quite easy to maintain the pace of the celebration and preserve the memories of the first wedding night.

  1. Happy newlyweds have a hard time on their big day. As an example, you can take a couple of simple dishes:
  2. Red fish salad. Sprinkle fish fillet with spices, grill, cool, cut into pieces, mix with sweet corn. Add cherry tomatoes, cut bell peppers, pour olive oil, salt, and lime juice.

Shrimp salad fried with garlic and chili pepper. Thaw frozen shrimp (at room temperature or under running, cold water). Rinse and clean, dry. Grate or crush one clove of garlic in a garlic press, cut the second into thin slices. Cut the chili pepper diagonally into thin slices. Place large lettuce leaves on plates, add arugula, and place cherry tomatoes cut into halves or quarters on top.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped garlic, shrimp and chili pepper, and add salt. Fry over medium heat for about a minute on each side. Then add grated garlic, stir and fry for half a minute, stirring. Pour in white wine, lemon juice, stir and set aside from heat. Place on lettuce leaves. Drizzle with olive oil.

Shrimp salad is a light and nutritious dish.

A banquet is a very important part of any wedding celebration, especially if a large number of guests with their own taste preferences are invited. This is precisely the reason for the careful selection of dishes for this event, which can be considered popular and loved by the vast majority of those invited. Hot meat dishes play an important role in the wedding menu. Considering that it is advisable to serve them in portions, excellent

An exquisite dessert completes the menu of any banquet. An excellent option for a wedding feast would be a light, airy tiramisu. Its advantage is the original combination of several flavors and the ability to serve portions in bowls to each of the guests. Mastering the art of preparing and decorating this dessert yourself is not difficult. To do this you will need a small selection of available products. Let's start preparing tiramisu For preparation

Among the numerous dishes at a wedding banquet, meat dishes occupy the leading place. Being nourishing and varied, they satisfy the tastes of the most demanding guests. Among the dishes common on wedding menus, the Kiev cutlet made from dietary chicken meat is especially popular. You can learn how to prepare a dish that is in demand on the wedding table yourself from this master class. Cooking master class

An indispensable and hardly the main dish of the wedding table is cake. For such a significant celebration, they choose an original recipe that differs from everyday sweets in order to truly enjoy the taste of this dessert. The airy structure of the meringue and the complex buttercream of the Kyiv cake will satisfy the taste preferences of almost every wedding banquet guest. To prepare Kiev cake, it is not necessary to resort to the services

Among the abundance of snacks presented on the banquet menu for the wedding table, there must certainly be refreshing and low-calorie salads. An excellent option for such a dish, especially in demand in the summer-autumn period, is a Greek salad consisting of popular vegetables. Making this salad yourself is very easy. The main thing is to choose the necessary ingredients that are organically combined with each other. Preparing the salad To maintain their proportions in

Celebrating a wedding, an extremely significant event at the beginning of a newly-made family’s life together, obliges the newlyweds and their parents to generously treat the guests who come with congratulations. An obligatory component of every menu, especially a banquet one, are snacks. You should take care of their variety and taste in order to please each of the guests. A universal appetizer, the preparation of which does not depend on the season, are stuffed with original

Celebrating such a significant event as a wedding requires careful preparation of a number of nuances, among which the banquet table plays an important role. Among the popular appetizers recommended by wedding planners who know their stuff, the leading place has long been occupied by Caesar salad, preferred due to the dietary properties of chicken meat and the original taste of the sauce. Step-by-step recipe Making Caesar salad yourself doesn’t take much effort.

The menu of any gala lunch or dinner involves serving a hot meat dish. A wedding banquet is no exception, the menu of which must provide and satisfy the tastes of numerous guests. A dish called chakhokhbili has a bright, extraordinary taste. Dietary chicken or turkey meat and a selection of savory spices will undoubtedly please each of the guests. Cooking chakhokhbili at home Demonstrating the best traditions
