A useful gift for a 9 year old girl. What to give a girl for her ninth birthday

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will find out what gift you can give to a 9-year-old girl. This is a wonderful age, the baby is growing up, trying more and more to be like her mother. However, she still does not lose interest in traditional toys. After reading the material below, you can decide on the choice of a suitable gift. All you have to do is figure out which direction is closer to your birthday girl, for example, sports or handicrafts. And then the only thing left to do is purchase a gift in accordance with your financial capabilities.


Gift for a smart girl

Puzzle puzzle "Masha and the Bear"

  1. Puzzles and puzzles of varying difficulty will delight the little one who loves a quiet time. In addition, you can now put together a puzzle together with friends and organize whole competitions out of it.
  2. Board games will be useful for the unity of relatives or friends. They will have a beneficial effect on the development of increased activity of brain cells, teach you to think logically and calculate all moves. It could be chess or Monopoly, Scrabble and many others.
  3. Girls as young as nine don't stop liking books. The baby will happily read an encyclopedia for girls, a manual on knitting or other types of needlework, or a collection of fairy tales. The scientific encyclopedia, for example, about the plant world, will not be left without attention. An inquisitive birthday girl will be interested to know how everything works.
  4. You can give a girl an educational tablet or netbook. However, such gifts are expensive and are more likely to be the lot of relatives.

For the sports lover


  1. Give your little princess a subscription to dance or aerobics, gymnastics or children's fitness classes. Let the girl get to know sports better. And if she likes it, she will be able to regularly attend such sections, which means it will bring a lot of pleasure and health.
  2. Balls and a jump rope are an inexpensive and practical gift.
  3. Give the girl a special dance mat. She will enjoy spending time on the dance machine.
  4. All kinds of vehicles will delight the birthday girl. A bicycle or roller skates will be especially successful. Just make sure she doesn't have them yet.
  5. If financial possibilities allow and there is more than enough space in the children's room, give them a sports corner. It will allow the girl to train daily, maintaining her fitness.

Craft gifts

Sewing kit for soft toys

Probably all girls, without exception, are interested in different types of creativity. At this age, many kids already attend different clubs, for example, knitting or fine arts. Therefore, a creative gift will be very appropriate.

  1. A set of rubber bands for weaving bracelets. This is a very easy technique and the birthday girl can easily master it. The kit also includes special tools.
  2. Give the girl a set of corrugated or velvet paper. She will happily respond to this addition to her creativity kits. In addition, now there are many unusual sheets with different prints and patterns. A girl who is interested in scrapbooking will be interested in such a gift. The girl will be happy to use the quilling kit, especially if she receives special tools in addition.
  3. Forms for plaster modeling. The kit contains plaster, special molds, paint and a brush for painting finished products.
  4. Set for sewing soft toys. The kit contains patterns, filling material and other necessary accessories.
  5. Pictures on which you can embroider with ribbons or beads, you can lay out the image with sequins.
  6. Set for creating jewelry and hair accessories. The girl will be especially interested in coming up with her own design and turning it into reality. She will be especially grateful if you give her a special glue gun along with this set.

My son was at the birthday party of a nine-year-old girl, his friend from the yard. We didn’t know what Nastenka’s wishes were, so we decided to buy her something for needlework. My choice was a soft toy sewing kit. Nastya was delighted when she saw Nikitin’s gift. And after a day or two, she ran out into the street hugging her new soft toy, sewn with her own hands. Since then, she carries this bunny with her everywhere. So, our gift clearly suited the birthday girl’s taste and turned out to be successful.

To develop abilities

Children's microphone

  1. If a girl has artistic inclinations, give her a high-quality set of paints with brushes, and, if possible, an easel.
  2. If a girl really loves to dance, sports-type leg warmers or a dance mat would be an excellent gift.
  3. If a girl plays volleyball, give her knee pads, if she plays gymnastics, give her ribbons of bright colors, if she plays karate, give her a kimono. Such gifts will not only be pleasant, but also very useful.
  4. If your little one is interested in singing, give her a microphone or a beautiful music book, and if your finances allow it, then you can also have a karaoke center.

Gifts for a young fashionista

Cosmetic set for girls “Chic marigolds”

  1. Give your child an item of clothing or shoes. You just need to consult with your parents, find out the sizes, and, if necessary, take measurements. And if possible, analyze the birthday girl’s wardrobe, study what she wears for walks, what things she likes best.
  2. Children's cosmetics, as before, continue to be in great demand among those who like to continue to mother in everything. Such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed.
  3. Give the girl a beautiful, stylish handbag or backpack. The fashionista will be happy with such a gift.
  4. The birthday girl will be absolutely delighted if she receives a photo session as a gift. Such a present will really remain in her memory for a long time.
  5. Give the girl a set of all kinds of accessories and hair decorations.
  6. Recently, it has become popular to give a certificate to a toy or clothing store so that the birthday girl can buy herself a gift. However, here you need to take into account that the amount that is in this account should be sufficient to be enough for the girl’s choice. Yes, and it is important to think carefully about the certificate of which store you should purchase, so that the products presented in it are closer to the birthday girl in spirit and interests.

Original options

What to give a child to really surprise her:

  1. A machine for making popcorn or cotton candy.
  2. A piggy bank in the shape of a cute animal or in the shape of an ATM. The first has a pleasing appearance and will fit well into the interior of a girl’s room, while the second is more interesting and modern. When the baby inserts coins, the amount that was deposited will appear on the ATM screen. And what’s interesting is that in addition to the ATM itself, the kit includes a plastic card. It is with her help that the girl will be able to withdraw her savings.
  3. A perfume making kit for any fashionista.
  4. The snow blaster will allow you not only to create a snowball, but also to throw it at a distance. It’s just advisable to give such a gift if the girl was born in winter.
  5. The most original and at the same time memorable will be the creation of a portrait of the birthday girl from her photograph. At the same time, the girl will not just appear in the picture, she can appear in a historical outfit or in the image of cartoon characters.

Impressions as a gift

What else can you please the little birthday girl?

  1. Give the girl a carriage ride through the city streets. To make this event even more like a fairy tale, you can rent a princess costume. The birthday girl will be happy with such a gift.
  2. A trip to the water park would be appropriate, especially on a hot day.
  3. If a girl loves to swim, but in the summer she can’t be pulled out of the water, a pool membership would be a good gift. You can also present a new swimsuit with it.
  4. Throw the birthday girl a pajama party or other fancy dress event. Just remember to notify all guests about this.
  5. Give the girl a horse riding lesson. Believe me, she never dreamed of this.
  6. A visit to the dolphinarium would be an excellent gift. And if a girl has the opportunity to swim next to dolphins, then her happiness will simply know no bounds.
  7. Go with the birthday girl to a master class. The girl will watch with great interest how toys are created or paintings are done on dishes, there are many options and all of them will teach something new and interesting.

What can you give a 9 year old girl that is inexpensive?

Don't be upset if you don't have enough money for a decent gift. You can do something on your own. If you don’t have certain skills, you can always turn to lessons from the Internet for help.

  1. The girl will simply be delighted with the new clothes for the doll if you sew them yourself.
  2. The birthday girl will be very happy if you give her a homemade jewelry box. And if you can decorate it beautifully, then the girl’s joy will know no bounds.
  3. Sew a unique soft toy; no one else will have such a gift. Such a gift will successfully add to the birthday girl’s collection of soft pets.

Now you know what to give to a 9-year-old child, a girl. As you can see, there is a wide variety of gifts, toys and more. You must remember that the most successful gift will be the one that takes into account all the interests of the little birthday girl when choosing it. Don’t forget to consult with the girl’s parents if there is such a need, and if you yourself know very well what her character is and what she is interested in, then you have even more advantages to please with your present. I wish your gift to be one of the best for a nine-year-old girl’s birthday!

Vika Di October 30, 2018, 11:02

Remember the children's song: “What are our girls made of? Our girls are made from flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances!” Actually interests modern girls much wider, and this must be taken into account when choosing a gift.

What can you give a 9 year old girl for her birthday? Girls of this age are already very different from boys in their interests, but, as experience shows, choose a gift it's much easier for them.

Of course, a lot depends on the budget, as well as family or friendly ties

Thus, grandparents often believe that the best gift for a 9-year-old child is gold jewelry (earrings, chains, etc.), so that the girl will have a long-lasting memory of her grandparents. It is unlikely that she will be able to fully appreciate this gift, although many young fashionistas already know that gold is prestigious.

Photo of a birthday gift for a 9 year old girl

We offer you gift ideas for children 9 years old that will surely please the girl, but first let’s talk about what it is better NOT to give.

What gifts should not be given to girls?

Here are our ideas:

  1. Money. Nine-year-old girls don’t yet know their value and will most likely spend it on unhealthy chips, cola and sweets to treat their friends.
  2. Pet. Such a gift can only be given in agreement with the parents, because a pet requires care and generally changes the life of the family in many ways; in addition, one of its members may have allergies.
  3. Gift certificate. It happens that a thing that a girl likes in a store will turn out to be much more expensive than the amount indicated in the certificate, and then instead of joy, the result will be only disappointment.

But these gifts will certainly come girl likes.

Birthday gift certificate

Children's cosmetics

At 9 years old, a girl wants to become as beautiful as her mother, which is why she is so lively She is interested in her mother’s decorative cosmetics: lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, in short, the entire arsenal of modern women that helps them “beautify”.

Needless to say, all these facilities, not intended for children's skin, only harm it.

Therefore, a set of children's cosmetics will be a wonderful gift for a girl, and will help her mother teach her the first lessons in proper makeup

It is better not to give shampoo, hair conditioner or cream - these are products everyday care, and they are not so interesting for a girl.


Yes, yes, at this age girls really love to play with toys, they just need to choose them correctly. A huge soft toy is not the best choice: it is more likely to be a dust collector and a source of allergens.

Give a soft toy for a 9 year old girl's birthday

It is better to choose toys related to your favorite cartoons:

  • movie heroines Disney,
  • fairies, monsters and other characters from your favorite cartoons;
  • Barbie with everything she deserves: a dollhouse, a car, a groom, girlfriends, a set of dishes, clothes, etc.

Will be a wonderful gift interactive baby dolls that need to be looked after, because every girl has a maternal instinct, and with such a doll she will be able to realize it, albeit in a playful form.

Also very popular among girls are:

  • dress up games;
  • mannequin doll to create hairstyles with appropriate accessories;
  • DIY kits perfume making.


Once upon a time, a book was considered the best gift, but today, unfortunately, there are not many children who love to read. And yet it is possible choose a book with good illustrations, which will interest the girl in its theme: something about adventures on land and sea, especially stories with pirates, princesses, etc.

They will be a wonderful, and most importantly, useful gift. encyclopedias for children, for example, about the animal and plant world.


  • Beautiful diary with a lock that also contains profiles for girlfriends, fortune tellers, etc., where she can write down her secrets;
  • large sets for drawing pencils, felt-tip pens and/or paints;
  • originally designed 3D pens with a girly theme (this is more of a souvenir in addition to the main gift;
  • modeling kits from plasticine, kinetic sand, polymer clay, etc.;
  • building kits sand pictures.

Give a drawing set to a girl for her 9th birthday

Educational games

These games are meant for development of logical thinking, attentiveness, ability to concentrate, that is, everything that will help the girl study better. Today they are offered in a huge range, so we will list only the main ones:

  • puzzles big size;
  • « Erudite"(a game for two or more people, in which you need to form words from individual letters; it is advisable that a competent adult supervise the game so that the words are formed without errors);
  • logical board new games;
  • a variety of constructors, including Lego.

Microscope, binoculars or telescope will certainly arouse great interest among girls, as they will open up new horizons for them in the literal sense of the word.

Sports gifts

Even if a girl does not attend the sports section, a good gift for her would be:

  • roller skates;
  • protective accessories for roller skating, cycling, etc.;
  • subscription to visit the pool;
  • gift certificate to a climbing school, etc.


Modern girls are no worse than boys at using a computer, which is why computer games and various gadgets would also make a good gift, as well as a smartphone case in a girly design, headphones for your phone, etc.

Give headphones for a phone to a 9 year old girl for her birthday

For young needlewomen

Sewing, knitting, embroidery, beading - mastering these exclusively useful skills The girl will find it very useful in the future.

In addition, they perfectly develop fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, the ability to concentrate and help develop good taste.

The girl will learn to sew outfits for her favorite doll, make soft toys, and create beaded jewelry so beloved by girls, following simple and understandable instructions.

What to give to the girl who has everything?

Perhaps the most difficult question is what to give to the girl who has everything? Then you need to choose a gift that will surprise her and arouse interest, for example:

  • portrait of the birthday girl in a princess outfit, made from a photograph on canvas in a beautiful frame;
  • projector for smartphone;
  • ecocube for growing trees at home;
  • ant farm and other unusual and original things.

What to give a 9 year old girl a birthday present from her parents?

Relatives and friends will probably give the girl various toys, games, and sets; a good book as a birthday gift, but only parents can do it for a girl's 9th birthday unforgettable, giving her and her little guests a vivid impression.

Give a book as a birthday gift for 9 years

They could be:

  • birthday celebration in the children's entertainment center, where children will be offered a lot of entertainment: quests in accordance with their age, a trampoline, attractions, etc., and you can end such a holiday in a children's cafe;
  • joint trip to amusement park, water park or dolphinarium;
  • photoshoot from a professional photographer with costume changes.

Wardrobe replenishment

Which little fashionista doesn’t dream of a beautiful dress like a princess? Sometimes parents give a nine-year-old girl some practical thing, forgetting that the holiday is the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, it is best to select several models of beautiful dresses in advance, and then buy from preliminary fitting whatever the girl chooses.

She can wear this dress to her friends’ holidays and birthdays.

A complement to the “princess” dress will be beautiful shoes that definitely need trying on, as well as accessories(handbag, cosmetic bag, etc.).

What to give your 9 year old friend for her birthday?

A gift for a 9-year-old girl from a girl friend should not be too expensive so as not to put her parents in an uncomfortable position, but she knows best what the birthday girl will like. The choice here is very wide:

  • a set of jewelry with earrings, chains, rings, etc.;
  • handbag;
  • diary.

And much of what is listed above. An inexpensive joke gift from a friend, for example, a set of comic fortune telling or funny souvenirs.

Give souvenirs to a girl for her 9th birthday

What to give to a 9 year old girl with your own hands?

Here are some ideas on how to give a girl a birthday gift with her own hands:

  • thought pillow: sew a cover from a beautiful silky fabric (for example, for curtains), knit a simple chain from colored wool or synthetics and sew it in the form of the birthday girl’s name; fill the pillow with foam rubber;
  • doll with a skirt from candies: take an ordinary Barbie, attach a fabric cover to her waist so that it stands like a bell, and attach the candies to the top of the candy wrappers with threads so that you get several tiers, preferably in different colors;
  • edible bouquet: take some small stick or straw for cocktails and secure the ends of candy wrappers on it to make a bouquet, wrap it in beautiful paper and tie with a ribbon;
  • put in a basket kinder surprises for girls, decorate with bows and roses from colored ribbons.

Both the birthday girl and her guests will like such an original birthday gift for a 9-year-old girl, because all the girls are famous sweet tooths!

It's my daughter's birthday soon, and her parents are looking for a gift. They want to make the holiday unforgettable and are thinking about the question of what to give a 9-year-old girl. Children at this age are already quite independent and have their own tastes and preferences.

It is best to arrange a small game on the eve of the holiday, from which you can try to find out what the future birthday girl wants most. When the question of what to give the child is removed from the agenda, it will be easier to tune in to choosing a specific gift item.

We must not forget that a girl is a future woman, and practicality and the ability to find a use for every gift are already in their blood. Based on this, you should first pay attention to a present that will be useful to a 9-year-old girl. In accordance with the schoolgirl’s occupation after school, in the spirit of her hobbies, you can choose the following gift:

  • The girl is happy to attend a ballet or dance school, then she will be happy with a new dress to participate in the next competition. Of course, before this you need to meet with the head of the section and discuss all the nuances of such a gift.

The main thing is to make the right choice so that your daughter will perform in the dress she gave her. In the future, the dress can become a talisman for a girl.

  • The young artist will need a folding easel, a set of brushes and paints. It is best to purchase these attributes as gifts.
  • And if your daughter is a chess player, you can please her with original chess sets.

Unusual gift

A girl’s birthday needs to be arranged as an unforgettable holiday, to give joy and new impressions. At the age of 9, a child is well versed in all modern electronics, gadgets, consoles, and computer games. Therefore, they will please the girl and greatly surprise her:

  1. Elegant luminous headphones;
  2. Personalized phone case;
  3. New brand of smartphone;
  4. Tablet or laptop.
  • If parents notice that their daughter often pays attention to stray dogs and cats, she likes to take care of animals, then the best birthday gift for her would be a pet: a parrot or a small purebred four-legged friend.

This live communication will strengthen the girl’s sense of kindness and help her grow up caring and responsible.

  • Mom and dad don’t want to have pets, but the daughter dreams of such communication. What should I do? A great way out is horseback riding, a hike in the forest or to the river. For the girl it will be so original and memorable that she will remember more than once how her ninth birthday went.


What to give your 9-year-old daughter if she is very sociable and has many friends? You can step back from the traditional family feast and arrange some original fun for the children. The modern entertainment industry is now quite well developed.

  • A day at an amusement park will give you a lot of emotions, because the girl will be among her peers, she won’t have to pretend to be a dressed-up doll, she will rejoice from the bottom of her heart and squeal with pleasure.
  • Gifts from this same category would be good: an excursion, a show with animators, a circus or theater performance.
  • But almost all 9-year-old girls love to dress up and show off. For this category, a fancy gift will be a costume ball, and the birthday girl will be the queen of the holiday.

Surprise for a young athlete

It is recommended to choose a subject that is necessary for the sporting life of a nine-year-old daughter together. And shopping at a sports equipment store will bring an additional set of pleasant emotions. What can a daughter choose:

  • Regular or roller skates;
  • Bicycle or skateboard;
  • Original sneakers.

A girl will be pleased to receive sports equipment as a gift. Relatives will once again confirm how much they share the child’s hobbies.

Gift for the room

It is important for girls to furnish their room the way they want. They are very picky about the choice of furniture and the color of wallpaper for the room. And the hostess of the room tries to select objects with special care. But it’s unlikely that even the most scrupulous girls in choosing decor will refuse some stylish things:

  • Original paintings on the wall depicting her favorite characters, for example;
  • Decorative bright pillows in the form of owls, bunnies, etc.
  • Luminous elements, for example, beautiful night lights;
  • Soft toys - there is now a huge selection on store shelves;
  • Quality bedding with fun designs or pretty patterns for girls.

Developmental and creative gifts

It would be appropriate to give a girl such kits for her birthday that will force the child to draw, embroider, and lay out mosaics. Art supplies are something you can give to a 9 year old girl. The set, which contains a sample painting, canvas, and threads, will be of interest to a child of this age.

Now there are a lot of educational games, in the process of working with which you get interesting results:

  1. Sand paintings, engravings, puzzles;
  2. Stuffed Toys,
  3. Homemade exclusive soap,
  4. Plaster figures and much more interesting things.

Such a gift will perform several useful functions at once. A gift for a girl will be useful, as it will not only relieve boredom, but also help develop good artistic taste and teach accuracy.

Universal gift

This category includes household items and stationery with the girl’s initials. In this case, the brother will not rack his brain for a long time about what to give his sister. Such gifts are marked with the name and photograph of the person to whom they are intended. It can be:

  • Mug, spoon or plate;
  • A writing pen or diary for your sister;
  • Rugs, towels or personalized pillows.

Gifts for a beauty

Girls in their 9th year of life, as in any other, are big fashionistas, so you can’t do without buying children’s cosmetics: shampoo, gel, light-colored nail polish, body glitter, lipstick, a beautiful cosmetic bag. The modern market also offers entire children's beauty kits.

The moment of giving, opening and looking at gifts at a girl’s party should turn into a whole performance.

Birthday gifts for a nine-year-old girl are selected slowly and with love. Gifts given to a girl for her birthday should be prepared with the warmest feelings.

Sincere children's laughter and the child's eyes burning with joy are the best moments for every parent. And sometimes we want to surprise our children with some interesting gift that will cause real delight and remain in their memory for many years. What to completely please a young lady?

Of course, it is much easier to decide on a particular gift if it is your own daughter or close relative’s birthday. Then you at least have an idea of ​​what your child is interested in and what interests him. At the age of nine, personality formation is already in full swing, therefore, if you need to give a gift to a 9-year-old girl for her birthday, then you need to take into account her tastes and opinions. But how to decide on the choice of a present if you need to congratulate the child of your friends or distant relatives? After all, times change, and what was interesting to you at the age of nine may no longer be relevant.

Things you shouldn't give as a gift

What to give a girl for her 9th birthday if she already has everything she needs? First of all, you need to determine what should not be presented. The worst decision would be to give money. The fact is that, regardless of the amount of money donated, the child will not be able to fully appreciate the significance of the gift, since he does not yet fully understand the value of these colored pieces of paper. for a birthday should be a surprise - then the event will be remembered for many years.

A bad solution for congratulations would be a gift card for the purchase of goods in a store. After all, a thing that a child will like can cost significantly more than the amount for which the certificate is calculated - and then the baby will be upset that she cannot get what she wants.

Jewelry is far from the best birthday gift for a 9-year-old girl. And even if the child’s parents are completely delighted with it, the little fashionista still doesn’t quite understand the significance of such generous purchases. In fact, she doesn’t care at all whether the jewelry is made of gold or plastic - as long as it is beautiful, and therefore such gifts are quite often lost.

Development girls

It has long been known that the best gift is a book. In a bookstore, a sales assistant will help you choose printed materials that are most suitable for a nine-year-old child. A young and romantic person who is keen on studying and reading will be sincerely pleased with an adventure story about brave pirates or an encyclopedia about the animal and plant world. You can choose a book based on your hobbies - for example, a guide to embroidery, knitting or beadwork.

The little quiet one will be delighted with the needlework kit, the range of which is very diverse nowadays. These can be kits for embroidery with ribbons and beads, soap making and much more. Every girl will definitely need such skills, and such gifts will develop in the child perseverance and the ability to concentrate on small details.

Gifts for sports girls

What can you give a girl for her birthday (9 years old) so that the child can move more? A sporty tomboy will be delighted by roller skates or ice skates, which are always popular among children of this age. It is better to check with the child’s parents in advance about the size of the birthday girl’s feet so as not to get into trouble. It is also better to find out if the girl has any medical contraindications for playing outdoor sports. If a nine-year-old is interested in skiing or cycling, then you can purchase a variety of accessories for practicing your favorite sport.

If there is a dance or rock climbing school in your city, you can purchase a subscription to visit such institutions. A subscription to a swimming pool or martial arts school would also be a great gift. But it is better to discuss such gifts in advance with the child’s parents.

What do nine year old girls play?

If you think that at this age ordinary toys are no longer interesting, then you are deeply mistaken. Girls of any age are completely delighted with a variety of soft toys: teddy bears, knitted dogs, fabric tilde dolls. A beautiful bright toy will always be a great decoration for a child's room.

In toy stores, stunning baby dolls that need to be fed, watered, taught to talk, heroines from Disney cartoons, fairies, monsters, Barbie with her own world look at us from the shelves. In addition to the dolls themselves, you can purchase doll houses, carriages with horses, clothes for Barbie, sets of dishes and much more. Toys that repeat individual words and entire phrases have become extremely popular among children. These can be soft hamsters, bears or dogs - they will certainly cause a fountain of emotions not only in the baby, but also in adults.

Little fashionista's wardrobe

What to give a 9 year old girl, besides toys? An excellent solution would be to buy clothes, since kids at this age love to be fashionable and often imagine themselves as famous singers or actresses. It is better to consult with the child’s parents about the appropriate size. But you should give not everyday jeans or sweaters, but fluffy dresses, like a princess, or shiny shoes, like a fairy from a cartoon. An excellent addition to this outfit would be a shoulder strap, an original hairpin or bracelet.

And a cosmetic bag, like mom's

(girl) for her 9th birthday to become a real wizard? At this age, little princesses try to be like their mothers in everything, because mother is the most beautiful. The little ones are already showing interest in their mother’s cosmetics - they secretly paint their lips with their mother’s lipstick, ask to have their nails varnished or their eyelashes lined. There is no need to scold your child for such interests. The desire to become older and more attractive is quite normal for girls of this age. It is better to give special children's cosmetics that will not harm the child's delicate skin. This could be eye shadow, soft pink children's lipstick, or even perfume for a little princess.

Vivid emotions are the most memorable gift

What to give to a 9-year-old girl so that it will remain in her memory for a long time? In this case, the best solution would be vivid impressions. For example, a trip to a zoo, aquarium, cinema, or amusement park is perfect. Children at this age are very interested in going to the water park and dolphinarium. In the latter case, you can even swim with dolphins, which will bring the child into indescribable delight. You can also purchase a certificate for attending clay modeling or drawing classes.

Four-legged friend

All children are crazy about pets. After asking permission from the child’s parents to buy a four-legged friend, you can buy a puppy in a nursery, a hamster or a decorative rabbit in a pet store.

When deciding what to give a 9-year-old girl, it is important to remember that the gift must be presented from the heart, with love and tenderness - after all, it is feelings that remain priceless.

Deciding what to give a 9 year old girl for her birthday is not easy. At the age of 9, a child already has his own tastes and preferences, so you need to choose a birthday gift wisely.

Every girl loves to surround herself with stylish things. Therefore, if you know the taste of the birthday girl, choosing a gift for her will not be difficult.

Gift ideas for a 9 year old girl:

  1. children's jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets, clips, beads;
  2. hair decorations: elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, headbands;
  3. other accessories: bags, cosmetic bags, sunglasses, umbrellas;
  4. cosmetics.

When choosing jewelry, you should remember that you are buying a gift for a little girl. Preference should be given to miniature earrings and thin bracelets. You should not buy massive jewelry - they are designed for adult women.


The best present for a 9 year old girl is a gift that will make her beautiful. Gift options for girls:

  1. dress, sundress;
  2. sports suit;
  3. fashionable (for example, ripped) jeans;
  4. a sweatshirt or sweatshirt with the image of your favorite character;
  5. home clothes: pajamas, robe, suit.

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the child’s tastes. To prevent the item from collecting dust in the closet, it is worth asking the birthday girl what she would like to receive. The best gift for a girl would be a gift certificate to a clothing store, where she can choose what she wants.


When studying the question of what to give a 9-year-old girl, we must not forget about cosmetics. It could be:

  1. children's decorative cosmetics: hygienic lipstick, nail polish, lip gloss;
  2. body care products: foam, a set of shower gels, foaming bath balls;
  3. children's perfumes.

The best gift for a nine-year-old girl is a cosmetic set. The main thing is to choose safe products intended for children.

For active recreation

Children who lead an active lifestyle grow up healthy and resilient. A 9-year-old girl will love one of the following gifts:

Educational gifts

The best developmental activity for a nine-year-old is a book (if the child loves to read). 9 years is the age when children grow out of fairy tales and begin to be interested in fiction. These can be novels (including adventure ones), children's fiction, ancient legends.

Other books that your child will enjoy:

  1. A book for girls. The birthday girl will be interested in learning about fashion, relationships, hairstyles, and ways to care for herself.
  2. Encyclopedia. Not every child will like a school-wide encyclopedia. It is better to choose a book about what the girl is interested in. This could be music, astronomy, the world of fashion, flora and fauna.
  3. Specialized books. Books about pets, creativity, and cooking are in greatest demand.

You can also purchase an educational board game.

Creator's Kit

If you don't know what to give your child for his birthday, pay attention to his hobbies. At the age of 9, many girls begin to develop hobbies, so a creative set would make a great gift. Modern stores offer many products for the development of creativity. Your child may be interested in one of the following activities:

  1. production of soft toys;
  2. painting pictures;
  3. knitting socks, scarves or mittens;
  4. embroidery with beads or threads;
  5. production of soap, cosmetics and perfumes;
  6. making flowers from ribbons and paper;
  7. decoupage;
  8. scrapbooking;
  9. modeling from plasticine, salt dough, sculpture clay;
  10. casting figures from plaster.

For a 9-year-old girl, it is important to do things with her own hands. By doing what he loves, a child develops fine motor skills, learns accuracy and perseverance, and develops and improves artistic taste.

Which toy to choose as a gift for a nine-year-old girl

If you don’t know what to give your child for his 9th birthday, go to any children’s store on his birthday. There are many toys on the shelves designed for children of different ages. The following gifts deserve special attention:

  1. Doll. Children 9 years old are not interested in baby dolls. If you want to surprise your child, you should choose an exquisite porcelain Barbie doll or toy. Girls like to dress and comb their charges and put them to bed, so in addition to the main gift, you can buy a set of clothes, toy furniture or a doll house.
  2. Board game. If you don’t know which option to choose, give preference to the classics - the games Monopoly and Scrabble.
  3. Puzzle. When choosing a puzzle, you need to start from the child’s preferences. A girl will be more happy to collect a picture of her favorite character than a landscape with many small details.
  4. Constructor. Three-dimensional construction sets are suitable for children aged 9 years and older. The idea of ​​assembling a car or a construction crane with your own hands will appeal to most children.


If a girl has long dreamed of having a pet, you can give her a kitten or puppy. This is a good gift that will teach a child care and responsibility. If you are not ready to get a large animal, opt for a miniature pet.

The best options are turtle, hamster, rat, guinea pig, and fish.

Original and unusual gifts

If the child has everything, the solution is to buy original gifts. These include:

If you are a grandmother and want to give the birthday girl an unusual gift, give your granddaughter something you made yourself:

  1. a box for storing jewelry and other valuables;
  2. covers and bookmarks for books made of leather or fabric;
  3. soft toy;
  4. flowers made of foamiran - a decorative foam material;
  5. jewelry made from beads, polymer clay, natural stones, beads, etc.

Impressions and emotions as a gift

An original version of a present for children - pleasant emotions and impressions. Girls are delighted with everything new and unusual, so you can give them:

  1. Visit to the trampoline center. The opportunity to jump on trampolines will delight every child. It will be great if you pay for a visit not only for the birthday girl, but also for her friends.
  2. If the girl is not afraid of horses, you can sign up for a horse riding lesson. Don't forget to take and print photos that will remind your child of this unforgettable day.
  3. Birthday in nature. If the holiday falls during the warm season, you can organize a hike with a picnic and tents. It is advisable that not only parents, but also the child’s friends be present at this event.

  4. Creative master class. If a girl is interested in needlework, sign her up for a training session on embroidery, making small toys, weaving baubles, etc. An additional gift will be an item that the child makes with her own hands at the master class.
  5. Quest. Residents of megacities can choose a city quest to complete creative tasks and search for attractions. This will help the child have fun, show his abilities, and get to know his hometown better.
  6. Ride by helicopter, plane or hot air balloon. If the girl is not afraid of heights, you can book an air ride for her and yourself. Perhaps the birthday girl will be able to look at the city from the cockpit.
  7. Aerodynamic tube. Flight in a wind tunnel is expensive, but it is memorable for a long time. The lesson is conducted under the guidance of an instructor who ensures the safety of the child.

  8. Zoo. If a girl loves animals, you can take her to a petting zoo. There the birthday girl will be able to communicate with representatives of the fauna, feed them and hold them in her arms.
  9. Cooking master class. A meeting with a chef will delight girls who love to cook. This is a great opportunity to learn a new recipe and enjoy delicious dishes.
  10. Visit to the rope town. Overcoming obstacles at height is great fun for children. This activity develops courage, agility and endurance, and trains the vestibular apparatus.
  11. Excursion. The easiest way to get new experiences is on a trip. To do this, you can go to an unusual place (for example, a museum), another city or country.
  12. Science show or illusionist performance. In the first case, the child will become acquainted with the laws of physics and chemistry, in the second, he will plunge into the mysterious world of illusion.
  13. A trip to the dolphinarium. Watching dolphins will give you a lot of positive emotions, not to mention swimming and communicating with these animals.
  14. Climbing wall. A visit to the climbing wall will help the girl reach the top and believe in her own strength.
  15. Tickets. The child can be invited to the cinema, circus or theater. If possible, buy tickets for the birthday girl and her friends.

Useful gifts

Children, like adults, can be given useful gifts:

  1. Personal diary. Every girl loves to write down her thoughts, secrets, dreams. Therefore, when buying a personal diary, you can be sure that your child will use this item for a long time and with pleasure. The gift should be bright and stylish. Diaries with a lock (coded or keyed) deserve special attention. Thanks to the lock, the birthday girl will be sure that no one will read her notes.
  2. Alarm. Few children like to get up early in the morning for school. To make getting up easy for your child, you can buy an unusual alarm clock - flying or running away. In this case, getting ready will turn from a routine into a fun adventure.
  3. Casket. The decoration for a children's room will be an exquisite box for storing jewelry, accessories, memorabilia and other small items. You can put some surprise inside - a lollipop, a note, jewelry or money.

Which gadget would a 9-year-old girl be most excited about?

Modern children are introduced to the world of electronics early, so at the age of 9, most girls already have a tablet and/or smartphone. Other gadgets that can be given to the birthday girl are:

  1. Computer. Massive personal computers are out of fashion, so it's better to buy a laptop. It will be useful for games and study. In addition, you can take it with you to the country and on trips.
  2. Portable speaker, music center, player. Girls love to listen to music, so any device that produces sound delights them.
  3. Camera. Even the cheapest camera will teach a child how to take photographs and see the beauty in the world around them.
  4. EBook. Suitable for those who love to read. Electronic publications are cheaper than paper books, so such a gift will reduce costs.
  5. Digital photo frame. It will decorate a child’s room and allow you to admire your favorite photographs around the clock.
  6. Accessories for your phone or tablet— protective cases and bumpers, headphones, pendants, portable chargers. If desired, you can buy luminous headphones, which ensure the visibility of the child in the dark.
  7. Smart watch with pedometer and GPS tracker. They will allow the girl to be in trend, and parents to know the exact location of their child.

Inexpensive options

If you don’t have money, you need to choose gifts that are inexpensive. The following options are suitable for girls:

  1. greeting card;
  2. mug (for example, personalized);
  3. T-shirt with an inscription or image;
  4. fridge magnets;
  5. a medal with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”;
  6. photo session and album for photo cards;
  7. a set of beautiful notepads and notebooks.

Sweets - something that any child will like

If the birthday girl is one of those with a sweet tooth, you can give her the following gifts:

  1. candies;
  2. chocolate;
  3. marshmallows;
  4. marmalade;
  5. cookie;
  6. birthday cake.

You can order or prepare healthy sweets yourself. Such a gift will delight not only the birthday girl, but also the invited guests.

Watch the video of how the girl rejoices at her gifts:

What to give a 9 year old girl for New Year

Another difficulty is choosing gifts for the New Year. If a child writes letters to Santa Claus, parents do not have a question about what they can give the girl for the New Year. If the child has outgrown this tradition, one has to use fantasy and imagination.
