Repair of nails with silk: step by step instructions. Silk nails are stronger than granite

Long nails visually lengthen our well-groomed fingers and make them more feminine and elegant. On long nails, you can create the most complex, most incredible design with monograms, drawings or graceful patterns lined with decor for nail art. Sometimes it takes weeks to grow natural nails, and all this time we keep the plates in perfect condition, carefully care for them. Unfortunately, even a strong nail plate can break at the most inopportune moment, and thin and fragile nails often break even after regular strengthening procedures at home (sea salt baths, pepper masks, wax sealing, smart enamel). Therefore, it is always useful to get acquainted with the information on how to repair a broken nail on your own, so that you do not have to shorten the overgrown natural plates with such difficulty.

Perhaps the most annoying trouble with long nails is the appearance of a crack in the free edge zone, which reaches the “smile line” and can cause damage to the soft tissue of the nail bed, and such an injury can be very painful and heals for a long time.

Many women still shorten the broken nail to the root in the old fashioned way and, accordingly, correct the free edge on the rest of the nails with scissors. In order not to resort to such a radical method of solving the problem, we will use the already proven options for repairing cracked natural plates and chips on the gel polish or on the extended free edge. In addition to the popular methods of restoring the integrity of the nail plates using gel, acrylic powder or silk for nail repair, you can urgently strengthen the broken free edge with a tea bag.


According to manicure and pedicure masters, using an elastic piece of silk can not only securely fix the damaged area of ​​the nail, but also prevent further destruction of the nail plate. For example, if you seal a crack with only manicure glue, then the fragile connecting material will quickly collapse even with a slight mechanical impact. Silk is suitable for repairing any broken nails at home and you can easily repair such damage as a crack on the free edge or on the plate covering the nail bed, a chip on the extended area of ​​the nail or a broken piece of the natural plate, mechanical damage to the hardened gel polish.

Method number 1 (using gel polish):

Tools and materials:

· A set of manicure tools (nippers, scissors, nail files with varying degrees of hardness);

UV lamp for polymerization;

· Silk for repair of nails;

Base and top gel;

Gel polish (the color that was used to perform the manicure);

· Degreasing agent;

· Klinser.

Stages of work:

❶ Preparation.
First, get rid of the coating on the broken nail - grind the top layer with a hard nail file, and then soften the hard coating with gel polish remover and remove the remnants with an orange stick; we correct the cuticle line and treat the nail with an antiseptic;

❷ With the help of wire cutters, carefully cut out the damaged area of ​​the free edge and slightly trim the corners with a nail file. We process the nail with a degreaser;

❸ Now we apply a base layer on the surface of the nail, do not dry it and gently apply a piece of silk to the free edge, “completing” the damaged area;

❹ Place your finger in a UV lamp and after polymerization apply another base layer, overlapping a piece of silk;

❺ We carry out polymerization again, then remove the sticky dispersion layer with a clinser and correct the shape of the free edge with a nail file;

❻ Now we apply several layers of gel polish, each of which is dried in a lamp;

❼ We apply top gel, seal the end of the nail and do polymerization, after which we remove the sticky layer from the finish coat with a clinser.

Method number 2 (using glue):

Tools and materials:

Glue for manicure;

· Silk for repair of nails;

· A set of nail files and buff;

· Scissors and tweezers.

Stages of work:

❶ We remove the decorative layer with a special liquid, correct the cuticle line;

❷ We take silk and cut out a small piece in the shape of a square with scissors;

❸ If there is a chip on the free edge, then remove the extra pieces with tweezers and align the edges with a nail file, and it is not necessary to process an even crack;

❹ Now we apply glue to the damaged area of ​​the nail, then we apply a piece of silk and carefully level the “patch” with an orange stick;

❺ After the glue is completely dry, take a nail file of medium abrasiveness and shape the free edge, at the same time removing excess glue and leveling the surface of the nail;

❻ Now we apply a layer of decorative material on the nail. If the repaired area of ​​the nail is too noticeable, then you can hide the flaw with sparkles or other decor suitable for the overall nail design.


To dry acrylic powder during the repair of the damaged area of ​​the nail, you can use a special liquid (liquid). In addition to acrylic, we need nail files, scissors and a base (preferably rubber).

Before the procedure, we soften and remove the cuticle, treat the nail with an antiseptic, and then remove the gloss from the surface of the nail plate with a soft nail file. We especially carefully process the plate area around the crack (chip) so that it is perfectly even and smooth.

In the photo: repairing a broken nail with acrylic powder


It is very convenient to cover the crack on the nail plate with a tea bag. To repair the nail, we need a small piece of the bag, corresponding to the size of the damaged area of ​​the free edge. The thin and translucent paper of the bag closes the crack very tightly and is almost invisible on the restored nail.

In the photo: repairing a nail with a tea bag, manicure glue and a nail file


If there is not enough time for a complete repair of a broken nail, then you can use the emergency method of strengthening the plate with a strip of adhesive tape so that the crack does not increase in size.

In the photo: temporary strengthening of a broken nail with tape


Strengthening nails with reinforcing fabrics, in particular silk, is quite popular among women. Using this method, nails that are too soft or brittle, nails that have an uneven surface are strengthened. The reinforcing fabric is applied to the nail plate and shaped to mimic the shape of natural nails. This method is efficient and simple. Your hands will always be well-groomed, beautiful, worthy of being admired.

Durable, reliable, lightweight

Silk to strengthen nails- This is a natural and dense material, which, after gluing to the nail plate, becomes transparent and invisible. The silk layer is lightweight, durable and smooth. It perfectly strengthens nails and meets all the requirements of a modern woman, although the technique was developed long before the advent of nail extensions.

Silk coating, in addition to strength, also has flexibility, and this is very important so that a woman does not experience discomfort due to too hard overlays.

Silk strengthens the entire nail plate, and also fix the free edge of the artificial nail. The silk finish comes in white and pink. It is convenient to use, since after shape correction it forms a minimum amount of villi along the incision line.

Silk for strengthening nails can be produced without an adhesive layer or with an adhesive layer. Self-adhesive fabric is convenient to use because it does not require time to adjust the applied layer, but at the same time, it is less transparent than a clean fabric. Many masters in beauty salons, precisely because of this shortcoming, work with silk without an adhesive layer.

Silk nail coating is preferred by those women and girls who strive for maximum naturalness of manicure and pedicure. In addition, the weight of a reinforced nail is much less than that of a gel or acrylic one. Silk-reinforced nails are easier to correct after they grow back.

Another strong argument in favor of silk. These are allergic reactions. When using natural material, skin irritation is minimized. This is a very important point for those who have developed allergies due to the frequent use of acrylic.

Strengthening nails with silk in the salon and at home

Silk can not only strengthen the nail plate completely, but also correct the breakage of the edge of the nail. To do this, glue is applied to the crack in the nail and a piece of reinforcing fabric of the required size is applied.

Visiting a beauty salon

Yes, you can strengthen your nails with silk at home. Especially if the nail is broken. But it is hardly possible to achieve such an excellent result that a beauty salon offers. The specialists of the salon will put your nails in order, as well as professionally carry out the procedure of nail reinforcement. In addition, after visiting the salon, manicure and pedicure will look bright and natural for up to 30 days. Professional nail care is always more effective and practical than home beauty treatments.

Strengthening nails with silk at home

For this procedure, you will need a nail file, nail glue, a small piece of silk, and nail polish remover.

  • Carefully file your nails with a nail file to give the desired shape, and also process the entire nail plate until the shine is eliminated.
  • From the fabric, cut out the lining in the shape of the nail. Treat the nail plate with nail polish remover.
  • Attach the silk overlay to the nail, carefully straighten and fill with glue. Glue can be spread over the nail with a wooden stick.
  • After the glue dries, treat your nails - file, polish, apply base and varnish.

Strengthening nails with silk is an excellent remedy for women with sensitive skin. This procedure can be recommended to anyone who wants to keep a manicure while performing any work, as well as to those who need to mask cracks or other imperfections in the nail plate.

Silk, intended for repairing nails, is a reliable tool that is used to seal a nail, because it often happens that a girl grows her nails for a very long time and the desired length has already been reached and one or more nails crack, break. In order not to cut the nail at the root, you can use nail repair using silk for this. What is this procedure and how to perform it?

Broken nail

Sometimes a crack on the nails does not occur on the free edge, but in the middle or closer to the base of the regrown nail. Such an unpleasant moment not only causes discomfort, but is also accompanied by pain when touched. And in this case, it is better not to cut off the affected nail, because. it will hurt a lot. Here it would be more expedient to seal the place of the crack so that the nail grows a little. Using silk for this, you can be sure that the repair will not take even 5 minutes, and the result will last up to a week.

If desired, you can do such manipulations until you can painlessly cut the nail.

Most ladies use silk to make the growing process as comfortable as possible. Strengthening the nails with silk is carried out in the same way as the repair, however, in this case, you need to cut off a piece of fabric so that it repeats the shape of the nail. By doing this simple procedure 1-2 times a month, you will be able to grow strong and healthy nails, even though they are prone to brittleness or crumbling.

Instructions for use

You can fix the breakdown in the cabin, where the master will complete the task in just a couple of minutes. However, it is not always possible to reach the salon. Do not worry at such moments, because it will be possible to repair the nails while at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

In order to fix a broken nail, we will have to prepare a number of tools:

  • Silk;
  • Glue (used for repairs);
  • scissors;
  • Buff, nail files.

Having prepared all the necessary tools, you can begin to fix the breakdown. It is best to follow the steps in the following order:

  1. It is important, first of all, to process a broken nail;
  2. Take silk and cut off the right amount of fabric. You can buy such material in any special store;
  3. Apply glue to the crack and place a strip of fabric there. Smooth out the silk using an orange stick. For better grip, these movements should be repeated 2-3 times;
  4. After the adhesive base dries, it is necessary to remove the excess layer of glue. To do this, you need to file the protruding part of the material. This is necessary, first of all, so that the broken part of the nail does not give itself away when varnished.

A little trick that you can use: after repairing the nail, you should apply varnish with small sparkles. In addition, such a varnish will not only hide all the bumps on the nails, but also serve as an additional grip.

Such a procedure will last 2-4 days, and with caution - up to a week.


Quite often in practice you can find silk extensions. This technique allows you to perform high-quality manicure inexpensively. To do this, a piece of tissue is attached to a real nail using a special composition. Tips are placed on the fabric. After that, the nail is leveled.

Tissue extension is an effective method that gives excellent results. This method has many advantages:

  • Beautiful as well as elastic surface;
  • It is possible to correct minor flaws;
  • Materials are used that do not harm the nails.

This method of repair is completely unsuitable in cases where the wound is bleeding. In this case, you risk making it worse.

And most importantly, take care of your nails! Only in this case, the nails will always be healthy and there will be no need to repair them!

Silk nail repair: video tutorial

Long strong nails are the dream of many girls who care about the beauty of their hands. In order to grow your nail plates to the desired length, it sometimes takes up to several weeks. But nails, due to their structure, tend to crack and break. What to do if, after waiting for the moment when you can do the long-awaited manicure, a crack appears on the nail? The answer is simple. Use silk to repair your nails!

Silk is a soft natural fabric, which is created from threads obtained by weaving fibers from the silkworm cocoon. The fibers are a combination of fibroin 75% and sericin 25%. The fabric, created from natural materials, is thin, but very durable. Therefore, it is considered the best material for nail repair. And how to repair a nail with silk, let's take a closer look.

In manicure, silk is used in the following cases:

  • cracks on the free edge of the nail;
  • cracks in the nail covering the nail bed;
  • with a broken piece of the free edge of a natural nail;
  • with a chipped extended nail;
  • to strengthen brittle and thin nail plates;
  • as a material for nail extension.

Nails crack or break if they are not properly nourished or become weak from frequent extensions. In order to repair and strengthen nails, silk is used, which acts as a protective coating of nails and prevents further destruction of the plate.

Silk is a kind of flexible gasket between the glue and the nail. If you seal the cracks only with glue, then the nail will quickly crack again, since the glue is a hard but brittle material.

A nail technician can repair a broken nail in just 10-15 minutes. But this procedure is so simple that it is worth trying to perform it yourself. This is especially true for those women whose nails are weak and brittle. After all, the material purchased for repairs will last for a long time.

Working with silk for nail repair can be reduced to a few simple steps:

  1. Treatment of the nail plate, in which the broken edges are leveled (cleaned with nail files).
  2. Gluing a piece of silk on the nail in the place of the crack.
  3. Grinding with nail files of the junction of the edges of the fabric and the nail plate (elimination of irregularities).
  4. Application of transparent (strengthening) or decorative varnish.

If extended nails or chips of the natural nail plate are being repaired, then gel polishes or acrylic are additionally used. To have a better understanding of the nail repair procedure, you can watch video tutorials on this topic.


Restoration of brittle nails with cracks and delamination of the plate is carried out using fibroin and polyurethane-based bio-coating.

This procedure is called bioreinforcement.

The combination of these two materials gives the nails stiffness and strength, and also imitates the thickness of the natural nail plate. After bio-reinforcement, nails can be applied with a decorative coating or left as is.

Silk for nail repair is practically invisible, as it merges with the natural shade of the nail plates.

Before performing bio-reinforcement, the nail plates are prepared in a certain way: polished with a buff and lubricated with a primer (degreased). Next, a biocorrector is applied to the nail, and a pre-prepared piece of silk, the size of a nail plate, is applied on top.

After the silk has been impregnated with biogel, the coating is dried in a UV lamp. Repeat with all nail plates. At the final stage, the nails are once again covered with a biocorrector and dried in a lamp. If desired, you can perform a manicure with your favorite design.

Silk nail extension

In addition to restoring brittle or broken nails, silk is used as a material for extensions. Other fabrics can also be used to create artificial nails: fiberglass, cotton and linen.

It should be noted that fabrics are soft materials and by themselves cannot create an artificial nail of the required hardness. Therefore, silk in the extension procedure is impregnated with a special composition.

But even in this case, extended silk nails are much inferior to technologies in which gel or acrylic are present. Therefore, such a manicure is rare, and silk is more often used as an element to create gel or acrylic nails.

Nail silk in sets and other materials for nail repair

Silk, designed to work with nail plates, can be bought in rolls on a sticky basis or in the form of blanks in the form of nail plates. It is best to purchase nail repair kits, which include all the tools and tools for a complete procedure.

It is included in the kit:

  • soft nail file or buff;
  • nail silk in tape or cut to size of nail plates;
  • disinfectant liquid;
  • glue.

A buff or nail file 240 grit is designed for polishing the nail plate. This procedure is necessary in order to clean up all the irregularities: chips, delaminations, roughness or sharp edges of a cracked nail.

Disinfectant liquid will neutralize the nail plates from pathogenic microflora. An infection that has fallen into a crack in the nail may begin to develop actively after repair, so this stage is necessary.

The glue has a soft plastic structure and does not harm the nails. If during the repair process the glue gets on the skin, then it is easy to clean it off with an orange stick or a needle.

What can replace silk:

  • In addition to silk, two more fabrics are used to repair and strengthen nails: fiberglass and linen. Of these, preference should be given to fiber. This is an artificial waterproof fabric. It is made using a special weaving technology, so it is very durable. Like silk, it is produced in glue-based rolls. The principle of working with fiber is similar to silk material.
  • Cosmetic liquid silk for nail repair is able to instantly restore a damaged nail. It contains microfiber fibers that create a strong polymer network on the nail plate, protecting it from further destruction.
  • Nail reconstruction kits may contain powder instead of tissue. It is applied to the adhesive and gives it special strength and elasticity. Preparatory and final work on repairing the nail with powder is carried out in the same way as with tissues.
  • You can quickly seal the nail with a paper towel and regular varnish. This option is an emergency and can last no more than 1-2 days. In this case, a paper napkin acts as a cushioning, fixing material between two layers of varnish.

Silk for nails separately and in sets can be purchased at cosmetics stores or ordered on specialized sites on the Internet. In reviews of silk nail repair, brands such as Bohema and Silk Linen Wrap are most often found.

Price overview:

  • Bohema silk, 12 strips included — 100 rubles;
  • Silk Linen Wrap in a roll 3 * 300 cm - 460 rubles.

Repair of nails with silk under gel polish: instructions for performing the procedure

If the nail cracked not on the free edge, but in the area of ​​​​the nail bed, then this is not just unpleasant, but very painful. In this case, the nail should be repaired for a longer period. For this, in addition to repairing the nail, it is recommended to do a manicure with gel polish.

This coating lasts for about three weeks. During this time, the nail plate will grow back, and the cracked nail can be cut off or a long-term manicure can be done again.

Before you start repairing nails with silk under gel polish, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. In addition to materials and tools for repairing the nail, you will need gel polishes, nail files, and a UV lamp.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1
Remove the cuticle in the usual way. Carefully treat the nail plates with a buff. Align the edges of the break and remove the shiny layer. Shape your nails with nail files.

Step 2
Disinfect your nails with a special liquid to eliminate pathogenic microflora that could get into the crack.

Many ladies spend a lot of time caring for their hands. This is especially true for nails. What beautiful young ladies just don’t use to give them the necessary length and create natural beauty. The use of various cosmetic preparations, nourishing masks and restorative therapeutic baths - all this is in use.

But there are situations when a nail or several at once can break. At the same time, you should not immediately despair. There is a very simple and effective way out - silk for nail repair. It will help you quickly and easily solve the problem that has arisen, and you can do it yourself and at home.

Repairing a broken nail

It happens that a crack occurs closer to the middle of the nail plate, and not from the edge. This can be not only uncomfortable, but also painful. At the same time, removing the nail will be very painful and also unsafe. It is necessary to give time to the nail so that it grows at least a little. To do this, it must be strengthened and glued.

You will spend only a few minutes to repair your nails with silk. And if you already have some skills in this matter, then the process will be much faster. The result can last for about a week. It will be possible to perform these manipulations again, before it becomes possible to cut the nail at the fracture site.

Often ladies use silk fabric to get rid of the fragility of the nails. This is achieved by applying several layers of glue and silk, which makes the record harder, minimizing breakage.

Step by step recovery process

Now consider the scheme itself, how to repair a nail with silk in stages. It is repaired in nail salons, where qualified craftsmen can do it in a couple of minutes. But there is not always time and money to turn to a professional. In this situation, you can help yourself.

First you need to prepare the tools:

  • The main "ingredient" is nail silk;
  • Glue with a special biocomposition. As standard, the kit usually comes across glue of not very good quality, so it would be preferable to buy it separately;
  • Do not forget about the anti-adhesive composition. It will come in handy if you suddenly glue your fingers together or apply bio-glue incorrectly;
  • Manicure scissors;
  • Files or buffs of different abrasiveness. Suitable 120 and 220 grit;
  • Disinfector - a means for disinfecting and degreasing the surface of the nails. It eliminates severe overdrying, so the nail becomes normal after half an hour.

In addition to silk, linen and fiberglass are also used. The first type of tissue is used in rare cases. This is due to its rough structure, which does not go well with the “claw”. Fiberglass is slightly more popular than linen, but still inferior to silk fabric.

It is better to purchase material in rolls on a sticky paper basis. To achieve the desired result, the price of fabric together with glue should not be less than 100 rubles. This will allow you to repair the nail with silk more efficiently.

Let's study step by step instructions on how to use silk to repair a broken “claw”:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the broken part of the plate. To do this, make a few light movements with a nail file from the cuticle towards the free edge. This will help trim the edges of the crack and get rid of the shine of the surface. Then you need to degrease with a disinfectant;
  2. Cut the right amount from the fabric roll to cover the resulting crack. It happens that the material suddenly ends. Therefore, it can be replaced with a conventional medical tissue patch. But it should not be rubberized so that the nail can breathe. Paper from a tea bag is also suitable, which can be used after shaking out the tea leaves;
  3. Treat the fracture site with a small adhesive strip and place a cut-out piece of “rag” there in size. Position it evenly on the surface using an orange stick;
  4. When the glue is completely dry, remove the excess. To do this, process the resulting tubercle with a nail file, making the plate smooth. This will hide damage when applying varnish;
  5. After repairing, cover all fingers with texture varnish with small shiny or sandy particles. This will help hide any bumps and increase the adhesion of the fabric and glue to the crack. You can mask the place of breakage with a strassein or some other designer trick.

You should not repair a nail with silk if the skin is damaged during a breakage or bleeding from the wound occurs. It can only hurt. Therefore, contact a specialist immediately.

The scheme of strengthening nails with silk

A similar technology is used to strengthen nails with silk, if the plate is particularly thin. Artificial nails will last longer than natural ones. This is due to the difference in thickness. If you are not a supporter of the extension process, then this procedure will come in handy for you.

To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove glitter using a nail file;
  2. Align the silk piece with the nail bed and cut out the desired shape;
  3. Disinfect and degrease the plate;
  4. Apply an adhesive strip on the nail and attach the cut fabric;
  5. Trim the edges with an orange stick;
  6. After the glue dries, polish the surface with a buff;
  7. Cover with a layer of varnish.

The procedure must be performed several times a month. This will help strengthen and grow nails that will not break and crumble.

Extension using silk fabric

As the main material in this process, silk is not suitable because of its softness. But it will serve as an excellent substrate for gel or tips and will help speed up the building.

  • First you need to process the plate with a file and degrease it;
  • Glue on a strip of silk. After drying, stick the tips to the end of the free edge of the fabric;
  • At the last stage, the surface is ground, and the joint is treated with gel or acrylic.

The process of strengthening or building up can be easily carried out at home, without going to studios or salons.

Where to buy and how much

You can buy silk fabric for repairs at any specialized manicure store or on the Internet. The cost depends on the form of release - in strips or rolls, as well as on the length. On average, one set costs 100 rubles. At the same time, other instruments can be sold both separately and together with silk fabric.

Repairing nails with silk is a quick and easy way to fix the “breakage” of your favorite claws on your own. The procedure can be carried out at home without any serious skills in the art of manicure.

Video: We repair the nail with silk
