Wise poems for a friend - happy birthday. Wise congratulations Wise congratulations on your birthday


wise toasts

Happiness is like a ball that rolls up: today under one, tomorrow under another, the day after tomorrow under a third, then under a fourth, fifth, etc., according to the number and line of happy people.

Let's drink so that our ball will always be with us!

The sage said: “When you forgive, you receive satisfaction much more than from revenge, since forgiveness evokes praise, and revenge evokes repentance.”

Let us forgive each other our mistakes and failures more often and thus receive mutual satisfaction!

A young and beautiful lady at her husband’s funeral said that she would never forget him and would not marry again. But she soon forgot her oath.

How will you survive people's rumors now? - asked her relatives.

“I’ll show you what people’s gossip is worth,” she said. She immediately took the bell, hung it from the rooster’s neck and released him into the street. People saw a rooster with a bell around its neck and began pointing at it to each other in surprise and laughing. But three days passed and everything became quiet,

This is how it will be with me,” said the lady who had already entered into a new marriage. - They will make noise for three days and then calm down.

I drink to the hope that people’s gossip won’t drive us too crazy!

As Shota Rustaveli said: “What you hid is lost. What you gave is yours!”

Let's give each other the warmth of our souls! For you, dears!

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin: “Mine, son, money.” The son threw the coin into the water. His father didn't tell him anything. The son continued to live in his father’s house and do nothing. Then the father called his son and said: “Go, son, and earn your own living.” The son went and got a job. From morning to night he kneaded clay with his bare feet and earned money. He brought it home and served it to his father. His father tells him: “Go and throw them into the water.” The son lowered his head and realized how unfair he had been to his father's kindness.

So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

One hunter dreamed all his life of catching a black and brown fox. All his life he hunted for her, went all the mountains far and wide. In his old age, it became difficult for him to make transitions, and he began to hunt in a nearby gorge, almost near the house. And then he came across a black and brown beauty. The hunter asked the fox:

Congratulations to TFR Yaroslav the Wise on February 23!!!

Congratulations to the entire crew of the TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" from Defender of the Fatherland!!! We are proud of you!

Where have you been hiding until now? I've been looking for you all my life.

“And I’ve lived in this gorge all my life,” answered the fox, “but don’t you know that even if you spend your whole life searching, it still takes one or even one moment to find it?

So let's drink to the women who are next to us, and to the moment when we found each other!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that happiness is behind. How not to miss it?

Probably the best thing is to enjoy the present.

Here's to the moment, friends!

Once a young horseman and his young wife were riding through the mountains of beautiful Georgia. He was as strong as a bull, as strong as a mountain river, his eyes were as bright as those of an eagle, his dagger was sharp as an attack of appendicitis, and his brain was as twisted as a scribble on a hat.

And so, a mountain goat appeared on the rock above the road. And the horseman, at full gallop, pulled out his gun and shot at the animal, but missed. Then he stopped his horse and, taking aim, shot again, but the goat did not even move. Then the horseman got down to the ground, and, kneeling down, fired again, but the goat only jumped to the side. And when the horseman wanted to lie down to shoot, the goat had already disappeared. Both the young horseman and his young wife died of hunger.

So let's drink so that we don't come across such goats on our life's path!

Kafka has a parable about a man who stands in front of an open gate and does not dare to enter it. The gate is guarded by stern guards. Time passes and the gates close. Then the guards say:

This gate was meant for you, and you were the only one we were supposed to let through.

Let's drink to not being late and entering your gates!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their life.”

Let's drink to wealth!


We're all on this birthday

We recently received an invitation...

One very smart and wise man took and counted all the songs in all languages ​​of the whole world that sing about the day...

Let a good artist paint your entire long life with the brightest colors he has, and let the most talented musician write a brilliant song of your destiny...

After all, your anniversary is a wonderful occasion to come to you and express everything that is in our hearts.

Well, therefore, I declare with a completely clear conscience...

Dear you are our birthday boy! On your day, we all sincerely wish you...

Absolutely all employees, without exception, sincerely and cordially congratulate you on this birthday...

From the Far East this wisdom says:

Here's to the wise men, whose heads are filled with beautiful nonsense!

A lonely traveler walked along the steppe.

Suddenly he sees a group of cheerful people sitting

and invites him to join them.

He came and stayed. But he didn't like these people.

Another group sat around the fire with guitars.

He was also invited to sit.

Having accepted the offer, he again realized that they

are not suitable for his rebellious soul.

So let's drink to this

what if someone doesn't like our company -

let the jackals tear it apart!

A log has been thrown across a mountain gorge.

And local residents scurry back and forth along this log.

But for tourists who come to these regions,

Such a crossing inspires fear.

In this case, an instructor is always on duty at the bridge.

He himself carries tourists along the log one by one

and takes one ruble for it.

One day the thought occurred to him: to earn money

two rubles each, i.e. carry two at once.

And so he took on two tourists

and set off. But the burden turned out to be too heavy.

He stopped in the middle of the log. Thought:

Why the hell do I need...an extra ruble?

So let’s drink so that we too sometimes think:

Do we need an extra ruble?

There was a goat on the mountain.

An eagle flew across the sky, saw a goat,

A hunter was standing on the ground, saw an eagle and shot.

The eagle fell like a stone onto the grass, and the goat flew on!

So let's drink so that our eagles are not killed,

but the goats did not fly.

The more we search for the meaning of life,

the less of it there is in our lives.

And vice versa. Rejecting the meaning of life,

we fill our lives with more meaning.

So let’s not look for adventures on our own heads!

Erich Maria Remarque sits in a rocking chair

and reflects on life:

"No, life was not lived in vain. I wrote several

good books, I am known all over the world, I fought

with fascism... But still Hemingway writes better than me!”

Hemingway is standing on the deck of his boat at this time.

in the Caribbean Sea, a pipe in my mouth,

waits for a big fish and thinks:

"Damn it! I lived like a real man!

Worked like an ox, fought against fascism,

I had a lot of fame, money, women,

I hunted elephants and rhinoceroses... And yet...

And yet Platonov writes better than me!”

Friends! Let's drink to beautiful, good envy!

The Indian king was bathing in a bathhouse.

The barber shaved his head.

Suddenly he brought the razor to the monarch’s throat and said:

“Give me your daughter as my wife!”

The king was amazed and frightened and promised

fulfill his request.

Coming out of the bathhouse, he asked his chief adviser:

How dare he seek my daughter’s hand in marriage?!

Apparently he had a treasure under his feet,

That’s why he’s so impudent,” the adviser replied.

They dismantled the floor of the bathhouse, and it turned out that

that underneath it is full of gold and silver.

Let's never raise a toast

for the rich bastards!

1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-

Wise aphorisms

you have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie, quit a bad job... and part with people who don't value you...

Everything you say says about you, and especially what you say about others

He who does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.

Every time we look at things not only from the other side, but also with different eyes - therefore we believe that they have changed

Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. But doing nothing is a mistake.

There are sailors who believe that if they see the sea around them, there is no land at all.

Anyone who knows nothing at 20, doesn’t work at 30, and hasn’t acquired anything at 40 will never know anything, do nothing, and gain nothing.

An educated person does not read, he re-reads.

For an affirmative answer, only one word “YES” is enough; all other words are invented to say “NO”.

If they tell you that it’s not about the money, but in principle, then it’s about the money.

“Bandits” value property most of all. Aren't they risking their own lives for her?

Most people respond not to their own judgments, but to their own thoughts.

Everyone wants to be informed honestly, impartially, truthfully - and in full accordance with his views.

If you don't know what to do, do the right thing.

Never show half the work - let them admire it in its finished form. The beginning is always awkward, and this awkward image remains in the imagination; remembering it prevents you from enjoying a thing already completed.

The goal of learning is to learn to do without a teacher.

Everything that stops succeeding also stops attracting

If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and generally be nothing

Anyone who thinks that he can do without others is mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken

We consider only those people who agree with us on everything to be sane.

People refuse to believe that others can do what they themselves cannot do.

We shouldn’t be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves.

No rush, but no rest either

Each person, out of poverty of mind, tries to raise another in his own image

Laugh with others, not at others

Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need it, but your enemies still won’t believe it.

Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future. John Lennon

During the day they love for their virtues, at night for their vices. Unknown author

Weak people believe in luck, strong people believe in cause and effect. Unknown author

Fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. Unknown author

So as not to need someone who does justice, be fair yourself. Eastern wisdom

If you can't laugh at yourself, don't laugh at others. Rudolf (Luniz)

Laugh and the whole world will laugh with you, cry and you will cry alone. Unknown author

in order to achieve something, rise, assimilate, build, you need to strain, go out of your way, practice. and in order to sink, degrade, drown, you can do nothing. you just don't need to do anything. everything will happen by itself. Unknown author

Freedom is to depend only on laws. /Voltaire/

Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for. /IN. Tsoi/

We can't stop them!

But may you always be young!

Twenty-five years from birth.

Great age!

Work hard to become happy -

It's not very simple.

Dreams are in the air

And the inspired heart sings.

Among the worries and bustle

Do you remember about the flight of souls,

Don't pick flowers in vain,

Admiring the beauty.

Let your thoughts be pure

Life is a river of joy!

And may your lucky star

Yours illuminates the path!

Never spend carelessly

Swift minutes!

I can’t believe that my daughter is 45,

Just yesterday I was a baby.

Know how to meet the years with dignity,

So that I could achieve my goal!

Age doesn't matter if you have a soul

You are always pure and strong in spirit!

I wish you happiness on your holiday,

Let there be true friends nearby!

18 years old... how cute is that -

The first steps are always difficult.

I wish you a lot of happiness

On the way to a profession, a family.

Maybe sometimes the paths are dangerous -

I wish you to bypass them!

Congratulations... wishes... toasts and humor... as well as... parables and wise wishes..

toasts for men.....

You know, Susie, I’m so lonely,” Gabi complains to her friend.

That is, how lonely? - Susie is surprised. Everyone knows what you have

there is not only a loving husband, but also a handsome lover...

That's the thing: they constantly rely on each other.

So let's drink to real men who do not shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of another!


It was a beautiful fresh morning. A beautiful girl approached a beautiful lake, and a ram was walking around the lake chewing grass. The girl began to undress, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl almost undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl completely undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl jumped into the water, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl got out of the water, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl got dressed and left, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass... So let’s drink so that there won’t be such rams among us!


It used to happen that as soon as I thought about women, I immediately got excited. And now I think and think, and it’s all in vain, probably something happened to my head. Let's drink so that everything is always in order with your head!

Who does a man sleep with in his life: Up to 5 years - with a pacifier, from 5 to 10 - with a teddy bear, from 10 to 20 - with a dream, from 20 to 30 - with his wife, from 30 to 40 - with someone else's, from 40 to 50 - with any, from 50 to 60 - with a heating pad, from 60 to 70 - with a closed window. So let's drink to never close the window!


Adam stood under the apple tree and saw Eve and covered himself with his hat. -

“Pick an apple,” Eve asked. Adam stood silently. “Please pick an apple,” Eva asked. Adam reluctantly took his hands off his hat and picked an apple. Let's drink to the power that holds the hat!


In one not very large city there was a not very large bathhouse.

And in that bathhouse there were two sections - women's and men's, and these sections were separated by a thin wall... And then, one fine day, when the bathhouse was full of people, this wall fell with a roar. Everyone from both sides was seized by the gangs, and they covered the most piquant places... They stand like that, and they look at each other, they don’t know what to do. They stood like this for some time, the girls were the first to become bolder, and gradually they let the gangs go... The men looked, this is the case, so they let the gangs go... They let them go, but the gangs don’t fall... So let's drink to the strength that held the gangs together!


At 20 years old, a man is an instrument that plays without tuning. At 35 years old it’s a violin. It takes 2-3 minutes to set up and plays at the tuner's request. At 55 years old, it’s a piano: one tunes, the other plays. So let's drink to us men playing the violin until old age!

A naked woman with a pistol in her hand enters the men's bathhouse. The men saw her and covered themselves with their basins. She pointed the gun at them: “Hands up!” - The men raised their hands, and their basins were hanging. So let's drink to the great power that holds the basins!


Do not love a single man: he has not yet married and will not marry you. Don’t love a divorced person: the first one divorced and she will divorce you. Don’t love a widower: he drove the first one into a coffin and will drive you... Love a married man: he loves his wife and will love you! For married men!

For the cute, beautiful, kind, smart, attractive - for us, men!


A frog jumps over the railway tracks, and at this time

a passing train cuts off her bottom. She jumps further and thinks: “But my butt is beautiful, it’s a pity to leave it.” The frog came back, and then the train cut off its head. Let's drink to not losing your head over a beautiful ass!


A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband. So let's drink to real men.


A man was walking through the forest. Suddenly a gray wolf runs out of the thicket and says: “Man, I will eat you!” - For what? - Just. OK. If you fulfill three wishes of the first person you meet, you will remain unharmed. That's what we decided. On the way they met a woman. The wolf explained the situation to her and said: “What is your first wish, woman?” Looking down, she quietly said: “Man, I want... The man fulfilled her first wish with great desire.” Having lowered her gaze, the woman said for the second time: “Man, I still want it.” Gathering all his strength, the man fulfilled her second wish. - Well, what about the third? - asked the wolf. Blushing, the woman whispered: “I still want it.” The man knelt down, lowered his head and said: “Eat me, wolf.” So let's drink, friends, to those men whom wolves do not eat!

Wise birthday greetings

A birthday is the day when we turn another page in our lives and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different ones for your friends, family, loved ones and loved ones. Joking, having fun, coming up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes will be inappropriate, and for a person much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise happy birthday.

So, if the birthday is for the head of your family, or your boss, or a family friend, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and choose good words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings from writers, critics, musicians, and artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it’s best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find many beautiful ideas for wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find a whole treasure trove of interesting sayings and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must correspond to the text. Speak evenly, look the birthday person in the eyes. Don’t even think about telling jokes - the public may not accept them. End your congratulations with sincere wishes, but under no circumstances touch upon the personal life of the birthday person - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It could be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy the birthday person a ticket to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also gain spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

To live life wisely,

There is a lot to know.

Remember two important rules to get started:

You'd rather starve than eat anything

And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,

We wish you only the best in life!

Your age – 33 – is the age of Christ,

It's time to rethink your life!

Your life experience is rich

Has not weakened or faded away,

And today we are with this date

We sincerely congratulate you!

At 18, life is like a garden.

And it reminds me of spring,

But don't forget the main thing:

The one who works gets happiness!

I wish you inspiration

And I want to wish you health,

Well, the main thing in life is luck!

So, friend, don’t be discouraged!

If, son, you have decided something -

Then you always just go forward!

We wish you to be happy

And also - may you be lucky!

Life is wise, son, don’t forget,

Let all good things happen!

Never, please, do not be discouraged,

And don’t know about melancholy and sadness!

Coming of age is a wonderful time

All tasks will be manageable then

And you can move any mountain -

Know that this path will be so beautiful!

May luck follow you,

May only happiness await you along the way,

Let your love warm you,

Happiness and fun will happen again and again!

Let the years rush by - no problem;

Time heals the wound.

And let them go forever

Adversity and fog.

And what is light for the soul,

Let it stay with you.

On this day we wish that

Whatever you want.

We can't stop them!

But may you always be young!

It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

18 years old... how cute is that -

This is the best age of my entire life!

Youth is wonderful and beautiful,

The first steps are always difficult.

I wish you a lot of happiness

On the way to a profession, a family.

Maybe sometimes the paths are dangerous -

I wish you to bypass them!

We won't judge by age

According to the number of years that have passed!

If you are still full of vigor -

This means there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face,

Even if gray hair is like snow!

Age is, by God, a mistake,

If a person is young at heart!

As you grow up, you begin to understand

That life can be very difficult sometimes,

You have to believe and suffer -

It’s simply impossible to do otherwise!

I really want to tell you:

Egor, dream, and what you ask will come true,

After all, there is a lot to learn in life,

When you bring her your gifts!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -

Remember the simple rules,

And carry it through your life

Always dignity and strength!

Egor, I want to tell you,

That anything can happen in life,

But the main thing is not to lose heart,

And life is easy and prosperous!

Like a caravan of birds of heaven,

And time rushes by unnoticed -

Don't be sad over trifles.

Don't be sad when you notice the changes,

When you find an extra wrinkle.

Days come after days,

And every age is good in its own way.

Don't sum it up on your birthday -

It is not suitable for serious matters.

Collect gifts, congratulations -

Birthdays are all about having fun!

Let's raise a toast to you

And let's drink to happiness and good luck,

And, even if sometimes the pattern of fate is not simple,

Be loved and happy to boot!

Take care of your young years,

Take care of your young days -

They fly by unnoticed

And they will not return again.

Live, love, count the minutes -

They can be very good.

But without recognizing the person,

Don't open your soul to him.

Your life experience is rich
Has not weakened or faded away,
And today we are with this date
We sincerely congratulate you!

Wise birthday greetings to the birthday boy

Happy birthday!
And with all our hearts we wish,
Be cheerful, pretty,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, tight at night,
To have such power
To always remain sweet -
For the legal spouse,
And maybe a friend can do something else.
May your health be good
Your home will not forget happiness,
Lots of joy, warmth,
May fate be kind
So that youth does not become sluggish,
So that old age does not know.

Original wise greetings on your birthday

Let the years rush by - no problem;
Time heals the wound.
And let them go forever
Adversity and fog.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
On this day we wish that
Whatever you want.

Wise congratulations to a friend on her birthday

We congratulate you all
Today with a random date!
We wish your life
She was happy and at ease!

You look good in any dress -
After all, a proud posture,
Intelligence, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and everything else – cut!

And we want you
It remained like this for many years,
So that all your dreams come true,
So that everything would be, and not seem...

So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything according to estimate,
To feel everything again and again,
That it’s not in vain that you live in the world!

Cool, wise birthday greetings from a friend

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the simple rules,
And carry it through your life
Always dignity and strength!

…..(name), I want to tell you,
That anything can happen in life,
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And life is easy and prosperous!

Beautiful wise verse-congratulations on your birthday

And now your day has come again,
Your date has come again,
May everything be fine on this day
And fun from dawn to dusk!

May there be more light in your life,
And kindness and earthly joy,
We are always warmed by your smile,
We share sadness and joy with you!

May love protect you
Let joy overflow
The betrothed idolizes
Let happiness not leave!

All smiles for you today,
All flowers for you today.
And may God give you in abundance
Health, happiness, beauty.

Wise birthday greetings

Take care of your young years,
Take care of your young days -
They fly by unnoticed
And they will not return again.

Live, love, count the minutes -
They can be very good.
But without recognizing the person,
Don't open your soul to him.

A short, wise birthday greeting

In this joyful moment of birthday
There is no reason to sigh and be sad.
We do not celebrate the date of aging,
And the day when you began to live!

Even if not small years,
If there is little joy in fate,
Even if there are adversities -
Life is beautiful in itself!

Wise birthday greetings for a man

Let the stars shine in your eyes,
Let happiness sparkle like champagne,
May tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on your heart.

Let this day be like the song of a nightingale,
Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
May your life be like the May dawn
Brings happiness in the palms of your hands every day!

Wise birthday greetings to a woman

What is women's happiness? In bouquets of flowers?
In hot kisses?
In the trembling of lips or in the magic of words?
In dreams consisting of several dreams?
In the rays of the rising sun?
What is happiness for women?
What to wish? This time the question
Smiles of happiness - this is not new
Everyone is congratulating me like this now,
But we want it not this way, but differently.
May life be full of miracles,
And the road is all covered in flowers,
Let the stars fall from the sky
Only to your doorstep
And on this day we sincerely wish
All earthly blessings in the world and goodness
Happy birthday, warmest congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy, health and warmth!

Happy Birthday greetings wise in verse

Forget about all the sorrows
Forget about grief.
Today is your holiday,
Today is my birthday.

Don't be sad that it's unnoticeable
So many years have flown by.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
For your long, long life.

Congratulations-poem for your birthday

There is no recipe for longevity
However, everyone dreams about him.
Health in life for many years
We wish you with all our hearts.

It doesn't matter to you
If you strive for a goal big
Always stay young
Never grow old at heart.

Wise congratulations in prose for your birthday

Happy Birthday! I wish you not to experience irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so that you are always happy.

A birthday is the day when we turn another page in our lives and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different greetings for your friends, family, loved ones and loved ones. Joking, having fun, coming up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes will be inappropriate, and for a person much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise birthday greeting.

So, if the birthday is for the head of your family, or your boss, or a family friend, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and choose good words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings from great writers, critics, musicians, and artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it’s best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find many beautiful ideas for wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find a whole treasure trove of interesting sayings and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must correspond to the text. Speak evenly, look the birthday person in the eyes. Don’t even think about telling jokes - the public may not accept them. End your congratulations with sincere wishes, but under no circumstances touch upon the personal life of the birthday person - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It could be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy the birthday person a ticket to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also gain spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

To live life wisely,
There is a lot to know.
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you only the best in life!
Your age – 33 – is the age of Christ,
It's time to rethink your life!

Your life experience is rich
Has not weakened or faded away,
And today we are with this date
We sincerely congratulate you!

At 18, life is like a garden.
And it reminds me of spring,
But don't forget the main thing:
The one who works gets happiness!

I wish you inspiration
And I want to wish you health,
Well, the main thing in life is luck!
So, friend, don’t be discouraged!

If, son, you have decided something -
Then you always just go forward!
We wish you to be happy
And also - may you be lucky!

Life is wise, son, don’t forget,
Let all good things happen!
Never, please, do not be discouraged,
And don’t know about melancholy and sadness!

Coming of age is a wonderful time
All tasks will be manageable then
And you can move any mountain -
Know that this path will be so beautiful!

May luck follow you,
May only happiness await you along the way,
Let your love warm you,
Happiness and fun will happen again and again!

Let the years rush by - no problem;
Time heals the wound.
And let them go forever
Adversity and fog.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
On this day we wish that
Whatever you want.

Let them hurry, let the years fly by -
We can't stop them!
But may you always be young!
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

We won't judge by age
According to the number of years that have passed!
If you are still full of vigor -
This means there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow!
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

As you grow up, you begin to understand
That life can be very difficult sometimes,
You have to believe and suffer -
It’s simply impossible to do otherwise!

I really want to tell you:
Egor, dream, and what you ask will come true,
After all, there is a lot to learn in life,
When you bring her your gifts!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the simple rules,
And carry it through your life
Always dignity and strength!

Egor, I want to tell you,
That anything can happen in life,
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And life is easy and prosperous!

All compliments and flowers for you,
You are only worthy of admiration,
Happy birthday, friend, congratulations,
I wish you all the best and great love.
May your life be full of happiness,
Let your dream come true,
Let everything be great at work,
And everything is fine in personal life.

It’s your birthday, friend, today,
Please accept my best congratulations,
I sincerely wish you joy, goodness,
May life give you only inspiration.
God grant that you may live and not know grief,
Greet every day with a smile,
To always be in great shape,
So that your blood pressure is normal.

My dear friend,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
May your life be beautiful
And nothing upsets you.
Be the master of your destiny
Always live in joy and happiness,
I wish you well-being, good luck,
Good health to boot.

I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you a lot of health and happiness,
I wish you, friend, in a great mood,
Continue your path through life.
I wish you success, joy, goodness in everything,
So that life is like a fairy tale,
May fate generously reward you in full,
Let a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy brightest and most festive day,
With all my heart, my friend, I wish you,
Prosperity and prosperity in everything.
Let your health be strong,
Let all troubles and sorrows forget you,
Let every moment be joyful and bright,
May life be a gift to you.

Today, my friend, is your birthday.
And today you are especially sweet,
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
May God give you good health and good health.
May life bring you joy and happiness,
May you always be lucky in everything,
So that your beauty and tenderness,
Never affected by the years.

With a special feeling on your birthday,
I wish you long and happy years,
Youth, vigor, movement,
New achievements and victories.
Girlfriend, always be happy
Let a bright star illuminate the path,
Let all your dreams come true,
Let everything be great in life.

Friend, happy birthday to you,
I sincerely wish on this joyful day,
Fun and good mood,
Let luck follow you like a shadow.
So that love is always with you,
So that fate is favorable,
Let luck come into the house without knocking,
Let love and understanding settle in him.

On your birthday, accept congratulations from me,
For you, friend, only kind words,
Always be ahead
Let there be no obstacles on your path.
May great love come to you,
Let the sadness disappear forever,
And let your life be, dear,
Pure as spring water.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I want to wish you all the best, friend,
Good health, joy and happiness,
Let all bad weather pass by.
Always be confident in everything
Let your home be a full cup,
Let the sky be peaceful above your head,
Be always protected by fate.

I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
And I say with admiration,
Friendship with you is my reward,
I want to wish you all the best, friend.
May the good angel protect your life,
Let sadness not know you,
Let grief flee from you,
Let reliable friends surround you.

Today is your birthday
Please accept congratulations, friend, from the bottom of my heart,
Let your life be a fairy tale,
And certainly let your dreams come true.
I sincerely wish you to be happy,
Bloom more luxuriantly than scarlet roses,
Walk through life confidently and patiently,
Without sadness and without tears.
