Test, who are you in sex: a hypocrite or a violent libertine? Passionate nature or a log in bed? Let's check your temperament.

Passion is something inexplicable in words, when you lose your head, your thoughts get confused and you cannot say anything. It's like in a whirlpool with your head, without thinking about anything, it seems to you that you are burning with a bright flame. This is a delightful feeling, inexpressible sensations in words, comparable to natural phenomena in nature. This is a fire in the soul, it covers like a tsunami, like hot lava during an eruption, blood flows at this moment ...

Do you often wind up in the most inappropriate places? (1/20)

Do you have sex more than three times a week? (2/20)

Do you get great pleasure from experiments in bed and new positions? (3/20)

You prefer to have sex in safe, familiar places without distractions (4/20)

Do you think that it is impossible to watch erotic films with a partner: it is not your body that will excite him, but an unfamiliar actress (5/20)

Can you imagine a close relationship without having sex? (6/20)

Are you sure: sex is the best cure for blues? (7/20)

Do you think that sexuality is given to a person by nature, and not everyone is lucky? (8/20)

Do you easily give up on the idea of ​​having sex if your partner is tired? (9/20)

Do you think that you should not have sex when your head is full of problems? (10/20)

Do you enter into intimate relationships only if you are sure that you look perfect? (11/20)

Do you enjoy beautiful lingerie? (12/20)

Do you mind flipping through a magazine with candid photographs sometimes? (13/20)

Do you think that there should be no taboos in bed? (14/20)

Are you sure that you can only have sex with a very close and well-known person (15/20)

Does it annoy you when people ask you questions about sex? (16/20)

Do you think that on the beach you need to look as impressive as possible? (17/20)

Is it easy for you to tell your partner about your addictions in bed? (18/20)

In fact, a person does not need sex as much as they try to teach in films and magazines (19/20)

Can sex take your mind off any unpleasant thoughts? (20/20)

Previous question Next question End survey

Your result: 0 to 7 points

It is sad to admit that you obviously belong to a rare category of people who consider sex to be something dirty and see in it only a way to procreate. Understand, it does not matter what thoughts adults inspired in you when you asked them questions about intimate life as a child. It also doesn't matter what kind of sexual experience you have behind you. This is not a reason to deprive yourself of the joys of life and voluntarily give up those rich sensations and experiences that you can experience. Sex is an amazing way to communicate and discover yourself. Try it, allow yourself to take a step forward - and you will see for yourself.

Your result: Over 16 points

You have a truly ardent and passionate nature. This is a huge gift of fate, which also implies a huge responsibility. People with great sexuality know how to make an impression, they achieve a lot in life, because they quickly win over people.

But in their intimate life, they are often overly demanding of their partners and expect more and more “exploits” in bed from them. In this case, sexuality turns into a dangerous side.

Think about it. Before making claims or changing one partner after another in search of the most suitable one, it is better to understand why a loved one cannot open up with you and be extremely frank. Perhaps the problem itself is not in bed, but outside of it.

Your result: 8 to 15 points

In the world of sensual and passionate love, you are still a beginner. Everything connected with the intimate side of life is in many respects a mystery to you. And this should not be shy. Experience and the ability to understand your innermost desires will come with time.

It is better to discard the complexes and allow yourself to be what your nature tells you to be. Remember: maybe you experienced inexplicable excitement at the sight of erotic pictures? Did you have explicit dreams?

Perhaps you are attracted to a certain type of man, and you are looking for your screen hero in everyday life? One way or another, you should listen carefully to yourself. You can even start a special diary to which you will trust your secret dreams. You will see, your body will surprise you more than once.

Workshop "Thirty Days of Great Sex":

More tests

  • Fatal woman or innocent angel? Who are you with men?

    Flirting is an art. Do you own it? Heart specialist John Gray, author of the famous book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, will tell you about it. Take this quiz to find out your flirting ability and what you need to do to improve your flirting skill.

  • Are you sure you have found your soul mate?

    According to a recent survey, 98% of people consider it important to connect their lives with their “soul mate”. But how to determine that this person is really "the one"? Yes, everything is wonderful in bed, you are completely compatible, and, of course, you want it to be so with all your heart. But there is a huge difference between “a great guy” and “that guy.” Is it possible to determine that you have already found your soul mate or is your new romance just the beginning of the search? Read on!

  • What is your ideal age for a man?

    An unexpected question: when you think about the future, what kind of man do you imagine next to you? Do you want to see the world with a man older than you? Or do you want to be conquered by a younger chosen one? Who will be spiritually and physically compatible with you? Take this quiz to find out the ideal age of the man of your dreams!

  • But aren’t you too busy climbing into the life and affairs of your loved one?

    Do you spend all your free time with your loved one or do you prefer independence? Or maybe you think that both can be combined?

  • Which rock star will your fiancé look like?

    Their pictures and posters hung in our locker room drawers, and we swore eternal love to them as we stood in the front rows at their performances. Of course, these are only fantasies, and yet one could easily imagine that they are addressing us in their songs. What if that were the case? Which of the kings of the charts suits you? Our test will help you find out.

  • Are you still in love with your ex?

    For some of us, it is easy to restore relationships after a breakup, for some it is not. Did you really break up forever, almost broke up, or do you still cherish the hope of starting all over again? Our test will help you!

  • The wedding dress of your dreams. What is it?

    What dress will you wear on your wedding day? Our quiz will help you determine which bridal gown is right for you.

  • The perfect wedding. What is it for you?

    And here comes the bride... It doesn't matter if you are engaged for the first time, about to get married for the second time or are a "veteran" of the wedding ceremony - it is always exciting to fantasize about the wedding of your dreams! What is your ideal wedding? Our quiz will help you determine your own wedding style.

  • Are you ready to live together?

    The beginning of a life together is one of the most important stages of a relationship, however, it is no secret that sometimes the decision can be too hasty. Are you ready to take the risk? Our test will help you determine it!

  • Can you be called a sex bomb?

    Are you proud that you are his best lover, or are you secretly worried that you are losing to his previous “passions”? Not only is it embarrassing to ask directly, it is unlikely to help you find out anything, since no man in his right mind will tell you: “You know, dear, you are worse than all the women I have known.” And yet there is a way out! test, and you can quickly assess your sexual performance.

  • Has he fallen in love? Let's check!

    The state of love is one of the most beautiful in the world, but only until the person you love decides that he no longer has feelings for you. At some point it happens to each of us, and we can hardly foresee such a turn of events. Do you want to understand what is happening with your man? Has he fallen in love with you? Our test will help you find out.

  • Do you know how to properly present yourself in communication with other people?

    People around us often judge us not by what our true worth is, but by how well we manage to make a winning impression, demonstrate our worth, and influence others.

    Many attractive people are not respected because of their timidity and shyness. Others, on the contrary, do their best to make a bright impression, but at the same time they "go too far" and annoy those around them with their ambitions. Do you know how to properly present yourself in communication with other people?

  • Or maybe you are an alcoholic?

    “The weather whispers: “Borrow and drink” - which of us has not quoted these lines at least once in our lives?

  • Is it possible to rely on you?

    Men are generally hard to understand, and your loved one is no exception. Will you be able to help when he is in trouble? This will show our test.

  • How well do you know men?

    A mysterious male soul… What kind of creatures are these, men? Every woman has her own opinion on this matter. Test yourself: are you as knowledgeable about the opposite sex as you think? Having a clear idea of ​​who you are dealing with is the key to success in any relationship, including personal ones.

Good night! Other tests on my blog can be found by topic tag:

1. How often and for how long does your woman prefer?

A. 13 minutes 9 times a month
B. 22 minutes 12 times a month
B. 30 minutes 4 times a month

Relax and wipe the cold sweat from your forehead - there will be no marathon race. Published in the American edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the results of the study say: women love an act lasting from 3 to 13 minutes (most ladies especially emphasize that two minutes or less is “too little”). As for the frequency, according to the Kinsey Institute (USA), 2.15 times a week (on average) is quite enough. Simply put, on Tuesday and Thursday, and once a month and a half - on Saturday. And one more thing: researchers from the University of Texas say that 9 out of 10 women are more important penis thickness than its length.

correct answer: A

2. What is the correct sequence of eating the following foods throughout the day for the best sexual performance?

A. Chili, asparagus, crab, banana
B. Banana, crab, chili, asparagus
C. Asparagus, crab, banana, chili

The banana contains enzymes (complex proteins) that increase libido - you want. Crab is rich in zinc, which is necessary for maintaining high testosterone levels and erectile function - you can. The capsaicin in chili stimulates nerve endings and releases endorphins - you'll love it. The final and most satisfying chord in this gastronomic suite comes from asparagus, whose high folic acid content makes it possible to reach an orgasm - you will successfully finish. In other words, we offer you a banana smoothie in the afternoon, followed by an early dinner for two of grilled crab in a spicy chili sauce with steamed asparagus. If crabs with asparagus are no longer in your throat, try something more sophisticated, such as a beef or lamb chop with green beans. The same zinc and folic acid, but in a different form. Seasoning it all with chili sauce is not forbidden.

correct answer: B

3. Day off, you and your girlfriend woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning, spent the day together, had dinner at 19 o'clock and went to bed at 23. When is the best time to have sex?

A. 8.30
B. 15.30
W. 23.30

Yes, you have heard that all romantic things happen at sunset and after. This sweet heresy was invented by women. The fact is that on the opposite side of the bed, the highest concentration of the sex hormone (in their case, progesterone) is observed just in the evening. Your sex hormone (testosterone) peaks early in the morning. So we recommend a compromise - do "it" in the middle of the day.

correct answer: B

4. Which of the following is not a female erogenous zone?

A. Bough udder
B. Genital gap
B. Bulb vestibule

The genital slit (a term often used in forensic reports) is the area between the labia majora, like all the external genitalia of a woman, referring to the "organs of the sexual sense." It is clear that in the end this is your main goal. But on the way to it, it is very important not to ignore the “vessel bulbs” (Bulbus vestibuli). After all, these rollers of tissue, descending from the clitoris and framing the entrance to the vagina, opening, transmit the state of sexual arousal further. If you take care of a bitch's udder, then you will get nothing but a blow to the nose: it is a big painful infiltrate, inflammation of the sweat glands of the armpit.

correct answer: A

5. You are walking down the street, towards - an attractive woman. You wink at her, whistle and follow her with your eyes. She smiles back. This possibly means that:

A. She is ready for anything, she liked you
B. She's just being polite
B. She will end up in the dustbin of evolution

The situation is more complicated than you think. It's not because you're being ill-bred that you're being cheeky. As UCLA psychologist Marty Hazelton explains, from an evolutionary standpoint, it's more terrifying for men to inadvertently miss a mating opportunity than to be rejected. Simply put, there may be those who refused, there should not be unanswered. It is even possible that you will follow this woman, regarding her smile as a confirmation of readiness for sexual contact. But, most likely, you will run into a polite rebuff. A thousand years of experience shows that women who quickly succumb to courtship are then just as quickly abandoned - and a rather gloomy prospect opens before their offspring. So evolution favors skeptical females who choose their partners very carefully.

correct answer: B

6. She is depressed and you want to cheer her up. What will work:

A. Breakfast in bed
B. $200 gift
B. Sex without a condom

A group of psychologists from the State University of New York conducted an experiment. The 293 women were divided into groups according to the frequency with which their sexual partners used a condom. The meticulous scientists then rated their level of satisfaction with life on a scale where 0 points corresponded to complete peace of mind, and 17 points to mild depression. So, those women who had sex without a condom scored an average of 8 points, those whose partners sometimes used a condom scored 10.5 points each, and those who never did without a condom - 15 points. We don’t know whether it’s the richness of sensations or the natural antidepressants contained in semen, but the conclusion is made: women who never use condoms are happier than everyone else. And how you provide unprotected sex without a subsequent pregnancy, scientists from New York do not care.

correct answer: B

7. On Tuesday evening Igor has his first date with Sveta. In unknown ways, he learns that on Tuesday morning Svetlana will begin ovulation - in other words, she will be ready for fertilization. When is it better for Igor to shave to please the world?

A. Tuesday morning
B. Monday evening
B. Monday morning

Contrary to popular belief, whether a woman prefers stubble or a clean-shaven face does not depend on her taste, but on her cycle. A study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior showed that during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, the weaker sex prefers males with pronounced signs of masculinity. And light unshaven, as you know, sets off this very masculinity well.

correct answer: B

8. You met in a pizzeria, talked all evening. Suddenly she realized that you are a good match for each other. She invites you to her place for a cup of coffee. Is she right, will you have a strong relationship? Answer the question using only information about the number of her former partners. So she had:

A. 19 men
B. 5 men
B. 11 men

Every self-respecting man knows that it is useless to make assumptions about something that concerns women. In his aptly titled Mathematics and Sex, Dr. Clio Cresswell attempts to rationalize the seemingly wildly imprecise science of sexual love. She proposes a theory called the "Rule of Twelve Acts" based on a study done at the Brain Institute. Max Planck in Germany. According to this theory, you should try 12 partners before you learn how to choose the right life partner for yourself. And with whom you are lucky - with No. 13 or with No. 31 - it is impossible to predict.

correct answer: A

9. After a particularly difficult work week, the most effective stress reliever for you will be:

A. Masturbation
B. Sexual intercourse
V. Blowjob

Few would deny that you have to take care of yourself to relieve stress. Yet research shows that sex with a loved one may not be as effective as sex with a partner. Psychologists at the University of the West of Scotland asked a group of men and women to keep diaries of their sex lives for two weeks, after which they instructed each subject to give a serious lecture to an audience (not on the topic of their sex life). Each speaker's stress level was measured. The blood pressure readings of those who had intercourse during the study were much more stable than those who only masturbated or received oral services. Conclusion? It is not the orgasm that relieves stress, but oxytocin, a hormone that is produced during moments of intimacy and causes a benevolent disposition towards a partner. So everything is clear here: if you are tense, get down to business with your partner.

correct answer: B

10. How to spell correctly?

A. Elena Berkoeva
B. Alena Perkova
V. Elena Berkova

Do not you know? In vain.

correct answer: B

Give yourself one for each correct answer.

8-10 points:

Congratulations! You are just a sex genius. Armed with such infallible knowledge, you will thrill anyone and make her sob with orgasms in your hands.

5-7 points:

sex toy
Certain elements of your sexual arsenal need reinforcement and / or improvement, but nevertheless you are well versed.

0-4 points:

sex pest
I'm sorry, but you're a little... not good at it. Open the table of contents "Sex" and find the announcements of articles where the word "sex" is mentioned, read them. Life is not your rehearsal. This is what happens during classy sex.

Passion is something inexplicable in words, when you lose your head, your thoughts get confused and you cannot say anything. It's like in a whirlpool with your head, without thinking about anything, it seems to you that you are burning with a bright flame. This is a delightful feeling, inexpressible sensations in words, comparable to natural phenomena in nature. This is a fire in the soul, it covers like a tsunami, like hot lava during an eruption, blood flows at this moment ...

Do you often wind up in the most inappropriate places? (1/20)

Do you have sex more than three times a week? (2/20)

Do you get great pleasure from experiments in bed and new positions? (3/20)

You prefer to have sex in safe, familiar places without distractions (4/20)

Do you think that it is impossible to watch erotic films with a partner: it is not your body that will excite him, but an unfamiliar actress (5/20)

Can you imagine a close relationship without having sex? (6/20)

Are you sure: sex is the best cure for blues? (7/20)

Do you think that sexuality is given to a person by nature, and not everyone is lucky? (8/20)

Do you easily give up on the idea of ​​having sex if your partner is tired? (9/20)

Do you think that you should not have sex when your head is full of problems? (10/20)

Do you enter into intimate relationships only if you are sure that you look perfect? (11/20)

Do you enjoy beautiful lingerie? (12/20)

Do you mind flipping through a magazine with candid photographs sometimes? (13/20)

Do you think that there should be no taboos in bed? (14/20)

Are you sure that you can only have sex with a very close and well-known person (15/20)

Does it annoy you when people ask you questions about sex? (16/20)

Do you think that on the beach you need to look as impressive as possible? (17/20)

Is it easy for you to tell your partner about your addictions in bed? (18/20)

In fact, a person does not need sex as much as they try to teach in films and magazines (19/20)

Can sex take your mind off any unpleasant thoughts? (20/20)

Previous question Next question End survey

Your result: 0 to 7 points

It is sad to admit that you obviously belong to a rare category of people who consider sex to be something dirty and see in it only a way to procreate. Understand, it does not matter what thoughts adults inspired in you when you asked them questions about intimate life as a child. It also doesn't matter what kind of sexual experience you have behind you. This is not a reason to deprive yourself of the joys of life and voluntarily give up those rich sensations and experiences that you can experience. Sex is an amazing way to communicate and discover yourself. Try it, allow yourself to take a step forward - and you will see for yourself.

Your result: Over 16 points

You have a truly ardent and passionate nature. This is a huge gift of fate, which also implies a huge responsibility. People with great sexuality know how to make an impression, they achieve a lot in life, because they quickly win over people.

But in their intimate life, they are often overly demanding of their partners and expect more and more “exploits” in bed from them. In this case, sexuality turns into a dangerous side.

Think about it. Before making claims or changing one partner after another in search of the most suitable one, it is better to understand why a loved one cannot open up with you and be extremely frank. Perhaps the problem itself is not in bed, but outside of it.

Your result: 8 to 15 points

In the world of sensual and passionate love, you are still a beginner. Everything connected with the intimate side of life is in many respects a mystery to you. And this should not be shy. Experience and the ability to understand your innermost desires will come with time.

It is better to discard the complexes and allow yourself to be what your nature tells you to be. Remember: maybe you experienced inexplicable excitement at the sight of erotic pictures? Did you have explicit dreams?

Perhaps you are attracted to a certain type of man, and you are looking for your screen hero in everyday life? One way or another, you should listen carefully to yourself. You can even start a special diary to which you will trust your secret dreams. You will see, your body will surprise you more than once.

Workshop "Thirty Days of Great Sex":

More tests

    Flirting is an art. Do you own it? Heart specialist John Gray, author of the famous book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, will tell you about it. Take this quiz to find out your flirting ability and what you need to do to improve your flirting skill.

    According to a recent survey, 98% of people consider it important to connect their lives with their “soul mate”. But how to determine that this person is really "the one"? Yes, everything is wonderful in bed, you are completely compatible, and, of course, you want it to be so with all your heart. But there is a huge difference between “a great guy” and “that guy.” Is it possible to determine that you have already found your soul mate or is your new romance just the beginning of the search? Read on!

    An unexpected question: when you think about the future, what kind of man do you imagine next to you? Do you want to see the world with a man older than you? Or do you want to be conquered by a younger chosen one? Who will be spiritually and physically compatible with you? Take this quiz to find out the ideal age of the man of your dreams!

    Do you spend all your free time with your loved one or do you prefer independence? Or maybe you think that both can be combined?

    Their pictures and posters hung in our locker room drawers, and we swore eternal love to them as we stood in the front rows at their performances. Of course, these are only fantasies, and yet one could easily imagine that they are addressing us in their songs. What if that were the case? Which of the kings of the charts suits you? Our test will help you find out.

    For some of us, it is easy to restore relationships after a breakup, for some it is not. Did you really break up forever, almost broke up, or do you still cherish the hope of starting all over again? Our test will help you!

    What dress will you wear on your wedding day? Our quiz will help you determine which bridal gown is right for you.

    And here comes the bride... It doesn't matter if you are engaged for the first time, about to get married for the second time or are a "veteran" of the wedding ceremony - it is always exciting to fantasize about the wedding of your dreams! What is your ideal wedding? Our quiz will help you determine your own wedding style.

    The beginning of a life together is one of the most important stages of a relationship, however, it is no secret that sometimes the decision can be too hasty. Are you ready to take the risk? Our test will help you determine it!

    Are you proud that you are his best lover, or are you secretly worried that you are losing to his previous “passions”? Not only is it embarrassing to ask directly, it is unlikely to help you find out anything, since no man in his right mind will tell you: “You know, dear, you are worse than all the women I have known.” And yet there is a way out! test, and you can quickly assess your sexual performance.

    The state of love is one of the most beautiful in the world, but only until the person you love decides that he no longer has feelings for you. At some point it happens to each of us, and we can hardly foresee such a turn of events. Do you want to understand what is happening with your man? Has he fallen in love with you? Our test will help you find out.

    People around us often judge us not by what our true worth is, but by how well we manage to make a winning impression, demonstrate our worth, and influence others.

    Many attractive people are not respected because of their timidity and shyness. Others, on the contrary, do their best to make a bright impression, but at the same time they "go too far" and annoy those around them with their ambitions. Do you know how to properly present yourself in communication with other people?

    “The weather whispers: “Borrow and drink” - which of us has not quoted these lines at least once in our lives?

    Men are generally hard to understand, and your loved one is no exception. Will you be able to help when he is in trouble? This will show our test.

    A mysterious male soul… What kind of creatures are these, men? Every woman has her own opinion on this matter. Test yourself: are you as knowledgeable about the opposite sex as you think? Having a clear idea of ​​who you are dealing with is the key to success in any relationship, including personal ones.

From this article you will learn:

There are areas of life that are not customary to talk about publicly. It is very personal and intimate, but at the same time important for building and continuing a relationship with your loved one. Many people ask themselves the question: what am I in this business? - but no one speaks it out loud. In reality, it is useful for your own self-esteem to know the answer in order to take into account your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, we offer you a psychological test who are you in sex: a hypocrite or a violent libertine, liberated or clamped, mysterious or predictable?

Instructions for performing the test

Instructions for performing the test

Instructions on how to pass the test, what (what) you are in sex, is very simple. All questions are divided into blocks, each of which gives a different number of points for your answers (“yes” or “no”). You put down the numbers on paper, carefully read the statements and arrange the scores, and then calculate the overall result.

This questionnaire is suitable for both men and women.

As you can see, nothing complicated instruction for a test that allows you to determine your sexuality, does not contain. So arm yourself, as they say, with pen and paper, and go ahead!

Statistics. The sexiest were the inhabitants of Greece, and the laziest in this regard - the Japanese.


And here are those very long-awaited questions for the test, who are you in a sexual relationship.

  • For the answer "yes" - 5 points, for the answer "no" - 4 points
  1. Do you believe that the ideal of your man (your woman) exists?
  2. Are you constant in love?
  3. Do you think a girl should marry innocent?
  4. And in relation to a man do you have the same opinion?
  • For the answer "yes" - 3 points, for the answer "no" - 1 point
  1. Was there someone positive in your personal life who left a bright mark behind?
  2. Do you exaggerate the dignity of your loved one?
  3. Are you jealous of his (her) ex?
  4. Have you ever abused a loved one while in a relationship?
  • For the answer "yes" - 4 points, for the answer "no" - 0 points
  1. If you know that this man (this woman) had a huge number of love affairs, will you date him?
  2. Are you able to tell a vulgar anecdote in the presence of an outsider man (woman)?
  3. Are you happy to tell everyone about your victories on the love front?
  • Each answer has its own score
  1. What are you willing to forgive a beautiful person:

a) stupidity - 2 points;

b) cruelty - 3 points;

c) inconstancy - 4 points.

  1. What kind of man (woman) do you dream about in your dreams:

a) smart (oh), intellectual (oh) - 3 points;

b) fun (oh), easy (oh) - 4 points;

c) restrained (oh), serious (oh) - 2 points.

  1. What do you feel when a person who you don't even like confesses to you in love:

a) annoyance - 2 points;

b) inconvenience - 3 points;

c) joy - 4 points.

  1. What is the worst betrayal in your opinion?

a) physical - 2 points;

b) spiritual - 4 points.

  1. What do you think: to have both a husband (wife) and a lover (lover) in parallel is:

b) immoral and unacceptable - 0 points;

c) only in hopeless situations - 2 points.

  • For the answer "yes" - 3 points, for the answer "no" - 0 points
  1. Do you like walking in windy weather?
  2. Do you enjoy playing sports?
  3. Have you ever wanted to try a drug?
  4. Are you attracted to exotic men (women)?
  5. Do you quickly get bored with sex partners?
  • For the answer "yes" - 0 points, for the answer "no" - 3 points
  1. Will you break off relations with your lover (s) because of self-interest?
  2. Homosexuals disgust you?

That's it, the questions for the test, how sexy are you, are over - the most crucial moment is coming: we decipher the results.

through the pages of history. In ancient Greece, oral sex was masked with an innocent phrase - "playing the flute."

Transcription of answers

Transcription of answers

Here are the answers to the test about your sexuality given by psychologists.

  • 0-10 points

There is nothing to decipher here. In sex, you are just a hypocrite. It's amazing you even had it. Or hasn't it happened yet?

  • 10-15 points

You are very difficult in terms of a sex partner. You are too demanding of others, suspicious and jealous. Start changing yourself.

  • 16-20 points

You are innocent not only in body but also in soul. And in your environment there are no those who could corrupt you. Decide for yourself if it's good or bad.

  • 21-30 points

Such a number of points could be scored either by an old or a very sick person. Or are you just trying to seem different from who you really are in sex.

  • 31-35 points

You should be commended for strong moral principles. After all, your ideal is the only beloved person for life and a friendly family. But you still lack sex in a relationship.

  • 36-40 points

You are not capable of recklessness in sex. You will never have casual connections.

  • 31-50 points

Despite the fact that you promote modern views on sex, you never condemn others for immorality, but at the same time you yourself lead an extremely restrained sex life.

  • 51-55 points

There is a stream of unspent energy in you, you are probably young and want to take everything from life. At this time, sex is a physical need for you, but nothing more.

  • 56-60 points

You often get carried away and mix love and sex into one, while your partners are not ready for such a turn of events.

  • 61-65 points

You dream of an ideal sexual partner, but at the same time you yourself are exchanging for what is public and publicly available.

  • 66-70 points

You are disappointed in love, so sex is a common pastime for you, entertainment from boredom.

  • 71-80 points

You are a wonderful lover in sex and are trying to discern in each of your partners a life partner.

  • 81 or more points

You are depraved and cynical in sex. Representatives of the opposite sex are unlikely to ever again be able to revive the spark of love in your heart - you are too disappointed for this.

Here is such a fascinating test of who you are in sex: a hypocrite or a violent libertine, modest or a seducer. We hope he revealed to you something that you could only guess about before. The answers will allow you to know yourself better and draw the appropriate conclusions. If there is something to work on, do not be upset. Such questionnaires were created in order to see yourself from the outside and improve for the better.
