Planning. Plans for the summer wellness period (summer)

Long-term plan

for summer 2016


1 Week

June 1, Wednesday

Asphalt drawing competition “Let’s join hands, friends!”

Musical and sports festival “Let’s give the globe to the children”

Reading: “World Children's Day”, “To Our Children” N. Maidanik. Children's rights in verse.

Drawing competition “Happy childhood”

Music Manager, Physical Education Instructor


Our best friends are books.

Decorating book corners in groups. Reading fiction.

Drawing “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.” Making baby books.

Literary quiz “In the world of fairy tales.”

Exhibition of books “Russian folk tales”.

Exhibition of children's drawings "These fairy tales".

P/n: “Bubble”, “Catch a mosquito”, “Sparrows and a car”

Group teacher

(June 5 – World Environment Day)

Looking at the albums “Animals”, “Birds”, “Flowers”...

Introduction to the signs “Rules of behavior in nature”

Making “Take care of nature” signs

Drawing: “Colors of Summer”, “Summer Landscape”.

Experiments with sand and water

Construction game “Animal Tower”

Drawing up leaflets on environmental protection


June 2 week

June 6 Monday

Pushkin readings.

Group registration

Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin: “The Wind Walks on the Sea”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”.

Examination of illustrations to the author’s works

Listening to works in audio recordings.

Drawing competition “My favorite fairy tale”.

S/r game: “Library”

Group teacher

What do we know about time?

Conversations: “About time”, “If there were no clocks”, “What do we know about clocks”.

Reading fiction: “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” by S. Marshak, “The Stolen Sun” by K. Chukovsky, “Masha is Confused” by L. Voronkov, “Where the Fish Sleeps” by I. Tokmakov.

Drawing competition “Fairy clocks”.

D/i: “When it happens”, “Choose a pattern for a watch”, “Journey to morning, day, evening, night”


World Oceans Day.

Guessing riddles about the water world. View the presentation "Underwater World". The game is a journey “On the bottom of the ocean with the Little Mermaid.”

Familiarity with the rules of behavior on the water.

Drawing competition "Water Kingdom".

P/n: “The sea is rough”, “Whose ball will fly farthest”, “Hide and seek”.

S/r game: “Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom”


We cannot live without friendship.

Conversations: “What is a friend”, “What are friends for”. Attraction "Give a smile to a friend."

Reading fiction: “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs” translated by S. Mikhalkov, “The Town Musicians of Bremen” by Grimm, Drawing “Portrait of a Friend”.

P/n: “Hopscotch”, “Jump ropes”, “Mousetrap”, “Traps”, “Carousels”.



Russian Post Day .

Examination of illustrations, albums “Russia is my homeland”, “Moscow”. Entertainment “And I live in Russia.”

Conversations: “The profession of a postman.”

Reading fiction: “That’s how absent-minded” S. Marshak is, “Luggage” S. Marshak, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber”, “My Country” V. “Motherland”.

P/n: “Pass the letter”, “Who is faster”, “Find your color”

S/r games: “Travel Bureau”, “Mail”

Excursion to the post office


June 3 week

In the world of fairy tales.

Puppet theater “Visiting Grandma Arina”

Decorating a book corner in a group. Reading fairy tales,

Looking at illustrations for fairy tales. Modeling of fairy tale characters.

Children's drawing competition: "Color the fairy tale hero."

S/R game "Library"

Group teacher.

Musical director

If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Sports leisure “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

Conversations: “What benefits do the sun, air and water bring”, “How to sunbathe correctly”, “Can the sun, air and water cause harm to health”,

Drawing up a memo: “Rules of behavior on the water”, “How to sunbathe properly.”

Musical director.


Good manners.

Conversations: “How and with what you can please your loved ones,” “Who came up with the rules of behavior and why,” “How do you help adults,” “My good deeds.”

Reading fiction: “What is good and what is bad” - V. Mayakovsky; "Two Greedy Bears"

Playing etudes: “Say a kind word to a friend,” “Call me kindly.”

Tasks: “How can you...(say hello, say goodbye, thank you, ask, refuse, contact)

P/n: “Kind words”, “Who can name the most polite words” - with a ball, “Pass the letter”

S/r games: “Supermarket”, “Beauty Salon”


June 17, Friday.Day of care and love

Conversations with children: “My family”, “What makes loved ones happy and what saddens them.”

Observations of passers-by while walking. Photo exhibition "Our friendly family". S/r: “Family”.

P/n: “Bubble”, “Grey bunny washes himself”, “Train”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Kind words” - with a ball


June 4 week


Cleanliness is the key to health.

Conversations: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “Safety lessons”, “Conversation about health, about cleanliness”. Looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about health.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Toughen up S. Marshak “Napping and Yawning.”

Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic of health. S/r games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”...

P/n: “Do as I do”, “Ball School”, “Traps in the Circle”...


About fire safety.

Conversations with children: “Why fire happens”, “How can you put out a fire”, “How dangerous is a fire”, “Rules of conduct in case of fire”

Reading: “Anxiety” by M. Lazarev, Introduction to proverbs and sayings on the topic.

D/i: “What’s first, what’s next”, “Make a guess.”

Exhibition of drawings “Fire is good, fire is evil.”

P/n: “Call the firefighters”, “Put out the fire”

S/r game: “Rescue Service”


Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

Guarding the World" 22 – Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

Excursion “They defended the Motherland” (to the obelisk)

“Dove - bird of peace” (coloring);

Didactic games "Military weapons".

Final event: “Competition of readers, songs, drawings “YES to Peace!”.


Our favorite kindergarten.

Conversations with children: “Why I love kindergarten”, “Who works in kindergarten”

Reading fiction that reflects regime moments

Drawing “My favorite toy.”

Reading poems about kindergarten, singing songs.

P/i “Look for the treasure”, “Jump ropes”, “Traps”, “Hopscotch”.

S/r game: “Kindergarten”.


Happy birthday, friends!

Formation of the group. Congratulations to the birthday people.

Making gifts for birthday people.

Games are fun.

Listening to your favorite children's songs

P/n: “Loaf”, games with balloons and soap bubbles, “Hide and Seek”.

S/r game "Cafe"


June 27, Monday

Family day

Looking at the albums “Family Photos”

Conversations with children: “My family”, “We relax with the whole family”, “Our grandmother” - instilling respect for older family members, “What our mothers and fathers do” - expanding ideas about professions

Drawing on the theme “Weekend in the family”, “Portraits of family members”

D/i “Who for whom” - consolidating ideas about family relationships in the family.

P/n: “I know 5 names” - with the ball, “Pass without hitting”, “Hit the target”, “Geese”

S/r games": "Home", "Family"

Construction games: “Village house”, “Multi-storey building”


In the natural world

Ecological holiday “Journey to the Magic Forest”

Preliminary work:

Observations of weather phenomena. Review of the albums "Seasons". . Nature riddle competition

Listening to the audio recording “Voices of the Forest”

D/i: “Take care of nature”, “Say the name” “Name the plant by leaf”, P/i: “Earth, water, fire, air” - with a ball, “Sunny bunnies”, “Jump ropes”, “Hide and seek”, "Traps"

S/r game: “Forest Journey”


Physical education instructor.

Day of humor and laughter

Competition for the funniest figure

Reading stories by N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky.

Reading fables “Everything is the other way around” G. Kruzhkov.

Games: “Who can come up with the funniest name”

“Find the artist’s mistakes”, “Dreamers”, “Yes - no”,

P/n: “Find where “Get the Ring”, “Paints” is hidden


Flowers Day

Conversations about flowering plants

Looking at illustrations

Album design “My Favorite Flower” - drawings by children

P/n “Gardener”, “Find your color”, “Such a flower run to me”

D/i: “Assemble a bouquet”, “Flower shop” Making flowers from paper (origami method)

S/r game "Flower Shop".

Targeted walk to the meadow “From sunset to dawn, summer walks through the meadows”


Long-term plan

summer health work with children in the kindergarten “Solnyshko”, branch

MBDOU kindergarten "Golden Cockerel"

for summer 2016


August 1 week

August 1, Monday

Insect Day.

Conversations about insects.

Reading fiction: V. Bianchi “How an ant hurried home”, K. Chukovsky “The fly is a clattering fly”, A. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Conversation with a bee” M. Boroditskaya

Application “Butterflies in the meadow”

D/i: “Collect a flower”, “Find the artist’s mistakes”,

P/n: “The Bear and the Bees”, “Day and Night”, “Catch a Mosquito”, “Where Do You Live”. Insect observations on a walk

S/r game: “At the dacha”


Journey into the world of animals.

Leisure “Journey to the world of animals.”

Preliminary work:

Conversations: “Wild and domestic animals.” Looking at postcards, illustrations, albums.

D/i: “Who lives where”, “Whose children”, “Who screams how”, “Find a couple”, “Who is hiding”

P/n: “By the bear in the forest”, “The wolf and the hares”, “Homeless hare”, “The gray bunny is washing itself”

S/r game: “Veterinary Hospital”


World of flowers

Musical entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers” Guessing riddles about flowers

Looking at postcards and illustrations

Drawing “Flower Meadow” (TRIZ)

Design of the folder “Which flower should be included in the Red Book” - together with parents

Musical director


Gardener's Day.

Review of encyclopedias. Selection of illustrations and postcards on the topic.

Reading fiction, solving riddles

Staging "Vegetable Dispute"

D/i: “Find by description”, “Puzzles”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Dominoes”, “Wonderful bag”, “Tops - roots” P/i: “Edible - inedible”, “Find a pair”, “Cucumber” » S/r games: “Gegetable shop”, “Family”


Sportsman's Day.

Conversation “Athletes from the country of multi-remote”. Looking at books and albums about sports.

Reading: “I’m growing” by A. Barto, “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, “About Mimosa” by S. Mikhalkov, “little athlete” by E. Bagryan.

Drawing “Sports emblem of the group” P/i: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who is faster to the flag”


Physical education instructor

August 2 week

8 August,


(Cereal Day)

Examination: Ears of grain plants, plot pictures from the series “Where the bread came from.”

Illustrations depicting machines and equipment used for growing grain.

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread. Games: “Who can name the most dishes”, “What was the porridge made from”, “Guess by touch” (cereals), “Name the profession”.

Table theater "Kolobok".

P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Edible – inedible” S/r games: “Bakery”, “Supermarket”



My native land

Conversations: “The land in which we live”, “What the monuments tell us”, “People who glorified our region”

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov. “What we call Motherland.” Conversation about the natural resources of the native land. Reading and learning poems about your native land. Examination of books, albums with illustrations about the sights of the Rostov region."

S/r games: “Railroad”, “Hospital”

Drawing “Our Street”


In the world of art.

Exhibitions of fine art: artistic graphics, landscape painting, portraits, still lifes, as well as decorative and applied arts, sculpture. Examination of summer landscapes by artists.

Game exercise “Composition”, “Make a still life”.

Round dance games.

Drawing “Warm sunny day”.

P/i “The sea is agitated”, “Sunny bunnies”, “dwarfs are giants”, “Find the flag”. S/r games: “Museum”



(Space Day)

Conversation about cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin, “What animals were in space flight.”

D/i: “Build a rocket”

Drawing "Space Aliens". Drawing competition "Spaceship of the future". P/n: “Collect space debris”, “Obstacle course”

S/r game: “Cosmonauts”

Physical education instructor


Young Pathfinders


Wet handkerchief, newspaper, bowl of water (Water itself is wet and can wet objects).

Transparent - opaque - Paper, bowl of water. Bath with water, toys.

Magical transformations - A jar of water, a spoon (When the spoon is near the front wall, it looks as usual, but when it is at the back wall and you look at it through a thick layer of water, it becomes large and round...)

ü P/n: “Find your color”, “Hide and seek”, “Find the flag”

ü S/r games": "Hike"


August 3rd week

August 15,


We are travelers.

Conversations: “What I liked most about the trip.”

Reading: “The Snow Queen” by G.H. Andersen, “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​V. Kataev,

P/n: “Find a treasure” - based on a map, “Homeless Hare”, “Sparrows and a car”

D/i: “Geographical pairs”, “Living Encyclopedia”

Exhibition “Journey to the Future” - Transport of the Future” together with parents. S/r game: “Travel Bureau”


Physical education instructor


Bread is the head of everything.

Conversations: “Where did the bread come from?”

Reading and learning poems, proverbs, sayings, works of art about bread.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Modeling “delicious cookies” from salt dough.

P/n: “Mice in the Pantry”, “Find a Pair”, “Loaf”


Sports Day.

Sports leisure “Strong and agile”.

D/i: “Labyrinths”, board and printed games with cubes and chips

Reading: “Great Travelers by M. Zoshchenko, “That’s How Absent-Minded” S. Marshak is, “Flint” by Andersen.

Physical education instructor


August 18, Thursday

Fire safety.

Games: “Fire Hazardous Objects”, “What a Firefighter Needs”

Guessing riddles. Conversations “Rules of conduct in case of fire”

Review of the album “People of the Heroic Profession”

Reading and discussion of works of fiction

Asphalt drawing competition “Matches are not toys for children.”

D/i: “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Items are sources of fire”, “Home helpers”, “Who needs what”, “I’ll start, and you finish”

P/i: “Traps”, “Hide and Seek”, “Find an object”, “From bump to bump”, “Run quietly”

S/r games: “Brave firefighters”


August 19, Friday

(national flag day)

Consideration of the album “Russia – My Motherland”, the flag of the Russian Federation, flags of different countries. Reading poems about the native land, about the world.

Reading: r.n.s. "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the Robber"

Exhibition of works by folk craftsmen

Conversations: “Flag of Russia”, “Color symbolism of the flag”.

S/r game "Travel Bureau"

Russian folk games


August 22,


The benefits of medicinal plants.

Conversations: “What are medicinal plants”; “Where and how are medicinal plants used”; “Place of growth of medicinal plants”;

Browsing books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants Collecting a herbarium of medicinal plants.

D/i: “What would happen if they disappeared...”, “Which plant disappeared”, “Words”, “What is superfluous”.

P/n: “1-2-3 – run to the plant”, “Find a pair”

S/R games: “Pharmacy”


August 23,


The road doesn't like pranks!

Entertainment “The road doesn’t like pranks!”

Conversations: “What kind of cars do people need”, “Traffic signals”, “Why do we need road signs”, “Safe behavior on the street”

Reading fiction:

M. Ilyin, E. Sigal “Cars on our street”; S. Mikhalkov “My Street”; V. Semerin “Forbidden - allowed”; B. Zhitkov “What I saw”; S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”

Playing situations according to traffic rules

S/r games: “Garage”; "In the bus"; "Journey"

Construction games: "Garage"; "New area of ​​the city"; "Passenger stops", "Different types of roads"

P/n: “Traffic light”; "Colored Cars"

Drawing: “Prohibition signs on the road”; “Garage for special vehicles”; "Our town"; "Crossroads"

Educator, music worker

24 August,


Village day.

Looking at books, illustrations, postcards

Design of the traveling folder “Love and know your land”

Asphalt drawing competition “Nature of my village”

Educational games: “My address”, “How many floors are there in the house”, “Say otherwise”, “Assemble the whole from parts”, “Here is my street, here is my house”, “Where is everything”.

ü P/i: “Games with balloons”, “carousels”, “Colored cars”

ü S/r games: “Library”, “Tour of the village”


25-th of August,


Farewell to summer.

Musical entertainment “Red Summer”

Conversations: “Favorite time of year”, “Why is summer called red”, “Summer entertainment”. Reading poetry, guessing riddles about summer. Application “Summer day” (tearing off)

Music Rukov.

Physical education instructor


August, 26th,


Birthday boy's day.

Reading poems dedicated to birthday people. "Best wishes."

Making riddles. Making gifts for birthday people.

Congratulations to the birthday people

Singing a birthday song

Round dances

S/r game: “Cafe”


August 29, Monday

Sand Festival.

Conversation “What is sand for?”

Sand buildings. Sand drawings.

View of sand buildings.

Experiments: studying dry and wet sand . Base games of children's choice.


August 30,


Hello sun!

Reading: “Caring Sun”,

Walking game: “Pathfinders.” D/i: “Blots”, “Put out the sun”

Drawing the sun - in unconventional ways

Watching the sun while walking.

P/n: “Sun and rain”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Find your color”, “Day - night”


August 31,


Sport - is life!

Musical and sports festival “Goodbye, Summer.”

Conversation “What do you remember about the summer?”

Collective application “Decorate the meadow with flowers” ​​(using different materials: napkins, paper, leather, shavings from colored pencils...)

Album design “how I spent my summer” - together with my parents



Pedagogical Council

Kindergarten "Solnyshko"

branch of MBDOU kindergarten "Golden Cockerel"

Protocol No. from “___” “ ______2016


Head of MBDOU

kindergarten "Golden Cockerel"

_______________ Bloshenko A.M.

Order No.____ from "____"________2016

Long-term plan

summer health work with children

in the senior group "Romashka"

for summer 2016









Long-term educational plan

educational work with children

for the summer

In the preparatory group

Educator: Ismagilova A.A.

Explanatory note.

Raising a healthy child is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions. The problem of raising a happy person is directly related to the health of this person. One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize work on the education of preschoolers in the summer. Summer holidays for children have a significant impact on strengthening the body, resisting diseases, and creating positive emotions. In the summer, especially great opportunities are provided for hardening and improving the child’s defensive reactions; sun-air baths and water hardening procedures are widely used. In summer, all activities are transferred to the air. Each type is given a place and time in the daily routine.

The priority destinations in summer are :

Physical education and health work;

Environmental education;

Playful, musical, theatrical, and visual activities for children.


To unite the efforts of adults (employees of state educational institutions and parents of students) to create conditions conducive to the improvement of the child’s body in the summer; emotional, personal, cognitive development of the child.


Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, the prevention of morbidity and injury.

Implement a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activation, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

Carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Organize the life of children in kindergarten in such a way that they spend it with joy and pleasure and receive a charge of vivacity.

Ensuring the implementation of the main directions of the program

Organize a morning reception and allow children to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

Introduce active healing methods into regulated and unregulated activities.

Working with children to prevent household and road injuries, fire safety.

Environmental education of children, expanding knowledge about the world around us and people’s work.

Develop children's creative abilities in various activities. Give the child the opportunity for self-expression, creativity, and imagination. During the summer recovery period.

Expected results

The functionality of the body will increase;

The incidence will decrease;

Anthropometric indicators of children are normalized;

Children will gain new knowledge, their interest in the world around them, creativity, and knowledge will increase;

An interest in nature will develop, positive emotional relationships will appear, a desire to protect it and take care of it.

The ability to express oneself in musical and theatrical activities will develop;

Interest and desire to engage in physical education and sports will increase.


Ecology Week

    Forest Day

    Flowers Day

    Water Day

    Gardener's Day

    Sports leisure “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

Safety Week

    Day Road Signs

    Competent Pedestrian Day

    Transport Day

    Young Fireman's Day

    International Olympic Day

Family Week

1.Family Day

    Birthday boy's day

    Good Manners Day

    Friends Day

    red summer day

"Favorite City Week"

    Streets of my hometown.

    The city is dangerous and safe

(Traffic Laws)

    Kindergarten Day

    A day of cheerful, brave, dexterous people.

Musical and game program "Let's be friends." Information stand “Where does childhood go?” “The Wonderful World of Childhood” - a drawing competition on asphalt. Reading: “World Children's Day”, “To Our Children” N. Maidanik. Children's rights in verse.

Review of albums: “Animals”, “Birds”, “Flowers”...

Examination - familiarization with the signs “Rules of behavior in nature”

Drawing: “Colors of Summer”, “Summer Landscape”

Experiments with sand and water

Construction game “Animal Tower”

P/n: “Hares in the garden”, “Traps”, “I know 5 names...” - with a ball”

Reading fiction

Exhibition of books by A.S. Pushkin

S/r game: “Zoo”

Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers”

Guessing riddles about flowers. Examination of postcards, illustrations “Flowers”.

Drawing "Flower meadow". Design of the folder “Which flower should be included in the Red Book.” Conversations about flowering plants. Reading J. Sand “What the Flowers Talk About.” Album design “My Favorite Flower” - drawings by children. P/n “Gardener”, “Find your color”, “Such a flower run to me”. D/i: “Gather a bouquet”, “Flower shop”. Making flowers from paper (origami method)

Modeling “Bas-relief images of plants”

Excursion to the flower garden

Caring for flowers in a flower bed

S/r game “Flower Shop” Conversations: “What are medicinal plants”; “Where and how are medicinal plants used”; “Place of growth of medicinal plants”;

View books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants

Collection of herbarium of medicinal plants.

Guessing riddles about the water world

Looking at illustrations

Getting to know the rules of behavior on the water

S/r game: “Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.”

Game – journey “On the bottom of the ocean”

Reading songs and chants about rainbows

Experimentation - Forming a Rainbow

P/i “Colored Cars”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “Take Your Place”

D/i: “Let’s collect a rainbow”, Let’s collect a flower – seven flowers”

Drawing "Rainbow", "Rainbow Story"

Reviewing encyclopedias

Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic

Reading fiction, solving riddles

Design of the newspaper “Amazing Vegetables”

D/i: “Find by description”, “Puzzles”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Dominoes”, “Wonderful bag”, “Tops - roots”

P/n: “Edible – inedible”, “Find a pair”, “Cucumber”

S/r games: “Vegetable shop”, “Family”

Conversations: “What benefits do the sun, air and water bring”, “How to sunbathe correctly”, “Can the sun, air and water cause harm to health”,

Drawing up instructions: “Rules of behavior on the water”, “How to sunbathe properly”

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Games - experimentation

"Mistress Toothbrush"

"Journey to the Land of Brushes"

"A Journey to the City of Personal Care Products"

Conversations: “What kind of cars does a person need?”

"Traffic light signal"

"Why do we need road signs"

“Safe behavior on the street, etc.

Playing out traffic situations.

Design of the album “Road Rules”

S/r game “Garage”, “On the Bus”

Board-printed games. Reinforcement of traffic rules.

Didactic games: “Assemble a traffic light”, “Cars and traffic lights”, “Decorate the street”, etc.

Lesson on traffic rules.

A targeted walk along a city street, a story from a teacher.

Watch the video “For children about traffic rules.”

Art activity class “Streets of our city” - group work (construction from waste material, drawing, appliqué).

Guessing riddles according to traffic rules, playing out situations on the road.

Role-playing game “We are walking down the street.”

Puppet show "The Tale of Pinocchio, who did not know the rules of the road."

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians."

Reading fiction on the topic “Child and the Street.”

Role-playing game "Chauffeurs".

Exhibition of children's works "In the Land of Traffic Lights".

Reading fiction.

Games: “Fire Hazardous Objects”, “What a Firefighter Needs”

Guessing riddles

Conversations “Rules of conduct in case of fire”

Review of the album “People of the Heroic Profession”

Reading and discussion of works of fiction

Looking at posters and illustrations

Drawing competition “Matches are not toys for children”

D/i: “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Items are sources of fire”, “Home helpers”, “Who needs what”, “I’ll start, and you finish”

P/i: “Traps”, “Hide and Seek”, “Find an object”, “From bump to bump”, “Run quietly”

S/r games: “Brave firefighters”

Conversation "Fire safety".

Game "Firefighters in training"

Meeting the Olympic Bear

Reviewing albums on the topic

Relay races: “Reach the flag”, “Hit the target”, “Accurate football players”, “Fast riders”

Competition "Guess the sport"

Attraction “Catch the ball with your hat”

Riding scooters, cycling

S/r game: “Olympics”.

Looking at the albums “Family Photos”

Conversations with children: “My family”, “We relax with the whole family”, “Family management” - the responsibilities of family members, “What is a family tree”

Guessing riddles on the theme “Family”, “Home”.

Drawing on the theme “Weekend in the family”, “Portraits of family members”

D/i “Who for whom” - consolidating ideas about family relationships,

P/n: “I know 5 names” - with the ball, “Pass without hitting”, “Hit the target”, “Geese”

S/r games": "Home", "Family"

Construction games: “Village house”, “Multi-storey building”

Reading poems dedicated to birthday people

Solving Crosswords

“Fantastic Animal” drawing competition

"Best wish"

Making riddles

Making gifts for birthday people

Congratulations to the birthday people

Singing a birthday song

Round dances

S/r game: “Cafe”

Conversations: “How and with what you can please your loved ones,”

“Who came up with the rules of behavior and why”, “How do you help adults”,

"My good deeds"

Examination of plot pictures “Good and bad”

Reading fiction: “What is good and what is bad” - V. Mayakovsky; “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” by S. Marshak, “Bad Advice”

Playing etudes: “Say a kind word to a friend”, “Call me kindly”

Tasks: “How can you...(say hello, say goodbye, thank you, ask, refuse, contact)

P/n: “Kind words”, “Who can name the most polite words” - with a ball, “Pass the letter”

S/r games: “Supermarket”, “Beauty Salon”

Conversations: “What is a friend”, “What are friends for”

Reading fiction: “Teremok” arr. Ushinsky, “Toys” by A. Barto, “Song of Friends” by S. Mikhalkov, “The Three Little Pigs” by S. Mikhalkov, “Musicians of Bremen” by Grimm, “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky, “Flower – Seven Flowers” ​​by V. Kataev, “Bobik visiting Barbos” N. Nosov

Making a gift for a friend.

Drawing a portrait of a friend.

P/i: “Hopscotch”, “Jump ropes”, “Mousetrap”, “Traps”, “carousels”

Folder moving "Children's rights".

Conversations: “Favorite time of year”, “Why is summer called red”, “Summer entertainment”

Reading poetry, guessing riddles about summer

Application “Summer day” (tearing off)

Drawing “What summer gave us”

Reading poems about your hometown

Design of the traveling folder “Love and know your land”

Asphalt drawing competition

D/i:: “Complete the hero”, “Colorful world”

Educational games: “My address”, “How many floors are there in the house”, “Say otherwise”, “I’m walking through the city”, “Assemble a whole from parts”, “Here is my street, here is my house”, “Where is everything”.

P/i: “Games with balloons”, “Carousels”, “Colored cars”

S/r games: “Library”, “City Tour”

Children's drawing competition on the theme “My City”

Review of the album and books “My City”; illustrations depicting architectural and construction professions

D/i: “Complete the house”, “Find a way out” - a labyrinth,

Construction: “My Favorite Street”, “My House”, “Children’s Playground”, “Park of the Future”

Sand buildings

P/n: “Make a figure”, “White and black”, “Paints”

S/r game: “City Builders”

Conversations with children: “Why I love d/s”,

"Who works in kindergarten"

Reading fiction that reflects regime moments

Making attributes for games

Design of the group logo

Drawing “My favorite toy”

P/i “Look for the treasure”, “Jump ropes”, “Traps”, “Hopscotch”

S/r game: “Kindergarten”

Conversation "Athletes"

Reading: “I’m growing” by A. Barto,

"Moidodyr" K Chukovsky,

“About Mimosa” S. Mikhalkov

P/n: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”


"Week of Creativity"

    Young Pathfinder Day

    Space Day

    Traveler's Day

    Day of mysteries and fairy tales

    Day of the Book Kingdom and Cartoon State

Week of unboring health

    A day of playing with water and sand.

    Day of outdoor games.

    Clean holiday.

    Wizards - for themselves: formation of cultural and hygienic skills, norms of communication, behavior

5. Sportsman's Day


Wet - Handkerchief, newspaper, bowl of water (Water itself is wet and can wet objects)

Transparent - opaque - Paper, bowl of water. Bath with water, toys.

Magical transformations - A jar of water, a spoon (When the spoon is near the front wall, it looks as usual, but when it is at the back wall and you look at it through a thick layer of water, it becomes large and round...)

Air and water - 0.5 l plastic bottle, container with water

Drawing in unconventional ways - manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern

P/n: “Find your color”, “Hide and seek”, “Find the flag”

S/r games": "Hike"

Conversation about cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin,

"What animals were on space flight"

Guessing space mysteries

Solving space crossword puzzles

D/i: “Build a rocket”

Drawing "Space Aliens"

Drawing competition “Spaceship of the future” - together with parents

P/n: “Collect space debris”, “Obstacle course”

S/r game: “Cosmonauts”

Conversations: “What I liked most about the trip”

Reading: “The Snow Queen” by G.H. Andersen, “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​V. Kataev, “Doctor Aibolit” K. Chukovsky, “About Penguins” G. Snegirev

Design of the photo album “My Family’s Favorite Vacation Places”

P/n: “Find a treasure” - based on a map, “Homeless Hare”, “Sparrows and a car”

D/i: “Geographical pairs”, “Living Encyclopedia”

Exhibition “Journey to the Future” - Transport of the Future” together with parents

Conversations about Russian folklore

Exhibition of books with proverbs and sayings and riddles.

Riddles about natural phenomena.

Creative tasks (according to the age of the children).

Games: “Guessing game”, blindfolded, guess what you take out of the bucket (medium-sized objects).

Reading Russian folk tales

Drawing based on the content of fairy tales

Guessing riddles

Exhibition of drawings made together with parents “Russian Heroes”.

Decorating book corners in groups.

Examination of portraits of writers (K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto)

Looking at illustrations for works

Drawing based on works

Literary quiz based on the works of K. Chukovsky

D/i: “Complete the hero”, “Color the hero”

S/r: “Voyage on a Pirate Ship”, “Bookstore”

P/n: “Magic wand”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Carousel”, “Take care of the object”.

Watching Soviet cartoons (at the teacher's choice).

Conversations with children: “Who creates cartoons?”

“Who is a cartoonist?”

Drawing your own cartoon based on your favorite fairy tales.

“How to provide first aid for heat stroke, bites”;

“Make it with your children”;

Games - experimentation:

"Clear water",

"Pure water",

"Wet sleeves and towel"

“What shape is the soap?”

“Making soap bubbles”, solving riddles about the water world.

Looking at illustrations.

Familiarity with the rules of behavior on the water.

Drawing competition “Water Kingdom” - together with parents

S/r game: “Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom”

Sports ground – “Valley of Merry Movements”

Reading: “He’s so absent-minded” S. Marshak, “The Palace of King Vitaminus” (conversation)

Observing the mood of those who came. (morning)

Outdoor games:

“Catch the tail” (running, development of agility).

“Catch a mosquito” (high jumps, coordination of movements).

“Hide and seek” (orientation in space).

Mini football.

Didactic game “What is healthy and what is harmful to health”

Outdoor relay games:

“Carry the medicine” (running, coordination of movements), “Take a place in the hoop” (jumping, development of dexterity), “Collecting oranges” (throwing at the target, development of the eye).

Role-playing game "Polyclinic". Offer children the plot of “Vaccination Day” to play out, encourage children to more actively use speech during the game.

Excursion along ecological “health” trails. Observing medicinal plants and sketching them

Conversations: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, Conversation about the health benefits of fruits and vegetables.

"Security Lessons"

“Conversation about health, cleanliness”

"Friends of Moidodyr"

Looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about health.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, A Barto “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”, V. Semernin “Forbidden - allowed!”

P/n: “Do as I do”, “Ball School”, “Traps in the Circle”...

S/r games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”

Conversation "Athletes"

Looking at books and albums about sports

Reading: “I’m growing” by A. Barto,

"Moidodyr" K Chukovsky,

“About Mimosa” S. Mikhalkov

Family newspaper competition “Dad, Mom, Me - a sports family”

Design of the photo album “Active family holidays”

Drawing "Sports emblem of the group"

P/n: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”.

Children's fiction

· About physical education - E. Kan “Our exercise”; V. Suslov “About Yura and physical education.”

· About hardening - M. Vitkovskaya “About how the boy strengthened his health”; O. Vysotskaya “Waves”; S. Mikhalkov “About mimosa”; V. Lebedev-Kumach “Toughen up!”

· About sleep - P. Voronko “It’s time to sleep”; N. Lotkin “Quiet Hour”; S. Mikhalkov “Don’t sleep”; S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning.”

· About nutrition - 3. Alexandrova “Big Spoon”: A. Kardashova “At Dinner”; S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”; E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten.”

· About sanitary and hygienic skills - A. Kuznetsova “Who can?”; N. Naydenova “Our towels”; M. Yasnov “I wash my hands”; K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

· About the walk - A. Barto “Walk”; I. Belyakov “On a sled”; E. Blaginina “Walk”; I. Zaletaeva “Jump rope”; V. Donnikova “On the Ice Rink”; G. Glushnev “Gorka”; A. Kuznetsov “Swing”; "In winter"; G. Ladonshchikov “Golden Mountain”; “On a frosty day”; "Helpers of Spring"; S. Mikhalkov “Walk”.

· About the psychological climate in the group and at home - 3. Alexandrova “Ball”; I. Demyanov “I came to kindergarten with my mother”; A. Kuznetsov “Girlfriends”; N. Naydenova “New Girl”; G. Ladonshchikov “I’m not crying.”

· About diseases, their treatment and prevention - R. Kudashev “Cockerel”; S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”. M. Krivich, O. Olgin “Pedestrian School”; S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa the Policeman”, “Walking Carefully...”; V. Semernin “Forbidden - allowed!”; I. Seryakov “Lights are burning at the crossroads”; O. Tarutin “Why do we need a traffic light.”

· About behavior in various situations - Shalaeva G.P. Big book of rules of conduct for well-mannered children. - M.: “Eksmo”, 2005.

Working with parents during the summer


Consultation: “Toughening up the child”

Sanitary bulletin “First aid for sunstroke and burns.”

Sanitary bulletin “Vitamin calendar. Summer".

Counseling for newly arrived children

Participation of parents in landscaping areas. Participation in the competition “Best kindergarten site”.


Consultation: “10 recipes against greed”

Consultation “Learning the traffic alphabet”

Mobile folder “First aid for poisoning by poisonous plants.”

Stranina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Calendar-long-term plan of educational work for the summer health period. June

Calendar-long-term plan of educational work

for the summer health period (June)

Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics. Full satisfaction of the growing body's needs for rest, creative activity and movement.

Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and the promotion of children’s health, and the prevention of morbidity and injury.

Implement a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical education of children, developing independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity.

Carry out pedagogical and health education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Month, topic Children's games (goals, objectives, literature) Entertainment or general activities Working with parents

Week 1 “Child in the world of people”

Children Protection Day

Learning poems about summer;

Asphalt drawing competition;

Working with parents

Celebration dedicated to Children's Day “Hello, Summer” (concert of senior groups). Consultation on the topic: “Caution, it’s getting hot!”

Consultation “How to protect your child from allergies.”

The whole planet welcomes summer

Conversation with children: “So summer has come”;

Reading: V. Tatarinov “What color is summer”;

Memorizing the poem by N. Surikov “Summer”.

Consultation “Travel with a baby” Purpose: to enrich the pedagogical knowledge of parents on how to make their vacation interesting and exciting.

Friendship Day

Goal: To develop basic understanding of friendly relationships.

Game - imitation "Mood";

Finger game "Friendly fingers"

Conversation "We are playing."

Goal: to promote the development of social skills in children, to help them understand that playing together is more interesting, to continue to cultivate friendliness, to form friendly relationships Brochure “Punishment and Reward”

Breeze day

Goal: develop cognitive skills. interest, bring joy.

Games with turntables, plumes;

Wind experiment games;

Experimental work (determining the strength and direction of the wind using turntables). Consultation on the topic: “Hardening in the summer.”

Sand play day

Goal: develop cognitive skills. interest.

Experimentation games with sand;

Sand buildings;

Drawing on the sand;

D. and. "Sand Hide and Seek", "Guess What's Hidden".

Musical and sports entertainment “Summer, summer has come to us!”

Goal: create a friendly environment and bring joy. Conversation: “Outdoor games.”

Week 2 “Learned it yourself - teach a friend”

Bubble Day

Goal: develop cognitive interest, use elements of experimentation.

Blowing soap bubbles in different ways;

Soap bubbles show.

Conversation with parents “Child hygiene in summer.”

Day of the city

Conversation “We live in the city.”

The goal is to continue to expand children's knowledge about our city, its history; learn to compare, compare, draw conclusions; develop curiosity, speech; cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards your city.

Conversation “An example of an adult in raising a child.”

Russia Day

Conversation with children “Russia is my Motherland”;

Reading the work of I. S. Nikitin “Rus”;

D/i: “Collect a chain”

Concert “Our Motherland Russia” (viewing the performance of senior groups).

Design of the photo album “We have fun living together.” (family photos)

Week 3 “Week of fun games and entertainment”

rainbow day

Observe natural phenomena with children, clarify ideas about rainbows, thunderstorms, thunder, rain;

Reading: I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Rainbow”;

Productive activity: “Rainbow-arc” (drawing with plasticine);

D/i “Find by description.”

Consultation on the topic “Outdoor recreation”.

Bow Day

Goal: creating a cheerful, festive mood. Improving means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers in joint creative activities. Development of a sense of humor, imagination and creative abilities in preschoolers.

Game “Dress the doll with bows”;

P/i "Who's ahead";

Game "Balloons"

Bow costume competition: “The most, the most...”

Favorite Toy Day

Goal: develop a positive attitude towards toys.

Conversation “My favorite toy”;

Review of the album “People's Toy”;

Photo exhibition “How we play at home”;

S/r game “Toy Store”;

Games in the corners with your favorite toys.

Working with parents “Play with your children.”

Curiosity Day

Conversation with children “Let's get to know each other”;

D/i “Guess who called”

D/i “Who is missing?”;

Round dance game “We went to the meadow”

Information leaflet “How to make juice healthy.”

Children's Drawing Day

Goal: to learn to use various means of image.

Drawings on sand, asphalt, paper;

Group work “We love to draw.”

“We are funny talents!” -fun concert

Conversation with parents “Teach to see beauty.”

Week 4 “Book Week”

Fairy tale day

Goal: to cultivate interest in reading fairy tales, develop children’s speech, and teach them to identify fairy-tale animal characters.

Watching a dramatization of a fairy tale by older children;

Reading fairy tales;

Watching and listening to fairy tales;

Dramatization of a fairy tale (children's choice);

D. and. "Guess the fairy tale."

Questioning of parents "Children and books"

Consultation for parents “Family Reading”

Day of A.S. Pushkin

Pushkin readings;

Competition of drawings for fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin;

D/i "Get to know the hero"

Consultation “How to tell children the author’s biography”

Riddle Day

Goal: to activate mental activity in an entertaining way.

Guessing riddles from pictures;

D. and. “Guess what I’ll show you”, “What’s missing?”, “Guess by the description”, “What’s missing”;

Productive activity: “Draw the answer to my riddle”;

Word game “Say a word.”

Working with parents: “Learn with your children”

Book Doctor Day

Labor activity (“Knizhkina Hospital” book repair);

Conversation about caring for books;

D/i "What a book loves"

Campaign “Give a book to a kindergarten”

Foreign Language Day

Musical entertainment “I want to know everything in the world”

Consultation “Book Corner at Home”

Publications on the topic:

Work plan for the summer health period in a preschool educational institution"Work plan for the summer health period" in a preschool educational institution Purpose of work: Preservation and strengthening of physical health.

Calendar-long-term work plan. Victory Day week Educational activities Morning Direct activities Evening Work with parents Monday Cognition The world around us Conversation about the hero city.

Summer presents great opportunities for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children and their cognitive development.

Report for the summer health period Summer is an amazing time! The work of a kindergarten in the summer has its own specifics, because children spend almost the entire day.

Long-term thematic plan for educational work in the second junior group for 2015–2016 topic deadline Program objectives Final event “Goodbye, Summer! Hello, kindergarten! 1 – 2 weeks of September Consolidate knowledge.

Section 1

Analysis of summer work for 2015

During the summer health campaign in kindergarten in 2015, 90 preschool children were covered. By May 25, long-term plans for the summer health campaign were drawn up. In each age group, starting from June 1, the schedule of classes has been changed, which includes activities aimed at improving health, physical, environmental development, as well as developing skills and habits of safe life as a means of personal protection. The entire kindergarten has been switched to summer mode. Corners for parents included medical and pedagogical information, life safety, and current information.

One of the areas in which the teaching staff of the kindergarten worked wascreating health-preserving conditions for the purpose of improving the health and hardening of preschool children.

A child health system created in kindergarten, including:

  • physical education;
  • health work;
  • hardening (using natural factors, as well as special methods and techniques);
  • correction of existing developmental abnormalities (flat feet, poor posture)

confirmed its effectiveness this year.

In May, teachers of all groups carried out diagnostics of the physical development of children, starting from the age of three, and measured anthropometric data. At the end of the summer period, repeated diagnostics were carried out, the results of which showed an improvement in indicators. The attendance of children during the summer period was 60-70%.

Physical education included physical education and sports activities, gymnastics, games and entertainment, holidays, and outdoor leisure activities. Hardening took place using natural factors: air, water, air baths. The following activities were actively used: finger gymnastics, visual arts, work with stencils and mosaics.

The physical education diagnostics carried out at the beginning of the year also show an improvement in indicators in all sections.

Consultations were held for parents: “Holidays with children in the summer”, “Recommendations for walking in the summer”.

Thus, in the kindergarten, conditions were created for preserving the health, improving the health and strengthening of preschool children.

The next direction in which the teaching staff worked wasformation of ecological culture among preschool children.

All work in this direction was carried out in the following sections:

  • cognitive activity;
  • Practical activities;
  • visual activity;
  • play activity.

Much attention was paid to educational and experimental activities. This knowledge was presented to children through targeted walks, special conversations, entertainment, experimental activities, and work in flower beds and corners of nature.

Thus, teachers sought not only to expand children’s environmental knowledge, but also to form an environmental culture. Of course, in three months it is impossible to say with certainty that this problem has been completely solved. Therefore, we plan to continue working in this direction next year. But there are already positive results.

The third, big task that the teaching staff worked on was -development of skills and habits of safe life.

The solution to the problem was carried out in three directions:

  • Traffic Laws;
  • everyday situations;
  • Fire safety.

During the summer, conversations and games were held to help children master practical skills and acquire skills in this area.

During the summer, a series of practical and theoretical classes on life safety was conducted. “What can cause a fire”, “Matches are not a toy for children”, “What can harm others.” A consultation was organized for parents: “Child and the Road.”

In the summer, administrative and economic activities were carried out in full swing. Playgrounds are provided with sand. Cosmetic repairs were carried out in the groups. During the summer, new flower beds and green spaces appeared on the territory of the kindergarten.

Thus, the kindergarten team believes that the assigned tasks have been fully realized.

Section 2

1. Creation of health-preserving conditions in kindergarten for the purpose of improving the health and hardening of preschool children.

2. Formation of ecological culture among preschool children.

3. Development of skills and habits of safe life.

2.1. Educational work


Time spending


Transfer of kindergarten to summer mode.



Planning summer recreational work of preschool educational institutions.


Art. teacher

Motor activity.

During the summer

FC teacher

A series of practical and theoretical classes on life safety.

During the summer


Environmental and labor education.

During the summer


Cognitive activity:

  • Targeted walks;
  • Observations;
  • Conversations;
  • Experimental activities;
  • Didactic games.

During the summer


Visual activities:

  • Competitions;
  • Free sketches;
  • Creative works.

During the summer


Holiday: "Children's Day".


Thematic day: “Russia Day”

Art. teacher,

Intellectual and sports entertainment “Dad Can!”

FC teacher,

Preparing scenarios and plans



2.2. Physical education and health work


Time spending




Taking baths:


All groups




All groups

pom. teacher

Sleep in a well-ventilated area.


All groups

pom. teacher

Walking barefoot.


All groups


Performing physical activity (warm-ups, a set of exercises, running)


All groups

pom. teacher

Carrying out routine processes in the fresh air.


All groups


Washing feet.


All groups

pom. teacher

Gargling with boiled water.


Senior groups


Physical development

Diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of children.

first week of June

Kindergarten groups


Morning exercises.


All groups


Physical education classes.

3 times a week

All groups

FC teacher


Sport games.

According to the plan of the physical education teacher

Senior groups

FC teacher


Sport competitions. Relay races.

Outdoor games

Every day according to the teachers' plan

All groups


Physical entertainment.

According to the plan of the physical education teacher

All groups

FC teacher

Mini tourism.

According to the teachers' plan

Senior groups


Holidays and entertainment

"Let's welcome summer!"


Senior groups


Entertainment “Fun Starts”


Senior groups

FC teacher

"Bye, summer!" (holiday)


All groups


Corrective and preventive work

Correction and prevention:
flat feet;
poor posture.

According to the plan of the physical education teacher

All groups

FC teacher

2.3. Environmental and labor education


Time spending



Cognitive activity


According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Didactic games.

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Story-based role-playing games.

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Ecological experiments.

According to the teachers' plan

Senior groups


"Environmental Experts" (quiz)

June July August

All groups

Art. teacher

Visual activities

Independent creativity.

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Children's drawing competitions:
"Drawings on the asphalt"
"We'll save you, Nature"


Senior groups

Art. teacher,

Practical activities

flower garden;
surrounding society;

adult labor;

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Labor activity:
flower garden;

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


Series of practical exercises: “Ecological trail”

According to the teachers' plan

All groups


the best flower bed;
best sand building;
Competition for the best crafts made from vegetables and fruits.


All groups


2.4. Methodical work


Time spending


Work with personnel

Development and approval of a plan for educational and methodological work of the institution


Art. teacher

Carrying out activities in accordance with the educational and methodological work plan of the institution.

During the summer

Art. teacher

Development and approval of educational programs in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

June August

Art. teacher

Development and approval of educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

June August

Art. teacher

Development and approval of the annual plan for the 2016–2017 academic year in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

June August

Art. teacher

Final teacher council with summing up the results of the work for the 2015-2016 academic year and approval of the plan for summer recreational work, daily routine, distribution of activities during the summer period


Head, Art. teacher


Planning summer health work.


Art. teacher

Watch out, sun!



Forms of hardening and improving the health of children in the summer.


Art. teacher

Protecting the life and health of children in the summer.



Preparing kindergarten for the new school year



Organization of children's leisure in the summer, observance of physical activity in groups


Art. teacher

Interaction and forms of work with parents during the summer



Features of a summer walk



2.5. Working with parents


Time spending


Stand information

Compliance with SaNpiN requirements in the summer

June August

Art. teacher


Health work:
Organization of recreational work in the summer
Tips for parents




Environmental education:

What is environmental education for preschoolers



Labor education:
Hard work of preschool children in the flower garden



Child and road



Preparation of booklets for parents:

“This is interesting”, “Advice from experts”

Summer period

Art. educator, specialists

Information in the parent's corner

GCD grid for summer



life safety fundamentals



2.6. Fundamentals of life safety for children and adults


Time spending



Traffic Laws:
A series of games and conversations;
Mini excursions;
Didactic games
Drawing competition: “How I cross the street”;
Entertainment: “Traffic Light”

According to the teachers' plan

June -

All groups


Domestic situations:
Didactic games and conversations (How not to behave in nature?; Tablets - what are they? etc.)

According to the teachers' plan



Fire safety:
Didactic games and conversations (Matches are not a toy for children; Forest fires; What can cause a fire).
Exhibition of works: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”
Entertainment "KVN"

According to plan

June August




2.7. Improving the qualifications of educators. Preventative work


Time spending



Protecting the life and health of children.



Fundamentals of life safety for children and adults.


Art. teacher

Fire safety rules.



Access control in preschool educational institutions.



Consultations for educators

Physical education and recreational work in the summer with preschool children.


FC teacher

Providing first aid to children in the summer.



Hardening children in the summer.


Art. teacher

Organization of leisure activities with children and parents


Art. teacher

Prevention and control of infectious diseases and helminthiasis.



Consultations for junior teachers

Compliance with SaNPiN in kindergarten.



Features of sanitary and hygienic cleaning in summer


Compliance with SaNPiN.

During the summer

Head, Art. teacher, caretaker

Drinking regime, adherence to regime moments

Analysis of teachers’ plans, documentation

Carrying out briefings, checking the condition of the territory and the safety of removed material

Storage of perishable products.


Section 3

Administrative and economic work


Time spending


Carry out cosmetic repairs to groups.

June August


Providing sand for playgrounds.

Spring-summer period


Landscaping of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

May June


Monitoring equipment in group play areas.

Summer period


Repair of verandas on the territory of the kindergarten.



Drying carpets, mattresses, pillows, blankets.

June July

ml. educators

Providing first aid kits to all groups

Summer period

Caretaker, teachers

Preparing equipment for watering flowers

Summer period


Grid of thematic weeks

Week 1 - Child in the human world
Week 2 - Flower Week
Week 3 - Magic Week
Week 4 - Zoological week

Week 1 - Young pedestrians
Week 2 - Vitamin
Week 3 - Experimental
Week 4 – Sports (games and fun)

1 week - Alone with nature
Week 2 – Fairy tales
Week 3 - Morning of joyful meetings
Week 4 - Connoisseurs


Topic of the week

Days of the week

I Week

Child in the human world

1 day

Conversation “Why is this day called that”
Poster information for parents “Children’s Rights”
Weather observation.
D/i “Collect a drawing of a flower”
I/u “Throw it – catch it”
“Hit it on the floor (ground)”
D/i “What color is it”

Day 2

Review of the album "Sport"
Conversation “Sport improves health”
I/u “We are athletes”
P/i "Sorcerer"
"Ball Traps"
D/i “What for what”
I/u “Throw the Ring”
"Hit the target"
Finger gymnastics

Day 3

Game miniatures - description of your favorite toy
Viewing an exhibition of soft toys
D/i “Call me affectionately”
"The Fourth Wheel"
Conversation “The history of the appearance of toys” (made of wood, straw, rags, clay whistles)
Handmade from waste material and paper “I will give a friend...”
P/n “We are funny guys”

Day 4

Conversation “What does it mean to be healthy” - meeting with Dr. Aibolit.
S/r "Polyclinic"
Consultation for parents “Medicines in the home and their storage”
I/u “Who will throw further”
Observing plants on the site. What do they need water for?
Reading “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky
D/i “Do’s and Don’ts” based on pictures from the book “Safety” (about hand hygiene)
P/i "The fastest"

Day 5
Fairy tales

Meeting with a kind storyteller
Reading Russian folk tales "Teremok"
Theatrical production "Teremok" for children of the younger group
D/i “From which fairy tale” - reading excerpts from Russian folk tales
P/i "Sorcerer"
"Geese, geese"
Modeling based on the fairy tale “3 Bears”
I/u “Come up with a new fairy tale”

II Week

Flower week

1 day

Looking at the album “Garden Flowers”
N/a and “Flowers”

D/i “I know 5 colors”
Learning "Blue Bell..."
P/i “I was born a gardener”
Labor - weeding in a flower bed

Day 2

Looking at a set of postcards
D/i “What is the name of this flower”
"What you need to work in the garden"
Observing flowers in a flower bed
Watering and loosening mini flower beds on the site
Finger gymnastics “Buds”
P/i “Don’t stay on the ground”

Day 3

Composing flowers from a mosaic
Observation “Friends of Flowers” ​​- moths, butterflies, bees (how they collect nectar)
I/u “Flowers” ​​- dandelions and sun
D/i “Find by description”
P/i “I was born a Gardener”
D/i “Collect a flower” - cut pictures"
Drawing "Chamomile"

Day 4
Flower glade

Review of the book “Dunno in the Flower City”
I/u “Important Flowers” ​​(aimed at preventing poor posture)
Walking with a bag on your head
Observing flowers in the central flower bed
P/i “Butterflies and Flower”
D/i “Look for the same one”
Improvisation game “Butterflies and Moths”
Application “Beautiful Flower”

Day 5

Telling the fairy tale “Thumbelina”
Theater on flannelograph “Thumbelina”
Conversation “Why does a bee fly to a flower”
Wonderful aroma - finding the flower with the most pleasant smell
Memorizing “Wears a Dandelion...”
Relaxation exercise “Dandelion field”
I/u “Song of the Bell”
Working with a floral stencil
Poke drawing “Multi-colored meadow”

III Week

Magic week

1 day

Experimenting "Colorful water". Meeting with Hottabych
P/i "Sun and Rain"
D/i “What has changed”
Conversation “What would happen if there was no water”
Ways to save water
P/i "Vodyanoy"

Day 2

Conversation about vitamins in vegetables and fruits
Decorating porridge with berries from jam or pieces of marmalade
Narrating the poem “The landlady once came from the market”
D/i “Test the taste of fruits and vegetables”
"Wonderful bag"
Labor in nature: weeding and loosening.
I/u “Healthy” jumping and running, jumping
S/i "Hospital"

Day 3

Examination of objects for drawing (watercolor, gouache, felt-tip pens)
Drawing in different ways (finger, palm, candle, etc.
Observing the actions of the teacher “What comes out of the blot”
Children's experiments with liquid gouache (blotsgram)
Improvisation game “Klyaksych” - depiction of different figures with gestures and facial expressions.
D/i “Find out and name what is drawn”

Day 4

Examination of objects laid out on the table by the teacher from threads and paper.
Observing the actions of the teacher
Competition "The best craft"
I/u “Get through the postcard”
“Where did the coin hide?”
“Why doesn’t water spill from the glass?”
Applique made of wool threads
"Magic Flowers"
P/i "Tiliram"
Games with beads - laying out a pattern

Day 5

Considering an exhibition of objects that are contrasting in color, size, thickness, width, texture, etc.
D/i “Say the opposite”
P/i "Dwarves and Giants"
I/u “Looking for contrasts in the environment”
Observing plants, trees, toys, etc.
Finger gymnastics “2 kittens met”
The little finger of the right hand touches the little finger of the left hand
(2 foals, 2 puppies, 2 tiger cubs, 2 bulls)
Sports leisure “In the Land of the Giant”

IV Week

Zoological week

1 day
Call of the Jungle

Conversation about wild animals
Review of the album “Animals”
Writing a story about wild animals
Reading M. Prishvin’s story “Fox Bread”
D / and “When it happens”
P/ and “At the bear in the forest”

Day 2
Fluffy animal

Consideration of Stepanov V.’s book “The Fluffiest” - reading poems for pictures
D/i “Guess” riddles about animals
P/i "Fox in the hen house"
"Cat Kotofey"
Modeling based on the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”
S/i “Who was treated to what” - acquaintance with the ways of feeding animals in the forest
I/u “Depict a sly fox...” - improvisation, plastic movement in accordance with the animal being depicted
S/r game “Zoo”

Day 3

Mini-excursion “Fishing”
Looking at the album “Sea Curiosities”
P/i "Fisherman", "Fishing Rod"
Drawing “In the underwater kingdom”, “Colorful fish”
D/i “Who swims, who crawls” finding from pictures
Labor - make a fishing rod

Day 4

Looking at the album
Reading the poem "Elephant"
"Reception at Aibolit"
I/u "Turtle" - crawling
"Kanguryats" - squat jumps
"Ostriches" - walking, stopping on one leg
Breathing exercises “King of Beasts”
Working with the “Animals of Africa” stencil
Handmade “Turtle” from walnut shells
Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”
S/r and “Zoo”

Day 5

Review of the album “Birds of Our Lands”
D/i “Recognize by voice”
Watching sparrows and titmice
P/i “Flies or doesn’t fly”
Performing the song “Lark”
Handmade “Lark” (origami)
"Color the bird"


Topic of the week

Days of the week

I Week

Young pedestrians

1 day

Looking at the album
Comparison of bus and trolleybus, tram and train using visual pictures

P/i "Cars"
S/r and “Bus”
D/i “Find out by description”
Conversation “How to behave on the bus”

Day 2

Looking at the album
Comparison of truck and Kamaz
Construction from a large building set
Sandbox games "Highway"
Looking at cars in pictures.
D/i “Is this cargo or passenger?”
P/i "Chauffeurs"
Conversation “Driver, take your time” about the rules of conduct for pedestrians and drivers in the city

Day 3

Conversation “Situations on the road”
S/r and “Traffic Inspectorate Post”
Learning poems about traffic lights.
D/i "Traffic Light"
Application "Bus and Truck" of children's choice

Day 4
Traffic light

Memorizing “Pedestrian, pedestrian, remember about the crossing...”
Conversation “How to cross the road correctly”
Examination of the “Road Rules” stand
Screen folder for parents “Caution, pedestrian”
D/i "It is possible - it is not possible"
Getting to know the service marks
P/i "Chauffeurs and traffic lights"

Day 5
Traffic rules

Children meeting with Pinocchio, who almost got hit by a car because he doesn’t know how to cross the road correctly
Conversation with children's stories about the rules of crossing the road
Examination of road signs “Prohibitory”, “Warning”, “Information”
Puppet show “Parsley on the street”
D/i “Which is faster”
S/r and “A Trip to the Woods”
P/i "Chauffeurs"

II Week


1 day
Fruits and vegetables

Conversation “Fruits and vegetables are good for health”
Review of the album “Fruits and vegetables growing in our area”
D/i “Guess it”, “What color is it”
Drawing “My favorite fruit or vegetable”
P/i "Ogorodnaya - round dance"
S/r and “Vegetable shop with dummies”

Day 2

Conversation "Professions"
Monitoring the work of the janitor.
D/i “Who needs what for work?”
Wonderful bag - find out by touch
Observation in the flower garden. Weeding, watering, loosening.
I/u for maintaining balance “Sunflowers”
Modeling according to plan
Preparing costumes for the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Day 3

Conversation “What does a plant eat”
Examining a bulb with feathers and roots
1 Onion in water and without water
2 Bow in the sun and in the dark
To sum it up: light and water are needed in moderation.
D/i “Test the taste” - fruit - vegetable
Improvisation of emotional manifestations depending on the taste of food (lemon, banana, strawberry, onion)
Sketch “Delicious emotions”
P/n I was born a gardener - running in circles

Day 4

Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health”
Folder – screen in the parent’s corner “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “Poisonous berries”
D/i “Taste-color-shape”
Conversation “What is good for which organ”
A- carrots, onions, tomatoes - improve vision
C- cabbage, green onions, lemon, currants gives strength, improves appetite
Breathing exercise “Fragrant strawberry”
I/u “In the gooseberry thickets” - walking with high knees, stepping over objects
P / and "Entertainers"

Day 5

Preparing attributes for the fairy tale "Turnip"
Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”
Meeting with the Queen of Vitamin Country
“Fruit salad” - a treat made by parents
Finger gymnastics “Orange”
I/u “Compare by size”
Looking at pumpkin, zucchini
"Garden Giant"
D/i "Guess it"

III Week


1 day

Conversation “The importance of water in the life of humans and plants, the water spaces of Russia”
Drawing, applique, handmade “Underwater world”
Experiments with water
P/i “Sun and Rain”, “Fishing”
Experiment “What floats - what sinks”, “What dries faster” (fabric - paper)

Day 2

Conversation “What is under our feet”, “Living Earth”
Observing vegetation on the lawn, in the flowerbed
D/i “What is it called”
“What color is this plant?”
"Find the same one"
Sketch “Flowers Bloomed”
P/i "Centipede"
Experiment “What happens to roots without soil”
Review of the album “Dwellers of the Soil”
I/u "Grasshoppers"
"Worm" - crawling
D/i “I know 5 insects”

Day 3

Looking at toys: haze, clay whistles
D/i "What from what"
Experiment: what kind of clay is it? (dry) (diluted)
I/u “What will happen” - clay modeling, fruits - vegetables - dishes
Reflections on the topic “Does anything grow on clay?” - learn to summarize an experiment with dry clay
P/i "On the bumps"
I/u “Through the swamp bog” - walking with high knees

Day 4

Observation of sand in containers wet - dry
Experiments: “What kind of sand is it?” (sprinkling, sifting, temperature comparison)
S/r “Treasure Search” toys and various items are hidden in advance in the sandbox
Sand games
Relaxation exercise “I’m lying in the sun”
Finger gym "Drawing on the sand"
P/ and "Carousel"
I/u “Barefoot in the sand” - prevention
Leisure – We are friends with sports (flat feet)

Day 5

Experiment “Where the air hides” with a glass of water: bubbles
With cellof. package - injection
With a balloon – when inflated, it glides smoothly through the air
P/n with a balloon “Don’t drop it - tossing”
Conversation “Friends of Man” - about plants that purify the air
Finger gym "Bird"
Handmade paper “Miracle Fan”
P/i “Planes”, “Blow up the bubble”
Breathing exercise “Warm - cold wind”

IV Week

Sports, games and fun

1 day

A package from the Flower Fairy in gratitude for your care in the flower kingdom - watering, weeding (inside an inflatable ball)
P/n “Don’t drop it” - overhead pass
"My funny ringing ball"
I/u “Whose ball bounces higher” - throwing it on the floor, hitting it
Comparison: Which ball bounces better? Inflatable or rubber?
I/u “Grandfather beat, didn’t break” - hitting and dribbling the ball with 1 hand
“Ride right through the gate”
"The Great Robin Hood" - throwing plastic balls at a distance
Ball games.

Day 2

Consideration and comparison: large – medium – small hoop
P/i “Find your home” - size guide
I/u “Roll the hoop and don’t drop it”
P/i “Homeless Hare” (left without a hoop - at home)
Finger gym "Met"
Relaxation exercise “I’m lying in the sun” - in a hoop”

Day 3

Viewing the exhibition of non-games
Conversation about the safety of games and their use
Comparison of dominoes and lotto, logical cube, house with geometric figures
D/i “Guess and find in lotto”
D/i “Name the color and shape” - logical cube
Manual labor “Making a flower lotto” (by means of appliqué on a finished base)
P/i “Tea, tea to the rescue”
Ball school: “Toss - catch”, “Knock down the pin”

Day 4

Conversation “Movement is life”
Listening to the music “March” by D. Kovalevsky
P/i "Dexterous skillful"
"Moon and sun"
S/r and “Athletes”
“Climbers” - climbing a gymnastic wall
“Climbing the mountains” - walking on the road. blackboard
I/u “Hit the target”
Sports relay race with running, jumping, climbing

Day 5

Conversation “Who are tourists and travelers”
Mini tourism
Conversation “Getting ready for a hike” - what to take - thinking.
I/u "Bike ride"
D/i “Find by description” - trees - landmarks for movement
I/u “On one leg to the birch tree”
“With a backpack behind your back” - walking with a gymnastic stick at hand
P/n "Who is faster"


1 Week
"Alone with nature"

1 day

Note the organization of life in an anthill and the industriousness of insects.
Excursion to the anthill
Examine a large anthill, find the “roads” to the small ones, follow the ant paths where the ants go for food, what “burdens” they carry into the house.
To form in children an understanding of the great benefits that ants bring to the forest, to evoke a caring attitude towards the “orderlies” of the forest.
S/r and "Anthill"
P/n “We won’t say where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”

Day 2

Conversation “What surrounds us?” “What benefits do plants provide?”
Manual labor - cleaning your plot, watering flowers, loosening the soil
Drawing “My Planet”
Collecting leaves for the herbarium
P/i "Mousetrap"

Day 3
Medicinal plants

Show the variety of flowers in the flowerbed, note the main difference - reproduction, variety of shapes and colors. Consider plantain. Leaf shape, its healing properties. Harvesting method: cut with scissors, dry in a dark, ventilated area. What happens if you dry it in the sun in a closed jar, in a pile? (humus).
D/i “Which plant is the leaf from?”

Day 4

Observing the strength of the wind.
D/i “How can you determine whether there is wind or not without leaving your home?”
Reading an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin “Wind, you are a mighty wind...”
Watch the wind blow the clouds across the sky.
Looking at a cloud, fantasizing “What does it look like?”
P/i “The sea is agitated”

Day 5

Note that there are plants growing in the meadow that need a lot of light; distinguish and name some of them (clover, meadow geranium, mouse pea).
Teach to appreciate the beauty and freedom of meadows filled with the aroma of herbs.
Examine the plants, determine the characteristics of the stem, leaves, flowers, and compare them.

2 week
Fairy tales

1 day
"We are wizards"

Experimental work “Colorful water”
Meeting with Hottabych
P/i "Sorcerer"
D/i “What has changed?”
Conversation “Ways to save water”
S/r "Magic wand"

Day 2
Games and fun

S/r and “Fantasers”
P/i "Bullet"
Relay game “Jolly Threes”
Conversation “Playing by the rules”
I/u “Keep your balance”
Come up with a new game

Day 3

Looking at objects to draw
Drawing "Magic Blot"
Children's experiments with liquid gouache
P/i "Paints"
Get a new color

Day 4

Examination of objects laid out on the table by the teacher from threads and paper
Learning tricks
“Where did the coin hide?”
S/r and “I’m a magician”

Day 5

Teach to see the beauty of nature, the ability to appreciate and protect it. Show a way to recreate an artificial rainbow.
D/i “Name the colors of the rainbow”
When does a rainbow appear in the sky?
Look at the rainbow in the picture.

3 week
"Morning of joyful meetings"

1 day

Meeting children and showing concern for them. Cooperative games.
Thematic conversation “Who are we, children?”
Asphalt drawing competition “Human World”, “Fantasies and Hobbies”.
Looking at a magazine of drawings about real and fantastic professions.
Game "I really want"

Day 2

Meeting of friends.
Reading B. Zakhoder “We are friends”
Interview “Tell me about your friend”, “What kind of friend should not be?”
Game “Recognize a friend by description”
D/i “Which color of the rainbow would you give to your friend and why?”
Singing songs by V. Shainsky “The world is like a colorful meadow”, “When my friends are with me”
Proverbs and sayings about friendship.
Conversation about people of different nationalities

Day 3

Examining a birch tree in the kindergarten area.
Making up riddles about the birch tree
Singing the Russian folk song “Zemelushka-chernozem”
Drawing “Such different birches”
Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”
Reading the fairy tale “Maryushka and the Birch”
D/i “Whose branch are the kids from?”

Day 4
Physical education

Conversation about summer sports.
Game “Who knows more summer sports”
Looking at illustrations
Sports leisure “Journey to Sportlandia”
Drawing at will.

Day 5

Soil is an important factor of life on earth.
Consists of stone, clay, sand and humus. The higher the humus content, the greater the fertility of the site.
In nature, everything is interconnected. Create artificially several types of soils with a predominance of one of the components.
S/r and “We are experimenters”

4 week
With experts

1 day

D/i “Guess the taste”
"Edible - inedible"
Reading the fairy tale “The Magic Pipe”
Reading N. Pavlov “Strawberries”
Conversation “Let’s go into the forest, we’ll find strawberries”
Looking at a strawberry bush
P/i “Edible – inedible”

Day 2

We watch birds while walking. The nests have already hatched chicks.
Conversation about the life of birds.
P/i “What material do birds build nests from?”
“What birds do you know?”
Reading by J. Rainis “Titmouse”, K. Ushinsky “Swallow”
D/i “Recognize by voice”

Day 3

Observation of sand in containers (wet - dry)
Experience “What kind of sand is it” pouring, sifting, comparing, temperature
S/r game “Treasure Search”
Sand games

Day 4

Conversation “Everyone needs fresh air”
Experiment “Where the air hides”
P/n “Don’t drop it - throw it up”
Conversation “Friends of Man” - about plants that purify the air
Observing indoor plants
Handmade “Miracle Fan”

Day 5
Around the world

Looking at the globe
Conversation “Countries of the World”
Relay races with basketball elements
Learning counting rhymes
S/r and "Around the World"
P/i "Climbers"

List of used literature

  1. Agapova I.A. Physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions. – Directory of senior preschool teacher. – 2008, N 7, p. 21
  2. Baranova V.N., Medvedeva L.A. Work with personnel in the summer. – Management of a preschool educational institution. – 2007, N 4, p. thirty
  3. Belyaeva I.V. Review competition for the best preparation for summer health work. - Directory of senior preschool teacher. – 2008, N 6, p. 31
  4. Borovleva A.V. Project method as a means of improving the quality of education. – Management of a preschool educational institution. – 2006, N 7, p. 76
  5. Volkova E.M. Features of working in different age groups in the summer. - Directory of senior preschool teacher. – 2008, N 6, p. 42
  6. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006, 64 p.
  7. Zheltikova-Vostroknutova T.M. Providing assistance to children with allergies due to insect bites. - Directory of senior preschool teacher. – 2009, N 6, p. 13
  8. Fadeeva T.V. Preparing for the work of preschool educational institutions in the summer. - Management of a preschool educational institution. – 2007, N 3, p. 50.

Work plan for June


Reception of children. Conversation with parents about the well-being of children. Conversation with children on the topics “Professions of parents”, “Body hygiene”, “Be careful on the road”, “My city”, “Inhabitants of the forest of Tatarstan”, “Take care of nature”, “Pets”; - develop children's speech and memory.

Observing the sun, wind, insects, dandelions, ants, flowers in the flowerbed; — we develop speech, observation, learn to draw conclusions, develop the ability to see the beauty of nature, cultivate love for nature, caring attitude towards plants and animals, form concrete ideas about seasonal changes in nature, about the seasons.

Involve children in cleaning up large debris on the site, digging up sand and watering it, watering beds in the garden, weeding beds and flower beds. Didactic games “What is needed for work?”, “Who will need this item?”, “What is it made of?”. Reading fairy tales, poems, stories. We instill work skills and a desire to help adults, develop teamwork skills, and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.

Thematic role-playing games “Driver”, “Shop”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Builder” - consolidate the ability to play in a friendly, coordinated manner, using the attributes of the game as intended.

We continue to work on developing cultural and hygienic skills - we develop the ability to wash hands before and after eating, dry ourselves with a personal towel, and use napkins.

Offer outdoor games “Shaggy Dog”, “Geese-Swans”, “Who’s Missing”, “Find a Pair”, “Sunshine and Rain” - consolidate the rules of the games in the children’s memory, develop attention, the ability to navigate in space, teach them to act in an organized manner.


Monitor seasonal changes in nature, plants, trees, birds, insects, domestic animals, transport, and the work of a janitor; — we develop speech, teach the rules of behavior in a particular environment, cultivate love and respect for nature, respect for people’s work.

Outdoor games “By the bear in the forest”, “Homeless hare”, “Hunter and animals”, “Traps”, “Hide and seek”, “blind man’s buff”, “Burners”, “Cat and mouse”, “From bump to bump”, “ Sparrows and a car", "Beetles", "Chickens in the garden". We teach children to walk and run like a snake in a circle, practice throwing, climbing, jumping, teach them to act in an organized manner, and develop the ability to navigate in space.

Involve children in watering flowers in the flowerbed, plants in the garden, weeding, cleaning up large debris on the site, and washing removed materials; — we instill a caring attitude towards nature, towards plants, and develop labor skills.

Free play for children in the sandbox, games with water, with a ball (under the guidance of a teacher). Drawing with chalk - on asphalt, with sticks - on the ground. Games with sultans. We develop the idea, imagination, and the ability to play with attributes carefully. We foster friendliness and independence in children.

Dramatization of fairy tales “Hen Ryaba”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip” - to teach children to behave freely, to develop the ability to enter into roles, the ability to pronounce words with intonations.

An evening walk

Draw children's attention to changes in nature, compare morning and evening. We develop children’s speech, consolidate the signs of nature in children’s memory: cloudy, sunny, warm, cold, rainy, windy, cool; times of day: morning, evening.

Conversation about the trees growing on the site; - fix the names of the trees: oak, maple, birch, linden.

Repeat nursery rhymes, poems, tongue twisters, and proverbs learned during the year; — we develop the ability to correctly pronounce words, syllables, and sounds.


Observation of the sun, wind, rain, puddles, flowers, insects; — we develop interest in the environment, the ability to compare the same object at different times of the day, and draw conclusions independently.

Offer didactic games “Who lives in the house”, “Guess who it is”, “Collect a picture”; - consolidate the names of wild and domestic animals.

Conversation on the topics: “My family”, “Clothing”, “Our street”, “Birds”, “Mushrooms”, “Medicinal plants”, “Transport”, “Trees”, “Sun, air and water are our best friends” . Clarify and expand children’s ideas about the family, the work responsibilities of its members, expand knowledge about transport, traffic rules, consolidate knowledge about the importance of the sun, air, water in the life of plants and humans. We develop speech, memory, thinking, observation and attention of children.

Outdoor games “Traps”, “Owl”, “Geese-swans”, “Who got away”, “Snowflake”, “Colored cars”, “Fox in the hen house”, “Who has it in his hand”. We develop children's dexterity, attention, speed of reaction, accuracy, and coordination of movements.

Free play for children in the sandbox, with a ball (under the guidance of a teacher). Drawing with chalk - on asphalt, with sticks - on the ground. Games with sultans. We develop the idea, imagination, and the ability to play with attributes carefully. We foster friendliness and independence in children.

Working with parents

Ask to paint the equipment on site; perform light cosmetic repairs in the group, purchase toys for the group. Consultations for parents: “Prevention of infectious diseases”, “Hardening children in the summer”, “Caution, poisonous plants”, “Children’s clothing in the summer”, “On the benefits of sunbathing”, “Hygiene of children in the summer”, “Caution” : heat and sunstroke!”, “Swimming is an excellent hardening agent”

Thematic days for June

Children Protection Day.

Congratulate everyone on Children's Day. Organize running along a winding path, jumping over bumps, playing games, singing a song about a grasshopper. In honor of the holiday, distribute colored crayons to children and encourage them to decorate the path with funny pictures. We cultivate friendships.

Day of flowers.

Invite children to water indoor plants and loosen the soil - we teach them to respect the plants. Board games “Loto” (flowers), “Mosaic”, “Domino” (flowers) - develop children’s imagination, logic, attention, and perseverance.

Sports Day.

Organize competition games, relay races, competitions dedicated to health and sports. Conversation about the benefits of sports. To say that you need to play sports in order to grow healthy, strong, strong. View the album “Types of Sports”. We develop children's desire to play sports. Outdoor game “Fishing Rod”, practice jumping on two legs, making an energetic push, develop reaction speed. Low mobility game “Knock down the pin”, develop dexterity and eye.

Friendship Day.

A conversation about friendship and mutual assistance. We instill in children friendships, a sense of mutual assistance, and mutual support. Watch a video of the cartoon “Leopold”, pay attention to Leopold’s statement “Guys, let’s live together!” Outdoor game "Cat and Mouse"; — we instill friendliness and respect towards each other.

Game day.

Play your favorite outdoor and board games, arouse interest in outdoor and board games. Games for attention. Foster friendships and a sense of teamwork. Sedentary game “Hot and Cold” - develop attention, spatial orientation, ability to count to 5. Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares” - strengthen the skills of throwing at a moving target, develop dexterity

Pushkin's birthday.

Children's choice of reading fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, looking at illustrations for fairy tales - to develop an interest in oral folk art, a desire to listen to fairy tales, and look at illustrations. We develop the ability to listen and perceive the works we hear. Conversations about A.S. Pushkin, visual activities of children based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, quiz “Do you know the poems and fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin?

Rainbow Day.

Talking about rainbows, looking at illustrations - to develop children's memory and speech. Involve children in drawing rainbows on the asphalt with colored chalk - to develop the ability to see and convey in the drawing the beauty and features of the rainbow. Making riddles.

Birch Day.

Targeted walk to the birch tree. Considering the beauty of a tree, its trunk, leaves, buds. Reading poems by different poets about birch. Drawing trees on the asphalt with chalk. We cultivate a love for nature. Examination of illustrations from the “Trees” series - consolidate the names of trees in speech. Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” - we learn to recognize the tree by the description of the leaf.

Happy Builder's Day.

Sculpting castles for princesses and garages for cars in a sandbox; — we develop the idea, fantasy, imagination of children, a sense of teamwork, friendly relations, and the ability to play out the plot. Role-playing game "Builder"; — we develop the ability to play amicably, consistently, using the attributes of the game as intended. Reading the story “Builders”; - give a general description of the construction profession.

Fun day.

Ask children to tell about a funny story from their life, we develop speech and memory. Drawing on the theme “Funny animal” - we develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to draw in the correct proportion.

Sports Day.

Have a conversation about sports and its health benefits. Look at the illustrations “Types of Sports”. Competition games: “Who is faster”, “Frogs”, “Knock down the pin”, “Pass the ball”; - develop dexterity, eye, endurance, accuracy and throwing range. Jumping rope. Ball games. Game "Football", "Blind Man's Bluff"; — cultivate friendly relationships in a team, develop play activity, improve children’s health, and improve acquired motor skills.

Theater day.

Involve children in staging fairy tales “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip” - we develop creativity, courage, and the ability to get into character. Demonstration of the tabletop theater “Masha and the Bears” - we develop the ability to perceive what we see. Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Aibolit”; — develop children’s creative activity and expressiveness; consolidate knowledge of the content of the work; to generate interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky; develop expressive speech. Game – Kolobok Theater; - teach children to enter an imaginary situation, look for new storylines, new forms of movements.

Favorite Toy Day.

Conversation about toys, ask children to talk about their favorite toys and how they play with them; We develop children’s speech, memory, imagination, and develop the ability to write a short story. Drawing on the topic “My favorite toy” - we develop creativity, fine motor skills, and the ability to use pencils.

Fisherman's Day.

Conversation about fishing. Looking at illustrations from the “Pisces” series. We teach the difference between river and sea fish and expand children’s knowledge about fish. Talk about the structure of fish and its habitat. The plot-role-playing game “Fishermen” - we develop the ability to play out the plot of the game. Outdoor game “Fishing Rod”; - practice jumping on two legs, making an energetic push, to develop reaction speed. “Crucian carp and pike” - we develop dexterity. Drawing fish on the asphalt with chalk - we learn to convey the characteristic structural features of fish. Outdoor game “Across the Stream” - we develop the ability to overcome obstacles by jumping over.

Favorite game day.

Conduct relay races with children “Hares”, “Centipede”, “Who is faster to the flag” - we develop agility, will, and running speed. Play your favorite outdoor and board games, arouse interest in outdoor and board games.

Birthday boy's day.

Holiday Sabantuy.

Talk about the Sabantuy holiday, look at illustrations from the holiday, and introduce children to the national holiday of Tatarstan. Tug of war, long jump, high jump - we develop courage, agility, endurance, and a sense of teamwork.

Day of the Tatar language.

A conversation about the favorite works of Tatar writers and poets. Reading poetry in the Tatar language. We cultivate respect for other languages. Tatar outdoor game “Foxes and hens” - we develop the ability to navigate in space, cultivate a love for Tatar games. Consider an album with Tatar ornaments, the national costume of the Tatars, to cultivate interest in Tatar culture.

Work plan for July


Reception of children. Conversation with parents about the well-being of children. Conversation with children about how they spent the weekend, about their favorite toys, loved ones, about different professions, about the professions of their parents; - develop children's speech and memory.

We continue to teach children how to greet their peers correctly by observing how children know how to greet their peers.

Observe the flowerbed, which flowers have bloomed, which ones are just beginning to form buds. Explain that flower beds cannot be trampled underfoot, that flowers need to be watered; explain why this is being done. Observation of deciduous and coniferous trees, herbs, bushes, weather. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature. We develop curiosity, observation, attention.

Involve children in watering beds, flower beds, sandboxes on the site, removing large debris, sweeping the veranda, removing sand on the bus and in the car; — we develop diligence, the desire to help adults, we develop the ability to enjoy our successes, we develop the skill of bringing the work we start to the end.

Outdoor games “My funny ringing ball”, “Find the flag”, “Birds in the nests”, “Cat and mice”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Ball in a circle”, “Sun and rain”, “Through the stream”, “ Be careful!”, “Traps”, “Shaggy Dog” - to consolidate the rules of the game, the development of motor activity, and the ability to navigate in space.

Individual work with children jumping on one and two legs in place - we develop endurance, balance, and willpower.

Conversations “What are the names of you and your parents”, “Your address”, “Domestic and stray animals”, “Clean hands are our health”, “Insects are our friends”. Develop memory, thinking, speaking.

Repetition of topics: “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Animals”, “Mushrooms”, “Trees”, “Birds”, “Plants of our region”; - develop speech, memory, thinking, enrich vocabulary.

Repeat previously studied poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes with children - we develop conversational speech and memory.

Board games - “Cubes”, “Puzzles”, “Mosaic”, “Dominoes”, “Loto”, “Checkers”, “Chess” - develop children’s attentiveness, logical thinking, creativity, and perseverance.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills; — develop the ability to use napkins, towels, and develop the skills of washing hands before and after eating.


Observe the increase in daylight hours, the sun, the sky, clouds, summer rain, changes after rain, weather conditions, and the work of the janitor. Finding sunny and shady places on the site. We learn to notice changes in the area: the height of the grass, flowers, comparison of colors in a clearing, flower bed; observing the beauty of the summer sky, the greenery of the trees and bushes, the water in the mini pool (how it sparkles in the sun, heats up under the warm rays of the sun). Develop memory, thinking, observation, the ability to make comparisons together with adults, draw conclusions, teach the rules of behavior in a particular environment, cultivate love and respect for nature, respect for people’s work.

Involve children in watering flowers in the flowerbed, plants in the garden, weeding, cleaning up large debris on the site, and washing removed materials; — we instill respect for nature and plants. We develop work skills.

Didactic games “Whose House”, “Geometric Lotto”, “Find a Pair”, “Find a Tree by a Leaf”, “Traffic Light”, “Whose Baby” - develop logic, thinking, speech, consolidate the names of geometric shapes, develop the ability to describe an object, consolidate knowledge about traffic lights.

Board games – “Cubes”, “Puzzles”, “Mosaic”, “Dominoes”, “Loto” - we develop attentiveness, perseverance, and logical thinking.

Reading fairy tales, short stories, asking riddles, reading nursery rhymes, fairy tales, tongue twisters, learning rhymes and poems. We develop children's speech and memory.

Outdoor games “Cat and Mice”, “Colored Cars”, “Catch a Mosquito”, “Day and Night”, “Owl”, “Find a Pair”, “Chickens in the Garden”, “Catch Up”, “Tag”, “Sparrows in nests." We practice throwing, climbing, jumping, we teach you to act in an organized manner, we develop the ability to navigate in space, we teach you to play in harmony with your peers.

Sedentary games “Imagine forest animals”, “Who is quieter”, “Run quietly”, “Bubble”, “Sun” - develop the ability to respond to a signal, attention, imagination and the ability to navigate in space.

Practice with children in catching a ball with both hands, jumping on one and two legs in place, walking on a gymnastic board, walking in pairs, walking in a column; — we develop agility, endurance, throwing accuracy, balance, and the ability to navigate in space.

Role-playing games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Driver”, “Builder”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Family”. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot, encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games, and develop the ability to use substitute objects in the game. Develop a sense of collectivism, consistency, and cultivate friendly feelings.

Free play for children in the sandbox. Games with water. Ball games (under the guidance of a teacher). Drawing with chalk - on asphalt, with sticks - on the ground. Games with sultans. We develop the idea, imagination, and the ability to play with attributes carefully. We foster friendliness and independence in children.

Take-out materials: ball, sand sets, toys for playing with water, watering can, plumes, chalk, steering wheels, hoops, educational and board games, cars, masks for games, jump ropes, work equipment.

An evening walk

Reading works by E. Charushin, M. Bulatov, poems by A. Barto, Russian folk tales. We repeat and consolidate the content of the works in the children’s memory, we continue to teach them to answer questions posed in full sentences, and we develop the ability to perceive what they hear. We develop the ability to empathize with the heroes, the ability to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the works.

Involve children in watering flowers in the flowerbed, plants in the garden, weeding, cleaning up large debris on the site, and washing removed materials; — we instill respect for nature and plants. We cultivate hard work.

Exercise children in scattered walking, walking one after another, light running in one direction, high jumps on two legs; stepping over objects; bending, squats; throwing with right and left hands; catching and throwing a ball with both hands, walking on ballons, in a straight line. Develop attention, dexterity, the ability to respond to a signal, and motor activity.

Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game in outdoor games: “Shaggy Dog”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “Planes”, “Run to Me”, “Chickens in the Garden”, “Bubble”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Catch Me” , “Geese-geese”, “Knock down the pin”., “Birds and dogs”. We develop dexterity, courage, and the ability to play in harmony.

Observing the sun, sky, insects, we cultivate patriotic feelings. An excursion around the kindergarten, to a familiar tree, flower bed, vegetable garden, neighboring plot - we continue to teach children to walk in pairs, to see changes in nature.

Take-out materials: ball, sand sets, plumes, chalk, steering wheels, cars, masks for games, jump ropes, skittles, work equipment.


Observing seasonal changes in nature, the water cycle in nature, arouse interest in living nature, orient children to a caring attitude towards the world around us.

Games with natural materials: sand, pebbles, grass, small sticks. Construction of roads, turrets, fences; playing with your buildings with small toys. We develop imagination, interest in natural materials, and cultivate environmental qualities.

Offer building material - we develop the idea, imagination of children, and the ability to play out the plot of the game.

Puppet theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok” - develop and train the ability to retain in memory and reproduce a series of ordered words; consolidate knowledge of fairy tales; activate speech; develop speech expressiveness; create a joyful mood for children.

Role-playing game: “Shop”, “Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Chauffeur”, “Hospital”, “Builder”, “Hairdresser” - teach simple game actions and game interaction with adults and peers; consolidate the concept of size and shape.

Sedentary game: “Hot and cold”, “Bubble”, “Train”, “Imagine forest animals”, “Who is quieter” - we develop attention, intelligence, and the ability to navigate in space.

Outdoor games: “My funny ringing ball”, “The cat and the mice”, “The hare washes itself”, “Geese”, “Birds in the nests”, “Sun and rain”, “Sparrows and the car”, “Cat and mice”, “ Catch up with me”, “Beetles”, “Geese-geese”, “Who can run to the toy faster”, “Butterfly” - consolidate the rules of the game, develop speed, dexterity, interest in games, the ability to play together, the ability to perform rhythmic movements, sing along; bring joy from the game.

Involve children in household chores in the group: dusting and watering plants in a corner of nature, dusting children’s furniture, washing toys, putting things in order in the group, the game “Every toy has its place”; — we cultivate the desire to work and maintain cleanliness.

Working with parents

Ask to paint the equipment on site; drag sand into the sandbox, purchase toys, stationery for children, involve parents in the production of portable materials from waste material. Consultations for parents: “Children’s clothes in summer”, “Walk and fresh air”, “Sports and children”, “Intestinal infection”, “Vitamins from the garden”, “Children’s hygiene”.

Theme days for July

Paper Day

The game “What is it”, we invite children to touch what kind of paper and look at it through a magnifying glass. Conversation about the properties of paper, to form children’s ideas about paper, its properties and qualities. Experiment game with water, conclude that the paper gets wet. The game “What is made of what?”, develop the ability to name objects made of paper.

wind day

Games with sultans. Physical exercise “The wind blows in our faces”, develop speech and memory. Breathing exercises “Veterok”. Watching the wind. Draw the children's attention to how the wind, on its way, picks up leaves, debris, dust and swirls them around, carrying them along with it, sometimes it only slightly lifts the leaves, on other days it throws them quite high above the ground. Draw the children's attention to how small vortices arise. The wind seems to be playing, playing around - it will either pick up a dry leaf or throw it away. Introduce such natural phenomena as a hurricane, storm, tornado, and some safety rules. Develop conversational speech, attention, imagination, imaginative thinking, and a sense of self-preservation. Cultivate concern for your neighbor. The game “What kind of wind happens” develops attention, imagination, hearing, and coordination of movements.

Water Day

Observation of water. Carry out an experiment with water, consider the properties of water. Conversation about the benefits of water. Problem situation “If there was no water...” We develop conversational speech, thinking, logic, and observation by asking problematic questions.

Day of Silence

Reading of Blaginina’s poem “Silence.” Conversation about the concept of “silence”. Announce the “Let's Talk Quietly” competition to identify a winner who knows how to maintain silence. Offer to play quiet games “Train”, “Who is Quieter”, development of the ability to navigate in space, the ability to move quietly, silently. Relaxation “Silence” - listen to the silence, remember something good, smile.

Courtesy Day

Introduce children to polite words and encourage their use in everyday speech. The game “Chamomile” is to name polite words for each petal. Reading Oseev’s story “The Magic Word”, We consolidate polite words in memory and in speech.

Sports day

Give children an idea of ​​what sports and sports are. Through play, children have the opportunity not only to observe, but also to participate in sports competitions, games, and relay races. Children become interested in sports and they understand that it is beneficial for humans. Invite parents to take part in the “Dad, Mom, Me - A Friendly Family” competition.

Health Day

During breakfast, we form a conscious attitude of children towards maintaining their own health, interest in everyday hygiene procedures; develop speech. Conversation with children “What is health?”, consolidate children’s knowledge about how to maintain health, strengthen it, what safety rules to follow so as not to harm health; develop curiosity, attention to one’s own body, sensations; develop dialogical speech. A walking walk outside the kindergarten, to the park, improves acquired motor skills in natural conditions. After sleep, while getting dressed, the teacher draws the children’s attention to how to comb their hair, why it should be done with a personal comb, and what hairpins can ruin their hair. Reviewing the album “Tips from Neboleyka”, consolidate children’s knowledge about how to maintain health, strengthen it, what safety rules to follow so as not to harm their health; develop curiosity.

Flowers Day

Strengthen children's understanding of different types of flowers (indoor, meadow, garden). Look at the illustrations, discuss the structure of flowers, parts, shapes, names. Read the story “Flower - Seven Flowers”, we develop children’s memory, speech, imagination, and imagination. Offer to draw your favorite flowers and develop your creativity. Invite children to water flowers in a corner of nature, loosen the soil, wipe dust from large leaves - to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Berry Day

Examination of paintings from the series “Berries”, consolidate in the children’s memory the names of berries, their habitat, and remind them that there are also poisonous berries. Didactic game “Loto” (flowers), we develop the ability to correlate objects. Making riddles about berries develops memory, speech, and thinking. A targeted walk in the garden, examining strawberries, paying attention to the structure of strawberries, fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Vegetable Day

A walk in the garden, to consolidate the idea of ​​where vegetables grow, learn to distinguish them by appearance, develop the ability to distinguish vegetables from fruits. Didactic game “What grows where”, to develop the ability to classify objects. Reading Tuwim’s poem “Vegetables”, we develop the ability to listen and perceive what we read.

Bird Day

Bird watching will strengthen your understanding of birds. A conversation about domestic, migratory, wintering, and sedentary birds. Develop your horizons, interest and respect for birds. Look at the illustrations “Birds”, fix the structure of birds in your memory. Reading the nursery rhyme “Soroka-Soroka”, develop memory and speaking skills. Relaxation “Fly like birds”, develop motor activity. Listening to birdsong, develop the ability to listen and see the beauty of nature. Outdoor games “Sparrows and the Cat”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Owl”, we develop the ability to navigate in space and respond to a signal.

Animal Day

Looking at paintings from the “Pets” series, memorize the names of animals and their cubs, their habits. Show the interconnection of nature, show the chain, give the concept of dependence of one on the other. Didactic game “Who is screaming?”, “Find the mother”, “Whose baby”, develop attention, logical thinking, consolidate the names of animals. The outdoor game “Shaggy Dog” develops attention, reaction speed, and the ability to navigate in space.

Day of jokes

What is a joke? – Do you like jokes? Reading children's jokes, Chukovsky's fairy tale "Confusion", we develop the ability to have fun, understand jokes, joke without offending others. Outdoor game "The threads are mixed up."

Song Day

—Who writes songs? — What composers and singers do you know? To acquaint children with how a song and music are built, we develop an interest in the art of music. Performing familiar songs develops an ear for music and memory.

Cleanliness Day

Conversation about cleanliness. Reading “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief” - to cultivate accuracy and caring attitude. Finger game “What will children need to wash themselves clean?” - to develop sensorimotor skills, memory, imagination, speech, the need for cleanliness and tidiness, and adherence to a daily routine. Physical education exercise “Walk across the bridge” - development of balance (children cross an impromptu puddle along a bridge). Didactic game “What is good and what is bad” - to develop basic knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate the desire to be healthy, to treat yourself and others with care.

Birthday boy's day

Tell the children that they were all born on a certain day and called this day their birthday. Ask the children to name their birthdays. We develop children's memory and speech. Games with balloons. Children dancing to cheerful music. Round dance game "Loaf". We develop the ability to create a festive atmosphere, develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and coordination of movements with words.

Tatar Language Day

Crafts Day

Introduce children to applied types of creativity: experimenting with natural materials, creative activities with different materials (clay, beads, dough)

Neptune Festival

The outdoor game “Octopus and Goldfish”, the game “Angry Fish” - fostering mutual assistance, creative activity and independence in solving non-standard problems. The game “Whose boat will sail to the shore faster”, development of breathing, sports attitude. Offer relay games “Running with a ball”. Run along the bottom of the pool to the opposite side, carrying the ball in front of you. “Towing in pairs.” On the opposite side the children change. “Who can collect corals faster?” Children collect skittles of two colors scattered in the water.

Portrait Day

— What does the word “portrait” mean? To consolidate children's knowledge about the face and the location of its parts, in order to draw a portrait, you need to know the person's facial features. D/i “Find a flaw in a portrait”, we develop the ability to see problems on the face, cultivate attentiveness. Examination of the painting by artist V.A. Serov “Girl with Peaches”, conversation about it, learning to talk about the characteristic features of the portrait. Drawing a portrait of any person, developing children's creativity.

Computer Day

Introduce the profession of a programmer. Expanding ideas about professions, clarifying, expanding and activating the vocabulary on the topic, developing vocabulary. Walk into the clerk's office and examine the computer. Conversation about the computer, introduce computer programs.

Chess tournament

Give children an idea of ​​chess (about the game and its attributes - pieces, board). Games of checkers and chess, development of logic, thinking, feelings of mutual support for each other.

Work plan for August


Reception of children. Conduct observation in a corner of nature: pay attention to changes in plants, water indoor plants, wipe dust from large leaves - cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, cultivate a love for nature.

Observe the flowerbed, which flowers have bloomed, which ones are just beginning to form buds. Explain that flower beds cannot be trampled underfoot, that flowers need to be watered; explain why this is being done. Instill a love of nature, develop observation and attention.

Water the beds, flower beds, sandbox on the site; remove large debris together with children. Cultivating hard work, a desire to help adults, and developing the skill of bringing something started to completion.

Outdoor games “My funny ringing ball”, “Find the flag”, “Birds in the nests”, “Cat and mice”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Find a pair”, “Chickens in the garden”, “Catch-up”, “ Tags”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Ball in a circle”, “Sunshine and rain”, “Through the stream”, “Be careful!” - consolidate the rules of the game, development of motor activity.

Sedentary games: “Imagine forest animals”, “Who is quieter”, “Run quietly”, “Bubble”, “Sun” - develop the ability to respond to a signal, attention, imagination and the ability to navigate in space.

Individual work with children on the ability to fasten and unfasten sandals, tie shoelaces; We develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Conversations “What is your name”, “Domestic and homeless animals”, “Clean hands are our health”, “Insects are our friends”. Develop memory, thinking, speaking.

Repetition of topics: “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Animals”, “Toys”, “Working tools”, “Transport” - we develop speech, memory, thinking, and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Repeat with children previously studied poems, words of familiar songs, the content of fairy tales, conversation about the content of pictures - we consolidate the ability to answer questions with a complete answer, develop conversational speech, memory, teach how to ask questions, and replenish the children’s vocabulary.

Examination of illustrations, drawings, books. Compiling stories from pictures. Reading books, fairy tales. Develop memory, thinking, speaking, imagination, interest and respect for books, cultivate accuracy, perception, development of hand-eye coordination.

Take-out materials: ball, colored crayons, sand sets, plumes, steering wheels, cars, masks for games, jump ropes, work equipment.


Observe the sun, wind, trees, bushes, grasses, insects, earth, sand, rain, the work of a janitor, transport, and children from neighboring areas. We develop children's observation, speech, memory, logical thinking, and imagination.

Didactic games “From which fairy tale”, “Find a pair”, “Complete the object”, “Edible, inedible”, “Flower shop”, “Whose baby”, “Make a figure”, “Whose house” - develop logic, thinking, speech , consolidate the names of geometric shapes, develop the ability to describe an object, and tell stories.

Board games - “Cubes”, “Puzzles”, “Mosaic”, “Dominoes”, “Loto” - cultivate attentiveness and perseverance.

Reading fairy tales, short stories, asking riddles, reading nursery rhymes, fairy tales, tongue twisters, learning rhymes and poems. We develop children's speech and memory.

Exercise children in throwing into the distance with their right and left hands, walking on an inclined board, making sure that the children are attentive and play together. Learn to roll the ball to each other, improve throwing into the distance from behind your head, strengthen the ability to quickly respond to a signal, learn to act together in a team.

Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game in outdoor games: “Shaggy Dog”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “Planes”, “Run to Me”, “Chickens in the Garden”, “Bubble”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Catch Me” , “Geese-geese”, “Knock down the pin”., “Birds and dogs”. We develop dexterity, courage, friendliness.

Games with sand: we develop the ability to build Easter cakes from wet sand, build various buildings, and develop skills in playing the game.

Games with water: we develop the ability to play together, have fun, without spilling water, without pouring water on each other, and cultivate neatness.

Free play for children in an area of ​​their choice. We develop the idea and imagination. We foster independence and friendly feelings.

Take-out materials: ball, sand sets, toys for playing with water, watering can, plumes, chalk, steering wheels, hoops, educational and board games, cars, masks for games, jump ropes, work equipment.

An evening walk

Games with natural materials, sand; pebbles, grass, small sticks. Construction of roads, turrets, fences; playing with your buildings with small toys. Develop imagination and interest in natural materials.

Outdoor games: “My funny ringing ball”, “Bubble”, “Birds in the nests”, “Sun and rain”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Cat and mice”, “Train”, “Catch up with me”, “Beetles” , “Geese - geese”, “Who can run to the toy faster”, “Butterfly” - consolidate the rules of the game, develop speed, dexterity, interest in games, play together.

Examination of illustrations, drawings, books. Compiling stories from pictures. Reading books, fairy tales. To develop memory, thinking, speaking, imagination, interest in books and caring attitude, you should not tear the pages, throw them on the floor, and always put them back in their place.

Listening to music: “Oh, you canopy” Russian folk song, “Bai-bai”, “Horse”, “Festive”, “The plane is flying”, we develop an ear for music, we develop perseverance. Listening to birdsong, sounds on the street (the hum of a car, a tractor, the rustling of leaves), we develop attentiveness and the ability to listen to the sounds of nature.

Musical didactic game “What do I play?”, consolidate the names of musical instruments.

Exercise children in standing long jump, crawling on all fours and crawling under a bar, strengthen the ability to walk on a gymnastic bench, practice rolling a ball at a target, help develop endurance, courage, and develop a sense of balance and eye.

Outdoor games: “Dashing”, “Run to me”, “Train”, “Run to the flag”, “My funny ringing ball”, “Bubble”, “Sun and rain”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Birds in nests” ”, “Be careful”, “Monkeys”, “Bear a bear in the forest”, “Butterfly”, develop the ability to respond to a signal, attention, imagination and the ability to navigate in space.

Outdoor materials: ball, sand sets, sultans, chalk, steering wheels, cars, masks for games, jump ropes, skittles.


Looking at illustrations, drawings, books. Compiling stories from pictures. Reading books, fairy tales. Develop memory, thinking, speaking, imagination, interest in books and caring attitude, do not tear pages, throw them on the floor, always put them in their place

Outdoor games “From bump to bump”, “Take care of the object”, “Knock down the pin”, “Corydalis Hen”, “Burners”, “Homeless Hare”, “Sparrows and the Cat”; — we develop the ability to navigate in space.

Round dance games “Loaf”, “Bubble”, “Stamping Our Feet”, “Sun”; — we develop the ability to walk in a circle without bumping into each other.

Walk in pairs around the kindergarten. We develop observation skills, the ability to walk in pairs, and the ability to see the beauty of nature around us.

Free play for children in the area under the guidance of a teacher; We develop the ability to independently create a plot and play it out amicably, in coordination with our comrades.

Involve children in household chores in the group: dusting and watering plants in a corner of nature, dusting children’s furniture, washing toys, putting things in order in the group, the game “Every toy has its place”; - cultivate a desire to work, maintain cleanliness.

Outdoor materials: ball, sand sets, sultans, chalk, steering wheels, cars, masks for games, jump ropes.

Working with parents

Consultation: “Sports in the lives of children”, “Toughening up children in the summer”, “Caution, poisonous plants”, “Children’s clothing in the summer”, “On the benefits of sunbathing”, “Hygiene of children in the summer”, “The road to at home with benefit”, “Develop children’s speech”.

Theme days for August

Day "In the Land of Sounds"

Reading tongue twisters and tongue twisters, we develop the ability to clearly pronounce tongue twisters, placing emphasis on a certain syllable. Game “On the contrary” - exercise in choosing words - antonyms; in the selection of adjectives. “I go to kindergarten” - say this sentence: surprised, calm and joyful. Practice conveying sentences in different intonations. Develop imagination and logical thinking.

Bubble Day

Riddle about soap, conversation about soap; — introduce children to the properties of soap and its varieties; consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about why people use soap in everyday life. Experience with soap and water - conclusion: Any soap dissolves in water, foams, and forms a lot of bubbles. Conversation based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr” - bring children to the concept that “cleanliness is the key to health.” Play the game “The Bubbles Burst” to develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Clay and Sand Day

Conducting the experiment. 1. Take a glass of sand and carefully pour some sand onto a sheet of paper. Does sand fall easily? Easily. Now let's try to pour clay out of the glass. What flows easier - sand or clay? Sand. That’s why they say that sand is “friable.” The clay sticks together in lumps and cannot be poured out of a cup as easily as sand. The first conclusion: sand is loose, unlike clay. 2. Let’s take a stick and try to “plant” it one by one in cups with sand and clay. Let's imagine that we are planting a small tree. What is easier to put it in? Dry clay is hard and difficult to place a stick in. But in the sand, the stick pushes aside grains of sand that do not stick to each other, and therefore it is easier to stick it in. We have already found out that sand is loose. We develop speech, enrich our vocabulary. Systematization of basic knowledge about the properties of sand (flowability, friability, ability to pass water, light, etc.), clay (viscosity, plasticity, inability to pass water); about the human use of sand and clay (construction, production of dishes, toys). Fostering a caring attitude towards inanimate objects. Playing with sand and modeling with clay, we develop children's creativity.

tree day

Conversation about a tree. Continue to cultivate a love for trees, a careful and caring attitude towards them. Clarify with the children the concept of “bark”, what it serves for a tree. Learn to recognize a tree by its appearance and its age. Fix the name of the profession of people involved in the study and care of forests, birds, and animals. Clarify and expand knowledge about what wood is needed for and what is made from tree bark. Experimental game “Sinking and floating.” Water containers for each child and objects (wooden, paper, fabric and metal) are provided. The children put all the objects in the water and watch with Dasha what happens to them. They find out that paper, fabric, metal sink, and wooden objects float. Game "Which tree?" The teacher passes a wooden stick to the children in a circle; whoever has the stick must name some quality or property of the wood (light, does not sink, floats, strong, smooth, rough, burns). Formation of children's ideas about wood, its qualities and properties; develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the properties of a material and the way it is used through experimental games. Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” - consolidate the names of the trees.

Fairy tale day

To develop an interest in oral folk art, a desire to listen to fairy tales, look at illustrations, and play with them; through the content of fairy tales, to form the moral ideas of children on an emotional and sensory basis. D/game “Learn a fairy tale from an illustration”, consolidate children’s knowledge about the content and characters of the fairy tale; provide an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge; develop children's speech. D/game “Assemble a picture” - to develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts based on a model, to activate children’s vocabulary.

River Day

Conversation about the river, reading poems about the river, looking at illustrations depicting reservoirs. To consolidate children's knowledge about the river, develop speech, thought processes, memory, activate attention, cultivate a love of nature, and respect for water and reservoirs of our city.

Forest Day

A conversation about the forest, about its inhabitants, talk about the rules of behavior in the forest. Phonogram “The Sound of the Forest”, “Birdsong”. Examination of paintings depicting forests. To instill in children a positive attitude towards nature; give some knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest; bring to an understanding of the importance of forests in human life, the need to protect this wealth of our Motherland; to form logical thinking, a diverse understanding of nature; teach children to see the beauty of the forest and enjoy it; to cultivate a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of the forest and the desire to take an active part in their protection.

Field day

A targeted walk in the field, a conversation about crops growing in the field. Introduce children to plants growing in the fields (cultivated plants and weeds), their characteristics and healing properties; learn to recognize them by appearance; develop cognitive interest, the ability to reason and draw appropriate conclusions from observation; develop children's horizons, observation, attention; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Foster respect for the work of the people who grow them.

Birthday boy's day

Tell the children that they were all born on a certain day and called this day their birthday. Ask the children to name their birthdays. We develop children's memory and speech. Games with balloons. Children dancing to cheerful music. Round dance game "Loaf". We develop the ability to create a festive atmosphere, develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and coordination of movements with words.

Sportsman's Day

A conversation about sports, about the benefits of doing physical education, about the profession of an athlete, to expand children’s knowledge about sports, about its benefits to the body. Physical exercises, play active and sedentary games, development of motor activity of children.

Day of Medicinal Plants

A conversation about medicinal plants: plantain, yarrow, oregano, St. John's wort, rose hips, calendula. Strengthening the skills to recognize and correctly name medicinal herbs, expanding knowledge about the benefits and use of medicinal plants. Talk about the rules for collecting medicinal plants, reinforcing the rules of behavior when collecting medicinal herbs. Invite children to drink tea with medicinal herbs. Collection of medicinal plants for the herbarium.

Mushroom Day

Asking riddles about mushrooms, looking at illustrations of mushrooms, talking about mushrooms and their structure. Exercise “Fold a mushroom” (from sticks), game “One - many”. To consolidate children's ideas about the forest and plants growing in the forest. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Mushrooms” (forest, mushroom, leg, cap, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, honey fungus, russula, collect, prepare, hide, hang, poisonous, edible, fragrant, soft, smooth).

Creativity Day

Involve children in building from sand, modeling from clay, develop creative abilities, the ability to act out their buildings with the help of dolls, cars, and substitute items. The teacher supports the children's creative ideas and approves of them.

Day of the city

Conversation about your hometown, its name, attractions, street names; to cultivate a sense of pride in one’s hometown, family involvement in its history, and the development of children’s mental and creative activity. Drawing “Our City”, development of children's creative abilities and imagination.

Tatar Language Day

Consider an album with Tatar ornaments, the national costume of the Tatar people. Play outdoor games “Skull Cap”, “Chain of Words”, “Translator” - consolidate previously learned words in the Tatar language, cultivate interest in Tatar culture.

Gardener's Day

Targeted walk to the garden: conversation about vegetables growing in the beds; asking riddles about vegetables, talking about vegetable growers - developing children’s horizons, observation, and attention; cultivate a caring attitude towards vegetables; show the importance of the work of people involved in growing vegetable crops. The game “Vegetable Growers” ​​is to develop the ability to recognize and name vegetables, to develop the ability to navigate in space. Weeding beds from weeds, instilling industriousness in children.

Republic Day

Conduct a conversation about our republic, introduce the flag, emblem of the republic, show a portrait of the president, instill interest in the environment, instill in children a sense of pride in their Motherland.

The article is published in the author's edition
