We create a man. Create a man Angry man meme

website - find out everything about the guy, bleat.

Most likely you know this: Man, be a man!. Here you can see a large number of pictures with bleat man. All the images depict a man saying bleat. At all, pictures with “man bleat” carry meaning, they tell us how to act in situations or how to perform this or that action like a man.

By the way, the word "bleat" or in another way "bleat"- is not obscene, and does not carry any similar hints of this, but we still do not recommend using these words in public places or educational institutions, they may be misunderstood.

Good afternoon dear site users website. Today we will learn to create man to bleat. For this we need a clean image of a man bleating and a little imagination.

And so let's get started:


It looks like this:

STEP 2: We come up with some phrase and put it on the image. I figured it out: " "

And we ended up with something similar to this:

STEP 3: Now all that remains is to draw some distinctive features for the picture so that it matches the inscription “Draw a man, bleat!”

And this is what we got:

That's the whole lesson, as you can see, there is nothing difficult here, the main thing is to have at least a little imagination. The lesson was created specifically for the site, illegal implementation is punishable by the law “On Copyright and Related Rights”. When copying material, a reference to the site is obligatory!

Be a man, damn is a motivational meme depicting an angry man shaking his fist. Above the picture is the inscription: “Be a man, bleat. Do X.”


Appeared in 2010 on “Dvach”, first as a phrase, and then in the form of a picture. It depicted an average man: a little fat, with a receding hairline, a hairy arm and an angry expression on his face. The canonical phrase “Be a man to bleat” was eventually replaced by “Be a man to bleat.”

The meme quickly became popular. Firstly, the image of a typical guy was successful. Secondly, it was easy to photoshop any clothes onto it, and draw any object into his hand (a bottle of vodka, for example). Memes multiplied and spread mainly on VKontakte.


“Be a man, damn it” is a call to return to the roots or, on the contrary, to evolve to the standard - a real man. The meme is used as motivation or just for fun. Often the classic man is replaced with another character (for example, the priest says “Renounce Satan, be a man”)


A meme about boys and men has become popular on Twitter. Users compare two hypothetical characters and imagine how each would act in different situations. The boy is a romantic young man, and the man is his opposite. The first takes the girl to the cinema, and the second takes the last beer. But we know who will emerge victorious.

Twitter users have previously tried to compare such vague concepts as a boy and a man. This was caused by unsuccessful dates or the desire to reproach their partner for inattention. But now comparisons are viewed differently and "boy vs man" tweets are becoming a meme for a variety of situations.

Users set an abstract scene and describe what a young man (a boy) inexperienced in hard life would do in such circumstances, and what a man (his opposite) would do. First of all, the meme is used by those who want to talk about difficult relationships.

In this case, the boy is distinguished by romance, and the man is precise and straightforward.

The girls quickly adopted the meme. It turned out that with its help you can tell your partner how to behave in a relationship.

The guys didn't stand aside.

The meme has a special relationship with film trends.

Very soon, users no longer had enough of the boy and the man, and a third character appeared in the meme - a young man. He was something between the previous heroes. With it, the possibilities of the meme reached a new level.

A man died– a meme with a black and white picture of an angry man with a gaze. The template appeared back in 2009 as part of the Rage culture, and in 2017 it became popular in RuNet under the name “the man died.”


The black and white image of an angry man first appeared on April 14, 2009 in one of the rage comics on 4chan. In the plot of the comic, a father enters the room of his son, who is watching anime. "What's going on here? Are you watching those girly cartoons again?” – asks the man, who is not yet visible in the first frame. The guy replies that this is not a cartoon for girls, but an anime - a genre that an adult is not destined to understand. The third frame shows an anime character asking: Am I kawaii? (“Am I kawaii”, “Am I cute?”). Finally, the fourth frame shows us the father in all his glory - a close-up of his face and round eyes express all the anger and irritation of his unlucky son.

The comic was called What's All This Racket? according to the first inscription. At one time he was also known as Fat son (from the English “Fat Son”) and Mirada Fija (from the Spanish “Close Look”).

The face of a man with a gaze became an independent meme; it was used mainly as a reaction picture on English-language and Spanish-language boards.

In the early 2010s, a picture with an evil man came to the RuNet, it was used both in adapted rage comics and separately. For example, in 2013, a picture went viral in which the face warned users that they should not enter the phrase mov0001.swf into Google.

Spoiler: if you do this, an ugly picture of a red-haired girl appears and heart-rending screams (screamer).

Around the end of 2017, the face of an angry man formed into an independent meme “A man died.” Pictures with such an inscription were promoted on Dvacha, and in 2018 the trend reached popular public pages on VKontakte. There is even a one of the same name public, who posts the same picture with a man every day at the same time.

Over time, reverse memes with an even more distorted man began to appear. The captions also changed: “the man has come to life,” “the man is alive,” etc. The man’s angry face began to be photoshopped into other memes.


The original meme face with an angry man was used as a reaction picture in response to someone's stupidity or mistake (in comments or threads). In addition, it looked natural in four-panel comics as a final reaction.

It is worth noting that the image of a father with a gaze is also found in another meme known as the “Staring Father.”

In RuNet, the meme called “a man died” has practically lost its meaning and is used without any context. It can be classified as so-called abstract or ironic memes. Mostly, users simply play on the same joke, making up phrases about a guy or adding his face to other pictures.


