Topaz is everyone's blue dream. Topaz is an elegant stone of wisdom and sophistication.

natural topaz belongs to the second group of jewelry precious stones. This stone is known to almost everyone firsthand. Properly processed topaz is beautiful. He will not leave anyone indifferent. Its business card is a pronounced brilliance, a variety of colors and affordability. That is why he is so loved and appreciated.

The name of the stone came to us from Greece. In the Red Sea there is an island called "Topazos", which in Greek means - to seek, or from Sanskrit - fire.

Physico-chemical properties of topaz

  • Chemical formula - Al2 (F, OH) 2.
  • Impurities of Fe3+, Fe3+, Ti, Cr, V, etc. are possible.
  • Crystals are prismatic, short-columnar.
  • Cleavage is perfect.
  • The syngony is rhombic.
  • Color in nature - Colorless, golden yellow, pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown, violet red, pink.
  • Transparency - transparent.
  • Luster - glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 8.
  • Density - 3.49-3.57.
  • Light refraction or refraction period - 1.606-1.638.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.

topaz color

If we take into account the various options for the color range of topaz, then the list will be very large. Natural topaz has many natural shades - tea, pinkish, light yellow, bluish, brownish, peach, cognac. Plus, topaz has an excellent property - it is able to acquire rich colors obtained by various types of heating and radiation processing. I will list the most famous shades of topaz, and their brand names.

London blue topaz- dark blue topaz. Sometimes with a slight presence of gray or green.

sky blue topaz is a light blue stone that resembles the sky on a clear day. The first two colors in this list are obtained exclusively by heat treatment. Sky blue topaz is also obtained by heating, but this color of the crystal can also be found in nature.

Topaz colors" Champagne"(" Champagne ") is also known to many. The soft radiant tone and refined shades radiate natural warmth, tenderness and beauty.

It is considered the most valuable today in the world market. Yellowish golden, reddish golden and pink colors, with a rich and fade-resistant tone. It's all Imperial Topaz.

I also want to note that natural topaz with a red or pink tint is the rarest and most expensive among natural topaz. The price of such a stone can reach 300 - 500 US dollars per carat. Brownish and yellowish shades are much cheaper, but by no means cheap.

Today, the world market, including Russia, offers the widest range of Imperial topaz. A wide selection of shapes and sizes. Why so many high quality stones? The thing is that almost all of these topazes have an artificially obtained color. They have nothing to do with the natural color of imperial topaz. If you take a colorless, natural topaz crystal and bake it in the oven, kneading it into a dough, it will take on a nice yellow hue. Now imagine modern technology! Everything becomes immediately clear.

And a little more about the brown tint

- it's not topaz. This name was coined to attract sophisticated amateurs. Just a publicity stunt. Rauchtopaz is nothing but smoky quartz. any topaz. Thanks to this misconception, many managed to make good money.

There are also colors that are obtained by various kinds of processing. Green, red, pink, mystic or azotic topaz (containing a variety of iridescent spectra; mystic with predominant blue, purple and green colors; azotic with red, yellow and golden colors).

topaz deposits

There are many deposits of this mineral all over the world. The main supplier of quality crystals is Brazil. Topaz is also supplied to the world market from the following countries: Australia, Afghanistan, China, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe and Japan.

Healing properties of topaz

It is believed that topaz helps with nervous disorders, improves sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Topaz is an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Some folk healers with the help of topaz relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding. There is an opinion that topaz should be worn on the body to prevent colds and increase immunity. In ancient times, topaz was used in the treatment of poor eyesight. The most powerful in their energy are golden and honey topaz.

The magical properties of topaz

In the countries of the East, a golden stone is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It frees from violent and dangerous passions that give rise to a serene enjoyment of life in a person. Eliminates negative emotions - depression, fears, doubts, anger, hatred. In many countries, amulets are made from topaz that can protect against evil spirits, black witchcraft, the evil eye and damage.

Light blue topaz makes you look optimistically at life, strengthens intuition. He gives women - beauty, men - wisdom, and all together - prosperity, recognition and success.

; topaz cat's eye - Topas-Katzenauge (according to Hinze) - corundum with asterism. The Ural designation "tumpaz" refers to smoky quartz.

Synonyms: Saxon peridot- chrysolithus f. Saxony (Linnay, 1768), Brazilian and Saxon topaz - topaze de Bresil, topaze de Saxe (de Lisle, 1772), Siberian diamond (Ayui, after Fersman), schorlite - schorlite (Klaproth, 1788). Pycnite - pycnite (Ayui, 1801) - columnar, radially radiant; pyrophysalite - pyrophysalite (Hizinger, Berzelius, 1806) or physalite - physalite (Werner, 1817) - opaque, containing numerous inclusions of liquid and gases. Heavyweight is an old Ural name. Transparent gem quality: peredell - peredell (according to Koechlin, 1928) - yellowish green, Brazilian ruby ​​(according to Shubnikova, 1937) - reddish, Brazilian sapphire - blue (according to Shubnikova, part of the Brazilian sapphire was also designated tourmaline), pink - red-orange , ionia - reddish (according to Medoev, 1960).


Al 2 (F,OH) 2

Chemical composition

Chemically, the mineral is of fairly constant composition; the ratio of F and OH is subject to fluctuations. The highest known content of H 2 O is 3.25%; Al is replaced by Fe 3+ , Cr 3+ , Mg, Ti and V; the total amount of these impurities is usually less than 1%; Ca, Na, and K appear to be part of the inclusions. A relatively high content of Ge

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngony. Rhombic. 3L 2 3PC

Crystal structure

The basis of the structure is a motif of Al-octahedra, in which Al is surrounded by four O atoms and two F or (OH) atoms. Octahedrons partly have common vertices (F), partly have common edges (O - O). Between the octahedra are isolated SiO 4 tetrahedra. The O atoms of the octahedra simultaneously belong to the silicon-oxygen tetrahedra; F or (OH) are associated only with Al. The infrared spectrum of polarized light for topaz with a significant content of (OH) showed that the (OH) group is located in the (010) plane, and the angle between the O-Hi bond and the c axis is approximately 37°. The structure combines the densest cubic and hexagonal packings of oxygen.

Class. Rhombo-dipyramidal D2h - mmm. Axis ratio. 0.528:1:0.955.

Form of being in nature

Shape of crystals. The crystals are prismatic, more or less elongated along the c axis. Crystals with and without a well-developed basopinacoid, etc. Two-pointed crystals are known with different facets at both ends.

Twins in d(101) are extremely rare. In thin sections, topaz from the Urals showed polysynthetic twins in m(110). Vertical shading is common on the faces of the prismatic belt. Crystals are often corroded with the formation of various figures on their faces, depending on the duration and intensity of dissolution. On the faces (110) and (120), depressions with rectangular or square bases are initially formed, limited by the faces (010), (120), (130), (140), (230), (470), (100), (210 ), (111), etc.; on the faces (011) - triangular and trapezoidal recesses with faces (021), (155), (235), etc.; on the (001) faces, with prolonged dissolution, the dissolution figures acquire a conical shape.
Zonal crystals are known, the inner part of which is a single crystal, and the outer part consists of several rows of the smallest mineral crystals growing on top of each other. In minerals from Sherlovaya Gora (Chita region), opaque zones are observed that repeat the external outlines of a crystal (phantoms); these zones are composed of stone with numerous intersecting channels, which are filled with kaolinite, light mica, quartz, sugar topaz and biotite.

There are oriented intergrowths of topaz with various minerals. Tourmaline inclusions were observed in topaz crystals from the Ilmensky Mountains, located in the (001) plane of topaz, partly oriented with the c axis parallel to the a or b axes of topaz, or grown perpendicular to the m (110), l (120) and d faces. (101) topaz. Oriented growths of bixbyite crystals on the (110) faces of topaz crystals from Thomas Range (Utah, USA) are known: the bixbyite axis almost coincides with the topaz axis, the (001) bixbyite faces are inclined to the right or "to the left at an angle of 32°53" (on average) to (001) topaz. In the Davey deposit in the USA, regular growths of topaz on garnet were found: the (010) face of topaz grows on the face (211) of the garnet, the axis from the topaz is parallel to the (111) edge: (211) of the garnet). On the eroded surface of topaz crystals, quartz crystals are sometimes observed, very rarely - herderite.
Topaz crystals often contain liquid and gas inclusions; sometimes their number is so great that the topaz becomes cloudy and opaque milky white (pyrophysalite). Topaz from Sherlovaya Gora often has milky-white heads of crystals (“horse tooth”) with numerous solid and liquid inclusions. The study of the composition of liquid inclusions showed that they contain K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe 3+ , Si, B, Cl, CO 2 , SO 3 . The solid phase of these inclusions is represented by crystals of halite, sylvin, borax, elpasolite, aluminum and zinc chlorides, cryolite, quartz, muscovite, fluorite, and a number of more undefined minerals. Gas inclusions in the mineral from Volyn contain: CO 2 73.20-89.35, H 2 S + SO 2 + NH 3 + HCl + Cl 2 6.28-19.70, N 2 + + rare gases 4.37- 7.10%; CO, O 2 and H 2 were not detected.

The fluid of inclusions in Brazilian topaz was designated by Dana as brusterlinite - brewsterlinite, brustolin - brewstoline and cryptolinite - cryptolinite.
Intergrown crystals of tourmaline, hematite, biotite, feldspar, quartz, less often rutile, magnetite, ilmenite, cassiterite, ganite, fluorite, muscovite and phenakite are observed in the stone; some intergrowths are confined to growth zones (arsenopyrite in topaz from the Ingoda ore zone in Transbaikalia). Kaolinite, hydrogoethite, gypsum, vivianite, mica, etc. are found in the cracks of the mineral segregations.

Aggregates. Well-formed crystals and druses, radial-radiant and spherical aggregates, irregularly shaped grains, fine-grained and dense aggregates. Relatively frequent large crystals; in deposits of Norway weighing up to 60-80 kg, in Minas Gerais (Brazil) - up to 238.4 kg, in pegmatites of Volyn - up to 100-150 kg (length up to 82 cm).

Physical properties


Color colorless, yellow, wine-yellow, green, bluish-green, sky blue, violet-blue, pink, red-brown. There are two-color zone stones (blue and pink zones, wine red, bright blue, etc.). Crystals are noted, in which the ends have a different color. In some crystals from Volyn, a pinkish-yellow color is characteristic of the growth pyramids of the (110), (111) and (021) faces, and the growing pyramids of the (120), (011) and (112) faces are colored blue. The study of the color of topaz from various deposits showed that it can be caused by chromophores and crystal lattice defects.
Pink stones from the river. The heaters in the Urals are stained with Cr 3+ in six-fold coordination (the absorption curve has a maximum of -540 and 400 mk); when heated to 800 °, the color does not change. The yellow color of topaz from the same deposit is caused by Cr 3+ and crystal lattice defects; at 750° the yellow color disappears. The absorption curve of the heated mineral has maxima characteristic of chromium. The color of stones from Ouro Preto in Brazil is caused by Cr and V: yellow topaz contains more Cr than V, pink contains more V. The color of the blue minerals from Volhynia is apparently due to the content of Fe 2+ and defects in the crystal lattice. As the reasons for the pink and pink-brown color of stones from Volyn, defects in the crystal lattice, F centers and Fe 3+ are indicated.

When heated, they become discolored (pink and blue topazes from Volyn, yellow stones from the Kamenka River, from Shnekenstein in Saxony and from Ceylon) or change color (yellow and reddish-brown topazes from Brazil become pink with a purple tint). Under the action of x-rays, the color is usually restored with some change in shade; the exception is the blue topaz from Volhynia, the color of which becomes pink and is not restored. Zonal topazes from Volyn blue and pink under the influence of X-rays become monochromatic pink. Some dyed topaz discolour when exposed to light. A two-color (blue and pinkish-brown) topaz crystal from Cairgorms (England) under the influence of long-term (several decades) exposure to daylight became entirely blue. Irradiation of colorless topazes with γ-rays and X-rays caused the appearance of a dark yellow to reddish-brown color; presumably, the color of irradiated topaz is associated with oxygen ions that have lost electrons during irradiation. Absorption curves for irradiated stones from different sites are similar and differ only in intensity. Topazes dyed by γ-irradiation lost their color when heated to 250°, as well as under the action of daylight, ultraviolet rays and light of a voltaic arc.
In the blue mineral from Volhynia, the double absorption surface of light for rays with vibrations in the vertical plane has the shape of a circle, for vibrations in the horizontal plane - the shape of oval curves; a conical surface of the fourth order is established, in four directions of which the refractive indices and absorption indices coincide.

  • There is no feature due to high hardness.
  • Glass luster.
  • Transparency. Transparent to translucent.


  • Hardness Tv. 8. Microhardness 1920 kg/mm2. On the cleavage plane (001) of topaz, a large microhardness is established in parallel and much less in parallel.
  • Fragile.
  • Density. 3.4-3.64.
  • Cleavage according to (001) perfect, according to (101) and (011) unclear.
  • The fracture is conchoidal to uneven.

Chemical properties

It does not dissolve in HCl. In H 2 SO4, when heated for a long time, it releases a little HF. After fusion with calcium carbonate, it dissolves in HNO 3 . Decomposed by phosphorus salt with the formation of the skeleton SiO 2 .

Other properties

Easily electrified by friction, compression and heating. Dielectric. Topaz is a diamagnetic mineral., its specific magnetic susceptibility at normal temperature in weak fields is 0.42-106 cm 3 /g.
Some topazes luminesce in ultraviolet light and in cathode rays. And in ultraviolet rays, a red, yellow and pale green glow was observed, in cathode rays, red and blue.
Topazes show thermoluminescence; its intensity depends on the density of topaz coloring. Pink topazes of Volhynia are thermoluminescent in the range of 100-350° with a maximum of about 230°; blue Volhynian topazes show weak thermoluminescence in the range of 150-350° and about 230°; colorless topazes from Volyn give weak thermoluminescence maxima at 345°, 280°, and 230°.
After radioactive irradiation, topazes glow bluish-green when heated; the intensity of the glow depends on the intensity of the color of the irradiated stone: the more intensely the minerals are colored after irradiation, the stronger they are thermoluminescent.

Behavior on heating.

When heated, SiF 4 is released. from pcs. South Carolina showed significant weight loss at 850-900°; while the content of F decreased from 5.98 to 0.34%, and the density decreased from 3.36 to 3.08. When heated to 1100°, mullite and cristobalite with a small admixture of topaz were formed, at a temperature of 1500° almost pure mullite was formed. Heating to 1250° colorless topaz from Minas Gerais (Brazil) did not lead to the formation of mullite; about 300° there was an evolution of water, at 827° - the evolution of SiF 4 , at 960° - the formation of γ-Al 2 O 3 .
The nature of the curves of weight loss when heated to 800 ° blue, pink and colorless topaz of Volyn is somewhat different, which is explained by the unequal amount of liquid and solid inclusions. Stones from Finbo in Sweden (pyrophysalite), containing numerous liquid and gaseous inclusions, swell when heated.

artificial receiving

Synthesized in different ways: by heating a mixture of Si02, A1203 (or aluminum silicates), HF and H 2 O to 500 °; when heated in an autoclave a mixture of Na 2 SiFe, amorphous Al 2 O 3 , SnCl 2 and water at a temperature of 500 ° and a pressure of 4000 kg / cm 2 for 9 days (together with cryolite, chiolite and quartz), for 10 days at those under the same conditions - together with cassiterite, cryolite and a small amount of albite.

Diagnostic signs

It differs from andalusite in perfect cleavage along (001) (andalusite has cleavage along a prism), a smaller angle of optical axes, sign and optical orientation; from sillimanite - weaker birefringence and a different direction of cleavage; from feldspar - greater density and hardness, higher relief, the absence of twins by indirect extinction; from quartz - cleavage, hardness and density; from apatite - birefringence, well-defined cleavage; from zoisite, melilite, and vesuvian, by the absence of anomalous interference coloration.

Satellites. Associated minerals. Tourmaline, mica, beryl, rose quartz, fluorite, smoky quartz, feldspar, cassiterite, wolframite, etc.

Definition in jewelry

When identifying topaz, it should be borne in mind that beryls (aquamarine, heliodor, sparrowite), quartz (rock crystal, citrine, smoky quartz and rose quartz) can be similar,

A remarkable representative of elegance and sophistication among semi-precious stones is the topaz stone. This material was used by all the prominent royal families of Rus'. And for good reason: it has a stunning appearance and well-known mystical properties.

History and origins

Items, the design of which includes a topaz stone, were found during excavations of the sites of primitive villages. As civilization developed, the stone began to be used to decorate the accessories of noble ladies and the headdresses of kings. For example, one of the famous items in history was the decoration of the hat of Ivan the Terrible.

Stories about the origin of the name of this beautiful stone:

  1. There is an assumption that the name comes from the word "tapaz" ("fire") in honor of the color of one of the varieties of this stone. There are topazes, saturated with multi-colored tints of golden-orange gamut. It is they who are commonly called fiery for their amazing radiance.
  2. Also, there is a mention of a golden stone in the ancient treatises of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. He names the stone topaz in honor of the island of Topazion, where the resource was mined. Later, researchers came to the conclusion that at that time in Rome all the stones of a bright golden color were called topaz.

Now topaz is widely used in jewelry for the production of luxurious and quite expensive jewelry.

Physical properties

  • The color of the stones may vary depending on the place of extraction and the proximity of the resource to the sun. In the sun, the jewel loses its saturated color, gradually fades and becomes transparent. Because of this property, those stones that are mined closer to the surface and from open areas often have a transparent color. Among other colors, you can find shades of golden, blue, almost all colors of the red scale (orange, pink, brown). Some specimens may have a colorful overflow of several shades. Often wine-yellow and blue tints are combined in one stone. The color of the stones is clean and clear, without foggy and smoky colors.
  • Topazes usually have a large number of facets, due to which they play deeply in the light.
  • Most of the mined stones naturally have a flat bottom, which is determined by the peculiarities of their structure.
  • The stone becomes electrified from friction and a sharp increase in temperature. The process of electrification can cause slight tingling on the wearer's skin.

Place of Birth

The most beautiful stones in Russia are mined in the Urals in the Ilmensky mountains. It is here that amazing specimens of blue and transparent flowers are hidden. The largest representatives found in Ilmen weighed up to 30 kg. In general, the Urals is full of topaz: various stones of this type are found here quite often.

Topaz is also mined in India, Japan, Pakistan, Australia and Sri Lanka. Central Europe is not at all rich in topaz, however, these stones are also mined here. In Brazil, a specimen weighing more than 5 tons was found. The extraction of stone is still carried out on a fairly large scale.

Healing properties of topaz

The topaz stone was considered healing even in the Middle Ages: it was widely used as a cure for the plague, and it was also treated with many simpler diseases, such as low vision. There is no exact scientific confirmation of the healing properties, however, beneficial effects on the body are still attributed to topaz. It is believed that he:

  • Improves the natural organic rhythms of the body, thereby increasing the quality of sleep. It is useful to wear a stone for insomnia and in case of frequent sudden awakenings at night.
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches.
  • Normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
  • Improves metabolism, slows down aging, increases cell renewal.
  • Increases resistance to stress.
  • Reduces the risk of epileptic seizures.

Despite the direct lack of scientific evidence, many people buy topaz as an addition to traditional remedies.

The magical properties of topaz

In the Middle Ages, topaz was associated with many beliefs. Some consider them superstitions, and some - the real qualities of the stone, but most of the beliefs have been preserved for centuries and are still used today. The properties of topaz stones include the following:

  • Powerful protective properties: topaz stone protected the soul from blackness and evil, making it a popular remedy for evil eye and damage.
  • Revealing Secrets: The wearer of a topaz is believed to reveal any plots that are plotted against him and secrets that have to do with him.
  • It reveals hormonal strength: in men, sexual stamina increases, in women, beauty and seductiveness are revealed.
  • Strengthens immunity and psychological endurance. The owner becomes more stress-resistant and calm.
  • Gives the joy of life, moderates ardor and intemperance, the owner becomes able to easily enjoy what is happening.

If other stones are also present in a product with topaz, then its properties are greatly enhanced.

Talismans and amulets

The healing and magical properties make topaz one of the most popular gemstones to use. Useful features are complemented by its natural beauty and high-quality cutting.

Best of all, the features of topaz are manifested if they are enclosed in gold and combined with other stones of similar characteristics. The ideal talisman is a gold ring on the index finger of the right hand. Rings on other fingers will also translate the properties of the stone well. Pendants and bracelets are great items to match stones.

topaz colors

Among the many colors of topaz are:

This species belongs to the most durable stones. Blue topaz has a rich range of shades. Commercially available shades include London Blue, Sky Blue, Swiss Blue. Each tone in a special way emphasizes skin tone and combination with other things. Blue shades can be natural, when the color depends on the structure of the general structure of the stone, or artificial, when the color is created by firing. Bright-colored topazes are usually the result of artificial processing and are rare in nature.

The yellow color is expressed in topaz in a wide range: there are elegant golden specimens, amber shades and even rich brownish colors. The exact shade of the stone depends on the natural structure of the stone. It was this type of coloring that gave topaz the glory of a "fiery" stone. There is a legend that the name "tapaz" meant "fiery" and came precisely from the atmosphere of the yellow variety of stone. Golden topaz were considered gifts for sultans and kings. Often there are stones where the yellow color naturally smoothly turns into blue. Such specimens are especially valuable due to their rich range.

This rare color of topaz symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, devotion and purity between a man and a woman. The pink variety burns especially strongly in the sun: the color may fade within a week, so the stone is best worn for evening events. The sun's rays can cause pink topaz to completely lose color. An even rarer subspecies is red topaz. Saturated red stones cannot be faked, no heating will make the pebble blush, but remain transparent, therefore they are of particular value.

Green topazes usually have a soft, juicy, deep tint. This color does not provide for the presence of bright tones. Thanks to the grace of shades, green specimens look sophisticated and are ideal for evening decorations. The naturalness of the stone is determined by the purity of the color: the presence of smoky notes and turbidity indicates artificial processing. Artificial processing reduces the value of the copy.

Topazes of this tone are considered a more affordable alternative. It is distinguished by the presence of most of the advantages inherent in a diamond: a large number of facets, deep color overflows, depth and purity. White topaz is mined in mountainous places, it is located closer to the surface and, thanks to the sun's rays, is completely cleared of color, becoming transparent.

How to distinguish a fake?

More often counterfeit stones of rich, bright colors, as they are rarer and more expensive. Stones of light, pale tones are found in nature quite often, therefore they are cheaper and less likely to be faked.

You can distinguish a fake using the following principles:

  • Real specimens are hard. The material can be checked for: if topaz scratches quartz, then the stone is real.
  • The material should be easily electrified: rub the product on a woolen cloth, if after this action hair sticks to it, then the product is genuine.
  • Individual copies can be checked with a solution of methylene iodide: fakes float in it, and a quality product sinks.
  • Real stones heat up for a long time and with difficulty. Warm the product with the warmth of your palms: if the stone remains cool for a long time, then most likely this is a real product.

Of course, a perfectly accurate assessment can only be obtained from a specialist, and all of the above methods are more suitable for a preliminary assessment of the product.

Care of products with topaz

In order for jewelry to remain bright and attractive, it is important to properly care for them, as well as to be careful about the direct use of products:

  • Remove jewelry when doing household chores: particles of household chemicals can damage the stone. In addition, the structure of the stone is easily chipped: one unsuccessful but accurate blow can break the stone along the cleavage line.
  • Try to put on jewelry after you have chosen an outfit, done your hair and applied makeup: regular contact with cosmetics can contribute to the tarnishing of the product.
  • Try to put on and wear jewelry in the evening, and in the daytime - hide them from the sun, otherwise the stones can quickly fade or completely discolor.

It is important to clean your jewelry regularly. To do this, a little soap or detergent is diluted in warm water, the stones are soaked in a soapy solution for about 20 minutes. After this, the jewelry is easily cleaned with a regular soft toothbrush, dried and put back in place.

Storage of jewelry also has some peculiarities: it is better to store jewelry separately from each other and wrap it in soft cloths to avoid damage.

Topaz and the signs of the zodiac

Jewelry with stones of different colors is associated with different beliefs, they are combined in different ways with certain qualities of character, they enhance or weaken some features. Based on this, astrologers recommend the following arrangement and combinations:

  • Blue varieties are ideal for Taurus, Libra and Cancer. It is better for cancers to choose models that are more saturated with color. These stones will enhance the mind and the ability to make informed decisions, which is useful for these signs.
  • For Sagittarians, the perfect talisman would be a colorful necklace with rich splashes of blue topaz. It will temper their natural irascibility.
  • Reddish-pink stones are perfect for Aquarius and Leo. They will enhance the natural sensuality, however, they will remove excessive aggressiveness from it.
  • Any color will suit the fish.
  • Geminis need to choose transparent and yellow specimens. They clear the mind and unleash creativity.
  • Aries and Virgos will love gold and lilac colors. They will balance their natural weaknesses and strengthen their strengths.
  • It is appropriate for Capricorns to wear marvelous green and transparent specimens.

Topaz is a stone of wisdom and balance.

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Topaz is an unusual and very beautiful stone that has long been known to people. It has a wide palette of colors: from pink to blue and purple hues. That is why jewelers value this stone so much, because jewelry made from it looks very elegant, but at the same time is affordable. The variety of colors of topaz is hardly comparable with many other semi-precious stones.

Very often, people choose jewelry based on certain properties that are attributed to minerals. Since ancient times, people have considered topaz to be a stone with magical qualities, such as the ability to prevent intrigue and expose secrets. However, nowadays experts in the field of lithotherapy believe that it has other properties, in addition, the color features of topaz greatly influence what this stone can contribute to.

Description of topaz

Topaz comes in a variety of color shades: from blue through blue and green to wine yellow, orange, pink. Colorless topazes are also found. According to its chemical composition, topaz is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.

As already noted, in the ancient world, topaz was considered a stone that could reveal secrets. With its help, it was possible to influence others, subjugate people and expose intrigues. Therefore, he received the name "stone of psychologists", "stone of the courtiers".

Ayurveda considers topaz to be a precious stone that gives an energy charge to the intellect, is able to kindle passion, reduce fear. Its owners are recommended to wear it on the index finger of the right hand, preferably in a gold ring or as a pendant around the neck.

  1. Topaz is able to sharpen the reaction to the environment, develops intuition, enhances premonitions. He is highly regarded for his beauty. This stone also has healing powers.
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that golden topaz promotes conception in the barren and helps to find the joy of motherhood, it heals crazy people from insanity, can treat liver disease, and restores normal vision with myopia. Topaz gives strength to the weak, and women - beauty, is able to bring wealth and recognition, maintains an optimistic outlook on life.
  3. It is also believed that if topaz, framed in silver, is worn around the neck, it will alleviate asthma attacks, relieve insomnia, sharpen taste sensations, cure gout, and help with epilepsy.
  4. In chronic diseases, the use of topaz will increase the effectiveness of other healing methods. This stone was also used in the treatment of throat, inflammation of the tonsils, diseases of the spine.

In the era of geographical discoveries, it was believed that topaz could calm storms, so sailors, going on sea voyages, acquired a ring with topaz.

The word "topaz" comes from the Latin topazus, presumably derived from the Sanskrit word tapas, meaning heat or fire. Other names for topaz: imperial, Brazilian ruby, heavyweight (in the Urals).

Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Often there are completely colorless topazes or with shades of various densities: pale yellow, cherry brown, blue, pale green, red, pink, golden. There are stones with the effect of "cat's eye"

Physical properties

  • The crystals are prismatic, well formed, rich in facets (rhombic prisms, dipyramids, pinacoids). It occurs in the form of beautiful drusen and fine-grained masses (topaz greisen). Rough shading along the vertical axis of the crystals is characteristic,
  • Color yellow, smoky, blue, pink, often colorless,
  • glass glitter,
  • Characterized by perfect cleavage according to (001),
  • hardness 8,
  • Density 3.5.

Characteristics of the stone

The mineral is sensitive to heat. She is able to change its color. The stone is hard but brittle and breaks freely. This is due to perfect cleavage in all 3 directions. The gem, although known as a precious mineral, is found in nature more often than others.

Topaz has a diverse color due to small inclusions of metals in the atomic lattice of the mineral. The shape of crystals is most often in the form of a tetrahedral prism with a flat or pyramidal base. The features of the gem include its vertical grooves running along the prismatic facets.

The topaz stone, whose properties make it possible to classify it as an especially hard mineral, is the standard of hardness (8 on the Mohs scale). The high density and high specific gravity gave rise to the term "heavyweight" gem. The mineral was nicknamed so by the Ural miners, who continued to use this name for a long time.

Crystals are afraid of direct rays, under which they tend to fade. Everything fades, except for colorless ones: both irradiated and non-irradiated crystals. Wine, tea, pink, purple and rare red gems lend themselves to rapid and uneven fading.

Green and blue topaz stone burns out more slowly - for years. But discoloration occurs before complete burnout. However, natural stones tend to restore their natural color when in the dark.

Such a variety of shades is caused by a certain deviation in the structure of the crystal. Due to this, it became possible to ennoble (burn) a natural blue crystal to a rich, deep color.

The mineral is unstable to the effects of sulfuric acid.

Origin of topaz

Occurs in pegmatite veins, especially in these cavities in paragenesis with quartz, orthoclase, albite, and micas. In gresen (pneumatolytic origin) it associates with aquamarine, fluorite, cassiterite and wolframite.

The richest deposit is Ouru Preto and Diamontino (Brazil). The most beautiful crystals of almost all existing colors are mined there. Especially in the price found blue and transparent minerals and the so-called "Brazilian rubies" (red stones).

  1. The most important deposit in Europe is the Saxon Vosges (Schneckestein). The history of this deposit dates back to 1700. It is known for its green, colorless and yellow wine minerals. Green stones in honor of the deposit were called "Saxon diamond".
  2. Sri Lanka is famous for its colorless crystals or the so-called water sapphires. No less valued are yellow-orange stones - Indian topazes.

This mineral is also mined in Russia. 2 large deposits are known. One is located along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, and the other is located in Transbaikalia near Nerchinsk. There is also a deposit in the east of Siberia, but less known. In these areas, crystals of various shades are mined: blue, yellow, green, reddish, pale brown.


The origin of the name of this mineral is still unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island, near which it was discovered by shipwrecked sailors. Another theory is that the name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that topaz in the area where they were found had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been valued by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual items made from topaz, as well as various decorations. It is known that this stone was very much appreciated in the Renaissance and was very popular in Rus', where people knew it under the name "heavyweight", which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topaz can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that were found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is stored in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of an unusual size were also found in Brazil; specimens weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg are kept in the country's museums.

Types and colors of topaz

Initially, natural topaz is transparent and colorless, but stones are found in the mines that amaze with their variety of shades. All kinds of colors are obtained due to various impurities in the composition of the mineral.

  1. Yellow, green, blue, blue, pink, red topaz can be found, but this is not the limit - there are polychrome minerals that have several colors at once. Such a rare color is explained not only by the chemical composition, but also by the features of the crystal lattice of the stone, which causes a certain refraction of light, resulting in an unusual effect.
  2. Under the influence of sunlight, topaz loses its color, which explains the fact that most of the stones found during excavations were colorless.
  3. But the thermal directional effect, a special treatment, allows you to give the mineral a rich blue tint, this is how stones of a similar color are obtained.

Many subspecies of topaz differ not only in their color, but also in the properties that these stones have.

The stone looks regal and is considered one of the most exquisite minerals. It is believed that he makes a person's aspirations more elevated and does not tolerate deceitful people. Also, this stone can serve as a talisman for those who are looking for some information, seeking to get to the bottom of the truth and unraveling a difficult matter.

Sailors believed that blue topaz on a ship would help ensure a successful voyage and calm the storm. As for the healing properties, this stone can cure depression, returning its owners a positive attitude and good spirits. It is also recommended for high blood pressure and asthma.


The color of this stone can have shades from golden to brown. A similar variety of topaz was widespread in ancient India, and it was there that the healing properties of this stone were discovered. It is believed that it makes the character of a person more calm, balanced, allowing you to discard disturbing emotions.

It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, stomach, speeds up metabolism. Jewelry made of stone can protect against mental disorders. As for magical properties, yellow topaz amulets helped people see lies and uncover conspiracies.

This is the commercial name for blue topaz. The stone has a special cut and is highly valued in jewelry. In Russia, such topazes can be found quite rarely, but in the West they are popular.

Smoky topaz or rauchtopaz

This stone is not related to topaz, despite its name. In fact, this is one of the varieties of quartz, which, due to its unusual color, was mistakenly attributed to topaz, but the name stuck and was fixed in the trade classification.

  • It is believed that rauchtopaz has a beneficial effect on sleep, and also allows you to see prophetic dreams.
  • It calms and neutralizes stress, helps to cope with negative emotions.
  • This stone introduces a person into a meditative state, so it is not recommended for people who are too dreamy - it will lead them even more away from reality.


This type of mineral is considered one of the most expensive, along with red topaz. In India, it is believed that the pink stone is able to magically restore lost hope to a person, ease sorrowful experiences and help cope with stress.

Green topaz is a fairly rare, collectible stone. Its color is natural, formed due to the natural effects of radiation.


Minerals of a similar color are obtained artificially using heat treatment. In the jewelry market, blue topaz is highly valued and has its own special trade names. As for properties, blue topaz has the same qualities as blue.


It is believed that this mineral is able to strengthen the immune system and the human nervous system, and has a positive effect on the emotional state. Amulets made of white topaz are a very good protective tool. In addition, this stone is used to maintain clarity of thought.

This stone belongs to the yellow topaz and has the same characteristics and properties as the yellow variety described above.

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and has a high value, so it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize an imitation is to rub the stone on a woolen cloth. If it becomes electrified and paper starts to stick to it, then you have a real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has a high hardness and is able to scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral immediately warms up in your hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that light-colored topazes are faked much less often - they are not so rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can lower the topaz into it - the real one will be at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will remain floating on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects, cracks, while artificial imitation has perfect smoothness.
  7. Also, the too bright and saturated color of topaz should alert. In nature, there are no stones of poisonous shades, real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of a fake.

In order for jewelry to remain bright and attractive, it is important to properly care for them, as well as to be careful about the direct use of products:

  • Remove jewelry when doing household chores: particles of household chemicals can damage the stone. In addition, the structure of the stone is easily chipped: one unsuccessful but accurate blow can break the stone along the cleavage line.
  • Try to put on jewelry after you have chosen an outfit, done your hair and applied makeup: regular contact with cosmetics can contribute to the tarnishing of the product.
  • Try to put on and wear jewelry in the evening, and in the daytime - hide them from the sun, otherwise the stones can quickly fade or completely discolor.

It is important to clean your jewelry regularly. To do this, a little soap or detergent is diluted in warm water, the stones are soaked in a soapy solution for about 20 minutes. After this, the jewelry is easily cleaned with a regular soft toothbrush, dried and put back in place.

Storage of jewelry also has some peculiarities: it is better to store jewelry separately from each other and wrap it in soft cloths to avoid damage.

How much is topaz worth?

Mineral prices depend on the type of stone. The most expensive and most valuable are red shades, pink, blue and blue topazes. The cost of such stones starts from 300-600 dollars per carat. Yellow and brown varieties have a slightly lower price, but are not cheap.

If we talk about jewelry, then the cost is also affected by the metal in which the topaz is framed. For example, gold jewelry with this stone will cost more than silver.

Can be similar to many other gemstones, depending on the color. In fact, the ancient Greeks seem to have mistaken chrysolite for topaz. Orange brown and imperial topaz is similar to citrine, zircon, chrysoberyl, golden beryl and sapphire.

Pink is similar to morganite, tourmaline, kunzite, rose quartz and spinel. Yellow can be compared to chrysoberyl, heliodor, zircon and yellow sapphire. Blue topaz is similar to aquamarine, zircon, spinel and euclase.

White shares some characteristics with diamond, zircon, rock crystal and goshenite. Topaz is chemically related to sillimanite, andalusite, canonaite, kyanite, and mullite.

The most common are yellow minerals, but the variety of shades of gems does not end there. Topazes can be transparent, blue, pink or bright red, purple, brown, golden and pink-yellow.

The main volume of mineral extraction falls on Pakistan. The color of a crystal is not affected by its chemical properties or impurities.

  • Gems owe their color to various defects in the structure of the atomic lattice.
  • Most of the minerals used in the jewelry industry have a refined color.
  • Colorless stones are exposed to harmless radiation until a brown tint is formed, and then heated until the crystal acquires a blue or blue color.

Only experienced jewelers can distinguish between natural and artificial topazes. The only external factor indicating the work on the color of the stone is the oversaturated shade of the gem. The natural mineral has warmer and softer tones. The disadvantage of artificially colored stones can be attributed to the rapid discoloration under the influence of the sun.

Often, cheap types of citrines can be passed off as topaz. Bohemian, Indian, Spanish gems have nothing to do with natural crystal. In most cases this is smoky quartz subjected to heat treatment. Also, instead of faceted topaz, unscrupulous sellers can slip other natural and synthetic analogues. So, blue minerals are similar to aquamarines or zircons, and colorless ones resemble rock crystal.

In most cases, the authenticity of topaz cannot be determined, and the buyer can only check the crystal for hardness. Such minerals are much harder than their quartz counterparts and should leave scratches when passed over glass.

If you touch the gem to the skin, a pleasant chill runs through it. This feeling appears due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. Also in natural crystals often there are defects in the form of cracks and foreign inclusions, which is not found in artificial analogues.

Professional jewelers insert topaz into a ring, bracelet or pendant. The stone is also used to decorate sets. The formation of the cost of topaz depends on its weight, color and transparency of the crystal, as well as on the quality of the cut. The gem must be protected from temperature extremes and mechanical stress in places of cleavage.

Stone and its magical properties

Like other minerals, topaz has unique magical properties that have been known to people since ancient times.

  • In the East, it was called the stone of enlightenment, helping to achieve clarity of thought, gain wisdom and emotional balance.
  • In many countries, people noted the strong protective properties of topaz, making all kinds of amulets out of it that can protect against the evil eye, damage and other troubles.
  • It is believed that topaz helps to reveal intrigues and recognize lies, to unravel complex cases. But at the same time, the stone itself does not tolerate deceivers and will not help such a person. The owner of topaz must have noble goals in order for the stone to agree to help a person.

In ancient times, it was believed that the mineral was able to calm the raging elements, so topaz was often taken with them on a sea voyage, hoping in this way to avoid a storm.

Depending on the color, varieties of topaz are suitable for different signs of the zodiac.

  1. Blue stone is advised to be worn by those born under the constellation Scorpio.
  2. Yellow and colorless minerals suit Gemini.
  3. For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, topazes are rather neutral, allowing people to use their positive properties.

Topaz can have a negative effect on a dishonest person, destroying relationships built on lies and negatively affecting those people whose thoughts are not distinguished by purity of intentions.

Yellow and golden rocks will harmoniously fit into the rhythm of Gemini. These yellow minerals are great for lions and maidens. For cancer, blue topazes (jewelry) and greenish shades of gems will be more harmonious. Blue topaz and white items will increase the luck of Cancers. These minerals in rich dark blue with green will come in handy for Gemini.

Red, purple or golden topaz works well for Aries. Capricorn and Virgo - brown, lilac or greenish shades of transparent topaz.

But whatever the color of the jewelry, by its nature, topaz is still a very hard stone. It forces its owner to really look at things and carefully evaluate people, which can be bad for people with large families. Therefore, family Pisces, Taurus and Libra can use these minerals in rare cases and only as decorations, not a talisman.

Topaz is a beautiful and very beautiful mineral. It has a special brilliance, high specific gravity, hardness, an incredible variety of shades. It is so good that it is sometimes confused with a diamond. It is believed that topaz jewelry should not be paired with other gemstones as the topaz can tarnish.

  • Jewelry with topaz has an interesting feature - the stone is able to change its color scheme.
  • When the product is heated, the mineral can completely discolor, and with some types of irradiation, it can become more saturated in color.

The effect of topaz on the human body is only positive. The owner of the jewelry can get rid of depression and fatigue, prolong his life and strengthen his mind, he is charged with positive.
Since ancient times, topaz has been considered a protector from life's storms and adversities. This mineral is useful for businessmen, researchers and tourists.

Topaz as an amulet heals men from impotence, and women from infertility. Each stone in different shades has its own task. The blue stone accelerates tissue regeneration. It balances emotions, strengthens the thyroid gland, and calms. It is a protection against insomnia and mental illness.

The energy of topaz with a slightly blue color helps to realize fantasies and dreams, it is no secret that the presence of a talisman helps many people feel confident. Golden topaz frees from dangerous and violent passions, it gives a person a feeling of enjoying life, drives hatred and anger.

Well treats organs: liver, spleen, gallbladder. Relieves stress and helps with energy and nervous exhaustion. The owner of the stone replaces anger with peace and tranquility, infidelity with devotion.

Features of color and zodiac sign

Astrologers recommend wearing topaz in the form of a talisman for the zodiac sign Scorpio. First of all, purple and bluish shades are most useful to them. For Scorpio women, blue topaz jewelry will help them become more insightful and control evil thoughts.

For young scorpion girls, topaz with a slightly more blue color tint can give confidence in their own abilities and liberate themselves in communication with others.

Colorless and yellow stones are suitable for Gemini. Twin women are especially recommended to wear a talisman with blue topaz, it will help make its mistress softer and more pliable, prevent outbursts of anger and negative emotions.

Crayfish are well suited blue - London blue, blue and green topaz. Topaz will teach women who represent this zodiac sign to plan and think about their actions and their consequences.

  • Aquarius can be advised pink topaz. A woman seeking to re-attract love to her family hearth, and to understand what kind of relationship she really needs, should wear a pink topaz in a pendant or pendant.
  • Red and pink topazes work well for lions. For the female half, jewelry with this color palette will help reveal the sensual side of their character. A golden ring with blue topaz will help a Leo woman find a language with loved ones and subordinates.
  • Aries, according to the horoscope, topazes of lilac and golden hue will favor. Jewelry with such topaz endows women with wisdom and prudence.
  • For Virgo, purple and yellow topazes should be perfect. For female virgins, this gem makes it possible to make decisions independently and not depend on their emotional state.
  • Transparent and green minerals are suitable for Capricorn. Topaz serves as an amulet for people born on the eighth and sixteenth lunar day.
  • In Pisces, topaz is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and tune in a positive way. Blue topaz can give Pisces women some serenity and calmness. And also help restore health and longevity, protect against dangers and intrigues of enemies.

For Sagittarians, a necklace interspersed with blue topaz will be perfect as a talisman. He will not allow the representatives of this zodiac to be sprayed on trifles and directs to a single goal. Such a topaz will give female archers the necessary fortitude to make independent decisions.

Topaz of blue coloring perfectly helps women-calves as a talisman, protects its owner from the evil eye of bad people. For men, it will help to decide in this life, to understand the World and themselves.

For Libra born in October, blue topaz is an excellent talisman in true love and friendship. The girls of this zodiac constellation will be given additional energy and will make them socially more successful and independent.

People born under the zodiac sign Scorpio are especially encouraged to wear topaz. Scorpio women often tend to go to extremes, and the stone restores balance and helps make the right decisions in difficult situations.

In many cases, young Scorpios need judgment and wisdom from outside. When the stubbornness, independence, self-confidence, inconsistency of people under this sign goes off scale, it becomes difficult for them to communicate with people, they should restore ties and relationships, and establish contacts.

During such a period, the magical properties of topaz help to reconcile the owner himself with people, help to avoid stressful situations and control oneself.

The prospects and possibilities of Scorpio in improving oneself are very great, therefore, sooner or later, these desires arise in any person, especially those born under this sign. Topaz helps to concentrate, to know oneself, to reflect, to establish relationships with loved ones, to better understand them. In the second half of life for Scorpions, this becomes especially important.

Basically, topaz is favorable for all signs of the zodiac, it is considered one of the most versatile talisman stones. Topaz gold jewelry is a great gift as it will satisfy even the most picky seekers of meaning. To give this stone means to wish a person good luck, happiness in business and show your disposition.

Medicinal properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular with healers of that time.

  • It was believed that topaz helps to cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal disorders of the nervous system, help to cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.

  • The effect of the stone on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and spleen has a beneficial effect.
  • Topaz helps to strengthen the immune system during an exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz returns lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those who are losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topaz helps to avoid the likelihood of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help to cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore lost cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. For the same purpose, a transparent stone can help.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the strongest medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Topaz jewelry is also used as an amulet.

It is believed that wearing a stone can attract good luck, help achieve a favorable outcome in any business. Also, the stone helps to achieve success in professional activities, build a good career and get a money job.

As for individual professions, topaz patronizes scientists, entrepreneurs and travelers.

In addition, topaz amulets are used as a means to help restore the reproductive functions of the body, get rid of infertility and impotence.

A topaz talisman helps to calm down and soften anger, and it can affect both the person himself, returning him emotional stability, and those around him. Therefore, if someone has to communicate with an angry boss, a topaz amulet will help to smooth things out a bit.

It is believed that red and pink topaz can help in love affairs, awaken a romantic mood and make partners more attractive in the eyes of each other.

The magic stone topaz - properties should be known not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. It is best to wear jewelry with a stone on the right hand. Topaz is a stone whose magical properties have no limits. A ring with a gem on the index finger will always show you the right path through life. More than one mystic who believes in parallel worlds, and maybe communicates with its inhabitants, uses these minerals as their guides. It is better that the metal under the stone is yellow, then the rainbow mineral works better.

Topaz and American gold go well together. You can also wear pendants on your chest or bracelets on your right wrist. Such an amulet, especially a rauch, even protects from the evil eye, if chosen correctly.

Topaz is able to coexist peacefully with other stones, with their relatives. While many gems lose their properties next to their own kind. Topaz, on the contrary, increases strength and maximally saturates its owner with positive energy.

  • To use amulets with a semi-precious stone insert means to achieve success in work, to overcome troubles in the team.
  • If you use a pendant or brooch as a daily decoration, you will gain vitality, emphasizing it with your own hands, and overcome difficulties.
  • Topaz amulets help women open the female love chakra, get rid of infertility. And he has no analogues.
  • A man should look at smoky topaz, which, after the acquisition, will give him masculine power to the fullest.
  • Golden topaz is usually worn in the form of a small ring or earrings. One trinket with a stone will be enough to increase vitality, even if you keep it at home.

An almost limitless variety of jewelry can be made from a crystal due to its versatility. It is ideal for rings, necklaces, bracelets and pendants and can be molded into almost any shape. Like a diamond, it must be protected from strong impacts by protective parameters in rings for everyday wear.

This is because one blow can cause the stone to break due to its great fragility. Topaz is very hard (8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale), making it tough and scratch resistant.

Famous stones

"Topaz Eldorado" is the largest cut gemstone in the world and weighs 31,000 carats (6.2 kg). This is a cut emerald yellow topaz gemstone that was found in Minas Gerais, Brazil and weighed 37 kg before being cut. American Gold Topaz, which is the largest cut of yellow topaz, weighs an astounding 22,892.5 carats (4.6 kg).

  • It is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.
  • This one of the largest cut crystals in the world came from Minas Gerais in Brazil and it took two years to cut its 172 facets.

There are incredibly huge uncut yellow crystals, reaching a mass of 31 kg and 50 kg. These uncut gems are on display as part of the Smithsonian Museum's collection.

The Chalmers topaz is another huge cut topaz, and weighs 5,899.5 carats (1.17990 kg). It has a white-blue hue on the cut and has an oval shape. Exhibited at the Field Museum of Natural History, USA.

Another notable example is the 1,640 carat Braganza "Diamond", which is part of the Portuguese Crown Jewels collection. It was originally thought to be a diamond as it was found in Minas Gerais, a diamond mine, but was later found to be a white topaz crystal.

Who suits blue topaz

All signs of the Zodiac perceive the mystical stone in their own way. Who suits a valuable natural mineral - let's figure it out.

When choosing natural topaz according to the sign of the zodiac, it is necessary to take into account the color of the stone. The shade should suit you externally and you like the soul. As for Scorpions, lilac and blue rare gems are more suitable for them. They will teach not only to calm emotions, but also to learn about the world and people around them.

This is important for young and middle-aged scorpions. The November zodiac sign and the magical properties of topaz are very interconnected. Scorpio women receive irresistibility from the mineral. Men receive strength and prudence from the stone.

The strangest thing is that the topaz stone gets along with absolutely all the signs of the zodiac whose names you know and helps everyone who will use topaz. Libra and Pisces also get maximum knowledge and energy from topaz. The mineral will help to believe in yourself. Especially, this applies to scales, the forces of which need to be balanced and directed in the right direction.

But it is worth noting Taurus, as a sign completely opposite to Scorpio. Taurus is not recommended to wear jewelry made from these gems (except for white topaz), it will not protect them. Opal or corundum is more suitable for them, as it is similar in color to the blue mineral. The blue natural mineral looks spectacular in silver or white gold.

According to legend, topaz was first discovered on the uninhabited island of Topazios (now Zeberget) in the Red Sea. Other versions of the origin of the name of this stone refer us either to the Sanskrit "tapas", meaning "warmth", or to the Greek "topazos", translated as "search". Due to its large specific gravity, among the Ural miners, the stone was nicknamed "heavyweight", and European jewelers for a long time called its transparent and blue variety "Siberian diamond" for its density (3.49-3.60 g / cm³) and the glass that appears after cutting. brilliance characteristic of diamonds.

Created by nature

The name "Siberian diamond" this stone received not only for its physical properties. As early as the beginning of the 18th century, the world jewelry market was shocked by the quality of transparent and rarer light blue crystals mined in granite pegmatite veins of the Ilmensky mountains and the Murzinsko-Aduysky semiprecious belt. In addition to the purity of the water and the beauty of the tone, it was difficult to ignore the scale of the Ural finds - some specimens reached 30 kg. Later, rare crimson, reddish-violet and pink topazes became the pride of the Kochkar meganticlinorium, also located in the Southern Urals.

The Urals, however, did not remain a monopolist in the production of Russian topaz: deposits in the south of Transbaikalia are famous for blue-colored stones to this day.

Today, the Ural and Siberian stocks of blue topaz, so highly valued by jewelry lovers, have virtually dried up. The main mining of these stones is carried out in Germany, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Australia and even the USA. The leader in mining is Brazil, the main exporter of topaz to the world market. It was in this country that the world's largest cut blue topaz was found: the famous "Marabella" weighing 1.65 kg.

However, the biggest "heavyweight" showed itself to the world not in exotic lands, but in the Volynskoye field (Ukraine). In 1965, a wine-yellow crystal was mined here, which reaches a height of 82 cm and has a mass of 117 kg.

Stone with character

is an aluminum fluorosilicate, which is a very hard mineral (8.0 on the Mohs scale) and is second only to diamonds and corundum in this indicator. It is difficult to process, but the result is worth it - after cutting, the stone acquires a bright shine. Topaz can only be "killed" by phosphorus salt - it does not decompose in acids. However, mechanical impact is harmful to it - having, like a diamond, an ideal basal cleavage, topaz can crack with a sharp blow.

Since ancient times, a lot of various properties have been attributed to topaz: from mystical to healing. For centuries, blue topaz served as a talisman for sailors - it was believed that it was able to pacify the raging elements and lead the lost to a calm harbor. It is believed that topaz helps to stop bad dreams or insomnia, suggests the correct solution to pressing problems.

In the East, golden topaz is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, and in India, a pink crystal brings back lost hope.

"Topaz wedding" is usually called the sixteenth wedding anniversary. On this day, the spouses give each other, symbolizing the strength of the relationship and their purity.

Such a colorful gem

Natural topaz amaze with a variety of colors and shades. From brown to wine-yellow, from golden to red, from smoky to blue and pale green - this stone does not get its color with the help of any impurities, but due to its own structure.

Especially valuable are polychrome crystals, in which the layers are painted in different colors, as well as stones with a “cat's eye effect”.

However, man was not satisfied with the rich choice provided by nature. Even in antiquity, masters changed the natural color of topaz by firing them in quartz sand. Modern technology allows you to create different shades of stones through the process of cultivation. Special processing allows you to reveal the natural shade of natural stone and preserve it for a long time.

Take, for example, blue topaz. Their most common variety - Sky Blue Topaz - is similar to aquamarine and has a relatively low cost. The darker Swiss Blue Topaz is rare in nature. Accessible this beautiful shade of topaz allows you to make ennoblement. The most intensely colored crystals of London Blue Topaz are always processed - they are extremely rare in nature.

Despite all the manufacturability and reliability of the refining process, topaz is recommended to be stored away from sources of light and heat - under their influence, stones can lose their color.

Fashion trends

Marine motifs, to which clear, azure shades of stone refer us, have been inspiring jewelry designers for several years now. Every season, jewelry brands delight lovers of topaz with novelties. In 2014, the trend is combinations of the deep brilliance of topaz framed in white gold. Do not lose their relevance and voluminous jewelry with a large stone in the "leading roles". Topaz blue shades are easily combined with other semi-precious stones. This season, you can't miss the jewelry collections, in which blue topaz is complemented by prasiolites with a soft, subtle green tint.

Jewelry with this blue semi-precious stone rightfully occupy a place in the jewelry boxes of many celebrities. Charlize Theron, Kylie Minogue, Audrey Tautou, Madonna, Pink and Victoria Beckham regularly delight with their jewelry with topaz.

Topaz in jewelry

The delightful colors of topaz allow it to rhyme with many other semi-precious and precious stones. Topaz can “get along” with other stones not only in a variety of shades, but also in a beautiful view in almost any cut. Round, oval, pear, marquise, square, cabochon - a variety of forms of polishing reveal the play of light.

Topaz is also valued for its universal compatibility with different metals. It organically looks both in a frame of both silver and white gold, and red gold. Often, jewelers complement the blue brilliance of the stone with cubic zirkonia or diamonds.
