The guy loves to please the girls with his hands. How to satisfy a woman - working methods

Oh, that female orgasm that is talked about so much! So desirable and so elusive. So close and so far away. The heroines of modern romance novels or films never seem to wonder how a woman can get an orgasm: they easily achieve it at the behest of the author or at the command of the director. At the same time, in real life, many women admit that they just simulate an orgasm during sex, but in fact they have never experienced it. They cannot tell their man about this, as they are either embarrassed or afraid that he will consider them sexually flawed or frigid. In fact, the reasons for the lack of orgasm are not at all in this.

Amazingly, just a generation ago, the female orgasm was considered something unimportant and optional, since its presence or absence does not in any way affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. Moreover, there was an opinion that most women are generally not able to experience pleasure during intimacy. Fortunately, attitudes towards this issue have changed in our days. It is now known that, unlike the male orgasm, which is an automatic response of the body to sexual arousal, the female can only occur under favorable conditions.

The inability to listen to one's own body and relax are the two main enemies of the female orgasm. The first reason is the result of puritanical upbringing and bashful reticence about such a side of life as intimate relationships. Not surprisingly, some women never consider their body as a source of sexual pleasure, let alone purposefully seek orgasm. But the more a woman knows about how her body reacts to sexual arousal, the easier it is for her to quickly reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

The second reason is a whole combination of factors that prevent a woman from "turning off her brain." At the same time, it is absolutely not important for a woman how serious her anxieties are from an objective point of view. It's a completely killer cocktail of worrying about a failed work project and a bad haircut, a fight with your best friend, and losing your umbrella.

So, "who is to blame" we found out. Now it remains to answer another age-old question: "What to do?". You can seek help from a psychologist or a sexologist, but for this you need to have a fair amount of courage and self-confidence (as well as a certain amount of money on a bank card). You can wave your hand and continue to pretend, imitating an orgasm in bed. And you can put into practice the tips that we have selected for you in our article.

The female orgasm can be vaginal or clitoral. The first is more intense and extensive, but, according to statistics, only every third woman experiences it more often than the clitoral one. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stimulate the clitoris. You may have heard this more than once, but if you yourself cannot bring yourself to orgasm, then what do you require from a partner? It's like sending him on a treasure hunt and not giving him a map.

So get comfortable and... start masturbating. Sex in the "solo" version is not only the shortest path to pleasure, but also the opportunity to pay attention only to yourself, without being distracted by satisfying the desires, requests or demands of another person. By focusing on your feelings, you will quickly understand what gives you pleasure, learn to trust your body and experience different ways to achieve orgasm.

Just remember: it’s not enough just to get an orgasm, you need to remember the path to it, so that later you can explain in detail to your man how best to get from point A to point B. “Lower, higher, right, left” is not enough. It is necessary to clearly explain where, how and in what position, and only then his caresses will really excite you. Alternatively, you can caress yourself while the man is inside you.

Sexual arousal increases when erogenous zones are stimulated, on which there are many nerve endings. Stimulation of such points causes the production of the hormone of joy - oxytocin, which is also called the "hormone of love." The rush of oxytocin increases the intensity and duration of orgasm.

Traditionally, the honorary title of one of the main erogenous zones is borne by the female breast. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what size it is - the owners of magnificent forms and bras of “zero” size react equally positively to breast caresses. Ask a man to stroke your breasts, gently massage your nipples with your fingers or tongue. Another highly sensitive area on a woman's body is the neck and especially the back of the head. Massage, kissing - that's the best tactic to stimulate these areas. The inner surface of the thighs and buttocks are also very responsive to gentle male caresses.

Every woman has her own treasured points, which are distinguished by unexpected sensitivity: the area of ​​​​the back between the shoulder blades (the so-called “cat zone”), fingers or toes, ears, etc. Women's erogenous zones are located much more individually than men's, which are concentrated mainly in the genital area. What gives pleasure to one woman may be unpleasant to another. Find your individual erogenous zones on your own or with a partner.

Achieving orgasm also depends on the chosen position. Some women are more easily and quickly aroused in the cowgirl position, others with tightly clenched legs. In some positions, the clitoris is stimulated, in others - the walls of the vagina. Some positions involve deep penetration of the penis, others only superficial.

Making love in different positions, you can experience different types of orgasm. Look for your own sexual position and don't forget to involve your man in this search. Experiment and fantasize with him. The search may take some time, but it's worth it! A certain rhythm of movements can also affect how soon you experience an orgasm. Slow and smooth or fast and abrupt? Try it and you will definitely find your perfect rhythm.

Most women do not even think about strengthening the muscles of the vagina. And absolutely in vain. If your vaginal muscles are sufficiently developed, you can control them by tightening your grip on your man's penis. This will please both of you, and your orgasm will be more powerful and brighter.

Training the muscles of the vagina comes down to making them contract. Alternate periods of tension and relaxation: tense these muscles for ten seconds as if you were trying to hold on to urination, then relax. Training does not require any special preparations or conditions. They can be done anytime and anywhere. Doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is also necessary because they improve blood flow in the pelvic organs and serve as an excellent prevention of genitourinary diseases.

Proper breathing is also very important. In the dry language of science, an orgasm is a series of muscle contractions. The more oxygen enters the body, the stronger the muscles contract and the stronger and longer the pleasure. No, no, don't be afraid, you don't have to inhale and exhale according to a complicated mathematical formula. You already know how to breathe. Just do it a little more intensively. Breathe in a little faster, breathe in a little deeper, breathe out a little longer. Do not hold your breath in anticipation of the climax, too much tension can ruin everything. Breathe with pleasure.

Relaxation is the key to success. Women are wired differently than men, who can orgasm anywhere, anytime. So, you need to understand what works on you relaxing. Perhaps it will be vanilla-scented candles, a hot bath, a glass of wine, or something else. You need to find something that will help you "turn off" your internal monologue - a continuous stream of thoughts about everything in the world. Listen better to your instincts.

The female orgasm is a unique phenomenon. When a woman experiences an orgasm, she instantly reduces the activity of those parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear and anxiety. According to the observations of doctors, these reactions are so blunted that the woman quickly falls into a state similar to nirvana or trance. This causes complete relaxation both during intimacy and after it.

The environment is also important for achieving orgasm. Try to figure out what really turns you on. Maybe music? Or a certain shade of lighting? Perhaps you would like to experience some love toy? Experiment, look for something that will breathe sensuality into the environment.

Is your partner already aroused and you still don't feel anything? This does not mean that you are "behind" him. It's just that for most women, in order to experience an orgasm, a long love foreplay is required: up to forty-five minutes! Unfortunately, our sexual culture (including the concept of orgasm) is male-oriented and based on the male response to arousal, the main principle of which is: “Quickly! Even faster! Do not become a hostage to these stereotypes. The pursuit of the "perfect" orgasm will not lead to anything good. This is not a standard that must be met at all costs. Women's sexual energy is on the rise

and gaining momentum gradually. So stop counting the minutes and fully surrender to your feelings.

Feel free to discuss with your man how you feel about sex. If you had a good time, be sure to tell him about it. Surely he will be pleased that you find him a desirable and skillful lover. Sincerely praise and thank him for the pleasant sensations that he brought to you. Do not be shy and during intimacy express your pleasure from the caresses of your man.

It is all the more necessary to talk to a man if you feel that you do not get any satisfaction from sex. The main thing here is not to stoop to petty nit-picking or accusations of sexual incompetence. Men are very sensitive to such things. Do not behave like a strict teacher with a negligent student: you do not need a partner who suffers from an inferiority complex. Explain what kind of caresses bring you the most pleasant sensations, what excites you, and what you are completely delighted with. During intimacy, you can help a man with your hand or words.

Talking to a man about his own sexual feelings can be difficult, for some it is simply painful to discuss such intimate things with him. But you need to do this: a trusting relationship with your partner, the realization that he is ready to listen to your desires, whatever they may be, will help you relax and get closer to the desired orgasm.

Of course, our selection of tips is just basic tips on how to get an orgasm. To learn this is quite realistic and within the power of any woman. Someone will master this science quickly enough, someone will need more time. The main thing is to tune in to success, listen to your body, freely follow your instincts, do not replace feelings with thoughts and trust your beloved man.

A woman is not your hand or a masturbator. You can't use her body to satisfy your needs and then roll over on the other side, assuming she had a great time too.

Being a good lover means fully investing in the process.

2. Orgasm

A point directly related to the previous one. Sex should not be limited to the male orgasm. If you are not capable of anything after, take care of her pleasure before your finish. After all, if you know for sure that you will get yours, don't you want your partner too?

3. Contraception

It must be understood that, unless otherwise stated, sex implies. Don't act surprised when it comes up, and don't try to get rid of it in the process. At such moments, the session of love simply ends.

4. Communication

Sometimes silent sex works. But most often it is the words, and not their absence, that give a woman pleasure. This, in particular, applies to situations where the partner asks what she wants.

5. Clean bed

In fact, it is very difficult to relax and enjoy when you are surrounded by tufts of wool, dirt and the smell of unwashed linen.

6. Prelude

Sex is not a sprint. Well, the truth is, you can spend time learning about each other and enjoying each other.

In addition, if orgasm was the only meaning of sex, then people would long ago have been engaged in it only with special toys.

7. No socks

Please take off your socks before climbing into bed. After all, the sight of a naked person in socks simply distracts from the process. And besides, it gives rise to a lot of questions in the female head. Should I keep my socks on? Doesn't he love legs? Oh, my feet must be terrible?

Anxiety is not the best companion for sex, so just leave your socks overboard.

8. Realistic expectations

How many times have they told the world that these are two different realities. But still, there are guys who try to repeat what they saw on the screen with an ordinary girl (for example, to have spontaneous anal sex). You don't have to do that.

Man differs from animals in the ability to speak - just not everyone knows about it. Especially men. Here he is sitting next to me at a table in a club, looking into my eyes - expressive, like a painting by Vrubel - and is silent. And I, therefore, have to wonder what he wants from me - affection and tenderness, or so that I stop shaking off the ashes on his knee. The silence of men is still a brake on progress ...

After all, all relationships are divided into stages, and you can overcome these stages only by saying the correct password. And it is desirable that you do it on time. Ts is at the right moment. Do not understand? Well, you have to explain. Here are 9 things a man should theoretically say to his girlfriend someday.

Because we are waiting for them from you. For us, these are not just words - these are milestones of relationships.


“You have beautiful eyes, figure, gills”, “I have never seen such an attractive face, look, umbrella”, “I want to look without looking up at your forehead, bust, laptop ...”, etc.

When to speak

Compliments... No, they, of course, warm our souls, but... Ideally, I would like to hear about beauty a little later. At least half an hour after you paid tribute to those of our qualities that we are more proud of, for example, intelligence, sense of humor, the ability to paint in oils or skillfully dog ​​with traffic cops. So that the girl understands: she attracted you with her Personality, and not just with big breasts and a round booty.

Natasha, 22 years old:
« For some reason, it is believed that a guy must give out these words at the first conversation. You could say straight off the bat. And I think that this should wait. And so it is clear that the beauty of the soul worries him less ...»

- May I kiss you?


“If I put my hand on your shoulder, won’t you be offended?”, “And if I press my knee against yours, aren’t you going to jump up and yell: “Mom! Police!"

When to speak

Mila, 25 years old:
« The first thing that comes to mind when someone asks me this question is how cute is he, is he kidding me? Of course you can! Well, or of course not! He himself must see everything in my face!»

Katya, 26 years old:
« I usually say “no” right away, I’m just wondering how he will get out now»

- I want you


Any other variations of this phrase are best avoided at first. Highly artistic detailed periods about “the abyss of desires and volcanoes of passions” will make the girl doubt your sincerity (“he, apparently, has not gone crazy with desire - if he is still able to call so smoothly”). Not highly artistic, but honest confessions of what you really want, can end with an unpleasant “bamz” sound and a burning sensation in your left cheek.

When to speak

Depends on a situation. Sometimes it's nice to hear it even 10 minutes after meeting in the dark crampedness of a nightclub, sometimes it's desirable to bring sweets and bouquets to the girl's lair for a year or two. But not before you are allowed close enough to the girl that you can say it with your lips touching her ear.

Ksenia, 25 years old:
« I wouldn't want to hear it before he kisses me. After the first kiss, at least I myself usually know whether I want it. However, I usually hear these words during kisses, so everything is in order.»

- Let's do it from behind


"Turn around", "Can I do this?" (you don’t say anything at all, you do everything silently).

When to speak

After the first time, it's not even discussed. The only possible position to start, so to speak, dating is face to face. Standing, sitting or lying - it does not matter, but now we need to look into your eyes. And only by making sure that at the moment of orgasm your Chikatilo teeth do not grow, we can relax and let you sneak up behind.

Masha, 23 years old:
« Such proposals are submitted for consideration somewhere between the phrase "I want you" and the second or third orgasm. At least that's how it was in my experience. Although...once there was a case when a guy I ran into at a bar carefully examined me from head to toe and said: "Do you prefer doggy style or do we do it standing up?" Never do that»


"Kiss me there", "Touch me with your lips."

When to speak

That case when saying what you want is a million times better than starting to persistently push the girl's head towards the intended goal. That pushing - it's terribly annoying! And you can make this proposal when your side has already taken similar steps. Yeah, this is called cunnilingus, and after it you already have the full moral right to ask for the same intimate caress on her part. (Attention! Cunnilingus that lasts less than 10 minutes does not count!)

Inna, 19 years old:
« If a guy asks for a blowjob on the first date, he runs the risk of being alone. In general, I prefer not to be told this directly - but so, with translucent hints ... And certainly only after we make love for the first time»

- I love you


No options. “I treat you well”, “You are so cool!”, “I love you ... well, you understand” - all this does not fit at all. Sand is a poor substitute for oats; if a girl has firmly decided that it is time for her to hear this treasured combination of 10 phonetic symbols, there is no adequate replacement. Even "Ay love yu!" or “Eh liebe dih!” they will work only if you didn’t learn Russian at one time just because Lenin spoke it.

When to speak

This is a very important stage, and the main thing with it is not to delay ... but also not to rush. The magic phrase is like a stock that the longer it holds, the higher it goes up in price, but it's important to pull it off before your stock market crashes. There is no exact hour X, any relationship develops individually and unevenly... . but on average, it would be nice if this simple phrase matured in you somewhere by the tenth night spent together. Because, starting from the eleventh night, the countdown counter turns on inside me and our relationship begins to slowly and surely turn from “a new beautiful romance” to “yes, nothing serious.”

Lena, 24 years old:
« This phrase is always pleasant to hear, especially if the feelings are mutual. But if you don’t hear it during the first three months of a stormy relationship, then it’s no longer interesting to continue.»

- Let's live together


“Yes, drag your things to me!”, “I ordered the second keys - they are next to your purse”, “Listen, will your dad have anything against if I stay with you? I eat little and hardly use the light in the toilet ... "

When to speak

A couple of months is the minimum. No, if you are both eighteen years old, then, of course, a day goes by in two, and a week in four, and the desire to definitely buy joint frying pans and start living “like real adults” outweighs all the arguments of common sense ... But in reality, adult independent people are in no hurry to shorten this wonderful phase of “regular meetings”. When every date is perceived as a holiday, and the gloomy grimaces of everyday life in the form of unpaid bills or undelivered garbage bags have not yet sunk their yellow teeth into the high sense of Romance.

Natasha, 24 years old:
« If the next morning a guy offers me to move in with him, I, of course, will refuse. We need to get to know each other better, otherwise you never know what habits he has. Suddenly, for example, he dries his uniform after the gym without washing on the battery. Or he collects slammed cockroaches in a special album - I read in some magazine about such a psycho»

For both men and women, an important aspect is the enjoyment of intimate life. But, many girls complain about the lack of orgasm, not satisfaction. There are a large number of theories and opinions about how to satisfy a girl in bed. Not every young person, applying them in practice, achieves the desired result. And all because each representative of the weaker sex is individual. Some start up almost immediately, and do not experience problems in bed. Others require a special approach.

Why does a girl need to have an orgasm?

To learn how to satisfy your wife, the girl in bed, you need to know the nature of orgasm. Why does a girl need him at all? Everything is clear with the male orgasm - it is required for procreation, successful conception of offspring. Once upon a time, scientists argued that in the process of pleasure, a woman produces specific hormones that provoke ovulation.

Today it has been proven that orgasm and ovulation are in no way connected. But, the production of the hormone was preserved. So, in the female body there is a surge of hormones prolactin, oxytocin, endorphin. They are necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background, prepare the body for the future bearing of the fetus.

So, from an evolutionary standpoint, the female orgasm is of no use. But, from the point of view of psychology, complete satisfaction in bed is the key to a stable psyche, mutual understanding between partners. We can distinguish the following goals of female pleasure:

  • Mood enhancement;
  • Elimination of stress;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Elimination of headache;
  • Increasing work capacity;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Restoring the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to satisfy a woman: general provisions

To please your beloved, to give her pleasure, do not neglect the foreplay. This is especially true for couples who have been married for many years. Like it or not, but passion, animal instinct is fading. You can warm up the relationship with the help of such preludes:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Bath in aromatic oils;
  • Romantic dinner with a glass of champagne;
  • Watching a romantic, erotic film.

These initial actions will help a woman relax, tune in the right way. This greatly increases the chances of a man that his beloved will be satisfied. Further, the transition to the bedroom can be accompanied by light, relaxing music. It is better to give preference to romantic songs performed by men.

After this attitude, you can get down to business. It all starts with kisses. Explore the female body. Only in this way you can find those zones and points that will bring maximum pleasure to your passion. A woman should feel desired, loved. After all, the right emotional and psychological attitude is the key to success.

In order to increase blood flow, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital organs of both women and men, you can grab a couple of glasses of red wine or champagne in the bedroom. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately proceed to close proximity. If a woman is not at the peak of arousal, she will not be able to enjoy after penetration. If you know the desires and whims of your wife, you will have no problems in bed.

Since the foreplay involves kissing, we'll start with them. You need to start from top to bottom. For most women, obvious erogenous points are the earlobes and neck. Next, move on to the shoulders, chest, and belly. Such a sequence will relax the representative of the weaker sex. The main thing is not to rush, to do everything systematically, gradually. If the couple does not have stiffness and prejudice, you can resort to oral sex. This guarantees the desired result.

The girl will be able to be satisfied if the spouse stimulates the clitoris during foreplay. A man will understand that the passion is already at the peak of excitement. Only now it is possible to start penetration. Also, you can engage in clitoral stimulation during direct intercourse. It is enough to choose the poses that are comfortable for this.

In a fit of passion, you can lightly bite the girl's nipples, her lips or neck. It is worth experimenting to understand what brings her pleasure. Also, whisper gentle words in your ear, say that she is desired here and now. Do not forget the classic, missionary pose. In this case, the woman will have the opportunity to kiss you, look into your eyes, which will certainly turn you on.

All women like light touches. A man can lightly run his hand along the inside of the thigh. This zone has a large number of nerve endings, which will allow you to have a wife. There are a number of effective poses that bring maximum pleasure, as the G-spot is stimulated:

  • Dogi style;
  • Jockey;
  • Armchair;
  • Soldier;
  • Scorpion;
  • Dawn;
  • Acrobat;
  • Hostage;
  • Picnic.

How to bring pleasure to a woman if a weak erection?

Sooner or later, all men begin to experience problems in bed. This physiological feature cannot be avoided. In addition, a decrease in potency occurs in healthy, young people. This is due to banal overwork, stress, fatigue. But what if a girl wants to spend an unforgettable night, but her erection failed?

Don't focus on the problem. If a man is not confident in his abilities, a woman will not be able to relax and get better. You need to make eye contact. While caressing, look your partner in the eyes, kiss on the lips. Arm yourself with all the tricks of foreplay, and invent new ones along the way.

Also, during the prelude, it is necessary to establish tactile contact, namely touching:

  • chest;
  • head;
  • stomach;
  • Hips;
  • footsteps.

This can be done both with the help of hands and with the help of the tongue. It is worth noting that oral sex can give a woman much more pleasure than direct penetration. And with the correct execution of the technique, the partner will receive a full-fledged orgasm. Therefore, during good sex, not only the penis is involved.

To ensure your partner never forgets a night with you, here are some helpful tips. For a girl, details are important, and not the whole image as a whole. If you have a first intimacy with this passion, do everything at the highest level. It's about the bed. Bed linen is better to use silk. Believe me, the lady will appreciate this gesture.

Flavors are also important. Experts have proven that some smells can increase the level of libido, excite. So, in the bedroom, the smells of strawberries and cucumbers should prevail. A woman will also receive satisfaction when you skillfully increase and decrease the rate of frictions. Increase the pace until the moment of practical orgasm, and immediately reduce.

There are many books, videos, free online tutorials that detail how to perform various postures. These manuals can be studied both by yourself and together with a partner. Girls also like such moments:

  • Dry, rough kisses on the lips;
  • Active search on her body;
  • Slow, gradual entry of the penis;
  • When the partner carries her in his arms to the bed;
  • Clean male hair;
  • Straight talk about how sexy she is;
  • Light pulls on the hair.

And no quick sex, no foreplay. Having mastered elementary knowledge in female physiology, it will not be difficult for a man to give her maximum pleasure and pleasure.

We recently decided to figure it out in our narrow circle of women: why does the seemingly inconspicuous “gray mouse” enjoy overwhelming success with men, while the smart and spectacular beauty, on the contrary, suffers from a lack of attention? "And just where are these men looking?!" the most impulsive among us fumed. "Where to where! To the root," said the wisest. And she popularly explained that, they say, everything, girlfriends, is in your hands, that you need to think with your head, and work with your lips and tongue.

We immediately make a reservation: of course, men are different, women too. But all, let's say, have common ground. A small survey among friends and acquaintances helped to reveal the most cherished desires of men and find their most sensitive erogenous zones.

So, ten ways to deliver heavenly pleasure to a man.

1. Run your hand through his hair
To get started, run your fingers along the back of your partner's head, play with the curls of his hair. Run your hand deeper into his hair. And immediately you will feel with what gratitude the partner will perceive this gesture. Sliding through the hair, hold the palm of your hand in the hole just under the back of the head. Few people know - two very sensitive points are hidden here. And a gentle touch that appears as if from nowhere can arouse the most acute desire in a man. In your sensitive hands, the partner will become pliable, like wax, and gentle, like a Persian cat. And do not forget: even the most courageous and impregnable are completely defenseless at the moment of excitement.

2. Bite on the ear
Knowing a lot about love, the East tenderly sang of such a part of the body in a man as ... an ear. Masters of erotic massage know: earlobes are very sensitive. Try running the tip of your tongue over them. Hold the lobe in your mouth, biting it lightly. A sophisticated woman will find the right moment to add a grain of pain to a cocktail of pleasure.

3. Sprinkle cinnamon on your nipples
Do you think only a woman loves to have her breasts caressed? Male nipples and the circles around them are actually just as receptive. Give pleasure to yourself and him - lick with the tip of your tongue. If the man is frozen in anticipation, continue the game. You can also add fingers.

An experiment for gourmets - smear nipples with jam. Someone, you see, will choose and hotter! There are cases when men asked to drop on the nipples ... mustard. They say that even fragrant cinnamon is especially popular with hot natures.

4. Break the ice on his back
Forget the manic nature of Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct. Fish ice cubes from a bucket of champagne in front of your partner. This icy little thing in skillful hands (and lips) can work wonders. Ask your partner to lie on their stomach and run a scalding piece of ice across their bare back. Top down. Along the very line of the spine. Give the man a piece of ice from mouth to mouth during the kiss. This game is sure to please both.

5. Caress his little finger. On the foot
Men love to have their feet massaged. Use any massage oil. First, rub his heels, then start with his fingers - they are very sensitive, especially the little finger. From these unearthly caresses, your partner will flutter into seventh heaven with happiness.

6. Use your tongue
The “path of bliss” is called the “pigtail”, starting from the male navel and leading below ... You can gently walk along the “path” with your palm. You can try the "spiral tactics" - circular movements with your fingers electrify the nerve endings and increase arousal.

7. Slap him on the buttocks
Are you still able to contain your impatience? Amazing. It's time to think about a very erotic slides of muscles below the waist. We are talking about the buttocks. To begin with, massage them with light movements. Without thinking twice, move on to a more energetic massage. You can even spank a little. A man is always ready to give this part of the body into gentle and affectionate hands. Perhaps your partner is one of those who react violently to anal stimulation as well. But this point is very sensitive to any sudden impact, so be careful. If the partner doesn't like it, it's better not to break from the back door.

8. Expensive testicle...
There are a lot of conflicting opinions about how close a lady can approach the saint himself. The testicles are so sensitive that they are even endowed with the ability to "run up". Protective reflex. So be careful with these "twins". Only warm touches can turn into special responsiveness. If the man is gratefully relaxed, use more intimate caresses with the tongue and lips.

9. Take him by the bridle
If you still do not understand what is the most sensitive point on the main mm ... manhood, let's tell you. This is the so-called frenulum, a thin ligament between the head and the foreskin. Massage this little V-shaped thing with your thumb. Affectionately and carefully. Get a very big result!

10. Censored
