Children's reception phone number 4. Departments and offices

“Dangerous” parking lots near children's hospitals. If someone dares to leave a car near the hospital, or worse, not far from it under a prohibitory sign, then it will be evacuated very quickly. This is commendable, but there are situations when you need quick help, and every minute counts. Margarita Zubova found out whether parking lots at children's hospitals and clinics are properly equipped, and whether they exist there at all.

Tatyana Kutuzova will not soon forget her trip to the regional hospital. While the mother and child went to the hospital to hospitalize the baby, the car was taken away by a tow truck. The woman admits: she didn’t see a prohibitory sign, because there were so many cars nearby, there were no other places near the hospital.

((Tatyana Kutuzova: “We spent time, picked up the car at the other end of the city, the parking lot is at the Zvezdny store, paid, took the car. We returned here, then began to resolve the issue of hospitalization of our child, the child was in the hospital all this time, alone, I think it’s lawlessness to pick up cars with a tow truck when people come to the hospital with children, urgently"))

((Galina Sukhinina: “Of course, the situation is absurd, I myself am a mother of two children and I have to go to the hospital often. And when you are taking a sick child, you don’t think that you will park, your car will be towed”))

We contacted the traffic police and the city administration about this, but no response. We contacted the regional branch of A Just Russia. Its leader, Ruslan Perelygin, was the only one who responded to the women’s appeal.

((Ruslan Perelygin, Chairman of the A Just Russia party: “We want to receive a legal assessment of the actions of the road safety commissions, issue a parliamentary request and initiate a parliamentary audit on this issue”))

Every day, parents with children come to the regional hospital, and not only from the city. In the morning there is a battle for every parking space:

The thing is that the hospital was built in a time when it was not expected that there would be so many cars in the city.

((Lyudmila Komissarova, director of the hospital: “This is the situation that is happening here, it has been going on for the last 5 years, when the building of a commercial institute was handed over, a medical institute was settled here. In the morning, the bulk of the cars here are students. We cannot drive them away, you understand. They arrive for classes at 8 o’clock in the morning, and when our patients arrive there is no place to park their cars))

Things are worse only in the first children's clinic on the street. Karachevskaya. There are no equipped parking spaces near the hospital at all. Previously, cars were parked in the courtyard of nearby houses, but now there is a barrier there. Parents of sick children are forced to park their cars by the road, if they are lucky and have space, or drive further away and walk with their sick child.

Considering the state of parking near Oryol children's medical institutions, little thought is being given to the future. But for now there is hope that at least the problem with the regional hospital will be solved. They will move from words to action, and people with sick children will have one less problem.
