Felt handbag for girls. DIY felt bag with patterns for beginners in needlework

Before translating the idea into felt, it is necessary to draw and cut out templates for handbag details from paper.

Both panels of the bag, a wide felt strip of this color connecting them and a handle are cut out of yellow felt.

To design the front panel of the handbag, multi-colored fragments of felt imitating the eyes, beak, paws and feathers of an owl are used.

After all the preparation of the parts is completed, you can begin to assemble the product. With the help of glue heated in a special gun, in the middle of the front panel of the handbag, the eye area cut out of black felt and an orange fragment separating the wings are attached.

The next in turn are the eyes, for which white circles are first glued in certain places, and black ones in their center. A beak is attached between them.

After finishing work with the design of the front panel of the handbag, you should connect it to the back panel. The means of connection will be a wide strip of felt.

Starting from the area of ​​the owl's eyes, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of silicone glue along the edge of the inner side of the front panel, with which to attach one side of the felt strip to the panel along the entire length.

In a similar way, a strip of felt is attached to the back of the handbag.

If during the work the glue goes beyond the boundaries, its excess can be immediately removed with a scissors blade.

Lastly, the handle of the handbag is attached. It is attached from the inside of the product in the middle of a wide strip. To do this, each edge of the handle is smeared with silicone glue and pressed for a few seconds at the attachment point.

In the handbag "Owl" her mistress will be able to put various accessories, toys or sweets.

Did you like this bag? Do you want to continue creating children's accessories with your own hands? then look where it is described in detail how to make a fox handbag with your own hands.

Felt is a woolen fabric with the addition of down, viscose or synthetics, obtained by felting. The method of its manufacture was known to nomadic peoples 2 thousand years ago. Even then, felt was used in various industries: they made household items, equipment for the military, clothes, shoes, hats. As you can see, the fashion for things made of felt is still relevant.

So this master class will tell you how to make a stylish felt bag with your own hands.

Let's start manufacturing

First, let's decide what we will work with:

  • felt of the main color, take it at your discretion;
  • cotton fabric for fastening;
  • long zipper;
  • felt of a different color;
  • scissors;
  • holofiber;
  • chalk.

In the next photo, the finished pattern of our future bag. You can just print it, or redraw it.

On the front part we will have a pattern, we also prepare the pattern.

Now we need to prepare the material. We smooth it on a flat surface and outline a rectangle 44 * 38 cm, add allowances of 15 cm, make a mark.

We make two such details, these are the main parts of the bag.

Using a pattern, we form the bottom.

We make the markup and add an allowance of 1.5 cm.

And cut it out.

In the same way, we make a blank for handles - length 68 cm, width - 5 cm. Adjust the size of the handle yourself.

From the HB material we cut out the edging for the upper part. We make strips with a width of 6, a length of 90 cm.

And cut out all the details.

Now we need to make the inner part, to which we will attach the zipper. Cut out fabric strips measuring 17 * 33 cm.

Don't forget about 1.5 cm allowances.

We fold the parts in half with the outside inward and fix with pins. We sew with a machine, only leave a hole for the zipper.

We unfold the pockets through the hole.

Sew the zipper to the pockets.

On the bag we make markings for pens. We measure 10 cm from the sides and 13 cm from the top. And we fix the handles with pins to the front side.

We attach the handles to the bag, preferably with a tighter seam so that the handles hold tightly.

We hide the rest of the threads in the inside.

Now we take the prepared pattern of the external pattern and circle it on fabrics of a different color.

Circle with chalk or soap.

We cut out our workpiece.

We fix it in the center of the bag with pins.

And sew with a zigzag stitch.

On the front side, make a mark where the clasp will be.

Vertically - 6 cm, horizontally from the edge - 8.5 cm.

We also mark the center.

We fix and attach the workpiece with a zipper.

Fold all the pieces wrong side up.

We fix with pins, evenly trimming all the edges.

And evenly sew, except for the bottom.

On the workpiece - the bottom, mark the middle on the side parts.

These marks on the bottom should line up with the butt seams of the bag. We fix the parts together.

And we attach.

The previously prepared fabric strips are fastened together with needles and stitched.

Then iron well.

We put a strip on the outside of the bag, fix it and sew the upper part. Then turn up.

We turn the length of the edging and fix it to the inside.

Recently, various products made of felt and felt are gaining more and more popularity. The things created from these materials differ in a special cosiness and beautiful appearance. From this article you will learn how to create bags from felt with your own hands and what material is better to use for this.

Materials and tools

You don't need a lot of materials. Sewing bags from felt is not such a costly business. The main thing you should pay attention to is the stiffness and thickness of the felt. It must be thick and very rigid so that your product does not lose its shape and does not wrinkle. Also take good sharp scissors, pattern chalk and strong thread. You will also need a needle or a sewing machine (with it, a bag of felt with your own hands will be ready in just half an hour).

The simplest felt bag

What is felt? This is a non-woven fabric that is made mainly from rabbit fur waste. Felt is distinguished by its wide range of colors, and most importantly, it does not crumble when cut. For this reason, it is so often used in schools for children's creativity. Felt is produced in rolls and sheets. For bags, it is better to take large sheets with a thickness of at least five millimeters.

To sew felt bags with your own hands, patterns are not required. For example, for the simplest model, you will need two large and thick sheets of material. First, determine the size of the future felt bag. Then carefully cut out squares or rectangles. Take them to each other. Make sure the bag is straight. Then sew the two pieces by hand or with a sewing machine. The handle for the bag can be made from either felt or a thin chain. If you want to make a felt pen, then take a long strip of material about seven or ten centimeters wide. Fold the strip in half and sew the resulting strap several times with threads. The pen is ready! It remains to sew it to your product. The clasp can be made from linen rope. You can also sew on a zipper or buttons, at your discretion.

If you want the felt bag to be not so simple, then make more pockets. Take the felt and estimate the size of the future pocket. Cut the desired piece in the form of a square, rectangle or semicircle. Sew to bag. So that there are no noticeable seams inside, you can make a lining from a special fabric for bags, linen or cotton.

A more complex model of a bag made of felt

So you learned how to make a felt bag with your own hands. Now you can try to sew a more complex model. First, take a long piece of felt about forty by eighty centimeters. Then sew the short sides. This is the base of the bag. Then you need to make a pattern for the bottom. The length of its perimeter should be equal to the circumference of the bag. For example, the size of the bottom can be thirty by ten centimeters. Cut out such a rectangle and baste it to the bag. Then you need to sew pockets. To do this, you will need two rectangles about ten by fifteen centimeters in size. Cut out the pockets and sew them to the bag. Also sew buttons to the pockets.

Then make two bag handles out of felt. To do this, take two strips about fifty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide. Make handles as described above. Then, if desired, you can sew the lining to the bag.

As you can see, it is quite easy to create bags from felt. Even this model should take you no more than an hour.

Decor on the bag

After you can decorate it with decor from the same felt. You can use both regular material and self-adhesive. First, draw on paper what you want to depict on your bag. Then cut out the shapes and attach them to the felt. Circle the cutouts with chalk and cut them out. Sew or glue the decor to the bag.

For decor, it is better to take felt, which is different in color from the bag itself. In addition, if you know how to felt at least a little wool, then if you wish, you can make the bag even more beautiful! To do this, you will need to take wool, thin and outline an approximate pattern. Then, carefully, being careful not to damage the felt, felt the wool to the bag. Decor is ready! True, we must try to treat things carefully, if possible, do not stain it and do not wash it. As you can see, it is very easy to create bags from felt.

We bring to your attention a master class in which a felt bag is described. This DIY black cat craft will make a wonderful addition to your outfit during the celebration of Halloween. And its so easy to make! A step-by-step instruction with photos and patterns will tell you how to make it beautifully and quickly.

Tools and materials Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • bag patterns for printing (presented below);
  • black felt - 10 sheets (23 cm x 30 cm);
  • white felt - a small piece for the eyes;
  • yellow felt - a small piece for the eyes;
  • pink felt - a small piece for the nose;
  • adhesive interlining;
  • silver felt or silver-colored heat-insulating material - a small piece for the ears;
  • floss threads in black, white, yellow and pink;
  • metallic silver floss for the mustache and mouth;
  • sewing accessories - scissors, needles and pins.

This cute Halloween felt bag is perfect for a little girl, especially if she has a black cat costume! But even without a costume, it is also very relevant!

We made this bag small and it looks more like a clutch or a large wallet. It is comfortable for a child's hand and will not drag on the ground when the child walks down the street with it.

In this Halloween treat pouch, we bonded the felt in 3 layers so you don't have to worry about it tearing under the weight! You can download the free patterns below and create your own handbag! You are ready? Then let's start!

What you will need:

Step by step instructions with photo

So, let's quickly get down to sewing, because this felt bag is perfect for a fun holiday that is just around the corner.

Step 1: cut out the details

Download the pattern below and print it out on A4 paper.

Felt bag - pattern

Carefully cut out all the details from the paper.

Place the paper parts on the felt of the desired shade. Use pins or double-sided tape to attach the paper to the felt.

Cut out all the necessary details from felt and adhesive interlining in the amount indicated in the pattern. When cutting out the interlining pieces, leave a small space around each piece.

Step 2: attach interlining

When all of your pieces are cut out, place the non-woven pieces on top of the matching felt pieces.

Iron the interlining over the felt with a hot iron. After that, cut each piece along the actual drawing line. Now your details are ready.

We attached interlining to all the felt pieces, except for the inside of the cat's ears, where we applied a silver sheen heat insulator. A little sparkle can't go wrong with this bag!

We made this bag from three pieces of black felt. Two pieces will need adhesive interlining, so you can fuse all three layers together. This applies to the front and back, as well as the handle. The handle is made of two parts, each measuring 7.5 cm x 42 cm. Both parts are made of three layers.

Step 3: make a muzzle

Now you need to make a face for the cat.

Place the white parts for the eyes on the black base in the right places.

Iron them with an iron so that the white parts stick to the felt. After that, sheathe the eyes with a running or overcast stitch and white floss threads.

Next, place the yellow circles inside the white parts and iron them with an iron. Basting stitch additionally sew the irises around the white felt. Finally, place the black pupils inside the yellow circles, then iron them and sew.

Place the pink part for the nose in the middle of the face and iron it as well. Using the back of the needle stitch, sew the nose to the muzzle.

Step 4: Shape the Mustache and Mouth

With a white pencil, draw a cute mustache and mouth on the cat's face. After that, using a chain stitch and silver metallic floss, embroider a neat mustache and mouth on a black face.

Step 5: Pack Your Bag

Initially, you need to sew the handle together into a ring, and then sew the details for the muzzle symmetrically on both sides of the ring.

We melted three layers of black felt together and created two pieces of the handle to each measure 7.5cm x 42cm. We used 23cm x 30cm sheets of felt to create the 42cm long strips. We marked the seams at the top of the bag in the middle and at the bottom of the bag in the middle. We distributed the seams so that all three layers did not have stitches in the same places.

So, now you have two handles and ready-made pieces for the muzzle.

Sew the handles together using overcast buttonhole stitch. The handles are now ready to be sewn to the front and back of the face. Start at the front and sew it to the handle using buttonhole stitch and white floss. Make sure your seams are symmetrical at the top and bottom. Once the front panel is sewn to the handle, repeat the steps for the back.

A wonderful handmade felt bag in the shape of a black cat is just what you need to complete your Halloween look. We love how it turned out, and we are happy that our little daughter will walk with her for the holidays and cheerfully shout out: “Candy or life!”, Putting sweet trophies in a new bag.

And as a bonus to the cat bag, we offer a video with a master class in which a professional accessory designer will tell you how to sew a bright felt bag with a floral appliqué. Enjoy your creativity!

From this article you will learn how to sew a felt bag with your own hands. We have prepared for you a step-by-step photo instruction and the necessary pattern so that you can cope with this task easily and quickly. We note right away that you do not need a sewing machine to create a felt bag - everything can be done manually.

Sewing a bag seems like a daunting task, but don't worry. The accessory that we will make today can also be sewn by a novice master. The pattern of this bag is quite simple, the material is affordable, and the “assembly” process is elementary.

Please note that it is better to sew a bag from thick felt and lint-free felt. Fine but dense wool is also suitable, but in this case the bag will not hold its shape well.

What will we need?

  • thick felt
  • thick thread for sewing
  • belt
  • metal clasp

How to sew a bag?

First you need to make a pattern. Its size depends on how big you want your homemade felt bag to be. If you are worried that you won’t be able to draw yourself according to this template, just print the blank and transfer it to the fabric.

So, the felt bag pattern looks like this.

We also make markings along the ruler every 0.5 cm. Then we take a thick thread (contrasting color with felt) and perform a small processing - with a stroke. So we go through all the edges, except for those that will later need to be sewn together.

We sew the felt parts together: first, we sew the side edges to the future bottom of the bag, and then we sew the edges together.

Please note that we make the bottom double so that the felt keeps its shape better, and the bag can be placed so that it does not gather and is not limp. The bottom is sewn with the same large stitches as all other details.

The two smallest details on the pattern are also pieces of felt that are sewn to the bag last. They are needed to attach the strap. It is better to choose a ready-made leather belt. The easiest way is to take the usual one (from trousers or jeans) - it will look appropriate and beautiful, and you won’t have to mess with its processing.

Cut the belt to the desired length, remove excess parts and sew it to the felt loop directly onto the bag.

Sew a part of the belt with a buckle into the second loop so that you can fasten the two sides and fasten them together in this way. You will get a good adjustable handle.

A long and narrow detail on the pattern is a decorative element and a means for fastening the fastener. Please note that this strip is sewn with the same large stitches. Sew a ring and a clasp into it.

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