We answer: facial cleansing by a cosmetologist, what is it, is it useful, how much does it cost and how does it happen. Sand the skin

I haven’t gone to a cosmetologist for a long time, and I do all my facial treatments at home. I found some good masks at http://www.baby.ru/community/view/126291/forum/post/110196261/#last_page=true and how to properly cleanse your face with problem skin. It really helps me and I have fewer pimples.

Wash your face with black laundry soap, lubricate it with baby cream, make masks once a week and your face will be forever young. Lubricate the eyebrows and around the eyes with castor oil, the eyebrows will become thicker, and the wrinkles around the eyes will disappear, you can lubricate the wrinkled forehead. Stains can be removed with lemon juice + castor oil (1*1), both on the face and hands. Chemistry and executions You don’t need lovely ladies.

I would say that proper nutrition is, in principle, the key to health, and skin too. hormonal levels - definitely, I tracked this moment myself.

and I regard mechanical cleaning as a mandatory procedure. I do them regularly as my pores become clogged. it happens every month.

I completely disagree about the idea that peelings and cleansing are only for good skin. For my skin, which gets clogged very quickly, cleansing is the only way to look decent. I repeat, I do it quite often. otherwise it's just darkness. and here's the peeling. I've had several cosmetologists and they all said the same thing about them. Firstly, there is a special season for peelings. secondly, they should be done no more than 2 times a year. thirdly, yes, there is an effect, the pores noticeably narrow after the peeling ends, the excessive production of sebum decreases, but this is very short-lived. because there is such a thing as skin memory (genetic, it seems). this means that very soon the pores will expand again, so it makes sense to do peeling simply as a health procedure, without expecting drastic changes. besides, people really are moving away from peeling, if only simply because it is irrelevant. A modern woman is not ready to walk around with a red, flaky face for a week, but she’s also not ready to sit at home for a week. in general, to summarize, peeling is not a necessity at all, just a temporary measure.

Well, it is important that the effect of the procedures performed lasts as long as possible, use the right cosmetics that suit your skin type. I found one and am very pleased.

so I’m definitely in favor of cleaning. I don’t see any need for peelings - it’s an inconvenient option for me. and for proper nutrition, normal hormonal levels, as well as fresh air, clean water, healthy sleep, regular sex and good mood

Source http://www.babyblog.ru/community/post/krasota/966313

Everyone understands perfectly well that for the health and beauty of the skin, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the face so that the skin on the face is clean and healthy. However, it is worth noting that everything is not always easy and simple.

Positive aspects: yes, the skin is cleansed of the upper stratum corneum, breathes easier, is renewed, and takes on a healthy appearance.

But, if we look at the other side of cleaning, we understand that nature has taken care of absolutely everything and provided for everything without exception, for this reason constant cleaning procedures can destroy the layer of skin that should have a protective function. The skin will become more sensitive and irritated.

What types of cleaning are there?

At home, every girl is able to do the cleaning herself. This is mechanical cleaning or cleaning using scrubs and peelings.

You can use the services of a cosmetology office, which has considerable knowledge and capabilities of modern technologies. In modern salons there is a huge variety of different procedures and technologies, including: laser cleaning, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasound, masks with natural ingredients. Any girl independently selects for herself a more optimal method or special method. a complex of various procedures.

It is absolutely reasonable that thorough cleanings, especially mechanical ones, should not be performed repeatedly, as this can cause inflammation and irritation. Lighter procedures can be used no more than once a week.

However, before starting the procedure, you need to know many factors that have a great influence not only on the effectiveness of the procedure, but also on the acceptable damage that it can cause.

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Cleaning should be done as needed and not as a preventative measure.

The procedure for cleansing the face should not be carried out too often, depending on the condition of the skin; if the skin is susceptible to irritation, then it is necessary to take the procedure with special care, especially if the skin is allergic.

If you contact a cosmetologist, then before you start, you should pay attention to the level of his professionalism. It is necessary to approach the selection of a master very seriously.

In order not to harm the skin, it is necessary to take into account the seasons. Thus, in the summer, the sun's rays have a great influence on the condition of the skin; in winter - cold and wind. For this reason, the need for skin protection and care at different times of the year will be different.

That is, the answer to the question: “Is cleaning harmful?” will not be unambiguous, the main thing is to adhere to some rules:

What harm can be caused by the abuse of cleansing procedures?

The skin may become very sensitive to various environmental factors, irritation may appear that was not observed before, fine wrinkles may appear due to drying of the skin by cosmetics. Interesting information awaits you in the article: The benefits and rules of the facial muscle massage process

If the skin is oily, then with frequent use of cleansing procedures, the top layer of skin may begin to produce even more subcutaneous fat. And if the skin is dry, then it can dry out even more and peeling will appear. That is, there are enough side effects, everything needs to be done in moderation.

In modern cosmetology, new technologies for cleansing procedures have appeared, such as removing pimples with vacuum and laser, which replace mechanical cleaning and are safer in that there is minimal contact with the skin.

Source http://mybeauty.pro/article/chistka-lica-polza-i-vred/

At first glance, to keep the skin on your face clean and healthy, you need to clean it periodically. But not everything is so clear and simple.

On the one hand, it cleanses pores, impurities and the top layer of dead cells, which allows the skin to breathe easier, renew itself and look good.

On the other hand, Mother Nature took care of everything and provided for everything, so regular cleansing procedures can damage the top protective layer, which will make the skin too sensitive, prone to irritation and quickly fading.

Facial cleansing: types

Facial cleansing can also be different.

At home, any woman can carry out mechanical cleaning on her own or use more gentle means, such as scrubs and peels.

You can contact a cosmetologist who has great knowledge and capabilities for cleansing the skin. This includes a wide variety of various procedures and techniques, including laser, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasound, and various masks based on natural and synthetic substances. Each woman chooses for herself the most suitable method or set of different procedures.

It is quite logical that deep cleanings, especially mechanical ones, cannot be done frequently, otherwise this can lead to new inflammations, irritations and even injuries. More gentle treatments using various cosmetics can be used no more than once a week.

Basic conditions when performing facial cleansing.

But before you start cleansing your face, you need to know some points that affect not only the effectiveness of the procedure, but also the possible harm it can cause.

· In order not to spoil the condition of the skin, facial cleansing is carried out when necessary, and not for prevention.

· The frequency of this procedure depends on the condition of the skin, its type, predisposition and tendency to allergies and irritations.

· When cleaning your face in a salon, a lot depends on the degree of professionalism of the cosmetologist, so you need to take a very responsible approach to choosing a specialist.

· In order not to harm the skin, you need to take into account the time of year, since in the summer the sun and ultraviolet radiation have a great influence, and in the winter - frost and wind. Therefore, the skin’s needs for protection and care will be different at this time.

The answer to the question of whether facial cleansing is harmful is denial, but with reservations. It is not harmful if you comply with a number of requirements and conditions.

1. It is not advisable to perform even mild cleaning more than twice a month.

2. During the cleansing process, the skin experiences severe stress. Therefore, it is advisable to soften the impact and load during and after the procedure.

3. You cannot clean if there are inflammations or wounds on your face.

Facial cleansing: harm

What are the dangers of abusing the cleaning procedure?

The skin on your face can not only become overly sensitive and prone to irritation, but it can also cause aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, if you remove the protective layer too often, oily skin will begin to produce it more intensively, while dry skin faces dryness and flaking. These may be side effects from this procedure.

But most experts are inclined to believe that cleaning is still necessary. You just need to follow certain measures and rules.

New facial cleansing techniques, such as vacuum or laser removal of acne, serve as a replacement for mechanical cleansing; when there is no direct contact with the skin, the risk of infection is minimal.

Development and innovation in the field of cosmetology make it possible to better care for the skin, moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing it.

Source http://kladovaia-krasoti.ru/2015/06/vredna-li-chistka-lica/

Is it harmful to cleanse your face?

We do a gentle facial cleansing every morning - this is washing. Deep cleaning is also needed, but of course it needs to be done less often. If we take an analogy with teeth, we brush our teeth every day, and remove plaque once a year. It’s the same with the face; time must pass between deep cleansing so that it does not cause harm.

Sometimes it is simply necessary to cleanse your face, especially when your pores are clogged. There is no harm. Just remember that it is not recommended to do mechanical facial cleansing more often than once every two to three weeks. Frequent procedures can lead to skin irritation and even provoke early formation of wrinkles. I do not recommend doing facial cleansing during your period.

It depends on what type of facial cleansing you do. There are some facial cleansers that you shouldn't use all the time because they can open up your pores. Constantly enlarged pores are unsightly. Plus, bacteria are more likely to get into them. Therefore, if you do cleaning constantly, you will have to do it constantly in the future, a kind of addiction.

Is facial cleansing harmful?

It is important to understand when facial cleansing may be contraindicated and what problems may arise from it. Do not cleanse your face more than twice a month. Excessive stress on the skin can cause premature wrinkles. Do not cleanse if you have inflammation or any wounds on your face, and also do not cleanse during menstruation.

I am not a cosmetologist, but from the experience of my wife visiting a cosmetologist, I can say that her face has become much cleaner, more well-groomed and more pleasant to look at. Therefore, from a purely aesthetic point of view, facial cleansing is useful. Although about the hands of a cosmetologist, it’s also a good idea not to skimp on such services.)

It is useful to do everything in moderation. This also applies to facial cleansing. For example, if you cleanse your facial skin with a scrub every day, you can so deplete and weaken the epidermis that it will lead to even bigger problems. Therefore, it is better to consult with specialists, determine your skin type and develop a scheme for cleaning.

It depends on what time of year, what to do and where. For example, in late spring or summer it is not recommended to do acid-based cleansing, since the sun's rays have a stronger effect on the skin. If you do facial cleansing at home - steaming, natural or cosmetic scrub - then you can do it constantly, with this peeling the skin is not seriously injured. It is strictly forbidden to cleanse your face if you have inflamed acne on the skin.

Facial cleansing is necessary for clogged pores, i.e. in the presence of acne. It is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist to exclude possible contraindications. The frequency of facial cleansing depends on your skin type, which should also be discussed with your doctor. There are several types of cleanings. The most common and deep mechanical cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning is more superficial. There are also vacuum cleaning and cleaning with brushes, various types of peeling. To avoid undesirable consequences of this procedure, you should wisely choose a clinic, the professionalism of whose employees should not raise doubts.

Facial cleansing is generally beneficial, but it can aggravate acne if you have any.

You need to go to a competent specialist who has well-processed, sterilized instruments.

It is also necessary to take into account that if cleaning is done using steaming beforehand, then not everyone will find it pleasant or useful. With dilated vessels, steam should be used with caution.

You also need to remember that cleaning alone does not eliminate the causes of blockage. If the skin was oily, it will stay that way. Now many experts recommend using Skinoren cream for long courses for oily acne-prone skin; it reduces the oiliness of the skin.

Cleansing your face is only harmful when done too often. And so, there will be no harm; on the contrary, the pores of the facial skin need to be periodically cleaned of dead particles, and it is recommended to do this no more than 1-2 times every 2 weeks, and only with proven cosmetics.

If you follow fashion trends, you know that the emphasis is on naturalness: even girls on the catwalks appear with a minimum of makeup. But this means that the skin must be perfect! It's time not to cover up imperfections with foundation, but to go to a professional to solve the problems. Why will your face be in better condition after cleaning by a cosmetologist than after home treatments?

The difference between home and professional cleaning with a cosmetologist: 3 reasons to go to a cosmetologist

Homemade peelings and masks will slightly improve your skin condition. You can use them in the hope of saving on a visit to the salon, and also use the devices for cleaning at home. But going through a scrub or exfoliating with a weak concentration is not enough if you have a pronounced problem. Facial cleansing by a professional involves the following:

  • consultation about your skin type;
  • problem analysis;
  • deep cleansing;
  • exfoliation;
  • removal of dense comedones and sebaceous plugs (if necessary);
  • applying masks;
  • massage.

You can cope with some stages on your own, but there is still a possibility of complications due to technical violations. Without knowledge, you risk incorrectly identifying the type of problem, which will worsen your skin condition. To avoid unpleasant consequences, take advantage of the achievements of professional cosmetology. What advantages do they provide?

Effective removal of sebaceous plugs

The main advantage of the procedure with a cosmetologist is the ability to get rid of dense comedones. After all, most people under 50 have blackheads. Despite the abundance of techniques, the only way to guarantee the removal of blackheads is manual cleaning. Don't confuse it with squeezing, which you do yourself! By seeking a service from a cosmetologist, you will note a number of advantages:

  1. Often the sebaceous plug is located deep in the pore. If it has become dense, it is unlikely that you will be able to extract the contents at home without leaving a scar. The cosmetologist will clean even problem areas: the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin. Your performance will be higher than when you stand in front of a mirror and try to see what exactly you are doing.
  2. A professional knows the correct technique for removing sebaceous plugs. This reduces the likelihood of inflammation: it occurs when some of the contents remain in the pore. The cosmetologist also uses tools (Uno spoon) to control the intensity of pressure. As a result, there will be no red or dark spots on the face that form in people with thin or sensitive skin. The likelihood of peeling, which often occurs after unprofessional squeezing, will also decrease.
  3. A cosmetologist-dermatologist uses products that make it easier to manually extract comedones. It can remove blackheads from the face after chemical peeling as the sebaceous plugs are partially dissolved. Additional methods are also used in the salon: vacuum cleaning or disincrustation.
  4. A professional uses lamps equipped with magnifying glasses. As a result, he sees even small comedones and removes them before the problem worsens.

Topical products that help fight acne have become widespread. But they will not provide deep cleansing and will not get rid of dense comedones. To ensure that most of the blackheads disappear from your face after cleansing, contact a specialist.

It is important that you understand the achievability of results. Both and other types will reduce rashes, but will not remove them completely. Blackheads occur due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, so after the procedure you will need to use products from the treatment and care series.

The effectiveness of professional products

The effect achievable with the help of professional products will be appreciated by lovers of chemical peels. Of course, exfoliation gels with glycolic or salicylic acid are sold in stores. But their effect will be weak, since manufacturers rely on safety for consumers. If used incorrectly, they can cause chemical burns.

Why will your face be in better condition after cleaning in a salon than after experiments at home? The fact is that professional products have a high acid concentration and low pH level.

Why is pH important?

If you purchase mixtures for non-professional use, the pH level is always above 3.0. But medium- and deep-acting peels used in salons are highly acidic. At a pH below 3.0, products may be harmful to the skin if used by a non-professional. But the procedure in the salon will relieve a complex of problems: clogged pores, acne and post-acne scars, wrinkles, age spots.

Concentration level

The concentration of products used in the salon is usually 30%. For deep peelings, the figure is increased to 70%. Since the product penetrates into the layers of the skin, application should be supervised by an experienced dermatologist. Otherwise, complications are possible, and the recovery period extends for up to 10 months.

In addition to strong exfoliators, cosmetologists and dermatologists also have specialized equipment. For severe problems, microdermabrasion is used - mechanical peeling that cleanses pores using aluminum microcrystals or a diamond head. You will not only get rid of comedones, but also improve your complexion, which will make you look more youthful.

Consultation about problem skin

Carrying out procedures is not enough, since facial skin care after cleansing will consolidate the result. If you went to a specialist, then you probably have a problem that you couldn’t solve on your own. But the procedure in the salon begins with a consultation about the condition of the skin. A properly qualified cosmetologist-dermatologist will analyze the skin using a magnifying lamp or a Wood's lamp.

If you want to know in more detail what your face will look like after cleaning by a cosmetologist, watch the video with a story about all the stages:

Undesirable consequences of the procedure

When you come to the salon, a specialist will explain to you the achievable results and warn you about the consequences. But, despite the development of cosmetology, discomfort remains part of many procedures. What are the consequences of cleaning?

When there is nothing to worry about: unpleasant, but normal

Immediately after the procedure, you may notice normal but unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Redness, especially after manual cleaning, is partially removed with masks. But the phenomenon completely disappears after 24-48 hours. Rene Rouleau, a stellar cosmetologist, speaks about the cause of redness: “In general, if the skin is well softened, the pores are cleaned without difficulty. Redness appears to be minimal. But in practice, when a cosmetologist has to manually remove a comedone, the appearance of redness is normal. Especially if the sebaceous plugs or blackheads with black heads were deep and dense.”
  2. The skin may appear pink for several hours after cleansing. Rouleau says your face shouldn't look like you have a flare-up. But increased blood circulation after massages and cleansing is a common situation.
  3. Rashes that appear after the procedure will also not be an alarming sign. After all, all processes in the skin are activated, and the pores begin to cleanse themselves. During peelings or manual extraction, the cosmetologist-dermatologist does not set a goal to remove plugs at any cost. After all, some of the pollution will come out naturally! When the exacerbation is behind you, your face will look better than before cleansing.
  4. The feeling of tightness afterward is due to the fact that the skin was exposed to acid. Although the dermatologist applies a moisturizing and nourishing cream, increased dryness remains the norm. With deep peelings, you even have to put up with peeling: the main thing is not to tear off the crusts!

Most of these phenomena do not require additional intervention. A cosmetologist can also recommend remedies to reduce side effects.

When to rush to the doctor

The consequences of cleansing can be more serious:

  1. If after cleansing your face you are wondering how many days the redness will go away and do not see any improvement within 48 hours, contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist.
  2. Burning, sensitivity, swelling and redness after dry cleaning may indicate that the action was too strong.
  3. Irritation, peeling of the skin, bright redness, cough, and sometimes swelling in the neck area are signs of individual intolerance. Even the famous Renee Rouleau admits that one of her clients had a similar reaction to the herbal extract.
  4. Excessive rashes can be a consequence of incorrect choice of products, infection, or use of expired products.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, contact salons with a proven reputation.

How to avoid unpleasant events

Did the cosmetologist do everything correctly? This does not guarantee that there will be no complications. The key is to take care of your skin after cleansing your face. The following rules will need to be followed:

  1. Do not use scrubs for at least 5 days. The impact of the granules injures the already sensitive skin, which will cause inflammation.
  2. Replace soap with foams or gels designed for your skin type. A cosmetologist-dermatologist will give recommendations on which products are suitable in your case.
  3. If you didn't stop by the fitness club before cleansing your pores, don't rush to pick up dumbbells after the procedure. Increased temperature and sweating can cause rashes.
  4. It seems that the doctor did not remove all the comedones? Give up the idea of ​​steaming your face and squeezing out the remaining sebaceous plugs. The skin has already been exposed, and high temperatures may cause bleeding or sensitivity. Visiting the sauna or swimming pool will also have to wait.
  5. Do not apply sunscreen or other strong products to your skin immediately after the session. Exceptions are possible when the drug was recommended by a cosmetologist.
  6. After cleaning, even atraumatic, do not use foundations, foundations, or powders. If you have a special event coming up, the procedure should end 3 hours before it.
  7. Remember to hydrate: apply creams and drink enough water.
  8. After cleansing, lifting with gold threads, facial hair removal, and laser procedures should not be performed. If you are planning such measures, carry them out before cleaning or wait at least 7 days.
  9. When you clean your pores, your esthetician is likely removing a layer of dead cells from your face. It is they that, when exfoliated, mix with sebum and clog the pores. After removing the top layer of the epidermis, the problem will decrease, but the skin will lose protection. This means that you will have to give up sunbathing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Although your visit to the salon should begin with answers to your questions, you may forget what exactly you were going to ask. Most often clients are interested in the following:

  1. Why do facial cleansing? Like most beauty treatments, cleansing your pores prevents problems from getting worse. Cosmetologists and dermatologists claim that such care even makes it easier to adapt to the changing seasons. After all, with the arrival of coolness, you turn on the heating and soon feel dry skin. And in April, when it gets warmer outside, the glands secrete sebum more actively: rashes and acne are not long in coming. To prevent the consequences from being “obvious” in every sense, clean regularly.
  2. What results can you expect? Progress depends on the initial condition of the skin, so don't expect an immediate transformation. Usually the procedures are performed in a course: its duration depends on the type of problem and the chosen type of cleansing. It happens that 1 session is enough for improvement, and the skin looks healthier and smoother. If you want to get rid of severe breakouts, signs of aging or hyperpigmentation, the results will have to wait. But if you follow the advice of a cosmetologist, you will achieve improvements.
  3. What long-term benefits can you get from cleansing regularly? The answer is simple: your skin will be healthy! You don't have to hide imperfections under a thick layer of foundation or powder. The cosmetologist will also adjust your care depending on the season, so even in cold weather you will forget about peeling and redness of your face.
  4. What happens at the initial consultation? You will be asked to answer questions about your health status, medications you take, and allergies. Then the cosmetologist examines the skin using a lamp with a magnifying glass and asks what results you want to achieve. He should advise the type of cleaning and give advice on care. A story about preparation for the procedure is also required. Its nuances depend on whether you are going to do mechanical, ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning.

Take these subtleties into account, read the information about the chosen procedure, and the effect will not disappoint.

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist: before and after photos

It’s easier to evaluate the achievable results if you look at the photos before and after cleansing.

Mechanical cleaning

The option is painful, but the shortcomings are brightened up by the effectiveness. Although many argue that such cleansing is outdated, there is no other way to guarantee the removal of severe blackheads.

Chemical cleaning

When superficially cleaning with peelings, you will not feel any discomfort. But moderate or deep variations will require a long recovery.

Ultrasonic type

Ultrasound has an atraumatic effect: thanks to high-frequency waves, dirt seems to be pushed out of the pores. The devices are also used at home, but they are not comparable in power to professional ones.

Laser cleaning

How to choose a cosmetologist

If you want to get beautiful skin, understand how beauty treatments work. Imagine going to a fitness club: when you exercise several times a year, you can forget about the results. But by working with a trainer, following his recommendations and taking care of yourself, you will get a toned body. Cosmetic cleansing works on a similar principle: you need to find a specialist, carry out procedures regularly, and select general care.

It will be possible to determine the qualifications of the master at the stage of preliminary consultation. The professional will ask a series of questions:

  1. Do you smoke?
  2. How much time do you spend in the open sun? Do you like to sunbathe?
  3. How often do you travel?
  4. Do you have any allergies?
  5. How much time do you spend sleeping?
  6. Do you have any allergic reactions?

If you are visiting the salon for the first time and the cosmetologist does not ask these questions, his professionalism is questionable. After all, the individuality of the approach is the main advantage of cleaning by an experienced master. Otherwise, the procedure will do more harm than good. Also ask about the cost: you won’t be able to clearly name the amount at this stage, but you will get a rough idea.

Pay attention to the appearance of the cosmetologist. Is his face covered in blackheads? Look for another master. If you're thinking, "I want to look like that," continue exploring and ask a few questions about the latest techniques. A specialist will not be confused when he hears about developments in the field of dermabrasion or chemical peels: he should know what you are talking about. Don’t be shy and ask where the cosmetologist was trained, what experience he has, and what type of products he uses.

A cosmetic dermatologist should not discuss other clients with you, insist on purchasing certain skin care products, or make impossible promises (“You will look 20 years younger!”).

Beautiful and healthy skin is an indispensable attribute. And daily cleansing of the skin plays an important role. And an important role is assigned to daily cleansing. This procedure plays an important role when searching for an answer to the question of how to look younger than your age. So is it necessary to do facial cleansing? There are various means for this. But they are not able to cope one hundred percent with the negative impacts of various factors. And here you can’t do without cleansing, that is, deep cleansing, removing dead skin cells, sebum and comedones.

Nutrients cannot penetrate deep into the skin through dead cells. The result is the skin losing its natural color, a grayish tint and dullness. Excess sebum has the ability to attract dirt and dust. Cleaning is important for any type, but the procedure is especially effective for oily or problematic skin. There are many varieties of this procedure. Each type has its pros and cons.

Mechanical cleaning

First, the skin is steamed with special gels to open the pores and enhance the secretion of the sebaceous glands. After this, the cosmetologist removes impurities from the skin. Then treatment is carried out, the purpose of which is to prevent inflammatory processes. A mask that tightens the pores is applied to the skin. At the end of the procedure, a soothing cream should be applied.

  • Pros: The procedure is the most common, and the cleaning is the most thorough. During it, deep treatment of the skin is carried out, the result is visible immediately, all sensations are controlled, the instruments are sterile.
  • “Cons”: Mechanical cleansing is recognized as the most harsh and traumatic for the skin, and is very painful. During the day, swelling and inflammation may remain on the face. Mechanical cleaning cannot be carried out in the presence of ulcers and inflammation.

Wanting to save money, some women, especially young girls, try to remove acne at home on their own. This is absolutely not to be desired: the required sterility is impossible, and the result may well be a significant deterioration in appearance.

It uses a device that applies ultrasonic waves to the skin. They perfectly exfoliate old layers, remove impurities and comedones. Particularly effective for oily and aging skin.

  • “Pros”: the cleaning is softer, the skin is not injured. Only dead cells are removed, leaving young and healthy ones. During cleaning, the tissues are regenerated, the skin seems to glow from the inside, looks renewed and rested. Ultrasonic waves help smooth out fine wrinkles by massaging the skin. No pre-steaming is needed. There will be no inflammation or redness after cleaning. The procedure is completely painless.
  • “Cons”: inflammatory and infectious processes in acute stages, facelifts and pregnancy exclude the procedure. Cleaning is superficial, and it is better to carry it out as a preventive measure or in combination with other types.

Vacuum cleaning

To carry out this type of cleaning, a pneumatic apparatus is required. The procedure is especially effective for oily, aging and normal skin types. With such skin, the question of whether to cleanse the face is resolved positively. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed using special attachments. Vacuum cleansing removes acne from the skin, exfoliates dead cells and cleanses the skin.

  • “Pros”: does not cause inflammation on the face. As a result of the procedure, the complexion of the skin is evened out and it acquires a healthy appearance.
  • Cons: This cleansing is stressful for the skin. The procedure is contraindicated for people with dry skin and problems with blood vessels. The effect appears only after a day, and at least during the day a pinkish tint is still present on the skin. For this reason, vacuum cleaning is not recommended before important activities.

Galvanic cleaning

Under the influence of electric current and disinfectants, special chemical solutions, sebum is dissolved and removed, pores are unclogged, and the face is cleansed of impurities.

  • Pros: the procedure is painless, the facial contour is tightened, sebum secretion is normalized, blood vessels are strengthened and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. A completely skin-safe type of cleansing.
  • “Cons”: strictly contraindicated for hypersensitivity and dry skin.

Masks and peelings with organic acids are used for this. There are enzymatic and drug cleanings. For the latter, the cosmetologist uses products with acids, and for enzymatic - with enzymes, papain and bromelain. There is no physical effect on the skin: the cosmetologist first applies a cleansing composition to the face, then a more “caustic” mixture. As a result, the skin warms up, becomes softer, and fat cores are partially dissolved. At the end of the procedure, a soft soothing mask is applied.

  • “Pros”: cleansing is effective for removing acne, can be carried out for skin inflammation, but subject to the rules.
  • “Cons”: traumatic for the skin.

The frequency of cleansing depends on the health of the skin. For heavily soiled and oily skin, the procedure is recommended at least once every ten days; for normal skin, once or twice a month is sufficient.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, it is worth choosing the type of cleansing. The more delicate the skin, the more careful treatment it requires. The most effective cleaning is complex: a combination of chemical with vacuum, mechanical or ultrasonic.

Any cleansing should combine makeup removal, pore enlargement, softening of comedones, cleansing itself, massage with the application of a soothing mask and cream. Only with such a package of services will the question not arise once again whether it is necessary to do facial cleansing at all.

We all know how important daily facial skin care is, consisting of cleansing, toning and moisturizing with a quality cream. The girls who regularly perform all kinds of masks and light facial peeling, as well as devoting time to special gymnastics - face-building and skin massage, deserve special praise. However, not everyone remembers the need to periodically perform deep facial cleansing, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of the above procedures. Due to the lack of necessary tools and special skills and knowledge, it is quite difficult to carry out this task at home, so only a professional cosmetologist can competently cope with this task.

What is it - facial cleansing by a cosmetologist?

Professional facial cleansing performed by a cosmetologist is a procedure that allows you to:

  • carry out deep cleansing of the skin from dirt, pathogens and rashes;
  • get rid of dead cells;
  • transform the skin, returning it to a healthy color;
  • activate the protective functions of the skin;
  • prevent drying of the epidermis;
  • remove pimples and blackheads by cleansing the sebaceous ducts;
  • significantly narrow pores;
  • achieve skin tightening;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • regulate blood microcirculation in capillaries;
  • normalize the acidity level of the skin;
  • significantly rejuvenate the skin;
  • prepare the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for the intake of nutrients.

With the correct selection of professional cosmetics, the facial cleansing procedure can simultaneously have a therapeutic (if there are certain skin diseases) or preventive effect.

In modern beauty salons, facial cleansing is performed using different methods. Their choice is determined by the type and condition of the skin, the presence and severity of skin problems, the age of the patient, as well as the level of its sensitivity, since some cleaning methods can be quite painful.

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist can be:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • vacuum;
  • galvanic;
  • laser.

Is it necessary to do facial cleansing and what are the benefits of the procedure?

Considering that even one session is enough to rid the face of particles of exfoliated epithelium and impurities that clog the mouths of the sebaceous glands (which we call pores), the deep cleansing procedure should become a mandatory component of the facial care program.

Has no age restrictions (except for adolescents in puberty), Deep facial cleansing procedure helps:

  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • improving blood supply to all layers of the skin;
  • stabilization of skin nutrition;
  • stimulation of cellular metabolism;
  • creating an obvious hygienic effect.

How often should it be done?

Despite all the beneficial effects, it is unacceptable to abuse the procedure of deep facial cleansing.

Those with oily and normal skin types can perform it no more than three to four times a year. Dry skin should be cleaned even less frequently: once every six months.

Watch a video about types of facial cleansing

Types: brief description and sequence of actions

Without any exaggeration, facial cleansing can be called one of the most popular services of any beauty salon. Professional cosmetologists perform it in many different ways: from simple mechanical effects on the skin to the use of modern ultrasound, vacuum and laser devices.

Manual cleaning

The most simple and effective way to eliminate skin problems, performed without the use of any tools. Only the cosmetologist’s fingers are involved in the process.

  • Tonic or lotion. or lotion? To thoroughly cleanse the patient’s skin of impurities and traces of cosmetics, this occurs in the first stage of the procedure.
  • The cleansed face is steamed using a special device - a vaporizer. To obtain a softening effect, a decoction of medicinal herbs is placed in the evaporator.
  • Having wrapped his fingers in sterile napkins (over disposable gloves), the cosmetologist begins to remove dirt, blackheads and sebaceous plugs. He immediately wipes each treated area with a solution of medical alcohol.
  • To disinfect the skin at the end of the session, some salons treat it with liquid nitrogen. Much more often, after the procedure, a mask is applied to the face, the ingredients and properties of which completely depend on the skin type.
  • After removing the mask, the face is anointed with cream.

The effectiveness of manual cleaning is quite high, since the cosmetologist sequentially - centimeter by centimeter - treats each area of ​​​​the skin. Considering the traumatic nature of this method, which manifests itself in redness and swelling of the treated areas of the skin, it is recommended to resort to it in the evening hours of the day before the weekend. During this time, the swelling of the skin subsides and the face takes on a flawless appearance.

Since the manual cleaning procedure is quite painful and is performed without anesthesia, it is not recommended for people with a low pain threshold. It is equally undesirable for those with overly sensitive and thin skin, as well as for those who have recently suffered a viral or fungal disease, to resort to it.


A mechanical facial cleansing procedure that can help get rid of acne (acne), performed using special, carefully sterilized instruments:

  • Vidal needle is designed to pierce sebaceous plugs;
  • the strainer is used to remove multiple pimples, clusters of comedones and to treat the surface of the nose;
  • The Uno spoon, which has a single hole, allows you to squeeze out small pimples on the face.

Since the use of tools hardly injures the surface of the skin, such cleaning can be applied even to sensitive skin.

  • After cleansing with tonic, the face is steamed using a vaporizer or in a steam bath.
  • Armed with tools, the cosmetologist removes blackheads, comedones and pimples, and cleans clogged pores. Each treated area and used instrument is immediately disinfected with an alcohol solution to avoid cross-infection.
  • Having finished cleansing and removing dirt and sebum from the face, the specialist applies a soothing mask that helps tighten the pores.
  • After removing the mask, the skin is treated with a moisturizing serum. Cosmetologists often use.

Since microdamage to the skin can cause mild inflammation of the skin, mechanical cleansing should be performed before the weekend. A contraindication to mechanical cleaning is the presence of a number of skin diseases.

The cost of mechanical cleaning in Moscow salons is from one to four thousand rubles.

Video about mechanical cleaning


The chemical peeling procedure () consists of exposing the skin to products containing a large amount of acids (salicylic, glycolic or fruit).

The mechanism of action of different acids on the skin is almost identical, with fruit acid being more suitable for normal skin, glycolic acid for problematic and oily skin, and salicylic acid for dry skin.

Under the influence of a chemical reagent, the upper epidermal layers are destroyed, and along with them, sebaceous plugs and all external manifestations of inflammatory processes disappear.

  • After removing makeup and cleansing the face, the cosmetologist applies a mask containing fruit acids to it. Its purpose is to warm up the skin, preparing it for the main procedure and thereby preventing burns.
  • After removing the mask, the specialist applies an active drug with a high acid content, which destroys the layer of keratinized epidermal cells and dissolves acne and sebaceous plugs.
  • Applying a soothing mask that tightens pores promotes rapid restoration of the skin.
  • The final stage of chemical facial cleansing is the application of a nourishing cream selected according to your skin type. The total duration of the procedure is no more than twenty minutes.

Chemical peeling of the face helps renew the skin: it becomes smooth and fresh. Regular dry cleaning helps improve facial coloring, disappearance of fine wrinkles and improve blood microcirculation. Leading to very fast results and not requiring a recovery period, chemical facial cleansing helps in emergency situations when you need to look flawless.

Unfortunately, treating old acne and pimples does not give the same result, so girls with more complex cosmetic defects will have to resort to a different cleansing method.

The average cost of a chemical peel procedure is from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.


Galvanic cleansing (or disincrustation) is a procedure that involves applying weak electrical impulses to the skin of the face. The strength of the currents used is so weak that the patient practically does not feel their effects.

However, the procedure produces a pronounced visual effect: it promotes the outflow of sebum from the glands that produce it, dissolving skin impurities and softening comedones.

Under the influence of currents, the softened contents of the skin pores are brought to the surface of the skin, where they react with the alkaline composition applied to them, resulting in the formation of soap. The cosmetologist only has to remove it from the surface of the skin.

  1. To prepare the skin for galvanic cleansing, the face is cleansed of cosmetics, after which a small amount of alkaline gel is applied to areas of the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin (characterized by increased oiliness). It is this substance that plays the role of a conductor of electrical impulses and a solvent of skin impurities.
  2. Having picked up a portable galvanic device equipped with a round attachment that emits weak electric currents, the cosmetologist begins to make circular movements with it. Under the influence of currents, tissue trophism improves significantly, so cosmetologists often combine the process of facial cleansing with the introduction of certain cosmetics into the epidermis.
  3. Considering the high efficiency of the cleansing effect, cosmetologists recommend using disincrustation after a vacuum cleaning session. It has been noticed that galvanic cleansing contributes to a significant smoothing of the skin (as with superficial peeling).
  4. The final stage of galvanic cleansing is the removal of sebum and dissolved impurities from the surface of the skin. Given the complete absence of inflammation, after the disincrustation procedure, the skin does not require disinfection or special care.

Galvanic cleaning is contraindicated owners of thin and dry skin, as well as people suffering from eczema, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hypertension, cancer and infectious diseases. It is not advisable to perform it during pregnancy.
Absolute contraindication Disincrustation requires wearing an electrical implant and a pacemaker.
The cost of one galvanic facial cleansing procedure ranges from 400-1500 rubles.

Laser facial cleansing.


To perform the laser cleaning procedure, a special device is used that acts on the skin using a directed laser beam. After burning out the layer of keratinized epidermis, active growth of young cells begins. Laser cleaning consists of three stages:

  1. Facial cleansing and make-up removal.
  2. Short-term exposure to a laser beam on the skin of problem areas.
  3. Applying a soothing mask selected according to skin type.

Laser cleansing stimulates complete renewal of the skin, activating the synthesis of collagens - proteins responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Using this procedure, you can eliminate severe acne, remove old comedones, small scars and scars.

Considering the high traumatic impact and the danger of infection (the fragile layer of young skin is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microflora - pathogens of herpes, staphylococcus and mites), the skin will need special care for several days.

An absolute contraindication to the procedure is the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus (due to fragility of blood vessels);
  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to develop keloid scars;
  • systemic diseases (such as dermatomyositis and lupus erythematosus);
  • herpes and a scattering of pustules.

The laser facial cleansing procedure belongs to the category of expensive procedures. Depending on the area of ​​impact (the cost of processing one square centimeter is on average 50 rubles), the client can pay for facial cleansing from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles.


A highly effective ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure is carried out using a special device -. Thanks to the emission of ultrasonic waves, which have a slight massage effect, pores open and blood circulation significantly improves. Steaming the face is not required, so trauma to the skin is completely excluded.

The sequence of actions of the cosmetologist is as follows:

  1. First, he thoroughly cleanses the skin with tonic or lotion, and then applies a properly selected cream to the face.
  2. Having determined the treatment area, the specialist equips the device with a special pad and exposes the skin to vibrations of ultrasonic waves. As a result, the sebaceous ducts are effectively cleansed and the layer of keratinized epithelium is removed.
  3. After disinfecting the skin, the cosmetologist applies a mask that has a calming and relaxing effect.
  4. After removing the mask, the skin is anointed with a generous portion of moisturizing or nourishing cream.

The main advantages of this manipulation include its complete painlessness and non-traumatic nature. After ultrasonic facial cleansing sessions, there is no inflammation, redness, or swelling.

Contraindications to the procedure are hypertension, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, thrombophlebitis, as well as open wounds on the treated area of ​​skin.
The cost of ultrasonic facial cleansing is relatively low. Depending on the type and condition of the skin, it can be from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.


The procedure is based on performing lymphatic drainage massage using vacuum equipment equipped with a special suction cup that draws in the contents of clogged pores due to negative pressure.

Vacuum cleaning steps:

  1. Facial make-up removal, skin cleansing.
  2. Steaming the skin using a vaporizer or gel to help open the pores.
  3. Performing circular movements, the cosmetologist moves the vacuum suction cup, pulling out dirt and sebaceous plugs from the pores. During the manipulation, the device is periodically disinfected using a special solution.
  4. Applying a soothing mask that tightens open pores. Sometimes, instead of a mask, the client's face is exposed to infrared radiation using a special lamp (this has a similar effect).
  5. Treating the skin with moisturizing cream.

The vacuum cleaning procedure is painless and non-traumatic, there is no swelling after it, and there is no redness or irritation of the skin.

Providing a slight lifting effect, vacuum cleansing of the skin helps tighten the facial contour. This moment is especially appreciated by women seeking to delay the first signs of skin aging.

If the sebaceous plugs are lodged too deeply in the pores, it will not be possible to remove them using a vacuum tube. In this case, the cosmetologist will most likely be forced to use a mechanical method of cleansing the skin.
The cost of one session of vacuum facial cleansing is from 500 to 2500 rubles.


  1. On the day of performing a cosmetic facial cleansing procedure, you must refrain from using aggressive cleansers. Foam or soft milk is best suited for this purpose.
  2. After 48 hours, you can use your favorite cream again. It is desirable that it contains components that have antioxidant, protective and moisturizing effects.
  3. After cleaning performed in the summer, be sure to use products containing UV filters.
  4. The use of scrubs (as well as mechanical removal of exfoliating particles) on skin that has recently undergone cleansing is strictly prohibited.
  5. In the absence of inflammation, moisturizing, nourishing and restorative masks are allowed.
  6. If microscopic wounds remain on the skin, it is necessary to wipe it with an antiseptic solution. Applying a cold compress will have a calming effect. For washing an injured face, decoctions of calendula and sage or a weak (tablespoon per 1000 ml of water) solution of apple cider vinegar are suitable.

Thanks to the activation of blood circulation and metabolic processes that occurs after cleansing the face, the effectiveness of all skincare procedures increases significantly.

Here is a recipe for an extremely useful mask: Having beaten the egg white and mixed it with a tablespoon of olive oil, the resulting substance is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. The procedure helps tighten pores and deeply nourish tissues.
To quickly get rid of redness and flaking of the skin, You can apply thin slices of potato, cucumber, or melon or watermelon pulp to your face.
Has the same effect mask, prepared from two dessert spoons of the richest sour cream and a small spoon of freshly squeezed parsley juice.

Video review

Nowadays, only facial cleansing can make female skin soft, healthy, elastic and beautiful. All skin imperfections can be eliminated by laser, hardware, Hollywood, chemical or manual facial cleansing. But is it possible to do facial cleansing and whether it has contraindications? It’s important to figure it out.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

It is the most popular option today. This is the most effective facial cleansing. The process of mechanical (manual) cleaning is similar to squeezing out pimples yourself, however, with this option, all cosmetological and hygienic rules are observed. Of all types of facial cleansing, mechanical is the most thorough and effective. It helps with advanced cases, but manual cleaning is the most severe. Initially, the face should be steamed well to expand the pores, and then the cosmetologist, using sterile napkins, wraps the fingers and eliminates acne.

This method has quite a strong effect on the skin, despite the fact that astringents or soothing agents are used at the end of the procedure. The skin on your face remains red for several days after this cleansing.

The skin is exposed to less mechanical stress during hardware cleaning.

Since the cleansing procedure itself is quite stressful for the skin, it is important to know that it is not suitable for everyone. Among the contraindications it is worth noting the following:

  1. Skin diseases, purulent inflammations.
  2. Period of menstruation.
  3. Herpes.
  4. Eczema.
  5. Skin sensitivity.

Vacuum cleaning: features

A more modern way to clean pores and remove blackheads is vacuum cleaning. It is performed using a special apparatus, the task of which is to “suck out” all the impurities. But this method is no less stressful. Those with combination or oily facial skin should resort to this method of facial cleansing, since vacuum cleaning does not penetrate as deeply as manual cleaning, and therefore does not touch the sebaceous glands and does not provoke their more intense work. The vacuum technique is less painful, there is no infection during the procedure, and you can also reach the most inaccessible places (as a rule, these are the wings of the nose and the ears).

This type of facial cleansing should be done when you don’t have to go anywhere, because redness will be present on the skin until the end of the day. The effect will only be noticeable the next day.

Facial cleansing using the vacuum method is not recommended for those who have dry skin, severe acne, or a large number of inflammations; the blood vessels are located close to the surface. Without providing for contraindications, you can only aggravate the condition by introducing an infection to a healthy area.

Dry cleaning: nuances

Often this type of cosmetic procedure can be confused with, but it is something else: the process involves drugs, under the influence of which the outdated layer of problematic skin peels off. During dry cleaning, all elements and substances enter the epidermis with a slightly different task.

In turn, chemical cleansing of facial skin is divided into enzymatic and drug (depending on what the cosmetologist uses). The enzymatic type involves the use of enzymes such as papain and bromelain. And the preparation includes acids such as oleic, lactic, citric, and glycolic.

There is no physical influence during the dry facial cleansing procedure. The first step is to apply a cleanser (usually based on glycolic acid), then a more “vigorous” composition is added. As a result, the skin warms up, softens and fat cores do not completely dissolve. At the end of the procedure, a soothing mask is applied.

Undoubtedly, dry cleaning also has its contraindications. It should not be performed on those who have keloid scars on their faces, individual high sensitivity of the skin, herpes, open wounds, various skin diseases, as this has a harmful effect on the lesions themselves.

Facial roll, Hollywood cleansing

This type of facial cleansing can be done at home. It is effective for problem skin, safe because it does not contain abrasives that can injure the skin. A number of advantages include the cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of skin cleansing.

To make a face roll at home, you will need to follow the instructions. Clean the skin of your face from makeup and wipe it until it becomes dry. Then open the ampoule with calcium chloride and moisten cotton wool or a cotton pad with this liquid. Then wipe your face, following the massage lines. Wait until one layer dries and apply the next one on top.

Next, thoroughly soap the cotton pad you used to wipe your face with dry baby soap and lightly rub your face, starting from the chin. As a result of this effect, particles similar to flakes will be formed, which then become pellets.

During the procedure, slight tingling of the skin may occur, but this is not scary.

After this, it is important to remove the pellets by rinsing them with water. After washing, it is useful to make a simple clay mask. 1 tsp Mix ordinary clay (sold at the pharmacy) with crushed aloe leaf. If there is no aloe, add any herbal decoction. Then apply the paste to your face and wait for it to dry. After this, rinse with lukewarm water. The last step is to moisturize the skin with a simple nourishing or moisturizing face cream. The result of such cleaning: radiant skin, dead cells removed, tightened pores.

Contraindications for this technique: severe inflammation on the skin of the face, scratches, dryness, open wounds, burn marks.

Laser cleaning: basics

Today, many have found salvation in laser facial cleansing. Thanks to it, you can remove all imperfections on the surface: acne, blackheads, age spots, freckles and pimples. Its effect lies in the influence of a beam that can penetrate the middle or upper layers of the epidermis. Further, under the influence of temperature, dirt and dead cells are eliminated. It is important to immediately realize that during this procedure the damaged layer of facial skin is removed. It is not painful, but all problems disappear.

To carry out this procedure, makeup and sebum are removed using chemicals that normalize the natural pH balance. Next, a special composition is applied, guaranteeing a painless and quick recovery procedure. Next, by exposure to a laser passing into the pores, the structure of the skin changes. The duration of the session is approximately 40 minutes. After such polishing, the skin becomes ruddy and ache a little.

This procedure should be carried out after 3-4 months under conditions of proper self-care.

Laser facial cleansing involves the following consequences:

  1. Clean face in minimal time.
  2. Long lasting effect.
  3. Elimination of demodex.
  4. Elimination of scars, pimples and blackheads.
  5. An economical option compared to laser resurfacing.

But just like the above-described methods of facial cleansing, laser has its own contraindications. It cannot be performed on pregnant women, peeling is prohibited, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure before 16 years of age and after 60 years of age, and it is prohibited for patients with cancer.

Additional points

  1. How often is the procedure performed?

There are many factors: for example, for oily skin that is too dirty, it is worth carrying out the procedure approximately once every 10 days. In turn, normal skin should be cleaned 1-2 times a month. However, everything is individual and it is not worth doing it too often.

  1. How to choose the appropriate type of cleaning?

Depending on the type of skin and how sensitive it is, the type of cleansing is selected. The more delicate and thinner the skin, the better a gentle effect is suitable. Therefore, you can use complex cleaning, which includes chemical and another type (vacuum or mechanical).

It is also noted that skin cleansing is a set of services that includes removing makeup, steaming pores, softening comedones, directly cleaning, mask, massage and applying cream.
