Prevention of postural disorders in children. Formation of correct posture of a preschooler

Poor posture in children is noticeable to the naked eye not only to a qualified orthopedic traumatologist, but also to parents. Hunched back, asymmetry shoulder girdle, protrusion of the abdomen are classic manifestations of pathology. In approximately 30% of cases, displacement of the vertical axis of the body is due to the presence of scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spinal column).

Posture in children is formed before the age of 24 due to the constant growth of the body. Against this background, any impact can provoke curvature of the spinal column in the horizontal and frontal planes, so it is important to annually check for curvature of the vertical axis.


  • Verticality of the body;
  • Expanded rib cage;
  • Abducted shoulders;
  • Close location of the shoulder blades;
  • Tight belly.

Any deviation from the above signs indicates the presence of pathology.

Types of postural disorders in the sagittal plane:

  • Stooping – lower back and increased kyphosis of the chest;
  • – smoothing of all curves of the spinal column;
  • – flattening of thoracic kyphosis with normal lumbar lordosis;
  • – increased thoracic kyphosis throughout the thoracic region;
  • – increased lordosis in the lower back and kyphosis in the chest.

A scoliotic arch appears in the frontal plane. It is not a disease, unlike scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal axis), but only a consequence of increased tone of the skeletal muscles in one half of the body.

1st degree – the child can, if desired, take a normal position, but in a free position, a curvature of the vertebral axis can be seen;

2nd degree - the deformation is eliminated by hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars and straightening the body;

3rd degree – the curvature remains when the child straightens and hangs on a gymnastic barbell.

Posture in children when the spinal axis is shifted to the lateral plane is called a scoliotic arch. Without performing x-rays of the spinal column in frontal and lateral projections, it is difficult to distinguish it from true scoliosis. However, curvature of the spine in the frontal plane in degrees 3 and 4 leads to disability in children.

Types of scoliosis and postural disorders in children

  1. At the initial stage of external curvature of the back to the side, it is difficult to differentiate between scoliosis and a scoliotic curve. The only sign on the x-ray, which allows this to be done is the rotation of the vertebrae around an axis (torsion) in true scoliosis. The amount of curvature does not exceed 30%.
  2. A curvature of 31-60% is clearly visible during a visual examination of the child’s back and appears at stage 2 of scoliosis;
  3. Deformation of the spinal column up to 90% is characterized by a change in the shape of the vertebrae (they become wedge-shaped) and indicates stage 3 of pathology;
  4. When there is a curvature of more than 90% of the spinal column (grade 4), a pronounced curvature of the vertical axis of the body appears in the lateral plane with a disproportionate displacement of anatomical structures and internal organs.

Scoliosis is more common in girls aged 12-14 years with rapid growth and puberty. In this case, the changes are due to the fact that the muscular-ligamentous apparatus does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of the bone structure.

Poor posture in children can be combined with a vertebral hump. When examining the back of a child with this pathology, a large protrusion in the thoracic region is clearly visible. Children with a vertebral hump cannot lean on the back of a chair when sitting and always complain of pain in the thoracic spine.

Correct posture in children should be developed from the very beginning. young age. How to prevent spinal curvature in infants:

  • The baby should not be placed on a soft feather bed or placed on pillows;
  • When the baby turns 3 years old, he should be placed on his stomach;
  • You should not try to teach your baby to walk prematurely;
  • You can't carry children in one arm all the time;
  • When walking with a child, it is better to lead him not by the hand, but by wide tape, passed through the armpit area;
  • From 2-3 years old, teach children to sit correctly on a chair;
  • Try to teach them to sleep on a hard bed with early age.

Parents should remember that all their previous efforts to develop correct posture in children can be undone by sitting incorrectly at a school desk or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

Medical principles for correcting a child’s spine

Incorrect posture in children requires mandatory registration at a dispensary. In this case, the orthopedic traumatologist will determine the optimal correction methods:

  • With progressive scoliosis of 3-4 degrees, which is detected in 0.6-0.7% of children, hospital treatment is required: traction, underwater massage, special exercises;
  • Non-progressive scoliosis is treated on an outpatient basis until the end of the child’s growth process;
  • When correcting pathology, it is carried out with corrective gymnastics in a physical therapy group;
  • 2-3 degree displacement of the spinal axis in the lateral plane requires a careful approach to treatment. Such children are prescribed physical therapy classes at a medical institution or medical physical education clinic.

With a stooped, flat and round back, it is necessary to guide children to exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week).

Before performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to work out the correct posture. Place your child near a wall and place a book on his head. It is necessary to hold it for as long as possible. With the help of this training, the correct posture is subconsciously reinforced.

To prevent back curvature, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • Helps prevent functional shortening of the limb correct selection shoes If you have congenital flat feet, you must wear special shoes;
  • To sleep, your child needs to purchase a hard mattress;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • Giving up some bad habits: wearing a backpack, not correct position torso at a school desk, throwing one leg over the other.

We draw the attention of parents to the fact that common cause Poor posture in children is flat feet. Unfortunately, the incorrect formation of the arch of the baby’s foot does not alarm parents. However, when a child with flat feet walks, the body weight falls on the joints and spine, and the shock-absorbing function of the latter is impaired.

Since flat feet in children do not initially hurt, the problem does not cause discomfort. Pain syndrome will occur only when calcium salts are deposited in the bones, and the human body does not have enough strength to ensure the function of movement.

Over time, flat feet will be followed by varicose veins veins of the lower extremities due to the load on circulatory system legs

Due to the rapid development of complications, doctors try to treat postural disorders as soon as they are detected. The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the patient’s interest in the correctness, regularity and duration of following the doctor’s recommendations.

Strengthening the muscle corset

Exercises for poor posture can strengthen the muscular corset of the back, improve the dynamic properties of skeletal muscles and prevent further displacement of the spine.

A course of therapeutic exercises must be carried out regularly and for a long time. The systematicity of performing exercises should not be less than 3 times a week.

Gymnastic exercises for, depending on the mechanism of action, are classified into 2 types:

  • Static;
  • Dynamic.

Static exercises are designed to strengthen “slow” muscle groups. These fibers are often in a tonic state and relax very slowly. When the spinal axis is bent, the “slow” muscles on one side of the body are in spasm. To prevent it, static exercises are prescribed.

Dynamic skeletal muscle training is aimed at increasing its elasticity. In this case, the “fast” muscle fibers are strengthened. They are able to quickly contract and relax. Activated by active physical movements.

Gymnastic exercises can be divided into 3 types based on the characteristics of their impact on muscles:

  • Symmetrical;
  • Asymmetrical;
  • Mixed.

Symmetrical exercises work symmetrical muscle groups on both sides of the body. Asymmetrical - aimed at strengthening individual muscle fibers. Combined options include both of the above groups.

Gymnastic exercises

Let's give sample list exercises that are used to correct spinal deformities in children:

  • Perform straight leg raises in a standing position. At the same time, on each count, try to reach the toe of your foot with the palm of your hand;
  • If you do the “bicycle” exercise every day, you can quickly strengthen your abdominal muscles. It involves simulating riding a bicycle while sitting on a chair;
  • Raise your legs to a height of 40 cm above the floor and constantly change the height of your lower limbs. In this case, one leg should move up and the other down;
  • Stretch your legs straight and place your arms along your body. In this position, raise your legs and fix them for 30 seconds at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • If the previous exercise is easy to perform, you can use a more complicated version: raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Lie on your back and perform scissoring exercises about 30 times (alternately placing one leg behind the other in an elevated position);
  • While lying down, raise and lower your legs behind your head 10-15 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, secure your legs under a support (it can be a chair). Place your hands behind your head. Unbend and lower yourself slowly;
  • Perform hanging from a bar. Raise your legs straight to a right angle. The number of repetitions is 10-15 within 10 seconds;
  • Pull your knees towards your stomach while lying down. The number of repetitions is based on how you feel.

Parents can also perform the above exercises for children. They are convenient because they do not require long repetitions and strengthen the back muscle corset.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that there are no medications that would make the muscles strong and the ligaments elastic. Only therapeutic exercises can lead to royal posture.



Consultation for parents.

Topic: “Prevention of poor posture in children under school age».

March. Preparatory group.

Formation of correct posture:

  • 1. The importance of correct posture
  • 3. Causes and ways to prevent incorrect posture

1. The importance of correct posture.

Posture - the usual position of the body standing man. It is formed in the process of physical development and the formation of static-dynamic functions of the child. Features of posture are determined by the position of the head, the belt of the upper extremities, the curves of the spine, the shape of the chest and abdomen, the tilt of the pelvis and the position of the lower extremities. Maintaining posture is ensured by tension in the muscles of the neck, the girdle of the upper limbs, the torso, the girdle of the lower limbs and legs, as well as the elastic properties of the cartilaginous and capsular-ligamentous structures of the spine, pelvis and joints of the lower limbs.

The importance of correct posture difficult to overestimate. The basis of correct posture is a healthy spine - it is the support of the whole body. Unfortunately, many people neglect and belittle him the importance of correct posture , naturally, this promises health problems in the not-too-distant future.

If a person has correct posture, then the load on the spinal column is distributed evenly. The curves of the spine provide flexibility and soften shocks and shocks when moving. The closer to the pelvis, the more the load increases, because the lower parts of the spine support the weight of the upper ones, and it increases progressively. That is, the lumbar region is loaded the most, especially while sitting. But there is nothing harmful or unnatural in such a load, because we are constantly under the influence of gravity and are constantly moving. Problems can only begin if you do not pay attention to maintaining correct posture.

The spine is very closely connected with the circulatory and nervous system, and responds very quickly to any disease of the body. Displacement of one of the segments of the spine leads to the appearance of disturbances in neighboring organs, located next to the segment. For example, due to uncomfortable shoes It so happened that one leg became a little shorter than the other, this will cause the pelvis to tilt to the side. To compensate for this and maintain the balance of the body, the spine will begin to bend in an arc in the opposite direction, and as a result, the height of the shoulders will become different. It is precisely these seemingly insignificant little things, which are sometimes overlooked, that play a decisive role in the correct posture of a person.

2. Types and signs of incorrect posture

Types of posture disorders divided into violations of posture in the frontal (rear view) and in the sagittal plane (side view). It would seem that with all possible combinations of postural disorders there should be quite a lot of them, but in practice types of posture disorders have a limited number.

A) Lordogic.

Cervical lordosis is a curvature of the spine forward in the neck area. A slight bend is present in all people. Poor posture is considered to be its absence, that is, the neck is completely straightened without bending, as well as excessive bending, when the head protrudes noticeably forward relative to the body.

The second option is most common, when the cervical lordosis is increased. This is a consequence of the head being pushed forward, and in order to maintain balance and evenly load the cervical vertebrae, the cervical spine bends excessively. Many people do not even realize that they have cervical lordosis; in only a small proportion it causes neck pain.

What does cervical lordosis look like? When viewed from the side, the head seems to be thrown back, and the neck visually looks shortened. Because of this, the neck muscles are constantly under tension.

B) Kyphotic.

Kyphotic posture (stooping, round back) - an increase in thoracic kyphosis, often combined with a decrease in lumbar lordosis up to its complete absence, the head is tilted forward, the protruding spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra is easily identified due to shortening pectoral muscles the shoulders are brought forward, the stomach is protruded, and the usual compensatory half-bent position of the knee joints is noted. With long-standing kyphotic posture, the deformity is fixed (especially often in boys) and its correction becomes impossible with active muscle tension.

B) Straightened.

Flat back - long body and neck, shoulders are drooped, the chest is flattened, the abdomen can be retracted or protruded forward due to muscle weakness, physiological curves of the spine are almost absent, the lower angles of the shoulder blades protrude sharply backwards (pterygoid scapulae), muscle strength and tone are usually reduced. Are being created favorable conditions for the progression of lateral curvature of the spine caused by scoliotic disease.

D) Slouching.

Slouch usually occurs due to disproportionate development of the pectoral muscles and upper back muscles. If the pectoral muscles are more developed than the upper back, and this is a very common occurrence even for those who do not attend Gym, then they will pull the shoulders forward, since they do not meet resistance from the muscles that press the shoulder blades to the body.

D) Scoliosis.

If scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, then it becomes clear where the name thoracic scoliosis comes from - it comes from the location, in this case at chest level.

Most often, thoracic scoliosis occurs with one arch. That is, the curvature when viewed from the front resembles the letter “C”. Its apex can be turned to the right or left.

3. Causes and ways to prevent incorrect posture.

In children, until skeletal ossification is completed, the spine is very flexible and plastic. Due to the different time processes of growth and development of the body, the development of muscle tissue lags behind the growth of the skeleton. For example, the anterior longitudinal ligament at the level of physiological thoracic kyphosis (wide, dense, similar to a tendon) follows the lengthening spine with some lag until the completion of skeletal growth and therefore does not provide it with proper stability. Only after growth is completed does its tone increase, and it actively participates in maintaining thoracic kyphosis. These kinds of features, together with incorrect postures and insufficient motor activity, lead to the occurrence of postural disorders.

The reason for the development of a round back can be a systematic long stay in a sitting or lying position, when the muscles of the back of the thighs and gluteal muscles are in a state of stretching, and the muscles of the front of the thighs are shortened. Since the position of the pelvis largely depends on the uniform traction of these muscles, when it is disrupted, the pelvic tilt and lumbar curvature of the spine increase, which is observed in a standing position. Inconsistency between the size and design of furniture and the height of the child also leads to this type of postural disorder.

One of the reasons for the flattening of the spine is insufficient pelvic tilt; children with such posture are predisposed to lateral curvature of the spine. Rickets predisposes to the formation of a flat back; sitting the baby down too early, causing severe stretching of the lumbar spine, which is subsequently difficult to correct.

The first signs of poor posture often go unnoticed, and children present to an orthopedic surgeon with significant deviations that are difficult to correct. It is not always possible to visit an orthopedic doctor regularly, and it is advisable to detect disorders as early as possible.

The formation of posture occurs under the influence of many conditions: the nature of the structure and degree of development of the skeletal system, the ligamentous-articular and neuromuscular apparatus, the characteristics of working and living conditions, disruption of the activity and structure of the body due to certain diseases, especially those transferred to early childhood. Posture at any age is unstable; it can improve or worsen. In children, the number of postural disorders increases during the period of active growth at 5-7 years and during puberty. Posture at school age is very unstable and depends largely on the child’s psyche, the state of the nervous and muscular system, and the development of the muscles of the abdomen, back and lower extremities.

Various deviations from correct posture are considered violations, or defects, and are not a disease. Most often they occur with physical inactivity, incorrect posture during work and rest, are functional in nature and are associated with changes in the musculoskeletal system, in which “erroneous” conditioned reflex connections arise, the habit of incorrect body position, muscle imbalance associated with muscle weakness and ligaments Posture disorders occupy an intermediate position between normal and pathological, and in fact, are a pre-disease condition. Since poor posture worsens the functioning of all systems and organs of the body, poor posture itself can be a harbinger of serious diseases.

The main principle of maintaining health is prevention. The experience and observations of specialists convince us that education and systematic physical exercise play a major role in the formation of correct posture.

Positive skills are easily developed in childhood, so you need to develop correct posture before school. Furniture - table, chair - must correspond to the height of the child. From the age of 4, children must be taught to sit and stand correctly and not to slouch while walking. Cold rubdowns not only harden you, but also help improve muscle tone. Great importance It has proper nutrition with a sufficient content of complete substances - proteins, vitamins, minerals.

With the start of training Special attention adults should be encouraged to create a favorable working environment for the child - for doing school homework, for reading, computer games and any other activities. First of all, you need to make sure that the child can sit comfortably, and for this you need to choose furniture that is suitable for his height. It’s easy to check: the table top should be 2-3 cm above the elbow of a sitting child, the chair seat should be at the level of the knee joint.

To prevent problems with posture and vision, you must also pay attention to the following:

With the correct position of the table and sufficient lighting during reading and writing, the normal distance from the eyes to the book and notebook is considered to be 30-35 centimeters;

It is very important to keep track correct posture, especially while writing. It causes the greatest fatigue in preschoolers. Children begin to look for support for their head and torso, lean their chests against the edge of the table, which makes breathing and blood circulation difficult and, of course, postural defects easily arise. Since the posture suffers most when writing obliquely, children should be taught to write with a slight (10-15°) inclination of letters.

It is also very important to alternate mental work with rest: at least every 25-30 minutes. arrange short, 10-minute rest breaks with simple physical exercise, which quickly restore performance, and mandatory gymnastics for the eyes.

Systematic classes physical culture and sports - the most the best remedy prevention of postural disorders. Developing correct posture can be compared to developing special type a conditioned motor reflex, which must be reinforced from time to time by an unconditional one (praise, encouragement). Such conditioned stimuli for the child are comments and reminders from parents and teachers and an understanding of the need to maintain correct body position.

1. You should regularly conduct physical exercises, outdoor games, and walks with your child. fresh air, strengthening his health and musculoskeletal system.

2. Do not allow the child to lie or sleep in a very soft bed or one that sag under the weight of his body, and always on the same side.

3. The child should not be allowed to stand on one leg for a long time, for example when riding a scooter.

4. Make sure that the child does not stand or squat for a long time in one place, does not walk long distances (dosage of walks and excursions), and does not carry heavy loads.

5. During classes and meals, you need to ensure that the child is sitting correctly. Furniture should match his height and body proportions.

The beauty of every person is not only about facial features, figure and skin condition. This is also a beautiful walk and posture, depending on the condition of the back. It is formed precisely in adolescence, when the child’s musculoskeletal system “experiences” many changes and its active growth occurs.

Every parent should be aware that skeletal development disorders missed in childhood and adolescence are very difficult to correct in the future. adult life person. Therefore, it is very important to identify them at the beginning of their formation.

Poor posture in school-age children is common. There are many reasons for the development of such musculoskeletal disorders. They are often not always associated with hereditary predisposition or characteristics of the growing organism, i.e. with an unfavorable background.

Usually, external factors become key in the formation of incorrect posture of the child, layering on the background condition.

The task of the human spinal column at any age, including adolescence, is:

  • maintain correct vertical body position;
  • evenly distribute the resulting load on the body;
  • help coordinate walking, running and other physical activities.

Poor posture not only leads to disability or physical activity, but also cause back pain. They often predispose to the development of a number of degenerative diseases of the spine.

By the time the child goes to school for the first time, he already has a formed spinal column, which grows and lengthens every year. It is the spine, which takes on the entire load when a person walks upright, that forms appearance back and torso when standing or walking. This is what is commonly called human posture. However, even a child’s spine is not normally a straight “rod.” Normally, it has 2 large physiological curves - in the thoracic region it is directed posteriorly, and in the lumbar region it is directed anteriorly. It is thanks to such “distortions” in the form English letter S, the load that appears on the vertebrae in a vertical position of the body is distributed evenly.

Usually, before the first trip to school, the child is examined by an orthopedic traumatologist. It can identify postural disorders that have formed at this age. Most often they occur due to congenital skeletal deformities, injuries or diseases bone tissue(rickets, etc.). However, in almost 90% of children at this age (6-7 years) there are no significant curvatures of the spinal column that would require treatment or further medical supervision. But in school years The percentage of children who develop certain postural disorders is beginning to grow rapidly. This is caused by both the peculiarities of sitting at a desk and a number of purely individual reasons.

Therefore, parents should not shift responsibility for the child’s health to teachers, school nurses, etc. It is necessary to independently monitor whether the musculoskeletal system in children is developing correctly. You should not ignore regular preventive examinations with an orthopedist-traumatologist, which will help identify incipient deviations in the formation of correct posture, without waiting for their advanced stage.

Causes of postural changes in children

Naturally, any change in the shape of a child’s spine does not occur on its own. There are very specific, but not always obvious reasons why normal posture changes. Unfortunately, some of them are very difficult to diagnose. They are extremely rarely detected on early stage changes in the musculoskeletal system, causing rapid development of the disease. Other reasons affect posture slowly and gradually, which causes a persistent and progressive deterioration in the condition of the child’s back.

In general, the reasons leading to a persistent change in the shape of the posture of school-age children can be presented as follows:

  1. Congenital diseases and developmental anomalies leading to deformation of the spinal column and chest. They can be a consequence of both congenital deformities of the fetus and the result of body deformations due to heart defects. When such children reach school age, a natural growth of body bones occurs, which often only aggravates congenital postural disorders.
  2. A disease associated with vitamin D3 deficiency and disruption of normal calcium metabolism is rickets. As a result, a change in the structure of bones, including the spine, occurs. Fortunately, rickets in modern children, thanks to high level medicine, is diagnosed less and less often. However, it depends on the parents whether such a pathology will arise in the child, which will irreversibly affect the formation of posture at an older age. So, even in the first year of life, for preventive purposes, doctors prescribe vitamin D3 drops.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of spinal deformities and postural disorders. If the child’s parents suffer from severe forms of curvature of the spinal column, then such changes can often occur in the child. Most often, the true cause of such processes are various genetic syndromes that lead to changes in the normal properties of connective, cartilage and muscle tissue.
  4. Absence special gymnastics for back muscles, physical education or exercise breaks during school. It is physical activity and the observance of regular breaks during lessons that is the key to the fact that even with a not quite ideally selected desk, the child’s posture will remain normal.
  5. Tight and uncomfortable clothing chosen by parents for their child.
  6. Regularly carrying backpacks on one shoulder or heavy briefcases in one hand without alternating. The impact of such a load on one side of the body causes compensatory muscle tension on the other side. The body seems to be trying to cope; this is fraught with curvature of the spinal column.
  7. Injury to the spine, shoulder blades or chest at this age. If, after fusion of fractures of the vertebrae, ribs or shoulder blades, small deviations along the axis of the bone fragments remain, in the future, as the bones grow, the deformations can only intensify. IN severe cases this threatens critical skeletal damage and cessation of bone tissue growth.

Causes of posture disorders that occur directly at school

One of the reasons for the curvature of the spine is the weakening of the muscular corset of the back. It develops against the background of prolonged uncomfortable, static body positions. It is this reason that is provoked by some features of schooling:

  • Incorrectly selected school desks, seats and tables. This forces the child into an awkward and incorrect position for writing, reading and drawing. Regular and prolonged exposure to such conditions forces the spine to adapt, but at the cost of disrupting normal posture.
  • Incorrect lighting of the workplace at the desk. Often a child is forced to study in conditions where the incident side light is blocked by his hand. This forces the student to take an incorrect position at the desk and, consequently, provokes poor posture.
  • Inadequately equipped space for homework, reading and computer work at home.
  • Constant use of gadgets (smartphones, tablets and laptops), not sitting at a table with the correct back position, but lying or sitting in bed.

The above are just the main, most common causes of poor posture in children. There are also many more rare causes development of such pathology (infections, autoimmune processes, tumors, etc.).

However, in most cases, the occurrence of curvature of the spinal column of various types occurs due to the fault of the student himself, his parents, and also the education system. She does not pay due attention to the orthopedic component of school furniture.

Types of posture disorders in school-age children

The main types of postural disorders that occur in schoolchildren are the following:

  1. Adolescent scoliosis. This is a form of lateral curvature of the spinal column, i.e. left or right. It is detected visually by a doctor by the curvature of the conditional axis drawn along the spinous processes of the vertebrae. It can also be visually diagnosed using x-rays, calculating the angle of curvature and determining the stage of the disease. There is some disagreement regarding the real reason the development of such a change in posture - whether it is caused by improper load on the spine while studying at school or occurs for unknown reasons (idiopathically). At the same time, sitting in class only aggravates the course of the disease.
  2. Kyphosis is a forward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, which is provoked by prolonged, incorrect body position. That is, exactly the condition that is observed in most schoolchildren when they sit incorrectly at their desks, read books or write for a long time. In adolescents, mobile kyphosis is most often diagnosed, which is associated with weakness of the back muscles.
  3. Lordosis of the cervical or lumbar spine in adolescents. This condition is quite rare and is usually caused by spinal disease or injury.

Poor posture in children should not only be identified in a timely manner by a specialist, but also require measures to eliminate and correct such conditions. This will avoid progression of spinal curvature and complex surgical treatment in the future.

Treatment and prevention of postural disorders in school-age children

Treatment of spinal curvature in children is most often carried out conservatively. Physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation for children with the initial stages of poor posture can not only contain the progression of the pathology, but also, by strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the spine, correct the curvature of its axis.

Exercise therapy for children with poor posture includes not only physical exercise, but also swimming in the pool, massage and hydromassage, wearing special corrective corsets, etc. Physiotherapy with such disorders of the spinal column, it should become an indispensable, regular activity for the child. Existing exercise therapy complexes for children with poor posture correct use under the supervision of doctors and instructors, they allow schoolchildren to restore the beauty of their posture and forget about potential back problems in adulthood.

Wearing special corrective corsets, the purpose of which is to restrain the process of curvature of the spine, only half solves the child’s problem. Often their effectiveness without physical exercise is low. In difficult cases, when postural disorders progress or are associated not only with weakness of the back muscles, doctors are forced to resort to surgical treatment and stabilization of the spinal column with special metal structures. Such treatment, unfortunately, is not only long-term, but also reduces functionality back, but cannot be carried out until the end of vertebral growth, i.e. it is contraindicated before the age of 16-18 years.

Today, every tenth schoolchild upon entering first grade is diagnosed with poor posture, and after graduating from school, every fourth receives such a diagnosis. About 70% of children have poor posture, and 10% have lateral curvature of the spine or scoliosis. Hippocrates explained the occurrence of this pathology as a violation of muscle balance.

Posture is the pose of a casually standing person, determined by the ability to hold the head and body straight without tension. Posture depends entirely on the position of the spine and how exactly it is held in an upright position by the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. In children with incorrect posture, the chest appears sunken due to contracted shoulders, and the head is tilted forward.

Correct posture can be characterized by the following indicators:

  • position of the torso and head in an upright position;
  • lower limbs straightened at the knees and turned out at the hip joints;
  • the chest is “expanded”;
  • shoulders slightly laid back;
  • the stomach is tucked.

Monitoring the correct formation of posture should not only be for aesthetic reasons. If your posture is crooked, it can lead to mental and physical illnesses varying degrees manifestations, as well as a significant decrease.

As a rule, poor posture appears during periods of rapid growth: 5-8 and 11-13 years. During this period, muscles and bones significantly increase in length, and the mechanism for maintaining posture adapts to the changes occurring with a slight delay. Deviations are observed mainly in children seven to eight years old.

Many factors provoke spinal curvature, for example:

  • Diseases and poor nutrition, since they interfere with growth and proper development bone, muscle and cartilage tissue.
  • TO significant factors include congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system. An increase in lumbar curve is almost inevitable if hip joint There is a bilateral congenital dislocation.
  • The tendency to deviations increases with uneven development certain groups muscles, especially with general muscle weakness. For example, if the shoulders are lowered to the bottom, this indicates that the trapezius muscles of the back are not working enough. If the shoulders are extended forward, this indicates a predominance of the pectoral muscles and weak strength of the muscles that bring the shoulder blades together.
  • Overload of unilateral work of certain muscles also plays an important role in the formation of posture, for example, incorrect position of the torso during activities and games.

All of the above reasons strengthen or weaken the existing curves of the spine; subsequently, the position of the shoulder blades and shoulders changes, and the position of the body becomes asymmetrical. Gradually, poor posture becomes habitual and can become entrenched. Be sure to take a closer look at your child!

Sitting position

Parents should ensure that the child sits correctly at the table, does not put one leg under him, does not slouch, does not squint, leaning on his elbow. Incorrect position the body is also a landing in which the torso is tilted to the side, turned or bent forward. The reason may be a chair too far from the table, or a table (desk) that is too low. Perhaps the book the child is studying is moved far away.

The habit of sitting with your right shoulder raised high will inevitably lead to the formation of an asymmetrical position of the shoulder girdle. The table at which your child studies should not be too high or too low for him. The left hand should not hang over the tabletop, and this often happens if the table is round.

Standing position

The most common reason for the formation of an asymmetrical body position is the habit of standing with a half-bent leg to the side.

Physical inactivity

It is physical inactivity (decreased strength of muscle contractions and motor activity) is one of the main causes of poor posture in children. As sad as it may be, it is not without reason that the 20th century can be called the century of a sedentary person, or even a sedentary civilization. The development of large urban agglomerations, modern transport, and ever new machines that make work easier at home and at school - all this leads to fundamental changes in lifestyle.

Beginning with three years old many kids join the ranks of mental early development, and then this process moves progressively. From an early age, children are introduced to watching video products and television; street outdoor games are being replaced by virtual ones. The musculoskeletal system is consciously “turned off.”

The physical health of the muscles and skeleton clearly suffers from this inaction. Day by day they become weaker and attract many pathologies. However, the child must develop harmoniously, and physical development must under no circumstances be allowed to lag behind.

How to recognize poor posture in children in time?

The main signs of this pathological condition are as follows:: When viewed from the back, when the child is standing: the shoulder blades and shoulders should be at the same level. The subgluteal folds of the spine are at the same level.

When viewed from the front, it should be noted whether the nipples and collarbone are at the same level. You can also identify from the side a sluggish posture and stoop. This can be determined by eye, or you can use special tests.

  1. Place the child with his back to the wall, buttocks, shoulder blades, and back of the head in contact with the wall. Then the child takes a step forward, while maintaining the correct position. If you find a curvature, then place the baby on a hard, flat surface, face down, with his arms extended along the body. If in a lying position the curvature of the spinal column does not persist, then in this situation there is a violation of posture, which can be corrected.
  2. Legs stand straight, child leans forward, hands should touch the floor. When bending over on the back, the protrusion of the costal tubercles occurs strictly symmetrically on the left and right.
  3. The shoulders are fixed, and the center of the chin with a rotation of at least 80-90 degrees must touch the shoulder.
  4. Muscle test. Place the child on the couch, face down, with the part of the body above the hips hanging outside the couch, supporting the legs. The child must maintain a horizontal position of the body. Normally, for 5-6 years old - 30-60 seconds, for 7-10 years old - 1-1.5 minutes, for 12-16 years old - from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. This test determines your child's ability to strain their back muscles for long periods of time.

After you have identified weaknesses in the muscular system or poor posture at home, we strongly recommend that you consult with an orthopedist. If necessary, they will be appointed additional methods studies: electromyography, radiography, topographic photometry (a method that appeared not so long ago).

How to prevent posture problems?

The main condition for correct posture is the correct development of the body. Generally accepted norm is compliance with the general hygienic regime: staying in the fresh air, eating regularly, alternating rest with exercise. The muscle corset should be strengthened from the first days of birth. But don't rush it under any circumstances. physical development, for example, sitting a child down if he is not yet sitting, or forcing him to walk in order to overtake his peers. In the future, excessive early vertical load can lead to orthopedic diseases. If your child is not going to sit or walk, then let him move as much as possible in a lying position or crawling.

Try to engage in physical exercises with your child, since lack of physical activity becomes the main obstacle to the development of the muscular corset. The strength of the back muscles and abdominal corset is necessary for rapid growth. If physical exercises are chosen correctly, they will prevent poor posture or help determine it.

Some tips for selecting exercises:

  • If there is a tendency to stoop, then the back should be straightened to a position as straight as possible;
  • If the shoulders are brought forward, perform circular movements with the children at the same time with both hands back, bending the arms to the back of the head, towards the shoulders, moving them back;
  • If the shoulder joints “hang” - raising the shoulders, moving the arms up through the sides, with resistance, stretching the arms up;
  • Balance exercises promote correct posture. For example, walking on a log or bench with your arms out to the sides.

For the youngest, all exercises should be playful in nature. For example, children with great pleasure will stretch and straighten their spine if they are asked to show an even column, or “frog jumps” will help correct lumbar lordosis, etc. Preschoolers are able to perform many more complex exercises, the main thing is to hide them beautifully behind a play uniform.

The developed habit of starting and ending the day with exercises to strengthen the back muscles will have a very beneficial effect on the child’s posture, abdominals. It is advisable to interest children in the problem of their posture, to teach them to think about it throughout the day, during classes and rest. You can invite the child to monitor not only his own posture, but also the position of his friend’s back and shoulders. Such competition can develop the habit of watching your posture.

The above tips are rather by methods prevention, since they are, first of all, useful healthy children. If a child has postural problems, it is necessary for the doctor to select an individual set of exercises. The process of treating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is complex, lengthy, and requires significant effort. It happens that therapeutic measures and problems with posture make some aspects of children’s “social” life inaccessible, so it is better to prevent the occurrence of problems with posture than to treat it later.

Keep your child interested in sports activities, To gymnastic exercises and you will never know about the problems of poor posture. Teach your child to live healthy!

Forming correct posture in children is one of the main tasks that parents face. Spine in children preschool age It is not yet fully formed, so the risks associated with its curvature are quite high. Children with poor posture have not only problems with the musculoskeletal system, but also with internal organs. Below we will tell you how to make sure that scoliosis avoids your children, and what methods of treatment and prevention give the most positive effect.


Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the causes that provoked the disorders. Scoliosis in preschool children can be congenital or acquired. When talking about congenital changes and pathologies, it is first of all important to remember birth injuries. The formation of correct posture can be affected by subluxation of 1 cervical vertebra and torticollis. Also, with some genetic abnormalities and the pathological course of pregnancy, changes such as connective tissue dysplasia, myotonic syndrome, the formation of additional vertebrae, and wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebrae can occur.

Such pathological congenital conditions are diagnosed in 5-10% of cases. In all other children, postural disorders are acquired. The risk group includes children with overweight And asthenic physique. Often, poor posture is caused by insufficient activity of the child and a lack of certain vitamins and microelements. Preschool children should not be taken for a walk, always holding the same hand. Premature sitting and getting the baby to his feet is also dangerous.

It doesn't hurt to pay attention to children's furniture. Poor posture is caused by mattresses that are too soft and tables and chairs that are inappropriate for height. The formation of correct posture is affected by some diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, rickets, consequences of spinal fractures). Sometimes correct posture is disrupted due to eye diseases (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism). These pathologies force children to take incorrect postures while drawing or doing other activities at the table.

Video “Prevention and treatment of postural disorders”

How to stand and sit correctly

You need to teach your child to sit correctly at a table or just on a chair from a very early age, so that in the future this skill will become automatic and the child will sit down independently as needed. The head should always be upright or slightly tilted forward. The shoulders should be symmetrical to the horizontal surface. At correct landing the feet rest completely on the floor, and do not hang in the air. The legs at the knees and hips are located at right angles. The torso should be straight. Elbows are placed freely on the table.

The ideal distance between the table and the eyes is 30-35 centimeters. In this position, the posture is in the correct form, and the spine is unloaded. Make sure that children, while sitting at the table, do not slide their chests onto it, do not bend their legs under them, do not sit sideways, or rest their heads on one shoulder. When choosing furniture, give preference to chairs with backs rather than stools. It is best to select furniture individually, making sure that the child sits tightly on the seat and does not slide or fidget on it.

To help your child develop correct posture while walking, buy him stable shoes with arch supports. Don't let your child twist their feet while standing. The condition of the spine is also affected by the tradition of putting children in a corner as punishment. Staying in one position for a long time causes the child to slouch, lean against walls and take other unnatural positions.

Application of physical culture

Gymnastics plays an important role in the treatment of childhood scoliosis and other postural disorders. Proper physical activity is especially important if you have initial stages diseases. Exercises can strengthen your back muscles. For preschool children, it is enough to carry out a set of 3-4 basic corrective exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the back, abdomen, bringing the shoulder blades closer together and expanding the chest.

It is best to work with children of older groups and preparatory classes. At the age of 4-6 years, children perform gymnastics more consciously and are amenable to learning. The main thing in treatment with physical exercises is systematicity and individuality. Before introducing any exercise into your daily regimen, be sure to undergo an examination by an orthopedist, pediatrician or surgeon.

One-time sessions will not bring the expected effect. Gymnastics must be consistent. All therapeutic and preventive exercises must be selected on an individual basis. If a child complains about painful sensations When performing certain movements, avoid this exercise.

In order to interest your baby, do all the exercises in game form and participate in the classes yourself. Don't force your child to do anything.

If he is capricious, it is better to reschedule the lesson for another time. Your task is to create the best psycho-emotional conditions. Each lesson should last no more than 25-30 minutes. The first results can be seen within 3-4 weeks.

Preventive exercises

In the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, prevention comes first. Preventive exercises have the best effect on the formation of correct posture. We bring to your attention several effective and simple options for daily gymnastics.

Place the child's back against the wall so that the shoulder blades touch its surface. Now let the baby slowly squat down, without moving away from the wall, and rise to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times at a slow pace. If you have a rubber ball at home, then feel free to use it for physical education. Place your child on his stomach on the ball and ask him to raise his arms one at a time. The feet are on the floor.

To prevent scoliosis, be sure to squat on your toes. Make sure your children's backs are straight. Immediately after sleeping on the bed, you can perform an exercise with bending the lower back and stretching the arms. For the uniform development of all muscle groups, it is important to bend to the sides, twist the torso and neck. In order for the process to reach automaticity, use exercises where the child needs to perform movements with eyes closed or turn 360 degrees between techniques.

It is important to teach your child to distinguish between correct and incorrect posture, and also to take care of himself. For this purpose, games aimed at imitation are widely used. At the same time, focus more on how everything should be ideally, and not vice versa. By doing these simple exercises, you won’t have to think about it in the future. serious treatment scoliosis with the help of corsets and massages.

Video “Exercises for correct posture”

In a short video clip you will see the basic techniques and methods of their use for correcting the posture of preschool children.
