Original congratulations to the director. Best birthday greetings to your boss

In principle, you can congratulate a colleague on any birthday, but if it’s an anniversary, you have to try.

At all my previous jobs, everything happened like this:

Almost at the last moment, the courier or secretary was sent for “some bouquet” and “some beautiful bottle.” Then we called each other to orderly burst into the office of the hero of the day, where the powerful smell of smoked sausage had already settled.

One more little hitch to choose the one most worthy of reading aloud wishes on a large postcard. There was a primitive rhyme, applause, your colleague with a bouquet, a bottle and an envelope was handing out plastic cups of champagne. All!

Naturally, the slightest deviation from this scenario will be remembered for the rest of my life! One time, colleagues used an old trick with a large number of boxes, gradually opening which the hero of the day found a small box with a gift. And another case involved a musical greeting over the speakerphone. Kirkorov sang: “I love you, Marina, more and more every day.”

I'll try to recommend something more effective...

How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way

Order a personalized gift (engraving, embossing, printing)

Any person will appreciate the attention of the team if you “breathe” a little warmth and personality into an ordinary thing.

The person’s name, his initials, a photograph or very personal text on a purse, diary, glass, flash drive, sweet gift, etc. makes the gift priceless. I assure you that this is not re-gifted or thrown onto the mezzanine.

Here are a few examples (there are more than 200 of them):

Arrange a professional photo shoot for the hero of the day

Women of any age love to be photographed, so this is an ideal option for the fair half of office celebrants. Since she came to work in the best outfit, received many compliments, flowers and gifts, glowing from the inside with happiness, don’t miss the moment!

We have a photographer who knows how to select an interesting image for portrait photography for any person. Then you can take pictures with colleagues and artists, the birthday girl will have something to show on social networks!

The pictures are slightly adjusted in Photoshop, it will be quite glamorous! 🙂 And here it is. Call!

Give a holiday program

Yes, that happens too. The whole team has fun and celebrates the birthday boy, combining congratulatory toasts with some memorable entertainment.

Unusual to give a gift

It will be very unexpected if a huge life-size doll suddenly comes into the office, rushes to hug the hero of the day, and gives him a gift. It could be a huge hare or a bear, a cartoon character or an alien monster. Go to a website where you can rent such a doll, dress up a volunteer, it will be great.

You can rent regular carnival costumes and dress up a couple. Hussar and young lady, Father Frost and Snow Maiden (even funnier in summer), Superman and Batman, Pirate and Pirate Woman, etc. Instruct them to congratulate their colleague “in character.” Don't forget to take pictures of all this as a keepsake.

Fountain in honor of the birthday boy! Chocolate…

Well, what can I say... It's very beautiful and festive. Call a pastry chef who will launch (or better yet, three small fountains with white, milk and dark chocolate), cut beautiful pieces of biscuit, marshmallows and fruit so that you and the hero of the day can celebrate the beginning of the “sweet life”.

Decorate the office

Oh, this is incredibly nice... Your colleague, who has matured by a year, trudges to his workplace, opens his office, and there...

Balloons under the ceiling or tied to chairs... Or bright paper pompoms (delivered folded, easy to fluff). Large inflatable toys and “Happy Birthday” garlands, balloon fountains (bundles of 10-15 pieces with weights on the floor), and an inflatable bouquet of thin “sausages” look great. If you are in Moscow, call “Ona Prazdnik” :-).

By the way, if we are talking about a man’s anniversary, you can do giant numbers. Of what? .

Make a presentation with congratulations from the team

If you have a meeting room with a projector, take the time to make a fun presentation for your favorite birthday party.

These could be collective video wishes from different departments, management, or office neighbors. Or make a slide show of pictures of your colleagues who, in different but very original ways, wrote the word “Congratulations” on the hood of a snow-covered car, with coins on the table, with pebbles on the sand, with leaves on the asphalt, simply printed on a printer and held in their hands.

This task can be given to employees in advance, then simply collect all the photographs into one presentation or wall newspaper. Easy and very pleasant...

Show sand show

You've probably seen how an artist paints a beautiful story on a light table. Sand pictures replace each other, and on the big screen you see an animated film. Congratulations last 15-20 minutes. By the way, the main role may be the birthday boy himself! A sand story FOR him and ABOUT him. Tell the artist in advance about the major milestones in their life or career.

The reviews are always excellent, call me and I will recommend the artist :-). All you need is an office with the ability to temporarily darken it. .

Invite artists

♦ You invite a colleague to a small hall for congratulations, suddenly gypsies burst in! Cheerfully, dancing to the guitar: “Maxim Serge-e-eich dAAAA-raaaaa-gooooy came to us, came to us... Ay ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne...” Well, and further in the text.

♦ I can also send you girls in feathers from the Brazilian carnival, a classical couple with ballroom dancing, tap dancers, whoever you want.

♦ It happens that there is absolutely no room for such fun in the office. In these cases I recommend magician with micromagic session. The illusionist will show your colleague whom you are wishing a happy birthday a trick with cards and coins right on your desktop.

Contact the secret gift service

I really regret that the UKHTYBOX service did not exist during the years of my work in the holding. Then my duties included almost weekly selection of gifts for colleagues, and it was difficult and painful. The service offers you to name a convenient order amount, and you don’t need to deal with choosing gifts, packaging and delivery.

The trick is that the contents of the box will be a surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for the gift givers. No one knows in advance what will be in the secret box... All we know is that it will be beautiful and stylish.


Even if you went the traditional route (went into the office with a postcard), no one bothers you to get three or four firecrackers for the premises and set up a fireworks display. Now there is firecrackers from which money flies out(you can choose rubles, dollars or euros), rose petals or regular serpentine.

Let someone command: “Fire” so that it happens at the same time. It is better to warn the guards so that they do not press the panic button out of fear. The hero of the day will be showered with money from head to toe with best wishes.

Still look great "cold fountains". These are completely safe table or floor structures that will delight the birthday boy with bright silver splashes for a few minutes. .

The most killer option is a huge transparent ball that holds from 50 to 100 small balls and confetti. Needs to be hung from the ceiling. Now we need a daredevil with a pushpin. Ba-a-abah!!! And the whole office becomes colorful. I know a specialist in making such a “killer” surprise balloon, I'll help.

Take a photo with the hero of the day using photo props

Why not use funny antennae and stick lips to create a fun photo series. By the way, even the most modest employees can pose with such accessories, and the hero of the day will have memories of a fun photo shoot. Give out funny props and you won't hear, "I'm bad at this." All handsome!

All this is sold in holiday-themed stores.

Paint the big picture

I'll tell you how it happens. A huge painting (100x150 cm or any other size) is brought to your office, on which a professional artist, at your request, sketches a plot that your colleague will definitely like. In principle, it could be him himself, surrounded by palm trees, expensive cars and beauties. And then... Everyone must paint any object or part of the picture picturesquely. Of course, it won’t be a masterpiece in the generally accepted sense, but it’s soooo nice... If there are craftsmen in the team, you can just buy a canvas and a frame and make a sketch.

Order a cake with a theme

Modern confectioners work wonders, so they will create a cake to your order that will make the hero of the occasion feel that it is HIS day, HIS cake. You can “create” hobbies, habits, favorite films, even the hero of the day. This art has no boundaries except the budget allocated for congratulations.

I will update the page as ideas come in from your comments.
If you are in Moscow, call. I will help you select performers for almost all of the listed ideas.

Congratulating your boss on his birthday or some national holiday is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance.

We must make sure that the boss is satisfied not only with the gift, but also with the congratulations, and does not see any ambiguity in it.

1. Congratulation style.

Much depends on the leadership style of your boss. If the boss is a dry and authoritarian person (perhaps this is just a work mask, and at home he is a completely different person, but, nevertheless), then the style of congratulations should be chosen more restrained and official, but, of course, not devoid of warm, sincere notes (it is better to avoid a humorous tone in this case).

If the manager prefers a democratic style of communication with subordinates and does not insist too much on distance, then you can congratulate the boss in a more sincere form. So, if in the first case the congratulatory speech begins with the words: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, then in the second you can say “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!” and so on.

2. Collective creativity.

As a rule, congratulations and the presentation of a gift rest on the shoulders of one of the employees of the company or institution, but you can prepare a small scene in which each employee will receive a line of poetic congratulations. Thus, the whole team will actually congratulate the boss.

3. Solemn moment.

To congratulate the boss on behalf of the entire team (or an individual employee), you need to choose a suitable time and place. Of course, if the boss is not in a good mood, or is in a hurry on business, then the solemn moment must be postponed until next time.

It makes sense to congratulate the boss on his birthday or anniversary before or immediately after any production meeting, so that all employees of the company are present. It would also be appropriate to congratulate the boss before the start of the corporate banquet.

4. Positive mood.

It is advisable that the boss is congratulated by a person who is in good standing with him, so that the boss does not experience internal irritation from the fact that he has to smile in response to congratulations to his not-so-favorite employee.

5. Duration of speech.

The congratulatory speech should not be too long, two to five minutes is enough, especially if your boss likes to talk himself rather than listen to others. By the way, the festive speech should not only be expressive, but also unhurried, so that the boss, if desired, can insert his weighty word into it.

6. Poems.

If in your team there is a person who writes poetry, then it will be good if he can come up with a non-trivial rhymed congratulation to his superiors. As a last resort, you can find a suitable poem on the Internet, or read what is written on a greeting card, although this will turn out to be quite banal and even formal.

7. Wishes.

What else can you wish for your boss, besides the duty “happiness, health and all the best”? Here is a small list of wishes for the boss - prosperity, inspiration, inexhaustible energy, new achievements, inspiration, good changes and so on. The main thing is that these wishes come from the bottom of your heart.

Another wording of congratulations could be a wish to remain the same... wise, patient, energetic, decisive, attentive to your subordinates, and the like. Please make sure that the epithets you choose actually relate to your boss!

8. If the boss is a woman.

Under no circumstances should you include hints about her age in your words of congratulations. The author of the article was present at the anniversary of the school head teacher, whom the director (!) began to congratulate with the following words: “So, you are 50 years old!” Why not say, for example: “So, today is your anniversary!”? Such an overall good congratulation was overshadowed by such an unethical, rude beginning.

9. Flowers.

On a holiday, it is mandatory for a manager, especially a woman, to put a greeting card in a beautiful, thick envelope and not seal it. It is advisable that each employee of the company sign on such a postcard, attached to it, if it is on behalf of the entire team.

10. Gift.

– the topic of a separate article. Here we will only advise you to pay attention to the hobbies of your leader when choosing a gift. In this way, you will show attention to him not only as a boss, but also as a person, and you will also be able to give him an original and useful gift.

And one more piece of advice - no matter what gift you choose, you need to pay attention to every little detail so that the gift looks solid and thoughtful, and is beautifully packaged.

We hope that our recommendations will help you in drawing up your own script “how to congratulate your boss on his anniversary or birthday” so that he will be truly pleased to hear it. When congratulating your boss, you should not count on any privileges from him in the future, because an insincere tone cannot be hidden even behind the most unctuous praises - it would be better if you were guided by the desire to lift your boss’s spirits, to make the holiday more soulful.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman, a wonderful boss. I wish you good luck on the path to success, constant self-confidence, brilliant prospects in your work, undoubted respect of subordinates, understanding of colleagues, optimism and the mood for fruitful work, wonderful mood and the brightest emotions that leave only joy and a feeling of happiness in your heart.

I would like to congratulate a wonderful boss, a wonderful organizer and simply a charming woman on her birthday! Under your strict control, work always takes place at the highest level, without any problems, and one can only dream of such a manager! I wish you personal happiness, achievement of all your goals, cloudless work days and home comfort!

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman, a wonderful boss and just a wonderful person. I wish you a sparkle of happiness in your eyes, great luck and prospects in your hands, love and understanding in your home, beauty and kindness in your life.

Our dear boss, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to wish you female happiness, love and support from loved ones. Remain the same persistent lady for whom any adversity is not a hindrance. Continue to achieve your goals and desires, and may good luck accompany you in this.

Allow me, on this bright day, to congratulate you on your birthday. Let the bright light of prosperity always shine in your windows. Remain as beautiful, successful and lucky. I wish you high victories and peace of mind.

Dear boss, we as a team are happy to congratulate you on your birthday! Not only are you a wonderful boss, but you are also a wonderful woman who deserves eternal happiness and abundance. We sincerely wish you to conquer many more peaks, success in your career and personal bliss surrounded by loving people. Health, prosperous days and unpredictable evenings, female beauty and stateliness, great wisdom and amazing plans for the next century.

Happy birthday! We congratulate you and want to wish you health, strength and patience. Happiness in your home, prosperity and material security. You are a very kind, thoughtful and sympathetic boss. Thank you for this.

Happy birthday to our dear boss and amazing woman! We wish you many bright events and pleasant moments, wonderful meetings and cheerful friendly companies. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and charming. Let your career take off and give you all the desired opportunities. I wish you happiness, prosperity and a lot of free time!

Dear, irreplaceable _________! The whole team congratulates you on your birthday! May good luck always accompany you, may your house be full, may you be happy with prosperity, and may your work bring only pleasure! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to a charming woman and a wonderful boss. I wish you to have everything in life that is necessary and important, I wish you to feel incredible strength every day, I wish you to achieve success in all your endeavors, I wish you to always remain a happy person and a dreamy woman in life.

As women, we welcome you
Happy birthday.
Our director is super, great,
An object to worship!
Always smart, dressed up,
With a charming smile,
Accept a compliment from the ladies:
You are the most respectable.
Let your great potential,
Talent and entrepreneurship
Will help all your dreams come true,
Moreover, strictly.
We have many reasons
For female recognition:
You are a model for all men,
An example to follow!

We are all a friendly team,
With smiles and positivity,
We hasten to tell the boss,
Now, we will congratulate you.
Our boss, our chief, our guide,
In the world of business and money,
When you and I are not in danger,
We neither default nor get fired.
Under your strict guidance,
Our work is easy and simple,
We work without stress,
In an atmosphere of respect.
So let the company prosper,
Receives orders quickly,
Income is growing by leaps and bounds,
Lucky in transactions and affairs.
Let it reign in your personal life,
Only love flavor
So that to your wife it’s like heaven on earth,
We were driving home from work.
May your health remain
Muscle strength increases
Let your nerves be of steel,
And the ideas are golden.

What do you look at the time?
Let the clock go back!
Admit it to everyone:
You are not sixty at all -
Age is not a hindrance

If you are young at heart!
Congratulations on your new milestone -
Happy anniversary to you! Good luck!
Happiness! Great joy!

Dear you are our boss,
Fair and straight
We congratulate you on the holiday,
And we stand behind you as a wall!

Our dear leader,
We want to congratulate you.
You are both our friend and our teacher.
We thank you for that.

Although sometimes you are strict,
We don't hold any grudge against you.
You and I are not enemies,
We do not wash the bones.

Let your business prosper,
Its fruits make me happy,
The team loves you
His captain.

may your dreams come true,
Beginnings boldly continue,
New ideas find their way to you,
And let it take a moment to relax!

Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let every new day become a real miracle,
We wish you many more warm words,
Because we love, appreciate, respect you!

Congratulations to the beloved director,
The most unique
Bright and gallant,
One with talents!
We wish you happiness more often,
And at lunchtime the lunches are sweeter,
Let the mood be fighting,
Well, we will follow you!

And today is your birthday.
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that worries, sorrows, worries
They never stopped you from living.
So that luck smiles on you,
And great happiness to your home
Came more often, otherwise
We will bring him to you by force!
So that dreams and desires come true,
The rest is no longer a question.
And of course, for you to be with us,
Our comrade, colleague and boss.

Let it happen again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.

Let's have a drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing is that we always know now:
We have you.

You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
A loving husband and an exemplary father.
We wish you rainbow days, and continue to do so
Rainbow years.

Let him visit you once every half hour
Happiness, love and warmth are miracles,
Let fortune roll
Let's streak!

You are the boss of all places!
Simply - top class!
Even though you are strict sometimes,
We all love you!

Our entire friendly team
Happy Birthday!
Let enthusiasm and positivity
They won't leave you. Inspiration!

Success, peace and goodness!
Good luck, good health!
So that trouble does not know you!
And so that the will is strong!

We all want to congratulate you on this day,
Raising a glass to you,
We would like to wish that not a single shadow
It didn't fall on your way.

Let there be one positive in your life
Greets you with every dawn.
You are the best boss, we are your team,
And we are grateful for that.

There is no one more important to us than you,
Our boss is fair!
Proud in profile and full face,
Wise, strong, not arrogant.
Multiply everything a hundred times
What we have already achieved with difficulty.
Let your eyes burn with joy,
Be close and loved!

Be in charge, lead by example
You can do it very well, boss.
But on your birthday there are no measures
We wish you priceless joys:
Beloved family and friends,
Good health and happiness.
So that every day you can easily give
Lots of real success!

As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul,
As before, give generously to everyone.
Fire of spiritual warmth.

Health, happiness and goodness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have it!

Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness and trouble will recede.
Success, luck and luck
May they always accompany you!

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And we hug in the same way,
After all, today we are celebrating a holiday -

Wonderful, bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
The problems of the past are still there,
We give joy to the director,

To see the sparkles in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send you health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

The best birthday greetings to the boss

Chief, happy birthday
Today the team wishes you.
You were able to do a lot for us,
We made a breakthrough for our company.

You were able to achieve many successes
Believe me, this is not the limit.
We sincerely wish that our company
The whole world watched with great pride!

Happy Birthday to the boss

You steer our ship
So confidently forward!
You know all the currents,
The reefs are all over the place.
Happy Birthday!
We wish you many years to come!
Inspiration to the captain
And live your whole life without troubles!

New Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Let your dreams come true,
Beginnings boldly continue,
New ideas find their way to you,
And let it take a moment to relax!
Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let every new day become a real miracle,
We wish you many more warm words,
Because we love, appreciate, respect you!

SMS Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

My colleagues and I are holding
Half my life.
We meet every day
We know everything about everyone.

I want to congratulate you
Wish you good health.
May you always be in everything
Success follows!

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Among the words, both proud and weighty
There is one word, simply - “chef”,
Any people you are looking for at the bottom of the seas
Well, there’s nothing cooler, like in fauna – “lion”.
Who is concerned with the lion's share,
Perhaps he won’t understand right away,
That the boss is bloody to the blisters -
He lives for his employees.
Their aspirations and souls know them,
And he'll have a heart-to-heart talk,
Without disturbing the spiritual infusion,
And he will soar above the conflict.
There is no better arbitrator
But, by the way, the boss is like a father to us,
Just like children, he attracts the worst ones,
And the best is an experienced sage.
Chief, chief, creation of fate,
Please accept our deepest bow,
After all, with a feeling of satisfaction
It was, as always, fulfilled.

Short birthday greetings to the boss

Chief, congratulations on your anniversary,
You are our dear mentor,
Even though sometimes we make you sad,
But we love with heart and soul!

Happy Birthday greetings to the boss in verse

What can the boss wish for?
Avralov will never know
Keep up with everything at work,
Never know despondency

So that the office attracts you,
And never let you down
Your strong creative drive.
To greet the world with a smile!

Touching birthday greetings to the boss

Work is in full swing every day,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes,
A wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!
We wish you to bloom, grow,
Save money, improve your health,
It's for a long journey
The most important condition.
Let every day and every hour
He'll get you something new.
May your mind be kind,
And the heart will be smart.
There are no golden rivers in life.
Can't hide from all the bad weather,
Let on your life's path
Just happiness will be your companion!

A short birthday greeting to the boss

Congratulations, boss,
And I wish you success,
So that the budget is without holes,
Nuts helped the brain

So that you can live only to your fullest,
So that the trump suit is
To have sex without interruption,
And love-fate is playful!

Happy Birthday greetings to your beloved boss

Let it happen again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.
Let's have a drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing is that we always know now:
We have you.
You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
A loving husband and an exemplary father.
We wish you rainbow days, and continue to do so
Rainbow years.
Let him visit you once every half hour
Happiness, love and warmth are miracles,
Let fortune roll
Let's streak!

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

Comic Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Today we are waiting for a short day,
And cake for lunch
The boss's birthday
He is an authority for us!
We congratulate you together,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Let competitors not be sarcastic,
Let them suffer from heartburn!
So that health is over the edge,
Let's drink to that, pour it in!

Funny birthday greetings to the boss

Although we neither sow nor plow,
We have a different scope of work,
Under your wise guidance
We are moving forward faithfully.
We walk the free road,
Which in general is no wonder:
With such a guiding star,
Like you, not moving is a sin.
With spiritual zeal and passion
We literally pray for you,
And that’s why it’s your birthday,
Your holiday is the best day for us.
So appreciate this zeal,
Excitement and creativity:
Please accept our congratulations -
Happy Birthday to you!
