Recipes for fasting days for pregnant women. Fasting days during pregnancy: pros and cons

During the period of bearing a baby, women are biased about their appearance, especially their figure. Many expectant mothers practice fasting days during pregnancy for health and weight loss. From our material you will learn whether it is possible to carry them out, how to do it correctly, and why you can’t have “fasting” days in the first and second trimesters. You will also read reviews from expectant mothers who practiced “unloading” as prescribed by a doctor or on their own initiative.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean - not to overeat and at the same time not to adhere to strict restrictions on the menu. This is why many women include fasting days in their diet to control their weight. However, this method has a number of nuances and contraindications that you need to be aware of.

When is a fasting day necessary?

  1. For gestosis in early and late pregnancy. Complications can lead to premature birth, intrauterine fetal hypoxia or placental abruption. Women suffering from hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, and pathologies of the endocrine system are especially at risk.
  2. Obesity during gestation is another indication for fasting days. Gestational diabetes mellitus is accompanied by impaired blood flow. This can cause the development of obesity in the fetus. This is especially true for children whose weight exceeds 4 kg.
  3. Doctors often advise fasting days every week if the expectant mother gaining weight too quickly. An increase of 300-500 g per week is considered the norm. If a woman is gaining more weight, then “unloading” will not hurt.
  4. Fasting days during pregnancy are indicated with fluid retention in the body and edema.

How to organize a fasting day

In order not to harm your baby, you should follow several rules:

  • It is recommended to start fasting days only in the third trimester. It is by the 28th week that all organs and systems are formed in the child, so a small diet will not harm the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, you should not “unload” more than once every 7-10 days. Reviews from pregnant women say that with one fasting day a week you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds in 2-2.5 months.
  • If you gain weight too quickly, then you need to arrange fasting days regularly. “Unloading” must be done once a week. Thus, in a month (that is, in four fasting days) you can get rid of 0.5 kg. excess weight. This is not much, but by adhering to this system, you will not gain excess weight. To make the fasting day more effective, it is recommended to drink large amounts of water.
  • Divide the required amount of food into 5-6 meals. This way you can avoid overeating and discomfort in the stomach, which is very often observed in pregnant women.
  • During fasting days, a pregnant woman should not limit herself in drinking water. And it is best to drink not tea or coffee, but clean water. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters. It is also worth supplementing the drinking regime with rosehip decoction (up to 0.5 l.).
  • The norm is considered to be a weight loss of up to 800 g in one fasting day. This is facilitated by the refusal of salt and sugar, which retain fluid in the body.

Types of fasting days

Fasting days during pregnancy can be of two types - “hungry” and “fed”. If you don’t like to radically change your diet (even for good reasons), you should choose a “well-fed fast.” We offer several menu options for variety. The total calorie content of each day varies from 800 to 1000 kcal.

"Fed" days


You need 400 g of boiled meat (skinless chicken or turkey) and 800 g of fresh vegetables (preferably rich in fiber: corn, cabbage, pumpkin, bell pepper). It is advisable to steam, bake or stew vegetables. Divide this amount of food into 4-5 meals.

In the third trimester, it is better to unload on fish rather than meat. As a last resort, opt for poultry or rabbit meat.


If you like fruits, then you will like this “unloading” option. For fruit day you will need 1 kg. ripe fruits and berries, as well as salad dressing in the form of low-calorie natural yogurt (or 10-15% sour cream). Divide the total amount of healthy salad into 4 meals, and half an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

On cottage cheese

Women need protein during pregnancy, so we suggest you treat yourself to cottage cheese with ripe berries in the summer. You will need 400 g of cottage cheese and 600-800 g of berries. Consume this treat in the third trimester during the fasting day whenever you feel hungry.

On buckwheat

You need to boil 1 tbsp. buckwheat without salt. It should be eaten during the day with 1.5 cups of kefir or milk.


Many pregnant women get tired of fasting days on cottage cheese or buckwheat, so you can diversify your monoration with a more interesting menu option. This “unloading” is much easier to withstand, because the diet contains not only vegetables and cottage cheese, but also meat products.

  • 100 g of vegetable salad made from cabbage and cucumber (you should be careful with cabbage, since this product often causes bloating);
  • 4 baked apples;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g boiled chicken;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 200 ml. kefir with a low fat content.

During fasting days, vegetables and meat dishes are prohibited from being salted or seasoned with spices! This measure will remove excess water from the body.

"Hungry Unloading"

In order to lose weight, it is recommended to have a “hungry” fasting day for a pregnant woman as rarely as possible, since the daily calorie content of such a diet is very low.


1.5 kg. Watermelon is divided into 5-6 meals. On this day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters. water.


1.5 kg. Eat ripe apples throughout the day. You can't use sugar or honey; you can sprinkle the apple slices with cinnamon powder.


You can spend a fasting day on kefir with a low fat content (you should drink 1.5 liters of lactic acid drink per day).

Such fasting days during pregnancy are not suitable for every woman, so you need to consult with your doctor. It is still better to use kefir as an addition to meat or cottage cheese, buckwheat.


A vegetable day will also be useful. It's best to choose vegetables with a neutral flavor (such as pumpkin or squash). The chopped vegetable pulp can be poured with vegetable oil or sour cream.

There are certain contraindications to dairy, meat and fat days for pregnant women. Following such a fasting menu is prohibited if you have diseases of the digestive system or heart.

Meal plan: video

What to eat the next day

A common mistake made by pregnant women is to eat a lot of food the day after the “unloading”, carried out on cottage cheese or buckwheat with kefir. After a fasting day, your menu should be light. Otherwise, the lost weight may return the next day.

  • It is best to have breakfast with low-fat yogurt with fruit, boiled eggs or a portion of oatmeal.
  • For lunch, eat protein-rich foods (such as lean fish or lean beef, rabbit or chicken). Protein foods are best combined with fiber, so bake vegetables or make a salad out of them as a side dish. You can also prepare a light vegetable soup with herbs.
  • In the evening, eat a portion of grainy cottage cheese with kefir or boiled meat with vegetables.

During pregnancy, it is worth limiting the consumption of carbohydrates later in the day.

If fasting days are indicated for you during pregnancy, make them as safe as possible. Find out what you can eat and how to make deloading enjoyable. Achieve the desired result without harm to yourself and your baby!

In order for the unborn child and his mother to feel comfortable and receive the full amount of vitamins, it is necessary to balance the diet and provide a complete diet for the pregnant woman. It is considered normal when a woman gains up to 12 kg of weight during pregnancy. When weight increases unevenly and complications appear, which will be discussed below, it becomes necessary to carry out fasting days during pregnancy. The decision to reduce excess weight of a pregnant woman is made by the doctor. If a mother decides to arrange a diet day for herself, she should definitely consult with a doctor about the possibility of carrying it out.

Choosing between diet and fasting day

A diet is a special diet for a pregnant woman, used when a pathology occurs, such as obesity, diabetes, allergies, etc. When following a diet, certain rules are followed and the consumption of certain foods is limited. Many people use diets in everyday life: to lose weight, for health reasons. They are observed for a certain period, sometimes for a very long time.

If a pregnant woman has chronic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or kidney or stomach diseases, then there is a need to prescribe nutritional therapy. Any diet is agreed upon with a leading gynecologist. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to abstain from eating if the body requires it. This is harmful and dangerous for the unborn newborn. If you suppress your appetite and desire to eat certain foods, this can lead to what is called overeating. To prevent this from happening and if there is a need to reduce calories or the amount of food consumed, doctors recommend having a day when you eat only light food.

Carrying out a treatment day, provided it is carried out correctly, will allow you to receive all the nutrients necessary for the expectant mother and her child. In addition, as a result of unloading, the work of all organs is facilitated.

During such a day, the gastrointestinal tract rests, the intestines are cleansed, the body is freed from harmful metabolic products, restriction activity is regulated, metabolism is accelerated, and excess fluid is removed. As a rule, fasting days for a pregnant woman are monitored by a doctor so that the lack of any products does not lead to pathology of the fetus. Be that as it may, such a day is a kind of shock for the body. There must be compelling reasons for his appointment. On this day, food should be quite filling, but with less calories.

There are positive and negative aspects to fasting days. The advantages include:

  1. getting rid of waste and toxins;
  2. getting additional vitamins;
  3. removal of excess liquid;
  4. weight loss;
  5. does not harm health;
  6. normalization of blood pressure;
  7. strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  8. reduction of swelling.

There are no downsides to fasting days, they have an effective and beneficial effect on the body. And here there are contraindications. These include:

  • low weight before pregnancy;
  • existing chronic diseases that do not allow you to eat low-calorie foods;
  • diseases of the stomach, heart, etc.

Whether it is possible for pregnant women to do fasting days is decided by the doctor based on the tests of the pregnant woman. If required, they additionally consult with specialized specialists: endocrinologists, cardiologists, therapists.


Significant weight gain during pregnancy is not always the result of increased nutrition or consumption of super-calorie foods. This may be explained by the characteristics of the expectant mother’s body and her lifestyle.

But if the following symptoms occur:

  • swelling of the legs;
  • dyspnea;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • heart function is disrupted;
  • problems arise with the functioning of internal organs (kidneys, liver),

then the appointment of fasting days will be justified and necessary. The presence of these signs signals changes in the condition of the pregnant woman. And this, in turn, can affect the health and development of the unborn child.

The need for fasting days arises in the presence of such pathologies

  1. Obesity of any degree and the risk of diabetes. An increase in sugar or glucose levels causes damage to the walls of blood vessels in the fetus, impairing blood flow. In the future, this threatens the occurrence of complications in the child, leads to injuries during childbirth, and increases the risk of diabetes in the child.
  2. Preeclampsia or preeclampsia is expressed in increased blood pressure, edema and protein in the urine. These pathologies can cause premature birth, and there is a danger of oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  3. Rapid weight gain during pregnancy is a good reason for a fasting day.

The correct order of fasting days

  1. Fasting days are recommended from the 28th week of pregnancy, after all the organs of the unborn child are formed.
  2. Doctors usually advise doing them once every 10 days. It is best to conduct them on the same day of the week. This way, you will accustom your body to a certain diet and there will be no serious problems with your health.
  3. Such a day should be a one-time (single) day; if you withstand fasting for 2-3 days, then it will be considered a diet, and a pregnant woman and her fetus cannot be subjected to such a test.
  4. If a woman suffers from toxicosis, then it is better not to do fasting days. Hunger increases nausea.
  5. Sometimes the doctor recommends still having a day of fasting, but with increasing portion sizes and shortening the breaks between meals.
  6. To ensure a variety of nutrients entering the body of a pregnant woman, different fasting days should be carried out.
  7. During the day, 5-6 identical servings from the prepared volume of products are eaten. It is recommended to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly so that it is better absorbed and satiety occurs earlier.
  8. If you have a plant-based day, the volume of vegetables or fruits consumed should not exceed 2 kg.
  9. On a protein day, the diet consists of 500-700g of provisions.
  10. The volume of liquid consumed is at least two liters. Less water will not affect the cleansing of the body.


  • for swelling, take diuretics. They increase the load on the kidneys;
  • use intestinal cleansing products. It's better to do this in advance;
  • At the end of the fasting day, it is not recommended to abuse food. In everything you need to know when to stop.

It is better to spend the fasting day at home doing a quiet activity, not doing work that requires physical effort.


An important condition for any fasting day is fluid intake: you need to drink at least two liters of fluid to balance the restoration of minerals. Lack of fluid reduces the effectiveness of unloading. To choose the options for such days that are right for you, they are conditionally divided into two groups: well-fed and hungry days. The first type is ideal for those expectant mothers who have not decided on a weight loss program and do not like to suddenly change their diet. This type of unloading does not cause hunger and gives good results. You can have full days several times a week. Calorie intake for a full day is about 1000.

A well-fed unloading system for a pregnant woman allows you to include it in the daily menu

  1. Any types of meat products: beef, veal, chicken or turkey (400g) and fresh vegetables up to 800g. Products are distributed into 5-6 doses. Before going to bed, you should drink kefir, preferably low-fat, and drink the prescribed amount of liquid during the day. Limit salt intake.
  2. Seafood prepared in any way (boiled, stewed or baked, steamed). They take no more than half a kilogram. The list is supplemented with stewed vegetables: cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, mushrooms. The volume of liquid per day is one and a half liters, including tea.
  3. It is acceptable to include fruit salad in your diet. It is made from various fruits and seasoned with natural yogurt. An approximate volume of 1 to 1.5 kg of product is distributed into four servings. Closer to evening rest, drink 1% kefir, and throughout the day 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Berries and cottage cheese. When the day is spent in the summer, there are no difficulties with fresh fruits of berry bushes. You can take any berries: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants and low-fat cottage cheese. A kilogram of berries and 400g of cottage cheese are distributed throughout the day and eaten in small portions. Water and tea are consumed in the usual volume.

Fasting days during pregnancy involve eating one type of food to give the digestive system a chance to rest. Due to their low energy value, it is recommended to do them no more than once a week. The rules for water consumption do not change: you need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day.

Monoload days are:

  • Watermelon. During the day you need to eat at least one and a half kilograms of watermelon in 5-6 meals. Drink water as usual.
  • Apple. The diet includes one and a half kilograms of fresh or baked apples with cinnamon. Adding sugar is not recommended. Tea and water are still consumed in the amount of 1.5-2 liters.
  • Fermented milk day. Drink 1.5 liters of kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt of your choice throughout the day. The amount of water and tea is reduced to one and a half liters.
  • Fruit days involve the introduction of different fruits into the diet. Usually apples are chosen.
  • Compote day. Compote is made from one and a half liters of water and a kilogram of fruit, dry or fresh. Drink it throughout the day.
  • Vegetable day. They eat one and a half kilograms of neutral vegetables a day (you can take zucchini or pumpkin). Baked root vegetables are seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream. Drink the liquid as usual.
  • Buckwheat unloading. 200 grams of cereal are poured with boiling water and left to swell. Eat, divided into 5 servings throughout the day. You can drink still mineral water or weak tea.

From the abundance of fasting days for a pregnant woman, you can choose any option, having previously agreed with your doctor. Vegetable, juice and fruit days are usually recommended as they are considered to be more effective and provide the required minerals and vitamins. Another recommendation concerns alternating fasting days. They can be changed, thereby increasing efficiency.

As for meat, dairy or fat days, they should not be arranged for women who smoke and those who have diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. It is important to remember that each type of unloading acts as a therapeutic tool, but there are also contraindications. Thus, the fermented milk option is recommended in the presence of obesity and atherosclerosis, consumption of cucumbers has an effect on hypertension, apple and watermelon days are effective for kidney diseases and hypertension.

If you doubt your health, experience discomfort, or notice any unpleasant moments associated with food, be sure to consult a doctor. A specialist will tell you what exactly is happening. If necessary, he will suggest the correct recipe for a fasting day.

A well-spent day of light nutrition helps remove from 300 to 800 g of excess weight by removing excess fluid.

How to make unloading enjoyable?

Fasting days will give good results and will not become a difficult test for the body during pregnancy if:

  • use small dishes so that the portion does not seem scanty, then the feeling of fullness will come quickly;
  • eat slowly and chew food thoroughly so that the signal about food entering the stomach has time to reach the brain;
  • find an interesting activity for yourself that will take your attention away from food and the refrigerator;
  • if you find a companion, dietary restrictions will become easier to bear.

Nutrition during different periods of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, women face such a problem as toxicosis. Their sense of taste changes and their appetite increases. During this period, it is important to maintain a proper diet and monitor the adequacy of your diet. What foods can I eat?

A pregnant woman's menu must include

  1. Animal and plant proteins. Beef, chicken, soy, beans, eggs and milk will provide the body with their availability.
  2. Vegetable fats. Olive, flaxseed, and sunflower oils contain unsaturated acids that are easily absorbed by the body.
  3. The carbohydrates found in grains will help with digestion.
  4. Folic acid is important for pregnant women. It contains bananas, spinach, pumpkin and cereals.
  5. Iron contains apples, buckwheat, liver, fish, mushrooms, chocolate and cocoa.
  6. Cottage cheese, cheese, broccoli will satisfy the need for calcium.
  7. Magnesium is obtained from almonds and barley, cabbage, and bran.

Meals should be divided and include at least 6 meals.

Sample menu for the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Muesli or cereal with milk
  • Yogurt 2.5% fat
  • Meat soup
  • Vegetable Salad
  • Stewed cabbage with boiled rice
  • Milk
  • Porridge with milk (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat)
  • Buttered toast or sandwich
  • Fish soup or fish soup
  • Cottage cheese no more than 100 g
  • Boiled pasta or vermicelli with liver cutlets
  • Sea kale salad
  • Curd, weak tea
  • Cookies with juice
  • Broccoli or pumpkin soup
  • Fruits
  • Steamed chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes
  • Natural low fat yogurt
  • Porridge with milk and juice
  • Yogurt and fruits or berries
  • Vegetable soup with cabbage (cauliflower or broccoli)
  • Pear, apple or any other fruit
  • Tomato and avocado salad
  • Berry juice or cranberry compote
  • Ryazhenka, sandwich with cheese
  • Orange or tangerines
  • Meatballs with stewed vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Potatoes baked in sour cream and green tea
  • Low-fat kefir
  • Cheesecakes with herbal infusion
  • 12 pieces of dried apricots
  • Chicken soup, wholemeal bread
  • Grated carrot and apple salad with honey
  • Greek salad and tea
  • Milk
  • Oatmeal with milk and apple, tea
  • Banana or pear
  • Noodle soup with chicken and tomato salad, tea
  • Fruits
  • Steamed chicken cutlet and stewed vegetables
  • Yogurt or kefir

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise help control weight gain in the early stages of pregnancy.

Second trimester

In the 2nd trimester, increased appetite occurs. This is due to the growth of the baby, which needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements. The growth of the unborn child also causes an increase in the weight of the expectant mother. In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is important to prevent uncontrolled weight gain to avoid complications in the future. It is recommended to follow the rules of a healthy diet, avoiding baked goods, sweets, fried and spicy foods. If a pregnant woman needs fasting days, doctors advise adhering to a healthy diet in combination with fractional meals. You can arrange fruit and vegetable days no more than once a week, with the emphasis being on eating only natural vegetables or fruits from the village garden.


  • Carrot pancakes with sour cream
  • Cookies (cottage cheese or biscuits), kefir
  • Fish soup and vegetable casserole
  • Rosehip decoction
  • Meatballs from dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), carrot salad
  • Cereal porridge with pumpkin additive
  • Low-fat yogurt and dry unsweetened cookies
  • Green cabbage soup, fish soufflé
  • Cottage cheese and citrus fruits
  • Puree cabbage soup, boiled beans and lean fish fillet

Wednesday (fasting day)

  • During the day, 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir
  • Milk millet porridge with butter
  • Vegetable jelly from carrots and cheesecakes
  • Cauliflower soup, boiled chicken or white meat chicken and rice
  • Rosehip drink and biscuits
  • Zucchini with minced chicken
  • Boiled eggs and tomato
  • Cottage cheese and kefir
  • Soup and fish with spinach
  • Carrot-apple salad
  • Zucchini pancakes and boiled chicken
  • Curd paste with carrots
  • Apple and kefir
  • Soup with croutons
  • Compote and dry cookies
  • Boiled beef and pumpkin pancakes


  • Barley porridge
  • Cottage cheese casserole seasoned with sour cream
  • Rice soup and sauerkraut salad
  • Compote or fruit drink made from berries. Cookie
  • Boiled meat with vegetable pancakes

Third trimester

The most important period of pregnancy is the 38th week. In the third trimester, the body must be prepared for the onset of labor, and nutrition at this stage must be complete to ensure reserves of energy and strength. As for fasting days in the 3rd trimester, they can be prescribed by a doctor only if necessary. If a pregnant woman’s weight is much higher than recommended, then unloading will not hurt, but will be completely justified. During this period, a woman prepares for the birth of a new person. She needs strength to do her hard work and nutrition is an important preparatory part for the birth process.

The menu of the expectant mother during the period of preparation for childbirth is almost no different from the menu of the second trimester. The only condition: you should reduce the number of meals to 4 times a day. On a fasting day, it is recommended to eat vegetable salads, apples (fresh or baked) and cottage cheese.

Fasting days are a great way to quickly lose weight, cleanse your body of toxins and help your body stay in good physical shape for a long time. During pregnancy, fasting days have another goal - to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. How to properly organize your nutrition during such days?

General information

Fasting days mean days with a monotonous and low-calorie menu. The calorie content of food is no more than 30% of the norm:

  • I trimester – 600-800 kcal (with a norm of 1600-2000 kcal/day);
  • II trimester – 700-900 kcal (at a norm of 2000-2200 kcal/day);
  • III trimester – 800-1000 kcal (at a norm of 2200-2500 kcal/day).

Nutritionists could not come to a consensus regarding the calorie content of food. It is believed that during pregnancy such drastic changes can negatively affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. Many experts do not recommend reducing caloric intake to less than 1000 kcal per day at any stage of pregnancy.

How are fasting days different from a regular diet?

Diet is special rules for eating that allow the body to exist safely in unfavorable conditions. Diets are prescribed for certain diseases: diabetes, pathology of the digestive tract, kidney disease, allergies. Diets for weight loss are very popular among women. During pregnancy, such changes to your usual diet are not recommended.

While on a diet, a person is forced to eat strictly specific foods every day. For a long time, a wide variety of foods are excluded from the diet (usually sweet, salty, fried and flour). For some illnesses, dietary restrictions can be very severe. A diet requires a person to have great willpower and a desire to achieve the desired result at any cost.

During pregnancy, diets are allowed only as prescribed by a doctor and under his constant supervision. For some diseases, the doctor may recommend temporarily or permanently removing certain foods from your diet. A specially designed menu replaces the excluded dishes. Strict diets during pregnancy are prohibited.

Fasting days have a number of advantages over conventional diets. They are short-term (last no more than 24 hours) and do not create an excessive burden on the expectant mother’s body. This diet does not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Almost any woman in an interesting position can endure a fasting day without harm to her health.


Fasting days are indicated for the following conditions:

  • rapid or uneven weight gain;
  • edema of pregnant women;
  • gestosis;
  • isolated increase in blood pressure;
  • obesity.

During fasting days, positive changes occur in the body:

  • the load on internal organs (digestive tract, kidneys, heart) is reduced;
  • metabolic processes are stabilized;
  • toxins and metabolic products are eliminated;
  • the activity of digestive enzymes is normalized;
  • excess fluid is removed;
  • swelling goes away;
  • The overall tone of the body increases.

Fasting days are a serious shake-up for the body of a pregnant woman. It is not recommended to practice such dietary changes in the first trimester, when all fetal tissues are formed. Any negative changes during this period can disrupt the development of the embryo and even cause a miscarriage.

Fasting days should be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, all organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and short-term changes in the mother’s diet will not affect its development in any way. At the same time, in the third trimester the load on the digestive tract, kidneys and heart increases. Fasting days will be an excellent way to prevent various complications during this difficult period.


  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe prolonged toxicosis in the second trimester of pregnancy;
  • initial body weight deficiency;
  • low weight gain during pregnancy;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe pathology of the urinary system;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic pathologies;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy (with caution).

If you have any doubts, it would be a good idea to consult your doctor. A gynecologist will be able to adequately assess the condition of the expectant mother and her baby and recommend optimal nutrition during this period. In some cases, consultation with a therapist or other specialists may be required.

Basic Rules

Fasting days are stressful for the body, and it is very important to spend this time wisely without harm to your body. When changing your diet during pregnancy, you should follow some rules:

  1. Fasting days during pregnancy are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. In some conditions, the doctor recommends a break of at least 14 days.
  2. The fasting day lasts no more than 24 hours (usually throughout the entire daylight hours, from waking up to night sleep).
  3. Before changing your diet, you should consult your doctor and find out about possible contraindications for fasting days.
  4. Fasting days pass only when the woman is feeling well.
  5. Changing the diet is not recommended for colds, various acute diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  6. You should not play sports or perform any physical work during fasting days. Mental stress is also prohibited. Outdoor walks are recommended.
  7. Night sleep during fasting days should be complete and last at least 8 hours. A short two-hour nap during the day will be beneficial.
  8. On fasting days you should not take diuretics and laxatives.

When creating a menu, there are several important aspects to consider:

  1. All food is divided into 5-6 meals during the day. It is not recommended to eat large portions at one time.
  2. The break between meals should be 3-4 hours.
  3. Main meals should be taken in the morning and afternoon. The evening portion should be the smallest.
  4. When you feel hungry, you don’t need to grab food. You should eat slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. You should not eat more than planned for one meal.
  5. You should not bring yourself to a strong feeling of hunger. Between main meals you can drink kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
  6. When carrying out fasting days, you should not limit yourself to fluids. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day (unless there are contraindications). Most of the fluid should come in the first half of the day. You can drink regular or still mineral water, weak green tea, or berry juice.
  7. All dishes are prepared steamed or in the oven.
  8. Before a fasting day, you should not eat heavy food. The day before the start, the diet should contain only easily digestible foods.
  9. You should exit the fasting day gradually. During the day after completing the unloading, you should eat only light foods in small quantities.

During pregnancy, fasting days are recommended, during which the optimal balance of nutrients and vitamins is maintained. A menu based on fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, with the addition of lean meat or fish will be beneficial. The volume of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates is limited. This diet plan will allow a pregnant woman to maintain her body in good physical shape without harm to the child.

Examples of fasting days

Fasting days allowed during pregnancy:

Fermented milk day


  • kefir, fermented baked milk (no more than 1.5% fat content);
  • yogurt without fillers;

Food volume: 1.5 liters. You should drink kefir or other fermented milk product in small sips throughout the day. Such a fasting day is allowed only if the pregnant woman is in good health.

Curd day


  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g).

All cottage cheese is divided into 5-6 servings and eaten throughout the day. You can wash down the cottage cheese with low-fat kefir or yogurt without fillers.

Fruit day


  • fresh fruit (local, in season, up to 1.5 kg).

Apples are considered the best option for this day. You can add pears, apricots, plums (in small quantities). Bananas and grapes are not included in fasting days. Ideal for hot summer days when you don’t want to overload your body with heavy food. You can drink freshly squeezed fruit juices throughout the day.

Vegetable day


  • fresh vegetables (up to 1.5 kg).

Priority is given to neutral seasonal vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin). You can add carrots, bell peppers, cauliflower. Vegetables cut into a salad are seasoned with vegetable oil.

Berry day


  • fresh berries (up to 1 kg);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g).

Berries can be mixed with cottage cheese or eaten separately. Berry fruit drinks and green tea are suitable drinks. The best option for summer days.

Meat day


  • boiled beef or veal;
  • boiled poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • fresh or boiled vegetables.

The optimal volume of meat is 400-500 g, vegetables – up to 1 kg. Dried fruit compote or green tea are best for drinks.

Fish day


  • lean fish (300-400 g);
  • fresh or stewed vegetables (up to 1 kg).

The best vegetables to take are bell peppers, fresh cucumbers, and cauliflower.

Rice day


  • rice porridge with water (200 g of cereal);
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (as an addition to rice).

The finished rice porridge should be divided into 4-5 servings. You can add some fresh fruits and vegetables as a dessert or snack throughout the day. Among fruits, preference is given to apples, among vegetables – carrots and bell peppers.

Buckwheat day


  • buckwheat porridge with water (300 g of cereal).

Ready buckwheat porridge is divided into 4-5 servings. You can add fresh fruits and vegetables to the porridge.

Soup day


  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • green beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • greenery.

Soup is prepared from finely chopped vegetables (without adding meat, low in salt). Vegetables are not fried. The finished soup should be divided into 4-5 servings. On this day, the volume of other fluid is reduced so as not to overload the kidneys. The ingredients for the soup can be changed based on your own taste preferences. This menu is suitable for women who have a hard time feeling hungry (including those with diseases of the digestive tract).

Exit from fasting day

After completing the fasting day, it is important not to break down and not harm the body. Exit from unloading is carried out gradually, observing some important rules:

  1. The next morning, you need to drink a glass of water half an hour before breakfast.
  2. Breakfast should be light, but quite filling.
  3. Throughout the next day after fasting, the diet should include easily digestible dishes (vegetable stew, chicken broth soups, salads).
  4. It is not recommended to eat fried and spicy foods within 24 hours after a fasting day.
  5. Meals after a fasting day should remain frequent and fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions).
  6. You should not plan serious physical and mental activity the next day after unloading the body.

Fasting days will be beneficial not only during pregnancy, but also after the birth of the child. “Hungry” fasting (fermented milk, fruit, buckwheat days, etc.) is not recommended for nursing mothers. The best option during lactation would be “well-fed” fasting days (meat, fish, soup). It would be a good idea to consult your doctor before changing your diet.

Nutritionists prefer not to remember those times when people around them advised expectant mothers to eat not only for themselves, but also for “that guy or girl.”

Such behavior could not only spoil the figure of a woman in an interesting position and make her unattractive, but also pose a serious threat to her health during childbirth.

In order for the mother and the future newborn to feel great and receive the full range of nutrients, it is enough to provide them with a complete and balanced diet. Normally, if pregnancy proceeds without complications, a woman gains no more than 12 kg during the entire period.

But if the weight increases unevenly, swelling and some signs of gestosis appear, then fasting days during pregnancy become an urgent need.

The decision to prescribe a safe weight loss method for a pregnant woman is made only by a doctor! Even if the expectant mother dreams of arranging a fasting routine for preventive purposes on her own, she must agree on the menu for such a day with her doctor!

Are fasting days safe during pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, during its normal course, a woman can gain 1-3 kg in weight or remain in her usual shape. But during the first half of the gestation period, the expectant mother gains up to 40% of her weight gain, the remaining 60% occurs after the 20th week.

Significant weight gain is not always the result of excessive or high-calorie nutrition. Sometimes it is associated with the lifestyle of a pregnant woman or with the individual characteristics of her body (the functioning of the endocrine system, cardiovascular and others).

Fasting days during pregnancy are prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath while walking;
  • Swelling of the legs;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • Problems with internal organs (kidneys, liver) and so on.

These signs can signal a deterioration in a woman’s health and cause a risk of pathological processes in the development of the fetus.

Medical indications for prescribing unloading for expectant mothers

Fasting days for pregnant women are an urgent need for:

1. Obesity of varying degrees or the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. With increased levels of sugar or glucose in the blood, the walls of blood vessels in the fetus are damaged and blood flow is disrupted. This can cause the further development of diabetic fetopathy (multisystem lesions, endocrine and metabolic dysfunctions) in the fetus, as well as trauma during childbirth and the child’s predisposition to diabetes mellitus in the future.

2. Gestosis (preeclampsia), expressed by high blood pressure, swelling and the presence of protein in the urine. This condition disrupts fetoplacental blood flow and often causes premature birth. At the same time, the baby experiences oxygen starvation.

3. Rapid weight gain. An increase in weight per week in a pregnant woman of 0.3-0.4 kg is considered normal. If the weight gain is equal to or exceeds 0.5 kg, the doctor prescribes fasting days for preventive purposes (to prevent the development of various complications).

The doctor makes this decision after a thorough examination of the pregnant woman, monitoring the medical history and consultations with related specialists.

The main “secrets” of unloading during pregnancy

Fasting days during pregnancy are carried out only after the onset of 28 weeks, when the vital organs and systems of the fetus are already fully formed.

Important! You can often find three-day fasts for pregnant women online, which is extremely dangerous! Such advice from illiterate specialists can cause serious harm to the expectant mother and her child!

  • It is allowed to carry out one (!) fasting day per week (7-8 days). This will help avoid the consequences: deterioration of pregnancy, nutritional deficiency for the fetus and possible retardation in physical and mental development due to a lack of vital components.
  • For the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, a pregnant woman needs 1500 kcal per day, so this figure is taken as the basis when calculating the calorie content of a fasting day.
  • The entire daily diet should be divided into 5-6 small equal portions and eaten one every 3-4 hours.
  • When eating, you should not rush; you need to chew your food thoroughly in order not only to get enough, but also to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • On this day you need to drink at least two liters of purified or boiled water.
  • If you feel excessively hungry, you can satisfy it with a glass of low-fat natural yogurt or kefir.
  • It is better to limit or eliminate physical activity on such days. It is better to replace them with walks in the fresh air.
  • When leaving, you need to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and eat small portions of light foods.

Fasting days for pregnant women: original solutions

The most common healthy foods for fasting during pregnancy are: apples, watermelon, cucumbers, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, pumpkin, zucchini, boiled buckwheat without salt, lean river fish, veal or chicken breast.

They can be boiled without adding salt, baked without adding sugar, sprinkled with cinnamon, or steamed.

Separately, it is worth noting the careful consumption of rice and potatoes during fasting days. The increased starch content in these foods can lead to water retention in the body, constipation and weight gain. They can only be used by women with a sufficiently high metabolic rate.

Fasting days during pregnancy on fermented milk drinks bring the greatest benefit for obesity and atherosclerosis, cucumber days for high blood pressure (hypertension), and watermelon or apple days are good for heart and kidney diseases. Unloading with a meat diet is a taboo for chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract!

  • The famous one and a half kilograms of apples for consumption on a fasting day can be partially eaten fresh, the other part of the fruit can be baked in the oven, sprinkled with cinnamon (this dish is ideal for women with gastrointestinal problems) - this healthy, tasty dessert can be included in your regular menu. Or you can make a delicious one (beat a peeled apple in a blender, pour low-fat kefir over it and sprinkle with cinnamon).
  • During the watermelon season (if there are no contraindications!), you can replace apples with the pulp of these berries or use other favorite fruits. You can also use them to prepare salads with lemon juice or a small amount of low-fat sour cream (without sugar or sweeteners!), fresh juices with pulp or smoothie cocktails. Only peaches, bananas, figs and grapes are excluded for the fasting day.
  • Vegetable days. In addition to fruits, you can use one and a half kilos of non-starchy vegetables to lose weight: cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers or cauliflower. Some of them can be eaten fresh or in salads, others can also be steamed, stewed, baked (but without salt!) or poured with low-fat natural yogurt (in the form of “a la okroshka”) and sprinkled with permitted types of herbs.
  • Protein days. Half a kilo of lean fish (cod, hake, perch, pike, pollock) or the same amount of dietary meat (veal, turkey, chicken) is divided into 5 meals. On this day you can consume 1 kg of fresh vegetables (not containing starch) or 1 liter of “zero” kefir. The amount of clean water can be limited to 1.5 liters by adding 500-600 ml of rosehip decoction. Protein fasting days also include cottage cheese days. Their menu: 500-600 gr. cottage cheese (4%) and 1 liter of kefir (natural yogurt).
  • Cereal days. Boil 300 gr. buckwheat in water without salt, divide into 5 servings and eat after 3-4 hours. For drinks – 1 liter of kefir or milk. Water – at least 2 liters. Or boil brown rice (150 g) in the same way, eat with apples (3-5 pcs.), 3 cucumbers, carrots and 1-2 pcs. bell pepper.
  • Boil one kilogram of potatoes and eat them throughout the day along with 500-700 ml of low-fat kefir. Drink water (1-1.5 l), green tea (500 ml) and/or (500 ml) as usual.

One well-organized (under the supervision of a doctor!) fasting day during pregnancy helps to get rid of 300-800 grams. excess weight due to fluid loss. Its elimination is facilitated by the absence of salt and sugar in the diet.

Fasting days during pregnancy improve metabolism in the body of the expectant mother and fetus, reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and normalize the functioning of all internal organs. They are also ideal for maintaining your figure and strengthening your health before the most important event in the life of a pregnant woman - childbirth!

Fasting days for pregnant women are not prohibited at all. But they should be prescribed by a doctor, who will draw up an approximate diet.

Diet Sour or red Nutritionists
neatness is difficult to resolve
decoction products

If you think that weight gain during pregnancy is a good thing, then it is worth considering that this only applies to cases where it is moderate and small. If you gain weight excessively, then you can’t do without fasting days. A sudden weight gain will lead to swelling and stretch marks, which are completely unnecessary for you.

During pregnancy, fasting days:

  • will help maintain body tone;
  • will prevent excess weight gain;
  • will create lightness of the body, after which all swelling will go away.

Such days will not harm you or the baby at all; he will take everything he needs from the diet. Pregnant women can carry out such unloading of the body every 10 days, and before giving birth it is also a good idea to give the body a rest.

But do not forget that you need to consult a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to such unloading. In addition, the doctor will prescribe you the entire detailed diet, and will also help you make these days nutritious and healthy.

Diet in the 1st trimester

Women gain most of their weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, this is due to the fact that expectant mothers think that by doing so they are helping the baby, but this is absolutely not the case.

During the entire pregnancy, it is best to follow a healthy diet and moderate physical activity; in this case, weight gain per week will be 290-340 grams, which is quite normal.

If you don’t adhere to these rules and eat everything in large portions, then in a week you can gain up to 1-3 kg, which is very harmful to your health.

Sometimes you need to include such days in your diet

In this case, fasting days in the 1st trimester of pregnancy are simply necessary:

  • the fasting day should last at least 24 hours;
  • during a fasting day, you should not engage in physical exercise or expose your body to active loads;
  • on this day it is best to choose one or a couple of products that you will consume throughout the fasting day;
  • the selected product must be divided into 5-6 doses;
  • if you choose to unload on kefir, then drink not 1.5 liters per day, but choose kefir with 2.5% fat content;
  • you can also unload using boiled potatoes, the kilogram should be divided into 6 doses, add 150 grams of sour cream;
  • most people prefer to unload with cottage cheese, you will need 600 grams of it, plus you can add raisins;
  • the simplest option would be boiled fillet; 500-600 grams per day will be enough.

How to eat in the 2nd trimester

Sour or red apples may also be contraindicated in certain diseases.

Fasting days in the second trimester during pregnancy are simply necessary. At this time, the fetus begins to actively grow, and the body experiences an unprecedented load on all organs. In order not to further burden it, you should monitor your diet and use various options for fasting days for pregnant women.

  1. To begin with, you should reduce the consumption of foods with cholesterol several times, as they are hard on the liver.
  2. If you love scrambled eggs too much and cannot refuse them, then consume only the whites.
  3. You should not eat allergenic foods, which include strawberries and various exotic fruits.
  4. Fasting days are best spent on apples and kefir. You can eat a kilogram of apples per day.
  5. When unloading on kefir, use 1 kg of kefir or cottage cheese.
  6. You should completely eliminate the consumption of harmful foods and, of course, alcohol.
  7. The amount of liquid you drink should also be moderate.

Features in the 3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is also not complete without fasting days. During this period, they should be carried out with a slightly different diet:

  • in the third trimester it is best to consume fish;
  • You should use lean fish (why you can’t eat it), pike, pike perch or hake;
  • Various fruit salads with kefir are perfect;
  • you can unload on stewed vegetables or eat them fresh;
  • You can use sweet peppers, onions, pumpkin, zucchini and tomatoes, as well as celery.

It is very important to consult a doctor at all stages. Don’t be afraid to ask about fasting days and what you can eat on these days. If you are rapidly gaining weight beyond the norm, then such days will only be beneficial.

Food options

View of the dayThe essenceWhat to eat
Meat nutritionDuring the day, you are allowed to consume only boiled lean meat, without salt.In this case, you can use 400 g of boiled chicken meat (beef, veal, turkey), to your taste. You can also add vegetables and a glass of kefir.
Fruit dayConsumption of various fruit salads with yogurt or kefir dressing.Use any favorite fruits and low-fat kefir or yogurt, divide your meals into 4 times.
Curd and berry dayIt is best to carry out such unloading in the summer. You need to eat in small portions and only if you feel hungry. Water and tea help burn maximum fat.390 grams of cottage cheese and 750 grams of any berries are enough.
Mono-unloadingOn such days, one product is selected and only that is consumed during the day. A great option after holidays and feasts.Kefir, fruits, cottage cheese, meat, any low-fat foods that you like.
Apple daysOnly baked or fresh apples are consumed for 24 hours.Apples – 1.5 kg. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
Fermented milk unloadingIn this case, your favorite fermented milk product is selected, which is consumed in small sips in 6 doses.Yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, any product with no more than 1.5% fat content.
Juice dayDuring the day, you should maintain equal intervals between consuming freshly squeezed juices, 5-6 servings each.Only natural freshly squeezed juices from any vegetables and fruits.
Composite unloadingIt is necessary to cook compote, which is subsequently divided into 6 portions.Fresh fruit compote with added sugar if desired, for 2 liters of water, use 1 kilogram of fruit and four tablespoons of sugar.
Vegetable dayVegetables raw, boiled or baked.Any vegetables, approximately 1.5 kg per day. Small amounts of sour cream or vegetable oil are allowed.
Fasting potato day5-7 servings per day.1 kilogram of boiled potatoes and a couple of glasses of kefir are enough.
Buckwheat dayBuckwheat settled in a container.It is necessary to boil buckwheat and leave it to infuse overnight, then divide the intake into equal portions throughout the day. You need approximately 200 g of buckwheat.
Curd diet4-7 servings per day.It is necessary to divide the cottage cheese into 7 portions, approximately 80 grams each.
Is it dangerous when carrying a fetus?

Nutritionists advise doing them once a week.

Fasting days during pregnancy can be not only useful, but also dangerous. That is why it is worth consulting in advance with a doctor, who will prescribe for you a diet that is harmless to the baby. It is also worth considering that unloading may be prohibited for some pregnant women due to the presence of various diseases:

  • fasting days on meat cannot be carried out if the pregnant woman suffers from problems with the heart or has diseases of the digestive system;
  • expectant mothers with the problem of atherosclerosis are recommended to constantly unload on fermented milk products;
  • for hypertension and kidney problems, you should unload on cucumbers, apples or watermelon.

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