Patients give birth to healthy babies without. What to do so that the child is born healthy

Renata Ravich, naturopath: In fact, the prevention of miscarriage should begin at least a year before conception, when reasonable parents, like diligent hosts, prepare their bodies to receive the long-awaited guest. ?The health of the unborn child is closely related to the emotional and mental mood of a woman for a healthy pregnancy.

A. I. Zakharov in the book “How to Prevent Deviations in a Child’s Behavior” notes that the majority of children who were “not expected” (according to the results of questionnaire surveys) later developed anxiety neurosis, since the parents’ primary uncertainty that they want this child , to a certain extent manifested itself in the future in his self-doubt. No wonder that any healer, wise by experience and intuition, could determine by the appearance of an adult person whether his mother wanted to. Rejoice in the gift of Fate and do everything so that you do not have a miscarriage!

Emotionally, miscarriage prevention is also extremely important during pregnancy: joyful and confident expectation of a child, constant quiet conversations with him, greeting every push, gentle stroking of the abdomen by mother and father and older children - all this is vital for the future baby. Remember, according to the latest scientific research the unborn child hears everything, feels everything and understands everything much earlier than previously thought.

It is best to stop smoking, drinking, and certainly taking drugs.

Leading a healthy lifestyle for a year for both a man and a woman - isn't it easier than suffering all your life with a sick or handicapped child?

According to the latest scientific research, the excessive need for artificial stimulants (of which drugs, alcohol and smoking are the most common) is largely due to defective nutrition, when in the daily set of products drastically lacking amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

Therefore, my dear young women, if you really are - not theoretically, but practically If you want your unborn child to be healthy, try to change your daily diet for the better. Start using more not only natural products, but also dried fruits, nuts, flower pollen and honey (if there is no allergy), fresh and dry herbs, bran, sprouted wheat flakes, seaweed, be sure to connect high-quality natural biologically active food supplements.

We have already mentioned folic acid, vitamin E and B vitamins above. To prevent miscarriage (especially if this trouble has happened to you in the past), it would be wise to follow this diet for a year before conception.

Under modern environmental conditions, it is reasonable, in addition to food that is as close to healthy as possible, to take - especially for those women who live in big cities - high-quality dietary supplements based on natural ingredients, so read the ingredients carefully. What are natural ingredients? These are seaweed, green plant juice, germinated wheat oil, flower pollen, royal jelly, soy proteins and other gifts of Nature. They will help you avoid miscarriage.

It is extremely important to check on the annotation whether the natural multivitamins you are taking contain folic acid, since a sufficient amount of it is prevention various deformities in future children.

Especially need products containing vitamin E, which is main in the prevention of miscarriages. It is found in nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oil, nettle.

Especially a lot of vitamin E in germinated wheat.

Keep in mind that natural vitamin E, made from wheat germ oil, is ten times more effective, so don't fall for cheap synthetics.

It should be noted that during pregnancy, the daily intake of vitamin E doubles - that is, a young woman during this period needs at least 25 mg per day. Now we have wheat sprouts in the form of flakes in our stores. They can be added to cereals and salads.

American doctor V. Shota gave future fathers and mothers vitamin E for years before conception. In addition, both potential parents followed a diet with sufficient saturation of essential amino acids (i.e., ate enough protein) and natural vitamins. As a result, these same mothers, who previously gave birth to handicapped children or had miscarriages before, began to give birth on time and their children were strong and healthy.

Do not be too lazy in early spring to put a plate with sprouted wheat and sprouted oats on the windowsill so that they start green sprouts, as it has been done in Russia for centuries before Easter. Use scissors to cut these greens and sprinkle them on salads and vegetable dishes, as pregnant women are especially depleted in the spring (unless, of course, they are too lazy to follow naturopathic recommendations and they do not use natural dietary supplements). Put in jars to germinate not only onions, but also beets, dill, parsley. These greens are extremely beneficial, especially during the winter and early spring months when everyone is deficient in vitamins.

Plant the roots of dill, cilantro and parsley in flower pots; you can use boxes of soil or micro-greenhouses for a window garden, which are sold in Priroda stores. A window garden will provide a pregnant woman with all the necessary trace elements that help prevent miscarriages.

Let's hope that in your close-knit family there are men who can arrange such a garden, and older children will take care of the plants. Maybe it's best to start equipping Russia from your home?

Pregnancy does not always occur immediately after the spouses have decided to have a baby. Many couples who do not receive a positive pregnancy test in the first month immediately begin to worry. And in vain! Fertility statistics say that within the first six months after giving up contraception, 60% of couples can conceive. In 20% of couples, pregnancy occurs within 1 year. Within two years - another 10%. Therefore, if a woman became pregnant only 2 years after the couple decided to have a baby, this is also a variant of the norm.

However, these months of "normal" waiting can be a source of constant anxiety and worry for future parents. We advise you, instead of looking for advice, how to conceive a child quickly, take care of the birth of a healthy child. And for this, you should prepare for conception.

Future parents should give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol. Harmful compounds in tobacco smoke can reduce fertility in both men and women. Nicotine causes menstrual irregularities in women, leads to a deterioration in sperm quality and a decrease in sperm motility in men. Therefore, mutual cessation of smoking is a mandatory step in pregnancy planning. The expectant mother should plan to conceive after three months of abstinence from smoking.

It is also better for both future parents to give up alcohol. Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages can cause mutations, lead to intrauterine death, fetal malformations, severe physical and mental disorders in children. Therefore, already at the stage of pregnancy planning, expectant parents should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Get tested and go through general clinical examinations: a complete blood and urine test, a hepatitis test, ToRCH infections and sexually transmitted infections.

It is recommended to determine the blood type and Rh of both future parents in order to prevent Rh conflict. You should also evaluate the hormonal background of a woman, the concentration of hormones in the blood, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle.

To identify various diseases of the pelvic organs, in which the ability to conceive is impaired, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan at the stage of pregnancy planning. As a rule, such an examination is recommended to be carried out in the first phase of the cycle.

The mandatory program for the expectant mother also includes a visit to the therapist, dentist and ENT doctor. Sometimes you will need to visit an endocrinologist, geneticist and other narrow specialists.

If your spouse is also wondering " how to conceive a healthy baby", he must take an equal part in the planning of pregnancy. Sedentary work, excess weight, bad habits - all this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the pelvic region. As a result, male fertility decreases and sperm quality deteriorates.

The future father should be tested for sexually transmitted infections without fail. It is also advisable to take a spermogram. After all, if, according to the results of the spermogram, problems with mobility, concentration or structure of spermatozoa are found, it will be possible to promptly begin treatment and not waste precious time.

2-3 months before conception, it is better for the future father to adjust the diet, excluding semi-finished products, fast food, fatty, fried, canned food from it.

It should also be borne in mind that sperm production is a process that occurs under the control of hormones. The hormonal background can be disturbed by anabolics (drugs for building muscle mass). Therefore, athletes and those who dream of the perfect press need to be careful when choosing anabolics.

Another factor that affects reproductive function in men is temperature. For future fathers, any conditions that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees are undesirable. You can have a cold for 3 days, but it takes up to 3 months to restore the male reproductive system. It is important to control not only the internal, but also the external temperature, so it is better for future dads to refuse to visit the bath and sauna for the period of conception planning.

By the way, the quality of sperm and its ability to fertilize have nothing to do with potency. The "sexual giant" may be unable to become a father, and men with weak potency often have very good sperm for conception.

If you weigh less than 45 kg or follow a strict diet, losing more than 10% of your weight every month, you are at risk of developing amenorrhea (lack of ovulation), making pregnancy impossible.

It is also difficult for overweight women to get pregnant. The fact is that adipose tissue is able to produce estrogen and accumulate it in the body. Both increased and decreased estrogen production leads to hormonal disorders. Therefore, it is advisable to normalize weight and get rid of extra pounds even before you start planning a pregnancy.

Tip number 5. Provide yourself and your unborn child with vitamins

The diet of future parents should be as balanced as possible. The lack of certain nutrients is a kind of signal for the woman's body about "unfavorable conditions" in the external environment. As you might guess, in such a situation, conception is unlikely. But even if it happens, in conditions of deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the cells of the fetus will grow and divide poorly, the placenta and blood vessels in the uterus will not be able to form properly. Also, in conditions of deficiency of nutrients, the risk of developing neural tube defects is high. This can lead either to spontaneous abortion, or to the fact that the child is born with abnormalities.

By the way, the development of neural tube defects in a child is often the result of a lack of folic acid in a woman's body. Magnesium deficiency can also cause miscarriage. Vitamin C deficiency in the mother's body is associated with an increased risk of premature rupture of the membranes, and with a lack of zinc, there is a possibility of premature placental abruption and a high risk of developing congenital diseases in the child. Therefore, at the planning stage of conception, it is important that all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids regularly enter the mother's body.

It is better to completely abandon semi-finished products, canned food, caffeinated drinks. But fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, fish (especially sea) and seafood for the expectant mother will only benefit. It is also recommended to consume vegetable protein, which is found in legumes and nuts, and complex carbohydrates, which are part of brown rice and grain bread.

Unfortunately, our food does not always contain enough nutrients. Therefore, even the most balanced diet cannot guarantee that the mother's body will be provided with all the micronutrients necessary for conception. So, the required dose of folic acid can be obtained by eating 1 kg (!) of cabbage daily. And only in raw form, because during heat treatment 80-95% of folic acid is lost. Agree, few people can do such a “feat”.

How to conceive a healthy child under such conditions? In fact, making up for the lack of micronutrients is quite simple. This will help special vitamin and mineral complexes.

For expectant mothers, the Pregnoton vitamin and mineral complex has been developed. It contains L-arginine, folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, E, C, minerals selenium, magnesium, zinc and iodine, as well as sacred vitex extract (prutnyak). Start taking the drug "Pregnoton" should be 3 months before the intended conception.

Often this period is quite enough for the drug to have time to normalize the reproductive system and prepare the female body for conception.

As part of "Pregnoton" there are no hormones, but the drug contains substances that help eliminate hormonal imbalances in the body of a future mother. In particular, Pregnoton eliminates the increased production of prolactin, a hormone that prevents pregnancy.

Let's not ignore the role in the conception of the future father, because about 50% of couples who cannot conceive a child for a long time, the reproductive health of a man is impaired.

The drug "Speroton" will help normalize the male reproductive system. The folic acid, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and L-carnitine contained in it stimulate spermatogenesis, increase the concentration of spermatozoa, improve the morphological structure of male germ cells, and increase their mobility. Start taking "Speroton" should be 3 months before the planned conception.

When is the best time to conceive a child? The only favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation. During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary. She is ready for fertilization within a maximum of 48 hours. If during this period it meets with a spermatozoon, then conception occurs. If not, the egg dies.

It must be borne in mind that spermatozoa remain viable in a woman's body for 3-7 days. Thus, the egg can be met by spermatozoa, which have been waiting for it in the fallopian tubes for several days.
With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, the onset of ovulation most often occurs on the 12-16th day of the cycle. Conception in this case is most likely if sexual intercourse occurs between the 10th and 18th days. However, the body of each woman is unique, and ovulation must be calculated individually. To do this, you can use urine or saliva ovulation tests or basal temperature charts.

Sexual contacts should be regular, but having sex several times a day is not necessary. Moreover, there is a possibility that with such an intense sexual life, the male body will not have time to produce the required number of cells ready for fertilization, and all efforts will be in vain. Very rare sexual intercourse is also undesirable - when the ejaculate stagnates in the testicles, sperm motility deteriorates. The optimal frequency of having sex for pregnancy is once every 2 days or 3 times a week.

As for the preference for the conception of a particular season, there is no unambiguous answer to this question - the results of studies on this topic are indicative, and the opinions of experts are contradictory. Therefore, it is impossible to give any categorical advice on which season one should (or should not) plan the conception of an abstract married couple.

Moreover, the question when is the best time to conceive a child It is also associated with the characteristics of each particular family - its financial and social status, profession, heredity, chronic diseases, etc.

Modern life is unimaginable without stress. With short-term exposure, stress acts as a kind of training for the human body. However, under chronic exposure, stress passes into a pathological phase - the phase of distress, or "bad" stress, when it begins to have a destructive effect on the body, destabilizing the functioning of organs and systems, including the reproductive system. In women, against the background of chronic stress, problems with ovulation may occur, in men, sexual dysfunction may develop.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate stressful situations from our lives. However, it is in our power to learn to be more calm about life's troubles. Various methods of yoga, relaxation, breathing exercises, self-hypnosis will help in this matter. Indulge yourself in watching a good movie, walking in the park and going to an exhibition or ice rink. Positive emotions contribute to the production of endorphins (pleasure hormones), as a result, mood and well-being improve, and the adverse effects of stress are leveled.

Physical activity (fitness classes, swimming, dancing, yoga, etc.) also contributes to the production of endorphins, but it is important to observe the measure - overloads are unacceptable, as they lead to wasted energy and oxygen starvation.

A healthy, physically strong, intelligent baby is the cherished desire of any married couple.
A child is the center of the “universe” of any family, a source of pride and adoration for parents, their hope and continuation.
Currently, in the age of environmental disasters, chronic stress and physical inactivity, many ailments have appeared that can affect the “quality” of future offspring.
It is natural that many future parents raise the issue of preparing for pregnancy. The purpose of this preparation is to eliminate as much as possible all deviations in the state of health of parents that may affect the ability to conceive a child and its bearing during pregnancy. And the fact that an uncomplicated pregnancy is the key to the health of the unborn baby is an axiom that does not require proof.
So, you understand that you are ready to become parents. Where to begin?
First of all, the expectant mother must notify her gynecologist that she is planning a pregnancy. With a detailed survey of a married couple, the doctor determines the hereditary characteristics of future parents, assesses their general level of health and determines the need for consultation by doctors of other specialties (therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, genetics, etc.).
An examination by a gynecologist in combination with an examination of the mammary glands, thyroid gland, a smear for cytology is necessary to exclude oncological diseases, malformations of the genital organs.
Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, mammary glands and thyroid gland is best done in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, i. after menses).
It is mandatory to examine future parents for a number of infections that may pose a danger to the developing fetus.
In our clinic, we conduct blood tests for antibodies to HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, blood tests for RW and hepatitis B and C.
It is very dangerous to get rubella during pregnancy (especially in the first half of it), since fetal malformations often occur (in 30-40% of cases). Therefore, in the absence of immunity to the disease, we recommend vaccinating against rubella. The vaccine contains a live attenuated virus, so pregnancy after vaccination is desirable no earlier than two months later.
Toxoplasmosis, an infection transmitted by pets and raw meat, is dangerous during pregnancy only when initially infected. If a woman had an “encounter” with an infection (this can be almost asymptomatic), a strong immunity is formed. If antibodies (class G) are absent during pregnancy, their level should be monitored every 2-3 months.
The presence of antibodies to herpes simplex viruses and cytomegalovirus is a fairly common finding in preparation for pregnancy and during pregnancy. Most often, these infections occur as a "healthy" carriage, that is, "do not interfere" with the host organism.
The activity of viruses in the human body is associated with its immune system. Activation of the virus is possible when immunity is weakened (acute respiratory infections, concomitant diseases, overwork, stress, beriberi, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), which is dangerous during pregnancy. If an active state of viruses (IgM) is detected before a planned pregnancy, treatment should be carried out to eliminate the risk of infection of the fetus.
A number of infections detected in the genital tract of spouses by PCR and culture methods: chlamydia, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, streptococci B (70% have no complaints), can lead to infertility, miscarriage. These infections need to be treated in preparation for pregnancy.
Of great importance for the formation of the central nervous system and intelligence in the fetus is the normal level of thyroid hormones in the mother. On the European territory of Russia in the zone of "mild" iodine deficiency, erased forms of decreased thyroid function are quite common. In preparation for pregnancy, this must be corrected.
We determine the level of the male sex hormone (DHA-S) for tall girls, athletic physique, its high content can be the cause of spontaneous miscarriage.
Married couples with a so-called unfavorable anamnesis who had "unsuccessful" pregnancies in the past (spontaneous miscarriages, "frozen" pregnancies, premature births, the birth of sick children) deserve special attention in preparing for pregnancy. The program of examination of such married couples is much more extensive. It includes additional tests: a blood test for hemostasis and antibodies to phospholipids, a lupus anticoagulant, a genetic consultation with a study of spouses' karyotypes, a deeper examination for virus carriers, a cytochemical blood test, ultrasound in the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle to assess the state of the endometrium (internal functional layer of the uterus), etc.
You followed all the recommendations and the pregnancy has come!
The first visit to the doctor is possible against the background of a delay in menstruation of 7-10 days, when an ultrasound scan visualizes a fetal egg in the uterus, the place of its "attachment" and dimensions are assessed.
Two weeks after the first ultrasound, it is time to start a comprehensive examination, it is necessary to consult many specialists, of which the following are mandatory: a therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist. From 6 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound examination already shows signs of the life of the unborn child: the heartbeat of the embryo is clearly visible, on the device in our clinic you can "hear" it.
Those tests that you passed before pregnancy, now you need to repeat. If abnormalities are detected, supportive therapy is prescribed.
At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary to exclude "gross" fetal malformations. If chromosomal abnormalities are suspected, as well as parents over 35 years old, a chorion biopsy is offered (taking single chorion cells for genetic analysis), which allows you to reliably, in a short time (in 2-3 days) get an answer about the health of the child.
At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, a biochemical blood test is performed (AFP, b-CHG, estriol), which are genetic markers of chromosomal pathologies. If these indicators deviate, it is possible to perform amniocentesis, cordocentesis.
Ultrasound in the period of 20-24 weeks of pregnancy allows you to "see" all the organs of the fetus, assess its size, the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord.
Thus, a whole chain of examinations makes it possible to assess the risk of having a sick child.
I would like to note that in a well-equipped clinic, such studies are carried out as soon as possible. In our clinic, most of the listed examinations can be performed already at the first visit.
I would like to once again draw the attention of future parents to the need for a responsible attitude to pregnancy planning. Preferably 2 months before pregnancy, it is necessary to lead a “healthy” lifestyle: avoid stress, overwork, colds, exclude alcohol, reduce or stop smoking, avoid exposure to harmful physical factors (male sex cells are completely renewed every 2 months). A woman on the eve and in the early stages of pregnancy is recommended to take folic acid at least 400 mcg per day, this reduces the likelihood of “accidental” malformations of the fetal nervous system by 80%.
In conclusion, I would like to touch on a philosophical question. From the point of view of dialectics, the process of cognition is endless. Modern science today does not have 100% knowledge of the problems associated with childbearing. But all possible and known methods of examination and treatment today must be used to predict and correct the health of the unborn child.

Serious thoughts about the health of the unborn baby often come along with pregnancy, when it is too late to change anything.

According to medical statistics, in perfectly healthy young people, the risk of giving birth to a handicapped child is 5%. If the family does not fall into these percentages, then this is, of course, not much. What if it hits...

Around the world, it has long been customary to talk about planned pregnancy. A married couple, preparing for pregnancy, must undergo a complete medical examination before conceiving a child in order to prevent possible problems in the future. It is necessary to start planning a healthy child with a visit to a geneticist. This is a specialist who will compile a pedigree, determine whether the family is at risk. And then he will recommend to pass all the necessary research.

An important step in planning a healthy child- clarification of the chromosome set of future parents. This blood test in some countries is as common as determining the blood type and Rh factor. The study of the chromosome set is an analysis for two, because the child receives half of the chromosomes from the mother, and half from the father. Perfectly healthy people can be carriers of balanced chromosomal rearrangements without being aware of it. But if the child “gets” an unwanted restructuring from one of the parents, an imbalance is possible. In such a family, the risk of having a child with a chromosomal pathology is 10-30%. But if the rearrangements in the chromosome set of the spouses are detected on time, a special examination during pregnancy is possible, which will prevent the appearance of defective offspring.

When planning a pregnancy, spouses should give up smoking, drugs, alcohol a few months before conception. The most important period of pregnancy is the first 12 weeks, when the baby's organs are laid. At this time, a woman should receive good nutrition, vitamins, have a minimum of stress and stress. It is necessary to exclude, if possible, taking medications, adverse factors (chemical, radiation exposure).

During pregnancy every woman should undergo a complex of studies, including screening up to 10 weeks for viral infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella), ultrasound at 11-12 and 20-22 weeks, as well as determining the level of special proteins (alfafetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin) at 16-20 weeks.

Viral infections during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal malformations. Rubella is one of the dangerous infections. This disease during pregnancy can cause fetal deformities: heart disease, hearing loss, vision loss, mental and physical developmental delay. In case of rubella disease before 12 weeks of pregnancy, the risk level is 70 - 80%. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy. Rubella protection is necessary for the expectant mother. If it is found that a woman does not have immunity to rubella, it is necessary to be vaccinated three months before pregnancy. There are other infections no less dangerous for the body of the unborn child. For example, herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis. Screening for these infections should be done before conception and in the first weeks of pregnancy, when it is still possible to prevent their effects on the fetus.

At ultrasound scanning, beginning from 11 to 13 weeks pregnancy, it is possible to diagnose some malformations and identify changes that may indicate the presence of a chromosomal pathology of the fetus. So, the presence of a thickening of the collar zone in the fetus at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy in 70% reveals Down syndrome. To exclude the pathology of chromosomes, a special intrauterine examination is carried out (chorionic biopsy in the first trimester of pregnancy).

Second ultrasonography held in 20-22 weeks. In this period of pregnancy, it is possible to determine most of the deviations in the development of the face, limbs, as well as to identify malformations of the internal organs of the fetus.

Study of the level of biochemical markers(alfafetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood of a pregnant woman is carried out at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. By changing the concentration of these proteins in the mother's blood, chromosomal pathology and a number of fetal malformations, primarily the anterior abdominal wall and nervous system, can be suspected. The level of biochemical markers can change with the threat of abortion, toxicosis of pregnant women and other conditions. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly evaluate the results of biochemical tests.

Some pregnant women need carrying out special invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis such as chorion biopsy, amniocentesis, cordocentesis. Indications for invasive diagnostics are the age of a pregnant woman over 35 years of age, the presence of a child with malformations or chromosomal pathology in the family, an increased risk of a hereditary disease for the fetus, carriage of chromosomal rearrangements by one of the spouses, as well as ultrasonic deviations and a change in the level of alpha-fetoprotein detected during examination during pregnancy.

All invasive manipulations are performed under ultrasound guidance in a one-day hospital by an experienced doctor. After the procedure, the pregnant woman should be under the supervision of specialists for four to five hours. To avoid possible complications, the patient is prescribed prophylactic drugs before and after the procedure.

Chorionic biopsy- this is the receipt of cells from the future placenta, carried out at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. The risk of complications (spontaneous abortion) after a chorionic biopsy is 2-3%. The advantages of this method are the duration - up to 12 weeks and the speed of receiving a response - 2-3 days. Thus, if a pathology is detected in the fetus, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy at an early stage.

Amniocentesis- aspiration of amniotic fluid at 16-24 weeks of pregnancy. To obtain a cytogenetic analysis, the cells of the amniotic fluid must undergo long-term cultivation (2-3 weeks). Amniocentesis is the safest method of prenatal diagnosis, since the percentage of complications after its use does not exceed 1%.

A highly informative invasive method is cordocentesis- Puncture of the umbilical cord of the fetus. The optimal time for performing cordocentesis is 22-25 weeks of pregnancy.

With the help of invasive prenatal diagnostics, chromosomal pathologies such as Down's disease (presence of an extra 21 chromosome), Klinefelter's syndrome (extra X chromosome), Turner's syndrome (lack of the X chromosome), as well as monogenic diseases available for prenatal diagnosis (hemophilia, phenylketonuria) are detected. , Duchenne muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and others).
Genetics shine:

  • The most favorable time for conceiving a child is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Staying in the fresh air, foods rich in vitamins, the sun, the absence of viral infections - all this favorably affects the birth of a strong, healthy child.
  • When making a career, one should not forget that a woman is in the best shape to give birth to healthy children from 18 to 35 years old. If pregnancy occurs after the age of 35, it is necessary to undergo a genetic examination.
  • Closely related marriages are not recommended. The closer the degree of relationship, the higher the risk for future offspring of serious diseases.
  • Taking folic acid 2 mg 2 times a day 3 months before conception and 3 months after pregnancy can significantly reduce the likelihood of having a child with malformations of the brain and anterior abdominal wall.

In this article:

A child is the most valuable and dear person for any parent. It is especially important for a mother that her baby is healthy and strong. Even without being pregnant, a woman on a subconscious level is already ready to protect her child. The maternal instinct laid down by nature is further enhanced and aggravated when a woman learns about the upcoming motherhood.

From that moment on, the only thing that occupies all the thoughts of the expectant mother is the question “How to give birth to a healthy child?”. Unfortunately, many potential parents realize what responsibility is placed on their shoulders only when they find out about the pregnancy.

In order to give birth to a healthy baby in all respects, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. This applies not only to the mother, but also to the father of the unborn child.

And you should start monitoring the state of your body and keep it in the right shape long before conception.

If you think over and plan a pregnancy in advance and undergo the necessary medical examination, you can avoid many serious diseases, as well as congenital pathologies in a tiny man. After all, most of these ailments can be prevented even in the early stages of pregnancy, knowing the causes of their occurrence.

Planned pregnancy has long been practiced in many developed countries. So a married couple worries about the health and safety of a new family member in advance, undergoing a series of medical procedures and starting to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What tests should be done before pregnancy?

So, if the spouses are already ready to become parents, then they need to seriously take care of their health in order to prevent possible diseases in the baby in the future.

  • First of all, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist who will assess her physical condition and the ability to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.
  • It would be useful if both husband and wife turn to a geneticist. Through a survey, it is possible to assess the general health of a married couple and their heredity.
  • You may need to consult with other specialists - a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, an ophthalmologist, a therapist.
  • It is recommended that the expectant mother visits the gynecologist's office more often, who will conduct a thorough examination of the patient, to identify possible deviations in the development of the genital organs. In addition, to check for cancer, it is necessary to conduct examinations of the mammary glands and thyroid, take a smear for cytology, and in doubtful cases, pass a few more tests.
  • In addition to the usual examination, a woman also undergoes an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), which is recommended after critical days - this is the first phase of the menstrual cycle - for more reliable data.

What should I pay attention to during pregnancy?

Having learned about pregnancy, spouses often give in to panic, as they understand the importance and significance of the ongoing changes. How to give birth to a healthy baby? How will the birth go? What problems might arise? How will the pregnancy proceed? These are just some of the questions new parents will be looking for answers to.

Visiting a gynecologist throughout pregnancy. He will monitor the health of the mother and the intrauterine development of the fetus. The doctor sends his patient to a series of studies and tests. Ultrasound is mandatory at 11-12 and 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. Before 10 weeks, it is necessary to pass tests for the detection and treatment of viral infections, such as rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus. And at 16-20 weeks, a study is carried out to determine the level of proteins of chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.

All these medical procedures help to identify infections, defects and disorders in the development of pregnancy in the early stages, when something else can be done. The ability to resort to intrauterine treatment will help get rid of many diseases during pregnancy so that a woman can give birth to a healthy baby.

  • during this period, special attention should be paid to the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother. Positive thoughts, healthy sleep and the absence of strong physical exertion contribute to the harmonious and proper development of the fetus. A woman can look good positive. A woman needs to be surrounded by care and warmth so that she enjoys the fact that a new life is born in her. Then the birth will pass without complications;
  • A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients through the umbilical cord. Taking medications must be agreed with the doctor. Many drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • at this time, a woman should protect her body from colds and other diseases, because they can cause complications and affect the condition of the fetus;
  • when planning a pregnancy, you should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) about six months before conception. During this time, the body will be cleansed of nicotine and other harmful elements and will fully recover;
  • physical activity should be in moderation. Overwork should be avoided, but it is not necessary to switch to a less active lifestyle. Hiking in the fresh air and a set of exercises designed specifically for pregnant women will help prepare the female body for childbirth.

Infections and diseases of the mother that affect the development of the fetus

Many diseases can occur in a woman's body in a latent form, that is, asymptomatically. Some of them can cause miscarriage or pathology in the development of the baby. Carriers of infections can be both a man and a woman. Microorganisms and viruses that can affect the condition of the fetus are unconditional infectious agents.

However, expectant mothers with infectious diseases can give birth to a perfectly healthy baby. Not always detected microorganisms affect the development of pathologies in a tiny creature.

How to give birth to a healthy child if a medical examination indicates the presence of an infection in the body? This is possible if the disease is diagnosed in time and the correct treatment is prescribed.

The most common infectious agents are:

Herpes- the least dangerous viral infection, which has a low probability of infection of the fetus and a minimum percentage of the development of any abnormalities in the child. However, an exacerbation of the virus after 32 weeks of pregnancy can lead to a caesarean section, since during natural childbirth, the baby can become infected with herpes while passing through the birth canal.

Cytomegalovirus- an infection that is transmitted both sexually and by airborne droplets. This disease is most dangerous if a woman first becomes infected with it during pregnancy from a person with an acute form of infection. The virus has the ability to freely cross the placenta and can damage the fetus, because the mother's body does not have the necessary antibodies that would prevent the infection of the child.

In the early stages of pregnancy, cytomegalovirus can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage or the development of abnormalities in the baby. At a later date, this infection causes premature birth, contributes to the occurrence of polyhydramnios and serious pathologies of the newborn.

Rubella- one of the most dangerous types of infectious diseases. This virus is almost always transmitted to the fetus and is the cause of many complications. Rubella acquired during pregnancy causes heart disease, deafness, cataracts, physical underdevelopment, pneumonia and disorders of the child's circulatory system.

The expectant mother should by all means avoid contact with rubella patients throughout pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, when the formation of congenital fetal abnormalities is most likely. Previously vaccinated or rubella transferred in childhood will affect the strengthening of the mother's immunity. The woman's body in this case will not allow the spread of infection and its penetration through the placenta.

Flu. By itself, the influenza virus does not pose a danger to mother and baby. However, possible complications on the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the kidneys, can provoke threats of miscarriage and premature birth. After suffering the flu, a weakened female body can catch a staphylococcal or pneumococcal infection. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to increase immunity in every possible way and eat well. Until the 12th week, all important organs form and develop in the child, so it is important not to let the infection affect this process.

Bacteria, protozoa and fungi

Toxoplasmosis- the most dangerous bacterial infection for the health of the mother and her baby. Very often, infection with this disease occurs through contact with a cat or infected meat. If a woman has been ill with this infection before pregnancy, then in her body throughout her life there are antibodies that fight the disease.

Other infections. Mycoplasmosis, thrush (candidiasis), gardenellosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and listeriosis. These diseases are also dangerous for a pregnant woman and her child, but if detected in time, they are treated.

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