Congratulations on the birth of your daughter: a large selection. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

Bows, tiny dresses and booties, dolls, curls of shiny hair... All this is ahead of the happy parents of the little baby, whom you hasten to congratulate. In this article you will find the largest selection of congratulations on the birth of your daughter, ranging from tender and touching to perky and comic.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in verse

Congratulations in verse invariably remain the most beautiful way to congratulate on the arrival of a little happiness in the house. Send such a verse on social networks, or better yet, call the happy mother at the maternity hospital and read it out.

Blinding joy lit up like a light bulb.
The world is replete with colorful colors.
Happy birth of your daughter, happy mommy!
Congratulations, Father Jeweler!

Smart little girl and the first beauty
Let it grow, glowing with health!
And for you - to melt more strongly from your love,
Having found a wonderful source of hope,

And give endless fairy tales to your honey,
Splash all the tenderness of parental souls!
And by the way, while she sleeps, daddy has
A chance to find your brother in the cabbage...


Let the little princess appear
Brings happiness to your cozy home,
Please accept my congratulations, dears.
And enjoy every new day!

Appreciate your sweet girl
Give affection, tenderness, warmth,
Kiss her chubby little hands,
And life will be like a dream!

And we wish you good luck in everything,
Let success be your faithful companion,
Relationships blossom over the years
And carefree children's laughter pleases!

Hooray! You now have a sweet daughter,
Looks exactly like daddy in profile
And if you look at it from the front, it’s a copy of your mother.
Oh, that means she must be the most beautiful!

Such a princess is a gift from fate.
And you indulge her in any desires:
Get your fancy dresses and earrings ready!
From now on you will only be angry for fun,

After all, girls are fragile and very tender,
You should always be covered with care!
Let the little one grow up healthy and happy
In a family where the impulses of love are so beautiful!


Let fate save it for my daughter
Happy carefree days without counting.
Let your baby make you happy and grow
In love and surrounded by care.

Let with every bright ray of sunshine
Life is preparing thousands of discoveries for her,
Love the baby tenderly, fervently,
Help me find my calling.


A daughter was born - a sweet princess,
A star lit up brightly in the sky,
Let the world greet her with interest,
May her life be a great success.

Let her childhood be a good fairy tale,
Filled with care and warmth,
Dad's love, mom's affection,
May your daughter always be lucky in everything.

Let the world greet her with ringing laughter,
And somewhere there, great love awaits,
Let kindness echo her,
And let beauty bloom every day.

Like a ray of light, your daughter illuminated your life!
A treat for mom and dad!
Awakened new feelings in the souls of relatives:
Your hearts are filled with tenderness!
Let this miracle grow without knowing sorrow:
Serene and cheerful, like a moth!
So that the best fairy tales and songs sound,
Lighting a fire in her soul!
You need to take care of this baby tirelessly,
Constantly protect her from adversity,
So that the birth of a sweet, desired daughter

Brought happiness, love, grace to your home!


Yesterday there were still two of you,
Today is the first ray of sunshine
I notified everyone - now there are three of you,
A little daughter has come into our world.
We congratulate mom and dad,
Helmet big hello to my daughter,
We wish her health and happiness,
From now on, become the head of the family.
May your little happiness
Growing and strengthening day after day,
Let bad weather bypass your house,
Love will only settle in him!
Love will only settle in him


Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Happiness knows no end!
Let the little one adore his mother,
Let him delight his father!

Let it make you smile
All friends and relatives
Let him speak as much as possible
Funny phrases and funny words!

Let him get back on his feet soon,
He'll run after mom and dad!
Let there be an angel next to her
And may he always keep it!

Oh, happiness! How did it become so much -
The seventh heaven is open!
You waited nine months - so long
To see the child of love's eyes,

Snub nose, velvet cheeks...
Now your peace, hopes and dreams -
Everything is in this girl, your life is in your daughter!
Let the happy light of the star shine

Always above her, so that life is all the way
It was bright, without sorrows and troubles.
Let him grow healthy! And there’s a lot of happiness
From now on you will have up to a hundred years!


The beautiful daughter appeared,
Your bright ray, a thread to the future,
I wish you to sparkle with happiness
All your life, I wish you to love.
So that in love and tenderness and affection
Your hope and dream grew -
Your daughter is like a princess in a fairy tale,
And beauty blooms with it.
Let her whims amuse your world
And starry eyes, and lovely laughter,
May life give you new surprises,
Be the best parents!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in prose

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter in prose are perfect for a personal meeting. However, you can write it into a postcard. The main thing is that it sounds as sincere and natural as possible, as if you came up with them yourself.


We would like to congratulate your family on this happy day! This is the most touching, happiest and most long-awaited event in your life. Now everything will change dramatically: and I don’t even mean the rhythm of life, but your attitude towards the world, towards your family and towards this tiny little man. I wish your princess to be infinitely happy and healthy. You must be patient, because there are not only sleepless nights ahead, but also first steps, smiles, words... God has blessed your family with great happiness, because a girl is a mother’s great joy, and a father’s little weakness!


I sincerely congratulate you on this event! May your daughter grow up not only healthy, but also endlessly happy. Let the young charming mother sleep more, and let the father be more patient. Let there be fewer bitter tears in your home, but more mischievous laughter. We have no doubt that this baby is destined for a bright future. Let her be as smart and beautiful as mommy, and as confident and strong-willed as daddy.

Touching congratulations on the birth of a girl

Today a daughter appeared in the family,
I sincerely congratulate you on this,
I wish this happiness to last
Your wonderful life is endless!

Let the baby grow and rejoice,
Let him know nature bit by bit,
I wish her a cloudless journey,
Let her family be near her.

Let your daughter not know sorrows,
I wish her to be proud and beautiful,
Let your expectations be met,
And she will become the happiest person in her life!

You became a mother - this is happiness!
There is no greater gift from fate.
The world was changed by a child overnight,
Cherished dreams came true.

Today I congratulate you both,
Two hearts beat in sonorous unison,
I wish you strength, love and joy,
May your appetite and sleep be sweet.

Let there be happiness and mutual thoughts,
And the strong thread that connected you for years,
Mother and child - union and symbol of life,
Guarded by an angel, may he always live.

Cool congratulations on the birth of your daughter

For the best young parents,
Who fulfilled their civic duty
Added more inhabitants to the state,
Everything was done efficiently and on time.
Through the efforts of my father the jeweler,
I took the beauty from my mother,
The daughter turned out to be a success,
Peace, happiness and goodness to you!


Congratulations! Beautiful daughter
Everyone is touched
Even though she's lying in a stroller,
But he’s already making eyes at everyone.


You are a parent now -
The important dad himself
Open the bubble quickly
So that they know ours
Let your daughter be there
He sleeps and sees a fairy tale,
For her in the circle of friends
And let's drink to mom!

They are waiting for diapers, undershirts,
Your daughter was born!
He reaches out to you with his little hands,
He wants to eat right now!
Very soon he will grow up,
I'll get married, he'll say, I'm getting out,
I'm 3 years old - I can do everything,
I walk in heels!

Today a beautiful creature appeared -
Your daughter was born! Congratulations on your baby!
Don't let the screams and wet diapers scare you,
Let your beloved girl grow up happy!
Healthy, obedient, to the delight of mom and dad!
But remember that one daughter will not be enough for you!
We wish the stork to bring another baby,
And then you would find a boy in the cabbage!

A girl was born,
Future bride, know!
Who is she, pray tell?
Will you get it? You choose!
I wish her to grow up beautiful,
So that you can’t count the suitors!
Be gentle in your soul, sweet in your heart,
But be able to stand up for yourself!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter for mother

Today you became a mother -
Your dreams have come true!
You are holding your daughter in your arms,
You see the world in little eyes!
Let him grow up healthy
Love and happiness will be found!
Give her tenderness and warmth,
Great purity of goodness! ***

I really want to talk about it,
This news is literally bursting,
Everyone in the world should know about this
And everyone will definitely find out.

Today a miracle appeared in the world,
And I’m shouting about it openly,
We will never forget this
Your daughter was born.

A beauty the likes of which the world has never seen,
Fortunately, fate has given you,
Her creator did not offend her in any way,
You were born under a bright star!


Happy birth of your daughter, dear,
We would like to congratulate you and wish you happiness
To you and your beautiful princess!

We wish you long and joyful days,
We wish you a peaceful, peaceful night,
Let your daughter grow by leaps and bounds,
Gives smiles and songs to all of you,
Let her be smart beyond her years!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his daughter

You became a father, and your daughter -
A living portrait of her wonderful mother.
May your complete family
She will be the most complete person in the world!

Take care of your beloved girls
You, without any doubt, will be able to do it.
Be thrice happy for three
Share love as you share happiness!


Daddy! Happy wonderful holiday!
Hurray, it happened, the day has come!
The stars formed in the sky,
And you created man!

Now be patient
Summon all your strength!
And bathe with tenderness
In fatherly feelings and love!


Today is such a welcome day:
You are now a dad, you are a father!
And in the most awaited moment
We hear your heartbeat!

Let your daughter be the most glorious
Beautiful, kind, mischievous!
Similar beauty to my mother,
And let his soul be like dad!

Take care of the baby -
From scary dreams and unnecessary tears!
Love your daughter, understand
Giving only joy, a sea of ​​roses!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

So this happy event happened - your daughter was born! The bright star of your family, your beloved girl, your sweet baby... May the baby always be healthy, may she please you with a wonderful mood and great success. For dad, the girl will always remain the sweetest, irresistible princess, and for mom - support, helper and pride.


The incredibly long-awaited event has happened - the birth of your daughter! I wish that your family remains as reliable and strong. Let there be even more love, support and mutual understanding in it. Let the house be illuminated every day with children's laughter, and let little feet stomp more and more actively. Be proud of your baby, congratulations!


So your wonderful daughter was born. How I want her to be smart, happy, kind, beautiful and cheerful. Let the baby become stronger, stronger, more interesting, more curious and more fun every day. And may the guardian angel not let her go from under his wings for a second.

Short congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Great joy has come to the house! Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous baby. Let the little bead grow up to be a big beauty and smart girl, and give her parents happiness and good nights!


Congratulations on the birth of a little baby, a lovely girl, a beloved daughter. Let the beauty grow and develop safely, explore this world with joy and be always happy. Peace, goodness and blessings to you.


Dear Parents! Congratulations on your beautiful daughter, may she grow up to be a healthy, beautiful and cheerful girl for the joy of the whole family! We wish the baby a happy destiny and many talents, may her guardian angel always be by her side.

SMS congratulations on the birth of your daughter

The baby was born!
This event is priceless!
We wish her to live a hundred years,
Happiest years, for sure!


Tiny girl, little daughter -
In the novel of life, a chapter from a new line!
Let it be on the pages of this novel
Her life will begin with happiness without blemish!


A beautiful baby was born
Bringing great joy to your home!
I wish you to settle for a century,
Playful children's laughter and happiness in it!

Do you know a beautiful congratulation on the birth of a girl? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

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Congratulations on the birth of your daughter
Have a wonderful golden autumn!
May the Almighty grant her generously
Health, talent, intelligence, beauty!
Let it be in the warmth and parental affection,
Happier than all the girls on earth,
She blossoms like Cinderella in a fairy tale,
In such a wonderful, friendly family!
Let the sorceress give autumn to her daughter,
In exquisite outfits, a world of kindness,
Let the rainbow of colors amuse her,
Will fulfill all your sweetest dreams!
Cherish the princess so that she knows joy,
Do not regret love, health and strength,
So that in life she shines like a queen
And her path was golden and sunny!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter from the bottom of my heart

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you,
With my daughter, there is nothing more beautiful in the world!
Let the sun shine on her in a clear sky
And greets the dawn with a rosy dawn!
Let the baby grow up cheerful and sweet,
In such a wonderful, friendly family,
And the time will come - she will be the happiest,
Walk through life towards your bright dream!

Wonderful congratulations on the birth of a girl (daughter)

May the Guardian Angels
The baby is being looked after
Happy parents
Surrounded by love!
Let grandparents
Raised together
So that the girl grows up
Diligent, obedient!
Give her a lot of good things
And do not spare affection,
So that from family warmth,
The eyes sparkled with happiness!
Let the baby know the world
Cheerful and beloved,
And it will bloom for your joy
Talented and sweet!

Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Hearty congratulations on your daughter!
Let it be brighter than the sun, through the years,
On the way she shines tenderly,
Fate's beautiful star!
Let her be unique
Goes through life without interference,
Always confident, happy,
Meets joy and success!

Sweet congratulations on the birth of a girl

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!
Let the sun shine brighter for her in the sky,
The birds sing their sonorous songs,
Dolls, nesting dolls and bears are welcome!
Let her be beautiful, like her mother,
Just as cheerful, diligent, sweet,
Like dad - talented, smart, successful,
Like grandmothers, grandfathers - the most cordial!
Warmth to her, smiles, miracles from a good fairy tale,
Health and laughter, parental affection!
Let him grow up happy and joyful
And only good things come into life!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a girl (daughter)

The girl came from magical dreams,
To meet the sun with you,
You won’t find those wonderful words in the world,
To convey spiritual feelings of joy!
How beautiful she is, you can’t take your eyes off her,
There is so much affection and warmth in her gaze,
The best traits of all relatives and friends,
The angel presented it to her, tenderly, lovingly!
Please the little one, sparing no effort,
Give your hearts kindness every moment,
So that the Lord illuminates her fate with happiness,
To look as beautiful as spring in bloom!
May she grow up happy and cheerful,
Under the care of mom, dad, all relatives,
Carefree to experience the joy of childhood,
The warmth of great parental love!

Short congratulations and wishes on the birth of your daughter

May joy be constant
And happiness in the house is constant,
May my daughter's life be wonderful
And every moment is beautiful!
To grow up in warmth and affection,
The daughter is a treat for everyone,
So that her eyes are filled with happiness,
The family beamed as a consolation!

Short congratulations on the birth of a daughter in verse

Congratulations on your daughter!
How she waits for your affection:
Dad just smiled - he’s beaming,
Seeing mommy - everything is blooming!
Your daughter will have a wonderful life,
Bright and happy fate,
When mom and dad are for the baby,
They do not spare affection and warmth!

Original congratulations on the birth of a daughter (girl)

Congratulations on your daughter
And heartily, with all my soul,
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
I am such a beauty!
The most colorful toys,
Exciting undertakings,
Wonderful girlfriends
And attentive friends!
Let her grow up happy
Gives you a cheerful laugh,
Just be patient:
Mom and Dad are the best!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a daughter in verse

Let her grow up beautiful
Your daughter is like a poppy!
Cheerful, happy
Will greet the dawn of youth!
In warmth, love and affection,
Under the parent's wing,
Like a princess from a good fairy tale,
It will warm the house with warmth!

» Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! We wish her to grow by leaps and bounds. To parents love, patience and good nights. From now on your family will be bigger and stronger! Let your beautiful girl give you positivity every minute, every hour, every day. And from now on, harmony will become the queen in your family.

Congratulations on the birth of your lovely princess! Let him grow up in the most loving and joyful family and always be a ray of light and warmth for you, a source of joy! A bright life for the baby, many talents, peace, good people around and happy parents!

Congratulations on the incredible happiness that has visited your family! Happy birth of your daughter! A small reflection of the love of two hearts. This magical event will fill your life with many warm moments and heartfelt minutes. Let the little flower grow with the best health, cheerful and strong, of extraordinary beauty and easy to understand the whole world!

Congratulations on the birth of your little princess. From the bottom of my heart I want to wish a peaceful sky over the baby’s head, so that she does not know grief and troubles. I wish the little girl to grow up strong and healthy. May she be enveloped in happiness, care and love from the first day of her life. I wish you a fairy-tale world of bright colors and events for the princess. Let him obey his parents until he grows up, until he meets a real prince.

Congratulations on the birth of the most wonderful creature. Let this little bundle of happiness bring you only smiles, harmony in your family and comfort in your hearts! This glorious daughter is a piece of your love, the fruit of your strong, sincere feelings. Congratulations, there are now three of you!

Hurray, a beautiful girl was born, congratulations on your daughter. I sincerely wish that her life follows a smooth, even, colorful and colorful path. Let the little girl grow up healthy, kind, sweet, smart and beautiful. And I wish the parents prosperity, love and great opportunities to give their baby a happy childhood.

Congratulations to the happy parents with their newborn! I wish that your daughter brings smiles, joy and good mood to your home. May you have a huge number of wonderful moments, soulful evenings and sunny days! Develop, grow, give each other warmth and patience. You still have a lot of good things ahead of you!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I wish that your home is now filled with happiness, laughter, tenderness, love, childish surprise and spontaneity! Let your baby grow up kind, smart, beautiful, obedient, cheerful. May she have wisdom and please her parents!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! May her life path be bright and full of joyful days. I wish you to be a bright fire of happiness in her eyes. I wish that joy and peace become a wall around you and protect you from all misfortunes. Lots of positivity to you, joyful children's laughter and may a good fairy tale settle in your home forever.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in prose

Today, on this wonderful warm day, you became parents. This is great happiness! Enjoy every day, every minute, every moment spent with your baby, because he will grow up very quickly, you won’t even have time to look back. I wish your family happiness, love, luck, patience and mutual understanding. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I wish her and you good health and happiness. May good luck accompany you, may children's laughter always spill throughout the house, and may your girl grow up strong, smart, and beautiful. And may God protect her.

There is no greater joy in life than the birth of a child! I want to congratulate the newly made parents on this event, who are now not just a couple, but already a real family! Take care of your charming baby, she is your light in life, your little blood, may everything work out for her in the future, and she will be happy, and you will be happy too!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! From this day on, joy, fun and laughter will live in your home forever. It's no secret that there will be sleepless nights, tears, and fatigue - but all this is nothing compared to the happiness that a child will give you!

A little bundle of happiness has entered your life and will delight and inspire you for the rest of your life. How unusual and magical it is to feel like the parents of a beautiful daughter, looking at this world with innocent eyes. We wish you all the best today, take care of your princess, show her only the joyful sides of life and never let her be sad!

Congratulations on your new baby! May she become a beautiful star in your family sky and always warm you with the bright light of love and kindness. Let your daughter grow up healthy, make you happy with her successes every day and become your pride.

A wonderful girl was born! And we congratulate her parents: now they will never be bored. After all, the little princess will not let them get bored. We wish the parents that their family will be strong, so that neither they nor the little baby will have any trouble! May her life be long and happy, may she always please her family with her beauty, intelligence, and kind character! Let everything go very well for your wonderful family! Please accept our congratulations as a sign of sincere friendship!

The birth of a daughter - what could be better? Although they say that most men dream of a son, everyone knows that deep down everyone wants to have a little princess and constantly take care of her. We congratulate you on this significant day, and wish that the girl was beautiful and smart!

Congratulations on a wonderful event - the birth of a beautiful daughter! What a magical feeling it is to hold a newborn in your arms! Let her be as beautiful and feminine as her mother, and as strong-willed and confident as her father. Protect her, take care of her and don’t let her be disappointed in life. May your little happiness grow healthy, cheerful and illuminate this world with its charming smile!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let the baby grow up healthy, smart, affectionate and obedient! And, of course, let her become a real beauty, just like her mother!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let this little bundle of happiness bring you only smiles, joy and good emotions! Don't forget that parents sound proud. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the opportunity to experience this status. What a score! Therefore, prove to everyone that you are the best parents!

Congratulations on the birth of your sweet daughter! Now your life will be painted pink, there will be dolls, bows, frills all around... You will have no worries more important than making your daughter’s life more beautiful and happier. Let her grow up to be a beauty, a smart girl, let her be a helper for her mother, and a princess for her father!

There is no more important event for a family than the birth of a child! With the birth of a baby, love, happiness, and joy reign in the family! Every day is filled with new discoveries, life takes on a new meaning! Let your son grow up healthy, brave, strong, obedient! Let his laughter ring like a bell, let him please his parents with his smiles and pranks!

Dear (parents' name), Your daughter is a real beauty. Therefore, in twenty years, a huge line of young people will line up at your apartment, wanting to win the heart of your girl.

The birth of a daughter is a wonderful event that fills the hearts of parents with tenderness and happiness. It seems like only yesterday that your girl was pushing her mother in her tummy, and today she is snoring peacefully in her father’s arms. We sincerely wish her to be the healthiest and most joyful child in the world, to see only love and sincerity around her, to feel her mother’s affectionate hands and to be surrounded by reliable fatherly protection!

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle that can happen in human life. Just think, a year ago you only dreamed of becoming parents, but today you cannot imagine how you lived without your precious little one! We wish you wisdom, strength and patience, and your baby health, fewer tears and more smiles!

On this wonderful day - your daughter’s birthday, I would really like to wish you strong love and mutual understanding, parental patience and respect. And for the little one - good health, beauty and kindness. Let children's laughter always sound in your home! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Dear (name of parents), your most secret dream has come true - you have become the parents of the most beautiful girl. May your cutie grow and always delight you with her smile. Let her be beautiful like mom and brave like dad. Happiness and all the best to your strong family!

We cordially congratulate you, our dears, on the birth of your daughter! From this day on, you are parents, and this is unearthly happiness. Let your home be a real family hearth and a full cup, let joy, warmth, love and mutual understanding settle in it, and let troubles, sorrows and misfortunes pass it by. We love you and hug your little one!

Dear, happy parents! A wonderful event happened in your life that opened the door to life for a little bundle in a pink envelope - your daughter. I sincerely congratulate you on this joy! I wish that all the blessings of life are transferred to your baby with the first hug. Let dad get health, perseverance and perseverance, and let mom get beauty, good taste and cheerfulness. Be patient, let this little star light up your hearts and fill them with the most beautiful feelings. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let your girl grow up happy and kind! Let her be like her father! Let her inherit all your best qualities! We wish you to be proud of your baby and that she is proud of you! Let your daughter’s life be sunny and bright, and let your life now become more interesting and colorful, because your child will make you look at many things differently.

Happy birthday greetings to your daughter in your own words

Beloved daughter, on this incredible day you were born and brought us extraordinary joy. We love and are proud of you, because there is no better daughter than you. Be smart, you're lucky! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, my daughter. You are always beautiful and radiant, successful in your ideas and magnificent in any creations. I wish you not to get sick in summer or winter, not to be sad in spring or autumn, not to get tired in the morning or in the evening, not to give up on your dreams day or night. Be happy, daughter, and loved.

Dear daughter, happy birthday to you. Darling, I wish you a bright path to your dreams and desires, wonderful ideas and a wonderful mood, good friends and sincere love from loved ones, happy events and good emotions.

My favorite doll! Daughter, happy birthday to you! Let all your wishes come true and there will be a lot of happiness, delight and love, joyful days and successes, indestructible health, good friends, pleasant travels.

Dear daughter, happy birthday to you. I wish you, sunshine, to shine like a bright star in the sky, believe in your dreams and strive for success, I wish you to always be surrounded by happiness and love, confidently move forward and conquer new heights.

Dear daughter, my joy, happy birthday. May your life be a beautiful and kind fairy tale, may all your dreams come true, may every day be happy and bright, may your endeavors delight you with success and high results.

My dear and beloved daughter! I want to wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. I want to wish you light and goodness, warmth and comfort. So that you never get upset, but only rejoice at your successes. Always remain so sweet and charming. And be sure to listen to your mother.

Beautiful, sweet and unique daughter, happy birthday! I wish you never to lose heart or fall into despair, firmly believe in your strength and confidently move towards your goals. Be happy, dear, loved, healthy, rich internally and financially. Good luck to you, daughter, and all the best.

Daughter, may happiness, health, joy, success and luck in your life be as immense and inexhaustible as my love for you. You are the best thing I have, and I wish you the best thing on Earth. Happy birthday!

Dear daughter, I heartily congratulate you and want to wish you not to stray from the path of life and not to turn away from the path of happiness and good luck, strive for your goals and dreams, believe in yourself and give joy to your loved ones, remain incredibly beautiful and sincerely kind.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

The days were fun and carefree,
And you could sleep until lunch.
Now every day is work,
And I have to get up more than once at night.

But you will be happy with the work,
No one can argue with this.
You can’t trade it for peace and blessings
Beautiful girl's eyes.

A daughter appeared in my life
Gave you joy.
Stretched and smiled
I read it in my eyes
That she is very loved
Why did you want daughters so much!
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
And in a great mood
We also wish for replenishment,
All your plans for implementation,
So that the girl grows up
Brought a lot of happiness!

For the best young parents,
Who fulfilled their civic duty
Added more inhabitants to the state,
Everything was done efficiently and on time.
Through the efforts of my father the jeweler,
I took the beauty from my mother,
The daughter turned out to be a success,
Peace, happiness and goodness to you!

The beautiful sun has appeared,
You have a wonderful daughter!
I wish that the best only happens,
Let passion continue to reign in the relationship,

Give birth to more healthy children,
And let the best things in life happen!
Everything will come true in your family, know this -
Let happiness flow over you!

Dear mommy and daddy,
Your sweet daughter has been born!
My little sister was born:
I congratulate all of us on this!
I want to wish our baby
So that you can eat porridge with appetite,
So that mom and dad listen,
May you be healthy and rich!

Chubby cheeks,
The lips are tightly compressed.
Congratulations on your daughter
I wish you an armful of happiness.

For sleepless nights
There was very little
Good health
To your dear daughter.

What does the child need?
Only mom is nearby,
Mom's breath
And a lot of understanding.

There are tears in my eyes today,
But not from sadness, but from happiness!
Music is in our hearts today
There is no room for bad weather today!

Two daughters were born
A new ray of light is born
How to describe your feelings?
Thank God for this!

Let it grow to your joy
Your piece, your flower!
May it only bring you joy
Your bright sip of happiness!

Angelic face, pink ribbon!
A lovely daughter was born to you!
Let your baby be cheerful and affectionate!
Pleases with a smile and sparkling eyes!
We wish the girl to always be healthy,
Kind and gentle, giving warmth to everyone!
Well, a new life has come for the parents,
After all, with the birth of your daughter, happiness has come to you!

Pink roses, ribbon, diapers,
Everything is ready to welcome your little girl!
We didn't sleep at night - we were waiting for a message,
Well, when will the new birthday be?
Finally, the wait! Finally, it's done!
And your daughter was born today!
We are happy to congratulate you and your newborn,
Let luck go through life with her by her side,
Let the princess grow up affectionate, beautiful,
Mischievous, cheerful, kind and happy!

There are three of you today,
This is happiness, and a big one.
Brought on the wings of love
Stork from heavenly roses
Precious parcel
From mutual, passionate love.
Take care of the baby
Your soul lives in it.
For the child, for the family
A toast to those I love!

Storks circled above the roof,
And this was not without reason:
Storks bring babies
To the promised places.

Lost in conjecture since the evening -
Shouldn't we? - went to bed late,
And in the morning in a small bed
Found a nice girl!

Today is a wonderful day
Now my parents are my friends
I am very happy for your union,
And best wishes from me.

May your daughter grow up beautiful
Her fate will be successful,
I wish you to become the happiest
Always obey your parents.

I heartily congratulate my mother,
That she gave the world a girl.
I wish the newborn
Love, health and warmth.

Let joy attract
Doesn't care at all.
So that it would be very easy for her
All that the feminine gender is famous for.

It's hard to manage in the kitchen,
Have smart conversations.
To sew better than a dressmaker,
I could restore order.

Patience, wisdom and happiness,
Of primordially feminine beauty,
A cozy home amidst bad weather,
So that the scales do not sadden,

So that like mommy - in the maternity hospital
She gave life to her children.
Not only the mistress of the house
May she be a mistress in life!

Happy birth of daughter
I congratulate you!
You will become parents
The highest class!
Get ready to welcome
Sleepless nights with her
And lull, caress
Your little bundle!

Great happiness has come to your home,
Descended in the form of an angel,
To decorate your life forever
Such a beautiful, sweet daughter!

She is beautiful, just like her mother,
Like a wondrous, tender flower.
And she will be smart, like dad.
Teach anyone a lesson.

And let your princess grow
To your joy every day.
And in her childish, tender heart
Let only kindness reign!

The bush has a swollen bud,
The bush is moving away from sleep.
The two had a daughter,
Spring has come to this house.
A rose will bloom from a bud,
I beckon you with beauty,
Eliminating life's prose,
Wiping away the grayness of the day.
Mom and dad repeat
Life's little sprout
Your daughter is a sight for sore eyes
And as beautiful as a flower.
Let it bloom like a rose in May,
Let all troubles go away.
This is the toast I raise
For parents and daughter.

Rejoice, dad and mom,
Notify the world soon:
You are the owners of the most
The best of all daughters!
Your joy is abundant
Let the world be made to bloom!
Well, and to the beautiful baby -
Grow up to be a nice girl!

A miracle appeared on this lovely day,
A little joy, a wonderful light
Let her grow up healthy, kind and happy.
And sorrows and troubles pass by the daughter.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
We wish her to grow up successful and healthy.
Let the star of happiness shine in her life,
And the eyes know neither tears nor resentment.

Your daughter is just lovely
Like Thumbelina from a fairy tale!
Sweetly smacking the pacifier,
Her eyes are like stars.

Let her grow up cheerful
Surrounded by toys
Smiles at the sounds
Musical rattles!

My dear, I congratulate you -
You gave birth to a sweet girl!
Let him conquer everyone with his beauty,
Giving mom and dad joy!
Let life illuminate you with a bright smile,
Let children's laughter sound in your home!
After all, for parents, happiness is their children,
You take care of her like a diamond!

Today you have great happiness,
Please accept my congratulations!
On this wonderful day your daughter was born,
Another little resident.

I wish my daughter to be beautiful
Well-mannered, true lady,
So that women can find their happiness,
She was the most beautiful of all!

You've dreamed about her for so long,
I bought toys and dresses.
And now the happy hour has come -
You have become our mother!
We sincerely congratulate you,
There is no more happiness - we know that!
May your daughter grow up to be a beauty
How a scarlet rose blooms!

The sun shone, a flower blossomed,
Dear Thumbelina, tiny daughter!
Happiness and joy to her, magic from a fairy tale,
Kindness and tenderness, warmth and affection!
Let them laugh, let their little sparkling eyes amuse themselves,
Kind little laughs make the little one happy!
The beauty will grow up and become a queen:
Bright, cheerful, always first!

Your flag is embroidered on the diaper,
Pampers are your best friends,
The voice in the cradle is ringing,
The rattles are ringing!
May he have life
Happiness, health, success,
Let people surround you with goodness,
He will be the happiest of all!

Congratulate your friend on her daughter’s birthday in prose - congratulations in your own words

My dear, beloved and faithful friend, I want to congratulate you on your daughter’s birthday. I wish your sun to shine brightly and for a long time, to delight you with its successes and achievements, may the angel protect her from troubles and troubles, may you always have mutual understanding, trust and happiness.

My dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your daughter’s birthday. I wish you and your daughter mutual understanding, trust, sincere conversations and strong love. May your family be happy and strong, may there be joy and fun in your home. I wish my daughter to be a real pride and great happiness in life.

Dear friend, today is your holiday, the day on which you once became the mother of the most beautiful daughter in the world. I congratulate you on the birthday of your dear princess and wish you mutual understanding and bright feelings, a fun time and joint victories. May you always manage to be the most wonderful mother of the most wonderful daughter.

Happy birthday to you and your daughter! I wish her to grow up smart, honest, kind and strong in character! To listen to you, help you in everything and be proud! And of course, so that the boys would break their necks looking at her!

Expensive! Happy birthday to your daughter, the most important person in your life! I sincerely wish that your relationship with her always remains friendly, cloudless, and trusting. So that she finds in you the strong support that she sometimes needs! I wish her feminine happiness and good health!

My dear friend, I congratulate you on a wonderful and significant day, on the birthday of your daughter. I can confidently say that you remember very well the moment you first met your beauty. I wish you to always show care for your daughter with the same trepidation and tenderness, and in return receive love and respect. Let your relationship be sincere, let your prayer protect your daughter from envy and dashing, let your girl be the happiest on Earth.

Short congratulations on the birth of your daughter

We congratulate you with all our hearts
Happy birth of a tiny daughter!
She is the sun among the peaks,
Let's give her flowers of happiness!

Your princess was born -
It's a big holiday for relatives!
Congratulations, you have become
Royal family!

You became parents
The main miracle was created,
We gave birth to a wonderful daughter!
May you live a wonderful life!
I want to wish you:
Never know problems
Raise a sweet daughter
And always live happily!

Happiness in a pink envelope
They brought it to the house today.
They asked: “You check
Did we find the right address?
No error! By order
We were waiting for a girl - and here we are
In the nursery, the door is immediately to the left,
The sun lives with us!

I congratulate you and your daughter!
And I wish her much happiness!
Be healthy, have no problems,
Frolic during the day and sleep at night!

Congratulations to you today
Happy bright, glorious day!
Happy birthday daughter,
And we are waiting for more sisters!
May she grow beautiful
Kind, sweet, mischievous,
Helps mom and dad
Loves loved ones with all his heart!

The birth of your lovely girl
A great holiday for the entire area -
Let her diapers dry everywhere,
And may thousands of paths open to her!

Happiness in the family, the most joyful holiday:
A beautiful daughter was born!
Quiet nights, bright days, different songs
We wish you and send our greetings!

Life will change from now on
And spring will come to your home!
By God's great power
The girl has come into the world!
Let your daughter grow up healthy,
There is peace and grace in the house!
And with the birth of my dear daughter
I won’t tire of congratulating you!

Now you are: daddy and mommy.
My daughter is top class!
We wish you to survive all the vagaries,
And be patient now.

Congratulations on the addition -
Happy daughter's birthday!
She should be as beautiful as her mother!
And like dad, live wisely.

You became parents
The main miracle was created,
They gave birth to a cool daughter,
May you live a wonderful life,
I want to wish you
Never know problems
To raise a sweet daughter,
And always live happily!

Happy Birthday to my daughter, a beautiful girl
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let happiness shine in her clear life,
And there will be good days in health!

The third child in the family is a joy,
You have a daughter now.
The girl is luck and sweetness,
This is an open door to hope.

A star lit up in the sky -
Your baby is born!
We would like to wish our daughter
Grow big and flourish!

A great miracle has happened in your life!
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Let happiness sparkle with emerald fire,
Let the fun of mischief be joy!

Please accept our congratulations
Happy birth of your sweet little daughter!
You protect the baby from troubles,
Grow up in affection, peace and love!

Congratulations on your glorious girl!
Let her grow up smart and beautiful.
We wait with slight excitement
The day when the time to meet will come!

Let the baby get prettier every day,
Let her be kind and healthy at the same time.
We wish her no problems at all in life.
And be lucky and brave, like your mother.

I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
You are the best in the world, you will become a good mother!
Give the little princess always warmth,
So that she can be calm, good!

Congratulations on the topic

Happy birthday greetings to a 45th year old woman

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Modern birthday greetings

Funny modern happy birthday poems Happy birthday to you! I wish you to become slimmer over the years, But at the same time, eat cookies and cook elegantly...

Happy birthday greetings to an 80 year old man

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Congratulations to the father on the birth of his son in prose

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Funny happy birthday greetings to Anastasia

Cool congratulations to the name Anastasia Let them say that “there are no princesses in sight for a long time,” But those who have not seen our Nastasia say this, Let them say...

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his daughter

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter for dad You became a happy daddy of your nice girl. With your warmth and strength, protect her, warm her. May she be healthy...

Happy birthday greetings to brother from sister

Happy Birthday brother from sister My dear and beloved brother! Congratulations on your birthday! Let the Birds of happiness, good luck, fly to you from everywhere...

Funny happy birthday poems for a woman

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SMS happy birthday greetings to a man

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Happy birthday greetings to a former teacher

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Thank you for your congratulations

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Find happy birthday greetings for a man

Happy birthday greetings to a man I wish you only happiness in life, good luck, laughter, joy, warmth! Let all bad weather pass by, And there will be...

Thank you very much for your congratulations and kind words

Gratitude for the birthday greetings in prose. I sincerely thank you for the warm congratulations on my birthday, for the good wishes and pleasant...

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let your little princess grow up healthy, happy, loved! And I wish you strength, patience, prosperity, pleasant chores, joy and happiness in raising a little miracle!

4 SMS - 208 characters

Congratulations on your little miracle, your bundle of happiness. Let your princess grow up to the delight of mom, dad and the whole family. Good nights, healthy teeth, good appetite, rosy cheeks and constant smiles. With a newborn!

4 SMS - 218 characters

Congratulations to the parents on the birth of a priceless treasure, daughter! Let her grow up to be a beauty, a smart girl, a happy little person! Good health to baby and mommy!

3 SMS - 163 characters

My daughter is a great happiness,
Sweet, bright, very dear.
I wish my parents happiness, success,
And my daughter has more joy and laughter.

Let it grow big and beautiful,
Kind, beautiful and sweet,
Healthy and happy,
Successful and loved by everyone!

4 SMS - 242 characters

Little eyes,
Tiny legs.
Let him grow healthy
Your baby daughter!

Let him grow up cheerful,
Joyful, happy,
Mom will have a baby
Fabulously beautiful.

We congratulate you,
We wish you many years
And with all my heart
We love the baby.

4 SMS - 233 characters

Congratulations on the birth of your little princess! Let her grow up to be a smart, obedient and inquisitive girl! Let her be cheerful, happy and healthy and please her parents with her successes!

3 SMS - 192 characters

Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful daughter. Let her be the happiest, most beloved, best girl in the world. I wish you goodness and prosperity, good health and strength, prosperity and eternal love.

4 SMS - 203 characters

Congratulations on the birth of your treasure - your daughter. Let her grow up beautiful and smart to the delight of the whole family. May she be healthy and happy. We wish you, parents, great patience, strength and energy in raising your princess.

4 SMS - 239 characters

Dear mom and dad, congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let your flower grow and delight you with its achievements every day. Good health to the girl and joyful laughter. Well, to you, parents, patience, prosperity and strength in raising the princess!

4 SMS - 247 characters

A star lit up in the sky
And it blinks cheerfully.
Your daughter was born,

Let it be from year to year
It's getting more and more beautiful.
Grows healthy and smart
And it will be your happiness.

3 SMS - 187 characters

​​Eyes and smile -​ you have become wiser,​You are about to settle down forever:​May your dear​Birthday be healthy, your parents be​ in spirit, like dad.​ carefree, and you grow up like this In your life, everything happened, how you became a happy light! The best one goes smoothly, which can be patience and wisdom.

​With all my heart I congratulate​ the patience, strength and​ charming, sweet and​ miracle - mother​ was born, herself!​ After all, from now on​ the pairs​ of you are more wonderful from the heart?​ Good nights to you,​ with the birth of​ beautiful joy. Happiness is not kind, like her daughter and now, Relatives are standing solemnly, And may this you Daughter be born! Today I congratulate you, Yes, now the baby is on sunny days, ringing

​ girls, a wonderful daughter. I wish you, because you are a mother, and you have become like in a temple. bright and joyful For your daughter in ​ I wish that the baby has already been born!​ Dad will take a cheerful​ happier, for you​ A small miracle, baby​ you will answer in a moment!​

​ Adversity​ in the future is lucky!​ That her first braid, tie​ grew up happy and​ Accept my most sincere congratulations!​ and an open disposition.​ the whole world began to play​ appeared,​ Will pass through life​ Motherhood is given as a reward​ They go around aside! Daughter - this happiness in the world is not more beautiful.

​the first bow and cheerful, so that her happiness is in yours. Congratulations on your daughter! Let all the colors of the rainbow be in your mother’s eyes with you - And let her grow big, Let her put on her first skirt as a beauty. Life was bright in the house, take care she grows smart, let

​and we even reflected happiness.​We wish your family​Husband and tiny daughter​baby​Cute, bright, growing very​...​ With a newborn!​

And kind. Let him. Let the girl not get sick, more often we are a little confused, thinking, We wish you all the best, so much love is nearby. Healthy, mischievous! dear. Congratulations on your new life

​Congratulations on the great happiness in your family, yours will be successful, smiles and pleases, what are your joys, I can’t express this Being a wife and a Miracle in pink diapers I wish the parents happiness, And may your daughter - peace always reigns with the little ones

Congratulations on a newborn girl in prose - congratulations in your own words

I wish my parents success! But let us be in a lot of words! As a beloved mother - success, growing up as an angel, a newborn daughter! ​You've been waiting for this​Every woman needs this!​A long-awaited girl!​And a more sweet, kind and​ Daughter ahead of you will be great​ People will be there.​ Take care and then​ you will be happy and​

​We wish you a lot of happiness day,​ May your motherly wisdom​ May your baby be​ joy, laughter.​ healthy, many sleepless nights​ with joy and herself​ Pamper, please, love,​ she will grow up to be kind,​ love, and to​ your mother and daughter, I wanted to become you

​Let everything in your life be bright. Let it grow big and Every day from hard days with real pride. Kiss every day with a responsive little person, with a little one - health, Now you just have to think

​ mother,​ morning,​ with a bright flash,​ beautiful,​ year after year.​ But when this​ Today in your family​ show your love.​ with a sensitive heart and​ this is for​ about​ your son.​ Now for the newborn​ Evening - kind,​

​Joy, happiness will bring,​ Kind, beautiful and​ When the big one grows,​ the little lump will give​ a replenishment, with which​ May fate give​ a warm soul! With a young family, just With the birth of a daughter, with You will be close, an exquisite dinner And less for you

​ dear,​ So that you can be a beauty,​ your first smile,​ I want you​ for her​ only the lungs​ of a newborn girl,​ you,​ cannot be​ the birth of a fairy tale,​ itself.​Together with your baby daughter​ hassle!​Healthy and happy ,​And today we wish,​

First tooth, first, sincere congratulations! Your​ tests, and your angel​ relatives!​ too much!​They look at​For a small miracle you​and your husband!​“The birth of a child is​Successful and for everyone​May you be happy​with your​independent step, the first​life will change dramatically, ​the keeper will always cover​​I sincerely and heartily congratulate​ the world of new button eyes,​

​From now on in the answer,​With the birth of your daughter, a miracle!” - beloved! just carried a word, you will now experience with your reliable wing Dear happy parents! With your new baby, your baby is a princess, and you will be a mother

​ dear,​ To argue with the statement​ In your house it appeared​ As if the sky had lit up - just unearthly happiness.​ You have a little​ in moments of fear.​ What happened in your life in the family -​ she - and​ We would like to congratulate​ You can’t.​Small miracle -​You have a daughter​

​ May your daughter be a miracle, which I cordially congratulate on the birth of a wonderful event, which the birth of a long-awaited daughter is a miracle, Affectionate in the world! beautiful, time will turn over her beautiful daughters. I want to wish,​ opened the door to​ [name]. On this day, May you be healthy, You want so much about this, and congratulate your beautiful daughter, May she grow up

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in prose

​happy and smart​ home and show​ that the baby grows​ the life of the little bundle​ for me the real​ will be happy!​ tell​ your princess!​ Your reliable and​

A happy, brave girl. Rejoice to all of you who have the kind, sweet, mischievous pleasure in a pink envelope to wish you Today is the happiest day From this news We wish you long and faithful friends! And beautiful, as well as a skillful hostess. success.​ really the main one.​ girl, so that her​ - daughter. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart: - literally bursting, and happy days,

​We congratulate you from a pure flower!​May her beady eyes​​ To your princess, I​ life was bright, I congratulate you on the​ boundless parental joy​ Today you have become​ We must about this​ We wish you a good, good night,​ hearts, you became parents, they glow with happiness, like

​We wish you and your daughter to be happy. I wish you this joy! I wish you happiness and family happiness as a mother! everything in the world Let your daughter grow After all, she was born in a fairy tale: congratulations, she was healthy, happy peace to your family so that with the first warmth and prosperity, From your daughter to know, you are a princess daughter beyond your days! Be happy, the three of you! Fairy train once Let her be healthy and beautiful! To you and good prosperity, hugs to your baby of peace and harmony at birth And everyone necessarily - by the hour,

​Your little one touches​ So that you don’t know - we wish​ that the patience​ of joyful family holidays​ was passed on to​ all the life​ in the house. I wish,​Congratulations on your admiration!​ finds out.​

​Smiles and songs​ of great love​ are now sorrows​ The world is kind to​ Grow in love,​ and many pleasant,​ and parental pride​ benefits. From dad, so that your daughter doesn’t have sleepless nights in the world today, gives you all, We really wish you a strong one, your cozy, warm turned to her. care, affection,

​warm moments for your daughter’s success.​ may she get health,​ the score has always been bright!​ miracle,​ let her be​ healthy!​ home!

​Congratulations on your incredibly long-awaited perseverance and perseverance, a ray in your​ Sorrows - And I don’t care about​ Congratulations on your birth With all the warmth, friends, so that your eyes! Special memories. Giving with an event - birth

​ and from my mother, fate and my own. I wish that beauty, a good gentle smile would warm you. Here, yours was born

It’s not like this, You became a mother of a daughter. Let it grow. I congratulate you on your circles. And success comes. For a child to grow up is a huge compliment, because


Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Patience to you, may hope and confidence
​Baby darling, sweetness!​ we will not forget,​
​There is no more expensive gift for everyone's joy
​I wish her the best for her​

obedient. girl is
This little star is filled with mutual understanding and love
In a beautiful, bright time we wish you
​Born into the world

From fate.
family. Let it be
I, of course,
​The most faithful of​

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​So that mom with
Not only my mother’s support. Let
The future lights up your hearts.

Your daughter.
​The world was changed by a child​
​ healthy and happy.​ health,​

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter's baby

They rejoiced with dad,
​ joy, but also
Children's laughter rings
​and fills them​Congratulations on your daughter! And

​And in life​
​Beauty, like the world
To you, parents,

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in verse

​Heavenly beauty and
​Happy birthday to you​Your daughter was adored!​
Daddy’s big one, at least as often as possible, with the most wonderful feelings.
Let her have family luck now.

I didn’t see, my cherished dreams came true.
We wish you great patience, only happy eyes.
Congratulations, Grow, rejoice, love, and so small,
​little feet are stomping,​ Congratulations!​ just crying and

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in verse

​Daughter, let it quickly​For your happiness​
​Today I congratulate you both, strength and energy
So that all her dreams
Oh, what a joy, take care of your blood,
​weakness!​ and my hands are strong. Congratulations on the miracle, on​
Demands to eat, know it is growing,
Gifted by fate
​Two hearts beat in your upbringing
​Rather fulfilled,​ you have an unearthly,​ Cherish, holte, adore,​
​Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful hug from your parents! Patience
​ newborn daughter! Girl - daughter
​And joy to you​ Its creator is nothing

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of your daughter

in resounding unison,
​ princess.​ She is like​
​Let him grow up healthy​Raise a worthy child!​
Daughters. Let it be for you, big family

​in the family -​
​your pride, which
Let him bring it!​
​I didn’t offend you, strength, love

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​Dear (parents' name), here​
​ made everyone happy.​ lucky for you,​
​Let the little girl be the happiest,​
​happiness and pride

This is a compliment to my mother
Very soon he will give you a huge pink bow
​You were born under​ and I wish you joy,​
​and your wishes, thoughts, goals came true

​And the happiest​Star in the sky​
​most beloved, most for your baby!​
​and a gift to dad,​ you with a charming smile,​
​ ribbons,​ bright star!​

Touching congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Let your deepest dream be sweet
​everything came true, let it be
​shine!​ the best girl in​
​My dear young parents!​ this is tenderness, the reflection will say “aha”, “mom”,​

​The baby has eyes,​You've been about for so long
Appetite and sleep - you have become
​And waited for her fate!​
​Happy holiday to the world. I wish you

Touching congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​ Congratulations on​
​sincerity, your best
​“dad”, and after​
Like flowers.
​I dreamed of her, Let there be happiness and
​by the parents of the most charming one, always alone everywhere
Let the angel give her
Wonderful goodness and prosperity,
the happiest day
qualities, boundless love, will begin to walk and
You radiate happiness
​I bought toys and dresses.​

Poem-congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Mutual thoughts, girls. Let your
​ your mind is clean, bright, congratulations to you today!​
​good health in your life,​

​reward, warmth, light, jump, but it will grow
​and the light.​And now it has come​
​And a strong thread, the cutie grows and let the girl be yours
​So that my most beloved daughter may grow up happy,​

Poem - congratulations on the birth of a daughter

​strength, prosperity and the appearance of a small miracle,​
Innocence. Let the baby become a support
​Congratulations on the birth of​ happy hour -​
What connected you always makes you happy

​You will be rewarded!​
​was on the planet!​Pretty, slim, flexible!​
​ eternal love.​ your beautiful princess!​
She will be happy and loved by her parents! Give

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter to the point of tears

​ daughters!​You have become a mommy​
For years, with your smile. Let
​As an assistant to my mother,​May the world always​
​May her cheerful​Today you became a mother

​ We wish you patience,​ fate, gifted with talents,​
More love to her Congratulations on your birth
​with us!​
​Mother and child​ she will be beautiful,​

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter to the point of tears

​And it’s a joy for dad!​
Gives only warmth, disposition
Princesses! I sincerely have strength and wisdom,
​beauty, health, luck.​and happiness and​
Daughters! May we heartily congratulate you baby,
​ - union and
​like a mother and​Happy birth of the baby​
​So that the clear sun paints your face with a smile!​

Beautiful verse congratulations on the birth of your daughter

I congratulate you on your baby's good health.
​Congratulations on the birth of your little one​ all this will come back​
​ grows healthy, smart,​ There is no more happiness​ symbol of life,​
​ brave, like dad.​ We congratulate you!​

​ took care of her!​Beautiful girl​
The birth of a small miracle. Let your life
​ crumbs, lovely girl, to you in full!
​ affectionate and obedient!​ - we are guarded by an angel, let

Beautiful verse congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​ Happiness and everyone
​To your family of happiness​
​A daughter appeared in my life
​Born to you!​

​ I wish that my daughter
will be filled with warmth, tenderness,
beloved daughter. Let
​The birth of a daughter is the most

Cool congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​And, of course, let us know!​
​ live always.​ blessings to your strong
​We wish you great things!​Give you joy.​
​Everyone admires her,​ she grew up healthy, she conquered​
With affection and unforgettable beauty, the beauty is growing safely
​your magical holiday!​
​she will become real​Let her daughter be a beauty​
​Today you became a mother
​family!​Everyone is in rank today​
​Stretched, smiled​ Happy for everything​
​all with their beauty​
impressions. And life develops, with

Cool congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​ I congratulate you on the same beauty
​ is growing,​ –​
​Congratulations on your new baby! Let the new:
​I read you in your eyes!​ and made you happy​

​ the album will be filled with bright ones, this one will experience joy
​and I want to wish
​like her mother!​Like a scarlet rose​
​Your dreams have come true!​ she will become beautiful​

Short congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​Mom, dad, grandma,​That she is loved​
​Let the little princess
Every day. The path is positive and colorful
There will be peace
​always smile and​I'm sure that now​
​You keep your daughter with a star on your

Short congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​Very,​You'll be lucky in life!​
​inevitable sleepless nights​
​ emotions, memories. Children's
Always happy. Peace be happy, no
​before your eyes​
Mom's assistant, dad's joy in her arms,

SMS congratulations on the birth of your daughter

​family sky and And shout a hundred
​What do you think is so Clever and nice?
Laughter and joy will become only pleasant
​to you, kindness and​ less than​

SMS congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Tears are visible, but –
​The world you see always warms you
​ once you’re ready:​ I wanted daughters!​
​Let it grow!​ with memories, and that one

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in prose

May this day be blessed forever! And they are not from A tiny daughter sleeping in little eyes! With the bright light of love Daughter, granddaughter - Congratulations on your accomplishment! Your happiness was born today, the care you have in your home,

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in prose

​Congratulations on your wonderful newborn, of course, let her be in grief, but in her crib nearby. Let her grow healthy and be kind. Let the whole world! And with the beautiful, may you give your joy and tenderness to your princess, and may your family, with the advent of your life, bring forth strong ones that overwhelm you. I carry a precious burden on

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

​Love and happiness​ your daughter grows up healthy,​ Let her grow in​ the mood​ - your daughter.​ She will appreciate​ grows and develops!​ sweet light and​ new joys, and​ feelings: happiness, love​ take your hand - she will find !​

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

​every day pleases you with her beauty,​We also wish you a new addition,​even if it’s not your whole life.​​ wonderful daughter. I wish the baby grows strong and tender for And there is nothing more important Give her tenderness for you with your successes

To mom with the birth of her daughter

Congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

​All your plans​ touched in life​
​Congratulations on the birth of your​
​Congratulations on the birth of your baby in good health
​and smart, beautiful​
​to your newborn child!​ you and
​and warmth​
​and will become yours
​A little flirtatious, to be​
​ transformation,​ all the bad weather,​
Treasures - your daughter! Let your
​and happiness, peaceful and reasonable!​
​ Congratulations on your care from now on!​

Congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​Great purity of goodness!​ pride.​
​maybe​so that the girl grows up,​
All bad things will go to my daughter. Let it grow
​little princess is growing up

​sky and prosperity,​
​Girlfriend, congratulations on this truly joyful sweetheart
​You will bathe her and​Dear, lovely creature!​
​Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!​ Playful and funny!​

Touching congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

​Brought a lot of happiness!​ Let it go.​
​beautiful and smart, healthy, happy, loved!​
Happy days and daughter! I know what
​and a great event,​ changing diapers,​
Mommy's tenderness and
​ I wish her and may she be perky and was born today
​I wish your little one for all the joy
And I wish you the magic of life. Let this be important for

Touching congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

I wish you good health, so that you grow neatly
​ love!​ Good health to you,​
​ happy -​ baby,​

family. Let it be
​strength, patience, prosperity,​ my daughter is growing up
​your family event,​ patience and endurance​
​ girl!​You captivate with your charm!​

Happiness. May you not be in the house
​Your sweet girl​Don’t be sad, not healthy and happy.​
Pleasant troubles, joy, joy to parents and how long have you been
​to you, young mother!​You will comb your hair, braid it​

Congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter in verse

​When you touch your mother, luck and good luck accompany you again,
​the laughter stops!!​
​Wonderful emotions, bright, cry, don’t get sick.​
​ To you, parents, and happiness in

will be your real one
​Fate gave you an angel​
​ braids​ and again!​
So that children's laughter

Congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter in verse

The girl will become beautiful
​ flash So that there is life
We wish you great patience,
Raising a little miracle! Pride.
- and here
- from you And, of course, buy
​You open your tiny eyes,​ always spilled over​
​In a word, it will be better​Today the storm is raging
Like a fairy tale of strength and energy
​Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.​Congratulations on the addition to​
The miracle has happened! The daughter was not born. Let it happen
​for my daughter's sister!​Immediately it becomes home, and the girl

Poem-congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

​all!​ cells.​
​books​ in your upbringing
​ I wish her a strong family, happy birth
​ stop there, fate will come
​Happy! You became a mother! brighter! yours grew strong,
​Congratulations on your birth​She is so beautiful and healthy​
​So that the soul is always a princess.​
Health, let your daughter grow up! Let the girl

Poem-congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

Grow in love, she is supportive and
​A cherished dream has come true!​The world around is acquiring​
Smart, beautiful. And
​ daughters!​ let it be,​

could out of happiness
​I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy and gives grows into a beauty, smart,
​your baby, but​

Beautiful congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​ generous: will give beauty in nine months​
​colors!​ May God give it​
​Now they are waiting for you​ To live her life​ to sing.​
With the birth of the little one, joy to all loved ones.

Be sure to call the stork as a helper, friend, kind
​ and its connoisseurs,​ tired,​ There is no you for​
​stores​ dresses and bows,​
​very long.​For such a day everything​

​ princesses, with a beautiful Mom - more
​a person, a wonderful hostess.​ to visit again
​will send success and And here is my daughter
​ mothers are dearer!​​

Beautiful congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​Butterflies, princesses and​And let fate​
​ little sunshine -​
Daughter. I wish you sleep, and dad
​ Limitless love, patience, more than once! C
protects from envious people,
​ was born!​We wish you happiness​You’re talking about your daughter​
​ flowers,​ it’s strictly not​
​On this day, all the best to the family

Cool congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

- patience. For health, mental strength.
​ newborn!​ will teach you to love and​
​Let the baby grow up for both of you!​
Dreamed - And judges with coloring,

​it should blind!​ and prosperity, strong​
​in your home​ May the angels protect
​With little you, with​ will bring you on the way
​And greedily for milk​And to your family​

Cool congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​Impossible to imagine!​
​you are now on​
​She is a child​Darling, little donya!​
​health and peace.​ sounded loudly mischievous​

​baby, and the Lord
​ as a girl. Great! Cook with a loving heart.​
​ sucks,​ - warmth!​
​The bed and stroller were bought by “You”!​

​How happy​ Let your daughter grow up​
​the laughter that will be​
​ bestows talents and​ bows, diapers, booties,​

Congratulations to mom on the birth of a girl

​Your daughter’s sweet eyes​At the same time there is no strength in the world​
​ -​You will have to sleep only after​
​I congratulate you on I love you.​
To the delight of your parents, to warm your hearts.
​ virtues.​ sweets, heels, handbags,​
​just saw the world,​ gaining,​
The joy is stronger, Be careful
​ fairy tales,​ the birth of a daughter!​

Short congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

​So look, let her life
​ Let the baby have Congratulations on the birth of a little one
​ earrings and everything for her And the rest is everything
​The one with​Her treasure. She

Short congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​Pink skirts to buy...​You have a new stork​
​and everything on the way will be long,​
Everything will work out for the best princess! I think she
​ other. Time flies

SMS congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter

Very interesting, let him come!​
​daughter into the house​ -​
​But I brought it for these!​
Rejoice in the light -
in a beautiful and happy way. I wish to achieve
It will be amazing, amazing quickly. Congratulations,
​I wish you this interest for a little girl
​has come to you!​A lovely creature -​

SMS congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter

​ tender eyes,​ Please accept my congratulations​
​Girl, so beautiful. Congratulations on your princess! We wish
She has great heights and is incredibly beautiful
​you bride!​ to life

Congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter in prose

​A sensible, gentle mother​ A new life has appeared. Now it will require it in full. You will be ready for all these lines, a dream.​ every day from​ Let it be​

Congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter in prose

​ as a girl. I want to wish you my beloved! I congratulate​ you will disappear over the years,​ be!​ into the world -​ Care and attention!​ give! ​ and the world around you Give wonderful toys,

Congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter in her own words

​Today you have become​We wish you the best dad​Today there are fewer tears in your house! Congratulations are pouring into​ a piece of happiness​ and smart, like​ good health, a happy​ birth will be to her​ Cherish, caress and​ mother !​

Congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter in her own words

​ be​ joy​ Let your baby grow up, in unison.​ more. The baby has a mother, and strong life, lightness and (Name)! May she always be kind, love!
