Divorce Denis Glushakov. What will happen next? The identity of the “girl from the sauna” became known, with whom the wife found Denis Glushakov. They communicate with their father

Scandalous stories during a divorce from Denis and Daria Glushakovs could be learned even by Angelina Jolie. More and more new details are emerging about the family discord of the ex-captain of Spartak. While netizens are wondering who cheated on whom and who started first, the identity of the “girl from the bathhouse” became known, with which Daria caught the athlete and filmed it.

According to Glushakova's defense, the girl in the video, who was introduced as a "childhood friend", has been in a relationship with Denis for a long time.

Her name is Kristina Arsentieva, commented Super lawyer Ekaterina Gordon.

In order to protect the honor, dignity and money of the footballer's wife, two star lawyers and sworn enemies united - former spouses Ekaterina Gordon and Sergey Zhorin. According to Ekaterina, while the divorce proceedings are going on, she will be engaged in restoring Daria's reputation.

Daria sincerely loves her husband, and what happened is a huge tragedy for her. When I began to get acquainted with the situation, it turned out that Glushakov's defense side was well acquainted with his mistress Christina. I am closely watching the stuffing that discredits Daria, so Zhorin and I will join forces. At the moment, I can promise anyone who will lie about what Daria allegedly first changed, accusing her of conspiracy allegedly to ruin Glushakov's career, I will respond to this with claims for the protection of honor and dignity.

According to the lawyer, Daria Glushakova, despite the statements of the football player's lawyer, never cheated on her husband, but had long suspected him of this. Friends began to “report” to her that a white Porsche was constantly next to Denis’s car, and Denis himself was far from spending time alone.

All this time, Dasha did not try to justify herself and did not react in any way to some slanderous conclusions from Glushakov's defense. Of course, there is no question of any betrayal, all Dasha's close circle suggests that it was Glushakov who began to cheat on his wife with this Christina. As far as I know, Daria has recently been talking about Christina, and she came to this bathhouse because she was told about the mysterious "cayenne" that constantly appeared in those places where Glushakov was. Then she was also told, they say, your husband is not alone there.

Also, according to Gordon, Daria found out about the betrayal recently.

This video was not made in winter, this is also a lie. As far as I understood, Daria went to check with whom her husband was in the bathhouse. She does not have any lover, this is a stuffing, in my opinion, made by Glushakov, since the side of his defense communicates closely with his mistress. This is an attempt to mislead a wide audience. Dasha is a wonderful mother, she never cheated on her husband. And, I must say, entered into a relationship with him when he was still a nobody - a poor, unknown boy.

According to Ekaterina, Kristina Arsentieva also wants Daria to be left with nothing. In addition, Daria's defense side claims that the disgraced footballer was seen trying to transfer money from his accounts and hide property in order to pay smaller alimony in the event of a court decision in favor of Daria.

Based on the information we have on Christina, she's such a thoughtful huntress. According to Sergei Zhorin, the defense side is behaving very ambiguously. I passed this on to Glushakov through mutual friends. They made attempts to transfer money from his accounts in order to hide them - this really sets him up. We believe that next to Glushakov are people who provide him with false information. The best thing he can do, even if he fell in love with another, is to honestly disperse, give away half of the jointly acquired, provide children with normal alimony, and not try to hide property. Lawyers, perhaps, advise him to take the children for himself in order to avoid the issue of alimony in principle. By the way, according to my information, it was Christina who brought Glushakov together with her lawyer friend.

According to lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who is leading the divorce proceedings himself, Daria's defense intends to end the trial in Moscow and divide all jointly acquired property.

From a legal point of view, everything that Glushakov’s side does looks at least strange and does not at all look like an attempt to peacefully resolve the conflict, Sergey commented on Super. - We do not doubt our legal position, now we are counteracting ridiculous attempts to hold a trial not in Moscow, and, of course, Glushakov will also fail to hide jointly acquired property from the mother of the children. We are open to negotiations.

While Spartak is confidently fighting for leadership in the Russian Premier League, former team captain Denis Glushakov is experiencing a real family tragedy. On the eve it became known about the loud scandal between the athlete and his wife - Daria published a video in which her husband is relaxing with a girl in a bath. Later, the football player's lawyer explained that the video shows Denis's school friend, who has not lived with his wife for six months.

“Our marriage has come to an end. The reason was his constant betrayal. I finally made up my mind at the end of August of this year, when I found him in a bathhouse with his mistress on the night before the match between Spartak and Dynamo. I did not want to publicize our divorce and hoped to go quietly, leaving it our internal family affair. But after the video of this incident hit the Internet, it became useless to hide what was happening, ”Daria told StarHit.

In addition, according to Glushakova, her husband raised his hand against her.

“In early August, he beat me right on the street. Jealous. I took the beating. More precisely, I went to the hospital because my spine hurt, my hands were blue, everything was blue. They asked me if my husband beat me, but I said no. Even then I did not think about divorce. You know, situations are different. Sometimes men raise their hands against their wives. I know it's wrong. At that moment, I might even have forgiven him, ”the athlete’s wife admitted.

The alleged homeowner was a girl with whom Denis Glushakov has been talking for many years. According to Daria, her husband was indeed the first to file for divorce, but out of fear that her scandalous revelations could ruin his reputation and also affect his career.

“He falsified the application, filed it in his hometown of Millerovo, because everyone knows him there, he has familiar judges. In the statement of claim, he indicated that the children should live with him, and I should pay alimony in the amount of 80 thousand rubles. He motivated this by the fact that I don’t work, I don’t provide children, that they live with him, and it will supposedly be easier for girls with him, ”the athlete’s wife shares her feelings without holding back tears.

Earlier, representatives of Glushakov noted that the spouses had allegedly not lived together for six months, and Daria herself cheated on Denis, which is why the quarrel occurred. However, the girl denies any accusations against her. “He has photos on Instagram with me and the kids dating back to this summer. There are pictures where we are at the opening of the World Cup. Why post them if we don't live together? All this is not true, ”said Daria.

Now the wife of a football player is most afraid that her children will be taken away from her. In 2018, the eldest heiress of the Glushakovs, Valeria, went to first grade, and the youngest Alexandra will turn two years old only in December.

In a conversation with Mash, Daria emphasized that she had already filed a counterclaim for divorce. She is not going to give up her children without a fight, and in the future she plans to build a successful career as a dentist herself.

Spartak football player lost his family and team

A few days before the "Derby of All Rus'" CSKA - "Spartak" in the camp of the red and white there was a scandal. Team captain Denis Glushakov and defender Andrey Yeshchenko were sent to double.

Famous actor Dmitry Nazarov, a longtime fan of Spartak, published a video on the social network, where he recites poems of his own composition.

Well what else has to happen
What examples do we need to understand that a goose is not a bird,
And our happiness is not Carrera.
With him there is no flight and space - one stolen joy.
And how much shame we need to exhaust our gratitude.

The artist, annoyed by the toothless game of his favorite team, in fact, offers to part with Massimo Carrera. Glushakov and Yeshchenko, going to Nazarov's page on Instagram, put likes: "Like". The head coach was immediately informed about this. Carrera did not stand on ceremony. Former President of Spartak Andrey Chervichenko believes that the Italian clearly went too far:

The removal of Glushakov and Yeshchenko is nonsense. They didn't write such poems! The guys just expressed their opinion about the actor's performance," he said. - What about freedom of choice? Carrera is wrong, you have to be wiser and remain a man. It all looks like a slander.

Andrey Yeshchenko, Massimo Carrera, Denis Glushakov. Image: spartak.com

Glushakov generally told our correspondent that he liked Nazarov's page for a completely different reason.

I know likes are displayed publicly. I'm not an idiot to publicly support hitting a coach. If I don't like something in Carrera's actions, I say it to his face. Everything is fine with us. Recently, we supported the Leukemia Foundation with the whole team and presented Dmitry Yuryevich with a red hat in the hashtag #It's Time to Live. Scrolling through the feed, I saw a photo of Nazarov in this hat and quickly liked it. What is seditious in this?

But Denis was not listened to. The captain of "Spartak" Carrera appointed another player - George Jikia.

Night provocation

Fans of the red-and-whites have long noticed that for some time now Denis has not been himself on the field. Plays quite differently than in the championship season. It turned out that Glushakov is not up to football now - his wife Daria started a divorce. Together they have not lived for six months, but now the matter has taken a scandalous turn.

According to the Spartak midfielder, his wife cheated on him. The brother of Darya Glushakova was indirectly involved in adultery - he was arrested for taking a bribe in Rostov-on-Don. To save him from prison, Dasha hired a cunning lawyer who was recommended to her by friends. The common cause brought the young people so close that they became lovers. As a result, six months ago, Daria left Glushakov and moved to live with a lawyer. It is he who will deal with the divorce proceedings and try to squeeze more money from the millionaire football player. For Dasha, and therefore for herself too.

Daria Glushakova went on the attack. Image: Personal archive

According to our information, Glushakov's wife hired a private detective. On the night before the recent Spartak-Dynamo match, she found Denis in a bathhouse with a sexy girl and started filming everything on video.

Look, the captain of "Spartak" before the game gasps a prostitute. I knew it! yelled excited Daria at the camera.

According to her, her husband cheated on her for a long time.

I really filed for divorce from Denis. The reason was his constant betrayal, explained the wife of the player. - I did not want to publicize our situation, but when this video hit the Internet, there is no point in hiding it anymore. I don't know who posted it. But I know that Denis's adventures in the team are no secret to anyone.

Here's what he thinks about it Marina Dubrovskaya, attorney Glushakova:

I have no doubt that the wife herself posted this video. Daria did this on purpose to turn the situation in her favor. In the divorce proceedings, she wants to be a deceived wife, and not a lady who cheated on her husband. By the way, in that bathhouse there was not a “prostitute”, as Glushakov’s wife put it, but his childhood friend. The girl's name is Christina.

Keep in mind

  • Denis and Daria Sheromchenko got married in 2009. The couple has two daughters - Valeria (seven years old) and Sashenka (two years old).

By the way

  • Glushakov's contract with Spartak expires in June 2020. His annual salary is 2 million euros.

The lawyer of the football player's wife said that the player has long been living with the girl from the "bath video"

On Monday, September 24, the Millerovsky District Court of the Rostov Region considered the divorce suit of the midfielder of the Moscow football club Spartak, the former ambassador of Rostov at the 2018 World Cup, Denis Glushakov, to his wife Daria. In his statement of claim, the captain of the red and white demanded to keep two minor daughters and collect alimony from his wife in the amount of 80 thousand rubles.

On Instagram, Daria Glushakova's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said that at the preliminary hearing it was decided to transfer the civil case for consideration on the merits to the Nikulinsky District Court of Moscow.

“We proved that the Millerovsky Court of the Rostov Region accepted the claim of Denis Glushakov in violation of the rule of jurisdiction. We provided evidence that Daria and her children live in Moscow and that Denis himself actually lives in Moscow, although he is registered in Millerovo. Colleagues will understand that sometimes it is quite difficult to prove well-known circumstances. A pleasant surprise - the local guardianship agency spoke in our favor and supported our petition to transfer the case to Moscow. Outcome: The Millerovsky District Court of the Rostov Region sent the case to Moscow. Focus failed. I wonder what else our hero will come up with to receive alimony from his ex-wife? - Sergey Zhorin wrote on Instagram.

Another divorce lawsuit filed by Daria Glushakova on Monday, September 24, will be considered by the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow.

As Sergei Zhorin told mk.ru, even before the scandalous video was published, Daria suggested that her husband negotiate a divorce in a human way.

“After the “bath” adventures of Glushakova, Daria tried to communicate with him. The conversation took place. She offered to agree on a human way how they would part. To which the player replied that he would not negotiate with his wife, she would not receive anything anyway. Glushakov has been living with a new girl for a long time and does not bathe, - Zhorin reports the words of the publication. - Then, on September 11, Daria filed a lawsuit with the Nikulinsky District Court for divorce and determining the place of residence of the children. Glushakov somehow found out about this and immediately filed the same lawsuit from himself in Millerovo. He did everything possible so that the case was not considered in Moscow. Did not work out".

In addition, the lawyer said that Denis Glushakov has long been living with the same childhood friend Christina, with whom Daria found her husband in the bath.

“As far as I know, when Glushakov moved to Moscow, then he met her. Throughout all these years, they occasionally communicated. Daria knows her (Kristina), but does not want to dwell on this topic, ”said Zhorin.

Recall that on September 19, a video appeared on the network in which the wife of a football player Daria allegedly finds Denis Glushakov in a bath with his mistress.

On the same day, Daria gave several interviews, explaining what happened:

“It was August 22nd. On the eve of the game with Dynamo, we had a fight. On this day, a friend called me and said: “Dasha, they seem to be going to the bathhouse.” It was a bathing yard near the Spartak base, they often hang out there. I'm coming there. There are 12 log cabins. Relying on intuition, I went in and saw them. They sat at the table, there was wine, hookah and fruit. She was sitting naked on his lap, and he was in a towel. Naturally, I attacked him and her and started screaming. At the end, I started filming him on video, he tried to pick up the phone, started to choke me, and I screamed. Of course, I was on the defensive. Denis tried to kick me out and take my phone,” Daria Glushakova told the Mash telegram channel.

According to the football player's wife, the girl with whom her husband was in the bath is allegedly his childhood friend Christina, with whom Denis has been friends since 2006.

The footballer's wife also accused Denis of conspiring with the judge of the Miller Court.

“They talk like friends. He attended his tournaments. Denis can just call him and say that he needs to do this and that, ”Mash conveys the words of Daria.

In addition, in an interview with the publication, the girl said that for many years she turned a blind eye to her husband's infidelities and forgave him for beating her.
