On approval of the regulation on schedules for emergency limitation of consumer thermal energy consumption modes and limitation, interruption of thermal energy supply in case of occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in heat supply systems on the territory..

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DECREE of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08-08-2012 808 ON THE ORGANIZATION OF HEAT SUPPLY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND ON AMENDMENTS TO ... Relevant in 2018

The procedure for limiting, stopping the supply of thermal energy in the event of the occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system

104. In case of occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system, in order to prevent a long and deep violation of the temperature and hydraulic regimes of heat supply systems, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the quality of the heat carrier, complete and (or) partial restriction of the consumption mode (hereinafter referred to as emergency restriction) is allowed , including without the consent of the consumer, if urgent action is required. In this case, an emergency limitation is introduced provided that it is impossible to prevent these circumstances by using thermal power reserves.

Emergency restraints are implemented in accordance with emergency restraint schedules.

105. The need to introduce emergency restrictions may arise in the following cases:

Lowering the outdoor air temperature below the calculated values ​​by more than 10 degrees for a period of more than 3 days;

the occurrence of a lack of fuel at sources of thermal energy;

The occurrence of a lack of thermal power due to an emergency stop or failure of the main heat generating equipment of thermal energy sources (steam and hot water boilers, water heaters and other equipment), requiring restoration for more than 6 hours during the heating period;

violation or threat of violation of the hydraulic regime of the heating network due to a reduction in the consumption of make-up water due to a malfunction of equipment in the make-up or chemical water treatment circuit, as well as a cessation of water supply to the source of thermal energy from the water supply system;

Violation of the hydraulic regime of the heating network due to an emergency power failure of the network and make-up pumps at the source of thermal energy and booster pumps on the heating network;

damage to the heating network requiring complete or partial shutdown of main and distribution pipelines for which there is no redundancy.

106. The size of the limited load of consumers in terms of the flow of network water or steam is determined based on specific violations that have occurred at sources of thermal energy or in thermal networks to which consumers are connected.

The size of the limited load of consumers is established by the heat supply organization in agreement with the local government of the settlement, urban district, the executive authority of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

107. Schedules of consumer restrictions should be developed for 1 year from the beginning of the heating period. The list of consumers who are not subject to inclusion in these schedules is compiled in agreement with local governments.

The sizes of limited loads included in the schedule of restrictions are entered into the heat supply contract.

Disagreements between the heat supply organization and the consumer in terms of the size and sequence of restrictions included in the schedule are considered by the local authorities of the settlement, urban district, the executive authority of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

108. Schedules for consumer restrictions in the event of a threat of an emergency are put into effect by a single heat supply organization by decision of the local government body of the settlement, urban district, executive authority of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The heat supply organization informs consumers about the restrictions on heat supply:

in the event of a shortage of thermal power and the absence of reserves at sources of thermal energy - 10 hours before the start of restrictions;

in case of fuel shortage - no more than 24 hours before the start of restrictions.

In case of emergencies requiring urgent action, urgent introduction of restriction and shutdown schedules is carried out, followed by notification of consumers about the reasons and the expected duration of the shutdown within 1 hour.

Based on the expected timing and duration of the restriction, the consumer, if technically possible, may decide to drain water from heat-consuming installations in agreement with the heat supply organization.

The heat supply organization is obliged to ensure operational control over the implementation by consumers of orders on the introduction of schedules and the amount of restriction on the consumption of heat energy.

109. Heat supply and heat network organizations are obliged to inform the relevant local authorities and state energy supervision authorities about the introduced emergency restrictions and the termination of heat supply within 1 day from the date of their introduction.

on schedules for limiting and emergency shutdown of consumers in case of a lack of thermal power or fuel in case of occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system

1. General Provisions

1.1. Schedules for limiting and emergency shutdown of consumers in the event of a lack of thermal power or fuel in the event (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system of the city of Sevastopol (hereinafter referred to as the Charts) are drawn up for each heat source separately in accordance with the Appendix to the Regulation if it is impossible to prevent these circumstances by using reserves of thermal power .

1.2. Schedules are compiled annually and can be introduced in the following cases:

when the outside air temperature drops below the calculated values ​​by more than 10 degrees for a period of more than 3 days;

if there is a shortage of power at the source of heat supply and the throughput of heat networks;

in case of unforeseen fuel shortage;

the occurrence of a lack of thermal power due to an emergency shutdown or failure of the main heat generating equipment of heat sources (steam and hot water boilers, water heaters and other equipment), requiring a long recovery;

violations or threats of violations of the hydraulic regime of the heating network due to a reduction in the consumption of make-up water due to a malfunction of equipment in the make-up or chemical water treatment system, as well as a cessation of water supply to thermal energy sources from the water supply system;

violations of the hydraulic regime of the heating network due to an emergency power failure of the network and make-up pumps at the heat source and booster pumps on the heating network;

damage to the heating network requiring complete or partial shutdown of main and distribution pipelines;

in case of natural disasters (thunderstorm, storm, flood, fire, prolonged cooling, etc.), to prevent the occurrence and development of accidents, to eliminate them;

other cases provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or a heat supply agreement.

1.3. Limitation of consumers on the supply of heat in the network water is carried out centrally at the boiler house by lowering the temperature of the direct network water or by limiting the circulation of network water. Restriction of the mode of consumption of thermal energy can be complete or partial.

1.4. The Schedule does not include consumers who, according to the reliability of heat supply, belong to the first category (consumers who do not allow interruptions in the supply of the estimated amount of heat and the decrease in air temperature in the premises below those provided for by GOST 30494: hospitals, maternity hospitals, preschool institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, etc. .P.).

2. General requirements for scheduling

2.1. Schedules for consumer restrictions are developed annually by the heat supply company and are valid for 1 year from the beginning of the heating season.

2.2. The developed Schedule is approved by the head of the heat supply company and agreed with the Department of Municipal Economy.

2.3. When determining the magnitude and sequence of restriction and emergency shutdown of heat energy and power supply, state, economic, social significance and technological features of the consumer's production should be taken into account so that the damage from the introduction of schedules is minimal.

2.4. Schedules are drawn up by the heat supply organization for each source of heat supply separately.

2.5. A note to the schedules of restrictions and emergency shutdowns indicates a list of consumers that are not subject to restrictions and shutdowns.

3. Emergency and technological reservation of heat supply

3.1. Emergency reservation - the minimum consumed thermal power or consumption of thermal energy that ensures the life of people, the safety of equipment, technological raw materials, products and fire safety equipment (at least + 5 ° С).

3.2. Technological reservation - the value of the load, which provides the enterprise with the completion of the technological process.

Thermal loads of hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning are not included in the armor, since their shutdown does not affect the safety of people.

4. The procedure for entering the schedule for limiting the supply of thermal energy.

4.1. In case of emergencies requiring urgent action, urgent introduction of restriction schedules is carried out without agreement with the consumer.

4.2. The size of the limited load of consumers in terms of the consumption of network water or steam, as well as the sequence of switching off consumers, is determined based on specific violations that have occurred at sources of thermal energy or in thermal networks.

4.3. The heat supply organization informs the consumer about the reasons for the introduction of the emergency limitation schedule and the expected duration of the shutdown within two hours.

4.4. On restrictions on heat supply, the heat supply organization, in agreement with the executive authorities, informs consumers:

In the event of a shortage of thermal power and the absence of reserves at sources of thermal energy - 10 hours before the start of restrictions;

In case of fuel shortage - no more than 24 hours before the start of restrictions;

4.5. The chief engineer of the heat supply organization brings the task to the heads of departments indicating the magnitude, start and end times of the restrictions.

4.6. On the introduction of emergency restrictions and the termination of heat supply, heat supply organizations inform the executive authorities within one day from the date of their introduction through the Unified Duty Dispatch Service of the city of Sevastopol.

5. Obligations, rights and responsibility of heat supply organizations

5.1. The heat supply organization is obliged to inform consumers about the emergency restriction of heat supply and the estimated duration of the restrictions.

5.2. The heat supply organization is obliged to ensure the implementation of the orders of the executive authorities on the introduction of schedules for limiting the supply of thermal energy and is responsible, in accordance with applicable law, for the speed and accuracy of the implementation of orders to put the schedules into effect.

5.3. The head of the heat supply organization is responsible for the validity of the introduction of emergency limitation schedules and the timing of restrictions.

5.4. In case of unreasonable introduction of schedules, the heat supply organization is liable in the manner prescribed by law.

5.5. The heat supply organization is not responsible for the decrease in parameters caused by the consumer's failure to fulfill the task of limiting and untimely elimination of emergency situations on heat consumption systems.

6. Obligations, rights and responsibility of thermal energy consumers

Consumers (heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions of all forms of ownership) are responsible for the unconditional fulfillment of schedules for emergency restrictions and shutdowns of thermal energy and power, as well as for the consequences associated with their failure to comply.

The consumer is obliged:

6.1. Ensure receipt of messages from heat supply organizations about the introduction of schedules for limiting or emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power, regardless of the time of day;

6.2. Ensure prompt compliance with legal requirements when introducing schedules for limiting or emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power;

6.3. To freely allow representatives of the heat supply organization to all heat-consuming installations at any time of the day.

6.4. The consumer has the right to apply in writing to the heat supply organization with a statement about the groundlessness of introducing restriction schedules in terms of the magnitude and time of the restriction.

    Appendix. Schedule for limiting and emergency shutdown of consumers in case of a lack of thermal power or fuel in the heat supply system for the autumn-winter period

Operation of heat networks and consumers in case of an emergency schedule for the supply of thermal energy from CHPPs

IN. Potapkin, Deputy Technical Director,

V.S. Yakovlev, Technical Director, JSC Novosibirskgorteploenergo;

A.S. Osovsky, Deputy Head of Production and Technical Department,

OAO Novosibirskenergo, Novosibirsk

Reliability and safety of operation of heat networks (TS) is one of the most important indicators in terms of aggregate characterizing the state in terms of reliability and survivability under any circumstances (accident, lack of fuel at the CHPP, natural and man-made disasters, etc.).

It is no coincidence that in "SNiP 41-02-2003 Heating networks" separate paragraphs and sections are devoted to this, which offer the minimum acceptable indicators of the probability of failure-free operation:

For a heat source P u =0.97;

for heating networks Р ts = 0.9;

for the heat consumer P pt =0.99;

For MCT as a whole, P cst = = 0.86

and the minimum allowable indicator of the readiness of district heating systems (DH) to pass the maximum heat loads at the level of K g =0.97. In connection with accidents occurring in Russia at power equipment that provides, on a contractual basis, the needs and comfort of any consumer in terms of electrical and thermal loads, these requirements are becoming more stringent every year. For operation against the background of dilapidated deterioration of vehicles, which reach 50% or more, these figures are very high and difficult to achieve. Despite this, the heat transport company OAO Novosibirskgorteploenergo tries to fulfill the whole range of works in this part, regulated by the PTE.

OJSC Novosibirskgorteploenergo (OJSC NGTE) was formed from the merger of 2 organizations (energy supply and wholesale buyer-reseller) for the transportation of heat energy through the DH networks from the CHPP of AO-energo to consumers. JSC "NGTE" is in charge of: main and intra-quarter heating networks (MTS and VTS) with a total length of 880 km along the canal; hot and cold water supply networks (SHW and SHW) with a total length of 330 km; 8 large transfer pumping stations (PNS) with a capacity of 80,000 m 3 /h; central individual heating points (CTP and ITP) in the amount of 1120 objects. All this operating equipment was leased from OAO E&E Novosibirskenergo and MUP Energia. The age of OAO NGTE is 2 years.

One of the annual tasks of JSC "NGTE" in preparation for the next heating season and the passage of maximum heat loads is the preparation of all leased equipment in terms of reliability and safety. This is a whole range of activities that JSC "NGTE" begins to consider and plan long before the start of the next heating season. The preparatory complex includes:

Plans for the overhaul and reconstruction of MTS, VTS, SGV and SHV;

damage to the heating network requiring complete or partial shutdown of non-reserved main and distribution pipelines.

The size of the limited load of subscribers for the consumption of network water or steam is determined based on specific violations that occurred at the heat source or in the heating networks from which the subscribers are powered.

The size of the limited load of subscribers is established by the heat supply organization in agreement with the local government of the city, settlement.

For all subscribers to be included in the restriction schedules, the heat supply organization, together with the subscribers, draws up acts of emergency and technological heat supply armor.

Thermal loads of hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning are not included in technological armor if their shutdown does not affect the safety of people or the process and does not cause accidents.

45. Subscriber restriction schedules are developed, as a rule, for a year from the beginning of the heating period.

The list of subscribers who are not subject to inclusion in the schedules is compiled taking into account the acts of technological and emergency reservations in agreement with local governments.

The dimensions of the loads included in the schedule of restrictions are entered into the contract for heat supply. The subscriber outlines his own measures to ensure the specified restrictions, establishes the procedure for notifying personnel and persons responsible for the implementation of restrictions on consumption and shutdown of thermal energy.

10. Consumers are located in the schedules of restrictions and shutdowns in the order of their responsibility and economic importance, first the least responsible, then the most responsible.

11. When heat is supplied to consumers through common main lines, each of which supplies power to several consumers, the order of restriction or disconnection of consumers from pipelines is established based on the responsibility of consumers connected to them. For each power system, a list of consumers and heat-using installations of consumers is compiled, subject to and not subject to restriction and shutdown.

12. For all consumers to be included in the limitation and shutdown schedules, the energy retailer (heating network enterprise), together with enterprises or organizations, draws up a bilateral act of technological and emergency heat supply reservation. Emergency and technological reservation of heat supply is calculated separately.

The technological armor of heat supply is considered to be the load values ​​or the consumption of heat energy, which provide the enterprise with the completion of the technological process of production.

When determining the technological armor of heat supply, the time required for the enterprise to complete the technological process is determined, after which <. >.

Emergency armor is considered to be the least load or consumption of thermal energy (with a partial or complete shutdown of the enterprise's technological process), ensuring the safety of people's lives, the safety of equipment, technological raw materials, products and fire safety equipment.

Thermal loads of hot water supply, heating, ventilation, thermal curtains are not included in emergency and technological reservations if they do not affect the safety of people, the technological process and do not cause accidents. When a restriction is introduced, these loads during the heating period are reduced to the size of emergency armor (the room temperature should be at least +5 °С). In the non-heating period up to the sizes determined in each individual case, depending on the characteristics of the consumer.

The acts for emergency and technological reservation (main consumers and its sub-subscribers) indicate all heat-using installations for each shop, a list of disconnected heat pipelines, condensate pipelines, workshops and heat-using installations when technological and emergency armor is introduced, a list of non-switchable heat pipelines for the main consumer and each of its sub-subscribers .

The heat supply schemes of the main consumer and its sub-subscribers should be attached to the act, indicating on them the supply and return heat pipelines (condensate pipelines), connections between heat points and collectors connected to the supply heat pipelines, indicating their names or numbers, nominal section sizes and length.

The clarification of the values ​​​​of technological and emergency heat supply reservation determined by bilateral acts, caused by a change in the volume of production, technological process or heat supply scheme that occurred at the consumer after October 1, is carried out at the request of consumers directly by the energy system within one month from the date of receipt of the application.

During this month, with the introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers, heat supply is carried out in accordance with previously drawn up acts of technological and emergency armor.

13. All consumers included in the restriction and shutdown schedules are informed of the size of the restriction on the consumption of heat load and the shutdown procedure approved by the management of the power system.

14. Schedules for limiting and disconnecting consumers are sent to the dispatching service of the energy system, energy sales, heating networks, power plants (boilers).

IV. The procedure for introducing restrictions and disconnecting consumers

15. Limitation schedules are put into effect by the power system management through the power system dispatch service.

16. The introduction of schedules for limiting or disconnecting consumers of thermal energy is carried out by transferring by the personnel of the energy system (enterprises of thermal networks and power plants) to the duty personnel of the relevant consumers, and in his absence, to the name of the management of the enterprise, telephone messages indicating the magnitude of the decrease in heat supply (load), the exact start and the end of the restriction or shutdown.

17. Consumers are notified about restrictions on heat supply:

a) in the event of a shortage of thermal power and the absence of appropriate heat supply restriction schedule at power plants (boiler house) 10 hours before the start of the restriction;

b) in case of fuel shortage 24 hours before the start of restrictions.

Note: In special cases, the deadlines for notification of the introduction of restrictions are carried out on the basis of local instructions drawn up and approved by the energy system in accordance with the prevailing conditions for the supply of thermal energy. As a rule, the limitation of individual consumers in the schedules is preceded by a centralized limitation by lowering the temperature of direct heating water at the collector at power plants (boiler houses) to a value of at least 70 ° C with a constant amount of circulating water.

When consumers are powered from 2 or more sources, if an accident occurs on one of them, the load, if possible, is completely or partially transferred to another source.

18. In emergency cases at power plants, district boiler houses or heat networks, by order of the management of the energy supply organization, and in some cases the engineer on duty of the power plant (boiler house) or the heat network manager, consumers of thermal energy are turned off immediately, followed by notification of the consumer about the reasons for the shutdown.

In cases of failure for a long time (accident) of the main equipment of the power plant, district boiler house, sections of heating networks, schedules for limiting the supply of thermal energy are introduced at the discretion of the energy supply organization.

19. The order to limit or turn off heat consumption by the personnel of the enterprise must be carried out exactly on time and in the amounts indicated in the telephone message.

20. The reasons for the introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers, the amount of undersupply of thermal energy, consumer accidents, if any, occurred during the introduction of schedules, are reported to the management of the Main Energy Directorate and Gosenergonadzor for the next day until 12:00 Moscow time.

V. Rights and responsibilities of the power system

21. In accordance with this Instruction, in each power system, by order of the management, a list of subordinate organizations and the names of officials involved in the introduction of schedules for limiting and disconnecting consumers, indicating the duties and responsibilities performed in this case, must be determined.

The order is announced against receipt to all the persons indicated in it.

22. The heads of isolated energy sources, and in their absence the chief engineers, are responsible for the reasonableness of the size and timing of the implementation of schedules for limiting and disconnecting consumers.

23. The operational personnel of energy systems and departments of thermal networks, power plants (boiler houses) is personally responsible for the speed and accuracy of the implementation of orders to put into effect schedules for limiting and disconnecting consumers.

24. If the consumer fails to comply with the order of the energy supplying organization on the introduction of restrictions or shutdowns of heat-using equipment, the energy supplying organization is granted the right, after warning, and in emergency cases without warning the consumer, to partially or completely disconnect the consumer from heating networks . At the same time, a complete shutdown of consumers that do not tolerate interruptions in the supply of thermal energy (explosive, fire hazardous) is not allowed.

The power supply organization is not responsible for the decrease in parameters caused by the consumer's failure to fulfill the restriction task.

The responsibility for the consequences of such shutdowns rests with the consumer.

VI. Rights and responsibilities of consumers

25. Each enterprise included in the restriction and shutdown schedule must have a bilateral act for technological and emergency reservation, the procedure for introducing restrictions and shutting down workshops, heat-using installations, depending on the specified limit value.

26. The order of the director of the enterprise determines the list of officials involved in the introduction of schedules of restrictions and shutdowns, indicating the duties performed. The order is announced against receipt to all the persons indicated in it.

All orders for the enterprise on the introduction of restriction and shutdown schedules are given through the duty officer of the enterprise or through officials determined by order of the director.

27. Officials, determined by the order of the director of the enterprise, are obliged to unconditionally and immediately comply with all orders of the on-duty operational personnel of the energy system to reduce the load, limit heat consumption in the volumes and within the time limits established by the enterprise according to the schedules for restrictions and disconnections of consumers approved by the management of the energy supply organization.

28. The consumer is obliged:

To freely allow at any time of the day representatives of the energy supply organization (energy supervision bodies on their official certificates) to all heat points, heat-using installations (except for those operated according to special rules) to monitor the implementation of specified restrictions and shutdowns;

Submit, at the request of the power system or heating network, all the necessary diagrams, regime and technological maps, technical characteristics of the existing and newly connected technological equipment and other materials necessary for compiling and clarifying the technological and emergency armor of the heat supply of the enterprise.

29. The consumer has the right to present claims to the energy system for undersupply of thermal energy caused by restrictions and shutdowns, except for the cases set forth in § 41 of the Rules for the Use of Electric and Thermal Energy.

Consideration of the consumer's application for undersupply of thermal energy and payment of the fine is carried out by the energy system in accordance with the "Rules for the use of thermal energy" no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the application from the consumer.

The amount of undersupply of thermal energy to the consumer is determined in accordance with the "Rules for the use of thermal energy".

30. The reasons for the introduction of restrictions and shutdowns on the supply of thermal energy, the initial data for determining the amount of undersupply of thermal energy are determined according to the operational documentation of the energy supply organization.

Head of State Energy Supervision

Consumers and restrictions, interruption of the supply of thermal energy in the event of (threat of occurrence) emergencies in the system heat supply municipality village of Borovsky

For the purpose of timely and organized introduction of emergency limitation of consumer thermal energy consumption modes and limitation, termination of thermal energy supply in case of occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system of the municipality in the upcoming autumn-winter period of 2015-2016 in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law -FZ "On general principles local government organizations in the Russian Federation", Rules for assessing readiness for the heating period, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, guided by Article 6 of the Charter of the municipality of the village of Borovsky:

1. Approve the Regulations on the schedules for emergency limitation of consumer thermal energy consumption modes and restrictions, interruption of the supply of thermal energy in the event of (threat of occurrence) emergencies in the heat supply system of the municipal formation Borovsky settlement in accordance with Appendix 1 to this resolution.

3. Publish this decision in in mass media and post it on the official website of the municipality Borovsky village of the municipality in information and telecommunications network"Internet".

4. I reserve control over the execution of this resolution.

The head of administration


to the decision of the administration

municipal formation Borovsky settlement

dated __________ 2015 N_____


1. General Provisions

1.1. Schedules for emergency limitation of heat consumption modes for consumers and restrictions, interruptions in the supply of heat energy in the event (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system (hereinafter Charts) are drawn up for each heat source separately (Appendix to Regulation No. 1).

1.2. Schedules are drawn up annually and introduced in the event of a shortage of fuel, thermal energy and power in the energy system, in case of natural disasters (thunderstorm, storm, flood, fire, prolonged cold snap, etc.), in case of non-payment by the consumer payment document for thermal energy within the terms established by the contract, to prevent the occurrence and development of accidents, to eliminate them and to exclude unorganized disconnections of consumers.

1.3. Limitation of consumers on the supply of heat in the network water is carried out centrally at the boiler house by lowering the temperature of the direct network water or by limiting the circulation of network water.

1.4. The schedule for emergency limitation of heat consumption modes for consumers is used in the event of a clear threat of an accident or an accident that has occurred at boiler houses or heat networks, when there is not enough time to introduce a schedule for limiting heat consumers. The sequence of switching off consumers is determined based on the operating conditions of boiler houses and heating networks.

1.5. In accordance with this Regulation and the approved schedule of restrictions and emergency shutdowns, consumers draw up individual schedules for the restriction and emergency shutdown of the enterprise, taking into account sub-subscribers.

2. General requirements for scheduling

2.1. Schedules are developed annually by the heat supply company and are valid for the period from September 01 of the current year to September 01 of the next year.

The developed schedule is agreed with the administration of the municipality Borovsky village, approved by the head of the heat supply organization and sent to the consumer no later than 25-th of August.

2.2. When determining the magnitude and sequence of restriction and emergency shutdown of consumers of thermal energy and power, state, economic, social significance and technological features of the consumer's production should be taken into account so that the damage from the introduction of schedules is minimal.

The features of the heat supply scheme for consumers and the possibility of ensuring effective control over the implementation of restrictions and emergency shutdowns of consumers of thermal energy and power should also be taken into account.

2.3. The schedules for limiting and emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power consumers do not include:

Production, the shutdown of heat supply of which can lead to the release of explosive products and mixtures;

Preschool institutions (nurseries, kindergartens) and out-of-school institutions for children and adolescents, schools and boarding schools, orphanages.

2.4. Together with consumers included in the schedules for limiting and emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power, bilateral acts of emergency and technological armor of heat supply are drawn up. The load of emergency and technological armor is determined separately.

3. Emergency booking of heat supply

The minimum consumed heat power or heat energy consumption that ensures the life of people, the safety of equipment, technological raw materials, products and funds fire safety.

3.1. If the values ​​of the emergency heat supply reservation for consumers change, caused by a change in the volume of production, the technological process or the heat supply scheme, the revision of the acts is carried out at the request of the consumers within a month from the date of receipt of the application. During this month, with the introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers, heat supply is carried out in accordance with previously drawn up acts of technological and emergency armor, and the introduction of restrictions - according to previously developed schedules.

When changing the values ​​of emergency and technological armor, changes are made to the graphs.

3.2. If the consumer refuses in writing to draw up an act of emergency and technological reservation of heat supply, within a month, the consumer's thermal installations are included in the schedules for limiting and emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power in accordance with the current regulatory documents and this Regulation, with a written notification to the consumer within 10 days.

In this case, the consumer is responsible for the consequences of limiting consumption and turning off thermal energy and power.

3.3. A note to the schedules of restrictions and emergency shutdowns indicates a list of consumers that are not subject to restrictions and shutdowns.

4. The order of entering restriction schedules

consumers of thermal energy and power

4.1. Schedules for limiting thermal energy consumers, in agreement with the administration of the municipality of the village of Borovsky, are introduced through dispatch services (responsible persons). The chief engineer of the heat supply organization brings the task to the head of the boiler house, indicating the size, start and end times of the restrictions.

4.2. The chief engineer of the heat supply organization by telephone notifies the consumer (manager) of the introduction of schedules no later than 12 hours before the start of their implementation, indicating the magnitude, start and end times of the restrictions.

If you need urgent enactment restriction schedules, a notice of this is transmitted to the consumer through available communication channels.

5. The procedure for entering emergency schedules

shutdown of thermal power consumers

5.1. In the event of a sudden emergency at the boiler house or heating networks, consumers of thermal energy are switched off immediately, followed by notification of the consumer about the reasons for the shutdown within 2 hours.

5.2. In the event of failure for a long time (accident) of the main equipment of the boiler house, sections of heat networks, the schedule for disconnecting heat consumers is replaced by a schedule for limiting the same value.

5.3. The fact and reasons for the introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers, the amount of undersupply of thermal energy, consumer accidents, if any, occurred during the introduction of schedules, are reported to the Head of the municipality and the duty officer of the EDDS of the Tyumen municipal district.

6. Duties, rights and responsibilities

heat supply organizations

6.1. The heat supply organization is obliged to communicate to consumers the tasks for limiting heat energy and power and the duration of the restrictions. Control over the implementation of schedules by consumers is carried out by the heat supply organization.

6.2. The heat supply organization is obliged to report on the specified volumes in due time and ensure the implementation of orders for the introduction of schedules and is responsible, in accordance with applicable law, for the speed and accuracy of the implementation of orders for the introduction of schedules.

6.3. The head of the heat supply organization is responsible for the validity of the introduction of schedules, the amount and timing of the introduction of restrictions.

6.4. In case of unreasonable introduction of schedules, the heat supply organization is liable in the manner prescribed by law.

7. Duties, rights and responsibilities

thermal energy consumers

Consumers (heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions of all forms of ownership) are responsible for the unconditional fulfillment of schedules for emergency restrictions and shutdowns of thermal energy and power, as well as for the consequences associated with their failure to comply.

The consumer is obliged:

7.1. Ensure receipt of messages from heat supply organizations about the introduction of schedules for limiting or emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power, regardless of the time of day;

7.2. Ensure prompt compliance with legal requirements when introducing schedules for limiting or emergency shutdown of thermal energy and power;

7.3. To freely allow representatives of the heat supply organization at any time of the day to all heat-consuming installations to monitor the fulfillment of the specified values ​​for limiting and shutting down the consumption of heat energy and power;

7.4. Provide, in accordance with the bilateral act, a heat supply scheme with the allocation of loads of emergency and technological armor.

The consumer has the right to apply in writing to the heat supply organization with a statement about the groundlessness of introducing restriction schedules in terms of the magnitude and time of the restriction.

Annex to the Regulation

on schedules for emergency limitation of consumer thermal energy consumption modes and limitation, interruption of thermal energy supply in case of occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations in the heat supply system of the municipal formation Borovsky settlement.


restrictions and emergency shutdown of consumers in case of a lack of thermal power or fuel in the heat supply system for the autumn-winter period

Approval sheet
