School friend. Best friend

Everyone had a best friend from school. And I hope your friendship did not end as sadly as ours. But everything turned out more than sad. Came to our class new girl, Olya. Her mother kicked her out of the house, she came to live with her father, and he sent her to our lyceum. In the summer we were at many flash mobs together, she remembered me as the girl handing out Winston to everyone, but I didn’t remember her at all. But they started communicating, probably because I don’t have many friends in the class, but why lie, they communicate with me in order to write off this or that subject, I study, thank God, not bad. And everything was fine, that very teenage girlish friendship when you can gossip and skip gym together. I did it to her homework, and she brought me chocolates. And the teachers said that we were good friends. But Olya didn’t like the class; during breaks she ran and smoked bright makeup, dressed revealingly. And I tried to learn this from her, but all the time I just remained her student, because, unfortunately, I do not have a magnificent figure and could not, and now especially cannot afford translucent blouses. So, the maximum that I adopted from her is cashmere short skirt coffee-colored, high-waisted and mid-thigh length, blouse with studded collar, dark blue jacket one button, shoes high heels. We chose together different dresses for school, we did each other's hair.

Olya asked for my test with //, when she asked why, he said that she had a delay, but she did not have time to do the test. She needed money for an abortion, which she was going to take from her ex-boyfriend at the time. And she really took 10 thousand from him, let him go calmly, and they have not communicated for about three months. I was told that he did not give her the money. I think she told me this because I asked her for money for a gift, saying that I would return it in three days. Another 2 months passed, according to Olya, Denis did not give her the money, she had nothing to do with an abortion. And I said that if he held out, they wouldn’t do it anymore, so naturally I followed selfish goals- I didn’t want her to have an abortion.

And then, our mutual friend tells me that Olya is not pregnant, Densi wanted to scam her out of money, which she did. To say that I was offended is to say nothing. I was of the opinion that you can say that you have a toothache and that you are going to the hospital, but in fact staying at home and lying about being pregnant is beyond my understanding.

On Saturday we served my life sentence, Olya moved away from me in geography and asked what happened, she was silent. Well, I think it doesn't matter. On Monday I asked her to return the leather jacket, mittens and Sims 2. She took the jacket back in December for one day, but it seems she had no intention of returning it. And today I saw my jacket in the locker room, it just pissed me off! She doesn’t communicate with me, but she wears my things. She took the jacket, put it in her bag, said that I would not give it to her, and demanded a disc and mitts. By the way, my diary was with her, she was sick and decided to rewrite the schedule and homework. She gave it to me, cut and torn. I don’t know what to do now. The class is strict, they take diaries for checking on Wednesdays, that is, tomorrow, how can you hand them in?

If there are many mistakes, sorry. I'm distracted by contact. On a positive note, I can say that my girl Kirochka gave birth to 11 Labrador puppies. And Yura gave me a kitten, it’s true that it’s not purebred, but it’s nice ^^

31 chosen

The beginning of this story was laid back in the distant school years, we studied in different classes, she is two years older than me, but that didn’t stop us from being best friends. During breaks we always had a lot of important things to do, we carried out a number of school reforms, organized a charity concert for lonely pensioners, with the presentation useful gifts, we did a lot of useful things. Well, it wasn’t without pranks. What are school years without this? And how many grades were falsified in school diaries! All the teachers knew that if one of us was not in class, then we could safely call the parents of both of us. Despite the difference school curriculum, we did our homework together, learned the basics of cooking, dreamed about princes and white dresses in which we would get married, what beautiful children we would have, and they would definitely study together!

The time came, Polina received a certificate and entered the institute, I was still in school and had already begun attending preparatory courses to enter her faculty. Nothing changed, we were still friends, did our homework, and everything was the same as before. Two years later, I received my certificate and the coveted student card. I’m ashamed to admit, but I began to devote less and less time to my best friend, I was so overwhelmed by the new “adult” life that I couldn’t even find a minute to drink coffee with Polya. I made new friends, with one of them - Nastya, I became closer, we began to spend more and more time with her, I moved more and more away from my school friend, not realizing that I was hurting her... Soon I came to myself from the euphoria of a freshman, I was tired of endless holidays with new friends, I wanted to become a little girl again and chat with Polina at recess about our important matters- this did not escape Nastya’s attention, she realized that I would no longer have endless fun, and we gradually reduced our communication to zero. And with Polina, it seemed, the connection was irretrievably lost.

Four years have passed. During this time, many changes occurred in my life: I transferred to another university, met my loved one, he proposed marriage to me, and the date of our wedding had already been set. But I still couldn’t forgive myself for the loss of my best school friend and forget our dreams on the school windowsill that we would be witnesses at each other’s wedding.

And now, there were four days left before the wedding. I nervously twirl my cell phone in my hands... Finally I made up my mind - I wrote a message: “Sun, it’s my 7th wedding, I really want to see you. Inna,” pressed the “send” button. Two minutes later the bell rang, and I was bombarded with a barrage of questions from Polina:
- Who is he? Where is the banquet? At what time? Will I come with my loved one? Did you miss me? I am very!!! I definitely will! Anyway, let's see you tomorrow? I have so much news!
And I was thrilled with happiness and realized that I could have lost such a wonderful man... And I realized that I missed him very much!!!

We saw each other the very next day, you won’t believe it, but we chatted, interrupting each other and didn’t notice the passing years at all, it was so easy for us to communicate that it seemed that there were no omissions between us, everything fell into place. I asked for forgiveness for my action, it was really very difficult for me to do this, because I was afraid to hear reproaches addressed to me, but Polya did not let me finish:
- We are all human, we have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to recognize them in time and take the first step. Let's close this topic, shall we? Let everything be as before!

I think you can guess who caught my bridal bouquet and whose wedding is being prepared for?! Yes, yes, Polina is getting married soon!

Do you communicate with your school friends?

Photo from personal archive

By writing here I hope to get some advice. First, I’ll introduce myself: my name is Lera, I’m 15 years old and a high school student.
In my opinion, at my age it is quite difficult to be without friends, without company, to be alone.

I have only one close friend, whom I trust as much as myself, as my mother.
I directly perceive her as a family member.

Life once showed me that you can’t trust people unlimitedly, they can turn away from you at any moment, so I became more closed and decided to give all my warmth to my family and Katya (friend).

But in lately, I began to notice that to some extent our relationship began to exhaust itself.

We got into it together new team(the previous class was disbanded), and I really didn’t want to make contact with anyone, because I was afraid that they would abandon me again.

I am too vulnerable a person, and I take everything too close to my heart. But Katya is not like that; on the contrary, she is more sociable girl, tries to please everyone, please everyone.

One day, she made a little scandal, Katya: “Lera, I’m trying so hard, I’m trying to “integrate” us into the team, but you keep taking steps back!”

I realized that I shouldn’t limit her, I realized that they don’t have the right to do this, but I was terribly afraid that she would leave me.
As a result, I simply began to remain silent. We can say that one of our problems is misunderstanding.

Our second problem is that it is, to some extent, infantile and childish.

I know it's cute, but sometimes it gets to the point. It gets the point when she talks like a child, thinks like a child, acts like a child.

I decided that a little positivity in life is not bad, so I began to support it.
But it got worse and worse, it was like I was babysitting a small child.

The irresponsibility is simply amazing. And also eternal whims. At every step. She asks to call her not Katya, but for example “Tsar” or “Kisya”.

Well, okay, so be it.

I simply cannot describe everything to you, it may be taken out of context.
Slowly, I began to prepare myself for the idea that after school we would not maintain a relationship, but, alas, I am an idealist.

I guess I'm just confused. If you don’t mind, please give me some advice, or what do you think, maybe I’m doing something wrong, or am I asking too much?

Here are the comments received:

What are you doing wrong? You have completely withdrawn into yourself. Avoid communication with peers. Now here's another last girlfriend ready to lose. Do you want to be completely alone? I don't think your friend is doing anything particularly bad. She's just a sociable person. It doesn't take much for you to learn this from her either. The only thing is that she goes overboard with other names so that you call her “Tsar” and “Kisya”. But overall I don’t see anything wrong with her behavior. Just tell her that you prefer the name Katya and you will call her that.

As I understand it, your friend is the same age as you. Sorry, but isn't 15 years old a child? In the sense that at this age infantility and childishness are quite acceptable. Maybe you're too serious for your age? She’s also a prankster, since she wants her name to be “Tsar”. And you, too, have fun. Let her call you, for example, “Firebird”. I think it's funny. When else to be weird if not at 15?

Or about nicknames, since she wants to be called “Kisei,” and you say, “Then I’ll be Tigger.” So what? It's cool. Isn't it? You are two girlfriends, not strangers.

It would be nice if there was also “Tsarina”... It’s funny, really. But you really are still children.

Kitty...? - Yes, Bunny!? - Nothing will work out for us... We are different animals...

There is no better friend, for loyalty to the hand, Whom we are able to find in creation.

And Katya doesn’t abuse your friendship, knowing that you are no longer friends with anyone and are afraid of losing her? But being childish at your age is useful, but within reason.

What would you say?!


When I woke up, it was eight o'clock in the morning. Waking up on the bed, I smiled because I remembered that today was the first day of my long-awaited vacation. Quickly throwing off the blanket, I stood up and went to the window. Outside the window it was a summer July day that promised to be hot. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. I opened the window and looked out, inhaling the scent of flowers and green leaves. Birds chirped among the foliage and cars passed noisily along the road.
After taking a shower and having breakfast, I was thinking about what gifts I would buy for my nephews, who live in the village with their mother, that is, with my sister and father, that is, with my brother-in-law. After getting dressed and taking everything I needed, I left the house and went to the trolleybus stop.
Arriving at the central clothing market, I entered the market gate. It's a crowd here as always. Someone tries on something, someone looks after it, and someone simply evaluates it. I chose the things I needed, bought them, and, putting my purchases away, headed towards the exit. Near the exit from the market there was a tent with refreshments. Since it was midday heat outside, I bought some lemonade and decided to sit somewhere in the shade. Looking around to choose a shady place, I walked along the maple alley to the park. The park was old with large treetops. From the poplars and lindens it emanated slightly sweetish smell. Walking along the central road of the park, I saw that all the benches were occupied. I had no choice but to turn onto the side path. I was looking for a lonely bench for a long time, when suddenly I found it. Because of the tree branches, I didn’t notice that someone was sitting on it. When I came closer, I saw a woman. She sat quietly and seemed to see nothing and hear no one, looking somewhere through the grass at the ground. At first glance, she was no older than thirty-five years old. Round oval face, slightly upturned nose, dark eyebrows and the same color fluffy eyelashes, which hid green eyes.
And to all this, long blond hair. The first thing that came out of my mouth was her name:
- Zoya!
The woman looked at me with a surprised look, peering into my face.
- Do I know you? - she asked.
- Of course, you know, we just haven’t seen each other for a long time. Well! Remember, school. We were sitting on the same desk, well, what do you remember?
- Milka, is that you?
- Well done, I guessed right on the first try! “You, of course, became a famous chemist,” I said, sitting down on the bench.
- No, I became a pharmacist. Are you probably an actress or playwright, do you stage plays? Yes, how many years have passed? Ten or more?
- More than ten, to be more precise - seventeen. Listen, Zoya, I have a proposal. Today is my first day on vacation, and tomorrow I’m leaving for the village. And since we met, it means we’re coming to me, and what’s more, I’ve cooked excellent borscht. It’s a pity to pour it out, because I won’t eat it alone. Well, what are we going?
Zoya was reluctant, but still agreed. I looked at my friend and realized that something was oppressing her. She behaved very strangely, but I couldn’t ask directly. “What happened to her,” I thought. - Well, it’s okay, we’ll come, have lunch, she’ll relax in home environment and she will tell you everything herself.
On the way home, I bought everything I needed for the trip and bought a few things for the table. Zoya was indifferent and remained silent for the most part.
- Here we are at home. Come in and settle down. Feel at home. Look how I live.
Throwing these words away as I walked, I went to the kitchen. While I was washing and peeling the vegetables, Zoya came into the kitchen and offered to help cut the vegetables into salad. I accepted her help with pleasure, as I was eager to find out what was bothering my school friend. When we had everything ready, I began to pour the borscht into plates.
- Zoya, will you have cognac or wine? - I asked.
- A glass of cognac, no more. I, Darling, don’t drink.
- Who said she’s a drinker?
While we were preparing dinner as a couple, I told Zoya about my life, everything in detail and color, but without exaggerating anything.
“Now it’s my turn to talk about my life,” said the blond lady.
After drinking a glass of cognac, her face became flushed. She scooped up the borscht with a spoon and poured it back into the plate, apparently not knowing where to start her story. And yet I decided and started.
- Remember, since school I was friends with Dima Kondratyev?
“Of course, I remember, we all decided that you would marry him,” I interrupted her, giving her the opportunity to collect her thoughts.
- After finishing my education, I returned home and got a job in a pharmacy, where I still work. After some time, I was invited to a birthday party. There I met a man ...ten years older than me. He was quiet, calm, modest, silent more than he spoke. When I started getting ready to go home, he asked to accompany me. Of course, I refused, but Stas said that we were on the same path.
- Stas is his name?
Zoya nodded and continued.
- That's how we started dating. Stas showered me with gifts, flowers, and soon he proposed to me to marry him. Now I understand that I didn’t love him, but then it seemed to me that I loved him and was loved. Have a magnificent wedding it wasn’t, he didn’t want to, since he had two children left from his first marriage, and there was no money for pomp. I didn’t disagree, I agreed with everything.
I offered to take coffee and go into the room, my friend meekly agreed. I didn’t know how to suppress my indignation. It was simply amazing how she meekly agreed to all his tricks. Zoya Startseva sat down in a chair, and I sat opposite and continued the conversation.
- We lived for three months, soul to soul, and then Stas seemed to break loose. He became angry, irritable, quarrelsome. I couldn’t live a day without reproaches and reproaches. Moreover, I alone was to blame for all the sins. To begin with, he would find fault with something, no matter what. Be it washing or cleaning, but it turns out I didn’t know how to cook at all, my mother, you see, didn’t teach me.
Zoya grinned mockingly and continued: “And then how?” snowball- your friends, relatives, loved ones, and you yourself... All this was accompanied by screams and abuse.
Then Zoya fell silent, maybe she was thinking about what to tell next, or maybe she was collecting her thoughts, but it was clear from her that she was experiencing all this again and again. I looked at Zoya, her hands were shaking, but her face seemed impenetrable and stony. At that moment she looked like a goddess, and the green silk suit perfectly set off her eyes.
- He was also an egoist when it came to sex. Not a single good expensive or tender words didn't say for all our family life. “Zoya looked at me and said angrily: “Ask me why I lived with him?” In our family, it’s customary that if you got married, then live, no matter how bad life gets.
- Zoya, don’t you know how he lived in his first family? - I asked, leaning one hand on my knee and resting my cheek.
- Actually it was taboo topic, so I decided. Because talk about it ex-wife it was impossible. This infuriated him. But he looked after his children and God forbid you say something out of place, then be careful.
- Zoya, don’t you have children of your own? - I asked, although I already guessed that no.
“No, but I was pregnant from him,” and after a pause, she added: “He didn’t know about it.” Do you think if you knew, you would be different? You, Mila, don’t know the real reason his storms. I'll talk about this later. So, my pregnancy ended in termination and I called it quits on myself, as a mother. Although I was very worried, and even now I haven’t recovered yet. Mila, just imagine how hard it was for me to accept his children after all this, but I understood perfectly well that the children were not to blame for anything. My relationship with his children did not work out, period. My torture continued, and I fell ill.
- This was not enough yet! - I exclaimed and straightened up in my chair. I couldn’t sit calmly from everything I heard.
- Yes, I got sick, but the doctors couldn’t make a diagnosis. I walked around the clinic in some kind of trance. Pale, thin, with lethargy throughout her body, with trembling lips and hands. Soon my heart began to hurt.
- Listen, you had a real neurosis! - I said, jumping up in my chair.
Zoya silently nodded her head and said: “I know, but what could I tell the doctors?” Then I was referred to a psychotherapist for a consultation and, as it turned out, for good reason. He explained to me all my reasons for my life, where my illnesses stemmed from. My husband has one of the types of psychopathological character. To be more precise, he is a psychopath of excitability. That is, a person with a sharp change in mood, accompanied by irritability, screaming and swearing. After such attacks, the person remembers little and is accompanied by weakness. That's what happened with Stas. The doctor told me that I have three options: either break up, or endure, or ignore all the antics. I can’t ignore him, tolerating him means developing a disease in myself, which means the only thing left to do is break up. For a long time I could not decide to take this step, and now I have decided. I came to my parents and told them everything about the prospects that awaited me.
It was getting dark outside the window. I got up and turned on the lamp, the light of which gave the room more comfort and location. After asking Zoya if she would like another cup of coffee, I brought cognac from the kitchen to add to the coffee. Zoya did not refuse a hot drink with cognac. Pouring hot coffee and adding strong drink, I handed the cup to Zoya. The friend took the cup and began to warm her cold, trembling hands on it. I sat and looked at Zoya, not daring to ask her what happened next. My narrator, after sitting, took a small sip, smiled and repeated. I waited silently for her story, holding an untouched cup of coffee. Zoya smiled and said: “You don’t have long to listen to my annoying story.”
- No, no, tell me, I’m very interested in how it will all end! - I said, interrupting her.
“I couldn’t pack my things and just leave, throwing the keys on the table, because I was afraid that he wouldn’t let me out of the house.” This has happened before. Without telling him about my intention, I began to collect my personal belongings, and when everything necessary was done, I called my mother. With her support, I took this difficult step for myself. When my mother appeared, I collected the rest of my things, after which they called a taxi and went to home. I drove and cried all the way, not knowing whether it was joy or grief. Mom didn’t calm me down, letting me cry, only the driver looked on, wondering why I was crying. The divorce went well, without swearing or swearing. True, it was clear that he was worried, but I no longer cared. There was some kind of emptiness in my soul, it didn’t matter. At my next conversation with a psychotherapist, I heard an explanation for this condition. The doctor explained this: during our life there have been many humiliations and insults, and a lot of nasty things have been said both on his part and on my part, and this is the result.
- It’s good that you left him, otherwise it’s unknown how it would all end. Maybe even suicide,” I said, putting the cup on the table.
- After the divorce, I began to live a measured life. I even started studying. This is at my age?!
- That's great! - I happily supported her. - It’s never too late to learn, I did the right thing, and then, I had to somehow avoid bad thoughts!
- Oh, there have always been enough such thoughts.
- Well, it’s understandable that there was enough, but why is there enough now?
- Why is it enough? Because his daughter gave birth to a child at sixteen years old and they say that the father of this child is Stas. I don’t have any evidence and, of course, I don’t really know anything: but walking around the city hugging as husband and wife, walking with a child, is too much! - Zoya said indignantly.
- Hm! - I chuckled. - Well, as you say, you have no evidence, and even if you did, would you care?
- No, it doesn’t matter and you know why? Because I am horrified that I lived with this man side by side for so many years! Even animals don’t act like this, like people who have nothing sacred! - Zoya was in earnest, clenching her fists. Her face turned red from indignation, it seemed that she would explode like gunpowder.
- Zoinka, calm down, maybe the people who say this want to hurt you. It’s better not to think about it, it’s more expensive for yourself. And then, you need to think about your new life, rather than littering your head with all sorts of nonsense. You have your own life, and let him live as his inflamed brain tells him; - I reassured my friend, and I myself thought what would happen to me if I were in her place. - Tell me better about your future plans? - I distracted Zoya from depressing thoughts.
- I was offered a job in the Altai Territory, and I want to accept this offer. I want to leave this city and start over from scratch.
- You know, Zoya, you made the right decision. “I would do the same,” I supported my friend.
Zoya looked at her watch and said: “Wow, what time is it, and you still have to get ready for the trip, Darling.” And my mother will worry and say where my stupid daughter has gone? Zoya got up and headed into the corridor, and then a great idea struck me to give something as a keepsake. I went into the bedroom and, returning to Zoya, held out a pearl set in my hand - earrings, a ring and beads. The pearls were real, but I didn’t wear them because I’m red-haired with yellow-brown eyes.
- You're crazy! - Zoya exclaimed with fear and surprise.
“I want to give you a gift, and besides, I don’t wear it, but it will look great on you.” Take it, please, do you hear!
- Zoya looked at the pearls and said: “And I’ll give you this,” and began to take off the gold earrings with a ruby ​​from her ears. I took the earrings from her hands, looked at them and felt tears appear in my eyes. Zoya’s eyes were also watery, and at that moment we hugged, not hiding our friendly feelings.
When I went to accompany Zoya to the taxi, I thought that I would never see her again, and this thought made me feel uneasy. I realized that I had really missed her all these years, and I couldn’t lose my friend again, and so I suggested to her:
“Zoe, promise me that you won’t disappear and will write to me when you get settled in a new place,” she looked me straight in the eyes and asked:
- Do you want this yourself?
- Of course I do, I’ve always missed you these years, and I’m wondering how your life will work out in the future.
A car pulled up, and Zoya, saying goodbye, got into the taxi. The car moved smoothly and took my Zoya to a wonderful and unknown future. I stood and looked at the receding lights of the car and thought out loud:
- Goodbye, my school friend, be sure to write to me.
It was a wonderful July night, promising a lot...
