Office romance with a colleague. Like in the movies

Until recently, everything was calm and wonderful, until our boss changed. There have long been rumors that I am his mistress and sleeping with him

It was Thursday. I sat in my office and looked through the documents in which my desk was buried. It was urgent to deal with them, since the weekend was looming ahead. I devoted them entirely to my little son.

There was a knock on the door. A striking blonde, my boss’s secretary, came in. Although this girl had some education, she had no good manners at all, since I had never heard the word “Hello” from her.

- The boss is calling immediately.

Having said that, she turned around and left. And I sat for some time and thought about why our leadership needed me. Various thoughts were swirling in my head.

I work for a large publishing house and head one of its departments. Until recently, everything was calm and wonderful, until our boss changed.

Pavel Nikolaevich, that’s the name of my new boss, appeared at the publishing house three months ago. He turned the entire publishing house upside down, gutted all departments and, to the deep surprise of everyone, was dissatisfied. He then immediately called a meeting and outlined new ways of working. Of course, these were not drastic changes, but since then the publishing house has lost peace and has become like a hive of wild bees.

“Love at first sight” didn’t work out for me with him. From the first days, Pavel Nikolaevich began to find fault and criticize the work of my department, and undeservedly. On this issue, he and I often had arguments that led to nothing but misunderstanding.

But our large sorority just went crazy over the new boss. Somehow they saw him as a “charming, elegant and sexy man.” All sorts of conversations, rumors, and just gossip about him and his personal life circulated around the publishing house every now and then. The main news among unmarried ladies was that he was a confirmed bachelor. And without a doubt, everyone hoped that she would be the one who could “cure” her boss from this terrible illness.

Yes, they would have my problems...

Once again I gathered my courage and left the office. I met my friend Katya in the corridor.

-Are you going to the boss? Calling again?

I nodded resignedly.

- Well, how happy you are! That's lucky! You should be happy, but you don’t have a face.

She hugged me by the shoulders.
“You know, all our ladies would like to be in your place, so that they could go to his office every day and be alone with him for a long time.”

-Are you kidding?

Katya laughed.

“There’s already all sorts of gossip going around about you, people saying things like that...

I was surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

“If he ruined their nerves every morning like he did me, they wouldn’t think so.”

We approached the chief's office.

- Sash, take a closer look at him, maybe...

I understood perfectly well what Katya was hinting at, so I didn’t let her finish and quickly entered the office.

Pavel Nikolaevich was sitting at the table and leafing through some papers. In response to my greeting, he muttered something under his breath and, without raising his head, continued to do his job. Three minutes passed before he deigned to turn his attention to me.

- Alexandra Vladimirovna, take a seat. Sorry to keep you waiting.

I immediately sat down, because from the experience I had accumulated in a short time, I knew that the conversation was going to be long.

– And so, Alexandra Vladimirovna, I called you to consult and hear your opinion on some issues that concern me.

Has a miracle really happened? I couldn't believe my ears. It was very difficult for me to contain my smile.

- I'm listening to you.

…After leaving Pavel Nikolaevich’s office, I spent the whole day running around the publishing house, fulfilling a very urgent order. Towards the end of the working day, Katka came to see me.

- I've been looking for you all day. Where do you run?

- I placed the order. Pavel Nikolaevich asked to personally check it.

She smiled slyly.

– Since when – Pavel Nikolaevich... personally...

I didn’t pay attention to her ridicule.

“I myself can’t really understand what happened.” Imagine, Katya, this morning for the first time he asked my opinion about the work of the publishing house. He and I worked very fruitfully on some issues.

I thought about it, but my friend still didn’t let up.

- Finally, he saw in you both a professional and a woman, and a beautiful, kind, smart, lonely one...

From that day on, work became a pleasure for me. Pavel Nikolaevich and I quite easily found a common language, or rather, it was he who stopped finding fault with my work for no reason. What happened and why he so suddenly changed his attitude towards me, I still don’t understand. I’ll immediately make a reservation that we had only a purely business relationship with him, although rumors had long been circulating around the publishing house that I was his mistress and was sleeping with him in order to achieve a promotion.

At first I was very worried about this and often got upset. But Katya convinced me not to pay attention to all this nonsense and not waste my nerves. She just couldn’t understand why nothing really had happened between Pavel Nikolaevich and me until now. At such moments I was ready to simply kill her.

After some time at the publishing house, Pavel Nikolaevich became his own man. His straightforwardness, tact and excellent sense of humor won the respect of all his subordinates. I think that the friction that arose at the beginning between him and all of us was nothing more than acclimatization in the new team. After all, he was not the only one who could not find a common language and understanding with me. It’s good that everything has returned to normal and work has begun to boil.

At Katya’s insistence, I tried to look at my boss as a man, that is, “with different eyes.” But either my upbringing, or the work environment created by him, did not allow me to do this. And besides, I have heard more than once about the dire consequences of office romances: they never led to anything good.

One summer, during my vacation, I was returning from my parents to my home. On the way, I stopped at the supermarket, since there had been nothing in the refrigerator except bananas and sausages for a long time. I took the basket and began to slowly wander between the grocery shelves.

Having filled the basket with everything I needed, I headed to the checkout, and suddenly my attention was attracted by one man. He stood in the vegetable department and thoughtfully looked for something. When he turned his face in my direction, the basket almost fell out of my hands, I was so stunned. Well, I never expected to meet Pavel Nikolaevich in the store! And that was exactly him - so indecisive and so charming.

I wanted to remain unnoticed, but my boss’s eyes managed to glance at me and in an instant pinned me in place. He looked questioningly, and I had no choice but to approach him.

– Hello, Alexandra Vladimirovna. It's so good that I met you here. Won't you help me?

He was in a great mood, a charming smile shone on his face. It was unusual and I saw him so real for the first time.

- Good evening. How can I help?

He showed his empty basket.

- Yes, I decided to cook cabbage soup, but I don’t know what is needed for this.

I was surprised.

– Pavel Nikolaevich, do you cook for yourself?

It was clear that he was embarrassed.

– Not much, if scrambled eggs and sausage can be called a dish.

We smiled at each other.

- And I thought what your...

I stopped short because I didn’t know if he had a woman or what to call her. But he understood my train of thought.

– I cook for myself because I live alone.

And not wanting to talk more about this topic, he asked.

– Alexandra Vladimirovna, what is needed to cook cabbage soup? Well, of course, apart from cabbage, I already know that.

I helped him choose groceries. When we left the store, Pavel Nikolaevich began asking me how the soup was prepared. It turned out that he knew nothing about this either. It was very funny for me: I stood in the middle of the street and explained to my boss how to cook cabbage soup. I’ll tell Katya – she won’t believe it!

- So, first we throw in the potatoes and tomatoes...

- No, no. Potatoes come first, then cabbage, and tomatoes at the very end.

My patience was running out. I’ve been explaining it to him for twenty minutes, but it’s all to no avail: he either confuses the ingredients or forgets something else. Then a thought struck me.

– Pavel Nikolaevich, let me write everything down on paper for you? It will be simpler and clearer.

He thought for a while, and then, with a face as if a brilliant idea had struck him, he announced that he had no paper with him. To be honest, I was starting to not like this whole situation.

- Then I don’t know what to do... Maybe some other time...

To this, Pavel Nikolaevich quickly found something to say.

- Alexandra Vladimirovna, let’s go visit me, will you teach me how to cook soup?

I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about this. And it was not at all clear to me what was happening. The clock showed nine in the evening.

– Isn’t it too late, Pavel Nikolaevich?

He thought for a while.

- Maybe someone is waiting for you, and I’m just a fool, delaying you? Sorry…

Oh, that's all I needed! Well, it was a great evening! I went and called to the store.

- Okay, let's go. I hope you are a diligent student?

Pavel Nikolaevich just smiled mysteriously at me.

His apartment amazed me. Not only was it huge and tastefully furnished, it was also very neat. I walked around the rooms and, like a little girl, I was amazed at everything. I wouldn’t say that a bachelor lives here: the owner’s hand and care were felt in everything. I was surprised and even very surprised.

After the soup was prepared, we sat in the kitchen and drank coffee.

– Alexandra Vladimirovna, maybe we can switch to “you”? After all, we're not at work.

– I agree, Pavel Nikol...

I didn’t finish, I didn’t know what to call him.

– Let’s just Pavel, or even better – Pasha.

Either we drank a lot of coffee, or we were so pleased in each other’s company, but we chatted until late at night.

– And yet, Alexandra, there is a person who is waiting for you, who is not indifferent to you?

The moment of truth had come, but I had nothing to hide.

- Eat. This is my son Nikita.

Pavel perked up.

- So are you married?

I smiled bitterly, remembering my ex and everything that was connected with him.

- No. I've been divorced for three years now. He turned out to be a bastard: he left me when I was eight months pregnant. Nikita never saw him. Maybe it's for the best.

It was very unpleasant for me to talk about this, and it was late. I asked Pavel to take me home, to which he agreed only on the condition that we would meet again one of these days.

Just like that, a crazy romance began between us in a simple and ordinary way. We liked each other, even if not at first sight, we fell in love with each other deliberately and with full responsibility. Everything happened somehow by itself, we were overwhelmed by a stormy river, along which we swam without resistance to its flow.

Katya was speechless when I told her about Pavel Nikolaevich and me. She, of course, was happy for me, but still did not expect that I would ever deign to pay attention to this man.

– How does he feel about Nikita? You told him everything, right?

– Kat, of course, about everything, but they haven’t met yet. Nikita's parents watch him, he is constantly with them, but this has nothing to do with Pavel. You know, I work from morning to evening, and there is no one to leave him at home with.

I thought about it. I haven't felt this good for a long time.

– Pavel would be an ideal father for Nikita.

- Right. And also for some little chubby girl very similar to you.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

What I feared did not happen: our romance did not stop us from working together. I, as it should be, remained his subordinate, and he was my boss. We loved our work very much and treated each other with respect, so there could be no frivolity between us in the workplace.

Pasha waited for me every day after work, took me home or to my parents, and we spent the weekends together. We walked around the city, went to the cinema and kissed in the last row, and in the park we rode all the rides like little children.

One day, on one of these days, he asked why I didn’t take Nikita with us. And I was just waiting for this, since I didn’t want to force someone else’s child on him.

- Let's do this: on Sunday you take Nikita and we meet in the park. Let's take a walk and eat ice cream together. Fine?

As a sign of consent, I simply kissed him.

The upcoming meeting was a little exciting for me: the two men I loved would see each other for the first time. But a lot depends on the first impression. And even though Nikita is still very small and understands almost nothing, I wouldn’t want to in any way hurt his tiny heart.

Sunday turned out to be hot. Nikita and I walked in the park and waited for Pavel, who was soon to join us. The kid had been riding in a children's car for about ten minutes now and kept calling me to see how skillfully he controlled it. Soon the ride time ended and we went to the tent to buy some drink.

I bought two small packages of juice and stepped aside.

- Nikita, take your juice.

There was no answer, and no one took the juice. I looked around me - the child was not nearby. I was seized with panic and suddenly began to run out of air. Feverishly, I began to look around the park and the people, but there were so many of them that my vision began to blur.

- Mom, is this your child?

I turned around and saw a smiling Pasha, next to whom, holding his hand, stood my son. My heart was relieved.

- Lord, how worried I was! Nikita, you can’t leave your mother even one step!

But he didn’t listen to me, took me by the hand and led me back to the children’s car. We put him on the ride and stepped aside.

- Hello, dear. How are you

Pavel hugged me by the shoulders and kissed my temple.

- I was scared. Where did you find it? And how did you guess that this was my child?

– It’s simple: I was watching you when you were buying juice, Nikita, feeling freedom, ran to the attraction, and that’s when I intercepted him.

I took a deep breath.

-You were there on time. What would I do without you?

He took my hand and pulled me towards him.

- Sash, now I will always be there.

I saw my reflection in his gray-blue eyes.

I heard this story from my work colleagues when I worked as a secretary at a research institute. For the most part, the people who worked there were very serious, having at least one higher education. But still, science is science, and everything human is far from alien to these people. Pundits also have a personal life.

I have always had great respect for Ivan Valerievich, deputy director. Not only was he knowledgeable about the job, but he also treated his employees well. He was always in a good mood, knew all his employees not only by sight, but also by name and patronymic. Good man. Maybe because he worked with his wife Valentina Andreevna and was so happy. Everything was good in this couple, many were jealous. They suited each other perfectly.

And one day, during my lunch break, when, as usual, I didn’t go for a walk in the park, as I always did to clear my head, as usual every day, but postponed this event because of the cold autumn rain, they told me a story about this couple , so to speak, all the ins and outs.

“Ivan Valerievich and Valentina Andreevna met when Valentina Andreevna was already an accomplished thirty-five-year-old woman. She held the position of deputy director.

She had a bad experience behind her in her personal life. Valentina Andreevna was her parents' unloved daughter, causing them so much trouble. Although she threw herself entirely into her work, she still remained a cheerful wife, taking particular care of herself and fashion.

And Ivan Valerievich was simply Vanya then, twenty-five years old, who had recently graduated from the local polytechnic and entered our service. The common work brought them closer together. Valentina Andreevna’s heart was melted by a young specialist. She took him under her wing.

Valentina Andreevna was transformed in appearance, a sparkle appeared in her eyes. Many began to say that the couple was dating. Many were sincerely happy for them, but not all.

Lyudochka, who was working as a secretary in your place at that time, a broken woman, began to interrupt Ivan for herself. Ivan will come to the director for a reception, sits and waits, and Lyudka is pretty, she’ll put on a short skirt or dress just the way she wants and seduce Vanya, then drag her long legs onto the table, and then once she even pinned him against the wall with her breasts.

Intelligent and well-mannered Valentina Andreevna endured everything in silence, only laughing it off when she learned about Lyudmila’s next seductions. Despite everything, Ivan and Valentina got married and have been living together for about fifteen years. Valentina took care of him all her life, invested her strength in him, and made her dreams come true in him. She persuaded me to enroll in graduate school and defend myself. Well, then, so that the efforts of the young hubby would not be in vain, I gave him the position of deputy director.

And Lyudka was asked to retrain as an accountant, so that she could always be at work and not dodge other people’s men. A modest graduate of a local technical school was quickly replaced in her place.”

Does an office romance have a right to exist? For decades, people have been discussing the topic of office romance at work.

The topic is still relevant in our time, because employees spend most of their time at work, begin to show sympathy for colleagues, strong feelings often arise that encourage them to start a family, and some may use a manager or subordinate for their own selfish purposes.

A lot can be said about the pros and cons of such relationships; it all depends on the specific situation, the conditions at work and the team. Let's analyze such relationships using examples from real life stories.

Olya's office romance:

My name is Olya. After graduating from the university's Faculty of Economics, I started looking for a job. I sent out resumes to various financial institutions and went to interviews. By that time, I had separated from my boyfriend and spent evenings with friends in various clubs on weekends.

There I met Maxim, who was 5 years older than me, we fell in love, and began an office romance. One day I got a call from the HR department of a commercial bank and was invited to an interview, after which I was offered to work as an economist in one of the branches.

Arriving at my workplace on the first day, I was shocked - the head of that department was Maxim, and I was his subordinate. He turned out to be different from how I knew him, he treated employees and clients with disdain, forced other girls to make him coffee and wash cups after him.

I found out that he had previously had an office romance with another employee. I couldn’t meet with him anymore and work the same way...

Fortunately, a similar vacancy appeared in another department to which I was transferred. The manager there was a woman, the team was friendly, and I was able to work in a calm atmosphere.

The situation that developed with Olya was such that the affair became an official affair due to the fact that the circumstances were so, it did not last long, but had negative consequences.

Very often, men who initiate affairs with colleagues actually hide their real character and nature, and often also their marital status. Many managers, taking advantage of their high official position, violate all the rules of corporate ethics and subordination.

After the end of a romantic relationship, it becomes unbearable for two people to work in the same team. In many structures, it is prohibited for spouses to work if there is a certain subordination of one position to another or a connection.

In such cases, there is a possibility of dishonest abuse of one's duties, pursuit of family goals, causing conflict situations that affect work efficiency.

The story of Alina's office romance

When I started working at a new job, I had been dating a guy for 5 years. We were comfortable together, but he did not propose marriage. The structure of the organization is rather large - about 100 people and is divided into departments.

At a corporate party on the occasion of the New Year, I met the head of the IT department, Oleg. He was a bachelor and turned out to be an interesting person. After always quickly troubleshooting problems with my computer, when other employees often waited half a day, our IT department was actually very busy with work.

Once he invited me for coffee and lunch, and a few days later for dinner. It got to the point where I broke up with my boyfriend, who wasn't proactive in our relationship, and I didn't see a future with him.

A year later I married Oleg, my colleagues were happy for us. We practically don’t see each other all day, we sit in different offices, and at the same time we have a lot in common, we go to lunch together, so we don’t have time to miss each other too much.

This situation and the office romance that has grown into love is positive in that there is no subordination between manager and subordinate, otherwise the reaction of senior management or colleagues could have been different.

Often couples who have been dating for several years break up due to the fact that they become uninterested, there is no variety and romance. And spending most of the time at work leads to the emergence of interest in employees of the opposite sex, who may be more decisive and more proactive in terms of relationships.

For women, relationships such as the example of Alina and Oleg have the advantage that jealousy and distrust of each other decreases, and there is an opportunity to see their loved one at any time.

It is important to maintain standards of behavior and not arrange erotic scenes or hot kisses in the corners or in the elevator, this will immediately cause unpleasant impressions and condemnation from other workers. The main thing to remember: at work - think about the work and the result, outside of it - give vent to feelings and emotions .

Office romances of married employees cause condemnation from colleagues. After such situations, most often the female half of humanity becomes ashamed, unpleasant and unbearable to work.

Men rarely leave their families, and women at work can become just a temporary hobby, so you should make your choice with caution.

Office romance - stories from life

2015, . All rights reserved.

They say that romance at work should be taboo for any self-respecting girl. But we are all living people and, when we come to work, we do not lose the ability to fall in love. What happens to those who break the taboo? Read real stories about romances with bosses.

Got pregnant and he fired me

Everything went wrong for me. After the divorce, I got a job at a computer company. What to hide, I was looking for love. And I myself didn’t expect that I would have a crazy spin. affair with the boss. He turned out to be a greedy guy, I didn’t receive gifts from him, but the bonus was stable, he didn’t offend me. It was good in bed with him, and he’s not a bad person... And then I got knocked up by him. And somehow I felt offended, sorry for myself that I was alone again with my problems. Only joint sex at work. Nerves to hell, she started throwing hysterics, demanding that he divorce his wife, the fool. Not so.

He offered money for an abortion, and two weeks later... he fired me, that is, he forced me to write a statement. He said: that’s enough, his wife will guess, and in general he didn’t mean “anything like that.” So I was left without a boss and without a job.

Elena, 26 years old, Moscow

When I pulled myself together, he fell in love

This story happened recently, it still hurts. On a slushy March day I went for an interview. A stunningly handsome man spoke to me - I felt an abnormal erotic excitement. He turned out to be the executive director. For the first week I couldn’t think about work because I only thought about him. Then she barely pulled herself together, and then he went crazy. In a word, we began a full-fledged office romance. During the day - work, all nights - together. Finally, I decided to quit because it was unpleasant to see employees looking askance. We still dated for three months, and then ran away - we turned out to be very different, not “halves” at all. I'm very sorry that I lost my good job. Alas, you can't fall in love in the service.

Svetlana, 27 years old, Tula

The boss proposed to me

My affair with the boss ended in marriage. Now he is my legal husband and the father of our wonderful son. And it all started quite romantic. One day I was late at work and was sitting in an empty office. I hear the door being opened, it turns out that the boss forgot something. And nothing ever happened between us. We worked together for a whole year, and there were no “movements of the heart.” And here we sit, word for word, he told about himself (divorced, adult daughter, recently moved to Holland, they didn’t even tell him), I about myself (divorced, no children, empty evenings). An hour later I was sure that he was my old close friend. Well, off we go. After 3 weeks, we went to Finland together, then to Prague... And after 3 months, the “boss” proposed to me.

Valeria, Moscow, 34 years old

The employees “ate me”

Work is a woman’s whole life, no matter what they say. To achieve something, you need to work 8 hours every day. The schedule is tight, so where are romances possible? At work.

And it’s better with the boss Ivan Ivanovich than with the mechanic Vasya or the engineer Petya. True, it doesn’t always work out as it should. For example, I’m sad, and I’ll continue to pull the burden of my career, apparently. The first time there was a typical story: I’m 25, he’s 45. But then a younger lady appeared and I was sent out. The second time was with his deputy. He gave gifts, took it with him on weekends, and promoted it little by little. But the women ate me up and drove me out of the department with dirty gossip and unbearable attitude. Here it is, the envy of the deprived! But the lover did not defend. Now I'm in a different department, a new one is brewing affair with the boss. I'm not enthusiastic anymore, to be honest.

Veronica, 27 years old, St. Petersburg

Anonymous messages were written to his wife

The worst thing about hazing with your boss is the evil tongues. Moreover, both women's and men's are the same. And although we hid our relationship and behaved quite carefully, society knew everything. Any gesture of sympathy towards me, even a routine smile, caused real attacks of hatred among those around me. I had to leave work. But “society” did not rest on this. My lover was married, perhaps this is what provoked such severe negativity. And so former employees began to write anonymous mocking letters to his wife. I think if it were a business structure, the situation would not be so ugly. But we worked in a government office... In general, we broke up. Couldn't stand the pressure...

Svetlana, St. Petersburg, 39 years old

I sleep peacefully and rarely cry

In my early youth I fell in love so much that it will last me forever. I don't want anymore. Behind me is an unsuccessful marriage plus correctly drawn conclusions (I hope). I intend to live well and with great benefit. Three years ago I joined the company as an ordinary specialist and almost immediately quit affair with the boss.

A handsome man, approaching fifty, married, what else do you need? Ideal conditions! Since then, I have been living happily, getting everything I want - diamonds, individual tours to Europe, rags. And stable career advancement forward and upward.

I’m not complaining about the salary and bonuses either. I sleep peacefully, rarely cry, and call my benefactor “angel.” I show respect for his wife, I don’t pretend to do anything serious. I recently got my license - the boss promised to give me a Mazda... I can’t guess what will happen next. I will never suffer because of men again.

Marianna, Moscow, 32 years old

We only broke up when he moved

My affair with my boss lasted 7 years. And it would have continued further, but he moved with his family to a southern coastal town. All the employees were in the know, they were plotting whatever they could, but we weren’t particularly worried. He always helped me, helped me advance, paid for my son’s college tuition, and found the best doctors for my mother. We had normal family relationships, I would say so. They just slept in different houses at night, and the rest of the time they were close. And they understood each other perfectly, and the two of them knew how to remain silent. Why did you break up? Now we correspond via ICQ like children. Not about love - about the weather. No more frank conversations. Wall. We need to end this, otherwise it hurts.

Alexandra, 46 years old, Murmansk

The boss took petty revenge for refusal

The worst thing is the end of a relationship. So before you start an affair with your boss, look for another job. Remember, it ends someday, and I don’t believe in the Cinderella story. We had a classic office romance, where he is a chauvinist careerist, and I am a woman obliged to remain silent and follow orders.

When I realized that I didn’t want to be an eternal mistress, and I couldn’t divorce him from his wife, I ended the relationship and threw myself into work.

Alas, the boss turned out to be a rather petty person. He began to load me with work, give reprimands and similar abominations. And so I endured for about six months. I thought it would cool down, but in vain. She pulled a cart and a small cart of insults from him, sidelong glances and angry hisses from colleagues loyal to the boss. In general, I couldn’t stand it and left.

I was on the verge of divorce from my husband, we were consumed by everyday life, he drank often, my friends in 1st place for 7 years of marriage were not even able to give birth to a child, and then I met his handsome man, my new colleague Andrey. He was appointed the new head of the department (he is a doctor, I am a nurse), at first the communication was businesslike, but after half a year it became more or less friendly. Our night shifts often coincided, we sat and talked about everything in the world, he joked a lot and was charming, but he was married. For me, the ring on my finger has always served as a stop signal and this time was no exception, especially since I couldn’t figure it out with my husband. One day I was getting ready for the night shift and my drunk husband came home from work, they started arguing and he hit me in the face, I ran to work all in tears on the way, I covered the bruise with foundation as best I could and definitely decided that tomorrow I was going to file for divorce. Of course, she came to work like a beaten dog, both literally and figuratively, but she didn’t show any sign of it, she plunged into work headlong, during a break in the nurse’s room we drank tea with the nurse, I started telling her everything and then Andrei came in and I was in tears. "What's happened?" “Nothing,” I answered. It's him, it's him, right? and runs out of the nurse’s room and runs down the stairs, I run after him, almost the rest of the staff is following us, everyone is interested. I catch up with him already near the car, shouting no, I’ll figure it out myself. He gets out of the car, takes me by the hand and says, “Nastya, one word from you and I’ll kill him!” Again I say no need and I myself don’t understand what’s going on. The shift was calm that night, we didn’t cross paths again, I wanted to talk about everything about this and of course, deep down in my heart I was pleased that he said such words. After my shift, I went home to sleep, my husband was not at home and it no longer mattered where he was, when suddenly the doorbell rang, I opened the door and Andrey was standing there. "What are you doing here?" (we were on friendly terms outside of work) “I came to talk” We were drinking coffee in the kitchen, he tried to have a heart-to-heart talk with me about my life with my husband, he said that he liked me as a colleague, as a friend and he didn’t want me to suffer like that, we talked, he left.... Since then I began to like him more and more and I dreamed of such a man! I kicked my husband out that same evening and now I lived alone, but he didn’t give me peace as he got drunk, he kept walking and banging on the door, calling the police, but by law he’s a husband, etc. They took me a couple of times an hour later, they let me go, then they didn’t come at all, one time I called Andrey... he rushed over quickly, sorted things out with my husband, said get ready, you need to get divorced, and we went for a walk through the city at night, it was so romantic, I wanted it so bad kiss him, but even the walk itself was awkward because his wife was waiting at home. .. it was a shame... So we began to communicate as friends very warmly, but one corporate party at work brought us closer together, the corporate party was celebrated in a cafe with a fair amount of alcohol, we walked home, or rather, he went to see me off, when we came to me we started kissing, hugging the whole thing walked to the bed and how I wanted him, but no, I said no and sent him home in a taxi, and then I regretted that I did that! In the morning I avoided him all day at work, but he called me to his place and said that he couldn’t do that anymore, “I love you Nastya,” after these words I didn’t hear anything, we kissed again. What about the wife? I will divorce...I love you! There were mixed feelings of joy, love and the fact that I was destroying my family. This is how our office romance began. Both he and I filed for divorce, we had romantic evenings and burning, passionate nights, but soon his wife announced that she was pregnant. Oh no! I thought this only happens in movies! Now everything is different... they have not yet been divorced and she is really pregnant, only Andrei doubts that it’s from him because she has a short term, he said that he will not leave me, he will do DNA, but I’m afraid that he will return to her because of the child!
