The method of systemic family constellations according to Hellinger - specifics and dangers. Memo to the client, or what happens after the constellation using the Hellinger system constellation method

For our country, the method of systemic constellations according to Hellinger is a rather new and not fully tested method. In Germany, their homeland, constellations began to be used in the 90s of the last century, and in a fairly short time this psychotherapeutic technique simply conquered the whole world. The Hellinger arrangement method is used for treatment a variety of problems - problems in love relationships, difficulties at work, family conflicts. And also during the treatment of various diseases, primarily drug addiction and alcoholism.

Hellinger Constellations: General Information

Bert Hellinger formulated certain patterns and laws that lead to negative events and conflicts between colleagues or spouses. The scientist worked for quite a long time on the following questions: “Is there a system that governs relationships?”, “How does conscience (family or personal) influence the life of an individual?”, “How does the adoption of feelings occur?” In fact, these are only a few of Hellinger's many teachings.

Today, the Hellinger method is becoming increasingly popular. With the help of constellations, a huge number of people were able to find the origins their problems and resolve them. Many practicing psychologists are increasingly using the Hellinger method in their work with individuals, couples or groups.

“Arrangement” is the place of the individual in space. The method itself is similar to playing chess. That is, all participants are assigned a specific role that reflects a subconscious image in a situation that requires elaboration. This may not only be a family problem, but also business failures and team problems.

There are several main varieties arrangements, but each involves improvisation and a creative approach:

  • structural(treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, getting rid of fears, solving problems at work);
  • family(resolving family quarrels);
  • organizational(solving problems in work teams).

Resolving family conflicts

So, a man comes to a psychologist with some problem. First of all, the doctor has a short conversation with him, during which it is determined whether he needs an arrangement or whether everything is much simpler. Because sometimes a person can be guided with simple advice - and life will return to normal. But if the situation is complex, then a more detailed conversation is held with the client. First of all, it is determined directly problem.

For example, a man drinks, his wife nags him every day and says that all the problems in the family are related to his alcoholism. However, the man does not think so, since before the wedding he did not drink such amounts of alcohol.

The psychologist asks the client to tell him about his lifestyle. Hellinger arrangements need systematic consideration situations. That is, it is necessary to determine:

  • what each spouse does every day;
  • what causes conflicts;
  • what kind of relationship do the spouses have in general;
  • whether in family life people are themselves or play someone else’s roles.

The psychologist examines the wife's and husband's parents separately. How did they behave in the family with each other? If it is determined that on the husband’s side, the mother and father lived ideally, and there were no issues with alcoholism, then the greatest attention is paid to the wife’s relatives.

Having previously understood the situation at the first appointment, the psychotherapist recommends that the man come to the next conversation with his wife. Since the “root of evil” is most likely in her, it will not be possible to get rid of it without her participation.

Family constellations

So, when a couple is trying to save their marriage, the wife of the drinking husband comes with him to a psychotherapist for help. During the conversation it may become clear that the woman copies unconsciously her mother's behavior, that is, she took on her role.

Since her family life did not work out, she constantly asked her daughter: “Look, all men are the same. Your father is like the rest. He drinks and brings home pennies.” With an imposed opinion, the daughter grows up with the men around her involuntarily notes only negative traits.

Still, the girl begins a relationship with the guy she likes. After a while she marries him, but soon it seems to her that this man is not “her man” at all. No matter what he does, everything seems negative to her.

It seems that the husband is not so bad, his positive qualities significantly exceed his shortcomings. However, the woman retains internal aggression and sends negativity to her husband on a subconscious level. The man picks up this signal, understands that his partner hates him, and over time tries to seek solace in alcohol. This allows him to forget for a certain time, but the problem is not solved.

Further actions

The Hellinger method involves playing roles. The doctor invites the husband and wife to play out a certain situation. For example, he asks a woman to tell her how she behaves at work. The woman comments on her communication with colleagues, work behavior, and it turns out that at work the patient is “white and fluffy.”

What changes when a woman crosses the threshold of a house? Why does a husband's appearance irritate a woman? The couple plays out the conflict scene in front of a psychologist. A woman tells her husband a standard phrase: “If I would stop drinking, everything would be fine.”

At this point, the psychologist asks the couple to stop. Systemic arrangements require timely focus on an important point. In this example, that time has come.

The doctor says: “Let's try to determine the source of the problem that forces the man to drink.” Then all the reasons that contribute to this are crossed out. For example, the following are excluded:

  • big financial problems;
  • health problems;
  • conflicts at work for men, etc.

What remains? The man openly says that he is depressed by the constant wife's dissatisfaction who always finds fault with something or, conversely, is constantly silent and avoids sexual intimacy. In this situation, the partner suffers from a lack of female attention. Often, women, out of a sense of resentment or lack of love for their partner, punish their chosen one in this way. They overload themselves with household chores or actively sublimate their energy into caring for children. At the same time, the spouse is trying to get some kind of positive mood by drinking alcohol. A vicious circle appears.

Subsequently, systemic arrangements imply an in-depth study of this situation. In this case, the psychologist tries to instill in the woman the idea of ​​​​the need to get rid of the attitude that her mother involuntarily set.

Wife provokes by her behavior, a man is forced to drink alcohol, that is, he forces him to play the role of her drinking father. If at the same time the wife still has a certain grudge against her husband, then during the session it is proposed to get rid of it. “It is very important to free yourself from negativity,” says Hellinger himself. Family constellations offer many techniques in this regard.

In reality, the whole process is quite complicated. In the history of this couple, the psychologist will have to give the heroes many “roles”, so that there is an equal exchange of energy between the spouses.

The effect of egregor on people

After carrying out a systemic alignment, people are often surprised: “Why did I reason with other people’s thoughts?”, “How did it happen that I began to play a role that was not my own in life?” In reality, not many people think about whether he actually does what he wants and lives as he wishes.

What we find most often is that our daily actions, feelings, and thoughts borrowed many from the people around us: the team, one’s own family and society as a whole. In other words, some energy-information space (egregor) directly affects the personality.

Any society (collective) is subject to a certain value system. The impact of egregor can be both positive and negative. Everyone creates a personal value system. For example, a church egregor tries to influence people through sermons. And each terrorist organization develops its own egregor, manipulating the subconscious of its participants with some theory. In some cases, strong personalities create their own egregors and influence others. This individual must be very energy intensive, since its goal is to influence and lead, to manage a large number of energy flows.

Family egregors

The family clan is a system with its own specific tasks. And family members (father, mother, daughter, son) are elements that are required to perform certain functions. What happens when someone gets knocked out of the system? For example, a son, contrary to family tradition, did not want to become a military man, but his father strongly wanted this.

In this case, the role of the son may distribute between the rest of the family or to play the game: the daughter marries a military man. The father is happy, tries to establish strong contact with his son-in-law and shares plans for the future to continue the military line.

The Hellinger arrangement method deeply addresses the problem of the younger and older generations. Can this method help everyone? The reviews are completely different. But many agree that family egregors can negatively impact their descendants.

For example, a young girl is very unhappy in her marriage. All methods of restoring relationships do not produce results; violence and rudeness occur in the family. The only way out is divorce. However, the older generation of this girl unanimously says: “There were no divorced people in our family, as this is a shame.”

Thus, this girl’s family egregor demands submission and dictates its principles to her. Only abandoning the role of “victim” and a complete rethink will help this person make a decision to start a different life.

Egregor by inheritance

The Hellinger Method helps many couples and individuals determine the origins of evil. Let us give another example of a problem with which men often turn to psychotherapists.

So, a conventional young man comes to a psychotherapist who cannot understand his behavior towards women. After multiple divorces, he was faced with the fact that his partners were leaving him because unmotivated aggression. In other areas of life the man turned out to be positive. During a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that in the past the man had “unconsciously” set himself up for revenge. How did it happen?

Most often in this case it turns out that the man grew up in a family in which the father was constantly depressed and humiliated by his wife. The boy could not resist his mother to protect his father. So, as he grew older, he developed his plan ( attitude towards revenge).

This situation led to the fact that, being in relationships with girls, he periodically felt strong hatred towards them. When the right situation arose, he took out his anger on them with his fists. The systemic arrangement should show the guy that these feelings do not belong to him. They are fixed and inspired in the subconscious from distant childhood. But the man has a different situation, and the girls have a different character than his mother. And the most important thing is that he can be happy only when he understands this and begins to change.

This is gradual process. A lot will depend on the natural temperament of a person. Some people need two sessions, while others need much more. The Hellinger method is different in that, knowing family systems, a person can avoid failures in life, as well as protect the future generation from them.

Group classes

The phenomenon of such activities is that a group of people play the roles of actors in the problem of one person. The cases can be different: a person is constantly sick, cannot find a partner, or has difficulties with money.

The constellation method is difficult to explain in detail, but it works according to the following scenario: various roles are distributed among the group. And they begin to feel similar emotions of the person who asked for help. The phenomenon is called " vicarious perception».

Thus, there is a transfer from the client’s internal images to all participants. People who are chosen to play certain roles are called " deputies" During the session, they describe their condition out loud, trying to restore the situation that is a problem for the person.

Hellinger constellations enable a person to unravel the tangle of conflict situations, correctly build a hierarchy and restore energy. The method is built by moving "substituents".

The session is considered successful when all participants do not feel discomfort. And most importantly, the client should experience psychological and physical relief.

Arrangement using Tarot cards

Not every person can openly tell a group of people about his problem. In this case, the client can take part in a group session, but at his request, hidden arrangement. Thus, a person independently regulates the openness of information. An excellent way out of this situation is a systematic arrangement using Tarot cards.

In this case, the deck is diagnostic tool process. A person is asked: “What is the meaning of the problem?” The client, without looking, selects a card and describes what he saw on it. “Deputies” are also selected taking into account the selected arcana. A person, according to his problem, with the help of the facilitator’s prompts, indicates to all participants where to stand and what needs to be done.

Further action - emotional play situations. “Deputies” share their impressions: “I had a feeling that...”, “I thought now that...”. At this time, the client is also included in the discussion. He listens to the opinion of each participant and takes the place whose participant hurt his emotions the most. And given his new role, he says the words that are important to him.

Individual arrangement

Can on one's own conduct this session, since not everyone has the opportunity to work in a group. In this case, independent systematic arrangement is possible. However, for this it is necessary to become thoroughly familiar with Hellinger's theory.

So, the problem is defined, and cards will be used as “substitutes”. The process has three stages:

A less dedicated person may think that a fortune-telling session is taking place, but this is not true. The individual method of arrangement using the Tarot is shown only professionals. Others are advised to resort to this method under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist.

Today, this method is becoming increasingly popular and is developing technically and methodologically in the works of Hellinger himself, who develops constellations today, as well as through the efforts of other constellations that have “groped” their way.


The psychological method of the German doctor Bert Hellinger has earned recognition from specialists in various fields: pedagogy, psychotherapy, sociology, marketing. The uniqueness lies in the simplicity of the method, the ability to find the root of problems in various areas of a person’s life, as well as determine ways to solve identified negative conditions and situations. Hellinger constellations have been successfully used for several decades. However, this method has not only admirers, but also opponents who believe that the system causes harm to program participants.

What are system arrangements

The teaching is an effective practice that was introduced in 1925 by the German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Systemic constellations are the ability to feel and “scan” the energy and information field of a problem situation. Hellinger's method is based on people's innate ability to feel. Its proof is our feelings after chance meetings with people. Some awaken exclusively positive emotions in us; after communicating with others, we want to take a shower and wash away the negativity and irritation.

Hellinger constellations involve working with a group of people. Each participant must use the natural ability to “feel” people and the problem situation that was given by the leader. As a rule, people easily read information about difficulties in different areas of life from the main participant (the person whose problem is being worked on).

Each of us is a complementary part of a single system. People are connected by ancestral programs, family relationships, religion, national traditions, friendships, business partnerships. We influence and depend on each other, we seek mutual understanding and love, but among a huge number of people we often feel lonely. This sense of self is dictated by a state of isolation: a person extols suffering and pain, his own exclusivity.

Hellinger's installation serves as a simple method to help people realize the commonality of their problems. With the help of constellations, program participants can get rid of many far-fetched problems and mental beliefs, revealing their root causes. As a rule, they are destructive family programs and unfinished problematic situations in the family, which have a negative impact on a person’s fate. With the help of Hellinger's constellations it is possible to reveal the root causes:

  • diseases (drug addiction, alcoholism, genetic diseases);
  • difficulties in family relationships, in relationships with the opposite sex;
  • various phobias, depression, panic attacks;
  • childlessness (if there is no infertility);
  • business problems;
  • unfulfillment in life.

What are the types of constellations using Bert Hellinger's method?

Psychological consultation, based on any approach (classical or systemic), begins with identifying the client’s problem. At this stage, the specialist determines which placement method is best to use. Hellinger's system involves several main types: family, structural, organizational, client and spiritual constellations. What are their features and differences?


This type of arrangement involves working with family problems. Family constellations according to B. Hellinger include the elaboration of intrapersonal conflicts and generic messages that negatively affect a person’s life. Experts are convinced that the difficulties of many clients are explained by traumas that were suffered within the boundaries of the family system in the past. Problems are often associated with a failure of the hierarchy order or the “take-and-give” principle (parents’ desire to take from children, children’s awareness of their superiority over their parents, and the like).

Bert Hellinger believed that family trauma is the main cause of any health, personal or material problems. The psychotherapist is convinced that the root of any problem is the desire to cross out (forget) the participants in the family trauma - both the perpetrators and the victims. This desire to exclude what happened from memory becomes the “causative agent” of various problematic situations and incorrect mental programs in subsequent generations of the family. The Hellinger constellation method helps to find the hidden causes of the client’s unhealthy state and get rid of them.


This type of Hellinger arrangement helps to improve areas of life such as work, finances, illness, and get rid of fears. The method is extremely effective if it is impossible to logically justify the reason for the repetition of the same problem. Structural arrangements help to bring the underlying causes of problematic situations to the level of consciousness. The program involves the transformation of a person - this allows him to independently change at a deep level.


Designed to solve problems among members of work teams. Special areas of application of the program are working with business consultants, script writers, and scientists. Organizational constellations using the Hellinger method involve “playing out” roles, main character traits, and specific stories. The purpose of the method is to unite the team to increase team productivity or resolve internal conflicts. The priority of organizational arrangements is the employees themselves and their community.


Constellations using the Hellinger method are aimed at people whose professions involve helping others (doctors, social workers, psychologists, teachers). This type of program helps to consider the relationship between helpers and recipients of help. Through client constellations, it is possible to see how effective this support is, what motives drive the helper and, if desired, adjust them.


The teaching positions the spirit as something that stimulates development. This Hellinger constellation identifies the therapist and participants as tools for the manifestation of the spirit. The technique somewhat contradicts therapeutic constellations, where the main role is assigned to the therapist looking for a solution to the client’s problem. The system does not use the concepts of “problem” and “solution”. Spiritual constellations view the situation through the free movement of consciousness.

Laws of order of love

The family constellation method is based on two main concepts - conscience and order. The psychotherapist in personal philosophy relies on the aspect of conscience, which acts as an analyzer and “organ of balance” of a person. The system will work well only if the conscience is calm - then there is internal confidence that family life has worked out. Anxiety means that a person can no longer belong to the system. This concept is a detector of the degree of internal balance.

Hellinger divides conscience into unconscious and conscious. If an individual acts in accordance with the latter, he violates the rules of the unconscious. Thus, the conscious conscience gives us excuses, and the unconscious makes us feel guilty. The psychotherapist says that conflict between them often causes problems in the family. The relationship between husband and wife in such a conflict will be destroyed even in the presence of strong love.

Many people believe that established family routines can change under their influence or that they can be easily defeated with some effort. However, love is not capable of giving order, since the latter serves as a fundamental principle, and love is only a component of order. Thus, love is formed exclusively within any order, and it is impossible to change it through one’s own efforts.

How is system placement carried out?

Group therapy involves working with each participant, which can last from 30 to 90 minutes. The duration of the system arrangement is determined depending on the number of requests. The person whose problem is being worked through determines who from the group will play the roles of members of his family. For example, a woman who has a problematic situation with her husband chooses participants to play the role of herself and her husband. The client, under the guidance of her own ideas and feelings, according to the instructions of the psychotherapist, arranges the participants around the room.

During the program, amazing things happen: “deputies” (aka participants) experience first-hand the feelings and emotions of the family members whose roles they perform. Thus, strangers are immersed in a situation so deeply that they can clearly express the situations happening to someone. Thanks to this effect, there is no need to talk a lot about the events that took place in the client’s family.

What is the danger of the method

Every profession is associated with danger to some extent. For example, an unprofessional driver can hit a pedestrian, an inexperienced lawyer will deprive a person of his freedom, and an unqualified doctor will allow the disease to kill the patient. Due to the lack of experience or low qualifications of the psychologist, the client may lose personal integrity or mental health. In the hands of an unprofessional, even psychological work will be dangerous.

The benefits of the constellation method are directly related to the professionalism of the presenter. Only an experienced specialist will determine which version of the system is best suited for use for a particular individual, and which may cause harm or be useless. With the help of constellations according to the Hellinger method, participants come into contact with the personalities of other people, getting used to the roles. The guidance of a psychotherapist makes the process safer for the “actor”, who will leave the given role without negative consequences.

Features of teaching the technique

The school of constellations will be of interest to beginning or practicing psychologists, family doctors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers and anyone who works with people. The main teaching methods used in the program include theoretical and practical parts. The first involves studying the basics of arrangement, reading philosophical notes, and considering the methodological and morphogenetic prerequisites of the system. The practical part contains analysis of specific situations and work using the family constellation method.

During the training course, students become familiar with the psychological and philosophical teachings of the constellation method. Students learn about the basic premises of the system, such as positive conditions for the development of healthy family or work relationships. The training examines how love relationships are made or broken. Course participants can study their own problem situations through the prism of Hellinger's constellations and see methods for solving them.

Video about systemic arrangements according to Hellinger

Modern psychotherapists are convinced that the method is most valuable in practice, not theory. However, in order to achieve the best results from group work on constellations, you need to understand what the basic concepts and principles of the system are. With the help of the video below, you will gain basic knowledge and understanding of the Hellinger psychological method.

Despite the fact that Homo sapiens actively uses all the achievements of modern civilization, some deep part of his psyche and physiology repeats the mental organization of his ancestors from a primitive communal society.

Initially, we were intended to live within the clan, within the family. The laws of these social cells are unconsciously aimed at preserving the species, just as it happens in an anthill or in a swarm of bees.

It would seem, why do we need to know about these laws, when now we can survive and realize ourselves perfectly, living alone or in a small family?

It turns out that the patterns of intra-clan relationships between people still operate in our lives. Moreover, they extend to all its areas, including business and relationships within any team.

The psychotherapist was the first to discover this phenomenon and systematize the laws of relations between members of the same family. Bert Hellinger– author of the family constellation technique.

About the author of the technique

Before becoming a psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger came a long way from a missionary in South Africa to a practicing member of the association of psychoanalysts in Munich.

Exploring the relationships that arise in various groups, he discovered that the emergence of tragic conflicts in various families has its own patterns.

Having extensive experience as a family consultant, Bert Hellinger developed a technique for overcoming such conflicts, which in professional circles was called “Hellinger constellations.”

In collaboration with the German psychiatrist G. Weber, in 1993, the psychotherapist wrote the book “Two Kinds of Happiness,” which talks about the technique of constellations. This fruit of many years of practice immediately became a national bestseller.

Currently, Hellinger has created a school for his followers, travels with lectures around the world and conducts training seminars.

How are the arrangements going?

Externally, the Hellinger arrangement looks like this:

  1. the client states his problem related to relationships between members of his family or personal sphere.
  2. among the members of the group selected to work with this problem, so-called “deputies” are selected members of the client's family or people associated with the client's problem.
  3. They are arranged in space, they are discouraged from using expressive gestures or postures.
  4. deputies who took on other people's roles, move the way they feel and say what they feel.
  5. receiving information and drawing conclusions, the arranger carries out the work, using special techniques, enabling phrases and techniques.
  6. after the end of the session the arranger removes substitutes from the roles of those being replaced.

Even though the group members have no idea about their prototypes and their problems, after serious and thoughtful work by the facilitator, surrogates begin to feel the same way as the client's family members or other people.

Information about this comes to them from the “knowing” or “morphic” field. The presence of this field is the only weak point of the Hellinger constellation method, although during practical studies of recent decades there has been evidence that “field” information can be trusted.

Is the danger of formations a myth?

Bert Hellinger's opponents often claim that with substitution there is a danger that the substitute will not be able to completely leave the role of the one being replaced, he will become obsessed.

It is even more dangerous if the deputy took on the role of the deceased person. So are Hellinger constellations dangerous?

Possible problems of a family therapy session:

  • It is not safe for the arranger to enter the client’s system, as there is a danger of intertwining;
  • Constellators, deputies, and even observers with weak energy protection run the risk of attaching the client’s hereditary karmic diseases to their subtle plane.

To avoid doubts, l

and arrangements, after the session you need to “clean” all participants with energy flows, create protective vibrations, and use special minerals.

Who should I contact if I want to do an arrangement?

This method of work is quickly spreading, and for good reason, because it really leads the client to results. However, more and more unqualified specialists (arrangers) are appearing in the world of psychology who take up work simply after reading books, without training. This is very dangerous, because such an irresponsible approach can harm both the client and the therapist.

If a person decides to try this technique, then he should strictly contact a certified professional. This will ensure safety and quality of work. Below are links to some specialists who are well-known and have already earned the trust of clients.

Lyubov Sadovnikova, Nizhny Novgorod (online)
Natalia Rubleva, Moscow (online)

The world of technology is developing faster and faster every year, but the number of free hours people have is decreasing.

That is why the “online consultation” method appeared in psychological practice. Now almost every specialist in the field of psychology is ready to accept a client from a distance.

However, is it possible to conduct constellations via Skype? After all, this is not a completely traditional method of counseling.

Constellation therapists have differing opinions on this matter. Some argue that it is difficult to convey roles and receive information at a distance, while others are sure that this is not only possible, but also completely easy.

It turns out that the possibility of a high-quality constellation session on Skype depends on the specialist. If he is confident in his ability to read information at a distance, has successful experience in this field, and is also fluent in the method of constellations, then everything will work out. But if at least one of the above points is lame, then there may be difficulties. When contacting a constellation therapist, read reviews about him.

Feedback from experts and session participants

Professional psychotherapists believe that this technique allows a person to overcome internal barriers, give more vision in difficult situations, and get rid of obstacles in relationships.

Reviews of the arrangements of participants in such sessions indicate that they experienced interesting sensations, there was an opportunity to look at many things from another point of view, see through the problem of another way out of your life situation.

Clients of such sessions, leaving reviews of the constellations in which they were the main persons, are mostly satisfied with the results. The effect of the work occurs immediately; long hours of therapy are not needed.

Those who have completed the work believe that they need to constantly work on themselves. Nothing will change for those who do nothing to work on their problem.

Family constellations according to Hellinger are an unusual, promising technique that allows you to penetrate deep into the problem of many generations of one family and solve it with the least effort.

Why don't arrangements help?

Sometimes you hear something like this. A person has made an arrangement for himself, and maybe more than one, but there is no result. Why? There are several nuances here. We answer.

1. Are you sure there is no result?
When a person comes to therapy or constellation, he has a clear picture in his head of a good result and how it should HAPPEN. He is waiting for just such a course of history. For example, so that a suitable partner meets him and invites him on a date. Or to be hired by your dream company. And then, when something doesn’t go quite right, he rejects it. If the right person appears in the field (and this is already a result), and you have the opportunity to get to know him, but in a different way than it was imagined in your head, everything is rejected! This is not it! This is not the same result. If there are no places in the dream company, but a friend offers a good project, this is not accepted as a result. That's not it.
The human brain can be reactive and make erroneous conclusions. Are you sure there is no result?

2. The psyche of the Soul is inert.
What is there to hide? The human psyche is inert, and it just wants to go along the old road. And it’s clear why, because everything there is already familiar and has been completed more than once. And then they offer some new solution, the unknown, the path needs to be cleared, you need to go consciously...” Nooo,” says the psyche and returns to the old scenarios. What to do? WANT TO GO FORWARD AND BE CONSCIOUS. Arrangement is not a magic wand, I did it and that’s it. This is work on yourself. Every day you need to make a choice in favor of the new or the old.

3. The degree of NOT readiness for change.
This is perhaps the most common. How does this happen. Person N really wanted to fix something in his life, he went to a constellation and it helped him. The result was 100%. He, of course, told his friend M about this. He lit up, “I’ll go too, it helped N.” He goes, makes arrangements, and does not help him. Why? Because he “didn’t burn like N”!!! He went out of curiosity; he actually had little energy for change.

4. Everyone has their own rhythm.
Sometimes a person wants too much at once. So that the result is the next day, so that everything is as he wants, quickly and efficiently. But each Soul has its own pace. For some people, the arrangement really works very quickly. Sometimes changes come already at the seminar. This suggests that the soul is open to new things, it has already had enough of old problems. And for some people the results are extremely slow. Step by step the Soul opens up to something new. And this may not even be noticeable to the person himself, but only people around him notice how he has changed. These changes are so subtle and little by little that they are difficult to track and impossible to describe!!! But they exist.

5. The problem is not completely resolved.
Not all problems can be resolved in one go. The topic of mother and father is the most popular and longest-lasting topics that even advanced people have been solving for years. It's full of hidden dynamics and secrets. They keep creeping out again and again. What to do? THANK THE ALMIGHTY that they manifest themselves and you have the opportunity to become even happier. After all, some people live in the fog all their lives. One problem can have up to 10 layers and layers. As Hellinger himself said, a person’s life is not enough even to get rid of 50% of the intertwining. So we suggest you relax and trust the processes that are taking place.

6. Inappropriate therapist or method.
For a successful result, it is necessary that the client trusts the method and the therapist. If this does not happen, then there may be no result. Also, unfortunately, there are many unprofessional specialists who do something without knowing what.

7. Take responsibility.
When the placement of 50% responsibility on the client and 50% on the therapist begins. But when it ends and a person goes into his life, the responsibility is 100% on him! What happens sometimes? A person came, made an arrangement, left and waited for the result. He believes that the therapist should have made the result appear. And the client stops monitoring himself, his internal dynamics, shifting all responsibility to the therapist. As a result, nothing happens. There is no result.

Here are perhaps the most common 7 points why the result does not happen in life after the arrangement. Before you get angry with the therapist or seek help again, you should think about whether some point is relevant?

I want to tell you a very quick way to get rid of:

  • many diseases, including incurable ones such as cancer;
  • money problems/business/career problems;
  • improve your personal life/get married/have children;
  • establish relationships with people/relatives/friends/enemies/neighbors, etc.

Recently I was asked to participate in an event, namely, the Hellinger Constellation. Before that, I had no idea about its existence. And what I participated in impressed me so much that now I want everyone to know about this method of getting rid of numerous problems.

For reference:

Systemic constellations according to Hellinger are a phenomenological method of systemic (family) therapy. The author of the method is the German philosopher, theologian, and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. This method is designed to work with systemic family trauma. The purpose of the method is to correct the consequences of these dynamics. People (“deputies”) are placed in the working field of the group. The placed figures (substitutes) represent what is happening in the family system, based on information from the working field.

Based on his many work with people, Bert Hellinger found that family trauma is the cause of almost any problem: health, work, family relationships, accidents, and so on. The most important root of all problems, as Bert Hellinger explains, is the exclusion (the desire to forget) of the participants in family trauma from the family system (both victims and perpetrators). It is exclusion that causes problems for subsequent generations. As a result of working with this method, hidden system dynamics are discovered, and a solution is offered to the client.

This method of work is a short-term one-time method, which distinguishes it from existing long-term ways of working with psychotherapists with patients.

In his works, Bert Hellinger classifies this method as a spiritual practice.

It’s difficult to explain in words what happened during the arrangement itself—you have to be there, see and feel everything. I can only note that it “works” very well.

The arrangement in which I was invited to participate was staged at the Dar psychological center in Samara. The leader of the arrangement is Tatyana Gennadievna Rokhmestrova.

The person who ordered the arrangement wanted to resolve his relationship with the opposite sex through communication with his family and parents.

There were several people (about 15) in the room where I was invited.

About the arrangement: whoever ordered it had to place deputies in the field. Substitutes had to be chosen from any people present in the room and placed in any place. Do everything intuitively. For example, you need to put someone in place of your dad, mom, grandmother, etc.

Next, the deputy stood in the field and described his state, what he felt in his body, what emotions he felt (if any) for other participants, etc. The presenter smoothly guides all participants and the main “culprit” of the event all the time and helps solve the problem.

What struck me:

  1. A single energy field that was created during the arrangement. It was very tangible, alive.
  2. Physical condition (pain in certain areas of the body) and emotions that were present while I was a deputy. These were “not my” emotions. And the physical pain went away as soon as the arrangement was over.
  3. Many “deputies” voiced very personal information about who they were replacing (what was characteristic of this person, how he treated the other participants in the arrangement, personal habits, etc.). The people who “replaced” dad and mom (who were no longer alive at that point in time), upon entering the field, immediately lay down and crossed their arms over their chests. I mean, let me explain. The person who ordered the arrangement did not tell anyone his story and his problems. At the same time, I know this family very well and, of course, was aware of this fact.

I was very impressed by what was happening and, of course, interviewed the presenter Tatyana Gennadievna. I would like to note that she is one of those few people about whom they say “glows from within.” Such a radiant person. A very friendly and pleasant woman.

Interview with Tatyana Gennadievna Rokhmestrova, psychologist of the highest category, founder of the Samara Psychological Center "Dar"

T: Tatyana Gennadievna, tell us about yourself? What is your occupation?

T.G.: I have been a practicing psychologist for 25 years. I have two higher educations, and the second is psychological. She began her activities in the 90s with professional selection at the Progress plant, then in educational institutions, in the regional center “Family”, and in 2002 my colleagues and I organized the “Dar” center. All the time I practice and look for innovative methods of psychotherapy.

T: What is "Hellinger arrangement"?

T.G.: Since 2002, I have been improving my qualifications at the Moscow Institute of Consulting and System Solutions under the leadership of M.G. Burnyashev, where I also studied constellations. This is one of the officially recognized methods of psychotherapy, which combines several technologies: psychodrama, narrative therapy, gestalt therapy and body therapy. The author of the method is Bert Hellinger, from whom I studied.

T: At his place?

T.G.: Yes. He and his followers. Personally, I attended almost all of his seminars that he conducted in Moscow. This is an elderly man who has been practicing for 50 years. The family constellation method became widely known in 1993 in Germany, and with extraordinary speed it spread throughout the world and won wide recognition. Halls of 500 or more people gather. He works on stage, and the whole audience is involved in such a way that some changes occur for everyone. The method is very strong, very interesting. I am passionate about it and enjoy using it in group and individual work.

T: Have you tried it yourself?

T.G.: Yes. Thanks to him, I solved a lot of my personal problems, which was not achieved by other methods, and the training of specialists to work with constellations takes place primarily through personal experience. It is now considered a short-term therapy. Gives a quick effect. For some, changes already begin “tomorrow”!

T: What problems can it solve?

T.G.: The processes occurring during the constellation allow us to see differently and re-evaluate the family’s past and the impact it has on different areas of a person’s life: partnerships, child-parent relationships, self-realization, business, meeting needs, setting goals and achieving them, identifying with victims , painful separation, illness or symptoms, etc.

T: What are symptom constellations?

T.G.: This is working with a person’s symptom or disease. Typically, a surrogate is selected for the role of the disease and a surrogate for the client. And the client arranges these characters in such a way that it is clear who the symptom replaces or indicates who the client does not want to look at. And when the person excluded from the system takes his systemic place, the symptom begins to subside and the disease goes away.

T: And the person is cured?

T.G.: Often. Constellations according to B. Hellinger have been practiced in our center for more than eight years, every week. It works. People return to the group to solve future problems and provide positive feedback on previous requests. Almost all of them are brought here by word of mouth.

Of course, this method is not a panacea! It doesn't affect everyone much. But thanks to the arrangement, a connection is often established for a person between his illness and a life theme familiar to him, the grief or pain of a loved one. Therefore, in the future, if the disease appears again, he has a different attitude towards the symptoms, an understanding of what it is connected with, and a choice of options for change.

T.: Are there people for whom constellations are contraindicated or undesirable? Or those who don't need to do this? Is there a category of such people?

T.G.: It's too early for children to do this. Although recently there has been such experience when parents came with teenage children. This is a method of personal growth. If parents begin to solve family problems in an adult way, then it becomes easier for the children, and they begin to grow.

T.: At what age does personal growth begin?

T.G.: It's different for everyone. There are people who do not accept this method, are afraid of it, do not understand.

I like it and it helps me a lot personally (as a specialist). And when I feel the client’s strong rational defense, this method allows me to more gently approach the person’s repressed difficult feelings and help release them and restore connection with the resource part of myself.

The method gives a strong impetus, and changes begin to occur in the person. Because there is an image of a good solution. The image is magic! Because if a person has a goal, then his subconscious works day and night to solve the problem. While there is no goal, while there is no picture, there is nothing to decide (the arrangement creates a three-dimensional, sensual picture). And then he saw the problem from the outside and the way to solve it.

T.: Does it matter who leads the arrangement and the people who are present there?

T.G.: People in our groups are always different. There are people who have participated in constellations many times - they have some experience and trust in themselves. They already know the rules. There are also newcomers who also get into the lineup. And only because they participate in it, they develop confidence in the method. You can’t imagine this when you start to feel everything that’s happening there... it’s impossible to imagine “heaviness in your arms,” “ache” in your leg, and so on. And when they get involved, they learn very quickly. And the most important thing is that they begin to trust themselves! And this is already an element of psychotherapy. Because all our troubles come from our minds, when we exclude our own sensations and feelings, when we don’t trust our “inner child.” It always becomes easier and better for us when we meet our primary feelings, which we once abandoned and were unable to express.

T.:“Primary” – what are these feelings?

T.G.:“Primary” are, for example, pain, self-pity, helplessness, etc... We always suppress the bad, we are always distracted from it. For example: A child knocked, it hurts, and they say to him: "Oh, look what a dog ran..."

T.: So it’s normal to feel sorry for yourself, to feel sorry for yourself?

T.G.: To experience yes, but at the same time to understand what you are experiencing. Understand: "Yes, I feel sorry for myself now", what can I do for myself now? It’s already “adult-like” to understand and control yourself. And when we are constantly distracted from ourselves, we become dependent on another person. And then, not having him nearby, we feel helpless, or when he is nearby, but does not behave the way we need, then we are offended. Without realizing our feelings, we transfer them to the person with whom we are in connection. When a person dies, we say: "How sorry for him", but actually feel sorry for yourself. How will I live without him?

T.: Is it true that even by participating in the constellation as a “substitute”, a person is already solving his problems?

T.G.: Yes it is. Because “substitutes” are always chosen according to the principle of resonance. That is, if I have it in me, they will definitely choose me. And when in this arrangement I help another person solve his problems, I help myself. Then, when I find myself in the same situation in my family, I will already have experience in solving this problem. That’s why we recommend that those who do the constellations come 3 more times to participate in other people’s constellations. By participating in the constellations of others, a person strengthens his constellation, maintains the balance of “give and take,” and begins to better see his problems in someone else’s system: "Oh, that's what it was! It's about me!" And the process begins faster...

Therefore, a one-time visit to a psychologist is the beginning... It only actualizes the problem.

T.: What do you need to do to create your own arrangement? Is there any principle of action?

T.G.: First, a person must clearly formulate his request: “What do I want as a result?” He must clearly know his goal. And this is necessary in order to then choose the right deputies.

T.: And who is the “deputy”?

T.G.: A “substitute” is any person who replaces something in me: my parents, my fears, my attitudes, my symptoms, etc. Everything that is in the arrangement is all “I”. These are all parts of "Me". And “I” inside myself, with their help, restore order. "I" complete what was not completed (for various reasons). And now it's possible! And now I can look at it and find new meaning and peace of mind.

T.: Are there rules - how many people should participate in the arrangement (minimum/maximum)?

T.G.: Each arrangement requires a different number of participants. For some, 5 people are enough, and for some, 20 or more. It depends on the request and what we are doing. Therefore, the arrangements are different.

T.: Why?

T.G.: We place everyone in a certain way in the arrangement, but as soon as one starts some kind of movement, everything begins to change. And everyone behaves differently.

T.: How long does the arrangement take?

T.G.: On average one hour. In four hours we manage to make three/four arrangements.

T.: Do I need to prepare for the arrangement in advance? And in general, I decided to make an arrangement - what do I need to do for this?

T.G.: Know what is most important for you now. Because if a person does an arrangement for the sake of curiosity, there are no strong feelings and no energy (emotional energy) in it - then the arrangement turns out to be somewhat sluggish and lasts a very long time. Therefore, not all arrangements work out. When the person who orders the arrangement is worried - for me this is a good indicator - he trusts and is open. He sits down in a circle and just looks at this theater. This effect is also called "magic theater". Because the client, when he arrived, had one picture, but when the arrangement is made, the picture changes and something changes in his mind. He begins to see differently and act differently.

T.: If we talk about the soul and subtle structures, when I participated in the arrangement, I had the feeling that it was something like channeling. Because the people in the constellation voiced very truthful things about those they were replacing that they could not know about. I was amazed by this. How can you comment on this?

T.G.: I can assume that when the deputy gets into the formation, he knows nothing about the problem. He does not know what experience to apply, he only feels and enters an altered state of consciousness - trance. He lets go of control and accepts what comes from him (information). He listens to something from within. At this moment he is like a medium. When the customer of the arrangement chooses a deputy, he takes him by the shoulders and at that moment imagines in front of him the person he is placing, finds a special place for him, i.e. enters into the information field of his system, and the deputy begins to experience special sensations. And the deputy begins to show familiar characteristics of the person in whose role he is. Fantastic! But that's probably true! The phenomenological method!

Some people, after participating in a “deputy” arrangement, say: “I would never do such a thing in my life, but here now I did such a thing,” “I have never spoken like that,” “I don’t swear at all.”

T.: Do people in the arrangement swear? What other reactions are there?

T.G.: Different.

T.: What was the most surprising and unusual thing you saw in the arrangement?

T.G.: It happens that they start killing, strangling themselves or attacking someone in the arrangement. Even men lose consciousness.

T.: So it turns out that you don’t need to have some kind of gift to be a medium?

T.G.: Probably all people can do this. Because at this moment our “sensual child” turns on within us. Children, when they come to an unfamiliar place, begin to behave differently, just like animals. Because at this moment they begin to adopt what is happening there. The same principle works in the arrangement - this is the principle of resonance (resonance with nature, with the place you find yourself in, with the soul of the one you are replacing).

T.: Does it matter who leads the lineup?

T.G.: I have great confidence in this method. At first glance, everything seems easy: in fact, to do an arrangement, you need basic knowledge of psychology and systemic psychotherapy. Because if you start the arrangement the way it is going, you can mess up a lot of things, and then who knows what the person who does it will leave with. Therefore, every constellation leader has a systematic structure (systemic therapy) in his head, rules that were strictly taught in our seminars. Therefore, the presenter must have basic education, the ability to consult, and speak. During the arrangement, you have to select special phrases that correct the patient. Each phrase carries an energetic emotional charge. If one phrase doesn’t work, you need to select another one so that the resource movement begins... I often use those suggested by B. Hellinger.

T.: So these phrases cure the patient?

T.G.: They become affirmations for him, i.e. new thoughts for every day. For example, before the constellation, the wife always condemned her husband, and then she says to him (the person who replaces him) - "You are what I need." And in real life they are experiencing good changes.

Therefore, when the arrangement is taking place, I watch and think all the time. The presenter must have a three-dimensional vision of the situation. I don’t ask everyone in the arrangement. Because there are significant elements and not so significant ones. It is important who and where to add to the arrangement. There is a loss of resources in an arrangement, and you need to be able to catch them in time, as there may be the opposite effect.

Experience is important here. I myself, due to inexperience, had this happen when I interrupted the arrangement in the wrong place. A person may experience severe relapses. I'm sorry, but it comes with practice.

T.: Who else is doing this in Samara?

T.G.: Certified psychologists are listed on the official website of the Moscow Institute of Consulting System Solutions (ICSR) and the Moscow Institute of Integrative Family Therapy, and now St. Petersburg is also preparing.

T.: Do I need to consult a psychologist before constellation?

T.G.: If a person already has the intention and trust in this method, then don’t. If complete beginners come with the intention of doing an arrangement, I always slow them down a little and ask them to watch at least one and get acquainted with the method. It was one thing that he heard about it somewhere, and another thing - he saw it with his own eyes. And very often (almost always), when a person looks at the arrangement, his request is reformulated. That is, he comes with one thing, and then realizes that something else is important to him. And this, as a rule, always has more power.

T.: Everyone has problems, and I am no exception. But the problems that I would like to solve, I am not ready to disclose publicly. Because even if you don’t tell the participants in the arrangement your problems, they will see everything anyway. How to deal with this?

T.G.: And that’s why this method exists. A problem always becomes a problem when a person begins to solve it alone. He packs it and hides it. The arrangements highlight what people hide “in the closets”. They show the hardest. And when a person can get hold of a problem and talk about it, it becomes easy for him, and it ceases to be a problem. And if a person has packed his secret, hidden it, it becomes very difficult for him and then leads to illness (mental and physical). This is what therapy exists for, to endure such difficult moments. When they come to me for a consultation and ask that everything be kept confidential “ear to ear” - this is a direct indication to bring him to the arrangement. All the secrets are revealed in the arrangement - and the secrets of birth (when there is one father, but another person is passed off as the father) - this greatly influences the person.

T.: Can this be revealed in the arrangement?

T.G.: Yes, like adoption, imprisonment, murder, suicide. And here you know how they treat suicides - everyone in the family begins to hide this fact and come up with something else.

T.: If we talk about magic, sometimes a person is haunted by failures, the so-called “black streak”, when bad luck everywhere is like a curse. Is it possible to get rid of this by arrangement?

T.G.: It is possible to look into yourself, because this is a method of knowing yourself.

T.: And when there are problems in your personal life, in business, and with health? How then to set the arrangement?

T.G.: Then all the topics need to be discussed and find out what is more critical? Where is there more suffering? This is where we start.

T.: Is man himself the cause of his troubles?

T.G.: A person is certainly responsible for himself, but he is always in some kind of connection, supporting someone or supporting him. Sometimes a person cannot be successful if everyone in the family is poor. The installation works: “I can’t be happy when everyone in my family is unhappy.” This is called loyalty to the system.

T.: Can a problem on one topic be solved in one arrangement, or do several need to be done?

T.G.: Usually one topic is enough, but at the same time, topics are related to each other.

T.: Thank you for your interview. Your wishes to the readers of the portal...

T.G.: Thank you for the interesting conversation, questions and interest in us.

I would be glad if the readers of the portal take the opportunity to apply this wonderful method in the path of self-knowledge to achieve their goals.

According to Bert Hellinger, people in their everyday lives are controlled not only by reason, motives and situational feelings, but by a field like gravitational or electromagnetic - the ancestral field, the field of the history of the clan of his family, where all significant (primarily problematic) events with his relatives in the past.

​​​​​​​The following laws apply in this field:
  • The law of belonging. When a person enters some kind of system, some kind of collective, he takes into account the laws of this system the more, the more important this system is to him. For a child, belonging to the clan system is the highest good, therefore, to belong to the system, the child is ready to do whatever is expected of him - see Conformism. Whether all children are equally conformists, who formulates expectations to the child, how and when, how the child understands them at different ages, and whether he or she has different attitudes toward these expectations is not clear.
  • The law of hierarchy. Those who logged in first have an advantage over those who logged in later. Therefore, there should be not just respect for elders, but admiration for them.
  • Law of Take and Give. The more we take, the more easily we give, the brighter and richer our existence.

​​​​​​​​​​​​If these laws were once violated by someone, everyone in this family suffers from this. But any member of this family can also correct the situation by asking for forgiveness and starting to behave well. The ancestral field does not seem to be vindictive and forgives everyone. I wonder if one constantly spoils it, and the other sincerely corrects it, what will be the result in the end?

How should we feel about this? - What about fairy tales for children? At first, small children believe in Santa Claus, then they don’t believe it, and then they themselves become Santa Clauses. Fairy tales are a useful thing, and if there are small children around you who are playing around, a good fairy tale will help you. If a fairy tale is stupid and untimely, don’t fool your head with it. Adults still don’t tell each other fairy tales. Bert Hellinger's tales have nothing to do with science.

Technologies without mysticism

Hellinger's constellations are a system of several layers, namely a combination of psychodrama, motor constellations, toponymy, emotional response and strong suggestions, framed by a vivid performance by the group.

Since the substitutes for the characters in a real story are chosen not by chance, but by similarity (similarity in body character, similarity in motor fields), motor constellations quite realistically demonstrate the real relationships of the participants in a real story.

The fourth layer is emotional reactions and suggestions with the performance. Bert Hellinger invented mass, group psychotherapy, where a female choir performs in the Greek version. When Gestalt therapists worked, they worked either one on one or with a small group - a maximum of fifteen people, while each of the participants was quite lonely or passive, and a lot of time had to sit, only observing the work with the central character. Hellinger works more interestingly, he says: “You know, this woman has problems, but to help her, the help of the audience is needed.” And five to ten people leave the hall and, in the most lively way, addressing their feelings, that is, doing what they love as women, they begin to perform ancient Greek theater. At the same time, the psychotherapist, in an absolutely arbitrary manner, almost according to the list, raises the hottest and most painful topics for women that resonate in their hearts. This is the topic of abortion, the topic of children deprived of love, the topic of betrayal and death. These are just four topics on which the entire interest of female consciousness is based. Any topic that a woman does not raise in ninety cases out of a hundred, the psychotherapist reduces it to these four topics, and no matter what, no matter how the woman has enuresis, no matter how her belly hurts there, in any case everything will be reduced to infidelity, to unborn children, to deaths and something else. After which all the women, according to the script, should cry - and they begin to cry. To do such one-on-one sessions, you just need to be Kashpirovsky, and in Hellinger’s script this is done in an elementary way. And when the final general chorus and crying are organized, the pressure organized by the psychotherapist is launched on this woman, the woman experiences a cure - simply as a result of a powerful group suggestion. Overall: the psychotherapist earned his money, the woman received a quick therapeutic effect, she really felt better. But there is a second result: this script is attractive to women, like any bright and emotional theater. This is even better than the theater: here each of the forty people is emotionally involved, each can really at least take part in the general chorus, and each dreams of getting into the center of this Greek tragedy! Women get this infection in just one session, after which they sign up for the next constellations - and they already get in line, because the demand for constellations already exceeds the supply. And the more honestly, brightly and beautifully every decent psychotherapist works, the more women do not want to be healthy. They will definitely find a sore within themselves in order to turn out to be the main character of a Greek tragedy and so that the choir will bend over it. And the more talented psychotherapists there are, the more women will dream of finding another problem in themselves. Then they infect their friends, telling them: “You know how cool it is to solve problems?” They attract them to this infection, supplying honest psychotherapists with fresh clients. And the amount of infection in Russian culture is increasing exponentially.

Hellinger constellations: the view of an Orthodox psychologist

According to the author of the article, the Hellinger method cannot be used by an Orthodox psychologist: “During constellations, mediumistic contact occurs, which is covered by field theory. You can grab whatever you want. In fact, the process itself is spiritualism...” See →

Links to Hellinger constellations

Veselago E.V. Systemic constellations according to Bert Hellinger: history, philosophy, technology.
