Why Donald Trump Jr Can Divorce His Wife. Trump divorce: what will Melania get if she decides to leave the White House (and the president) Trump is getting a divorce

How much can Melania get?

Lawyers call the approximate amount of 50 million dollars. “This is definitely an impressive amount, but with her in New York, Melania will not be able to afford her usual lifestyle. Although it is possible that Trump has a good idea of ​​​​what a standard of living should be provided to the mother of his child, and I think the payment will be quite generous, ─ Jacqueline Newman, a representative of the law firm Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd, argues.

A few more details

Does the marriage contract state that Trump will provide Melania with a normal life after the divorce? “It is possible that the opportunity is indicated to spend a month in the residence of Mar-a-Lago or use Trump’s private jet for 72 hours. Such clauses can be included in the contract,” the lawyers specify.

Can Melania Trump now make beneficial changes to the contract? Hardly. Theoretically, it is extremely difficult to change such documents in New York. Lawyers tend to regard contesting a marriage contract in court as a kind of manipulation attempt to intimidate the other side with a loud and long trial (and tabloid discussions).

After Trump's victory in the elections, Melania's position has changed dramatically. Doesn’t she have leverage over her husband, because right now it’s important for Trump to prevent the collapse of the marriage? Can she renegotiate the marriage contract? Lawyers explain that, in principle, spouses can change the terms of the contract in connection with an important event and a serious change in circumstances and draw up an addition to an existing document (sometimes such an addition helps prevent divorce), but this is difficult.

“The only thing that Melania can try to challenge, although there is no particular certainty of success, is that when she signed the marriage contract, she did not expect her husband to become president. This possibility was not discussed at all at that time. The fact is that if she previously refused the financial support of her husband, then in the current situation, it is unreasonable to do this, given that she will face serious expenses as the first lady (especially if the divorce begins while Trump is in the White House), ”explains Newman.

Jr. and American ex-model Vanessa began a crisis. According to Page Six, the couple may soon divorce. “The problems have been there for a long time. They (Trump Jr. and his wife - Gazeta.Ru) hoped to stay together until the end of the term (the powers of US President Donald Trump - Gazeta.Ru), but it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve problems, ”say sources close to the environment eldest son of the President of the United States.

Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Kay got married 12 years ago and the couple now has five children. According to one version, the reason for the divorce could be Trump Jr.'s active passion for traveling, which significantly affects family life. Donald is a passionate hunter, so he prefers to go on a trip without household members. "Vanessa is a devoted mother, but she is spending more and more time alone at home with her children."

Other sources point out that

Trump Jr. has changed a lot lately, which his friends are seriously concerned about.

As proof, they cite the statements of the businessman on Twitter. For example, he began to pay attention to posts with mass murders, and also paid special attention to information about the attack on a teenager who survived the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School. The Daily Beast noted that after that, Donald Jr. urged his father to maintain a stance on gun rights and oppose any ban on it.

In addition, on Halloween day, Trump Jr. published a post saying that for educational purposes he would take away half of his three-year-old daughter's candies, because he plans to show her what socialism is. Then, after a trip to India in February, he was heavily criticized for the tone of his remarks about the country's poor, writing "smiles still on the face."

However, the eldest son of the president has not been shy about using expressions in social networks before. For example, during the election race, he added new colors to his father's scandalous fame by comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles candy. On his Twitter page, Donald Trump Jr. posted a picture with a cup of multi-colored dragees and accompanied it with a comment:

“If I gave you a cup of Skittles and told you that 3 of them could kill you, would you take the whole cup? This is our problem with the Syrian refugees.”

The sources add that Vanessa is feeling a lot of discomfort due to the media's scrutiny of her family's lives. “Vanessa is a very reserved person by nature, so it is difficult for her to bear the attention that the press pays to their family due to the fact that Trump is on the world stage,” observers say.

The wife of Donald Trump Jr. also worries about the health of her children after receiving an envelope with white powder. In February, Vanessa was hospitalized - it was a precautionary measure - after she opened a letter addressed to her husband, which contained an unknown white substance. Later it became known that the package does not pose a threat. Nevertheless,

versions about the future married life of the family of Donald Trump Jr. differ.

So, according to one of the sources close to the couple, despite the existence of problems, the spouses do not plan to divorce yet. “Donald Jr. and Vanessa have a number of problems, but the divorce process has not yet begun. They try to solve problems privately.” The source added that Donald still lives at home and is actively involved in the lives of his children. And the current schedule is not unusual - Donald has always devoted a lot of time to work.

The source also noted that the position of Trump Jr. on social networks does not indicate changes in his character and views. “Donald has always been bold and aggressive in the social environment, there is no change in his position on Twitter. His behavior has not changed, there is nothing irrational about him, he has always been brave, always said what he thinks and resisted - this is his personality on Twitter, ”he pointed out.

Another source added that despite the couple not being legally divorced, it's impossible to deny the problems in their personal lives: "Don and Vanessa are focused on their family, they try to work things out quietly and privately. Their relationship has nothing to do with politics, it's a private matter between two people."

The conflict in the family of the son of the American leader, businessman and ex-model has been brewing for a long time and has reached its climax. Donald and Vanessa have five children.


"They hoped to stay together until the end of the term (the powers of US President Donald Trump. - Approx. Ed.), But it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve problems," Gazeta.ru quotes a source close to the environment of the eldest son of the US President. According to one version, the cause of discord in the family could be Trump Jr.'s active passion for traveling, in which he prefers to go without relatives.

Other sources note that Donald has changed a lot recently. As proof, his friends cite the businessman's statements on Twitter. For example, he began to pay attention to posts with massacres and urged his father to maintain a position on gun rights and to oppose any ban on them.

The wife of Donald Trump Jr. is worried about the health of her children after she received an envelope with white powder. In February, Vanessa was hospitalized when she opened a letter addressed to her husband that contained an unknown substance. It was a precaution. Later it became known that the package did not pose a threat.

The divorce proceedings have not started yet. Donald and Vanessa try to solve their problems privately. However, various sources claim that the problems in their personal lives cannot be denied.
