New Year's crafts in the kindergarten Santa Claus. Fragrant Christmas Scrub

Little girls and boys love to create interesting crafts, postcards, applications and figurines. New Year's crafts in kindergarten are very creative and original. There are many unusual options.

What craft is better to make for the competition?

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, an excellent option for the competition is an application, a picture or figurines of this beautiful animal, a true friend of man. It will be very interesting for children to create various decorations for the house and toys for the Christmas tree for the New Year.

As you know, kids love to create in the kindergarten, even if it's not about the holidays. But it is not always easy for them to find a successful and simple master class. That is why we have prepared for you an interesting step-by-step guide to creating beautiful holiday toys for home and for the exhibition. They will not only create a magical New Year's atmosphere, but will also allow children to reveal their creative talent.

Craft number 1: New Year's toy in kindergarten

During the winter holidays, everywhere smells of fir branches and tangerines. Everything is decorated with beautiful garlands and bright lights. Champagne, Olivier, sweets and many goodies are expected on the table. Each member of the family hopes to receive the gifts they dream of.

The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of the new year. The most simple are crafts on a New Year's theme, made from plastic or paper tubes. They must be cut and glued in the shape of a Christmas tree (from small to large). Straws can also be used to make decorations in the form of hearts, dogs, snowflakes or Christmas candies.

To make paper Christmas trees you will need:

  • green paper (ideal office paper);
  • decorated stars;
  • toothpicks;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

The paper must be folded with an accordion, then make a hole in the center and unfold. After that, you should cut a triangle out of paper, put 2 toothpicks together and put them on the Christmas tree. Then you need to trim the sharp edges of the toothpicks. Use an asterisk as the top.

volumetric sphere

From a balloon and threads, you can create a beautiful ball decoration for a Christmas tree. Wrap the ball with threads, connecting them with glue. When the glue dries, pop the balloon and remove the rest of it.

For making a Christmas tree tapes take:

  • ribbons;
  • threads;
  • beads;
  • needle.

Using a thread and a needle, assemble a Christmas tree from ribbons, putting on a bead after each new tier. It is better to start from the bottom tier of the tree - the widest. Beads will serve as both decoration and top.

To create an incredibly simple kindergarten crafts you will need:

  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • dry branch 10-15 centimeters long.

It is better to use thick tapes. But if you still like satin more, starch them first. You need to tie ribbons to the branch to make a Christmas tree. For the top, use short ribbons, for the bottom, use long ones.

Thread toys

Take a plastic cup, pour PVA glue into it. It is necessary to lay out a thread for knitting or floss in the form of curls in it. Take it out and squeeze it out a little. On a disposable food bowl or a piece of foam, lay out the outline of a Christmas tree from a thread, fixing the edges with pins. Lay curls of thread inside the contour, leave to dry. When the glue is completely dry, the shape of the product will be preserved.

Such crafts can also be made in the form of an asterisk, a house or an angel - for every taste. The symbol of the upcoming 2018 is a dog. It can also be made from thread.

Christmas tree made of snowflakes

Homemade paper snowflakes must be strung on a wooden skewer in the form of cones. The result is snow-white cute trees.

Christmas trees can be made from almost any material, even cupcake tins. All that is required is to fold and glue them with a pyramid. Any components that you have at home, or that you find on the street or in the forest will help you.

Styrofoam and paper Christmas tree

For its manufacture, you will need a foam cone and circles of green in different shades. They can be cut by hand or made with a hole punch. Pieces of paper must be glued to the foam cone. This is a simple task that kids can handle without problems.

The body for the Christmas tree can also be made of cardboard. And as "needles" you can use not only circles of paper, but also ribbons, napkins, snowflakes, cotton wool and even foil.

A Christmas tree made of craft paper, gift wrapping or a sheet of music notebook will also look very beautiful, unusual and romantic. It is necessary to cut a triangle and "put" it on a wooden skewer. The basis can serve as a wooden circle. As a base, you can use an asterisk or a foil flower.

Craft number 2: New Year's clock in kindergarten

Original clocks on New Year's theme can be created from a wide variety of materials: cardboard, discs, sweets, foam plastic and even puff pastry. They will be a great decoration for any nest.

Young craftsmen can create a foam watch. And more experienced ones can try to make a clock in the form of a cuckoo house.

New Year's hours can have the most various form. Interesting stencils can be found on the Internet. But the decor you can come up with yourself. For it, you can use cotton wool, sequins, spruce twigs, ribbons, beads and sequins. The dial can be painted. And you can make real arrows.

A plastic cake box or cardboard hat box lid works great as a clock base.

To create a house with cuckoo will need:

  • shoe or gift box;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • stencil;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • cones;
  • sequins (beads, rain).

Lock in the bottom of the ribbon box. WITH cut out with a stencil cardboard dial and draw numbers with markers. WITH using cardboard or two small rectangular boxes, make a roof for the house, attach it glue. Attach to cones ribbons. Decorate your watch with using rain, sequins or beads.

New Year's crafts from cones for kindergarten

If you walk through the forest, be sure to collect cones. After all, this is an excellent natural material that is perfect for making a variety of crafts.

Even the smallest ones can do this task perfectly. The cone is beautiful enough to paint and install in a pot. Thus, a miniature and at the same time voluminous Christmas tree for a shelf or table will be ready. On this you can build an excellent mk.

A Christmas tree made of cones can be decorated with small pompoms, beads or sparkles - it will look very unusual. If you anoint the edges of the cones and sprinkle them with salt, you will get the impression that the Christmas tree is strewn with snow. This figurine will be a great gift for family and friends.

From cones, you can make not only Christmas trees, but also various figures. For example, gnomes or animals. To create gnomes, you can use fabric hats, blouses and boots.

If we are talking about animals, you will have to create heads and paws, and the bump will serve as the body. Deer and squirrels, owls and penguins will look beautiful.

Such toys will be a great decoration for any room, as well as an unusual toy for the Christmas tree.

New Year's crafts in the senior group of kindergarten

The younger preparatory group teaches children to create various simple applications, figures and paintings. 2 years and 3 years - the age when children learn to be independent. However, they need help creating appliqués and figurines that will take them to a fairy tale. With the help of educators, they will be happy to create Christmas trees, dogs and home decorations.

In the middle group, boys and girls learn to make more complex crafts. It could be an interesting postcard with characters inside. As well as a Christmas tree made of paper with interesting decorations made of paper, felt and textiles.

In the older group, children create more detailed toys. They carefully draw the eyes, nose, ears, legs and arms of animals. They use more unusual materials to create toys for the Christmas tree (for example, they create parts from pasta), as well as complex technologies.

With your own hands, you can also make a house, a volumetric ball, a bouquet of fir branches and much more. It all depends on the desires and imagination!

The New Year is a special holiday, and preparations for it begin several months in advance. To create that very atmosphere of magic and festive mood, it is best to make home decorations and gifts with your own hands - made with love and soul is much more appreciated. In addition, the process of preparing for the holiday in this case becomes much more pleasant and exciting.

DIY Christmas crafts can not only be a great gift, but also participate in competitions in kindergarten or school. And most importantly, for such products you can use any materials at hand.

For making New Year's crafts with your own hands, master classes, training videos and step-by-step instructions will come in handy. Your own imagination will also be a good helper.

Crafts for the New Year from paper

Paper is practically the most affordable material that is most often used in New Year decorations. Even in the kindergarten, each of us cut out snowflakes and made greeting cards. Now there are a huge variety of different techniques for working with paper, thanks to which you can create chic New Year's crafts without a lot of investment.

Here are some DIY craft ideas.

Snowflake origami

Volumetric snowflake

paper lanterns

Carved paper ornaments on glass

DIY quilling

Paper boxes for gifts

New Year's compositions


Salt dough crafts

Original New Year crafts are made from salt dough. Plus, working with this material is useful for children: it is fun, entertaining, develops fine motor skills and is absolutely safe, unlike, for example, plasticine.

salt dough recipe

To obtain the necessary composition you will need:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 glass of ice water;
  • 2 tsp sunflower oil.

From the finished dough, you can sculpt both simple and complex shapes. In addition, as an additional ingredient, you can add food coloring or decorate an already finished craft. So that the product does not lose its shape, it is dried in the oven.

How to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands

New Year's toys on the Christmas tree

Salt dough makes wonderful Christmas decorations. It is very simple to create such beauty - you just need to fashion or cut a snowflake, bell or Christmas tree from the dough. Don't forget to leave a hole for the string. Then send the craft to the oven. It is necessary to dry the workpiece at a temperature of 70 degrees. It will take about an hour to fully harden. And when it is ready, carefully apply the drawing with watercolors.

Here are some photos for inspiration.


Santa Claus from dough


Flat dough pendants


Crafts for the New Year from branches

Tree branches are an unusual material for creating New Year's crafts. From them you can create original and light decorations for the home. For example, we suggest you make a simple wall Christmas tree with your own hands.

DIY Christmas decorations

For the Christmas tree we need:

  • tree branches of different lengths;
  • leg-split;
  • Christmas decorations.

We begin to collect our crafts.

1. Lay out the branches in the shape of a triangle. You can adjust the length with a knife.

Making a Christmas tree with your own hands

2. We cut the twine two times the height of the Christmas tree plus 30-40 cm for the top and knots.

Preparation of materials

3. We begin to tie the branches. We fold the twine in half and place the fold at the top of our Christmas tree. We retreat 5-10 centimeters, necessary for the loop, and tie the first branch on both sides.

We tie branches for the Christmas tree

4. The nodes on each subsequent branch should be offset from the center by a couple of centimeters. After fixing the last branch, we tie the remaining twine ponytails into a bow.

Connection Features

5. We hang Christmas decorations and garlands on branches, and the craft is ready to go to the wall.

Finished Christmas wall decoration

New Year's crafts from fabric do-it-yourself

To create jewelry and gifts from fabric, you cannot do without the ability to sew. But it all depends on the complexity of the product: somewhere basic skills are enough, but somewhere you can’t do without professionalism.

Examples of New Year's fabric crafts

Here is a small selection of easy fabric crafts.

felt house

felt dog


Christmas toys made of fabric

In addition, crafts can be made from buttons, threads, cardboard, plastic bottles and any other materials at hand. Turn on your imagination and start creating miracles!

Long-awaited New Year! Children are waiting for fairy tales, and parents have everyday life. Every year, on the eve of the holiday, moms and dads have the same question, and what under the tree include this year to school or in kindergarten. How beautiful to decorate so that the child has an exclusive craft. We present you crafts for the new year 2016 with your own hands for kindergarten. You can do the same thing in completely different ways. The main thing here is your imagination.

1. Of course, let's start with Christmas trees.

Master classes on creating such Christmas trees with your own hands

2. Second place for snowmen.

Who chose this option for crafts, see.

3. Christmas box will delight the children. Undoubtedly, modern children do not know well what it is and how to use it. But many children still write letters to Santa Claus. Children in kindergarten, in any case, still believe in its existence. Maybe this letterbox would help adults know what their kids want for the New Year. Children would draw what they would ask Santa Claus. And the teacher would become a secret agent of Santa Claus.

To create you need:

  • shoebox
  • paints and brushes
  • White paper
  • cardboard green, black and some gold
  • scissors and glue.

Everything is extremely simple.

  1. We take a box from under shoes of any color.
  2. We make a slot for letters in the lid of the box with scissors.
  3. We paint the whole box with red paint.
  4. From cardboard we make a black belt of Santa (or Santa Claus) with a gold plaque. If there is no desired color, we tint the cardboard with gouache.
  5. Cut out an envelope from white paper, draw lines on it.
  6. We glue the belt and the envelope on the outside of the box.
  7. Cut and glue small white snowflakes.
  8. Cut off some green cardboard for the roof, fold and glue.
  9. On the roof (optional) we attach a pipe with a piece of cotton wool depicting smoke.

4. Wreaths to the front door. It is fashionable and beautiful. These do-it-yourself crafts for the new year 2016 for kindergarten can be made by your child on their own.

How to make it beautiful dream up.

For the celebration of the New Year, most of our compatriots begin to prepare in advance. The first heralds of the upcoming holiday are usually children in the family who report that they were ordered to bring winter crafts to kindergarten or school. Parents light up, trying to help their child make something beautiful and original, while not spending a lot of effort. Such DIY Christmas crafts are suitable not only for kindergarten or school. They can decorate the house for the New Year, give it to one of the relatives. We have collected the best ideas for crafts with New Year's motifs, which you can make with your own hands, involving children in the work.

Such different Christmas trees

One of the most famous symbols of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Making it with your own hands is so simple that it is often used for New Year's crafts. We offer several options for making Christmas trees from improvised materials.

  • Christmas tree made of paper. This option is the easiest and cheapest. You need a sheet of green cardboard or thick velvety paper and a few small pieces of paper in other colors. A circle is cut out of green cardboard in which you need to draw a radius - this will be the cut line. Then it remains only to roll the paper into a cone, glue it. Cut out Christmas decorations from red and yellow paper using stencils: cones, balls, icicles and stick them on the Christmas tree. This New Year's craft for kindergarten will look more complete if you glue two more cones from cardboard, which will depict figures of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the inhabitants of the forest, glue heads molded from plasticine to them, and tails for animals. You can also make a bag with gifts from plasticine by placing it next to the figure of Santa Claus. By placing the figurines in an original way, you can get a fabulous plot.
  • Christmas tree made of threads. Mix water, starch and PVA glue in equal proportions. Cut a very long and thick green thread, immerse it in this composition. While it is saturated with glue, make a paper cone and wrap it with cling film. Wrap the cone with a thread soaked in glue, leave to dry. After about a day, the cone can be removed. It is better to make decorations for a Christmas tree from threads from beads, simply by sewing balls to it. The Christmas tree turns out to be so beautiful and tender that it is a pity to give it to kindergarten. Do not regret this craft: after all, you can make as many of these unusual Christmas trees as you like with your own hands.

The original Christmas tree is obtained from cotton pads, which are folded in half and again in half and glued onto a paper cone. Felt is also suitable for making Christmas trees. A tree made from it can be hung on a Christmas tree.

No less different snowmen

Snowmen can also be made from different materials at hand.

  • Thread snowman. It will require two balloons of different sizes. They need to be wound with white threads impregnated with a mixture of PVA with the addition of starch. After they dry, the balls need to burst and take out. The nose of the snowman needs to be made of orange threads according to the same principle as the Christmas tree of threads, which we wrote about above. These crafts will look amazingly harmonious with each other, especially if the eyes of the snowman are made of black beads.
  • Snowman made of plastic cups. Glasses will need a lot of two sizes. Staple them with a stapler to make two balls of different diameters. It is not difficult to do this: the cups themselves will tend to close in a circle, so even a child will cope with the task. You just have to figure out together what to make a snowman's hat, nose, eyes and mouth out of so that the craft for kindergarten or school has a complete look.

Many people make snowmen with their own hands from cotton wool. Most likely you will cope with its manufacture even without step-by-step instructions. The same can be said about the plasticine snowman.

Symbol of 2017 - Cockerel

The symbol of 2017 is the Rooster. It would be a good idea to make a figurine of this bird on New Year's Eve 2017. Then in the coming 2017 you will surely be lucky.

  • Cockerel made of felt for the New Year - 2017. We offer to make a cockerel from felt hearts. To do this, you will need a piece of felt of one color and many different colors. Cut out two hearts of the same size from a large one, and many multi-colored hearts from small ones. Sew small hearts with an overlock stitch, large ones simply. Using safety pins, attach the multi-colored hearts to one side of the large heart, the other two to the other, so that one heart just peeks out from behind the other. A lot of hearts - the tail of the Cockerel, two hearts - his head and comb (it is desirable that it be red. Sew on hearts. Cover with a second big heart and sew it to the first. So unobtrusively, you seem to declare your love for the symbol of 2017.
  • Cockerel from grains. A decorative panel with the image of a Rooster made of buckwheat, peas, lentils, beans, rice will look great. Even if 2017 is left behind, such a panel will always decorate the interior of the kitchen, especially if it is decorated in a rustic style.

A beautiful application with the image of a Rooster will turn out from autumn leaves, if only you managed to do it in time. The smallest ones can make an application for a kindergarten out of paper, and older children can make a panel for a kindergarten out of plasticine, smearing it with their fingers on cardboard.

magic jar

Very often, for the New Year, they give a souvenir - a "magic" ball: shake it, and it starts to snow, slowly falling to the bottom. Instead of a do-it-yourself ball at home, you can make a similar New Year's craft - “a magic jar. It will require:

  • a lot of foam;
  • sequins;
  • water mixed with glycerin in the amount necessary to fill the jar;
  • the jar itself, preferably half a liter, rounded;
  • colored stickers with New Year's symbols and a ribbon to decorate the lid;
  • small plastic or rubber figures (for example, from Kinder Surprises).

We will make a “magic” ball (more precisely, a jar) as follows:

  1. Stick on the bottom of the jar, its walls, or even on the lid of the figures of the terminals, suitable for the corresponding material.
  2. Divide the foam into small crumbs, pour them into the bottom of the jar. Pour in glitter.
  3. Fill the jar with water mixed with glycerin - this will prevent the "snow" from falling too quickly.
  4. Decorate the lid and close the jar with it. Tie with a ribbon.

By shaking the jar, you will be able to watch how it "snows". Such an original craft may well turn out to be the best at the exhibition in kindergarten.

All the crafts described above can be done by the New Year - 2017, but in other years they will not lose their relevance.

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Crafts can be made from absolutely any materials: from felt, paper, thread, cones, etc.

We create the most important and valuable things with our own hands and, of course, they are preserved as a memory. What is this child and you did in different years. You can even build a chronology. And you can work hard once and save a lot on holiday decor. Decorate the Christmas tree with homemade felt figures or balls of thread, completely creating a design version of the design.

And how will your children remember the evenings before the holiday, which they spent in joint preparation and creation of masterpieces.

Knowing how busy moms and dads are right now, I picked up some quick but beautiful craft options. Which are not ashamed to show and easy to do.

A very easy craft to make. Another option for an interesting pom-pom dog.

I propose to make a cute dachshund out of paper and toilet paper rolls.

We will need:

  • Brown and orange colored paper
  • 1 sleeve
  • Plasticine
  • Double sided tape

We cut out a semicircle with a diameter of 8 centimeters and turn it into a cone. This will be the head of our dog.

Now we cut out a rectangle of brown paper measuring 12 * 20 cm and glue the sleeve with it, bending the ends inward.

Now we cut out 2 ears in the form of elongated ovals from orange paper, a long tail and 4 strips, which we will roll in the form of paws. The size of the strips is 2*20 cm.

Glue the ears to the cone.

Glue the tail and paws to the sleeve.

We do the paws like this: we take a strip and wrap it around the finger or around the body of the glue-pencil, smearing the top layer with glue to secure the circle.

Now we attach a nose to the head from black plasticine, we make eyes from white and green.

We glue the head on double-sided tape to the body and that's it.

"Santa Claus's Shoe" with your own hands to kindergarten and school

Plastic bottles are on the move this holiday! We make bells from them, then containers for gifts,.

And today you can quickly sew a presentable craft from improvised materials to a kindergarten or school.

Only the fabric is better to take bright colors. And it will be faster if you use a glue gun.

We make a Santa Claus shoe from a plastic bottle.

We will need:

  • Plastic bottle
  • red cloth
  • Braid and decor
  • Cardboard sheet

We cut the bottle into three parts: we need a bottom and an oblong body. You can leave the neck of the bottle under the craft "Bell".

We measure the approximate length from the beginning of the bottom to the heel of the future shoe and cut out the base in the form of a foot from cardboard. You can circle the contours of the bottles directly onto the cardboard.

The sole is cut out and sheathed with a red cloth.

Measure the diameter of the bottom and cut out the same circle from the fabric with three cm allowances. The top must be sewn up so that the fabric gathers in shape.

We cover the bottom with fabric and sew to the sole.

Now we take the tube from the body of the bottle and also sheathe or glue it with a cloth with hot glue (we don’t glue the seam at a distance of 3-4 cm from below). You can use crystal glue. And we also sew or glue the covered part to the base - the sole.

It remains only to decorate all the seams and voids. To do this, use braid, cones, tinsel, Christmas tree branches.

Shoe height may vary.

You can also not glue it inside, but collect it on top with a ribbon, like a bag for sweets.

How to make beautiful Christmas paper crafts

I propose to make not only paper crafts, but a whole voluminous New Year's decor. Believe me, it is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance.

It is better to use a beautiful cardboard. You can buy it a little thicker than normal at a scrapbooking and craft store.

We will make a wonderful Christmas tree out of cardboard. But the cardboard needs double-sided.

Now we draw a Christmas tree template.

1 side of the Christmas tree 7 cm.

5 sides of 6 cm, the edges coincide with the bottom of the first template.

Now we make three cuts to the middle of the Christmas tree: the distance between them is 0.5 - 1 cm. The middle cut is a centimeter higher than the side cuts.

The first template has slits at the bottom.

Three have slits at the top, two at the bottom.

We begin to thread the Christmas tree into each other.

1 template is the center. They are threaded alternately into each incision. First, to the leftmost, then the middle one, and so on until the Christmas tree is assembled.

Such a Christmas tree can be large or more voluminous and made of thicker cardboard or plywood, if you have a craftsman who can do any job and even cut and sand a blank for you.

Children's crafts for the New Year

New Year - these are the symbols of deer figurines, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, sleighs, gifts, Christmas trees and balls.

Therefore, you can quickly make a Santa Claus figure using the origami technique.

A small child of four years old needs to be helped to make straight folds, otherwise Frost may not work out, and the child will be upset. All such, this technique perfectly improves fine motor skills and possession of one's hand.

We take a sheet of paper, it should be two-color. Square size 10*10 cm.

We direct the diagonals on the square, turning the corner on one side and repeating the same on the other.

We work on the white side.

Fold the top corner towards the center.

Now we turn the corner to the edge. Expand and see the lines.

Now wrap the bottom edge up to this line and turn.

Let's check this.

We wrap the lower part to the already wrapped edge and make a lapel back to the bottom point.

The opening looks like this.

Now we turn the blank on the front side, we need to wrap the side part. We wrap a small strip on one side and the same on the other.

Now we turn the side parts to the center line.

It remains to make a hand to Grandfather. We wrap the protruding edges.

We turn diagonally.

Now, when you unfold the figure, you will see that Santa Claus has already turned out. It remains to draw a nose and eyes.

A garland of such Frosts will look very interesting.

You can, taking cotton pads, make voluminous crafts on cardboard. They are perfectly painted and glued with ordinary PVA glue, which. As we know, absolutely non-toxic.

Here's another idea, using cotton pads you can make a cute white bear.

Also look at how cute a sheep can be made from cotton buds, paper and a wooden clothespin.

Interesting crafts are also created from ice cream sticks. You can ask for them in any supermarket, they are usually given with popsicles.

A snowflake is glued with hot glue. We paint it in the desired colors and hang our craft on the wall or window.

You can sprinkle with sparkles or shiny varnish. You can also put a garland on it or stick other New Year's decor on it: light balls, braid, bumps, twine or gold braid.

Another version of the snowflake in the photo below.

And more options.

Another interesting craft option that we also use for home decor is cardboard hanging snowflakes.
