Single mother: stories about women who gave birth to themselves. An inspirational story: from a single mother to a happy mother of a large full-fledged family

In our time, such a social status as a "single mother" does not surprise anyone. Unless the older generation will look at you reproachfully and even with some kind of disgust. But what about us? What should we do if, by the will of fate, we were left completely alone in our arms with a baby, many without any moral and material support?

I'm not going to lie, the pregnancy didn't go smoothly. Constant mental anguish, talking behind your back, some ridicule from friends. All this left an imprint on my well-being and a couple of times I was taken to the hospital with threats of a miscarriage ...

On July 21, 2013, at the 36th week, 48 cm tall and weighing only 2.5 kg, my baby was born by caesarean section.

The first three months of life passed in a constant change of hospitals, wards, days of staying at home flashed by and again hospitals. But here we were discharged healthy and happy!

I must say that I live with my parents and younger sister, so I managed to avoid complete loneliness. My mother works 6 days a week, from Monday to Sunday, and on Tuesday she has a day off. My father is disabled, for a long time he was listed as a disabled non-working group, but not so long ago he was given a working group, so until my daughter was a year old he was at the labor exchange. The younger sister studies at the institute in absentia, officially works. You will say that what is there to think about how to survive, and the mother works, and the father receives a pension, and the sister, therefore, is not deprived of money. But no, it's not that simple. Well-being is interrupted by the fact that the sister pays for her studies at the institute herself, does not take money from her parents, but she herself does not really strive to help in everyday life financially. My father's entire pension, about 8,000 rubles, is spent on loans that every average family in the country has for the most necessary needs. And, finally, my mother's salary, about 20 thousand rubles, pays for utilities and provides us with a supply of food for a month.

With my higher education in regional studies and five years of experience as a waitress, the state generously pays me 4,234 rubles. Not thick, agree? And some have even less. And I sincerely do not understand HOW such an amount will help a single mother to feed, clothe, put on shoes and all that, a child? I am not a timid person, I immediately began to figure out where and how to earn at least a penny in order to provide my child with everything necessary. And since my baby is still breastfed to this day, I can’t go anywhere. And leave the baby with no one ...

And then a wonderful idea came to my mind. I posted an ad on Avito that I was looking for a nanny job in my territory. They periodically called me, but when they found out that I had a 3-month-old daughter, they politely refused the services, but I did not despair. Someone preferred in the nanny exclusively persons of Slavic appearance, in which it is difficult for me, a purebred Tatar, to argue. Someone - ladies of a more mature age. The situation was complicated by the fact that with a height of 159 cm, a weight of 40 kg, I look at my 23 at a maximum of 16. The good news is that thanks to such heredity, my mother at 44 looks at 30, and my aunt at 55 looks at 35.

Literally two months later, I did find a job. It would be more accurate to say that she found me. A woman called, happy, simple, sociable, and she urgently needed a nanny. The presence of my daughter did not bother her in any way, but even made her happy - it’s more fun together, and the child develops better, which I later convinced myself. The situation was tilted in my direction by the fact that we lived relatively close, practically on neighboring streets, but, as is often the case, we did not know each other at all. She needed a nanny for literally three working days a week, I immediately agreed, as it was convenient for me. After all, with a child up to a year old, you need to go to weighing every month, get vaccinated, etc., and having a weekend in the middle of the week completely suited me. The pay for the work was relatively small - 1,200 rubles a week, that is, for three days a week. Let's calculate, In a month it comes out to about 4,800, plus 4,234 generously allocated by the state, the total comes out to 9,034 rubles. Agree, already something. Many loves manage to live on less.

Honestly, the girl I sat with was a difficult child. At the age of three, she could not eat herself, she constantly hiccupped and pooped in her pants, constantly whined and was extremely short in development. I justified this by saying that my parents had no time to devote enough time to her, so they paid for their love with gifts. But I stocked up on patience and Novopassit and for 6 months I could not complain about life. Thanks to this part-time job, I was able to buy my daughter a walker, a high chair, a swimming pool, a stroller, a play tent, clothes, toys, dishes and other children's accessories.

06-05-2018. Oksana
This is not my first money marathon and I can say with confidence “how lazy I am!!” every time I do exercises from marathons, I get at least some result, and then I stop. It's like going to the gym and getting a great figure, and then happy to quit it all because I've achieved it, and in the end everything will return to normal.
There are 6 reports in total and my results are:
*Unexpected money appeared before the holidays
*I rented a hostel abroad, and I already regretted it when I arrived, I didn’t want to live with other people; and what was my surprise when it turned out that due to technical errors I was settled in a double room and there was no one nearby. And I paid very little. And the hostel was super new.
*Shoes that I wanted to buy for a long time were sold at a discount and I found out about this only at the checkout
*Finally new business ideas started coming in
*Thanks to practices and meditations, I no longer feel constrained in expensive stores. In an instant, I remembered all the words of Svetlana and my whole body relaxed
*Pamper yourself with only quality things
Exchange poverty for wealth. Money locks >>
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13-11-2018. Byzantine
Together with you, dear Svetlana, and dear participants, I have overcome myself once again. I have always considered myself a non-creative person - technical education, business - it's true, a creative process, but often a routine one. And as for drawing or sculpting some kind of little thing, even for the granddaughter, the husband always did it. I have had a dislike for applied art since school, throughout my life. She couldn't stand even touching plasticine or clay with her fingers, although she carried out such entertainment and training for colleagues and clients quite successfully, however, with the involvement of a professional. Most likely, it was because of disbelief and rejection of the process that I did not go to this marathon last year. This time I delayed the first report for a long time and, in the end, took immunity. It turned out to be difficult only with the first task, then, as if it broke through. Such a thrill from this marathon! It turns out that uncreative people, having overcome themselves and their blocks, become sculptors and even primitive artists. My granddaughter was also very surprised and delighted that now we will sculpt together. And the result, on which I didn’t even bet, came out quite good - a bonus of 2.5 salaries “squeaked” in the phone bank right during the task “Materialize myself successful”, when I kneaded plasticine for the queen’s robe. It was October 24 (not the end of the quarter and not yet the end of the month for summing up). It was just that the client, whose debt had been dragging on for more than a year, suddenly paid off, a very good profit was laid in this deal, the manager himself was delighted and made us happy. The tasks are wonderful, interesting and beloved (from past marathons). Once she violated the terms of the assignment, buying not a mug, but a blue Wedgwood cup and saucer. Apparently, in order to fall in love with drinking from mugs, you will need to go through a couple more marathons. But it did work! Received a 40% discount on Swiss luxury cosmetics (eyes, serum and day-night). You don't usually sell a luxury suite at that discount, and the expiration date is even before 2020!? The universe makes such wonderful gifts in 72 hours. They gave invitations to the 10th anniversary of the male choir, a concert and a buffet. Such an interesting company gathered, a wonderful powerful and majestic concert, still impressed. A lot of pleasant little things, from a chocolate set, for no apparent reason, to flowers, also for no particular reason. And on Sunday, already at the end of the marathon, there was an entertaining incident at the Douglas checkout, where I tried to pay for my everyday Narciso Rodriguez perfume, handed over the amount that I know by heart, the one that is pasted on the box, and I was handed 20 euros! !! change. Although there were no discounts this evening. In my surprised look, the girl turned the checkout monitor directly to my eyes and I saw the price 20 eur lower. It seems that Christmas is still far away... but the miracles have already begun and continue! Thank you all for the wonderful time at the marathon, for the wonderful interesting reports that inspired me to break the stereotype! I wish everyone an endless golden stream from heaven. There is always enough money for everything - for each of you. Wealth of the soul and material to all! Special thanks to you, Svetlana, for yet another "brain revolution", which surprisingly benefited me. Happiness to you, love, health, wealth and abundance!
Marathon "Changing poverty for wealth - 4" >>
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13-10-2018. elephant
Good evening! I re-read my first report, yes, there really are shifts! I began to look in the mirror with more pleasure, compliment myself, introduced dresses into my everyday life, looking at my photos, I began to note that I was really cute and cool. I realized that all change begins with self-love. Of course, there is still work to be done, but, most importantly, there is a desire to continue working. It has become much more positive to look at the world, at people. I am delighted with some cute little things, whether it is today's color of the water in the river, a wedge of birds flying south or a good deed of a person. A friend increasingly says that I should be more "landing" and be a realist. Favorite meditations were "Flower in the chest", "Beauty Queen" and "Meeting with a soul mate". During these month and a half, I began to notice with surprise the "increased" (compared to complete calm) attention of men, although I did not perform tasks quite regularly. One colleague compliments his appearance, the other unexpectedly winked at me the other day, the first husband (we also work together) suddenly became jealous, several friends appeared at the dance, with whom you can go to the theater / to a concert to get out. It's nice to say. I haven’t met my soul mate yet, it seems that I’m putting everything off until tomorrow, saying “I’ll love myself completely, then I’ll meet ...” Perhaps there are still secondary benefits. I want to thank Svetlana and Ekaterina from the bottom of my heart! Just in time I came across your site. You are doing a very, very good job! It is especially pleasant to read the reports of other girls and see that most of them are getting better in life!

Boris recently shared a new story with me. The topic is very controversial, controversial, like two sides of the same coin. Boris and I would like to know your opinion. Please share with us after reading, we will be very grateful. Irina.

Single mother's story

Wagon, coupe, the road is long, the rhythmic sound of wheels.

There are five people in the compartment, a young married couple, me and a mother with her son.

It's cold outside, but it's warm and cozy inside.

The conductor tries to warm the icy bodies and souls of her passengers.

I'm on the top shelf. I don’t feel like sleeping, I lie quietly watching how the young wife of her husband twists ropes, then give her this, then another, then this is not so for her, then another is not like that.

Then the young mother spoke, as if addressing no one.

“I’m thinking like a woman, if you believe the Bible, then the Holy Spirit is also Kobelino.

After all, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus from the Holy Spirit, apparently there was no worthy man in Israel for this. Knowing the purpose women- to conceive, endure, give birth and raise a child, she did it.

And if it didn’t work out to do all this married? What then?

Here I am, in girls, waiting for the prince, the captain of a schooner with scarlet sails.

But they are not and are not, well, neither princes nor captains go through my village.

And the years go on and on, now over thirty, but there is no dear, blood soul next to me. There is a dog, a cat on the farm, but this is not at all the same. Lord, there is no one to kiss, I kissed the pillow and watered it with woman's tears. The cat used to come to me, purring, trying, sorry, don’t cry, they say, so, under her murmur, a simple song, she fell asleep.

But, apparently, God heard my prayers, I hear, somehow in the fall, a car is slipping near the house. The motor howls hysterically, like me at night, into the pillow.

I could not stand it, got up, got dressed, turned on the light, put on tea, rejoicing that I had baked a pile of pancakes in the evening. I began to wait.

I wait and wait, but the driver does not come.

I went out onto the porch, I looked at the attempts of the car and the driver to get out of the puddle.

Finally, the cab opened, the driver changed into boots and stepped into a puddle. Then he walked around the car and walked towards me.

- Hostess, good night, - he began the conversation, - Is there a tractor in the village?

- Yes, but the tractor driver is drunk, - I answered, - you won’t get it. In the morning you let him hangover, that's when he will pull you out.

“Hostess, can you spend the night at your place, otherwise it’s the second day behind the wheel, I want to straighten my body, take a break from the steering wheel,” he asked.

“Come in, it’s not a pity,” I answered, letting him into the house.

Lord, how pleasantly the strong, overworked body of a man smells - the protector, the breadwinner, the head of the family, but the perfume of all France is no match for this smell. I, like a sponge, absorbed him, and he magically transformed me, elevating me to the status of a GODDESS.

It was as if I was filled with the juice of desire, I feel my lips became brighter, my eyes sparkled, my breasts became elastic, my nipples were about to pierce my blouse.

As if in a fog, admiring, I watched this magic: how HE takes off his shoes, puts on slippers, carefully washes his hands, snorting, washes his face, neck and chest, wipes himself, combs his hair.

It was a long time ago, but I remember everything about him: his every gesture, posture, gait, facial expressions, smile, accent in conversation. It was a discovery for me that HE does everything like a man, thoroughly. The verified strength and reliability of the defender lives in HIS every movement. Here it is, that “stone wall” that will protect and give a woman happiness.

Now I gladly notice all this in the habits of my son.

She offered him dinner. He willingly agreed. I warmed up borscht, a cutlet with a side dish, and served pancakes with jam for tea. What a pleasure to watch the beloved man eat.

He ate with gusto, generously praising my dishes. I am straight, lit up with happiness.

Chatting about some trifles, she cleared the dishes.

He went out on the porch to smoke, and I made a bed for him. They went to sleep.

And I can't sleep, I try to hear his breathing.

Before the eyes of a vision stands his hot strong body, she herself, already, became chilly.

Finally, gathering her courage, she went and dived under the covers to him. Well, then I remember strong, hot hugs, a state of delight in every cell of our bodies and blissful languor, the bliss of giving all of myself. Then he hugged me and fell asleep, and I happily lay quietly on his arm, in prayer asking God to give me a son. By morning, I was already sure, I felt that I would have everything.

In the morning I fed him breakfast. He thanked me, and I thanked him and we parted.

Within a week I felt the sprout of a new life in me, I even began to talk with him, to eat what he wants, what is useful.

Lord, what a happiness it is to grow a new human, giving every minute unforgettable sensations .

I gave birth easily, without complications, as we agreed: he shrank - and I relaxed.

The doctor congratulated me on the hero, put him on my stomach, pushed him in the heel and ordered: "Crawl to the tit."

And he crawled, clumsily, smacking his lips funny, twirling his head, feeling for the nipple. Persistent, found the same, clung, took the first sip. Lord, what a bliss to feel like a child sucks milk. And then other joys followed: the first MOM, the first step, mastering the potty, the first tooth, the first ME.

There lies, snoring a little man, the sun of my life, my happiness, God's gift, a reminder of that magical night. And I don't need anything else. I have fulfilled my most secret mission in life, I am MOM.

I gratefully accepted the seed, created a new sprout, and caring for it manifests a divine purpose in my life. I am not an empty flower. My life has become brimming with the joy of giving, love and happiness.

How many years have passed, and I still thank God for the meeting, for the night of love, I ask for health, success for my night guest and wisdom for his wife.

If I hear someone calling a man a dog, I already cringe. It's not fair, it's not right.

Only a proprietress brought up in Christianity, who has not experienced the woman's loneliness, who has not known the severity of unclaimed LOVE, TENDERNESS and TENDERING, can speak like that, and she says something out of fear of losing a male protector, a support in life, from a feeling hidden in her that She did not give all the marital heat to her husband, she did not manage to solder her family with this heat.

A happy mother gives her child immeasurably more than an unhappy one.

Every single mother has her own story of loss: widowhood, failed or broken marriages. However, this is not at all lonely loneliness, because the key word here is “mother”, which means that somewhere nearby there is a second precious being - a child (children). Awareness of this removes the feeling of hopelessness, but does not eliminate the main problem - the feeling of guilt that your child is growing up in an incomplete, and therefore, in a somewhat inferior family ...

Guilty without guilt

The condemnation of others is built mainly on the false belief that a single mother has not done enough to ensure that her child lives in a complete family. Believe me, every woman will think a hundred times before deciding on such an unenviable fate. Those who give birth "for themselves" are considered proud, unable to sacrifice freedom for the sake of providing the child with an indispensable attribute of happiness called "dad in the house." And if the alleged dad is a complete egoist who does not know how to love anyone but himself? Or is a potential alcoholic a “wonderful” example for a child? Or is he himself still a child who, despite his forties and a tail, is not going to grow up? What is the use of this child? Just don’t ask rhetorically: “Where were her eyes before?”

Unfortunately, the list of lover's virtues does not always combine such qualities as an excellent boyfriend and a caring father of future children. And the best thing a woman who faces the choice of “married status - bad father of a child” or “single mother” can do is to listen to her intuition and not follow public opinion. Moreover, marriages that are concluded on the fly, without a special desire of both parties, are still doomed ...

Divorced women, too, are not particularly sorry for anyone: she didn’t bend enough for her husband, didn’t endure as much as it should be according to house building, that is, until the last day of her life. Or to a lunatic asylum, where such angelic patience of beatings, humiliation, betrayal and the eternal damnation of Russian women - alcoholism very often leads. Others forgive, even running for a beer for a hungover husband in the morning, covering the bruises with a scarf. For the sake of the children, for the sake of the family. And ask the child: what does it feel like to see how his mother is beaten by his own father? Scandals have never benefited the state of mind of children. And it is better that such fathers become Sunday - maybe, even if they lose their wife and children, they will understand what a full-fledged family is.

Getting rid of guilt - before society and before your children in the first place - that's what a single mother should do. It is clear that the destroyed union is the fault of both partners. But spending mental strength on self-flagellation is an extremely harmful occupation. If the relationship is already over, turn the page and start looking for pluses in your freedom. There will surely be a lot of them. What is worth, for example, the prospect of falling in love again - but already with the mind, that is, with a worthy applicant. Worthy of becoming a wonderful father to your children.

One more chance

Like it or not, but in order to bring up a harmonious personality, both maternal and paternal efforts are required. If a child does not have before his eyes an example of daily relationships, it will be very difficult for him to create and maintain his own family in the future. Therefore, the best thing a single mother can do for her child is to successfully marry. Moreover, taking into account the already existing experience, this is quite realistic. There would be a desire. Fortunately, a single mother with a child is no longer of particular interest to all sorts of egoists, swindlers and infantile personalities. Therefore, such unpromising comrades in terms of marriage automatically disappear. Genuine men come to the fore: not afraid of difficulties, independent, accomplished. And if, before the birth of children, a woman preferred to see a partner with a bright appearance, witty and sociable next to her, now beautiful boobies are the last thing she is interested in.

The most important thing is to find the father of the child. And if a man has enough intelligence and cordial sensitivity on the first date to ask a single mother at least a few questions about her beloved child, he is guaranteed a second date. At the same time, his age, appearance and financial situation will not play any role. Indeed, even in quite prosperous families, fathers are not always interested in their own offspring - what to expect from an outside uncle?

To paraphrase a well-known saying, it can be argued that the way to the heart of a single mother lies through love for her child. However, it is very important not to be deceived and not to accept gratitude for love. After all, you have to live with this man - you don’t get a nanny for a child, but a husband for yourself. Don't try to sacrifice yourself, you won't last long anyway. And how do you explain to a child the disappearance of this dad, to whom he has already managed to become attached?

Understand. Forgive

No one will yell under the windows of the hospital: “Thank you, my love!” All this is very difficult to forgive the failed dad. However, you will have to forgive, because hatred and condemnation will destroy you from the inside, and you need spiritual strength. The easiest way to do this is through compassion. After all, in fact, it is your ex who was left completely alone, and you are already forever! - with the most dear and beloved man together. And this man deprived himself of such great happiness - to watch how his child grows, to hear his first words, to help him take the first step. Have pity on the poor egoist and give him a helping hand (unless, of course, he is completely hopeless).

A smart mother will not forbid the father to see the child, will not interfere with their relationship. Of course, there is a very great temptation to tell children the cruel truth about their indifferent father, but by doing this, you first of all traumatize the children themselves. What will it be like for them to live with the thought that their father did not want them to be born? It is unlikely that they will be happier if they find out that he does not love them. The child must feel desired, loved, and by both parents. And who knows, maybe in the future this monster will be re-educated and something else will be useful to your children.

Right to Happiness

Unfortunately, most often single mothers, disappointed in men, put an end to their personal lives and are completely immersed in caring for children. They live someone else's life, making a sacrifice that no one needs - their right to happiness, for which they will certainly reproach their grown children, taking credit for what their son or daughter could well do without: overprotection, the dissolution of their own personality in children, dependence on their thanks.

But all psychologists unanimously assert that a happy mother will give her child immeasurably more than an unhappy one. After all, children are very sensitive, and the inner state of the mother is transmitted to them in ways unknown to science, as if an invisible umbilical cord continues to bind them. And the most useful thing you can teach your child is to be happy. Naturally, by example. If you have the opportunity to realize yourself both as a woman and in a career, do not miss this chance! Of course, it is very important that the child is not abandoned, but this usually does not happen with the children of single mothers. After all, they are loved for two - for themselves and for that guy.

There is no need to sacrifice yourself - no one will appreciate it. Unless it develops a sense of guilt in your children, and this destroys relationships very much. And, most likely, sooner or later they will simply run away so as not to see your unfortunate eyes. If you do not develop as a person, if you do not begin to respect yourself, will you have the right to demand respect from others? And even more so, you won’t deserve love by any sacrifice. Therefore, learn to be happy, because the most important thing for this you already have is your children.

What are the benefits for single mothers?

The employer does not have the right, on its own initiative, to dismiss a single mother with a child under the age of 14 (except in cases where a woman violates labor discipline and labor duties without good reason, if she has disciplinary sanctions, absenteeism, or in the event of liquidation of an enterprise, when dismissal is allowed with the mandatory employment of a woman). It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that she is employed in the event of dismissal at the end of a fixed-term employment contract. For this period, she retains her average salary for a period not exceeding three months from the date of termination of the fixed-term employment contract.

According to Art. 183 of the Labor Code, single mothers are paid 100% sick leave for caring for a child under 14 and for a longer period than other women. In order for a single mother to have the opportunity to spend more time with her child, she is granted additional leave without pay for up to 14 days, which can be attached to the main leave or separate from it, at a time convenient for the single mother.

Without the consent of a single mother, she cannot be involved in night work, overtime work and work on weekends and holidays (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For single mothers with children under 14 years of age, part-time work may be established at their request. This right is granted to them by art. 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer does not have the right to refuse employment or reduce the wages of such mothers because they have children (Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a single mother raising a child under 14 years of age is denied employment, then the employer is obliged to provide her with an explanation in writing of the reason for the refusal. This document can be appealed to the courts.

Angela Benton, founder and CEO of NewMe. Having given birth to her first child at 16, she soon made a name for herself in the world of design and technology. In 2010, she entered the top 150 most influential people according to Ebony magazine, and in 2013 - in the top 50, according to a list compiled by Marie Claire magazine.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work, but don't give up on your dream ahead of time. As a single mother, you learn the most valuable skills: multitasking, creativity, budgeting and budgeting. I don't know about you, but I would definitely rely on someone with that kind of ability.

Lisa Stone, co-founder of BlogHer, a women's media platform with over 100 million users.

Be more selective about your surroundings. As busy parents, you shouldn't waste your time with people who don't believe in you and drag you down.

Lauren Tom, founder of the Fleurty Girl brand in New Orleans.

Make your family part of your business... I have always believed that my children are my board of directors, which sometimes helps me make decisions. Our children are a reason to look for new ways to improve living conditions.

Carla Campos, founder of training company Social Media Sass and mother of three.

Entrepreneurship is also a kind of motherhood, it's not a nine to five job. Several days in a row I had to work until three in the morning, and then at 7.00 to collect my children for school. But do not forget to think about yourself, find time for yourself, even just for a walk in the fresh air. Yes, sometimes children make a mess, they can download viruses to the computer ... Know how to treat everything with humor. And wear the title of business mom with pride, because at our core we are real superheroes.

Melissa Keeling, a mother of three, patented the idea of ​​a lunch box with a cooling gel to preserve food, the PackIt Personal Cooler.

Look for inspiration in everything. Don't let your lack of experience get in the way. My resume was limited to selling baked goods. At first I was paralyzed with fear, but then I overcame it by asking other entrepreneurs to introduce me to experts in the field of production and sales. Each person on my way, in addition to knowledge, instilled in me confidence.

Natalie Angelillo, CEO of SwopBoard startup school, mother of two.

Many parents are haunted by guilt. I let go and focused on the positives. Yes, I sometimes have a rather busy schedule, as a result, my children learn to be independent and self-reliant. They get invaluable experience watching from the inside how a startup is launched, using our applications and visiting my office. I'm sure they'll need it all in the future.

As a single mother, I have often met men who subconsciously competed with my children and my business, demanding more attention. Choose as your partner the man who will love both you and the business you are doing.

Nyusha Pelicano, owner of Orange Leaf Company, mother of six children.

Everything can be done if you develop your own concept of balance. Sometimes there are moments when more attention needs to be paid to business, other times, on the contrary, to children. One balances the other. As an entrepreneur, you learn to automatically adjust and change direction.

Brooke Eddy, founder of Bhakti Chai.

I always compared myself to men. It seemed that it was much easier for them to run companies while their wives took care of the children. But such thinking is stereotypical. Both men and women face many negative factors on a daily basis that can cause irritation and feelings of overwhelm. And this habit of self-pity only contributes to the growth of your own insecurity.

Sherry Colbrown, entrepreneur, mentor of young businessmen.

Business moms have to constantly deal with time management. When I first started my business, I got up at five in the morning, collected the children for school and spent breakfast with them, and later dinner, at which we shared our impressions of the day and the necessary energy. Gradually, I developed my own rhythm and used it to plan meetings and work. One of the obligatory items was the training on the treadmill. I did not aspire to run a marathon, but I used this half an hour to renew my internal energy and free my head from unnecessary thoughts. Therefore, find what helps you and make your own personal schedule that is comfortable for you.
