Decoration of the hall for a trip in a hot air balloon. Graduation party “Balloon Journey”

It’s not for nothing that they say: “Marriages are made in heaven.” It’s just a dream to see the world from the heights of soaring clouds with your loved one! And what an amazing photo session you can organize! Of course, a wedding in a hot air balloon is unusual and delightful. Moreover, the balloon is considered one of the safest types of air transport. However, newlyweds should keep in mind that accidents do happen, and although deaths are very rare, injuries are possible. How to avoid potential troubles and turn your wedding into a truly magical holiday? First of all, you need to find out whether balloon flights are carried out in the city where the newlyweds live. If not, you shouldn’t agree to fly from another locality. You may not have time.

What you need to consider when planning a flight:
  • How to find a company.
  • On-site check-in during the flight.

A hot air balloon is an unusual place for a wedding that will surely appeal to many.

How to choose the right company? It’s easiest, according to reviews from those who have already flown. Young people should not be embarrassed to ask about all the details. Ultimately, it is they who fly the balloon. Then it’s worth meeting representatives of the company. The company must provide all the necessary documents and certificates permitting such activities, conduct detailed instructions on safety rules, provide insurance (usually included in the cost of the flight) and conclude an agreement. In addition, the newlyweds must clarify who exactly will fly with them. If the pilot has no experience in flying a hot air balloon or is very young, you should immediately refuse.

Flight prices are usually quite high. They depend on the number of passengers, flight duration and services provided. Companies often offer the services of their operator, photographer, food, and champagne for an additional fee. But the cost of these services is quite high, so it may be cheaper to organize all this yourself. In addition, companies usually provide small gifts: certificate boxes and small refreshments.

Reminders for newlyweds: flight time lasts from an hour to about six. You will have to spend the entire time in the balloon standing. So it may be better to choose fewer hours. When recruiting passengers, you will need to check with guests whether there is anyone with a fear of heights. Of course, you won’t be able to get out of the balloon before the end of the flight, so these points should be taken into account in advance. Children can only be taken into the basket if accompanied by their parents and from the age of 7 years.

A hot air balloon wedding is great, but safety must be maintained. If a company claims that the balloon will fly at any desired time and in any weather, the services of such a contractor should be immediately rejected. In case of bad weather, the flight is cancelled. The money is either returned or the flight is postponed to another day, as agreed. The ball takes off at a strictly defined time, so you can’t be late. You also cannot ask to change your flight location. For everything to go well, the pilot must be well prepared, not trust the control of the balloon to a student, check the weather forecast on the day of departure and before the flight, and not take extra passengers into the basket. Passengers, in turn, are obliged to: not be late, be sober, obey the instructor and pilot, and it is highly advisable to dress comfortably. This last point especially applies to brides. The fact is that you need to jump into the basket quickly enough, and then spend a lot of time standing. Therefore, if you really want beautiful photos, you will probably have to stock up on one more wedding outfit. Preferably without heels, fluffy long skirts and a long veil. A comfortable midi or mini, ballet flats or sneakers and a flower in your hair are ideal. Or you can simply take a flight not on the wedding day, but at another time. And take beautiful photos with a fluttering veil on the ground.

Original ideas for a wedding - organize an on-site registration or a walk with a photo shoot in a hot air balloon. It will be great and interesting, and guests will remember such a wedding for a long time. But there are a few things to consider here: even large hampers have a limited number of passengers, so this option is only suitable for a small wedding. A comfortable outfit for the bride, which we have already mentioned. The same applies to all women at the wedding. Nobody should be late. Of course, all guests must be sober and obey the instructor or pilot. If you follow all the necessary rules, your flight experience will remain the most wonderful, and your photos and videos will turn out great.

A certificate for a flight into the sky is an original wedding gift for newlyweds. True, when presenting it, relatives or friends should know for sure that none of the newlyweds are afraid of flying. It’s also worth warning in advance about comfortable clothing. Such a gift can be collective. Most likely, it will not even require special packaging - companies themselves, as a rule, give a beautiful box for the certificate.

And few people can boast that they gave the newlyweds the opportunity to touch their dreams. And the newlyweds themselves will be able to say that their marriage was truly made in heaven.

You will have about an hour of flight in a beautiful hot air balloon at an altitude of about 500 m. Flights take place as part of a group - from 6 to 20 people. Don't worry, the basket is spacious and comfortable, there is enough space for everyone and no one will be crowded! Flying in a hot air balloon is not scary at all and terribly interesting!
After landing, all participants will receive a pleasant bonus - initiation into ballooning and a glass of champagne.
When choosing the "Extreme" flight, the owner of the gift certificate will not only admire the beauty of nature, but also a share of adrenaline thanks to the transparent bottom of the basket. There is no need to worry about safety: the bottom is made of durable material from an English company.

Flights take place on balloons from leading manufacturers. Pilots are experienced professionals who have completed many flights and have all the necessary approvals. Each balloon is checked before takeoff and undergoes regular technical inspection. Flights take place early in the morning and a couple of hours before sunset. The entire program takes about 4-6 hours.

What is needed for this?

First, buy a certificate for a hot air balloon flight. Secondly, just show up at the departure point on time - before the balloon takes off! Take with you a good mood and company - a friend, loved one or loved one. Well, get ready to become an aeronaut. Don't forget a camera or video camera - such materials will decorate your collection! Throughout the flight, the balloon is followed by a car, which, after landing, will take the certificate holders back to the collection point.

Who can fly?

Everyone can and should fly! It’s absolutely not scary, and immediately after landing you want to climb into the clouds again! There is no person who would not like a hot air balloon flight as a gift; Moscow from a bird's eye view looks simply incredible.

Not allowed Pregnant women and persons under the influence of alcohol are prohibited from flying. Age restrictions: from 7 years (group flight) and from 5 years, not lower than 120 cm (individual flight). A child from 7 to 10 years old can fly with a child ticket. Anyone older must purchase an adult certificate. Children under 18 years of age can only fly if accompanied by an adult.

Do you want to organize an original wedding, but are you afraid of becoming the pioneer of one or another crazy idea at first glance? Then you will have to be content with scripts that have already been tested by someone. But don’t be upset, there are some very unusual ones among them, especially for those who have never encountered anything like this before. For example, one of these options would be a wedding in a hot air balloon! No, it is not at all necessary to drag a resisting registry office employee into a basket - it is enough to just use a balloon to deliver the newlyweds to the doors of the official organization, and then to a place for a walk and rest. Of course, you need to discuss all the possibilities and impossibilities in advance with an instructor from the selected aeronaut club. Interestingly, it is possible to fly in a hot air balloon both on the territory of our vast homeland and beyond its borders if you decide to get married abroad.

What should you pay attention to when organizing a wedding hot air balloon flight?

1. Contact only a trusted company - on the recommendation of friends, acquaintances, personal successful experience, etc.
2. Basket size. Small baskets are considered the best and safest, in which you can fly together, accompanied by an instructor pilot and, if desired, witnesses. But there are also more extensive options in which you can seat a couple of dozen (and, oh horror!, even more) guests. Take your pick, but we think huge bins are simply less safe.

3. Clothes and shoes. Choose a comfortable wedding outfit, especially for the bride, in which you can easily climb into and out of the balloon basket. If you wish, you can put together two sets of vestments: for the balloon flight and for the earthly ceremony. It is likely that you will have to get into the basket quickly - the balloon filled with hot air will not wait - take this into account when preparing for your wedding flight.

4. Be sure to decide in advance on the duration of the flight - firstly, payment for such an unusual service depends on this, and secondly, be guided by your state of health and the need for photography. If it is important for you to take as many pictures as possible from above, and at the same time create a couple of videos, then, naturally, you will have to book a longer flight. But if at the same time you are not sure that you can endure a long soar in the air, then limit yourself to the shortest flight.
5. Having chosen the option of a wedding with a hot air balloon flight, remember that it is very important to listen to the pilot instructor! It is likely that all participants in the flight will be assigned specific places, it is possible that the wind will disrupt your plans, and the landing will not be the softest - in any case, if you are afraid, do not sit in the basket; if you are ready to fly, do not be afraid and listen to the specialist!

How to complement a hot air balloon flight on your wedding day

A hot air balloon flight in itself is a unique and extremely interesting pastime, especially on a wedding day, but you can not limit yourself to it, but complement it with appropriate decoration on the ground:
- competitions with celestial themes;
- unusual design of invitations and menus in a restaurant (in the form of balloons, clouds, birds, angels, etc.);
- lots of balloons;
- releasing butterflies or doves, etc.

In general, everything that seems to you in one way or another connected with flying and happiness has its place. And in the evening you can launch Chinese lanterns into the sky (!for a mass launch you need permission from the relevant authorities!).
The expression “Flying with happiness” is probably familiar to everyone, so why not hold a wedding in a hot air balloon as an option for its material embodiment? In any case, have a happy flight, dear newlyweds!

    All flights are conducted under the guidance of experienced balloonists. Our pilots are friendly and cheerful, they know their job well. These are masters of sports, Russian record holders, competition winners who take to the skies almost every day. Find out who you'll be flying with below.

    The certificate can be used at any time within 6 months. Choose a suitable day and time and arrange your flight in advance.

    Our pilots have completed thousands of flights and flown more than a million kilometers. They have been practicing since 1989, which is quite a long time. The landing will be soft!

    Our balloons can rise to any distance – from 200 to 1500 meters. Each altitude level has its own sensations.
    You don't have to travel far to travel in a hot air balloon. We take flights from major Russian cities - Moscow, Dmitrov, Istra, Tula, Ryazan... Choose the flight center closest to you and book an air trip!

    All our guests enjoyed the flight incredibly – and did not forget to share their impressions in their reviews. Read our customer reviews below.

    We not only send you on a hot air balloon flight, but also teach professional balloonists. Want to become a pro? Participate in master classes or order full training!

    Let's choose the most interesting and beautiful ball that will fit all your friends.

The Internet connects us with people whom we would never be able to know without a computer. Overcoming many thousands of kilometers, your message to the person you like reaches him and ignites passion in him. After this, two hearts overcome the distance, meet and decide to unite their destinies. What could describe their love better than a travel-themed wedding?

Travel themed wedding invitations

Preparations for the celebration begin long before the event. Guests must immediately be made clear what kind of holiday they will be attending. They will have to sew suits and dresses, because ordinary evening dresses will not harmonize effectively with the style of the wedding.

You can issue invitations in the form of transport tickets, and attach a large postage stamp to the top. If you are more attracted to the idea of ​​an envelope, then put a photo of yourself inside, where on a large piece of paper you keep an explanation of where the guests should come.

Wedding decoration in travel style

If just having a travel-themed wedding isn't enough for you, you can have a marriage proposal, wedding, or wedding abroad. We recommend entrusting the organization of the celebration exclusively to professionals, such as If you intend to do the wedding decoration on your own, then the basis of the wedding style will depend on your imagination and imagination. It can be arranged both expensively and relatively cheaply. The event should show guests your passion, convey the spirit of adventure, exciting moments that you had to experience.

Such an atmosphere can only be conveyed by decorating the party with means of transportation, of course fake ones. These are cars, boats, trains, bicycles, planes and don’t forget a romantic trip in a hot air balloon. All this can also be painted on the walls or in the form of edible items on tables. Compasses, maps, suitcases, globes (or one large one), binoculars and other paraphernalia used during travel can be used.

Props are also used during table decoration, dishes, wedding cake, room decoration, floristry, and festive competitions.

Suitcases are a universal prop for such a wedding. They can be placed closed or open, one on top of the other, from largest to smallest. Open ones are decorated with flowers or cut fruits are placed. One small open suitcase can be placed in the corner near the entrance. Guests will have to write their wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds. You can re-read them later at any time.

It is best to make personalized cards in the form of airplanes or trains; transport tickets or letters with postage stamps from different countries can be an excellent option. Then the guests will have no doubt what kind of wedding they are at.

A plan of where guests should sit can be placed at the entrance in the form of a geographical map, and the country can be written on the tables.

If your spirit of travel is too strong, you can decorate the restaurant like a train carriage or an airplane cabin; young flight attendants and waitresses will serve festive dishes. Each table is a separate country, with its own flag and coat of arms; if you can get tablecloths in the form of symbols of the flags of various countries that you have already visited, it will be great.

The wedding itself should have colors associated with travel, roads, and transport. One color is used as a basis.

Travel themed wedding ideas

The scenario for such a wedding can be different:

  1. The groom comes for the bride and ransoms her, solving geographical riddles with his friends. Hold competitions between the groomsmen and bridesmaids. After visiting the registry office, everyone goes to the designated room for the evening.
  2. If funds allow, you can hire a small ship and celebrate your wedding there. Then keep an eye on the clothes of the guests, you can warn that all men are dressed in dark blue shirts and white trousers, a white tie or bow tie will complement the look.
  3. It is a good idea to register on-site if weather conditions permit.
  4. During the wedding, arrange a trip for your guests, for example, look for treasures, or designate a destination point in certain countries and see who can tell you how to get there (via which cities) the fastest.
  5. Use a map or globe to indicate guests' wishes.

Travel themed wedding cake

A multi-tiered cake decorated in the shape of suitcases, with elements of maps, famous landmarks, and airplanes, is suitable as a themed wedding dessert. A wedding cake in the shape of a planet will look unusual.

Images of newlyweds

The bride's dress must be carefully selected. A fluffy or long princess-style dress will not be suitable for such a wedding. The bride should wear a short dress fitted at the top or choose a loose fit. A little jewelry, a hat, a boa, a shawl (if it’s cool), a handbag and shoes with low comfortable heels will help emphasize the charm of the image.

The hairstyle should not be complicated, but it must be beautiful and suitable for the entire look. The hairstyle itself is decorated with hairpins. Makeup should preferably be done in natural colors.

The bouquet dress and accessories should highlight the girl’s character. Create an impression of her as a modern and active person, ready to constantly move from one country to another.

The groom selects for himself a classic-cut suit, a shirt, a not too bright bow tie and such attributes as a flask, compass, pith helmet, suspenders, and holster.

The holiday ends with fireworks, and the newlyweds go on a real honeymoon. The end of the wedding evening will be epic with a hot air balloon flight.

Travel style wedding photo:
