Good morning, I miss you. Good morning poems for your beloved

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Good morning ! The sun has risen
Tell me how I missed you!
Don’t torment the heavens either:
Sent a warm SMS!

Good morning! How did you sleep?
Apart from your beloved bird?
I'm looking forward to the night:
I'll definitely come!

A ray of sunshine knocked
In a bright window.
He gave a kiss
From my beloved baby!

Good morning, dear!
Oh, I wish I could wake up with you!

Wake up quickly
I've been waiting for a call late at night.
Come warm me up
I'm very bored without you!

Are you awake or not?
Give me an answer soon
I've been sitting for a whole hour now,
I'm grieving without your calls!

Good morning! Get up!
Drink sweet tea rather
And then - come to me quickly!
There are no more options...

Wake up! Stop sleeping!
The sun has been shining for a long time!
Go out for a walk soon
Come out for a walk with me!

A ray of sun wanders along the wall,
Tickled you on the nose.
Don't be angry: I miss you
I just wanted to tell you!

The morning dawn has already dawned
And I send you my tender greetings,
Wake up quickly, remember: it’s me -
Your beloved and sweet!

Good morning! with a kiss
I want to wake you up...
Only this is different,
In the meantime, get up, cowboy!

Good morning! I missed you
I couldn’t stand it – I wrote it!
Don't be angry about it,
Just stand up and smile!

So the morning has come...
How to wait enough
Do I have a dawn without you?
I’m writing this quickly, my love!

Good morning, darling, get up!
I've already drunk my morning tea,
I'm waiting for you to call. And you keep snoring...
Come on, call me quickly, baby!

My beloved! Good morning!
How hard it was for me to wait for him!
I want to hear your voice soon,
Like grass - the sound of drops from the roof!

Wake up, my dear! It's time!
The day has begun. Hurry in the morning
Remember your baby.
Hope we meet again!

Good morning! I hasten to inform you:
Overnight I managed to fall in love more deeply.
I gently whisper that I miss you, I grieve,
That’s why I wake you up very early!

Good morning! Have a nice meeting!
Do you remember last night!
If yes - write the answer!
I'm really waiting for you, my light!

Good morning, my brave hero!
I didn’t wait for the call, and I myself
I had to send this message!
Don't be angry. Tell me how you slept?

Good morning! How did you sleep?
Apart from your beloved baby?
Not so much for me: I waited,
So that the dawn comes quickly,
To know: just a little more -
And I can sleep with you!

Good morning, my baby!
Are you bored, dear?
Darling, don’t wait too long -
Call me back quickly!

I woke up at dawn today,
Hearing the singing of wondrous birds...
I miss you so much! Sending hello
And a gentle look from under the eyelashes!

I could hardly wait for the morning!
Wake up. I miss. I'm waiting for a call...
Oh yes! I hasten to say:
Melted in your hands!

Good morning! New day
Gives a lot of anticipation...
I hope more
There will be lots of dates!

I wish you good morning,
Let's remember about me as soon as possible, dear!
I couldn't sleep for so long yesterday,
And then I met you in a dream!

Good morning! Are you awake?
Why are you silent then?
If you can, call
Or send an SMS!

Good morning. I just missed you
I really wanted to write to you.
If you find a minute for a signal -
I will be only glad to answer you!

Don't wake up - I'm just the wind
I whisper in your ear:
There is no more handsome guy in the world,
In the morning I fly to you with my soul!

Good morning, darling!
I'm texting
Invisibly next to you
I lie as a transparent shadow.

Gentle, warm breeze
A couple of lines inspired me.
Good morning I send them
And I’ll add that I love it.

I'm sending a good morning message,
And if suddenly it won’t be difficult
I will be glad to answer you,
Like the sun in the morning garden...

Good morning to you, dear!
Do you remember yesterday we were with you?
If you remember about the meeting, call.
If I forgot, well then, sorry...

Wake up! I'm already tired of waiting,
I missed you all night!
Send me a sign that it's mine,
And you can continue to sleep, dear!

Good morning, super macho!
A nimble bunny jumped into the window,
Tickled your nose
Kissed me instead!

Good morning, darling,
Wake up quickly!
Unique joys
Let this day prepare
May good luck come to you
Happiness and joy are in a hurry,
May your tasks be easy
They will decide for themselves!

Good morning, Darling, beloved!
I miss you so much, irresistible.
I will send you a tender kiss and ask you to hug me.

Good morning! Good afternoon!
Come to me on horseback!
Life gets funnier
I see you - more fun!

Good morning, my other half!
Let this day be like a party!
Everything will be fun, friends are nearby,
I kiss you sweetly on your lips!

Good morning, my beloved,
My beloved and dear.
Indispensable for me
Your look and gentle image.
I'll wake up with you
I want it every day, baby.
You get up and smile
I know you are no longer sleeping.

Good morning, the sun has risen,
A labor feat awaits us!
So that the authorities do not torment you,
Hurry up, my dear!

Good morning dear!
No time for simple sleep!
Come run to me soon
I want you, I'm on fire!

Darling, good morning,
Let it be cheerful
Get out of bed quickly!
I kiss you sweetly!

I wish you good morning!
Good morning will come, I know.
Look for something positive every morning
Spend the day with a cheerful motive!

Good morning, honey.
You are so dear to me.
I love so much!
My heart feels like it's on fire.
I'm writing about this.
Feelings are a thread
And then the secrets
Perish - maybe.

Ray plays on the pillow
And tickles your nostrils.
And specks of dust are flying
In the soul of the morning dawn.
Good morning, wake up,
The house whispers, the parquet floors creaking,
Plunge yourself headfirst
To this world, warmed by warmth!

Well, come on, get up already,
My sunshine!
Look, my love,
It's bright outside!

"Good morning!" - affectionately
I'm telling you.
And now it's definitely you
Get up quickly!

May the morning bring only joy
And happiness from new victories!
Let every little thing be important
It will shine like a star!

Happy and cheerful morning!
Let the day go with a bang!
Let everything be relaxed,
Good morning to you!

So that your day is not sad,
Fresh, stupid and tasteless!
I wish you good morning,
Congratulations on good morning!

Darling, dear, good morning!
I wish you joy.
And if for some reason it’s gloomy -
Just smile at the star.

Look - she's already meeting
Us in the clear blue sky.
And everyone dreams again in their souls
Always stick to your guns.

The sun is shining from above,
Good morning, dear!
Let your dreams come true
You have it, my love!

Good morning, dear and beloved,
Don’t be bored without me on this day!
Let him bring you positive light,
All wishes come true, you know!

Let the sun shine this morning,
Gentle rays give warmth,
Let adults and children smile,
May you be lucky today!

Good morning, darling!
Wait for me, wait for me, wait!
We will be inseparable with you!
The sun will break through the clouds!
The stars will light up in the sky!
Leaves will break through the stone!
The rain will bring freshness from the sky,
I will always be gentle with you!

I am writing to my beloved.
Am I in a hurry to tell him?
There are many words in this world
To describe love.

I'll tell you about her
I'm wandering in the forest of love.
Good morning, my sweet one.
I am always with you in spirit.

May it be a pleasant day
My beloved, wake up!
May it be a good morning.
My dear, smile!

I want this morning
Filled with only light
So that you smile at me,
I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t upset,
I wish you a good morning!
I only dream about you.

Phrase - good morning...
How much light there is in it!
You suddenly tell someone -
It will be more fun.

I am for you, my love,
I'll say it again - get up.
Let love be beautiful
It will turn into paradise.

Good morning kitten,
Stop yawning, smile little angel
Get up, stretch, drive away sleep and laziness
And let it be joyful
Present day.

With the first ray of dawn,
I'll come to you
Good morning, dear!
I'll tell you
You see, the sun is shining,
The bird choir sings
Stop sleeping, get up dear
Love is calling us!

Early in the morning
I'll still wake you up
Lots of things to do, enough worries: -
Good morning, get up, Zaya.

Breakfast is already ready
Drink coffee, eat pie.
You woke up, everything is great
The renovation can begin.

Honey, sunshine, get up!
Quickly open your eyes!
Good morning my dear,
You and I will be together!

The sun met the moon
Good morning, dear!
Enough sleep, it's time to get up,
So as not to miss the day!

Brew delicious coffee
Call me for it!
I, my love, give
All my love to you!

Congratulations on good morning,
And I'm looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward to our meeting,
I'm waiting, hoping and loving!

Good morning! It smells like sunshine
The coming clear day.
Let everyone smile.
We lead him to hearts.

Let your beloved one with dawn
Your soul will become brighter.
This is a good omen
Let it be more fun again.

Good morning, darling!
Happy new beginning to you,
Kind and most beautiful -
That's who I am.
May this day, my dear,
Everything is going well!
The day will be good, fine,
Love will bring happiness!

By the morning dew
Yes, with bare feet, -
I'm running to you again:
Please with words.

I'll cling to you tightly
And I’ll say this quietly:
"I love you, my dear,
Good morning, husband!

The sun has already woken up,
And your breakfast is ready.
Get up quickly, my love,
No need for unnecessary words!

I love you simply because you exist
I love you even if you're not here right now
I love you and sometimes I surprise myself,
I love you, I was different before
I love you - and there is no other like you!
I love you, you are my favorite person!
Good morning, my kitten!

I’m calling you, honey, to say hi!
Good morning, my amulet!
Keep you from grief, pain and troubles!
You are the best, my God, my athlete!
How did you rest? What did you see in your dream?
I hope all your dreams
Only about me!
How are your strength? Restored?
Only you are incredibly dear to me.
We will be close, you and me!
I'm looking forward to the evening, my joy!

May every morning be a new day,
Greets you with a smile!
And a ray of sunshine in a frozen window,
Will remind you of me...
About what I love
That I breathe you
About the fact that I am yours
And you, my dear!

I’ll say good morning with a smile.
Dear, beautiful sunrise today.
Feelings shine brightly like the sun.
There is no grief or troubles in him.

The meadows and rivers have already awakened.
The stream whispers quietly for you.
Rays of bright gentle candles.
They give you a slightly teasing smile.

Good morning dear!
Good morning, beloved!
Good morning, obstinate!
Good morning beautiful!
Good morning, good!
Good morning strict!
Good morning different!
Good morning, passionate one!
I wish you good morning!
It’s always a pleasure for me to write these lines!

My beloved, wake up, wake up!
Don't be lazy to get up in the morning.
After all, I've been waiting for you for so long
I can't stand it anymore.

I want to kiss you
Hug you, hold you close.
Hear your gentle voice
Congratulations on the morning, my dear!

Good morning, my sweetie!
I'm always with you in my thoughts,
Let everything go smoothly
On this day, such a bright one!

Early morning, the sun has risen,
“Good morning” whispered to you.
Open your eyes, my beloved baby,
I'm waiting and hoping that you call!

The sun is creeping from the east.
Get up quickly, couch potato!
I'll catch a ray of sunshine
And I will give it to you.
I wish you good morning,
Because I love you!

I wish you good morning with love!
Let there be no sadness in the new day!
May this day bring a lot of laughter,
And there will be no problems and adversity!
May this day go well
And he will take all the sorrows with him!

Morning came, interrupted the dream
Sweet kitten who is in love with me
Kind, good, faithful, beautiful,
Tender, fluffy, affectionate, sweet.

I want to greet the morning with you
And only serve you coffee in bed.
I always wish you good morning -
My love and joy!

When you suddenly wake up
Then I will be nearby.
My dear, you are like the sun -
He brought light into the days of existence.

I will say “Good morning!
It's time for you to get up!
And kiss you on the lips, -
I love to kiss you!

In response you will smile,
Hold me close.
You're like a light in a window, -
With you I am happy everywhere!

Good morning, my beloved,
My beloved and dear.
Indispensable for me
Your look and gentle image.
I'll wake up with you
I want it every day, baby.
You get up and smile
I know you are no longer sleeping.

I want to wish you
Have a nice morning.
So that you never lose heart,
You are my only one, beloved.

Good morning, my dear!
My beloved, my dear,
The most tender and desirable,
Affectionate and long-awaited!

Good morning, my beloved!
Be full of strength today
Positive and excitement
Like a cat in early March!

Good morning, my dear,
I feel so good about you.
Know you, I love you, I always miss you!

Good morning to you,
I wish you strength in the fight
This morning I want
To cling to your shoulder!

Cool game - "Catch the cat"

Surround the cat with circles so that he does not run away from the field.
The cat is very smart. Prove that you are smarter!

Good morning, my love! Good morning, darling! These are the words you want to say to your loved one when you wake up at dawn. But what if you are now separated by kilometers? It’s okay, you can say good morning beautifully via SMS! And this section can help you in this matter.

Here you will find universal and targeted, beautiful and sometimes funny good morning SMS messages, written in poetry and prose.

“A ray of sunshine pushed aside the darkness”
A ray of sunshine parted the darkness
And he knocked on the window.
In my beloved's bedroom
The telephone rang.

SMS says:
The night has passed, it's time to get up.
Good morning! I miss
And I want to kiss you!

"The Long Night Becomes Dawn"
The long night turns into dawn
The early morning light began to shine through the windows.
What a wonderful day this is coming!
I will wake you up, my sun!

Good morning! Look out the window -
All these fresh colors of dawn
I'll give you like flowers
May you smile like the sun!

“Open your eyes quickly”
Open your eyes quickly
The night has passed, but the morning is colorful
Gives his bright ones,
As a sign of my love for you!

You, my love, will wake up,
And, of course, you will smile!
Good morning to you,
Coffee is waiting, my love!

“You look like a girl in the morning”
You look like a girl in the morning.
Smells like apple, soft skin.
Without makeup, in home pajamas,
You are incomparable, I’ll tell you straight.

I would repeat this tirelessly
Night and day, winter and summer.
I would whisper to you: “Good morning!”
And my cute little nose helped me powder it.

"Expensive! It's time to get up!"
Expensive! It's time to get up!
Already strangled the bed!
No matter how the dreams captivate you,
We need you in real life now!

You'll poke around for another hour -
And you will lose me!
Someone will take possession of me...
Waiting for you!!! Your job.

“Be happy, don’t be discouraged!”
Dawn. And the morning came
Let it give you strength,
May it bring you good luck
Magic will come with him.

May all things succeed,
Luck may not fail you.
Darling, greet the morning,
And be happy, don’t be discouraged!

“Everything in life happens strangely”
Everything in life happens strangely
Crying and laughter follow the hand.
Beauties look from the screen,
But you, dear, are the best.

Your wonderful smile -
There is a bright light on my road.
I don’t believe that happiness is fragile.
When you are near, there is no grief.

“I can imagine how sweetly you sleep”
I imagine how sweetly you sleep, sprawled out on the bed, and I quietly enter your bedroom and wake you up with a kiss, ahead of the ringing of the alarm clock, so that the first thing you see when you wake up is my smile full of love. And now I am sending you this smile via SMS. Good morning, darling!

“Good morning, my beloved!”
Good morning, my beloved!
Shines tenderly and sweetly
Sun on your bed
That's it, it's time to get up!

A fairy tale will happen after sleep,
Happiness will knock on the door!
May the morning be gentle
And success will help wisely!

"A glimpse of morning is knocking on the window"
A glimpse of morning is knocking on the window,
Gives with the sun's first ray
There is light for you - you need it,
May you be lucky, dear, in everything.

I know it will be a lucky day,
I wish you good things.
Don't be sad - everything will work out, believe me,
Everything will work out the way I wanted!

"I forgot your number"
I forgot your number and sent a bunch of SMS “good morning” to a thousand different numbers! I wished everyone to wake up in a great mood and asked them to call me back to say good morning in return, but no one has answered me yet! Honey, if this is you, don’t be cruel, respond to my message!

"Don't frown, dear!"
Yesterday you were sad
And, subject to whims,
I was ready
Give you the whole world.

Don't frown, dear!
You smile - and happiness
Will sparkle with a smile
In response to you immediately.

“A wonderful day awaits you!”
Darling, good morning! A wonderful day awaits you! Having found some money in your stash, you will want to drink beer. Then you will understand that beer without vodka is money down the drain. If you add, you will get lost and fall somewhere under a fence. Please tell me the location of the fence - I will pick you up. Forever yours I.

“The morning will be in chocolate”
The morning will be in chocolate,
If you answer me now,
Don't forget about the date
You'll notice a new haircut,

Give compliments
And you will buy a gift!
Wake up! I'm suffering
Without you, my sweet! Come on!!!

“Hello, I’m a fun, mischievous SMS!”
Hello, I'm a fun, mischievous SMS! The one who wrote me and sent you earnestly asked me to tell you that he loves you very, very much, misses you and is looking forward to meeting you! He also asked to cheer you up, cheer you up and wish you a good day to start with a good morning! So good morning!!!

“Good morning, my love!”
Good morning, darling,
Open your eyes quickly
The most unique
You start a new day!

May all your dreams come true,
Forget about the bad things
Let the morning be joyful,
Be cheerful!

“Good morning, my dear!”
Good morning, dear, tender!
Good morning, my dear!
A boundless flood of words of love,
Flooded my soul to the brim!

I don't want anything without you,
I’m not living, I’m just wasting my life.
You are the salvation from loneliness!
Wake up quickly, I miss you!

"Take a cup of tea and remember me"
The sun has already risen! Darling, wake up!
After all, a wonderful day is coming!
Open your eyes and smile at him -
There is no use in being sad in the morning.

Take a cup of tea and remember me...
Well?.. Aren't you happy?
Good luck, success and have a bright day!
And good morning, my dear!

Darling, you know, an ordinary person is eighty percent water. And only I consist of eighty percent love, nine percent words of tenderness and one percent the best wishes with which I send you this SMS…. Good morning, my beloved!

“Good morning, my darling!”
Good morning, my darling,
Let the sun in the window wake you up,
Let it awaken nature, let it be elegant,
Giving joy to your soul, giving joy to your heart!

Wake up, my beloved, tender one,
Drive away the dream, my beauty!
Love rushes towards you like crazy,
Carrying happiness and strength with you!

"May this morning be good"
May this morning be good
Let the bad things pass
Everyone who is like us loves each other,
Let him find happiness in his heart!

Let the morning come again
It brings you love
And every moment, my dear,
May it come to you with joy!

“Darling, thank you for being here”
Darling, thank you for being there,
That you greet the morning with a smile,
That we are not afraid of either trouble or flattery,
That you don’t notice sorrows and evil.

Your love is like the sail of a ship,
And without you I’m storming around the world.
Without getting tired I say: “I love you!”
I love you... And I don't expect an answer...

“Get up and don’t regret the night visions”
Darling, look, the morning lights up,
All that was left of the night was a pale shadow,
And everything that is not difficult for a man to cope with,
Will give you the coming day.

Don't waste precious minutes:
Get up and don’t regret the night visions,
So that life is not measured by the time of day,
And our love - yours and mine!

“I saw you in a dream last night”
I saw you in a dream last night...
You smiled so magically at me...
Or maybe it wasn’t me you smiled at,
What about the thoughts that come in spring?

But then the morning came, and again
I will wait for your smile, dear.
Why be sad? After all, you and I live through life
Walking hand in hand together for forty years!

"The sun plays with its rays"
My beloved, good morning!
Listen to the birds sing
They are their own songs, as if
They give it to you alone!

And the sun plays with its rays,
Wake up, my dear, quickly!
Let the morning inspire you
To new achievements quickly!

“How did you sleep, love?”
How did you sleep, my love?
Good morning! Look,
How many colors are there in the shimmer
Awakening dawn!

It doesn't matter that he's so capricious
Multi-genre February.
You'll see - a day with a surprise
The calendar is preparing for us!

“Isn’t it time for us to come out of hiding?”
Good morning, my beloved! Isn't it time for us to come out of hiding and make our feelings official? I beg you, change your nickname on the internet, because my wife often gets into my phone. Having stumbled upon the message “Meet me at 10”, he begins to open his contacts and, seeing the sender under the nickname “Death”, always squeals very loudly.

"I remember your lips"
Darling, good morning! I remember your lips, your tender hands, your smile - and everything inside melts with happiness... When starting the car in the morning, I called it by your name, gently chirped “Darling” to the traffic police officer, and then automatically said to the boss: “Babe... “I really envy you because you can tenderly repeat my name while your fingers run across the keyboard. Smack-smack, dear! Your Klava.


Sometimes you want to surprise your other half in the morning, remind them of yourself, and please them. A lifesaver in this case will be gentle messages to your loved one via SMS good morning wishes.

Dear girls, for you and your beloved guys this is a selection of beautiful SMS wishes: in poetry and prose, in your own words and a little funny. Well, if you are far from each other, choose the text you like and send your sweetheart an SMS.

Good morning, my beloved - the best, the sweetest!

Short and beautiful SMS “Good morning” to your beloved guy

Good morning, my beloved,
The best, the cutest!
Hurry up, get up
Welcome the new day well.

I'm the happiest person in the world -
After all, the morning begins with you.
Darling, I love you
And “Good morning!” - I say!

Good morning, my cat.
Wake up, stop sleeping.
I kiss your nose
It's high time to get up.

Good morning, dear!
The sun has already risen.
And your smile
I sent it to you.
Enjoy the minutes
Morning, dawn.
Smile at people
Open up to the light.

Good morning, beloved, the only one!
May the dawn smile on you.
And in this mysterious radiance
Send the most tender greetings!

Good morning my delight,
Stop basking in your crib.
I wish you a great mood,
Lots of bright and fresh ideas!

My love, good morning!
Let all the vanity disappear,
May everything work out today.
And even better than always.

The birds sang outside the window,
And the sun is knocking on the house,
And I'm knocking on your heart,
To take your place there.
I dream about this so much
And good morning!

I'll come see you on a magical morning
And today I will become your awakening.
And I will kiss you with the morning sun,
And now I will be a complete obsession!

Darling, good morning!
How did you sleep?
The sun is shining warm,
Give up your dreams quickly.
Events await you
New, happy,
Surprises and discoveries
And your beloved.

Some people dream of a yacht, some of diamonds, some of travel or shopping. And some people only care about one thing - waking up and starting their day next to their loved one.

My dear, may your morning start successfully!

SMS “Good morning” to a guy in your own words

I send good morning wishes to my beloved one. My dear, may your morning start successfully and be filled with a great mood and new ideas, may your day be fruitful and successful, and may your evening delight you with pleasant surprises and warm moments. Kiss.

Good morning, honey. Are you already on your way to work and probably got stuck in a serious traffic jam? Don't worry and don't be nervous! Remember that I adore you, I miss you very much, I’m looking forward to the evening...

My love, wake up! A sparkling day awaits you, full of magic and future fulfillment of desires. Today and always, the tasks you set will have worthy solutions, and your dreams will certainly come true. Know that you are invulnerable and brave, you can handle anything, because my love gives you strength!

My dear, good morning! Look, you woke up, and the whole world trembled and sparkled with rainbow colors. This morning will be for us a happy beginning of a new life, in which there will be prosperity and success. I believe in you and in our love!

It's time to wake up, dear cat. The dark night gave way to a crystal dawn, which brought purity and freshness, cheerfulness and positivity. Such a magical morning means that today you will experience success and good luck, believe in it. And my love will support you and envelop you in tenderness.

I want to sing, fly, smile a lot and convey a piece of this cheerfulness and this mood to you! Good morning, my love!

Good morning, my happiness, my joy, my love and my reward! I woke up, thought about you and immediately wrote! I miss you and love you!

A beautiful, smart and caring girl sends her greetings to you, who really wants to hug you, kiss you and wishes you good morning and a great day!

How great it is to wake up and realize that very close in this world there is a person whom you love and who loves you! Good morning, my sweetie!

Good morning! I wish you to be in a good mood and not to forget about the girl who treats you so kindly! Always yours!

Let's wake up together one morning and walk around the city all day, dream about the future, drink coffee and just enjoy life! Wake up soon, good morning!

Wake up, dear cat!

Cool SMS for a guy “Good morning”

“Good morning,” I whisper
And I want to hug you!
It's already light outside,
The sun is high in the sky!
Enough to crumple the crib,
It's high time to get up!

Wake up, dear cat,
And don’t frown your delicate nose.
Stretch on the bed
And get up, smile.

Your muscles need charging
It's morning, it's time to get up,
Drink coffee without added sugar,
After all, I can give you dessert myself.

You are lying and dreaming about something,
Taking up the entire sofa.
Morning is already knocking on us.
Wake up, my Sultan.

Hello baby, wake up
And don't lie in bed,
Wash, get dressed,
Get ready for the journey!

Birds are chirping outside the window,
You will eat eggs for breakfast,
Drink coffee as usual
Don't forget your things!

Good morning my beloved
You are so beautiful this morning.
Tender, sleepy, funny,
My only one, dear.

Wake up, my cute kitten!
“Good morning,” I whisper in your ear.
I wish you have enough strength
Say goodbye to the soft pillow.

I wish the blanket
That which tempts you to sleep again,
It couldn't hold me in sweet captivity.
Come on, quickly leave the bed!

Stop cuddling with the blanket
And stop kissing the pillow.
The morning has long come in the yard,
My dear, it's time for you to get up.

I've already pushed through the whole bed,
Darling, it's time to get up!
Stop sleeping like a bear!
It's time to fuck your conscience!

I've been on my feet since dawn,
You are in the feather-clouds!
Show solidarity
Send your body to the bath!

Good morning SMS is a charge of vivacity, energy and a desire to meet your loved one as soon as possible.

Good morning, happy new day, it’s a pity we don’t live together...

Good morning SMS to your beloved guy at a distance in poetry and prose

How I want to be near you now,
To wish you good morning,
Touch you with a tender gaze
And timidly kiss on the cheek.

Somewhere there is a warm, gentle, kind, affectionate heart beating, the owner of which is now reading this SMS. Good morning, darling!

Let the sun's kiss wake you up,
And the rays will write on the window,
That I really need you now,
And I miss you!

When I woke up, I realized how much I miss you. I miss you terribly and love you... Good morning, my dear!

My beloved, my good one!
The most affectionate, handsome!
Good morning, happy new day,
It's a pity we don't live together...
There is progress now,
SMS will fix everything.

How I would like to hug you at night and protect my sleep, to be your star, to illuminate you and give you dreams, like in a fairy tale. But I can only send a kiss and say good morning to you...

Let the sun look through your window
And with a ray of light he will write on the wall,
I wish you a good morning now.
I want you to remember me.

My tender kisses fly to your distant city. Crystal morning envelops you with the most tender coolness. Feel the light breeze carry my boundless love

Good morning, most beloved,
Although I'm not with you now.
Don't miss me so much, darling,
I am with you with all my soul.

May this day be magical
And the most beautiful and lightest.
Let him be kind, sincere,
And you should be strong and dexterous.

May my love bring magical light and give you a feeling of happiness. Our date is inevitable, I’m waiting for you and dreaming of the days and nights that we will spend together, never being separated again.

Good morning dear
How I want to be with you!
Know that I adore you
And I always live for you!

The coming day brings our meeting closer. I don’t notice the long nights, they pass quickly in anticipation of a new morning, when I will hear your dear voice again.

Open your eyes my boy
I love you madly!
For me you are my dear bunny,
I want to see you!

I dream of waking up from your sleepy whisper, tender kiss and warm hug. But while we are apart, I can only wish you, my only one, a glorious morning with the tart aroma of coffee and the bright rays of the sun. I love!

Let your morning coffee be as sweet as my kisses. Our meeting is approaching, and I am counting the hours and minutes. I love and wait for you!

I got up in a good mood because I would soon see my unique one. The morning is beautiful, and the day is magical, because I have you!

These articles are for your loved ones: they contain beautiful wishes for good morning and a good day in SMS:

This video is for your beloved, gentle, cute, your cat and the sun!

Many people know the common phrase that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes. And yet this statement is not entirely true. The strong half of humanity Same needs gentle words and sincere compliments. Even the most brutal men want to feel loved and needed.

Tender words will lift your mood for the whole day!

There are many affectionate expressions and beautiful phrases with which you can please a man. But it is worth remembering that each specific situation requires a certain approach, otherwise, apart from bewilderment, a compliment said inappropriately will not cause anything.

What kind words are best to say to your beloved man in the morning?

Morning is the main time of day for a person. The mood in which he greets the new day will be how he will spend it. Therefore, it is very important to wish your loved one good morning in your own words, intended for him personally.

Male psychology is somewhat different from female psychology, so There is no need to weave multi-layered verbal laces; simple and heartfelt confessions are enough.

It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of a man’s character and his lifestyle. Some people like baby talk, while others find it annoying. Some are proud of their mental abilities, while others are proud of their athletic physique.

Couples who have lived together for a long time, who know each other’s habits and preferences well, have their own special affectionate words and funny nicknames. Those who are just entering into a love relationship will have to come up with more and more affectionate phrases so that they achieve their goal.

Among the options for humorous words spoken to a loved one in the morning, we can highlight the main ones:

  • the name of an animal, used in a diminutive version: tiger cub, bunny, cat (the most common option, therefore, banal);
  • nouns baby, sunshine, angel, heart (also quite familiar and often used);
  • adjectives unique, dear, gentle, best, sexy, desirable, unique (but the adjective dear is not very popular with men, because, in their opinion, it is faceless and cold);
  • affectionate derivatives of the name: Olezhek, Dimulya, Lyoshik (a person’s name is his property, so a man is pleased when he is called by name, and even with tenderness);
  • adding a personal pronoun: you are my love, you are my happiness, you are my strength, you are my support, you are my protector (but comparative words should be abandoned: best of all, most gentle, etc.);
  • rarely used words: superman, male, brutal, macho (usually such characteristics surprise a man, but are also pleasant at the same time).

The main thing in a relationship is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

There are also a great many magical phrases, spoken in your own words, that will diversify the usual good morning wishes to your loved one:

  • I'm happy with you;
  • It’s so nice to wake up next to you;
  • I feel calm and comfortable when you are near;
  • I rejoice at the new day because I will see you again...

The list of kind words is endless. In addition, you can add more and more new epithets and affectionate nicknames that will delight your loved one. You just need to show your imagination, while emphasizing the best qualities of your chosen one.

Good morning wishes to your loved one in prose

“Good morning, darling” in your own words does not require special literary skills and poetic inclinations.

It is important that kind words and invigorating compliments sound natural, come from the heart, even if they are simple and naive.

Men are good at feeling falsehood and insincerity. Just a few gentle phrases can color the emerging day with bright colors with a romantic touch.

Tender words for a guy at the beginning of the day

Newly-made love couples are distinguished by their emotionality, passion, and desire to constantly be close. That’s why it’s so important for them to say tender words to each other and arrange little surprises.

A guy in love doesn’t need much; he will be pleasantly surprised and delighted by simple but touching lines.

There are templates that will help a girl set her beloved in the right mood immediately after waking up:

  1. « Good morning, dear! May you feel great, may your spirit be cheerful, and may your day be successful. Let the crystal morning charge you with positivity and bestow you with sunny energy. My love will help you find wings and inspire you to great deeds. Go confidently to where resounding victories, boundless happiness and the fulfillment of your innermost desires await you!”
  2. « My love, wake up! A sparkling day awaits you, full of magic and future fulfillment of desires. Today and always, the tasks you set will have worthy solutions, and your dreams will certainly come true. Know that you are invulnerable and brave, you can handle anything, because my love gives you strength!”
  3. « Tender dawn, like my love for you: the gentle rays of the morning sun give goodness and peace to the soul. Feel how happiness awakens. May the new day be a wonderful start to a happy future for you.”
  4. « Darling! I know the coming day will be successful and pleasant in every way. Remember: I love you and want to constantly talk about the overwhelming feelings I have for you. In your arms I feel happy. I need your kisses and intimate confessions every second!”
  5. « My dear, good morning! Look, you woke up, and the whole world trembled and sparkled with rainbow colors. This morning will be for us a happy beginning of a new life, in which there will be prosperity and success. I believe in you and in our love!”

Kind words for your husband in the morning

If a married couple is caught up in everyday life and there is no former romance in the relationship, you need to try to return wonderful feelings of love and understanding to each other. This can be done by showing sensuality and romantic actions.

Love prose will help rekindle the spark and show that your spouse is still loved and desired.

You can come up with original wishes using the following templates:

  1. « Dear husband, good morning! May your awakening become bright and easy, like our kisses. The dawn will illuminate the coming day with a fabulous light, which will give energy for bold quests and promising actions. Seeing you cheerful and happy is a real joy for me!”
  2. « My feelings for you are so strong and bright that they can give inspiration, warm you on the stormiest day and support you in difficult times. My tenderness will envelop you, and you will spend the whole day in pleasant dreams about the upcoming evening. Creative ideas and a positive mood will accompany you. I will always be by your side."
  3. « You slept so soundly and smiled sweetly in a dream. You must have had wonderful dreams. Wake up, darling! The morning is no less beautiful, look, it gives you wonderful colors and a joyful mood. Feel the charge of energy, see the magical rays of the sun. All day long you will be accompanied by success and good luck in all your affairs.”
  4. « It's time to wake up, my dear husband. The dark night gave way to a crystal dawn, which brought purity and freshness, cheerfulness and positivity. Such a magical morning means that today you will experience success and good luck, believe in it. And my love will support you and envelop you in tenderness.”
  5. « Open your eyes, honey. Meet with me a stunning sunrise. Do you remember how we met him when our feelings were just emerging? Nothing has changed since then, I still love you and want you to succeed in everything you do. I want to see you smile, treat you with strong coffee, as hot as my love for you.”

Good morning wishes to your loved one from a distance

The words take on special significance if the lovers are far from each other, have not met for a long time, or simply live separately for now.

Having woken up and found a pleasant SMS from his beloved on his phone, the young man will probably spend the day in a great mood. A positive attitude and a feeling of being unique and needed affects many things: performance, success, well-being.

Tender feelings will be evoked in a man by SMS written from the heart and with sincere feelings of love.

Beautiful SMS “good morning” to your loved one

There are several types of SMS to wish good morning and good day to your lover. Long SMS messages are preferable when the couple have not seen each other for a long time and are in different cities or even countries. After all, during the separation, so many unspent feelings have accumulated that they cannot be expressed in 2-3 sentences.

Templates come to the rescue and can be slightly modified based on a specific situation:

  • « My tender kisses fly to your distant city. Crystal morning envelops you with the most tender coolness. Feel the light breeze carry my boundless love.”
  • « May my love bring magical light and will give you a feeling of happiness. Our date is inevitable, I’m waiting for you and dreaming of the days and nights that we will spend together, never being separated again.”
  • « The coming day brings our meeting closer. I don’t notice the long nights, they pass quickly in anticipation of a new morning, when I will hear your dear voice again.”
  • « May the new day give you something special, so start it with a smile. We are together and this world is beautiful. It brings happiness, light and warmth. I love you. My boundless love, like the ocean, is always with you!”
  • « I dream of waking up from your sleepy whisper, a gentle kiss and a warm hug. But while we are apart, I can only wish you, my only one, a glorious morning with the tart aroma of coffee and the bright rays of the sun. I love!".

Short and sweet SMS from your significant other

How nice it is to wake up in the morning and see a pleasant SMS on your phone with good morning wishes from your loved one. There are many options for short messages in which a loving woman will put all her love and tenderness.

You can color your message with emoticons; they will add lightness and playfulness to the phrases. Short SMS messages are not full of floridness, but they contain no less lyrical feelings and manifestations of care.

Examples of such SMS to your loved one:

  • “Good morning, dear! A new day has begun. May it bring magical moments and pleasant surprises.”
  • “I dreamed of you, very clearly, very realistically. You are not here now, but our love will overcome separation and distance.”
  • “I got up in a good mood because I will soon see my unique one. The morning is beautiful, and the day is magical, because I have you!”
  • “I’m looking forward to it, my love, I miss you madly, our apartment is empty without your laughter. You are my joy, my heart, my love."
  • “May the coffee in the morning be as sweet as my kisses. Our meeting is approaching, and I am counting the hours and minutes. I love and wait for you!”

There are also very short phrases that work flawlessly:

  • "I miss you very much";
  • “I miss your hugs” (kisses, lips, touches, etc.);
  • “I miss you very much”;
  • "Lonely Without You";
  • “I dream of waking up with you every morning”...

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in verse

Girls and women who are good with poetry can easily compose a short couplet or even a quatrain for their loved one. The rest of the ladies will have to work hard or turn to the classics.

Writing poetry is not as difficult as it seems. All you need is a little imagination, a sense of love and perhaps a little humor...

But don't panic love poems can be very simple and without strict rhyme. The main thing is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

Here are examples of simple verses:

  • “I need you, my golden one. I want to hug you by the shoulders. I will take care of you and look forward to meeting you.”
  • “There are no others like them in the world. And I don't try to look. You give light to your love, I want to say “I love you!”
  • “I wish you happiness, sun and warmth, and good morning always! I love you with all my heart and I will give you laughter and joy!”

Affectionate words will give your chosen one the most pleasant emotions and charge him with positivity for the coming day.

A woman should not restrain her emotions, because her true purpose is to create and give love and tenderness. Therefore, you should not skimp on affection and expression of feelings for your loved one.

Video - videos with good morning wishes to your loved one

Tender wishes for your other half:

Beautiful wishes:

Collection of short, gentle SMS messages (100 options) “Good morning, beloved!” for a man, a guy from a girl.

  1. Wake up beloved sleepyhead, a new happy day has come
  2. Open your eyes sweetie, it’s a beautiful morning outside
  3. A new successful day is already waiting for you, my love.
  4. Happy day is already waiting for you
  5. It’s still morning, and I already miss you, my love... I kiss you everywhere, I’m looking forward to seeing you
  6. A sweet morning awaits you, dear. I love, kiss, hug you
  7. Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep? I want to admire your smile
  8. Your eyes are especially radiant in the morning. Good morning precious
  9. Good morning. You will find a bunch of kisses from me on the pillow, don’t forget to take them with you
  10. Sunshine, have a gentle morning to you. I adore you and dream of hugging you again
  11. Good morning Angel. I wish I could hug you now, when you are still sleepy and warm
  12. I want to snuggle up to you again, are you as hot in the morning as in the evening?
  13. Remember that my heart beats only for you. Good morning, wonderful
  14. Don't forget that I won't mind if you're unhappy. Have a nice day!
  15. May the sun hug you for me on such a wonderful spring morning
  16. I am happy every morning of a new day, because you live in the world
  17. Good morning! Have a wonderful day! I always love you!
  18. Hurry up, open your eyes, it’s already morning and my day is cloudy without you
  19. Wake up my love and start lighting up my world
  20. Good morning, along with this SMS I sent you a million kisses
  21. Zaya, I adore you. Good morning!
  22. Today is a beautiful morning, and you are more beautiful than all the men in the world
  23. This morning is truly good... Because very soon I will be able to hug you
  24. It’s a pity that you can’t lick you via SMS; you’re especially delicious in the morning. Good morning, sexiest man
  25. This morning is the best. Because soon we will meet every morning together
  26. Today is the first day of spring. Best morning of the year! Hurry up and meet him and me
  27. A unique morning came - we realized that we could not live without each other. I will remember him forever
  28. I don't understand how I used to be able to wake up in the morning without you
  29. How can you wake up in the morning when you are not snoring peacefully next to you?
  30. My every morning was never good until I met you. Thank you dear, your appearance painted my world with bright colors.
  31. What a gentle morning, but it cannot compare with you in tenderness
  32. With you, I realized for the first time that such an amazing morning is a continuation of an amazing night.
  33. With you, for the first time I understood what a gentle morning looks like - it’s a continuation of a gentle night.
  34. Wake up quickly, you still don’t know how much I love you. Here. Now you know.
  35. Rodnulya, how soft, warm and sweet you are in the morning. Now cuddling you is all I need to be happy
  36. Handsome, smart, amazing, sexy, unique, kind and mysterious man - good morning!
  37. Although you don’t want to wake up, stubborn, I can’t be angry - I love you very much
  38. Say hello to your morning from me! Tell me that I’m jealous of you even towards him, because now he’s looking at you through the window, and not me
  39. Don't be afraid to open your eyes, you bastard. The morning is truly gentle. Check
  40. I always thought mornings were beautiful. It really seemed like that. But now the morning is beautiful only when you are nearby
  41. The most beautiful morning in the world is when I wake up and you hold my hand.
  42. Waking up holding hands... What more beautiful can any morning boast of?
  43. No woman seeing you in the morning will be able to live without you anymore.
  44. Do you know why I decided that I would love you forever? I just looked at you in the morning
  45. Wake up! Have pity on people, not a single morning will be good until you illuminate this world with your light
  46. You can continue to sleep, but know: someone very gentle, warm and passionate dreams of kissing you everywhere.
  47. You are a unique man, with you every morning becomes good
  48. Wake up, mysterious man, the morning without you becomes not so rosy. How do you manage to decorate my world like this?
  49. The morning has always given me light, and you also give me warmth. Now I'm completely happy
  50. Wake up, the morning is in a hurry to give you light. And I hasten to give you warmth. May you feel even more comfortable
  51. In the morning you are especially touching and I love you even more
  52. I miss you unbearably, wake up soon - good morning only when your unique voice is heard on the phone
  53. I want to be your phone... He is always next to you in the morning. I'm jealous!
  54. I wish I could become the sun and hug you every morning as much as I want... and you would smile back and squint
  55. This morning is truly good! A surprise awaits you
  56. While you were sleeping, I talked to the morning and ordered him to always be affectionate with you. Don't be afraid, wake up, it won't hurt you
  57. A nice, kind, bright and happy morning is already waiting for you outside the window
  58. Good morning, darling, this world cannot be beautiful at all without you. Wake up, help him
  59. Decorate this new day with yourself! Wake up, unearthly man
  60. You're amazing when you sleep, but you're even more amazing when you wake up... because I can't live a day without you
  61. I can’t admire mornings like this anymore without you. It will be the kindest when you wake up
  62. Meow-meow, the cat is already waiting for her cat. Good morning, furry
  63. Wake up soon, best man in the world. I can't enjoy the morning without you
  64. Good morning awaits the most impeccable, priceless, brilliant and delightful man
  65. The most exciting, magical, hot, dizzying, magical man already has a good day ahead of him
  66. Morning coffee already wants to please the most desirable, exceptional, amazing, cool, cool and extraordinary man. Wake up.
  67. Beloved Guardian Angel, may this morning be as pure as your heart
  68. I wish you a gentle, affectionate, cozy, warm morning. I miss. I love.
  69. I hug the pillow on which your smart (beautiful) head lay. There's no way I'm going to wash it. Every morning with her is good. Let yours be the same
  70. I wish you good morning and don’t forget me, I always miss you, I wait and love you
  71. I dream of purring in bed with you, my affectionate cat... But it’s time to get up. Good morning!
  72. Along with this SMS I send you my smile, tenderness and love - may it be a good morning
  73. The sun outside the window has already conjured luck, success and prosperity for you. It's time to wake up and accept a generous gift
  74. I wake up every morning and think: how happy I am that I met you. Good morning, my dear man
  75. Overnight I drove away all sorrows from you. Wake up, it’s truly a good morning!
  76. When you wake up remember - I love you and will never leave you
  77. Every evening, falling asleep, I ask fate to make your every morning good. So today I begged for it. Because I love you and wish you well
  78. Hello baby! The morning of another successful day is already waiting for you
  79. May difficulties pass you by every day. And if not, contact me, I have saved a piece of joy for you
  80. I dream about you every night... I can’t wait to wake up with you in the morning. Open your eyes quickly, how long can you sleep alone?
  81. Today is good morning. Because with this SMS I sent you a kiss and a hug
  82. How sweet, homely and cozy you are when you wake up. I want to see this every morning
  83. It's time to wake up and start catching the positive, it's already waiting for you. Good morning!
  84. I love! Kiss! I hug you tenderly and want you! Good morning!
  85. The morning is already in full swing, beloved. May it bring you everything you dream of
  86. A new day is already knocking on your door. He promised to be successful and affectionate. Open up to him, smile and remember - I take care of you and protect you
  87. Hello dear, unique man of dreams. I can't live without you, wake up
  88. I dream that you will wake up soon and I could take a place in your heart again. Have a nice morning, dear
  89. This morning promises to light up your eyes with a bright fire again. I dream of seeing this. Kisses, sweetie
  90. May your morning be good and give you strength, vigor, inspiration and energy. For you to blow my mind again
  91. Please stop snoring... Wake up quickly, drink aromatic coffee and call me - I'm waiting for you
  92. Tender morning, best of people. We should wish each other such mornings more often (this is a hint)
  93. I wish you a morning like in a fairy tale, where there is a lot of goodness, light, comfort and kind people
  94. Good morning, my happiness
  95. Wake up! A new day has come and people in line for you are: energy, chances, good news and a loving girl (me)
  96. While you were sleeping, I cleared away all the clouds for you. Now it’s sunny and the morning has become good
  97. Wake up bunny, good morning and I really miss you
  98. The sweet morning has already come and if you continue to sleep, then all my kisses will completely melt
  99. A new good morning has come and don’t even think about being sad, otherwise it will be offended
  100. I included kisses and hugs in the SMS, don’t forget to pick it up. Good morning!
