Poplin fabric composition what kind of fabric reviews. Comparative analysis of percale and poplin - which fabric is best for bedding? Raw material used for making

Sleep is the key to health. But in order to allow the body to fully relax, it is necessary to create conditions, including choosing high-quality bed linen. For this reason, many are faced with the dilemma of coarse calico, satin or poplin, which is better for sleeping? To make the right choice, it is worth understanding what advantages and disadvantages each fabric has, what is common and how the material differs.

General characteristics of satin, poplin and calico

The answer to the question of which bed linen is better, satin, calico or poplin, we suggest starting with the characteristics common to each of the listed types of fabric.

All of them are made from cotton. Natural material gives the products general characteristics:

  • good breathability - fabrics allow air to pass through, allow the body to "breathe";
  • hygroscopicity - maintain a comfortable body temperature, absorb excess moisture;
  • the ability to retain heat - cotton, unlike silk, warms, you can sleep under such sheets at any time of the year;
  • wear resistance - calico, percale and satin have a good margin of safety, do not require special care, endure machine washing without requiring delicate modes, withstand up to 150-200 washes without visible deformations and changes in brightness and color;
  • hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly - do not cause allergic reactions, are used for sewing children's clothing;
  • practicality - bed linen is easy to iron, does not shrink and does not change shape after washing, rarely sheds.

When you buy a set of cotton underwear, you can't go wrong, because you get the quality created by nature.

What are the differences between calico, poplin and satin

The difference between these fabrics is that the fabric has a different weave. The use of threads of different thickness and texture, as well as their different weave, gives the canvas certain characteristics.

The calico has a linen weave cross to cross, while using the same threads with thickenings along the entire length. The result is a dense, durable fabric that is slightly rough to the touch. Density varies between 125-140 g/m².

Poplin also has a linen weave, but threads of different thicknesses are used: thin threads at the base, ducks 1.5-2.0 thicker than the warp. The result is a fabric as strong as calico, but smoother, pleasant to the touch with a slight sheen. Percale is very similar to poplin. A slight visual difference is that the percale has a wrong side, the front side is characterized by brilliance and greater color intensity.

Satin has a special satin weave. The fabric is obtained with a glossy sheen and excellent tactile sensations - smoothness, softness, elasticity like silk. The material is thinner and stronger than calico and poplin, density 110-180 g/m². Unlike silk, satin has an underside that is not as slippery. As a result, the bed set is more convenient and comfortable to use. Having a royal appearance, the bed warms, maintains a balance of humidity and temperature, and is cheaper than silk sets.

Disadvantages of bedding sets made of cotton fabrics

In fact, there are not so many disadvantages of cotton fabrics.

Coarse calico is practical, but rustic in appearance, rough to the touch. Children or people with sensitive skin may experience discomfort from contact. It is better for such sissies to prefer thinner poplin or satin headsets.

It is difficult to say which fabric is better to the touch poplin or satin. It's a matter of taste and personal preference. Fabrics are thin, smooth, elastic. Each is good in its own way.

The disadvantage of satin is complicated processing and manufacturing, and therefore a high price. Satin is cheaper than natural silk, but belongs to the most expensive types of cotton group. Appearance and tactile sensations justify the high price, but the popularity of calico due to its affordable price and unpretentiousness is many times higher. Moreover, manufacturers more than compensate for the rustic appearance with bright colors and bedding colors.

In all respects, poplin occupies an intermediate position between coarse calico and satin.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that calico bed linen is a democratic option and every day, for a country house or cottage, when sophistication fades into the background. Practicality and price make it the most popular.

Poplin - the option is more expensive and more refined. The quality of poplin sets is higher, the appearance is richer, despite the fact that the price is affordable for a wide range of consumers.

Sateen is a royal choice, bed linen for wealthy citizens and for special occasions. On soft, smooth sheets you feel especially comfortable. If funds allow, feel free to buy a satin bed. A sweet dream for several years is guaranteed to you.

With modest incomes, you should also not be upset, since modern sets made of cotton fabrics amaze with their variety, quality of tailoring and originality of styles.

What could be more pleasant to immerse yourself in a soft and warm bed for a night's rest? Probably no greater pleasure has yet been invented. But in order for the sleep to be strong and healthy, you need to choose the right bed linen that will not sparkle, will be pleasant to the body, and the quality of the fabric itself will be important. Poplin meets all these requirements best of all, but what kind of fabric is this?

Pros and cons of the material

They invented an unusual way of weaving fabric in the French city of Avignon, and at first the fabric was intended exclusively for sewing papal vestments, which is why it was called poplin.

Basically, manufacturers make poplin fabrics from cotton fibers, but sometimes silk or synthetic threads can be added to it. But the highest quality fabric is made in Chinese, Indian or Turkish weaving factories, since cotton is grown there in abundance. But what family bedding sets with two duvet covers look like and how practical they are, you can see

Poplin bedding has become widespread, since it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High sleeping comfort. The fabric has an impeccable smoothness of the structure, while remaining unusually dense. These qualities allow the linen not to wrinkle during sleep, and in the morning it will look as neat as before going to bed.
  • High rates of long faultless service. Poplin bedding can withstand up to 200 aggressive washes without changing the quality of the fabric, and is also resistant to wear.
  • The canvas has high rates of hygroscopicity and breathability- these properties help maintain the body's natural temperature throughout the night - in the summer it will save you from the heat, and in the winter from the cold.
  • No signs of allergic reactions on the skin of a sleeping person. This indicator has been repeatedly confirmed in practice.
  • Ease of maintenance. All bedding practically does not wrinkle even during restless sleep, they are easy to wash and dry quickly.
  • Lovely appearance. The fabric is slightly shiny, so it looks very attractive.

But what does microfiber bedding look like and what reviews exist, you can see

On the video - poplin bed linen:

But does the fabric have disadvantages?

Yes, this can be found if you buy a fake, high-quality and branded fabric has practically no flaws, except for the natural wear and tear of bed linen over time.

A poor-quality canvas will have the following indicators:

  • Persistent chemical smell of dyes that quickly shed from aggressive washing.
  • After the first immersion in water, the linen will sit down, significantly decrease in its original size.
  • Cutting will be marred by complications, since the obligatory ribs (characterizing poplin) will be frayed, which will cause inconvenience to tailor linen.

However, high-quality poplin fabric does not have all these indicators, and is great for making bedding.

Comparison with coarse calico

In order to be able to distinguish poplin from coarse calico, you need to know the characteristic differences between these fabrics:

Comparison with satin

Satin is also called cotton silk, for its shiny appearance, because it uses a special technology of weaving from twisted cotton threads, for its weave density and durability.

Linen of excellent quality for long use

Its undeniable advantages include:

  • The fabric does not wrinkle during sleep, a simple shaking is enough to give the original flat surface of the bed.
  • The gloss on the front side (a mandatory attribute of satin) will give the linen additional sophistication.
  • All satin fabrics practically do not shed and do not shrink from washing, a very practical, but expensive material.

But from what fabric bed linen is sewn and what material is the most effective, is indicated in this

Distinctive characteristics of the two types of fabrics:

  • Satin underwear is more expensive than poplin items.
  • Accessories made of poplin have higher rates of wear resistance, unlike satin - satin underwear will last a shorter period.
  • Things made of satin are softer in sensations, and the presence of a rib on poplin gives it a roughness. Linen simply clings to the body, creating a comfortable environment for sleeping.

But this is how the standard sizes of bed linen 1.5 look like and what colors and textures are, this will help to understand

Manufacturers and prices for bed linen

  • Double bed set with fitted sheet Aurora» from 100 percent poplin fabric from the Ivanovo weaving factory worth 2050 rubles. But how it can look like and how practical it is, the information at the link will help to understand.

    Good bed linen from the Ivanovo factory

  • One-and-a-half bedding set in blue tones with large lotus flower print, from the Chinese sewing company Cleo. The price of the kit is 1750 rubles. And here is how it looks and how it should be used in everyday life, so that it would last longer.

  • Exquisite double set "Marquis" pearl gray from the Russian manufacturer "TexDesign", the cost of 2050 rubles. But what are the standards for the size of double bedding and how it looks, you can see

    Excellent quality and mainly used for double beds

Today, the market offers a wide range of fabrics made from natural cotton: satin, and others. Materials are in great demand due to hygiene, wear resistance and strength. At times it is very difficult to understand this variety and understand, for example, what is better - percale or poplin.

The difficulty lies in the fact that these fabrics are similar in basic properties, and it is sometimes difficult for the average consumer to understand how they differ from each other.

Description of fabrics

Before moving on to the question of what is better to choose, percale or poplin, you should understand the basic properties of these materials.

Percale fabric first appeared in India, and literally translated from Persian, this word means "rag". The canvas consists of natural cotton fibers, which are combed out using a certain technology, after which they are used to create the material.

Percale has a linen weave and is highly durable, due to which some types of this fabric were used in the manufacture of ship sails in the past. Thinner types of material were intended to create clothing and bedding.

Poplin has been known since the 14th century, and in Italian this word means "papal". The material received such an unusual name because it was first made in Avignon, where the residence of the Pope was located. In those days, this material was made from silk, one of its sides was of the same color, and the other was covered with patterns.

Today, poplin is made by plain weaving using cotton or synthetic fibers and using threads of various thicknesses. Due to this, the surface of the canvas is covered with small scars. Men's and women's clothing, curtains, towels and tablecloths are sewn from such fabric.

There are types of material that contain fibers of wool or silk. As a rule, these types of poplin are used when sewing high-quality bed linen.

Since synthetic fibers can also be used in the production of these materials, you should carefully study the label before purchasing a piece of percale or poplin fabric.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabrics

Like any type of material, percale and poplin fabrics have a list of advantages and disadvantages.

The main positive properties of percale are the following characteristics.

  • Long service life. This material is considered the most wear-resistant among cotton fabrics; percale items will last at least 7-8 years.
  • High density - 130-150 g / m 2, which exceeds the similar characteristics of other cotton fabrics.
  • Strength. Even after numerous washings, cleanings and ironings, the percale fabric retains its original density and brightness of colors.
  • The ability to maintain shape and structure. This fabric is not prone to deformation and the formation of pellets on the surface.
  • Softness and smoothness. The basis for this material is untwisted cotton fibers, due to which the surface appears to be sliding.
  • The ability to maintain temperature. Percale products will not allow you to freeze in cold weather, and on hot days they will give a pleasant cooling effect.

The disadvantages of this material include the fact that it is strongly crushed. After washing, such a bed set will require mandatory ironing and steaming.

The positive qualities of poplin are the following properties.

  • High strength. Things made of this fabric are considered durable, the fabric does not “wipe” even with intensive use of the product for 4-5 years.
  • Hygienic and breathable. The fabric allows the body to breathe and perfectly passes the air.
  • The ability to keep warm. Natural poplin fibers will reliably protect from the cold and will not allow you to freeze.
  • Hypoallergenic. Products from this fabric can be used by people with hypersensitivity.
  • Ease of maintenance. This material does not require the use of any special means in order to keep it in good shape for a long time.
  • Softness and silkiness. Poplin is smooth and pleasant to the touch, which is especially valuable for bed linen and clothes that are in direct contact with the body.
  • Deformation stability. The material practically does not wrinkle and is able to retain its original shape and color after many washes.

The disadvantage of poplin is that fabrics with wool or silk impurities can shrink a lot after washing.

What is better for bed linen - percale or poplin?

We figured out the basic properties of the fabric, it's time to find out what is best for bed linen, poplin or percale. To do this, you need to compare their main characteristics.

  • Strength indicators. In the production of percale, denser threads are used, treated with a special composition. This allows us to say that the strength of the material is slightly higher than that of poplin.
  • Density. According to these characteristics, percale is superior to poplin canvas, which is visible to the naked eye. It is enough to look at the materials "in the light", and you can see that the poplin is somewhat thinner.
  • Duration of operation. Since poplin is less dense, its life is usually 3-4 years less.
  • Wrinkle. If you buy a percale bedding set, you will have to iron it after each wash, otherwise the pillowcases and duvet covers will look untidy. But poplin products practically do not wrinkle, and, accordingly, do not need to be treated with heat and steam.
  • Price. The difference in the price of these materials is very noticeable. If poplin can be purchased for 1500 rubles, then 1 m of percale costs more than 2000 rubles.

What kind of fabric to buy for sewing bed linen? The final choice depends on personal preference. If the poplin set will cost much less, but will also last for a relatively short time, then you will have to pay a larger amount for sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers made of percale, but you can also use the products for a long time.

Care of natural fabrics

Since percale and poplin have similar properties, the principles of care for products made from these materials are the same.

  1. Before using the bed set, carefully study the product label, which describes the basic requirements for the care of the material.
  2. Before washing, keep poplin or percale items in a special basket with holes to allow air to enter the fabric.
  3. Wash items made of natural fibers separately from other products at a water temperature not exceeding 80 degrees.
  4. Use detergents and conditioners suitable for this type of material.
  5. Air dry in a vertical or horizontal position. These materials are not afraid of sunlight, the paint does not fade, so you can hang them on the balcony even in clear and hot weather.
  6. Iron things only from the wrong side when the iron is heated to no more than 150 degrees.
  7. Lay from these fabrics in a ventilated closet in a dry and warm room.

Poplin is a plain weave material that has been known for more than 5 centuries. At first it was made only from natural raw materials. Now poplin is woven from a variety of fibers. The main characteristic of the fabric - the type of weaving with a certain ratio of the thickness of the weft and warp threads - remains unchanged. The material is used for tailoring, curtains, items.

Material Description

There are several types of poplin.

In the history of Catholicism, the 14th century was marked by a major conflict between the king, aristocratic dynasties and the clergy. As a result, the papal residence moved from Rome to the Provencal city of Avignon. The main business of the townspeople at that time was production, one of the types of which was called papal, in Russian - poplin. Since then, the composition of the fabric has changed many times, but the name has been preserved.

Expensive grades of matter were woven from organsin - high quality silk in the warp and wool in the weft. Cheaper ones are made from low-grade silk in the warp and cotton threads in the weft. For a long time, papillon was popular - pure wool poplin. Now woolen fabric with this name can not be seen often.

Currently, poplin is made in several types:

  • The silk type of matter is woven by interlacing woolen threads with natural silk threads. This type of fabric is historically the first.
  • Cotton poplin began to be woven later, using threads of different thicknesses. Now the most expensive and high-quality poplin material is Grodesin, made in India from pure cotton. Customers also like products made from Pakistani and Turkish cotton poplin.
  • A common, inexpensive type of poplin is a material woven from cotton and synthetic or artificial threads in various proportions.

All varieties of poplin are made with plain weaving (rapport is 2), in which the weft threads are almost 2 times thicker than the warp threads. Such materials are referred to as false reps. They have a transverse ridge. The face and back of the fabric have the same smooth matte surface.

Various colors of poplin. Currently releasing matter:

  • bleached;
  • multicolored;
  • with a printed pattern;
  • smoothly dyed.

Cotton fabrics, which initially have gray-brown shades, are subjected to bleaching. For bleaching, which technologists often call bleaching, several types of chemicals are used. After that, the material is treated with an alkali solution. This stage is called. As a result, the fabric becomes shiny, even more hygroscopic, durable.

The multi-colored look of poplin is produced by interlacing already dyed threads. Dyeing of threads, smooth coloring of entire canvases is essentially the same process. Depending on the nature of the raw material, a dye reagent is selected, which is used to treat the substrate. Dyeing always includes three stages:

  • absorption of dye particles (adsorption);
  • deep penetration (diffusion);
  • fastening (fixing).

Printing of the picture is also done with the help of special dyes. There are several application methods:

  • application using mesh patterns;
  • airbrush painting;
  • machine method.

Printing can be direct, etch and backup.

  • With direct printing, dye is immediately applied to the substrate. Now a common method of applying pigments, which are additionally fixed with films. Such a fabric may have increased rigidity and low air permeability.
  • When etching printing on a smoothly dyed fabric, the dye is removed (etched) in the required places. The result is a pattern.
  • Back-up printing, in fact, resembles the technique of making batik. All areas of the fabric that the dye should not get on are covered with a special reserve compound. Then the material is painted, after drying the reserve is removed.

The variety of poplin processing methods explains the wide range of poplin products.

Fabric Properties

The poplin dress is lightweight.

Poplin is a popular material used and now used in completely different products.

In the history of bathing suits, evidence has been preserved that on August 5, 1825, the Duchess Marie-Caroline de Bari swam in the sea in a black poplin dress and patent leather boots. This led to a scandal. All the newspapers wrote about the event that evening. This did not bother the lady. The next day she again entered the sea in the same outfit. Now she had another lady in her retinue in a poplin dress with her. The authorities relented. Bathing women of fashion were assigned a group of infantrymen to guard.

In the history of academic gowns, poplin is also famous. In different climatic zones, mantles were sewn from different materials. In countries with a tropical climate, mantles were sewn from cotton poplin.

Due to the properties of poplin, it was used for sewing clothes for soldiers of the Second World War.

In the post-war Soviet years, every fashionista tried to purchase a staple poplin dress. Cheap, fun, bright! Bulat Okudzhava in the song “I met hope again” called the poplin dress happy.

What are the properties of a material that has received such universal recognition? Let's name the advantages of poplin:

  • beautiful fall in products;
  • heat saving;
  • breathability;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • pleasant tactile perception;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • hygiene;
  • ability ;
  • environmental Safety;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • ease of maintenance.

Such a set of positive characteristics explains the steady popularity of the material.

What is sewn from poplin

Poplin is used to sew bed linen and home textiles.

We mentioned the most striking examples of the use of fabric. Now from poplin they produce:

Poplin with the addition of synthetics or artificial fibers does not tolerate high temperatures. Wash it at a maximum of 40°C. It is also necessary to wring out and iron such material more carefully than cotton.

If you buy real silk poplin, treat it with the same care as any other natural silk fabric.

Poplin is a versatile fabric that has won the well-deserved affection of consumers. Buying poplin products, you will give yourself pleasure for a long time.

Good afternoon, dear reader of our blog! We haven’t talked for a long time, routine and everyday affairs did not allow me to write something useful. However, there was a little time and today I want to talk about poplin. In the last article, by the way, I talked about calico, a fabric famous in our time and at the same time very practical, you can read the article. So, as for poplin, you probably heard about it more than once, but did you wonder why it costs more than coarse calico, what are their fundamental differences regarding structure and care ?! These questions and more will be discussed in today's article.

poplin look

According to the established tradition, let's start with the definition, poplin (from the Italian papalino) - means papal. It's not just that, according to historical belief, poplin was first obtained at the residence of the Pope in Avignon. They used it as a garment for the pope himself and those close to him. Only over time, this tissue appeared in ordinary people. The beginning of the history of the use of poplin in Russia is considered to be the beginning of the 18th century; it was brought to us from Europe.

Differences between poplin and satin

Poplin is mainly made from cotton, like calico, however, there are several different combinations where fabric of a slightly different origin than cotton is added to the cotton base: synthetics, silk, wool and viscose. Although poplin is made quite rarely from these materials, it still happens. At the same time, the main difference between poplin and calico is weaving, and not the possibility of adding various additional fabrics. If the calico has a simple plain weave, where the warp and weft threads are the same size, then for poplin the warp threads are thinner than the weft threads. The density of the warp is 1.5-2 times higher than that of the duck. As a result, a transverse scar is formed. Thanks to this weaving, the density and wear resistance of the fabric are quite high.

Here are a couple of the main differences between coarse calico and poplin:

  • Poplin is softer than coarse calico and more pleasant to the touch;
  • Thanks to weaving, wear resistance is an order of magnitude higher;
  • No need to iron poplin products;
  • The density is higher;
  • Poplin bedding does not shrink.

Of course, these advantages cannot but affect the cost, poplin bed linen costs a little more than coarse calico bed linen, but look how many pluses you get for a small surcharge.

Poplin can also be compared with satin, a fabric from the same “cotton series”. Due to the peculiar satin weave, it is softer, and its cost is more expensive, due to the additional complexity of manufacturing. At the same time, satin has a silky sheen, however, satin is less strong. It's a matter of taste, who likes what. For those who are used to sleeping on chic bedding sets, regardless of their cost, satin or silk is suitable, and for those who like equally practical things, but at a lower price, poplin is just right. You can read more information about satin in this article.

Many useful and beautiful products are made from poplin, however, bed sets are closest to our subject. They turn out unusually beautiful, bright and pleasant to the touch. In the bedroom, such bedding looks quite chic.

Let's now talk about care, it should not cause any difficulties for you if you follow the tips below:

  • first of all, I want to remind you, do not forget to read the label on the product, manufacturers always write useful information;
  • wash at a water temperature of 30 degrees;
  • do not forget to turn the bedding set inside out before washing;
  • it is desirable to wash separately from other things;
  • bleaching is strictly prohibited;
  • drying is recommended immediately after washing;
  • store in a dry and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight.

Well, here, perhaps, are all the main recommendations for care, as you can see, all items are quite standard and should not cause difficulties.

Now we will finish, I will add only a few words about the choice of bed sets. In our difficult time, there are a lot of fakes imported from behind the "hillock". The price for them is certainly ridiculous, but you understand that the quality of such goods is disgusting. Understand, dear friends, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Buy goods from reputable domestic manufacturers who have proven themselves in the textile market, and if you suddenly see that the price is very low, I advise you to carefully examine everything for any pitfalls. No one wants to spend their money and throw the kit in the trash after the first wash. When buying bedding, inspect it visually for holes, uneven seams, and protruding threads. Also, there should not be any synthetic electrification, high-quality poplin is 100% cotton, quite dense. In any case, be careful when choosing, do not let yourself be deceived.

I can’t speak for all manufacturers of bedding sets, but those manufacturers with whom our store cooperates (Tex-Design, ArtPostel and Vasilisa) are very responsible and produce only a quality product.

Now everything is for sure, with respect, Victoria Morozova!
