Shirt guy the meaning of a phraseological unit. The meaning of the word shirt-guy in the explanatory dictionary of Efremova

    rub`aha-n`aren, rub`ahi-…
    guy shirt...
  • SHIRT-GUY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    rub`aha-n`aren, rub`ahi-…
    m. Simple, open to use ...
    m. Simple, open to use ...
  • SHIRT The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    RIBBED - see fragmentation shirt ...
  • BOY in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    688866, Koryak Autonomous District, ...
  • BOY in the Lexicon of Sex:
    young man, young man, usually before ...
  • BOY V encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    R. Primorsky region, Gizhiginsky district, windingly flows to the NE from the lake, lying in the spurs of the Stanovoy Range, makes a turn to the W ...
  • SHIRT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, f. Same as shirt (in 1 value). * Shirt-guy (colloquial) - open, easy to use ...
  • BOY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -rya, pl. -rni, -ey, m. 1. A young man, a young man (colloquial). Guys and girls. The first settlement in the village (beautiful and …
  • BOY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? R. Primorsky region, Gizhiginsky district, windingly flows to the NE from the lake, lying in the spurs of the Stanovoy Range, makes a turn to ...
    ruba "ha, ruba" hee, ruba "hee, ruba" x, ruba "heh, ruba" boor, ruba "hu, ruba" hee, ruba "hoi, ruba" hoyu, ruba "hami, ruba" heh, ...
  • BOY in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    pa "ren, pa" rni, pa "rny, guy" th, pa "rny, guy" m, pa "rny, guy" th, pa "rn, guy" mi, pa "rne, ...
  • BOY in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Young …
  • BOY in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    see youngsters, man, youth || …
    blouse, guiavera, shirt, shirt, shirt, tunic, ...
  • BOY in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    kid, small, man, undergrowth, boy, guys, boy, boy, boy, lad, man, dude, ...
  • SHIRT in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. Same thing: shirt...
  • BOY in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. Youth, young...
  • SHIRT in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    rub`aha, ...
  • BOY in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
  • SHIRT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    shirt, ...
  • BOY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    boy, boy, pl. guys...
  • SHIRT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    rub`aha, ...
  • BOY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    n'aren, n'arnya, pl. p'arni, ...
    == shirt...
  • BOY in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    Non-st in general, a man, a man close person). guy Colloq young man, young man Boys and girls. …
  • SHIRT in the Dahl Dictionary:
    shirt (chop?) female. shirt, koshulya, vest; clothing made of linen, worn under the bottom, on the body. Russian shirt, kosovorotka, with a clasp ...
  • GUY in the Dahl Dictionary:
    husband. boy, paresh, pareshek, "boy, boy, boy, boy; boys; many guys and boys; boy, boy, young man, kid, well done; single. ...
    shirts, Same as 1 digit shirt. Alexei came out of the house in a white linen shirt, in blue trousers. …
  • BOY in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    guy, m. (colloquial). Youth (originally about an unmarried young peasant). I didn't hang out on guys. Nekrasov. Guys and girls. || At all …
    shirt Same thing: shirt...
  • BOY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    guy m. Youth, young...
  • SHIRT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    and. same as shirt...
  • BOY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m. Youth, young...
  • SHIRT in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    and. unfold Clothes from light fabric for the upper body, which is an accessory of both underwear and outerwear; shirt …
  • BOY in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. Youth, young...
  • SHIRT-GUY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    boy shirt m. Same as: ...
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    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 11:23:49 = B = * We mow the bars, and ask for bread for ourselves. * You can't fill a bin with fables. * …
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colloquial expressions shirt-guy, shirt man approached the Russian literary language no later than the beginning of the 18th century.

In the "Dictionary of the Russian Academy" we read: " Shirt... shirt... It is also said * in common usage about the insidious, very simple-hearted ”(1794, part 5, p. 192). However, this expression until the middle of the XIX century. was regional. It was included in the “Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary” (1852), where it is noted: “ Shirt, and, p. and. A simple man, a simple man. Eco shirt guy. Nizhegorsk (p. 193). P. P. Dubrovsky, having found in this dictionary given value words shirt in the same expressive usage, compared it with Polsk. rubacha`fat, hefty woman'; cf. and rubaszny`hefty, portly; rude, vulgar"

The absence of a nasal sound in this nest of Polish words seems to indicate that their underlying root element rub- should be separated from the root element rQ b- (chopped, shirt, etc.), which has become monotonous.

Acad. B. M. Lyapunov pointed out the need to isolate from a series of words that have the root rQ b in their composition, these groups associated with the root *rub-(cf. other Russian. Ruthie from rub-tee in the meaning of `rob, collect tax', Croatian and Horut. rubiti`rob, take as a pledge', Slovenian. robiti, Italian rubare, German rauben. Wed in Old Croatian Glagolitic texts: cut one mark in the meaning of `requisitions, violence"

Thus, the original meaning of the word shirt could be `rude, strong, simple person'. Suffix -aha gave the root element rub- bright expressive familiar coloring.

Ushakov has an expression shirt boy called colloquial familiar and for some reason placed under the word shirt"shirt" (vol. 3, pp. 1391-1392). Compare immediately: "Alexey came out of the house in a white linen shirt, in blue ports. M. Gorky.

I. S. Turgenev in "Smoke": "Grigory Litvinov, shirt-guy, Russian soul, I recommend, ”Bambaev exclaimed, leading Litvinov to a man of small stature and a landowner’s warehouse ...”.

In P. D. Boborykin’s novel “Kitay-Gorod”: “I thought Chichikov would come out of you, and you - shirt man". In his novel “On the Damage”: “Do you know him from his father? - How not to know, sir. Barin - shirt... And when you buy sheep from them ... on credit.

A.P. Chekhov in the story “Duel”: “Samoilenko ... saw in Laevsky a good fellow, a student, shirt man, With who could drink, and laugh, and talk to their hearts” (ch. 1).

M. Gorky in the story "Spouses of the Orlovs": "Something shirt-guy, A? A worker, he says, a person should always drink in moderation ... do you hear, Motrya? Come on, pour me a glass - is there, or what?

In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language in the "nest" of words chopʻhitting with a swing with a sharp weapon, to divide into parts; cut, cut, chop(compare with A. N. Tolstoy in the novel “Peter I”: “[Peter] drew his sword and slashed it on the table in front of the recoiling generalissimo. Shards of glass flew”), chop- about coal mining in mines; chop`to speak sharply, rudely, bluntly', chopʻeat much and greedily', hack`fight with bladed weapons', cut, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt etc., expressions are systematically included shirt-guy And shirt-guy. Yes, under the word shirt And shirt in the seventeen-volume dictionary (BAS, vol. 12, 1961, pp. 1498 and 1499-1501) a phraseological unit is placed shirt-guy, shirt-guy.

The manuscript has been preserved - five numbered sheets of different forms of ata, two of which have become very yellow from time to time.

Any living organism has a soul, according to Buddhists (or Hare Krishnas, who can figure them out there). Why don't you and I expand the concept of a living organism and present a company in its form.

A company of friends, buddies, employees, hardly known people and even enemies. Represented? So, does she have a soul? Of course have. One person, on whom all eyes are turned, who charms everyone and everything within the limits of his sight and hearing of his jokes or songs. Meet - the soul of the company, your man, merry fellow, joker, shirt-guy.

You ask, aren't girls suitable for the role of the soul of the company? Depends on the company. In fact, it is generally accepted that women do not have the notorious and ephemeral charisma, which is the lot of men. So, the shirt-guy is endowed with it in full. This gives him a huge advantage, especially in female eyes. He attracts and entices. As a rule, such a character is good-looking, but, in general, this is not necessary. The crazy natural charm that he has learned to use guarantees him success with the opposite sex. He knows how to win over not only women of his age, but also men, children, old women and little girls.

The shirt guy is quite erudite. No, he most likely does not know how the transcendent differs from the transcendental, unless the poor thing has managed to torture her beautiful ears with lectures on philosophy. His knowledge is universal, and, like any universal thing are rather shallow. He can talk about meerkats (because he saw them on "In the Animal World") or Einstein saying "God doesn't play dice" because he read about it on the Internet. meerkats, nor what the great physicist had in mind he will not be able to.I do not argue that the detachment of meerkat affiliation cannot seriously interest a girl to whom these meerkats lie on her ears in the form of elegant noodles, unless she is not moderately meticulous, and if she is very interested , why Einstein collected gambling and the Lord God in one phrase, then you can really read about it on the Internet.

The fact is that such superficiality extends to all spheres of his life. My native uncle just such a merry fellow and a shirt-guy. As a child, he seemed to me a deity, he was so sweet, pleasant and cheerful. All he needed was winking and a conspiratorial whisper "tell me later how your dolls are doing" in a noisy adult company, where no one cared about me, so that I would sit quietly in some quiet nook, with these same dolls, waiting for my uncle to finally come to me and these same dolls. He left long after midnight, arm in arm with some friend of my parents, good-natured and handsome, not paying any attention to little me in the corner with a doll in trembling hands.

Such a feature - to promise and not to do, is characteristic of many charming and attractive, even regardless of gender. And self-confident men even more so believe that they can be forgiven anything for being such "cuties". My uncle didn't come own wedding. He took a walk at the dacha of a friend, carried away, according to him, by fishing. I felt sorry for his bride to tears, confused and waiting for something, like a little me with a doll in her hands. The uncle appeared an hour and a half late, almost causing his relatives to have heart attacks, and the bride before returning the ring and throwing the veil under his feet. For the first time, his charm failed. However, all non-obligations of a smaller scale were regularly forgiven to him.

The shirt-guy cannot imagine his life without the soul of which he, in fact, is. Companies and all sorts of gatherings - that's his element. Sharing a roof with him is already a big test. The doors of your joint house will be open to his friends, buddies, buddies of his friends, school mates of his casual acquaintances and so on. Hospitality is a great thing, and worthy of many praises, but only, like much in this sublunar world, within reasonable limits. And if he is not only your roommate, but also a life partner, then be prepared for the fact that, in addition to pathological hospitality and incredible philanthropy, the shirt-guy is unpretentious in everyday life. That is, so much so that he absolutely does not care how comfortable conditions residence. He is sure that the dishes are washed by themselves, the borsch is formed on a tablecloth, and the wife / girlfriend is a wonderful decoration, and she fell on his head as a reward for his exclusivity.

I don't know if the shirt guy knows how to love. I hope he can. But I know for sure that he loves what he is incomparable in. And while his life partner is tormented by inattention and the invasion of hordes in the house, her friends sigh enviously, remembering that the shirt-guy dances divinely, sings songs around the fire incomparably and plays bowling flawlessly. And his relationship with women is very simple. He loves their company, because, as a rule, he knows how to treat us, and what kind of noodles to hang on our ears. In the form of meerkats, for example.
