Oil perfumes, what is their peculiarity - how to use oil perfumes. Arabic oil-based perfumes - how to choose by composition, aroma, plume and cost

Currently, oil perfumes are very popular among both women and men, although it is quite difficult to buy natural oil perfumes at the moment.

Oil-based perfumes came to us from the East and, unlike ordinary perfumes, they have a lot of advantages. Their most important difference from cologne and women's perfumes is that they are mixed by hand, taking into account the wishes of the client.

It is possible to buy real natural oil perfumes somewhere in the United Arab Emirates or other eastern regions. Such perfumes cost quite a decent amount, but the effect they have on others is worth it.

After all, unlike ordinary perfumes, oil perfumes retain their aroma for quite a long time and during the day they reveal more and more new colors and smells. That is why it is best not to buy a ready-made version of an oil perfume that was assembled for someone, but to ask a specialist to make it for themselves.

In Eastern countries, there are quite a few shops that are focused on making individual perfumes. As a rule, this procedure is quite long, during which the specialist asks his client certain questions in order to calculate the type of character of the buyer, his preferences. Thanks to this knowledge, the ingredients for perfumes are selected.

The most amazing thing is that in one bottle for different people a different number of aromas is placed, for example, to make perfume for one person, only two types of oils can be used, and for another about thirty.

That is why you should be prepared for the fact that a person can spend more than one hour in a fragrance store somewhere in the East. Of course, you can buy a ready-made fragrance that was collected earlier, but no one guarantees that it will suit a particular person.

Quite interesting is the fact that oily concentrated perfumes are also used as a medicine in the fight against allergies. In order to make such perfumes, a person must know the list of allergens, that is, the smells that cause him allergies.

This list is announced to the specialist who will make the perfume, who, in turn, makes the fragrance, adds ingredients that are similar in smell to allergens. As a result, healing perfumes are obtained, as a rule, their smell is always very popular with people who are allergic to these ingredients individually.

Then, with a long use of the resulting perfume, a person's immunity develops protective reactions to these odors, and over time, the human body ceases to perceive them as allergens, as a result of which the allergy to some odors disappears.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that choosing essential oils and various spices for perfumes is a rather complicated matter and it is rather difficult to learn it. Therefore, in no case should you mix fragrances yourself at home, not only can a person end up with a rather unpleasant smell, since non-professional people in perfumery have olfactory receptors.

In addition, such experiments can lead to allergic reactions with the wrong combination of ingredients, this is due to the fact that the oil in such perfumes is very concentrated. Therefore, blending fragrances at home must be done with great care.

Do not forget that each ingredient in the composition of oil perfumes has certain properties. At the same time, perfumes with various aphrodisiacs are considered the most popular component of oil perfumes, otherwise they are called oil perfumes with pheromones. They are very popular with both women and men.

Despite this, it is quite difficult to buy real perfumes with pheromones that would cause an insatiable desire in a partner, despite the fact that they are sold in any pharmacy or adult store. This is again due to the fact that in order for perfumes with pheromones to begin to act, they must be mixed correctly, and this is done exclusively by hand.

That is why there are no perfumes in stores and pharmacies that would have the desired effect, since they are all factory-made from diluted oil concentrate. Therefore, the purchase of these perfumes is a waste of money. In addition, real perfumes with pheromones that will have an effect on a partner are quite expensive and their price can exceed two or even three thousand rubles for a small bottle of 25 milliliters.

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with advertisements of stores offering oil perfumes, reviews about them are mostly negative. This is due to the fact that in online stores, they mainly sell either diluted oily perfumes, or ordinary perfumes and cologne, poured into beautiful jars. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, there are many ways to distinguish original oil perfumes from fakes, all this is due to the distinctive properties of such perfumes.

Indeed, fakes do not use real oils, but their synthetic substitutes, as a result of which the smell of such perfumes is significantly different from the original ones. In addition, they disappear very quickly, and even with a slight increase in body temperature, they completely change their aroma.

The first thing to remember when buying oil perfumes is that real perfumes brought from the East cannot be cheap, which is why the buyer should not be fooled by a cheap price, even if the seller motivates this by simply having discounts in his store. or he knows how to buy cheaper.

All this is not true, since the price of a small bottle of real oil perfume can reach five, and sometimes even twenty thousand rubles. The original perfume comes in a very beautiful and refined bottle, properly decorated with Arabic ornaments, gold painting or a pattern that reflects the bouquet of perfume aromas.

Vials are made of real glass, have a tight cork. It should be remembered that real oil perfumes never have a sprinkler, if only because their viscous consistency prevents them from spraying. Therefore, if a person sees an advertisement for oil perfumes in a bottle of ordinary perfumes, then this is a fake and you should not buy these products. In general, it is worth remembering a simple rule that the more luxurious and original the oil perfume bottle is, the more likely it is that the perfumes themselves will be real.

Also, special attention, when buying oil perfumes, should be paid to their consistency, the main thing to remember is that real Arabic perfumes contain only oils and, in rare cases, hard spices, so if the buyer smells alcohol, this is the first sign of a fake. In addition, the consistency of the perfume should be quite dense, if it is watery - this is another sign that a person is facing a fake for an expensive type of perfume.

In addition, real oil perfumes have a rather strong and pungent aroma, which is associated with the saturation of the essential oils that were used in the manufacture of perfumes. On the skin, this smell becomes gentle and not so sharp, if it has not changed, this is another evidence that a person is offered to buy a fake.

If a person has acquired real oil perfumes, then before using them, it is necessary to learn how to use them correctly, this is due to the fact that the consistency and smell of oil perfumes differs from ordinary perfumes. The first thing to remember for the happy owner of this type of perfume is that they must be applied only to the skin, in no case should they be used on clothes, since real oil perfumes leave greasy stains on things that are then very difficult to remove.

It is necessary to apply the concentrate only on clean skin, while the person using the perfume should not use scented soap or shower gels, it is best to use soap with a neutral smell. All this must be done, because oil perfumes do not like contact with other aromas and their own smell can simply deteriorate with such contact.

It is necessary to apply oil perfumes only to such areas of the skin through which you can feel the pulse, these include: neck, wrist and elbow bend. These points are suitable for applying fragrance, both among women and among men.

But the fair sex has three more places on the body where you can apply the fragrance so that it fully opens - this is a hollow under the knees, the fragrance is applied there in the warm season, when you have to wear a skirt. The next area to apply fragrance is between the breasts and in the collarbone area. In general, the ability to properly apply oil perfumes is an art that people learn over the years.

In any case, if a person has become the owner of natural oil perfumes, he is very lucky, because, according to the beliefs of the inhabitants of the East, they attract love, happiness and prosperity.

Despite the fact that it is always pleasant and interesting to choose perfumes, you need to approach this issue with great care and responsibility. After all, it is very important that the fragrance ideally suits its owner, conveys his personality, style and character. When choosing a perfume, one should pay attention to such parameters as good durability and a pleasant, but at the same time not sharp, aroma.

An excellent option would be perfumes that do not contain an alcohol base. It is this from the usual perfume products. Their aroma, due to uniform application, spreads slowly, and does not break out abruptly, irritating the sense of smell of others.

Oil perfumes can be called a journey through time, they allow you to return to the very beginnings, when the art of perfumery was just beginning to emerge. Historians have established that they first appeared in ancient Mesopotamia, in ancient India, in ancient Rome, as well as in ancient Egypt and Persia. They considered it the most subtle and mysterious occupation, subject only to selected priests.

The unique recipe of the so-called "oils of love" was kept in the strictest confidence by them. And if in those distant times flowers, plants and herbs were used to make perfumes, now the hard and painstaking work done by modern perfumers is stored in intricate oriental-style bottles.

What is special about oil-based perfumes?​

There is no alcohol in the composition of oil perfumes, so they are much more natural and richer than ordinary perfumes. Their formula consists of spices, pomace of plants, as well as chemical, aldehyde and organic compounds.

Unlike, oil ones form the thinnest film on the skin containing an emulsifier base (usually jojoba oil) and a mixture of aromatic substances with odor fixing elements.

Thanks to such a film, the evaporation of the perfume composition is much slower. In addition, the oil base contributes to a deeper penetration of aromatic substances into the skin.

The main countries producing real oil-based perfumes are the United Arab Emirates, India, Syria and Egypt. This perfume is distinguished by the original bottle, which itself is a true work of art.

How to use oil perfumes?​

The main thing that needs to be observed when using oil perfumes is a microdose. This perfumery is very concentrated and has a very interesting feature - opening occurs only during the movement of a person, and at rest the smell is almost invisible.

Many people ask if oil-based perfumes should be diluted with water or something else so that a small bottle can be used for as long as possible. It is advisable not to do this, but simply gently apply in small strokes using a glass rod that is built into the lid - the aroma is very persistent and the container will last for a long time.

One drop is enough to smell sweet all day long. By the way, it is not customary to smell oil-based perfumes in a bottle, since the aroma in the container will differ from it on the body.

To fully enjoy the delicate, sensual fragrance, it is necessary to wait a while after applying it to the skin.

At the same time, Indian oil perfumes have such a feature that when in contact with water, they open up much more strongly. Their counterparts, Syrian-made fragrances, are considered perfumes for the elite.

Original, subtle, refined, unique, they, according to the producers, will forever win the heart of those who have felt them at least once.

For many people, the East is associated primarily with aromas. This is a rich, spicy, suffocatingly colorful smell of spices, it is intriguing and mysterious aroma of incense, these are viscous and sugary-sweet desserts and delicacies. At this concentration, these smells mix by themselves in ideal proportions, and when perfumers get down to business, they create real masterpieces - oil-based perfumes.

What is perfume oil

The perfumes we are used to seeing in stores are made from essential oils and other ingredients dissolved in an alcohol solution. There is no alcohol at all in oil perfumes, they are created exclusively from oils and based on oils.

They are often referred to as Indian, Turkish or Egyptian oil perfumes or oil-based. They retain the aroma for a long time, which gradually reveals itself on the skin with more and more new notes. But they should not be applied to clothes, yet oil stains are poorly removed.

Which manufacturers produce and what types of oil perfumes are there

To begin with, let's define the varieties of Arabic oil perfumes. They come in two consistencies:

  • Dry or solid perfume are the forefathers of modern perfumery. A mixture of aromatic oils and fats of animal origin was heated for mixing and poured into the desired shape (most often these were pendants). Today, fat has been replaced with beeswax.
  • liquid oil perfume created by mixing aromatic oils and extracts of valuable plants. But such complex and oily aromas are still the personification of the East, which is quite difficult for a European to understand.

In most cases perfume made by hand, based on the wishes of the client. But not everyone can afford to buy an author's fragrance or move to the homeland of aromatic oils. Therefore, many manufacturers create perfumes from the components most in demand in our region.

Oil perfume Al Rehab

The leading manufacturer of the eastern region sells perfumes in many countries of the world. Gorgeous blend of natural ingredients and pure cosmetic oils make up the very eastern base of perfumes with notes of sandalwood and rare Arabic spices. One of the most popular fragrances is Lovely perfume oil.

Oil perfume ARTIS

The production of marvelous concentrated oil-based perfumes was established by a manufacturer from the UAE. The fragrance of perfume accompanies you all day, wrapped in a thin trail of spices with floral notes.

It is this brand that is the creator of Iceberg oily women's perfume, which, according to reviews, has a light watery aroma and a whole bouquet of exotic flowers.

Oil perfume Ravza Parfum

Ravza Parfum is an Arabic perfume manufacturer that creates analogues of fragrances of the most popular European brands(mega-popular and other iconic brands already have their oil-based counterparts).

If you still did not decide to purchase perfumes based on aromatic oils, then you will like the rich and spicy aroma with oriental notes.

DIY oil perfume recipes

If you think about it, you will be surprised how few ingredients you need.

Solid oil perfume "Vanilla"

You will need:

Additionally, prepare a small container for the finished product. Combine in a glass container wax and almond oil and melt in a water bath. Add perfume composition, mix and pour into a dry perfume container. Wait for it to cool completely and enjoy.

Oil perfume "Unisex"

To create an unobtrusive daily fragrance, take:

Extras for you You will need a small roller bottle(can be bought at the store) and a pipette.

Mix aromatic oils in a bottle in the required proportion and dilute with base oil until the desired concentration of fragrance is obtained. Close the bottle tightly with a lid and place in a dark, cool place. You need to wait 2 weeks until the flavors "make friends" with each other.

Nice evening perfume

Take a container dark glass with tight lid and buy aroma oils:

in container fill in the base oil, then add aroma oils one by one. Shake the container vigorously after each component to mix the components. Twist the container and hold it for several days in a dark place to form the aroma.

Perfume Oil Reviews

Women who have decided to try on these languid and sweet fragrances share their impressions, and an experienced perfumer talks about the intricacies of using oil perfumes.


Saudi Arabia is home to my favorite Al Rehab perfume oils, which I am writing about in my review. Such perfumes are often called samplers, as they are in small packages and in high concentration. But this is a separate product, very high quality and natural, although quite inexpensive. A trail of perfume accompanies me all day, even clothes begin to smell of these perfumes. But for many, the smell is too strong, perhaps a more neutral scent should have been chosen.

Since ancient times, the beauties of the Arab countries have used essential oils, spices to give their bodies magical aromas, today a bottle of oil perfumes can be purchased in many stores. Such perfumes do not contain alcohol, their smell is not sharp, but stable. One drop of aromatic oil will help you smell sweet all day long. Aromatic compositions fascinate and inspire, seduce and attract. Dealing with all the variety of proposals from Turkey, the UAE, Egypt and other countries is not easy, because each perfume has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is perfume oil

A separate trend in perfumery is represented by oil perfumes, whose homeland is in the East. Delicate, shimmering and attractive aromas contain many different components that have a beneficial effect on mood, energy and body condition. The basis of such perfumes is natural ingredients that are strong aphrodisiacs. There is no alcohol in the composition of the products, so the aromas are more natural and richer than the colognes we are used to.

How are they different from normal

The main difference between oil-based perfumes and the ones we are used to is the absence of alcohol in the composition. Thanks to this feature, the fragrances do not have sharp notes, do not choke. Even persistent smells fascinate and seduce, gradually revealing new colors during the day. Oil fragrances have the following features:

  • the formula consists of oriental spices, pomace of plants, organic, chemical and aldehyde compounds without alcohol;
  • after application, a thin film forms on the skin, which slows down the evaporation of the aromatic mixture;
  • the smell intensifies during movement.

The best oil perfumes

The main countries that produce perfume oil bottles are the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Egypt and India. Each of the countries creates unique formulas that are especially fragrant on your skin. To design fragrant oily liquids, each manufacturer creates intricate bottles, emphasizing the sophistication and uniqueness of their contents. Chic bottles with oil perfumes are expensive, this is the choice of aesthetes and gourmets.


If you decide to buy Arabic perfume oil in an online store with mail delivery, beware of fakes. Quality products cannot be cheap, although the following perfumes have quite affordable prices. At the heart of the fragrance is a bouquet of floral notes - the sweet aura of orange tree and tuberose. Orchids, roses, jasmine, saffron and sandalwood all unfold in a lingering fragrance. Madinah Al Haramain is a worthy representative and sales leader of perfume compositions from the UAE:

  • model name: Madinah Al Haramain;
  • price: 490 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 15 ml, bottle - roller;
  • pluses: easy to use, resistant;
  • cons: modest bottle.

Perfume from the UAE from Al Rehab Luzane is not heavy and sweet, but delicate and citrus, like a representative of European fragrances. The smells of fresh sea air, ambergris, peony and lily intertwined in a chic composition. Addition - a thin thread of citrus notes of lemongrass:

  • model name: Luzane Al Rehab;
  • price: 190 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 6 ml, do not contain alcohol and water;
  • pluses: a compact roller bottle is convenient to carry;

Refined feminine oil-based perfume offers Rasasi Perfumes. Particles of woody notes are mixed with floral, green, musky notes in these original bottles in the form of an old lamp:

  • model name: Rasasi Perfumes Romance;
  • price: 950 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 15 ml, roller;
  • pluses: persistent, interesting bottle;
  • cons: not suitable for lovers of subtle, fresh aromas.


To make perfume from essential oils, Indians use a special technology - multiple distillation and distillation of fragrance concentrates from flowers and fruits. R-Expo offers sensual, mysterious and refined jasmine fragrance in a glass gift bottle:

  • model name: Jasmine R-Expo Song of India;
  • price: 350 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 5 ml, in the composition there are no animal fats and alcohol;
  • pluses: the lid is hermetically sealed with wax;
  • cons: can leave marks on clothes.

The Indian company Hanky ​​Perfume offers a perfume recipe made from essential oils without water and alcohol. Delicate, sweetish perfume is a great purchase for a women's collection of fragrances:

  • model name: Hanky ​​Perfume Orchid;
  • price: 350 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 5 ml, roller;
  • pros: economy, durability.
  • cons: can leave stains on clothes.

Concentrated oil fragrances from natural ingredients are offered by the Indian company SYNAA. Buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities often prefer and rush to order such a set of natural aphrodisiacs in one bottle:

  • model name: Majmua SYNAA;
  • price: 100 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 3 ml, a combination of majmua, wild fern, tart musk, floral tones;
  • pluses: gives cheerfulness, cheers up;
  • cons: small bottle.


Although Egyptian products are inferior to Arab products in terms of assortment, richness of compositions and design of bottles, they also have a lot of fans. The reason for this is the lotus flower, the notes of which can be found in many perfumes, for example, in products from East Nights:

  • model name: Arabian night;
  • price: 190 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 3 ml;
  • pluses: affordable price;
  • cons: not strong enough.

Another feature of Egyptian perfumes is the presence of sandalwood oil in the composition. Its gentle effect on the skin attracts the attention of customers. A worthy representative is the fragrance from El Baraka:

  • model name: El Baraka Nefertiti;
  • price: 1350 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 50 ml;
  • pluses: persistent, economical consumption;
  • cons: can leave marks on clothes.

Persistence of oil perfumes is lower than Arabic ones. The reason is low manufacturability, but the cost of bottles with oil aromas is somewhat lower, so the popularity of products does not suffer at all. Products from Ramses Perfumes Palace are in particular demand:


The quality of Turkish products is not inferior to Arabic, but the price and design of the bottles are much more modest. Rare notes of agarwood are often found in aromatic compositions from this country. For example, a popular product from Al Haramain Perfumes can boast of such a component:

  • model name: Mukhallath Seufi;
  • price: 9990 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 6 ml;
  • pluses: persistent, original bottle;
  • cons: high cost.

Sweet and bright fruity-floral bouquets are a common composition. A worthy example of such an exotic combination is a product from Nabeel:

  • model name: Lamyal;
  • price: 1600 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 20 ml, unisex;
  • pluses: resistant;
  • cons: high cost.

Another perfume from Turkey, which the customer fell in love with for its unusual oriental elegant fragrance from ZAHRA:

  • model name: LADY MILLION;
  • price: 150 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 3 ml;
  • pluses: affordable cost;
  • cons: unstable.

Men's oil perfume

Persistence and luxurious aroma are inherent in men's oil-based perfume collections. Their range is smaller than the variety of products for women, but there are many options for men. One of the popular scents from Al-Rehab:

  • model name: SECRET MAN;
  • price: 120 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 3 ml;
  • pluses: affordable cost;
  • cons: can leave stains on clothes.

You need to apply men's perfume in a small amount, so even when the price is high, economical consumption eliminates this drawback. The company Nabil offers noteworthy products:

  • model name: JALWA;
  • price: 200 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 6 ml;
  • pluses: do not contain alcohol, persistent;
  • cons: suitable only for lovers of sweet perfumes.

The technology for the production of men's perfumes differs little from the creation of women's perfumes. The following products are in demand among consumers:

  • model name: Rasashi AMBITION;
  • price: 665 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 5 ml;
  • pluses: natural composition, persistent;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose an oil perfume

When choosing an oil perfume, remember that notes are revealed differently on each skin. Before buying, put a drop of oil on your wrist to feel how the perfume behaves. The choice of aroma is individual, depends on personal preferences. To distinguish the original from the fake, pay attention to the following factors:

  • the bottle should be glass, without a sprayer.
  • dense consistency;
  • the smell becomes gentler if you put a drop of oil on the skin.


The composition and components of oil perfumes. Recipes, preparation steps, storage rules and features of using oil-based perfume.

The composition and components of oil perfumes

When creating perfumes, you can use your imagination, strive for experiments, mindful of the accepted rules. The composition of such a perfume includes: a base, that is, odorless fatty refined vegetable oil, for example, jojoba, almond, apricot kernels, peach, etc. (usually 9 parts), and a composition of a mixture of essential oils (1 part).

The classic fragrance includes three phases (notes), determined by the degree of volatility:

  • Upper ("head"). Lasts 5-20 minutes. Determines the first impression of whether you like the smell or not. Rosewood, lemon, orange, mint, bergamot are suitable for her.
  • Medium ("heart"). Remains 20-60 minutes. Connects the notes of the lower and upper ones, reveals itself gradually, revealing new shades and semitones. You can take geranium, rosemary, violet, thyme, jasmine, ylang-ylang, palmarosa.
  • Lower ("base"). Resistant up to 8 hours. The longest phase. Creates a general impression of the perfume, often fixes the fragrance. Suitable ginger, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, cedar, vetiver, patchouli.
To get the desired combination, you should have various components in your arsenal, with varying degrees of volatility. The main thing is that the result achieved satisfies your requirements for your favorite fragrance.

Oil Based Perfume Recipes

Many women are interested in how to make oil perfumes. It may seem that this is a laborious task that requires special knowledge and skills. But even a beginner can cope with this, the main thing is to have the appropriate components and materials.

Recipes for romantic fragrances

Creating a unique perfume that emphasizes your exclusivity is a very exciting process. It can provide positive energy and a wonderful mood for a long time. Special emotions are caused by the preparation of compositions that stimulate sensuality and desire.

Oil perfume recipes for romantic purposes.

  1. "Magic fragrance". Suitable for passionate natures seeking love. You should take jojoba oil (10 ml), pour in 5 drops of coriander and bergamot, 3 drops of neroli and rose, and finally 1 drop of jasmine.
  2. "Fleur of Charm". Leaves a charming aftertaste. As a base, take tender almond oil in a volume of 10 ml, add a “heart” note - ylang-ylang (7 drops), then 3 drops of verbena, cloves and sandalwood, 5 each of benzoin and lemon, 14 each of roses and neroli.
  3. "Aphrodite". This perfume is the weapon of a sensual and mature woman. The base is sweet almond oil (10 ml). Also in the composition - 3 drops of rosewood and ylang-ylang oils, 1 each of rosemary and Japanese mint, 4 - grapefruit, 2 - geranium.
  4. "Irresistible macho". Perfume for the self-confident young man. Almond oil (5 ml) should be taken as a base. Also in the composition - essential oils of cedar (7 drops), patchouli (4 drops), bergamot (3 drops), rosemary (1 drop).
  5. "The Exhilarating Smell of Money". Not only awakens sensuality, but also contributes to the improvement of material well-being. Base - 5 ml of almond oil. In the composition - patchouli oil (7 drops) and cedarwood (5 drops).
  6. "Temptation". Leaves a seductive light flair, emphasizes charm. In jojoba oil (5 ml), add 1 drop of ylang-ylang, cedar, lime, clary sage, lemon, frankincense, lavender and 2 drops of patchouli oils.
  7. "Beautiful Eve". Emphasizes femininity, gives mystery and attractiveness. The carrier substance is jojoba oil (25 ml). Components: ylang-ylang (15 drops), rosewood (8 drops), 5 drops each of palmarosa, jasmine, bergamot, sandalwood, mandarin oils, as well as 4 drops of vanilla and 2 drops of musk.
Going on a date, it's nice to know that your oil-based perfume is made up of only self-selected natural ingredients. Do not worry that someone will repeat the recipe. You yourself can “level” the aroma, guided by your own preferences, and the accuracy of the ratio of the components here is very arbitrary.

How to make natural perfume oils

A well-chosen sensual perfume plays an irreplaceable role in a woman's life. It makes it possible to become more confident, attracts attention, and can even seduce. But the role of aromatic compositions is also great, which unite us with nature, remind us of its beauty and uniqueness.

Below are just such recipes. As a carrier base in each of them, you can use 10 ml of jojoba, coconut (fractionated) or almond oils.

Recipes of natural compositions:

  • "Sweet November". Natural aroma with pronounced sweet ingredients. Components - essential oils of ylang-ylang (3 drops), lime (9 drops), lavender (6 drops). You can enhance the sweetness, if desired, with a few vanillin crystals.
  • "Fresh breeze". Enveloping flair is designed for swift and light young ladies. The "heart" of the composition is a rose (7 drops), a steady plume is provided by sweet orange (15 drops), the top note is lemon (7 drops). Mix the oils in the suggested order and enjoy.
  • "Flower Fairy". The composition has a rich summer floral scent, which can be varied by selecting the ratio of components. Essential oils in the composition - ylang-ylang (2 drops), lavender (5 drops), geranium (9 drops), as well as 2 drops of sandalwood or patchouli.
  • "Spicy Citrus". Combines exhilarating notes of citrus and spices to boost energy. As components, they take oils of ginger, cinnamon and patchouli (2 drops each), ylang-ylang (4 drops) and tangerine (8 drops).
  • "Scent of Christmas". Causes a feeling of winter freshness and memories of a magical holiday. Components - essential oils of ginger and patchouli (2 drops each), cinnamon (4 drops), blood orange (10 drops).
When choosing a recipe to taste, it should be remembered that there are no universal flavors. Each person is characterized by a special susceptibility. What excites one may not suit another. The search for exclusive notes is impossible without creativity and experimentation.

Steps for making perfume oils at home

When embarking on an undoubtedly entertaining creative process, you should be responsible for finding and choosing the right perfume recipe. It is important to prepare all the ingredients - base oil and essential fillers, as well as a bottle of the required volume (preferably from dark glass).

Stages of perfume creation:

  1. Filling the bottle with base.
  2. Adding essential oils drop by drop according to the recipe. First, the components of the base note, then the middle note, and finally the top note.
  3. The addition of each ingredient is accompanied by agitation of the mixture. At the end of the process, the composition must also be shaken well.
  4. Placement of the vial in a dark place for infusion, which can occur, depending on the initial composition, from 2 days to 1 month.
  5. During the infusion process, it is recommended to shake the perfume regularly.
Experts note that the creation of perfumes is akin to high art. Here it is important to know not only the characteristics of the components, but also the features of their compatibility in one composition. But it is quite possible to find your fragrance using proven recipes and recommendations for making.

Rules for storing oily perfume compositions

When preparing oil perfumes at home, it is quite reasonable to wonder how long they are stored. Here it is appropriate to proceed from logical considerations: even if one of the components has a shelf life, for example, a month, and all the others - more than a year, it is clear that after a month the composition may lose its properties.

But this is not always the case, because manufacturers often indicate a minimum period, even after which the ingredient can retain its qualities. Perfume can “open up” over time, acquire new shades. Of course, if their smell has changed unrecognizably, causes rejection, a precipitate has appeared, it is better not to use them. To prolong the "life" of the composition, it is important to store it properly.

  • It is unacceptable to keep spirits in the light. Even if there is a great temptation to decorate the dressing table with an original bottle, you should not do this, the composition of the fragrance may not change for the better. A dark place and dark glass are the preferred storage option.
  • It is important to avoid temperature fluctuations. Do not use both the refrigerator and too hot rooms. A closet in the bedroom is a good choice for perfume.
  • Do not allow air to enter the composition. A tightly closed bottle protects the fragrance from unwanted changes.
  • Do not store perfume in a place that constantly opens and closes, such as a bag or makeup drawer. Constant movement or fluctuations in the air harm it.
  • Do not leave perfume in the bathroom - high humidity and temperature changes have an extremely negative effect on them.
Attention to the expiration date of all components of the created composition and storage recommendations are important rules that should be followed. But the aroma can change under the influence of other factors.

It is important to remember that the perception of perfume is distorted in states of stress, increased nervousness, tension. It also depends on the season, the ambient temperature, and even your mood. Perfume can just get boring and irritating. The main thing is to understand the cause in time and correct the situation.

How to use oil based perfume

The use of such spirits requires certain skills. It is important that they set off your dignity, and not provoke others. It is better not to apply at all than to apply incorrectly. An obsessive aroma can cause headache, nausea, irritation, nervousness. Therefore, it is important to follow proven recommendations.

Rules for the use of oil-based perfume compositions:

  1. Apply one drop to recommended areas of clean skin or damp hair. It’s not worth “filling” yourself, as well as applying it to clothes, since you can get “greasy” spots.
  2. The composition with aroma will be appropriate on the temples, neck, wrists, elbows, between the breasts, collarbones, under the knees. The smell of perfume applied behind the ears can be distorted, as there are many fatty glands. For an unobtrusive flair in an official environment, not all points should be used, but 2-3.
  3. It is desirable to have different perfumes that are appropriate for use at different times of the day and year, for different situations and moods. In the heat, the aroma is felt more intense. When moving, it opens up.
  4. In anticipation of an intimate date, you can drip perfume into the places of the expected kisses - on the chest, lower abdomen, back, ankles, etc.
  5. If you have dry skin, the fragrance should be applied more often than those with oily skin, where it lasts longer.
  6. The ideal is a perfume that you stop feeling shortly after application.
  7. Avoid applying oil compositions to jewelry. They may lose their luster and color.
  8. Do not use cosmetic and hygiene products with strong fragrances. They can distort the smell of perfume.
Remember that food has an intense effect on the character of the aroma. Meat with spicy seasonings gives it bitterness. Fresh fruits and berries will intensify the floral components. Middle notes are enhanced by alcohol. Unpredictably, the smell of perfume is changed by taking medications and cigarette smoke. Identical perfume compositions feel differently on people. It depends on lifestyle, age, skin type, etc.

How to make oil perfume - look at the video:

The world of exquisite aromas has always attracted a person. Everyone experiences pleasant feelings from refined smells on themselves and other people. The language of the spirits is amazingly eloquent. It allows you to emphasize individuality, ennoble the appearance, reflect the character. Originality and its own exclusive flair - this is what a self-made oil-based perfume composition can provide.
