Breathing technique during childbirth. Abdominal type of breathing - the main one during pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy lasts for several months, but time flies, and during this time, the expectant mother must find out for herself many questions related to labor. Since this process is difficult, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance - on the eve of an important moment, a woman should already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth. Mom's illiterate actions can cause significant harm to herself and her own child.

The birth of a baby is a natural and complex process that requires a truly titanic effort from a woman. And during this period, the intake of oxygen into the body is of great importance, both for the woman in labor and for the child, who, in his own way, also strives to be born as soon as possible and moves along the birth canal. For this reason, doctors often forbid the expectant mother to scream - firstly, she loses her strength, and secondly, she deprives the baby of normal air access, which may cause hypoxia.

It has been proven that the correct breathing technique speeds up the course of childbirth, how does it help a woman? There are several factors that, through correct breathing, contribute to a successful and faster delivery:

  • When a woman is busy with her breathing, she has time to relax and rest between contractions;
  • Breathing eliminates emotional stress and reduces pain;
  • Supports normal blood supply to mother and unborn child;
  • With proper breathing technique, the diaphragm helps to accelerate the opening of the uterus.

A special technique is not ordinary breathing, and women who decide to master it will have to learn it and train for some time so that the process occurs automatically during childbirth. Each phase of labor has its own technique, so it will be different in such important periods as:

  1. Opening of the cervix, that is, labor pains;
  2. Birth of a child;
  3. Departure of the placenta.

All breathing techniques are aimed at alleviating the condition of the woman in labor. Doctors advise women in the last months of bearing a baby every day to pay attention to breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes.

Different types of breathing during contractions

It is advisable to train various types of breathing by changing postures - when tilted, on your side, sitting, reclining. During labor, you may have to use the most comfortable position for yourself - obstetricians and doctors can give their permission for this if they find a change in position appropriate. Sometimes during training, pregnant mothers experience a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, and they experience deterioration in well-being and dizziness. This is quite natural, so there is no need to panic - you just need to hold your breath for a few seconds, and the discomfort will pass on its own.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with how to breathe correctly during contractions. The uterus opens for a long time, especially in primiparas. This is a painful process, accompanied by spasms, which, in fact, are contractions. Without this, it is impossible to open the genital organ, besides, contractions help in moving the child along the birth canal.

This period is characterized by three main phases:

  • Hidden, when the initial spasms are of low intensity and are similar to pain during menstruation. This state can last no more than six hours.
  • An activity stage lasting about four hours and marking the accelerated opening of the uterine os, the contractions are painful and the intervals between them are constantly decreasing;
  • In primiparas and in some cases in multiparous, the stage of inhibition lasts about a couple of hours before the opening of the organ.

Genuine labor pains are on the rise, they are painful and long, and pain can only be reduced through the ability to breathe correctly.

Types of breathing:

  • Abdominal;
  • deep;
  • Uniform;
  • Frequent.

If you know how to breathe properly during contractions and childbirth, you can significantly ease the well-being of a woman and make her work on delivery more effective.

How to breathe during contractions and childbirth

In the next few hours before giving birth, the pregnant woman begins to feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Basically, she already intuitively guesses that the decisive moment will come soon. Not surprisingly, at this time, the main emotions are excitement and fear. This is where knowing how to breathe properly during childbirth and contractions comes in handy.

Breathing during uterine dilatation

Relaxing breathing can help a woman during the latency period. It involves a calm and deep breath in through the nose, while the exhalation is done through the mouth. Inhalation is usually shorter than exhalation. A woman can silently count up to three while inhaling, and up to five while exhaling.

Gradually, the contractions become stronger. The main task of the woman in labor at this time is not to strain her stomach and legs. The relief will be short-lived, but it will take the necessary strength. In the active stage, all the same deep breathing helps to relax the muscles of the peritoneum, relieve pain and calm down mentally.

It will be necessary to use a rapid type of breathing when spasms lengthen in time and intensity. Breathing should be done without straining, often and not deeply, inhaling and exhaling through the mouth, which is slightly open. The stomach does not participate in breathing - only the chest, this technique reduces pain if a woman fully focuses on the technique. It is "dog" breathing in the first period of labor that makes it possible to do without uterine ruptures.

At the end of the spasm, even breathing is applied without involving the abdomen. It should be slow, calm, carried out through the nose or mouth. This allows the woman in labor to rest and gain new strength. Along with uniform, at the end of the fight, deep breathing can also be successfully used.

Breathing while pushing

Attempts mark the birth of a small person, so this is a very important period of childbirth. Muscle contractions begin after the baby's head enters the vagina, they help the fetus move along the birth canal. To help him, you will need deep and slow breathing and a long exhalation, due to which the resulting pressure forces the mother's diaphragm to maximally affect the uterus.

At this time, a woman needs maximum calmness and presence of mind to help the baby be born, and proper breathing makes attempts more fruitful. In addition, a woman in labor must remember other important rules, to push specifically into the uterus and vagina, not to tilt her head back. At this stage, she needs to follow all the commands of the obstetrician, and then you can count on the speedy expulsion of the fetus. When the baby's head is shown, the woman in labor will need to use rapid breathing again so as not to injure the baby.

Departure of the "children's place"

But this is not the end of labor, although the departure of the child's place is the least painless part of childbirth. After the appearance of the child, about 30 minutes should pass. Contractions, but weaker, begin again. To move the placenta, you have to make attempts, using deep and calm breathing. Usually the doctor indicates when it is necessary.

How to prepare for childbirth

Many people think that learning how to breathe correctly is easy, however, theoretical knowledge alone will not be enough. Therefore, it is better to start training at the beginning of pregnancy. It is optimal to start classes from about 10-12 weeks.

In this case, it is desirable to comply with some requirements in order to be fully armed by the time of birth:

  • Before training, the room should be well ventilated;
  • You can do breathing exercises only if you feel normal;
  • With toxicosis, constant nausea, you can reduce the time of classes, but it is still necessary to train;
  • It is categorically impossible to push when developing proper breathing, this can adversely affect the condition of the uterus and threatens with early childbirth;
  • Pregnant women are often thirsty during exercise, it is not necessary to drink during exercise, but you can moisten your lips or rinse your mouth.

Completing classes, it is necessary to restore normal breathing. If there is a fainting state, which happens often, you just need to breathe in easily and hold your breath. In a minute, the condition will improve.

A woman who has made one of the most important decisions - to give life to a child, needs to take a responsible approach to everything related to the birth process. She will have to thoroughly study the question of how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth, and thanks to this, to avoid many troubles. The better the woman in labor is prepared for childbirth, the faster, easier and more successful they will be, and the mother and child will be absolutely healthy.

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Breathing is one of the unconditioned human reflexes. He does not need to be specially trained, the child immediately at birth is able to take his first breath and breathe on his own. Moreover, depending on the state of the body, breathing itself changes in a certain way: it accelerates or slows down, becomes deeper or shallower - without the effort of our consciousness and thoughts.

However, the process of childbirth is quite unique in this regard. Of course, a woman will not forget how to breathe during contractions and attempts. But between how to breathe during childbirth, there is a huge difference. Just by inhaling and exhaling in different periods of labor in different ways, you can repeatedly increase or decrease the chances of a favorable course and outcome of the birth process. It is worth it to learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth. And it is very good if a pregnant woman begins to study breathing techniques during childbirth in advance and trains regularly.

How to breathe during childbirth

Most likely, you have repeatedly come across recommendations that during childbirth it is very important to relax as much as possible. Even for many women who have already given birth, such advice often causes a smirk: how can you relax during contractions? Meanwhile, it is not only possible to do this, but it is also very necessary, and it is the correct breathing during childbirth that can help in this.

It is thanks to him that a woman is able to control the tension and relaxation of muscles in different parts of her body, thereby preventing the appearance of muscle spasms and pain. This will help not only save your strength, but also serve as a good auxiliary tool for the entire birth process. In addition, by concentrating on how to inhale and exhale correctly and when exactly the breathing technique needs to be changed, a woman is distracted from pain, which also contributes to overall relaxation.

If the woman in labor breathes correctly, then a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen enters all tissues, which prevents the occurrence of so-called ischemic (caused by poor blood circulation in the cells) pain.

Due to the fact that a woman does not pinch or strain, breathing correctly at one or another stage of childbirth, the cervix does not spasm and opens in a timely manner with an increase in labor activity, and the muscles of the pelvis and vagina do not clamp the child moving towards the exit. This means that childbirth is not artificially delayed, and accordingly, there is no need to stimulate the birth process and other undesirable intervention in it by the medical staff, the risks of ruptures or cuts of the perineum, the development of acute hypoxia in the fetus are reduced.

Regarding the latter, it is thanks to proper breathing and control over it that it is possible to ensure a sufficient flow of blood and oxygen to the baby, making a deep slow breath and a measured leisurely exhalation. However, during contractions and attempts, different breathing techniques are used. And this should certainly be remembered when it comes to practice.

How to breathe during contractions

Even during pregnancy, especially at its end, obstetricians recommend mastering a relaxing breathing technique that will help you not only relieve tension, but also better fall asleep during periods of poor sleep. To do this, you need to take a comfortable sitting or reclining position (make sure that your head is raised and your shoulders are straightened), put your hands on your upper abdomen (this is necessary to control the correctness of breathing exercises) and start breathing slowly, measuredly, calmly, without tension and effort. It is necessary to ensure that the air fills the lower sections of the lungs when inhaling (this increases the stomach, not the chest).

Relaxing breathing (like all other types described below) should begin with an exhalation that relieves tension. When breathing slowly, you must definitely inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, and the exhalation should be a little longer. Later, you should gradually lengthen it, preparing for breathing during childbirth. Don't start with very deep breaths right away: adjust their depth and intensity gradually. If you are doing everything correctly and you have managed to completely relax, then you will feel how your breathing has become even and quiet.

We begin to use a similar technique with the onset of contractions. Only in this case it is important to clearly control the duration of inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to ensure that the exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation. It is best to rehearse this during pregnancy with the help of a pulse: inhale for three beats, and exhale for six beats. Then, in rhythm with your pulse, already at the onset of contractions, you can simply count - up to 3 on the inhale and up to 6 on the exhale, respectively. With this rhythm, the supply of all body tissues occurs as efficiently as possible.

At the same time, you need to feel different muscle groups and make sure that during exhalation they all relax as much as possible, especially the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor. So, before the start of the fight, exhale and start breathing in the described way. Between contractions, just breathe slowly and calmly, as you did during pregnancy.

Keep such a light (or, as doctors also call it, economical) breathing as long as it brings relief and relaxation. The more intense the contraction becomes, the slower and longer the inhalations and exhalations should become. For some women, this rhythm helps until the onset of attempts. If the contractions become very strong, and slow breathing no longer works, then we move on to the next technique: dog-like breathing, or shallow breathing. It helps relieve pain during contractions.

With this type of breathing, inhalations and exhalations are reduced and become approximately equal in duration. You should adjust the pace that is most optimal for yourself: it can be one breath-exhalation in one second, two sets in a second, one set in two seconds, and so on. In the intervals between contractions, return to economical slow breathing, again trying to completely relax.

With shallow breathing, the mouth can be either open or closed. But more often, it is the first option that is more convenient for women, resembling the breath of a dog in the heat, which is why it got its name. An important nuance: with this method of breathing, the inhalation should be silent, and the exhalation should be noisy.

It will not be difficult to work out these techniques, the main thing is to practice regularly. Indeed, in a similar way, a person can breathe reflexively when certain circumstances arise. But the following breathing technique is used only in childbirth, and it already needs to be specially controlled.

How to breathe while pushing

One of the most difficult moments during childbirth comes when the baby's head begins to create a noticeable pressure on the cervix, causing the woman to respond with a desire to push, but it's too early to do this. In the next period of childbirth - the period of attempts - in a similar situation, when you really want to push, but the midwife will strictly forbid you to do this (and you must obey her by all means!) This breathing technique will help not only to survive the dangerous moment correctly, but and prevent possible complications.

So, we take a deep breath, then we make a series of superficial (!) short breaths of 4-5 approaches, exhaling slowly, deeply, to the very end, with lips folded for the last time. This type of breathing is called variable. It’s good if there is someone to count aloud, because at this moment it will be very difficult for a woman in labor to concentrate on the account.

In this way, you should breathe in between attempts, but when an attempt occurs, when the doctor gives the command to push, the technique should be completely different. In the very last, apart from the extraction of the placenta, the period of childbirth, when the baby is born directly (which is possible only after the cervix is ​​fully dilated), the woman will need maximum physical effort. That's why it was so important at this point to keep calm and relaxed so as not to waste energy.

It is possible to spend your efforts correctly and as efficiently as possible and not delay the birth of a baby using a special technique - the so-called labored breathing. With the onset of attempts, it is necessary to take the deepest possible breath and begin to exhale, with an effort directing the exhalation to the perineum. In no case do not push on the eyes and head, because, firstly, such straining will not do without consequences, and secondly, and this is the most important thing now, the effectiveness of such an attempt will be zero. It turns out that you suffered, spent a lot of energy, but this did not help the child a bit. Exhale the air as if you are pushing the child to the exit.

Such a forced, full deep exhalation cannot be interrupted and weakened, otherwise the effort will go down the drain. If, when straining, you feel a lack of air, then you should carefully and smoothly exhale its remnants to the end, then quickly draw in the maximum amount of air with a deep breath and repeat the correct effective exhalation with pressure on the diaphragm and uterus.

One push lasts for about a minute, and during this period you need to make three such pushing exhalations. Candle breathing can be effective during this period: after a deep breath, you should exhale the air slowly, pursing your lips, as if you are trying to blow out a candle.

Then, in the interval between attempts, switch to slow relaxing breathing, restoring strength for the next attempt. As soon as the doctor tells you that a head has appeared, you need to switch to slow or dog breathing, without rushing things. In general, you should constantly obey the obstetrician and follow his commands.

By following these breathing techniques during childbirth, you will give birth easily and safely. The main thing is that the birth process can be controlled, and this will largely depend on the correctness of your breathing during childbirth. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of them! Master the described techniques - and you will be able to help yourself and your baby survive childbirth in the best possible way!

By and large, proper breathing during childbirth is not difficult to reproduce, and on the contrary, it greatly facilitates the condition of the mother, the child and the birth process itself.

However, mastering the described breathing techniques takes time, effort and patience. Even if now, while reading these lines, it seems to you that everything is easy and clear, without repeating practical exercises regularly until the onset of childbirth, you will not remember the necessary information at the most crucial moment, and do not hope. In order to be able to correctly use the theory, it must be perfected in practice to automatism, so that with the first contraction you can immediately “turn on” the necessary breathing.

It is likely that a woman may not need all of the breathing techniques described in this article during childbirth, but if she masters them all, she will be able to quickly and effectively use them when the need arises.

Practice systematically, but no more than 10 minutes at a time (it is better to do this with an instructor). Start exercising only at rest, and after a while you can try to learn to breathe in motion: walking down the street or doing housework. It is useful to rehearse breathing techniques in different positions (reclining, sitting, standing, on all fours, on your side, leaning on your hands, etc.), especially if you intend to experiment with postures during childbirth, looking for the most comfortable one.

Rapid shallow breathing during contractions leads to drying out of the oral cavity, and therefore obstetricians recommend using one of two methods in this case:

  • while breathing in and out with your mouth open, cover it with your palm, slightly spreading your fingers (the hand will hold back the air flow);
  • place the tip of the tongue behind the front upper teeth at the back: the tongue raised in this position will also serve as a small barrier for increased air ventilation in the oral cavity.

If you are in labor with a partner or have an appointment with a midwife to care for you during this period, then they may bring you water from time to time - take small sips, mainly wetting the mouth, and not trying to get drunk. It is also useful to teach all the breathing techniques to your partner with whom you plan to give birth: in a stressful situation, if you suddenly get confused and forget the theory, he will be able to tell you exactly how to breathe now. In any case, you should remember: you should never pinch and strain during contractions, and do not interrupt the concentrated directed straining during the period of attempts.

If you feel dizzy while breathing in labor (which is due to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood), then simply hold your breath for 10-20 seconds, and then slowly exhale. Another way to restore the desired concentration of carbon dioxide is to close your mouth with your hands and breathe into your palms.

Avoid screaming during contractions: not only does this use up a lot of the energy needed to complete labor, but it can also lead to an increase in the fetal heart, which is undesirable. But there is no positive effect from screaming: the pain does not decrease, as it seems to many women.

In general, breathing techniques during childbirth involve mainly controlling inhalation and exhalation in different birth periods. Having learned to control these processes, you will be able to give birth easily, quickly and safely. This is exactly what we want for you!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Proper breathing during childbirth is one of the effective techniques that allows the process of the birth of a baby to be easier, more efficient and less painful. Mastering the breathing technique during childbirth in accordance with the needs of the mother and fetus at various stages of delivery is an important task for a pregnant woman. By preparing, understanding and mastering the skills of various breathing techniques during childbirth by periods, the expectant mother is able to help herself and her baby reduce the level of stress and negative feelings.

Breathing during childbirth

The process of breathing is carried out due to unconditioned reflexes, and usually a person does not pay attention to the rhythm and depth of inspiration. The body regulates the required respiratory rate depending on the required level of oxygen. The autonomic nervous system dictates the depth and rhythm of breathing, so during physical exertion or in a stressful situation, a person begins to breathe more often. But in some situations, the process of breath control should be carried out consciously.

It has long been known that with the help of certain breathing practices, you can improve your well-being, reduce psycho-emotional stress, and achieve relaxation of smooth muscles. Childbirth is one of those situations when self-control of respiratory movements, the use of certain techniques help two organisms feel better at once.

The respiratory system of the future mother undergoes some changes during the bearing of the baby. The growing uterus causes the diaphragm, the main respiratory muscle between the thoracic and abdominal cavities, to rise, somewhat “squeezing” the lungs. This affects the work of the chest muscles during pregnancy and may slightly change the usual sensations from breathing during childbirth.

Proper breathing during childbirth and labor is important for the mother

Proper breathing during childbirth, contractions and the straining period has several important functions. Firstly, it provides the right amount of oxygen to the tissues and organs of the mother and baby. In addition to the importance of oxygen for life, obtaining a sufficient amount of enriched blood helps to avoid the occurrence of the ischemic component of pain, the pain that is provoked by insufficient blood supply to organs or tissues. That is, proper breathing during childbirth and contractions directly affects the possibility of pain.

An indirect, but no less effective effect of proper breathing during childbirth lies in the concentration on the execution technique. Knowing the goal, remembering the techniques, a woman helps herself to focus on simple actions, thus distracting herself from pain and reducing the likelihood of muscle clamps.

The relaxation that accompanies some breathing practices also reduces smooth muscle tension, helping the birth canal to open more easily, the baby to move more successfully through them, and the birth process as a whole to proceed more safely. Another breathing technique, frequent shallow breathing during childbirth, acts on the body as a natural analgesic, reducing pain. And proper breathing during childbirth in the pushing period ensures the effectiveness of the attempts and efforts of the mother's body by 70%. Finally, a calm rhythm of breathing between contractions allows you to rest and accumulate energy for the next stage of the birth process.

Proper breathing during childbirth ensures the flow of blood enriched with oxygen, not only to the organs, but also to the baby. Reducing the number of spasms, relaxation, effective body work help the child move smoothly and accurately through the birth canal, reducing the likelihood of hypoxia, trauma, and the pathological course of the birth process.

Features of breathing during childbirth and contractions

Types of breathing during childbirth: contractions at the initial stage, in the active phase, at the stage of expulsion of the fetus are radically different. At the same time, it is not enough just to know the technique, often expectant mothers in the delivery room get lost, they forget what type of breathing during childbirth and contractions is most effective at a particular moment. Therefore, all expectant mothers are advised to start preparing in advance, exercise in different types of breathing, help the body adapt to them and memorize skills at the level of physiology.

A special breathing technique during childbirth is based on the needs of the body, the period of childbirth and the possibilities of influencing pain, relaxing muscles or increasing pressure on organs with the help of respiratory movements.

This or that breathing technique during childbirth depends on the period of the delivery process. The types of respiratory movements are radically different, so the method that facilitates contractions is not suitable in the straining period, and vice versa.

Childbirth: a correct breathing technique to facilitate the process

It is necessary to properly prepare for such an important process as childbirth: the technique of proper breathing in different periods can help reduce pain, prevent the occurrence of ischemic pain, save strength, effectively survive contractions and act on time and fully during attempts, which ultimately greatly facilitates the course of childbirth and contributes to a favorable outcome, rapid recovery of the mother and the health of the baby.

Breathing during childbirth by periods has significant differences. Naturally, not all the time of delivery a woman breathes in an exclusively special way. At some stages, the body itself suggests the most comfortable breathing techniques, for example, effective breathing during childbirth by periods, its differences and varieties, having a scientific justification, is nevertheless the result of specialists' observations of the behavior of women and the experience of puerperas.

In the first, latent period of labor, contractions are still a little painful, lasting from 5 to 15 seconds with large intervals between them. This period is characterized by a slow opening of the cervix and is well suited to calmly prepare for the active work in the subsequent stages.

The breathing technique during childbirth in the latent period is called the abdominal or diaphragmatic type. A long, deep breath, in which air fills the lower sections of the lungs, is taken through the nose. Slow exhalation - through the mouth, a small gap through the lips to extend the exhalation.

This type of breathing during childbirth is used at each contraction in the initial period, contributing to the relaxation and relaxation of the body, helping to actively saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the level of carbon dioxide.

Many mothers find it convenient to use this type with a count, for example, count up to three while inhaling, up to seven while exhaling, up to five while inhaling, and up to ten while exhaling. This is not of particular practical importance, but concentration on the account helps to distract from internal sensations and unnecessary anxieties, which is important during childbirth. A common mistake of women giving birth at this stage is an attempt to “squeeze” pain, to suppress pain. This leads to a lengthening of the latent phase, a slow opening of the cervix, which entails a loss of strength and energy, and may also require medical intervention and the use of drugs.

The active phase of the first period replaces the latent one. The duration of contractions is from 20 seconds, the interval between them is reduced to 5-7 minutes, the cervix opens by 4-5 cm. Contractions, contractions become more noticeable. Most often, at this stage, amniotic fluid is poured out, which contributes to a rapid increase in the frequency and strength of contractions.

In order to reduce pain at this stage, a special breathing technique is used during contractions, childbirth in the active phase. Slow deep breathing ceases to bring relief, and the method must be changed.

In this phase, frequent shallow breathing is recommended. This method has several names, it can be called "breathing like a dog", "blowing out a candle", "locomotive". Its meaning is in frequent superficial inhalations and exhalations.

At the beginning of the active phase, you can combine deep slow breathing and shallow breathing. Taking a slow breath with a growing contraction, at its peak, you need to take a few superficial breaths and exhalations. If you wish, you can imagine the process of blowing out a small candle or imitate the breathing of a dog, supplement, help yourself with the sounds “hee-ha-he-ha” and end the fight with a slow exhalation.

About 20 seconds of shallow breathing at the peak of a contraction provides hyperventilation of the lungs and contributes to the release of endorphins into the blood. Endorphins, or "hormones of happiness" increase the pain threshold, which reduces the intensity of pain. It must be remembered that frequent shallow breathing can cause slight dizziness due to supersaturation of the blood with oxygen. In this case, you can breathe by covering your mouth and nose with your palms folded in a “bowl”.

With increased activity of uterine contractions, the breathing technique during childbirth changes. If at the previous stage it was necessary to blow out a small candle, then with an increase in the intensity of sensations, the candle “increases in size”: breathing is still frequent, inhalation is made through the nose, exhalation through the mouth, but the process itself must be forced. When exhaling, the lips should be almost closed, the cheeks should be inflated.

Before the end of the first phase of labor, the way of breathing undergoes some changes. When the contractions last for 40-60 seconds with an interval of 1-2 minutes and "blowing out a big candle" ceases to help, the moment comes for a new breathing technique during contractions and childbirth.

The combined breathing technique during childbirth at this stage consists of a combination of a “small candle”, a “big candle”, at the peak of the contraction, forced shallow breathing is added to it, performed in the same way as the two previous types, but with even greater effort on inhalation and exhalation and higher frequency. The more intense the contractions, the faster the breathing.

An alternative option is dog breathing, frequent inhalations and exhalations through the mouth. This causes the diaphragmatic muscle to move up and down and reduces the tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which prevents attempts. Why is this needed?

This method helps to survive the transitional phase, when the baby's head has already dropped and he is ready to be born, but the full opening of the cervix has not yet been achieved. Attempts at this stage can lead to internal damage, ruptures, and the puerperal needs to help herself "breathe" the painful contractions and not proceed to the expulsion of the fetus.

It is important to remember that any cycle of shallow breathing during childbirth at the end of the contraction must take a deep breath through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth, returning to the first, diaphragmatic method. This helps to relax, restore the rhythm of the heartbeat and saves energy for the next stage.

Proper breathing during childbirth in the straining period provides 70% of the efficiency of the body. For one contraction, accompanied by attempts, you need to take three deepest breaths, which will help the pressure of the muscles of the diaphragm on the uterus, and slow smooth exhalations. This is a crucial moment, it is important to concentrate on the sensations, remember the correct breathing technique and muscle tension: do not push "in the head". Facial muscles should be relaxed, otherwise attempts can affect the state of the vessels of the head, face, eyes. To do this, they use the “candle” breathing technique: exhalation is done slowly, through the lips folded in a “tube”, if desired, the sounds “o”, “u” can be sung on exhalation.

Between attempts, one should return to the diaphragmatic way of breathing during childbirth, which allows you to restore the pulse and calm down, accumulate strength before the next attempt.

After the head exits, one should move on to slow deep breathing or, if active contractions continue, experience them with the “dog” type of breathing.

Proper breathing after childbirth should help to relax the body, restore the strength of a young mother. For this, relaxation techniques are used: slow deep breaths through the nose, with air filling the diaphragm, lungs, and exhalations through the mouth, two to three times longer than the breath.

Proper breathing after childbirth promotes concentration, relaxation, reduces the level of stress hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the onset of lactation and the health of the mother in general.

Childbirth process: preparation for childbirth, breathing exercises

If a woman is pregnant and ahead of such a crucial moment as childbirth, preparation for childbirth, breathing in various ways, the early development of relaxation techniques will help her to go through the stage of delivery more easily. This is a natural process - childbirth, and preparation for childbirth, breathing is actually carried out by human nature. However, pain, fear, changes in the situation do not allow us to hope that voluntary breathing during childbirth will be effective. Therefore, the development of techniques, breathing lessons during childbirth will allow you to control and facilitate the process of the birth of a baby.

The breathing technique during childbirth is not difficult to reproduce. It is necessary to master three types of breathing: relaxing, superficial and breathing of the strained period. However, do not hope that reading the rules and methods or printing out the types of breathing in childbirth by periods will help in the delivery room. It is optimal if the breathing technique during childbirth is brought to automatism in advance, when the body is already accustomed to the features of a particular breathing method.

For example, with frequent shallow breathing, the effects of hyperventilation of the lungs, supersaturation of blood with oxygen often occur. They can be expressed in dizziness, fainting, the appearance of darkness before the eyes. Outside the process of childbirth, this is easily removed by taking a deep breath and holding the breath for 20-30 seconds, breathing into a paper bag, into cupped palms at the mouth. This contributes to the accumulation in the body of carbon dioxide, a natural irritant of the respiratory centers of the brain. But during childbirth, a similar effect experienced by an unprepared woman for the first time can frighten, lead to panic.

When exercising for breathing with a “dog”, the oral mucosa quickly dries up. This, if possible, should be avoided or corrected. During the breathing lessons during childbirth, you can choose the type of shallow breathing with inhalation through the nose, breathing through the fingers at the mouth, you can consolidate the skill of touching the upper palate behind the front teeth with the tongue, and also discuss with the staff in advance the possibility of drinking a little or rinsing the mouth. During childbirth, it’s too late to take care of such “little things”, and there is no time.

Birth preparation courses provide a wide range of learning options, from informative lectures to prenatal yoga classes. Breathing lessons during childbirth are included in any training course as a mandatory unit. It is important not only to visit and listen to the information, it is desirable to perform the first exercises under the supervision of an instructor who can monitor the intensity of breathing. For example, the kind of active lung filling and breath holding that will be required during the contraction period is not recommended during labor breathing lessons for pregnant women because of the potential to create unnecessary pressure on the uterus.

The course instructor can also correct the correctness of the breathing techniques and monitor the well-being of the pregnant woman in the event of the effect of hyperventilation.

Breathing exercises before childbirth are enough to carry out for 10-15 minutes a day. You should start with breathing techniques in a static position: lying down, sitting, gradually moving to exercises in combination with movements, for example, walking in the park and deep diaphragmatic breathing. This will help to consolidate the skills of breathing techniques during childbirth, without being distracted by additional factors. After mastering deep breathing in motion, it is worth moving on to performing other breathing techniques in various body positions: standing, tilted, kneeling, on all fours, lying on your side. During childbirth, this will allow you to choose the most comfortable position and not knock your breath.

Diaphragmatic breathing is one of the most important techniques during childbirth. It has a relaxing effect, promotes relaxation, rest, helps to reduce pain. This type of breathing during childbirth is also used in the intervals between contractions and attempts. The skill of breathing slowly and deeply will help you go through easier, with less effort.

Easy childbirth: breathing and relaxation

Every expectant mother hopes for an easy birth. Breathing, body control techniques with the help of inhalations and exhalations can facilitate the process of childbirth, make it less uncomfortable for the mother and traumatic for the baby.

Starting in advance the development of breathing exercises during childbirth helps not only easy childbirth. Diaphragmatic breathing is an effective method for relaxation, helping to restore the strength of a pregnant woman and a woman who has given birth, facilitate the transition to sleep, and reduce psycho-emotional stress.

Natural childbirth, in which breathing is controlled by the woman herself, is easier, with fewer complications and a reduced likelihood of an abnormal course of childbirth. During natural childbirth, breathing and voluntary relaxation, muscle control become the main ways available to the expectant mother. With the skills of breathing and relaxation techniques, a woman in labor can actively help herself and her baby, reduce pain, and use the body's energy wisely.

As the expected date of childbirth approaches, pregnant women wonder how this process will go. Most experienced by women pregnant for the first time. In this article, we tried to answer some of the most exciting questions of every expectant mother: how to behave correctly in order to alleviate your condition and at the same time not harm the child? Most pregnant women have heard of a special breathing technique during childbirth. But what is the right way to breathe? Almost all antenatal clinics offer special courses for pregnant women, where, in addition to general knowledge about the birth process, they also teach the correct breathing technique. In our article, you will learn about some breathing techniques during childbirth, if there were no such courses in your antenatal clinic.

Proper breathing helps ease labor during labor by improving cervical dilation and making labor more productive. Proper breathing exercises provide oxygen to the fetus, which is essential for the child.

With what it can be connected?

When a woman is focused on the breathing technique, she complies with all the requirements of the doctor and thinks less about pain, and this speeds up the opening of the cervix, which speeds up the process of childbirth. In addition, proper breathing technique helps to reduce pain and greatly facilitates the process of childbirth, due to muscle relaxation.

Breathing technique during childbirth

The breathing technique during childbirth is completely different from our breathing in ordinary life. It is better to master this technique long before the birth, so that at the right time everything is brought to automatism. It is advisable to give breathing exercises about 10-15 minutes a day, so you can quickly master all the breathing techniques, and at the most crucial moment you will definitely not get confused. But, you should remember that you should not do breathing exercises for more than 15 minutes, as dizziness may occur.
Each stage of labor has its own breathing technique. But, here's what you can not do at any stage of childbirth:

  • Shrink;
  • Scream;
  • Strain.

Why shouldn't you stress? Excessive tension interferes with the proper opening of the cervix, which slows down the process of childbirth. And this can cause fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

How to breathe properly during childbirth

You need to learn how to control the process of inhalation and exhalation.
It is important to observe the following rule: frequent shallow breathing with the mouth ajar. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Breathing during childbirth: contractions

  • At the beginning of the first stage of labor, while the contractions are still weak, you need to inhale air through the nose slowly, in four counts. And you need to exhale even more slowly, counting to six. It is easier to say that the exhalation should be two counts longer than the inhalation. This helps to relax the muscles and allows the woman in labor to calm down, oxygenating her body, and, accordingly, the body of the fetus.
  • Later, the contractions become more intense, and the breathing technique becomes different. Breathing should be accelerated, but at the same time, it should be superficial. This breathing technique is called dog breathing. Inhalation and exit are carried out with an open mouth, as dogs usually breathe in a hot period of time.
  • During the opening of the cervix, when the pain at the time of contractions becomes pronounced, another breathing technique is applicable - the “train”: at the beginning of the contraction, you need to breathe quickly and superficially, inhale through your nose and quickly exhale through your mouth, folding your lips into a tube. When the contraction ends, breathing should become calmer.

Breathing during childbirth: pushing

  • When attempts begin, you need to carefully listen to your obstetrician-gynecologist and clearly follow his advice. You need to push when necessary, and when the attempt recedes, be sure to rest. At the moment of an attempt, which lasts an average of 1 minute, you should take a deep breath and push while holding your breath, while trying to put pressure on the uterus, and then exhale.
  • The most effective breathing technique during an attempt is "breathing on a candle." With this technique, you need to inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth as if you were blowing out a candle.
  • It is important at the time of the eruption of the head to breathe freely or use the "dog-like" breathing technique. The doctor will also tell you about this when the eruption of the fetal head begins.
  • If you breathe correctly during attempts, then in three or four attempts the baby will be born.

Breathing through the mouth may cause dry mouth. You can not drink during childbirth, but you can rinse your mouth with water.

So, childbirth is an important and crucial moment, which ends with the appearance of the baby. And in order for this process to pass quickly and with the least discomfort, it is important to follow the breathing technique and the doctor's recommendations.

Respiration is a physiological process necessary for life. It occurs reflexively, and few people think that it can be used to control other body processes, even treat some diseases. There are situations when it is simply necessary to control your breathing, and childbirth is one of them. Proper breathing greatly facilitates the process of childbirth, relieves severe pain, helps the woman to regain strength, and the baby to be born sooner.


Why is it important to breathe properly during childbirth?

Voluntary breathing during childbirth exacerbates pain and lengthens the process. With proper breathing, a woman has the opportunity to relax and give the body a rest. By applying proper breathing techniques during contractions, the main task is achieved: the diaphragm does not interfere with childbirth, but, on the contrary, speeds it up, greatly easing pain. Proper breathing during childbirth helps to avoid fetal hypoxia, saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is necessary to start practicing proper breathing long before childbirth in order to bring it to automatism. A woman should develop a model of behavior that will greatly facilitate the birth of a child.

Breathing technique in different periods of childbirth

The birth process consists of three main periods:

  • opening of the cervix, or the period of contractions;
  • exile, or the birth of a fetus;
  • the birth of the placenta, or the postpartum period.

The breathing technique used in each of the periods is different and is aimed at alleviating the condition of the woman.

Breathing during contractions

The opening of the cervix is ​​the longest and most painful period, accompanied by contractions. Contractions are involuntary contractions of the uterus. They are necessary to open the uterine os, through which the child will pass. Thanks to them, the fetus moves.

The contraction period consists of three phases:

  1. Latent. The contractions are not painful, in most cases they are felt as a slight sipping in the lower abdomen, lower back. Many compare this condition with premenstrual syndrome. The latent phase lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Active. It is characterized by a rapid opening of the cervix, the intensity of contractions, soreness and a smaller gap between them. Lasts 3-4 hours.
  3. deceleration phase. Often absent in multiparous women and some primiparas. It lasts until the cervix is ​​fully dilated, on average from half an hour to 2 hours.

Contractions are characterized by regularity, occur at regular intervals. The greater the opening of the cervix, the more intense and longer they become, and the gap between them decreases. Proper breathing helps to significantly reduce pain during childbirth during contractions.

Latent phase of contractions

Slight pulling of the lower abdomen in the latent phase causes more discomfort than pain. However, at this moment, the woman begins to realize that the “X-hour” is approaching, and most of them are overcome by fear. The main task during this period is to calm down and start getting ready for the hospital.

Relaxing breath

It will help you overcome your fears and tune in to the upcoming birth. Breathing should be slow and deep. You need to inhale quickly through the nose, counting to three, exhale slowly through the mouth, counting to five. At the same time, fold your lips with a tube. On exhalation, doctors advise “singing” vowels, for example, the sound “y”. When practicing yoga, using this breathing technique, chant the mantra “om”.

At the initial stage of training, it is recommended to use a small mirror. It is substituted to the mouth on exhalation at a distance of 15-20 cm. The mirror should not fog up immediately (this is too sharp an exhalation), but gradually, evenly. As soon as it becomes possible to exhale correctly, they do without paraphernalia.

Active phase of contractions

It is characterized by constant, growing contractions. The most important thing during this period is not to suppress the pain, not to strain, not to pinch your legs and stomach. Such actions can bring relief, but it will be temporary and unnecessary, and overexertion will only weaken the body ahead of time. In addition, strong tension interferes with the proper opening of the cervix. Often, doctors in such cases anesthetize and stimulate labor, which is also highly undesirable for mother and baby.

By focusing on breathing during childbirth, a woman is distracted from the pain. Oxygen enters the organs and tissues in the required volume. As a result, the muscles contract better, and the child does not experience hypoxia, which often occurs already at the initial stage of childbirth.

At the beginning of an active fight, relaxing breathing is applied. It should not be forgotten that the inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation. This technique makes it possible to relax the muscles, focus on breathing, and not on pain, and calm down.

Important to remember: It is undesirable to shout during fights. So breathing is held, and oxygen in a smaller volume enters the fetus.

Breathing like a dog

When the contractions become longer, it is necessary to breathe shallowly and often, without tension, inhaling and exhaling through the open mouth. The strength of inhalation and exhalation should correspond to each other, as well as their duration. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach remains calm and relaxed.

Such breathing during childbirth resembles that of a dog in hot weather. The technique dulls acute pain sensations, helps to concentrate on breathing. In addition, this avoids attempts, which in the first stage of labor lead to cervical rupture and injury to the fetus.

Even breathing

When the fight loses its intensity, that is, at the end of it, and until the beginning of the next one, the uniform breathing technique is used. Breathe slowly and evenly, inhaling and exhaling through the nose or through the mouth. Each woman herself determines the duration of inhalation and exhalation, usually it is enough to count up to 4. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach is not tense.

This technique allows you to calm down and relax. Some doctors, instead of even breathing, advise returning to relaxing breathing during this period.

Breathing while pushing

Attempts are the most important period of childbirth, during which muscle contraction occurs, and the fetus moves directly through the birth canal. They occur when the head passes the bone ring of the pelvis and is already in the vagina.

At this moment, it is necessary to listen to the obstetrician in everything: he will give recommendations on how to behave so that the baby is born as quickly and painlessly as possible. Only he, according to the state of the woman in labor, will determine how to breathe, when to push, when it is necessary to rest.

"Breathing the Candle"

The general principle of breathing during childbirth during attempts is to inhale as deeply as possible, but not quickly, but as calmly and slowly as possible. On a long exhalation, the pressure of the entire volume of air is exerted by the diaphragm on the uterus. At the same time, the tension should not be allowed to go up to the head, otherwise the vessels on the face and in the eyes will burst. For one fight, it is advisable to push three times.

With proper breathing with attempts, the baby is born quickly. Sometimes 3-5 attempts are enough, each of which lasts no more than a minute. If the woman in labor does not have enough strength, then the obstetrician allows you to take a short break between attempts to rest.

After the birth of the head, breathe freely, like a dog. This will not allow the baby's head that has already appeared to go back.

Video: How to behave during the period of attempts

Breathing in the postpartum period

Separated from the walls of the uterus, after a while the placenta is born. This usually happens half an hour after the baby is born. Cramping pains resume, but in this period they are not intense, weak and short-lived. Here it is enough to push, using the “breathing on the candle” technique, and the so-called child's place will come out of the uterus. As a rule, the moment of attempts is determined by the doctor.

Proper breathing is not as easy as it might seem. It is not enough to read the theory the day before the birth, it is important to study all the nuances, ask the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in detail, and even better go to courses where, under the guidance of a specialist, the woman in labor will be taught all the subtleties of breathing during childbirth. He will also give recommendations on how to perform the exercises, indicate the permissible load.

You need to train every day, starting from about the 12th week of pregnancy, then in the process of childbirth, the woman in labor herself will be able to distinguish all periods, and each of the techniques will be applied in a timely manner. When exercising, the room should be well ventilated so that sufficient oxygen is supplied.

  1. You can perform exercises several times a day, controlling your well-being. If during training a woman feels unwell, then it is worth postponing classes and resting. However, this does not mean that you need to leave the training, it is enough to reduce its daily duration.
  2. If dryness occurs when breathing with an open mouth, touch the palate with the tip of the tongue. If necessary, moisten lips with water, rinse your mouth.
  3. When training breathing with attempts, you can’t push: this can provoke uterine tone, which leads to premature birth. It is enough just to hold your breath, counting up to 10. Later, the duration of holding your breath can be increased to 20-25.
  4. After exercising, restore breathing by breathing calmly, in the usual way.

There is the concept of hyperventilation, the symptoms of which are darkening in the eyes, dizziness, it may seem to the woman in labor that she will now lose consciousness. In this case, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath or, joining your palms, bring it to your face and slowly breathe into them.

Video: Yoga trainer on proper breathing techniques during childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women
